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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

Editor's Note

[At this stage, the Guns-and-Fists Newsletters were being produced on a monthly schedule. Each confrontation with a value destroyer was being captured, brought into focus, and then injected into the Neo-Tech matrix.

The following issue was released just prior to the 1988 Presidential Election and also coincided with the second anniversary of the November-3rd attack. A 77,000 cubic-foot hot-air balloon was inflated and launched directly across the street from the November-3rd and INS headquarters as part of the anniversary celebration by I & O. The 70-foot-tall hot-air balloon displayed a 30-foot x 15-foot nylon sign that read:

War of Two Worlds
Value Producers versus Value Destroyers
The Ultimate Battle Begins

...With Brett Peters aboard, the hot-air balloon took flight, eclipsing the rising sun and cast a shadow that engulfed the entire front of the six story Federal government building. Those who resided within were hauntingly reminded once again that there is no escape, no place to hide from the cleansing effect of Neo-Tech. BP]


A Memo to
INS Agents Burgess and Cortinas Trapped by Neo-Tech

Neo-Tech Will End All Dishonest, Racist Government Jobs

Consider the latest attempt by agents of force to identify and "register" our free-lance writers, editors, and researchers: We are collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and will eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters worldwide. We are value producers who never cooperate with or give credence to value destroyers. No other point exists. No other explanation is necessary.

So, come with your minions and matones. Come with your chains and guns. For that is all you have. ...We are the honest, the innocent, the clean. We have our pens and mystic-free business minds. Through the coming Neo-Tech waves, we will forever ablute the usurped power and bogus jobs of all value destroyers. ...The Ultimate Battle has begun.

The "Mysterious" September-13th Visit by INS Minions
to the
Guns-and-Fists Museum in Southern Nevada

"Sometimes we wear guns," one agent declared. "Just a routine visit," the other stammered (automatically lied?). Next, they anxiously tried to explain that neither their leader Art Strapp nor anyone else at the INS sent them to the Guns-and-Fists Museum. Did they just materialize at the door of an author's residence? But with that author's tape recorder rolling and notes being taken, the two agents hurriedly retreated and then escaped in an "unsuspicious", beat-up car with Arizona plates DBH-516. ...Oh, the puerile cops-and-robbers games they play.

Agents Burgess and Cortinas Sing on Audio Tape

Our New York Live-Arts group is now producing an audio tape based on that visit of INS agents Burgess and Cortinas to our Guns-and-Fists Museum. We will mail you and your colluding November-3rd soul mates a checking copy of that commercial tape in a few weeks. All of you will be startled. Your heads will droop a little lower. Your penises will collapse: your sexual capacities will diminish rapidly.

The above paragraph is not personally directed at agents Burgess and Cortinas: They were young agents assigned only two weeks before to the Las Vegas office. Their behavior was courteous and friendly. Were they innocent pigeons set up by the INS bureaucracy to make problems where none exist by harassing our free-lance writers, editors, researchers, and sources? ...Or, did they know what they were doing?

The Next Harassment

On the next harassment, raid, or attack by the INS, we will be ready to videotape the minions in action. Maybe they will break their way into our homes -- into our writing and editing offices. Maybe they will smash our video equipment to pieces and pillage our property. Of course, they can and will commit such crimes, violence, and destruction. For they exist only by the grace of guns, handcuffs, and value destruction. ...And will they criminally, sexually assault our women as that INS matón did to our comely latina professor two years ago -- right in the Las Vegas INS offices and again on a public street near the Federal Building?

Confront Us!

So, come with your chains and guns. Handcuff us. Come with your warrants, blood, and jails. Reveal your criminal nature. Become forever entangled in the Neo-Tech matrix. Have your minds and hearts washed away by the coming Neo-Tech waves. Join your criminal November-3rd pariahs in being scorned out of your fake jobs and then laughed out of existence.

Or, Grow Up

Abandon your immature lives of fake jobs, usurped power, and racist value destruction. Become a producer of competitive values. Come into the sunlit world of Neo-Tech. Live a happy life of earned power, value production, and romantic love. ...We can help you as we have helped others escape that sick world of value destruction so insidiously orchestrated by master neocheaters.

A Memo to
International Business-Scion Julian Abed
Trapped by Neo-Tech in Mexico City

Neo-Tech Will End All Dishonest, Racist Business Policies

Enclosed are two recent articles and an audio tape that identify the white-collar hoax among dishonest, failing private businesses. We eventually integrate such articles into the Neo-Tech Bible. Eventually, I & O Publishing Company will be marketing that brutally honest mystic-busting book around the world in many languages, including English, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Indeed, our current worldwide Neo-Tech publications in seven languages are already collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters. And those neocheaters include all white-collar-hoax business executives. Indeed, those executives will be put out of business by Neo-Tech -- left uncompetitive, impotent, gawking with open mouths. ...Will such be the fate of you along with the other executives and owners of the Hotel Aristos and the Abed business enterprises? For once exposed to the world by Neo-Tech, all white-collar-hoax executives and dishonest owners will be publicly scorned. And then they will be laughed out of existence along with their destructive government soul mates.

Our writers are now developing literature about dishonest and destructive business policies woven by lazy managers and second-generation owners. Such policies are eventually fatal to any business. ...We are considering using the Aristos example as the centerpiece. The title would be:

How Scions' Laziness and Dishonesties
Destroy Family-Built Businesses

Perhaps you are still young enough to escape that fatal trap of business dishonesty. Perhaps your youth will let you awaken to the fatally flawed policies in your family's business. Hopefully, later, we can amend the Hotel Aristos example with the drama of one young family member reversing the doomed course of the Abed Empire.

How could you reverse that doomed course? By replacing all dishonest management policies with uncompromising, fully integrated honesty. Such consistent policies, by nature, lead to unlimited growth and expanding profits, even during adverse times. ...Can you retrieve the forgotten principles of your grandfather? Can you rescue the business from those scions who replaced his principles requiring integrity with policies requiring automatic lies?

Automatic lies? To recall the discussion during that September-1st encounter with I & O Publishing Company: What is wrong with having different price policies for latinos and gringos? Nothing, if that policy is honestly administered. But such a policy is always fatal, always stupid when it attacks its own customers with dishonesty, deception, and theft to "improve" bottom-line profits. More serious, however, is the epitome of stupid, short-sighted business policy: automatic lying by management and owners as repeatedly occurred during that September-1st encounter.

Mr. Abed, I draw your attention to the article about automatic lying on page 13 of the enclosed Guns-and-Fists of November-3rd Newsletter #11. That article first identifies such lying as the essential tool for all professional mystics and neocheaters. That article then identifies such lying as eventually fatal to any and all businesses.

The Poisoning of I & O's Files
A Memo to
Federal Judge, Philip M. Pro, Trapped by Neo-Tech in Las Vegas

Today, we received photocopies of all the files for Rosa María Meoño and I & O Publishing Company held by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). We were startled to find the enclosed religious-based, violent letters submitted by you to the INS, the FBI, and the Postal Inspectors. Those letters have absolutely nothing to do with us. We have never heard of the people or organizations who wrote and sent those letters. Even a cursory glance reveals that those letters are from bizarrely mystical, mentally disturbed people. Indeed, such people represent the antithesis of everything we represent. They are the antithesis of all our anti-mystical, rational-based writings and publications -- the antithesis of everything to which honest, healthy people aspire.

Were those letters sent by error to our files throughout the federal bureaucracy? Regardless, having that kind of illiterate, irrational material in our files attributed to us, submitted by a federal judge, is grossly unjust and damaging.

Will Honesty and Justice Rise Above Their 2000-Year Hoax?

Were those acts unintentional? For, those letters besmirch us by obscenely misrepresenting our work and character. Will Judge Pro remedy that error by having the INS, FBI, and Postal Inspectors remove that false material from our files?

To date, Judge Pro has made no attempt to remedy that injustice. Will this incident remain in the world of professional mystics and neocheaters in which honesty and justice are always subordinated to their 2000-year hoax of "respectable" dishonesty and neocheating. ...Regardless, Neo-Tech will bring forth that honesty and justice by forever burning holes through the minds, hearts, and souls of all value destroyers until they are scorned by all value producers and then forever laughed out of existence.

A Memo about a Business Thief
Trapped in the Neo-Tech Matrix Spread Throughout the UK

Seizing self-responsibility for self-protection eliminates (1) the need for all government "protection" bureaucracies and (2) the need for all lawyers involved in the giant "legal" hoaxes of those destructive bureaucracies (e.g., regulatory, tax, immigration, SEC, FDA).

Below is the response to a businessman in England who dishonestly pilfered I & O property entrusted to him. This response dispatched the problem without any need for government "protection" bureaucracies, lawsuits, or lawyers:

Define Problem

Of all the business people dealing with I & O, how did we encounter a person like Mr. Edwards? Most clearly, his own letters reveal a disturbed, mystical man. Bragging in his correspondence, he admits using for his personal gain, without permission or payment, our confidential customer names and business contacts entrusted to him. Using those names, he purposely and maliciously tried to damage I & O Publishing Company and subvert the UK distribution of Neo-Tech.

Define Solution

Our singular responsibility to our readers and society is to produce the work needed to collapse the hoax of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters. We are in a race against time. We must immediately adjust and tighten all I & O procedures. We must never again waste our time on:

a. People seeking dishonest, unearned power from Neo-Tech.

b. People expecting I & O to be their messiah that leads them to an effortless promised land -- to unearned profits and bogus livelihoods. Spend no further time on such people. And spend no time trying to recover losses from dishonest people. Instead, move forward without deviation, without compromise, without pause toward our goal of forever curing the disease of mysticism.

Define Future Protection

If Mr. Edwards uses our property again (customer names or business contacts), insert the contents of this memo into all our UK mailings. In that way, through a profit-generating manner, business people throughout the UK will quickly put Mr. Edwards out of business. ...Nothing can stop the force of profit-generating power.

A Memo to
Hispanic Business People and Their Organizations

Stop Making Hispanic Business People Look Foolish

To their yearly gala celebration, do black businesswomen invite and honor with grovelling obsequiousness the hierarchy of the Ku Klux Klan? ...Of course not. That scenario is too bizarre, too irrational, too foolish for even the imagination.

Yet, to their yearly gala celebration, Hispanic businesswomen invite and honor with grovelling obsequiousness the hierarchy of destructive politicians and the racist Immigration and Nationalization Service. In net terms, those honored guests are hundreds of times more destructive to Hispanics and society than is the KKK destructive to blacks and society. So, why do Hispanic value producers all over America constantly honor their worst victimizers? Why do they not honor instead their own heroic value producers?

Wake Up!

Hispanics are among the most honest business people and admirable value producers in America. But, at the same time, they handicap themselves by being the most naive dupes in America. Sadly, for the past century, Hispanic business people have made themselves laughing stocks by fawning over destructive politicians and racist bureaucrats. Yes, honorable Hispanic business people constantly, blindly put themselves beneath those flimflam politicians and INS bureaucrats. But now, at last, the worldwide marketing of Neo-Tech in both English and Spanish will end that crippling subservience. For Neo-Tech will turn those naive Hispanic value producers into the most savvy competitors on earth.

After the release and circulation of the Spanish-language Neo-Tech Bible, Hispanic businesses and social events will cease honoring neocheating politicians and racist bureaucrats. In the meantime, stop degrading your business meetings and social events. Stop honoring those who, on net, always hurt the value producer and society. Indeed, those destructive people exist by (1) making fools of honest business people and (2) living off hard-working value producers. ...No, those flimflam politicians and racist bureaucrats are not your friends. No, you never need to honor them again.

Abraham Lincoln (the Worst) versus Jay Gould (the Best)

Lincoln, the Worst

A close, accurate examination of history reveals the Civil War had little to do with slavery. The issue of slavery was a non sequitur manipulated by an array of neocheating powercrats, authors, and journalists. Indeed, Lincoln actually opposed the abolition of slavery. In fact, leading abolitionists, such as William Lloyd Garrison, bitterly criticized Lincoln's opposition to abolition. Moreover, Lincoln explicitly opposed economic freedom in the South. For, as had happened in the North, that economic freedom would have precipitated genuine, rapid freedom for slaves. Instead, he favored a gradual phasing out of black slavery over many decades in exchange for a gradual enslavement of the value producer.[ 24 ] But Lincoln scrapped that plan for gradual power accumulation when he realized the immense power he could seize immediately through a civil war. Thus, Lincoln staged that bloody war solely to assuage his lack of confidence and boost his pseudo self-esteem by usurping huge doses of power. For, he was unwilling to exert sustained, business-like efforts needed to produce genuine power -- to produce competitive values for others. And, genuine self-esteem comes only by producing competitive values for society without the use of force or coercion.

The illusions arising from manipulations by neocheaters are usually the exact opposite of the facts. For example, contrary to the neocheaters' illusions, Abraham Lincoln was by far the worst, most destructive American president. Lincoln was not the emancipator of slavery. Instead, he was the father of long-range, Fabian slavery. In addition to his own created Civil-War legacy of death and destruction, he created the mechanism to increasingly enslave honest people, especially the producers of values. Aided by his great rhetorical skills and demagogic deceptions, he was a grand master of non sequiturs and mystical illusions. Unable to earn honest power by competitively producing values, he created horrendous problems where none existed. ...Solely to usurp personal power, Lincoln killed more young men and destroyed more private property than all the other presidents combined.

With presidential power slipping in a divided nation, Lincoln instigated a bloody civil war for one and only one purpose: to expand his unearned power. Why? He needed to boost his sagging self-esteem. As with most master neocheaters usurping vast powers, he never hesitated using mass killings of innocent youth and wholesale destructions of private property in order to appear important and feel worthwhile. Once such killing starts, little difference exists if the killing required is one innocent life, or 600,000 in the case of Lincoln,[ 25 ] or 40,000,000 in the case of Stalin and Mao. The amount of killing and destruction makes minimal difference to the neocheater when his "feelings" are at stake -- when usurped power is needed to justify a parasitical life and faked self-worth. ...He will kill and destroy in direct proportion to the power he can usurp.

Lincoln needed to usurp more and more power in order to support an anxiety-ridden, pseudo self-esteem. Under the "emergency" guise of his own created civil war, he was the first President to conjure up "laws" to usurp both the life and property of every honest, productive citizen: He was the first to instigate (1) the immoral, unconstitutional draft[ 26 ] and (2) the immoral, destructive income tax[ 27 ]. Lincoln was the seminal instigator of government-sponsored destruction of life, values, and property in America.

By not producing values, one loses self-esteem in becoming dependent on usurping values from the producers to survive. In a Platonistic/mystical world, the neocheater usurps values and power by having others view the world through his or her manipulated emotions and inverted illusions. The public responds to those calculated, inverted illusions by feeling President Lincoln was a great man and feeling "Robber-Baron" Jay Gould was an evil man. They feel and then believe their feelings are true even though the facts are the exact opposite.

Gould, the Best

In a Neo-Tech world, however, mystics and neocheaters are impotent. For, to be competitive, people must view the world through honest, objective facts. Indeed, facts, not manipulated feelings or inverted illusions, reveal that Lincoln, an anxiety-filled, unhappy, brooding, unloving man, delivered mass destruction to society with his legacies of the Civil War, the draft, and the income tax. While Jay Gould, a consistently temperate, happy, cheerful, loving family man, delivered great values to society with his legacies of the transcontinental railroad system, the national telegraphic communication system, and the millions of productive jobs he ultimately created for others. ...Judge not at what anyone says, but judge by what a man does -- the values he produces or destroys.

Lincoln, a master value destroyer, needed the press and public to view him as a "great man". He needed to feel important to prop his pseudo self-esteem. So, to feel "secure" about his personal importance, he conjured up a war that killed 600,000 men. He then jeopardized the lives and property of future generations by establishing the unconstitutional draft and destructive income tax. By contrast, Gould, a great value producer, needed no one's view to prop his genuine self-esteem. Thus, he ignored the press and paid no attention to their attacks or dishonesties. Gould's ignoring of the press is what infuriated all neocheating journalists, igniting their insecurities, causing them to attack Jay Gould with rabid dishonesty. They desperately obscured his quietly created values: thousands of jobs, great wealth added to society, transcontinental communications and transportation.[ 28 ]

Inversions of Justice Rectified

Such gross inversion of the worst versus the best occurs constantly in all mystical cultures. Gould-type inversions are today still aimed at the aggressive value producer: He is presented as an exploiter of society and is widely targeted for injury by the neocheating, giuliani-type forces of government, religion, the academe, and the media. But, those seemingly formidable forces hold no real power. Indeed, Neo-Tech easily demolishes their illusions. Thus, with increasing tempo, Neo-Tech will drum out of existence all dishonest inversions of facts such as: Lincoln, "the heroic emancipator of slaves"; and Gould, "the archvillain Robber Baron". ...The aggressive value producers will be held as the precious good -- the creators of jobs, wealth, values -- the heroes of civilization.

Dumping the Value Destroyers

Honor paid to Lincoln and other destructive neocheaters through holidays, statues, and portraits on stamps or money is an obscenity promoted by other neocheaters and involuntarily paid for by their victims. In a Neo-Tech society, honor would be voluntarily paid only to genuine heroes -- mighty value producers such as Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, Howard Hughes, Ray Kroc, Harold Geneen, Boone Pickens, Frank Lorenzo, Leona Helmsley, Michael Milken, and other genuine heroes smeared in unjust hatchet jobs by the neocheating intelligentsia.


[ 24 ] D.L. Lendt, Demise of the Democracy, Tate University (1973); J.K. McNulty, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals, West Publishing (1983); W.L. Garrison, The Liberator (1859-1865).

[ 25 ] More Americans were killed in the Civil War than in all other wars American wars combined.

[ 26 ] D.L. Lendt, Demise of the Democracy, Tate University (1973); J.K. McNulty, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals, West Publishing (1983); W.L. Garrison, The Liberator (1859-1865).

[ 27 ] D.L. Lendt, Demise of the Democracy, Tate University (1973); J.K. McNulty, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals, West Publishing (1983); W.L. Garrison, The Liberator (1859-1865).

[ 28 ] M. Klein, The Life and Legend of Jay Gould, The John Hopkins University Press (1986).

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