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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

Editor's Note

[The following Guns-and-Fists Newsletter was sent to all those on the rapidly expanding Guns and Fists mailing list during the days directly following the massacre of Chinese students in Tiananmen Square, Beijing.

This important document links the murderous Chinese regime with all other guns-and-fists regimes throughout the world and identifies that every guns and fists value destroyer secretly breathed a sigh of relief and rejoiced in their souls when those unarmed children were crushed to death beneath tanks. Neo-Tech will make such barbarous acts impossible to ever occur again. BP]

Never Retreats
Never Goes Away
Always Moves Forward
Always Waxes Stronger

The Rise


Ostracism Matrix

Penis Collapse!
Mysticism Collapse!
Good-Bye Neocheaters


Supplement to

Subversion Document
volume 2, number 10

Kenneth A. Clark
Memorial Foundation
(a tax-exempt foundation)


(Power through Neo-Tech and competitive value production)


(Power through Neo-Tech and competitive value production)

The Cosmic Mind Will Drill Holes Through The
Heart and Soul
of every
Bogus-Job Value Destroyer Worldwide[ 36 ]
Until Each Shrivels to Nothing
Until Each Fully Repays His or Her Every Victim for Every Crime
and becomes
An Honest, Competitive Value Producer

On Planet Earth Does There Exist a Mystic-Free World?
Does There Exist a Disease-Free World Unknown to Everyone?
Does There Exist a World in Concert with
All Advanced Civilizations in the Cosmos?

comes the fully integrating

A happy, mystic-free world previously unknown on planet Earth is now dawning at the close of this second millennium A.D. This healthy, mystic-free world is not only the natural state for every conscious being on planet Earth, but is the natural state for the billions of advanced civilizations throughout the Cosmos. ...This new disease-free world is coming to planet Earth through the competitive business dynamics of Neo-Tech:

The Gateway
to the
Fully Integrating, Mystic-Free Cosmic Mind
Swings Open for Everyone

Q: What is the Worldwide Gateway to the Cosmic Mind?
A: That gateway is the dynamics of Neo-Tech business competition washing away the mass-murdering politicians and bureaucrats in China, Hungary, Romania, Cuba, Burma, and their soul-mate value destroyers in America.

Q: What is the Worldwide Catalyst to the Cosmic Mind?
A: That catalyst is the dynamics of Neo-Tech youth and students in the high schools, colleges, and universities around the world.


Neocheating, Fraud, and the White-Collar Hoax

A clownish Governor and his fellow criminal-minded bureaucrats A tax-supported Consumer Affairs Division and its arrogant, destructive management Stagnant, uncompetitive business leaders who push for government laws, force, regulations, and agencies to stop harder driving, more competent competitors from delivering greater values to society

The Darkest Secret

The youth of Tiananmen Square bravely rose against China's destructive bureaucrats. But every person in every Triangle of Evil secretly breathed relief and rejoiced in their souls when innocent unarmed youth were crushed to death beneath the tanks of those bogus-job bureaucrats. For, all bogus livelihoods within every Triangle of Evil in Beijing, America, and elsewhere ultimately depend on guns, fists, salaried thieves, salaried murderers to hold and propagate their livelihoods.


from a

"I've seen many things that reflect the envy and resentment for business seething from the scum-of-the-earth neocheaters. But, this photograph captures perhaps the ugliest scene I've ever witnessed."

Brett Peters
Neo-Tech Archives
None of those grinning value destroyers from the Triangle of Evil pictured above have the slightest idea of what business is. None have the slightest idea of the long hard effort, difficult integrated thinking, and the supreme moral virtue required to create and build profitable businesses that provide competitive values and jobs for everyone. Instead, those professional value destroyers are chortling over that criminal-minded politician's signing of a law designed to expand the fraudulent power and bogus livelihoods of destructive bureaucrats. (Reference: The Neo-Tech Bible, Format B, pages 129-130, 217-218, 278-292, and page 462.)

The Heroic, The Clean, The Moral:

Honest, competitive value producers are the only source of growing values and genuine power on Earth. With Neo-Tech, those innocent value producers will pursue, entrap, and prosecute each and every professional value destroyer in America and around the world:

Hunting and trapping professional mystics and neocheaters require giving the value destroyers every lure they need to attack Neo-Tech in order to


Unilaterally and without request, the Kenneth A. Clark Museum supplies the November-3rd Empire with all the records it needs to attack the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers in order to


who need gun-backed fake laws
to perpetuate their bogus livelihoods

are soul mates to

who need gun-backed mass murders
to perpetuate their bogus livelihoods

The twentieth century -- the bloodiest century ever: From Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Khomeini, Deng Xiaoping -- a hundred-million brave, innocent lives murdered. All those mass murders for what? All those destructive fake laws for what? Always for one reason only -- always for holding and expanding the bogus jobs of professional value destroyers.

Demonstrated and Proven by Neo-Tech

Given the guns and authority, every power-grasping politician and destructive bureaucrat in America would ultimately mass murder to keep or expand his or her destructive job. For that is the inherent nature of all value-destroying politicians and bureaucrats in America, in China, in every country worldwide.

By curing the disease of mysticism, Neo-Tech is going to end all gun-backed evil forever.

The Gateway to the Neo-Tech World

The Hidden Soul of Every Professional Value Destroyer
from Beijing
to Small-Town America

Secretly, every destructive politician, bureaucrat, academe, and business quisling in America rejoiced and breathed relief when (1) the tanks in Tiananmen Square crushed to death innocent children, (2) when the rulers murdered with machine guns thousands of young students, and especially when (3) the destructive bureaucrats of China began jailing and executing those who bravely rose against that destructiveness. Indeed, what did that mass-murder crushing of the good and bravest accomplish? That mass-murder repression both comforted and emboldened destructive politician and bureaucrat in America and around the world. For example, that mass-murder repression even emboldened two local bureaucracies to test their fake power against Neo-Tech. ...But as they and everyone quickly learn, a profound difference exists between the hapless students in China and the uncompromising, iron-grip Neo-Tech business people in America as identified below:

Neo-Tech Will Bring Them All to Justice -- From Bush to Ceausescu

Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty, has an incorruptible philosophical matrix that can be never pushed back or suppressed. Every move against Neo-Tech, including guns, fists, and jails, becomes entrapped in that matrix. Each entrapment, in turn, accelerates the goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism to eliminate the bogus jobs of all destructive politicians and bureaucrats everywhere. So let all such bureaucracies -- large and small -- come with all their clownish destructions. Neo-Tech and every net value producer in this world are waiting to dump those criminal-minded value destroyers from their fake jobs and bring them to justice.

The Catalyst to Neo-Tech Power

With the goal to collapse the hoax of mysticism among the American youth in high schools, colleges, and universities, the Neo-Tech Research Center is now quietly penetrating colleges and universities. That initial penetration has identified three distinct targets in the academe world as summarized below:

Target Value
I. Most, but not all, college and university presidents and professors, especially in the nonscience and pseudo-disciplines Value-destroying cripplers of young minds (Dishonest) Platonistic/​Kantian/​Keynesian smooth-talking altruism* (narrow-scope, clever-system, dishonest integrating minds) Cleverly, invisibly, parasitically draining values created and built by others
II. The Alumni Middle-Class value producers (generally honest, but sold out to White-Collar-Hoax structures) No orientation. Lost, stagnated minds (non-integrating minds) Generally hard working and productive. But most have stagnated in White-Collar-Hoax structures
III. The Students Minds open for learning to become value producers or value destroyers Open, seeking minds (have potential for honest, wide-scope Neo-Tech integrating minds or dishonest, narrow-scope Platonistic/​Kantian/​Keynesian minds) Orienting toward value production or value destruction
*Academe value destroyers and neocheaters are generally amiable, smooth-talking deceivers who expertly "sound good". They especially deceive those alumni and students who never developed independent, integrating minds. Yet, those academe are betrayed by their lack of competitive power. That uncompetitiveness is often shielded behind cynical expressions and sarcastic faces. But Neo-Tech will convert all such expressions to either sad faces on their way to oblivion or to happy faces on their way to the Neo-Tech world of value production.

The above three academe targets will be integrated into the no-escape Neo-Tech Matrix not only in colleges and universities but in high schools throughout America and around the world.

Through open-minded youth and the dynamics of competition, the future belongs to Neo-Tech.


The Competitive Forces of Honesty Integrated with Business
Will End All Bogus Livelihoods
Neo-Tech Pincer #2

For the first time in history, philosophy has been integrated with front-trench business and competitive value production. From that integration of philosophy with business, competition, and values, a new Pincer Movement has evolved that will lead everyone into a happy, prosperous twenty-first century.

The philosophically oriented, intellectual-mode Pincer #1 is the foundation of Neo-Tech that has evolved into the half-million word "Neo-Tech Discovery". Now, flanking Pincer #1, comes the action mode -- the super-competitive, business-oriented Pincer #2. ...That Pincer #2 will then generate endless waves of business titans. Those waves will drown all neocheaters in their own incompetence.

Pincers #1 and #2
Productive vs. Destructive Movements

The functions of Pincers #1 and #2 are best illustrated by contrasting the value-generating Neo-Tech Matrix to the value-destroying Neocheating Matrix: The major 20th-century action mode of the old order (Mystic/Neocheating) is the destructive Vatican/Lenin/Hitler/Mao Pincer #2. Backed by a cleverly integrated Pincer #1 Plato/Kant intellectual mode, that destructive Pincer #2 dominated, killed, destroyed, damaged the lives and happiness of over two-thirds the world population during the twentieth century. But that old Neocheating order will reign no more. For Neo-Tech is now on planet Earth. The fully integrating mind, the cosmic mind, has arrived.

Arrays of Competitive Advantages

In contrast to the old Mystic/Neocheating Matrix, the Pincer #2 action mode of the new Neo-Tech/Neothink Matrix delivers ever growing arrays of competitive advantages and values for businesses, individuals, and society. How? Pincer #2 uproots and then dumps all dishonesties -- dumps all areas of personal and social mysticism. By finding and eliminating not only the obvious mysticisms but the hidden mysticisms, those competitive advantages grow so rapidly that results begin unfolding as shown below:

Mysticisms Will Fall Like Dominos

With Neo-Tech Pincer #2, businesses will start explicitly eliminating the dishonesties of mysticism, one by one at increasing rates. Why? To remain competitive and to increase profits. As those competitive advantages mount, other businesses will be forced to explicitly eliminate the dishonesties of mysticism to stay competitive, to stay in business, to survive. Then, with mounting international competition, all mysticisms within businesses will start falling like dominos. And close behind, personal mysticisms will also start falling as individuals discover the ever growing personal advantages gained by dumping mysticism. ...With the competitive pressures of Neo-Tech Pincer #2, no business or individual can afford any form of mysticism.

Value Destroyers
Will Become Ghastly Jokes

Without mysticism, what will happen to the professional value destroyers? The spontaneous collapse of mysticism will occur through the competitive pressures of Pincers #1 and #2. Worldwide prosecutions will focus on all criminal-minded value destroyers from mass-murderers Li Peng and Nicolae Ceausescu, to the envy machinations of Ralph Nader and Rudolph Giuliani, to the value-destroying politicians, to the bogus-job bureaucrats.

Against Neo-Tech, all value destroyers are impotent. Against Neo-Tech, they will all turn into ghastly jokes and then be driven from their destructive livelihoods.

As Pincers #1 and #2 circle the globe and begin closing, all professional value destroyers will be driven from existence through the competitive dynamics of integrated thinking, value production, and honest business.


Even if the professional value destroyers never take the action necessary for I & O Publishing Company to launch the commercial Seven Neo-Tech Waves, every one of those value destroyers will still be driven from their bogus livelihoods and brought to justice. How? By the competitive dynamics of business -- by the action mode of Neo-Tech Pincer #2 backed by the intellectual mode of Neo-Tech Pincer #1. ...The future belongs to business and its value-producing titans -- to the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech.


The Source and Nature of Unhappiness

Unhappiness: What is its source? What is its nature?

Mysticism, the source and nature of unhappiness, the origin of value destruction, the disease of death

Mysticism, the ultimate drug of self-destruction

Mysticism, lurking in every crevice of life, letting neocheaters flourish

Mysticism, at first so comforting, pleasant, euphoric, drug-like -- a sense of freedom bound in slavery

Step by step, silently destroying every value of life and love

Step by step, destroying competence, value production, love, innocence, honesty, happiness

No matter what the facade, mysticism delivers unhappiness -- and then death

The slaves of mysticism wander depressed and vacant eyed, wondering what happened to the promise of life

How did life pass so unhappily -- without prosperity, passion, romantic love?

Then life is over -- lost to the nothingness of Plato's world -- the world of mysticism, altruism, collectivism, and neocheating

The Source and Nature of Happiness

Happiness: What does it mean? What is its nature?

Neo-Tech, the source and nature of life and happiness hidden for 2000 years by professional neocheaters -- leaders of evil

Neo-Tech, the source and nature of life and happiness obscured for 2000 years by professional mystics -- leaders of death

Happiness, the moral purpose of conscious life throughout the cosmos

Happiness ends Plato's world of professional mystics and neocheaters

Happiness ends Plato's world of suffering, misery, death -- the world of nothingness

Happiness collapses the 2000-year evil empire of death -- Plato's Republic

Dynamics Between Pleasure and Happiness

Pleasure: what is its nature?

Start by removing mysticism

Mystic-free pleasure and happiness integrate and unfold hand in hand

Pleasure -- physical/mind experiences. Happiness -- physical/mind integrations

Pleasure -- disconnected from all or connected to everything -- disintegrated unhappiness or integrated happiness

Unintegrated Pleasures Yield Unhappiness and Death

Disconnected, unintegrated pleasures mean nothing -- pleasures of nothingness deliver hangover pain of unhappiness and destruction

Pleasures of nothingness come from dishonesty and laziness -- unintegrated pleasures deliver vacant nothingness and death

Drugs -- unintegrated pleasures

Mystical, dishonest, irrational actions

Promiscuous sex

Controlling others through deception and force, through pillaging others

Power through value destruction

Bogus livelihoods through guns and fists

Eating to fatness

Gambling toward nothing

Live for parties with no meaning

Live for weekends, vacations -- live to escape work, integrated thinking, value production

Live for nothing, work toward nothing, drive toward nothing, drive toward unhappiness -- drive toward death forever

Integrated Pleasures Yield Happiness and Life

Happiness and pleasure -- connected and integrated

Happiness and pleasure integrated with past values, integrated to future values

Happiness and pleasure integrated to rational actions, romantic love, and growth

Honesty and effort integrated to value production, heroic livelihoods, and happy lives

Fitness to beauty

Building toward competitive values

Business parties to build competitiveness

Business weekends to advance essences

Business vacations to widen integrations

Live for integrations with happiness, work, values, growth -- drive toward happy life forever

Neo-Tech Minds Arise! Cosmic Minds Arise!

Happiness: The crowning difference between the rising cosmic minds of Neo-Tech and the sinking Plato minds of mysticism -- the difference between Neo-Tech business and Plato's neocheating.

Neo-Tech business -- the end of mysticism, neocheating, death

Cosmic minds arise, cosmic world arise!

All else is nothing

All else is gone forever

Neo-Tech arise! Happiness forever!


[ 36 ] Each bogus-job value destroyer in China, America, or any country secretly craves the ultimate parasitical power: The power to mass-murder with impunity in order to hold or expand one's bogus livelihood. The power to put a bullet through the brain of everyone who will not blindly obey is the ultimate power sought by every professional value destroyer on Earth.

[ 37 ] The Cosmic Mind is defined as the natural, disease-free (mystic-free), fully integrating conscious mind that pervades all advanced civilizations throughout the Universe.

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