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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II
Editor's Note
[The following Guns-and-Fists Newsletter contains an article developed by Dr. John Flint and letters sent to the heroic, value-producing, job-creating, media-maligned Leona Helmsley.
Those value destroyers who were targeted and exposed by this Guns-and-Fists series -- those who received these mailings -- have been touched in a way that they have never been touched before. While most will probably continue to pursue their chosen careers of value destruction and usurpation, their lives will never be quite the same again. For they now know and have had a glimpse at the last page of the "novel" of their lives. ...They now know how it is all going to end. And they know who will write that last page: Neo-Tech. BP]
Cosmic-Mind NEO-TECH Never Retreats Never Goes Away Always Moves Forward Always Waxes Stronger
Neo-Tech Business/Love Competition
Penis Collapse! Mysticism Collapse! Good-Bye Neocheaters
Prosperity Happiness Forever
Subversion Document volume 3, number 2 (Special Bitch Issue)
Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation (a tax-exempt foundation)
and the
WAR OF TWO WORLDS: Value Producers versus Value Destroyers
"Illegal" Alien Barbie Diamond COSMIC-WORLD BUSINESSWOMAN
[Undocumented alien from the cosmic world working at the Neo-Tech Center: INS Matón get your gun and handcuffs -- Try to sexually assault this alien bitch as you did the Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch! Yours will never rise again no matter how many oysters you eat.]
Two Penis-Collapsing Articles:
- Geek Journalism at its Dishonest Worst
- Salem Witch Hunts Revived by the Triangle of Evil:
Neocheating Guilianis/Geek Journalism/Proletariat Envy
A TRIO OF CLOWNS from the United States Senate and Mystical Religion to a Local Bureaucracy
A Letter to a Local Bureaucracy
To your bogus-job bureaucracy, we are returning unanswered and unmet your demands of August 2nd. No, we will not comply with your demands. As we previously informed you and the commissioner, we will not support your bogus jobs by giving credence to your asinine actions. Obviously, again, your computer-generated letter and rubber-stamped signature underscore your slothful lack of integration with your job -- your total lack of integration with the letters you receive and the letters you send out. Watching the clock and waiting for retirement, you blindly continue consuming taxpayers' money while wasting the precious time of honest value producers. Why? The bureaucratic troika of laziness, arrogance, and incompetence has actually become the survival mechanism for your unhappy commissioner and her bogus-job fiefdom. Thus, to rationalize your jobs, you must crank out those computer-generated letters that malevolently drain time and values from others.
A Trio of Clowns Stumble into the Neo-Tech Matrix
Obviously you never looked at the enclosed material before sending it out with your signature. Nothing in that material has anything to do with your job, much less any problem. In fact, everyone involved with this gratuitous belligerence toward Neo-Tech is a professional value destroyer. Thus, no one involved could even be our customer or reader. Why? Because we never knowingly sell our books, literature, and other values to professional value destroyers no matter how much money they offer. We never deal with such people. Instead, we ostracize them. Thus, they can never be our customers or readers. They can never have a consumer relationship with us.
That trio's belligerence toward us is based entirely on our anti-mystical, anti-neocheating, anti-fraud stance. ...Why did your fraudulent bureaucracy lead those out-of-state value destroyers into the Neo-Tech trap? Of course, you helped our goal by marching those value destroyers into the Ostracism Matrix. And eventually that Matrix will eliminate the bogus jobs held by them, you, the commissioner, and all other professional value destroyers.
What a Joke
Here is a triangle of destructive clowns stumbling together in a drunken tango trying to stop the Neo-Tech Matrix. But that Matrix is unstoppable. Moreover, it is already subverting mysticism and its neocheating hoaxes in 151 countries. ...Now look at that clownish trio: (1) an effete fop who has been a professional neocheater during his entire career -- United States Senator Daniel P. Moynihan; (2) a silly but malignant-minded mystic nun from the most virulently destructive organization on planet Earth for the past 1500 years -- the Roman Catholic Church; and (3) the epitome of bureaucratic ineptitude and laziness -- the local Consumer Affairs Division backed by a yahoo governor.
What a joke. What jolly material for future "Mysticism Collapse!" literature and "Penis Collapse!" newsletters. And the Neo-Tech business army using Pincer Movements #1 and #2 will spread that literature worldwide by the tens of millions in unstoppable, profit-driven Neo-Tech operations on six continents.
Barbie Diamond "Illegal" Alien Cosmic-World Businesswoman |
- Clown CC:
- Unhappy-Camper Commissioner Shari B. Compton
- Yahoo Governor Robert J. Miller
- Foppish Senator Daniel P. Moynihan
- Dominican-Sister Elizabeth Holey, c/o Pope John Paul II, the Vatican
To Quebec "Consumer-Protection" Commissioner Gilles Moreau
- Last week you sent us six form-letter pages of gibberish: four in English, two in French. What was that time-consuming, swirling mess of words all about? What were those printed form letters that you so lazily, routinely, arrogantly roll out to innocent, value-producing business people? Each of those form letters rolled out cause damage and consternation to the hard-working business people receiving them. Some of those business people will be so needlessly burdened, they will be driven from business. ...So what! you say filled with false power and grinning self-importance.
Those bureaucratic form letters were ordering the innocent value producers to come to you, the professional value destroyers. Why? To beg your permission to produce values for you, for consumers, and for society. Imagine the tax-paying public supporting such a scam. In addition, you demanded payment of up to $75,000 to support your value destructions. What was the purpose of your gratuitous, destructive actions? The only purpose was to provide you with false importance and a bogus livelihood under the guise of "consumer protection". ...What a fake, what a fraud. Indeed, you are the consumer fraud however well disguised behind your government aegis.
- We have a single goal: Collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. Nothing takes precedence over our single-focus goal. We seek to cure mankind's most destructive scourge -- mysticism. For mysticism is the dishonesty disease, the death disease. ...And we are achieving our goal: We will protect all net value producers from the hordes of parasites living off those producers and society. We will undermine all net value destroyers worldwide with the singular purpose of driving them from their bogus livelihoods and then laughing them out of existence.
- We never let professional value destroyers buy our literature at any price under any conditions. That policy is clearly specified in all our literature (such as the attached) and in all our brochures. Mr. Larivee obviously obtained and used our documents falsely. We do not deal with such people anywhere in the world, including Quebec. Instead, Neo-Tech will be coming after all professional value destroyers, both in and out of government in Quebec and worldwide. Beyond the United States, Neo-Tech has already entangled government neocheaters in various countries. The most visible results of Neo-Tech are in Eastern Europe culminating in the suicides of East German bureaucrats and the execution of master-bureaucrat Ceausescu.
- So, let us get some action going in Quebec. For Quebec is a hotbed of professional value destroyers woven throughout its government. Yes, let us get you and your bogus bureaucracy plugged into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix. Also let us start plugging into the Matrix other professional value destroyers in Quebec who constantly drain and hurt the innocent value producers as well as the consumers throughout the province. Show us your next move. Test your value destructions against the value production of Neo-Tech.
Payment Due for Your Value Destructions
Enclosed are additional documents that demonstrate the fraud of tax-supported consumer-affairs bureaucracies as well as those working in such bureaucracies. All of you are ripping off bogus livelihoods from taxpayers through net value destruction. Neo-Tech justice will not only prosecute every professional value destroyer, but will ultimately make each of them repay their victims. To start paying for your damages, enclosed is an invoice for $700 US. That invoice covers the irreplaceable time of our value producers wasted by your value destroyers. Please pay within 30 days to avoid collection action. ...Later you will be billed many millions of dollars for damages inflicted upon the other innocent value producers harmed by you and your bureaucracy.
Check Our Files
Check our files at both the FBI and INTERPOL. Neo-Tech will end the bogus careers of professional value destroyers everywhere, including Quebec.
Protecting the Better Business Bureau as a valid service to both the Value Producers and Consumers
A Letter to the Director of the Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Recently, a BBB representative unjustly traduced the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center by associating I & O Publishing Company with totalitarianism (Naziism or Communism) when the BBB clearly knows that we represent the antithesis of all such tyranny and its professional value destroyers.
To prevent similar problems in the future, BBB personnel should be trained in value-integrated ethics and honest-oriented fairness. They should also be better informed about our ideal-oriented publishing company of jihad writers and radical editors, our cleaner-than-American-Express business operations, our intransigent principles, and our single-minded goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters.
Armageddon: The End of Mysticism
The BBB should know that dishonest and mystical people, especially "born-agains", are threatened by a mystic-collapsing Neo-Tech relentlessly moving toward Armageddon. Many of those mystics and neocheaters try to systematically attack and harm I & O through consumer groups and government authorities. They all want Neo-Tech out of business. But the BBB should also know that I & O is not afraid of or influenced by anyone's hostility, the media, or any government value destroyer. Today, no matter what threats, guns, and fists are used to menace I & O, no one can stop Neo-Tech from spreading around the world to eventually wipe out all neocheaters and eliminate all bogus livelihoods.
Government Scams: The Route to Clownsville
As you know, all tax-funded Consumer Affairs Divisions (CADs) are fraudulent scams with destructive motives. By contrast, we have morally and financially supported the BBB as a privately-funded valuable organization with constructive motives.
Still, BBB management must remain vigilant to avoid unfair, unknowledgeable, or blind bureaucratic actions harmful to honest consumers and value producers alike. Otherwise, the BBB could travel the same route to Clownsville as did the CADs in becoming net destructive organizations of bogus livelihoods as demonstrated in previous Guns-and-Fists documents.
Subverting the Value Destroyers
Your responsibility is to protect the future of the Better Business Bureau by assuring it operates as a value-producing entity. You must foster business-like cooperation with honest value producers in order to effectively serve and protect both consumers and businesses. How? By identifying and subverting professional value destroyers among consumers, white-collar-hoax executives, and destructive bureaucrats.
To Laugh Out of Existence
Value Destroyers Masquerading as Journalists, Editors, and Publishers
(Category IX Neocheaters)
The Hierarchy of Hypocrisy and Destruction (Categories I - IX)
The following chart lists professional value destroyers according to their increasing deceptiveness and harm to others. This chart also lists neocheaters according to their increasing artfulness in finessing respect from a gullible public while concealing their criminal-minded acts of value destruction:
Professional Value Destroyers[ 38 ]
I Guns-and-fists cretins and matones
II Guns-and-fists agents of force
III Supervision and management of such cretins, matones, and agents of force
IV Value-destroying White-Collar-Hoax executives[ 39 ]
V High-level, bogus-job bureaucrats
VI Politicians, clergymen
VII Value-destroying lawyers and prosecutors
VIII Value-destroying academe and anti-business Redford/Fonda celebrities
IX Value-destroying media "journalists"
Salem Witch Hunt Revived by Newsweek Magazine
(Re: August 21st cover story dishonestly attacking heroic value-producer Leona Helmsley)*
*Heroic value producers create and generate extraordinary values where none before existed.
Neo-Tech Will Correct Over One Hundred Years of Injustices and Destructions
Media, Government, and Academe Value Destroyers
Toward Heroic Value Producers
from the
19th-Century Goulds and Rockefellers to the 20th-Century Lorenzos and Helmsleys
Even more than the envy-ridden academe, the news medium is a well camouflaged breeding ground for the most vicious category of criminal-minded neocheaters. But now, newly evolving Neo-Tech will start kicking away the camouflaging rocks to expose the worm-like colonies of media neocheaters. Frantically they will squirm to seek new rocks to hide under. But eventually, Neo-Tech feet will be kicking away the rocks faster than those parasitical creatures can hide. And exposed to the sunlight of Neo-Tech, all such parasites will shrivel to nothing in their uncompetitive impotence. ...At first, the public will scorn them. And then the public will laugh them out of existence.
On evolving into the cosmic mind, the value producers around the world will ask with amazement, "How did those criminal-minded neocheaters who slither throughout the media, government, and academe dupe us for so long into accepting their bogus livelihoods and destructive manipulations?"
Responsibility of the Innocent to Prosecute the Guilty
I regret that you had insufficient time to integrate into your life the power and protection available through Neo-Tech. Thus, you surrendered the responsibility to uphold your innocence and prosecute the guilty. You surrendered to pip-squeaks and clowns. You surrendered to the professional value destroyers of the moribund Plato world. You handed over your earned power to the inquisitors and witch burners with your mea-culpa pleading for leniency.
Look how you got the worst of both worlds by that surrender: You handed a murderous judge and the dishonest media the tools to plaster you with false guilt. You let them unleash their mad-dog envy with impunity. You let them dishonestly spout non sequiturs about your "naked greed". At the same time, you threw away your strength earned by being a competitive value producer all your life. ...Who of your frothing attackers could claim to produce net, competitive values to benefit others and society? Not a single attacker could make that claim.
Aggressive Honesty
Think about this: What if instead of pleading for leniency, you stood up looking straight at your inquisitors and starkly identifying that they are the ones living through value destruction, that they are the ones guilty of criminally damaging heroic business people -- of criminally ravishing innocent value producers who always benefit others and society. Yes, by penetrating their malignant envy, your attackers and everyone else would know in their souls that your identifications were factual.
Against that kind of aggressive honesty and Neo-Tech integrations, who could attack you among those professional value destroyers? Imagine that cowardly judge trying to lecture you about naked greed after your stark, public identification of his criminal destructiveness that he and everyone else knew was factual.
Only You Had Virtue and Love
What were the only virtuous words uttered by anyone during your Roman-Circus trial? Those words were your profoundly touching admission that your whole life consisted of working with your beloved husband in business, producing and building values for others. That combination of happy romantic love with competitive value production towers as the most virtuous moral attainment for rational beings.
Will you feed all your earned values and virtues to destructive leeches who have no integrated comprehension of life, business, values, happiness, and least of all, romantic love?
Neo-Tech Will Bring Justice
Regardless, I want to assure you that our care for you, your husband, and your business remains undiminished. And the Neo-Tech Matrix will bring to justice all professional value destroyers who have so dishonestly, enviously, and criminally tried to destroy you, your husband, and the values you created. Yes, you must stand up to those criminal value destroyers in order to experience the coming justice, victory, and happiness.
A Reminder to Those Already Caught in the NEO-TECH OSTRACISM MATRIX
Master Neocheaters from Dan Rather to the Editors of Newsweek
Neo-Tech justice will also increasingly prosecute value-destroying media journalists be they (1) master-neocheaters Dan Rather, Mike Wallace, and Ted Koppel, be they (2) geek-like writers and editors for Newsweek, or be they (3) a pip-squeak "biographer" and an invidious-slob reporter from the New York Daily News grabbing unearned money and power by gleefully burning at the stake a heroic, 69-year-old businesswoman (Leona Helmsley who, instead of retiring on her earned wealth, competently and courageously kept creating, building, and producing mega values for others and society).
Neo-Tech Avenges All Injustices
Neo-Tech will relentlessly avenge all injustices no matter how enviously unpopular are the victims of those injustices. Neo-Tech will relentlessly prosecute all criminal-minded value destroyers no matter how cleverly hidden or popular are their neocheating crimes. ...Once in the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix, those value destroyers can never escape until they fully repay each victim for every harm and damage they caused.
All professional value destroyers identified in the Neo-Tech literature are now permanently locked into that Ostracism Matrix. No release from that matrix is possible until they abandon their bogus-job livelihoods to become net value producers and make full restitution to their victims...or until they commit direct or indirect suicide: An East German official committed suicide because of Neo-Tech pressure; the dictator of Romania was executed because of Neo-Tech; a white-collar-hoax banker in America tried to escape the Neo-Tech Matrix by feigning death; a white-collar-hoax president of another American bank tried to escape by requesting a one-way ticket to Clownsville. ...All professional value destroyers are trapped for life. For Neo-Tech never goes away, never retreats, always waxes stronger.
A Reminder -- No Escape from Neo-Tech
A reminder to those already in the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix: Neo-Tech never ceases. Neo-Tech always returns to bring eventual justice be it to (1) a guns-and-fists of November-3rd matón and his supervision from Goodrich to Baker, be it to (2) a sexual-assaulting INS matón and his supervision from Hendricks to Nelson, be it to (3) agents of force who personally pocketed government-seized assets and their supervision from Banbury to Gibbs...down to (4) a small-town mayor who used his tax-paid city attorney to filch $600 from a seemingly helpless woman.
Neo-Tech Never Goes Away
Neo-Tech never goes away until all bogus-job people and criminal-minded value destroyers are brought to justice through the Ostracism Matrix. Neo-Tech waits for their move -- waits for a public confrontation to launch the Seven Neo-Tech Waves.
War of Two Worlds
NEO-TECH WILL PROTECT ALL VALUE PRODUCERS by bringing to justice all professional value destroyers now in their final cannibalistic FEEDING FRENZY AGAINST INNOCENT, SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PEOPLE
Latest Victim Leona M. Helmsley -- Innocent Value Producer from New York Targeted for Witch Burning because 1. She lived passionately and successfully through integrated thinking and hard work. 2. Her entire life oriented around value-producing work and happy romantic love. |
Accomplice to Witch Burning
by the
November-3rd Hierarchy and the Dishonest Media
Neo-Tech will forever hold Federal Judge John M. Walker, Jr. responsible for cowardly passing the murder sentence dictated by a witch-burning inquisition against one of the most competent, value-producing women in America -- the innocent Leona Helmsley.
The professional value destroyers (the naked-greed-pontificating judge, the Guiliani-type prosecutors, the November-3rd hierarchy, the dishonest witch-hunting media) are all guilty of murdering heroic, innocent, value-producing individuals. But, today, every value producer can take encouragement. Increasingly, those salaried murderers are being integrated into an ever tightening Neo-Tech Matrix. Eventually, they all will answer to justice for their murdering into extinction the last of the defenseless (pre Neo-Tech) essence-moving, value-producing giants such as Leona Helmsley and Michael Milken.
The One and Only Point
Prosecution and Justice
Leona Helmsley is an honest trader of values -- an extraordinarily competent value producer for society. Her witch-burning attackers are envy-laden, dishonest users of force and deception. Being parasitical drainers of every value-producing individual and being malicious destroyers of every happy society, her attackers will be relentlessly hunted down, prosecuted, and brought to justice. They will repay all their victims...or commit suicide.
Does Neo-Tech Lead to Anarchy?
No -- just the opposite. Neo-Tech leads to business-like order and prosperity.
Neo-Tech Rhapsodizes Man:
* away from the unhappiness of neocheating anarchy
* away from the disorderly harm of bogus-job authority
* toward the happiness of integrated honesty
* toward the orderly prosperity of value-producing business.
The whim of criminal minds dictates all purposeful harm inflicted upon society. The logic of independent consumers dictates all purposeful prosperity bestowed upon society. Who are the independent consumers? They are those value producers who use the marketplace, logic, and reputation to make their own judgments about trading values with others. They make their own judgments free from the arrogated "protection" of bogus-job consumer agencies, free from the dishonest media, free from Nader-like demagogues. ...Independent consumers make their judgments free from the criminal-minded neocheaters.
Mysticism and neocheating underlie all harm inflicted upon society. By contrast, business and Neo-Tech underlie all values delivered to society.
Neo-Tech Justice
Subjected to the Neo-Tech Matrix, all professional value destroyers and their bogus-job supporters will eventually become honest, net value producers in order to repay every one of their victims in full. ...Or Neo-Tech will relentlessly ostracize them out of existence through their own self-inflicted, premature deaths and suicides. ...Already, Neo-Tech has caused the suicide of several value-destroying bureaucrats in Eastern Europe and China as the value producers learn to scorn the value destroyers out of existence.
[ 38 ]
Individuals in categories I, II, and most of III are not neocheaters. For they lack the awareness and sophistication to understand and execute neocheating maneuvers. Instead, they are merely the tools of force-backed government neocheaters. ...Categories VIII and IX consist of the most insidious, vicious neocheaters.
[ 39 ]
White-Collar-Hoax executives are identified and described both in Neo-Tech Pincer #1 (volumes I and II) and in Neo-Tech Pincer #2 (volumes I and II).
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