Directly following this historic Guns-and-Fists Newsletter issue #3-5 is a supplement document to #3-5 that includes a letter to Fred T. Goldberg, a very pointed and personal letter to "handsome caballero" Bert Goodrich, and an open letter to the then just indicted Leona Helmsley. The supplement document to #3-5 concludes with a letter to FTC official Janet Steiger over I & O's use of the notorious "Outlaw Neo-Tech" memo. The "Outlaw Neo-Tech" memo was printed "without permission" and inserted into I & O's weekly direct-mail campaign. The memo informed readers that the government had attempted to "outlaw" Neo-Tech and directed readers to contact Ms. Steiger if they had any questions about Neo-Tech. BP]
Cosmic Mind NEO-TECH Never Retreats Never Goes Away Always Moves Forward Always Waxes Stronger
Good-Bye Neocheaters
And soon, derision and suicide will be the only future
for the
as well as the |
Happiness and Love are Self-Wrought
Happiness and love are the basic emotions of all human beings. Pervasive and long-range, those emotions are entirely self-wrought. The extent a person experiences unhappiness and hatred (of life) is the extent he or she yields to value destruction in the murky, mystic-mind world of Plato. The extent a person experiences happiness and love is the extent he or she strives toward value production in the clean, cosmic-mind world of Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty).
This document and Neo-Tech releases you from Plato's 2000-year-old jail -- frees you to experience resplendent happiness and romantic love. How? By elevating your competence and self-esteem in order to cherish value-producing business, jobs, and time.
The first purpose of this document is to help you dump Plato-world mysticism -- the value-destruction disease. How? By demonstrating the advantages in sublimating yourself from a professional value destroyer to a competitive value producer.
The second purpose of this document is to help you stay out of the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix. How? By demonstrating the omnipotent dynamics of Neo-Tech. With those dynamics, we can help individuals in the following two categories escape eternal entanglement in that Ostracism Matrix:
Currently, each new commissioner has a four-digit Guns-and-Fists number (see your mailing label). That means you are not yet plugged into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix. (The Dun-and-Bradstreet function of that Matrix is explained in the attached brochure depicting Adolph Hitler with some of his value-destroying bureaucrats and commissioners.) People with four-digit numbers are either (1) net producers of competitive values for others and society, or have (2) only recently entered a destructive bureaucracy and are perhaps still unaware of the evil position or career they have assumed.
As new commissioners of destructive bureaucracies, you have been given the benefit of doubt and temporarily placed in the second four-digit category. But to quickly remove that temporary status, one way or the other, we have enclosed a prepublication review copy of Neo-Tech Pincer 2 volume I titled, "Neo-Tech Business Control". You must read the entire volume in page-by-page order to grasp the power of Neo-Tech and its spreading worldwide Matrix. But, first turn to the index and locate the references to your predecessors (e.g., James A. Baker Jr., Lawrence B. Gibbs, Alan C. Nelson, and David Ruder). Read how they were given similar opportunities to use Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) to sublimate and then restructure their destructive empires into competitive entities serving value producers and society alike.
Sadly, your predecessors remained in the moribund Plato world of mysticism, neocheating, and white-collar hoaxes. Their sold-out lives were too invested in the dishonest world of Plato. Because of their Faustian betrayals, their denial of reality was deadly. Clinging to false power and pseudo self-esteems, they denied the undeniable: They denied the arrival of the cosmic mind and its Neo-Tech business dynamics. They denied the clean, sunlit dynamics of eternal prosperity, happiness, and romantic love existing throughout the cosmos. Thus, your predecessors are now lost in their elaborate rationalizations and denials as the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix gradually encircles them. ...History will dismiss them as destructive clowns and pip-squeaks. And then they will be forgotten forever.
If, within the next several weeks, you provide sincere, positive responses to Neo-Tech, we will forward three unreleased manuals for your study.
Those three manuals, scheduled for release prior to the Seven Neo-Tech Waves, will show you, step by step, how to eliminate the destructive elements of your bureaucracy. Suddenly you can have an honest stripped-down, super-efficient, value-producing organization at which the world will marvel. Suddenly you can be a worldwide hero.
Do not ruin your future, your happiness, your name, your family, your love life. Sooner or later the Neo-Tech waves will begin rolling over the world. Recognize this opportunity before you. Recognize that you can change your life from destructive to productive. Yes, you can. Of course, you can. We will help and support you. With Neo-Tech, you and our country can only win. And the radical change from loser to winner can happen quickly. Could you ever have believed how quickly the radical changes happened in Eastern Europe? The dynamics of Neo-Tech were behind the events that are scorning the professional value destroyers out of their bogus careers, into suicides, and before firing squads.
Unless you are already a mass-murder bureaucrat such as Honecker, Ceausescu, Alia, Deng, Castro you can still escape Plato's unhappy world. Indeed, you can. You are a human being -- the same as we. Deep in your soul, you want to support value production, happiness, and love -- the same as we. You want to support life -- the same as we. ...Are those assumptions correct? If so, seize this last call for life and happiness.
And if you default? If you remain a professional value destroyer orchestrating an evil empire? You will lock yourself into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix to be forever pursued by justice. Today, your predecessors are being pursued. And they will forever be pursued in their public, business, and private lives: ex-INS Commissioner Alan C. Nelson (private-organization FAIR, Washington, DC); Ex-IRS Commissioner Lawrence B. Gibbs (Johnson & Gibbs, Washington, DC); ex-SEC Commissioner David Ruder (Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois).
Neo-Tech never goes away, never retreats, always moves forward, always waxes stronger until mysticism is eradicated and neocheaters are gone forever.
On November 2nd, value-producing alien, Rosa María Meoño visited your offices. She was accompanied by a member of the Neo-Tech Press, a Neo-Tech "lawyer", and a professional black-belt bodyguard. As demonstrated by previous visits to the INS offices, that expensive escort was necessary. Why? Because of the continued menacing presence and management support of the criminally lecherous INS matón still roaming your offices -- the same matón who sexually molested Ms. Meoño four years before.
Two years after that criminal molestation, that same lecherous matón perversely video taped his victim with the full sanction of the INS management. That sexual intimidation occurred amazingly during the May-24th revenge-seeking hearing orchestrated by your predecessor, INS Director Roy Hendricks. The hearing was designed to vindictively harm Ms. Meoño. Why? Because that Jungle Bitch had drawn the INS value destroyers into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix.
The INS is aggressively efficient at hurting and even destroying defenseless value-producing aliens. But all evil acts by the INS backfire when applied to Neo-Tech and I & O Publishing Company. For, every destructive act by the INS locks its bogus-job personnel deeper into the Neo-Tech Matrix.
Neo-Tech and I & O Publishing Company weave all evil inflictions by professional value destroyers into continually growing commercial products worldwide. Such spreading commercialism will, through the dynamics of competition, drive all professional value destroyers out of business. And losing their fake jobs will compel them to change radically -- to exert the consistent, integrated, hard-work effort required to become competitive value producers. ...But if they do not become honest value producers, the Neo-Tech Matrix will march their lives double-time toward ostracism, scorn, and eventual suicide.
As you know from our previous documents, we are different from anyone the INS has ever tried to drain, hurt, or destroy. For, we are from the cosmic-mind world. With fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), we can always integrate beyond the professional value destroyers. For they are trapped in the dishonest, narrowly integrated world of Plato's Republic. Against Neo-Tech, professional value destroyers with all their attacks, guns, fists, matones, judges, "legal" orders, prosecutors, and jails are impotent. They cannot hurt us, drain us, destroy us. To the contrary, we thrive on every malevolent act laid upon us by professional value destroyers.
Indeed, we need their malevolent acts and inflictions to build the coming Seven Neo-Tech Waves. Moreover, all such inflictions give us irreversible strength and the wider integrations needed to advance our goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating all its symbiotic neocheaters. Even your nasty, petty destructions of October 2nd harmonize into the Neo-Tech dynamics of collapsing mysticism and eliminating its neocheaters.[ 40 ] Consider what happened on that day of October 2nd:
On October 2nd, an unhappy sour-faced woman lethargically opened the INS office doors twenty minutes late. When several energetic Asian value producers complained about their valuable time being wasted, the wretched women let out a bovine moan. That INS woman then responded to the effect that she did not give a hoot about their time. She also implied they had better damn well show respect or the INS would squash their lives.
The events of that October 2nd were recorded on tape and on paper by Ms. Meoño and her three protective escorts. They were made to wait two hours in the INS offices, plus an hour travel time to and from the INS. That equaled twelve precious hours of four value producers destroyed by the INS. Multiply that time destruction, the most valuable commodity of human life, by the countless innocent value-producing aliens forced everyday into hundreds of similar offices across the country and around the world. Think of the human life wasted, destroyed every day by the INS. And for what purpose is all that life-wasting activity? For one purpose only -- to support the bogus livelihoods of that lethargic sour-faced woman, you, and the entire hierarchy of destructive INS bureaucrats.
In addition, something personally nasty pervades your actions: Nine months ago, you began bureaucratically consuming Ms. Meoño's irreplaceable time: You began forcing her to increasingly seek INS permission to produce values for others and society. Imagine that...the professional value destroyers of the INS creating bogus jobs by using guns, matones, jails, and racism to force innocent hard-working people into consuming their precious lives on begging permission to produce values for others and society.
What possible reason could exist for using racism to waste the lives and time of value producers? One reason only exists -- to expand bogus-job livelihoods within a value-destroying empire dubbed the INS. And how do you, Mr. Strapp, do your job? How do you as director of the local INS justify your livelihood? The only way to protect your job and expand your power is to increase your gun-backed control over the lives of alien value producers. And within the INS, the mechanism to control value producers is through the destruction of careers, life, and time by using the tool of racism.
Consider your most recent tactics against Rosa María Meoño: After I & O Publishing Company revealed the bizarre May-24th INS setup by your predecessor, you implemented the following tactics. First, for no rational reason except punishment and false power, you validated Ms. Meoño's passport for only six months. Then on her subsequent visit to your offices, you subjected Ms. Meoño to a mounting waste of irreplaceable time. Next, with what seemed like sadistic glee, you validated her passport for only ninety days. With that needlessly nasty act, you guaranteed even more destructive control over Ms. Meoño's time and life.
Indeed, on her next forced visit to the INS, you emerged from a doorway and began moving around the back recesses of your offices. Why? Just like your cohorts on the floor above,[ 41 ] you spied on Ms. Meoño and her protective escort rather than face them. But, you were not hidden from our Neo-Tech reporter. He noted you as the potbellied man observing Ms. Meoño as she learned that you had now cut her work validation to fifty-eight days.
Ms. Meoño then asked to see you in person. She wanted you to explain such vandalism of irreplaceable time. Could there be any reason for such senseless destruction of time aimed at an honest, hard-working value producer?
The arrogant reply came from behind your closed office door: "Mr. Strapp has no time for you." That reply came right after you had loitered around the back walls furtively observing Ms. Meoño. Yes, your hypocritical reply of "no time" came immediately after you had wasted many hours of precious life and time of Ms. Meoño and her protective escort.
Dé jà vu? That scenario should sound familiar. For it is a replay of the arrogant destruction of life and time by your predecessor, INS Director Roy Hendricks now lounging in Hawaii. To quote from Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #6 dated eighteen months ago:
Ms. Meoño asked to face the person who only moments before denied her the most basic of all moral rights -- the right to support one's own self and family by producing values for others. ...She was informed that Director Hendricks had left for the day.The scenarios of you and Mr. Hendricks have the same essence -- the essence of draining, hurting, destroying innocent value producers through naked racism. Why? The answer is to protect and expand your bogus livelihoods and to feel false power, importance, and control over the lives of hard-working value producers.The INS Director's schedule for that day: Arrive at 11AM, immediately leave for a three-hour lunch, return for several minutes to cripple the supreme effort of producing values for 240-million Hispanic people worldwide, and then elope into a spring-like Friday afternoon.
Yes, that INS Director arrived two hours late for Ms. Meoño's appointment. Without attending her, he took nearly three hours for lunch. And then, on returning, he took four seconds to scrawl -- `Denied' -- across Ms. Meoño's work petition. Mr. Hendricks then immediately left for the day. Yes, that Friday afternoon was warm and sunny -- ideal for golf, drinking, or sexual escapades in the legal brothels of Nevada.
Today, many people identify that government-caused inflation drains everyone's wealth and prosperity. Soon, through Neo-Tech, everyone will identify that government-caused time destruction drains everyone's life and happiness. The INS and its personnel use direct and indirect destructions of time to support and expand their bogus livelihoods. ...One can replace government-destroyed tangible values. But who can replace government-destroyed life and time?
Consider the mountains of worthless paperwork and wasted time the INS eagerly, easily, expertly generated through just one lone "client", Ms. Meoño. And those mountains of worthless paperwork, bulging files, and make-work time were generated just by her single, simple request over four years ago for "permission" to produce values for others and society. Multiply that make-work/time-waste harassment by the millions of aliens forced to shuffle repeatedly, endlessly, purposelessly in and out of the INS offices. All that destructive waste for nothing? No, sir. All that waste is crucial for sustaining and expanding the bogus careers of INS bureaucrats.
Indeed, that insanely destructive make-work/time-waste action is the formula required to justify and swell the INS empire. But, take note: Through the dynamics of Neo-Tech, Eastern European countries are suddenly, rapidly dumping large segments of their INS-like bureaucracies as destructive and bogus. ...And soon, the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will begin the demise of the INS in America.
What an unhappy, worthless way to consume one's life. Imagine wasting one's own life on destroying the lives, time, and value production of others -- be it through racist Himmler-like tactics of Hendricks or through racist Göring-like tactics of Strapp. The racist Himmler-like tactics were detailed in Guns-and-Fists Newsletters, volume 1, number 6 and volume 1, number 10. But racist Göring-like tactics? What does that mean? From what common soul do such tactics arise?
The most disgusting form of mysticism is racism. And the entire essence and existence of the INS arise from Himmler/Göring racism. In a mystic-free, racist-free society, the only evaluation standard for any individual is his or her self-made character and achievements. And the only moral judgment that can be made about any individual involves the one and only moral point about every individual: Has that person made himself or herself a net value producer for others and society (or learning to be one), or has that person made himself or herself a net value destroyer for others and society? Yet, the entire existence of the INS depends on using force backed by guns, jails, and deportations to drain, harm, or destroy individuals and families solely because of nationality and race. ...Racism (be it exercised by an arrogant INS agent, a clownish Jesse Jackson, or a goofy skinhead) is nothing more than blatantly dishonest mysticism. And mysticism is a disease that eventually destroys all values, including life and happiness.
The only just and rational form of discrimination evolves from the question: Has that particular individual made himself or herself a net value producer or a net value destroyer? Then, on obtaining the answer to that question, one must discriminate for justice sake by protecting the value producer and ostracizing the value destroyer.
But the INS empire purposely and destructively reverses justice and reality. They harm the value producer while protecting the value destroyer. Indeed, the entire essence and existence of the INS evolve from the destructive discrimination toward foreigners based solely on nationality and race. Such discrimination is pure racism -- the same as murderous Himmler/Göring racism.
Equivalent to racism is the harming of individuals because of their natural characteristics or afflictions over which they have no choice or control. For example, harming anyone on the basis of no-choice physical features (e.g., handicaps, deformities, shortness, tallness, speech or hearing impediments, even no-fault mental deficiencies) would be as mystical and immoral as harming anyone on the basis of no-choice situations (e.g., race or nationality). Similarly to claim unearned "superiority" over others based on no-choice matters as family lineage, race, or nationality (e.g., the Himmler/Göring Master Race) is just as false, irrational, and stupid.
What causes a person to so irrationally decay from an innocent child into a destructive adult? What causes a person to destroy his or her life and happiness by using racism to ravage the lives of innocent people, sometimes by the thousands as in the case of the Hendricks and Strapps or by the millions as in the case of the Himmlers and Görings?
Now, physical characteristics over which one does have full control can and should be admired or scorned, according to the value or destructiveness generated by that characteristic. For example, physical fitness reflects a respect for self and others, a valuing of life, rationality, self-discipline, self-responsibility, integrated thought, and consistent effort. Thus, self-created physical fitness can be admired. By contrast, self-caused fatness or obesity reflects a disrespect for self and others, a disvaluing of life, irrationality, lack of discipline, irresponsibility, nonintegrated thought, and habitual laziness. Thus, self-inflicted fatness or obesity can be scorned.
How could human beings intentionally ruin their one-and-only precious lives by feeding off bogus, destructive empires such as the INS? How does the fattening of Hermann Göring and Arthur Strapp answer that question?
Understanding the nature of self-caused conditions answers the above question about the racist destructiveness of the Görings and Strapps. For example, the Time-Life series about Naziism identifies the transmogrification of Göring from a handsome, World War I flying ace to a grotesque, World War II murderous racist. That hideous change was self-determined by his own choice to pursue a self-destructive, unearned route to pseudo self-esteem, false power, and a bogus livelihood. Göring's transmogrification of his mind and actions coincided with the fattening of his body -- with the self-hating mutilation of his body.
What causes volitional self-mutilation? A surrendering of self-discipline and integrated thinking to mysticism -- a surrendering to drug-like carbohydrate gorging. Such self-mutilation arising from a self-disrespect leads to an undisciplined, incompetent life. In turn, such unhappy, out-of-control incompetence leads to a mounting resentment and destructive envy toward in-control value producers, be they business-minded Jews in Nazi Germany or hard-working aliens in INS America. And finally, mounting self-mutilation combined with bogus livelihoods lead to increasing viciousness, ranging from a Director in a racist mass-murder Nazi regime to a Director in a racist mass-destruction INS bureaucracy.
Murder is irredeemable. Premeditating murderers must answer to their crimes either by due-process legal execution or by eventual living-hell suicide. Göring was a mass murderer. Redemption was forever impossible. Thus, his fate was determined by his crimes -- a life of lonely misery and unhappiness terminating in suicide by self-poisoning on the day he was to be executed in Spandau.
But, Mr. Strapp: Unlike Göring, assuming you have not yet committed premeditated murder (e.g., by purposely deporting aliens to their certain death in order to feel some fake power or self-importance), you have, perhaps for the first time, a chance to escape your destructive life, your slow-death suicide. ...How can you escape to discover life and happiness? You can escape through Neo-Tech.
First, you must know that this document is not meant to hurt you or anyone. As Neo-Tech value producers, we can offer only happiness, values, and life to you, others, and society. As physicians, our sole goal and interest is to cure mankind's most terrible scourge -- the Plato-world disease of mysticism, the death disease promoted by neocheaters, the mind-disintegration disease that drains all values, happiness, and eventually life itself.
This document along with all our literature is designed to take value producers out of the unhappy, collapsing world of Plato nothingness (mind-disintegrated mysticism) and into the growing happy world of Neo-Tech everythingness (fully integrated honesty). ...Neo-Tech delivers the mystic-free, cosmic-mind world of competitive value production, happiness, and romantic love.
Mr. Strapp, you are a human being like us. And as all human beings, an innocent child of the past is buried deep within your heart, body, and soul. Pure and untouched by the dishonesties and corruptions of mysticism, that child sees all life stretching into endless horizons. That long-forgotten child still holds the promise of life -- unending values, accomplishments, happiness, love. Yes, as with everyone, that child is a part of you. And you are a part of that child. Listen and you will hear that long forgotten child crying out for you -- the real you, the honest you now being ravaged by mysticism, the disease of dishonesty and death. ...Neo-Tech stops the funeral. Neo-Tech forever eradicates mysticism. Neo-Tech cures the disease of death.
Yes, we care about your life. Yes, we can help you. But first you must help yourself. You must first be honest -- in an integrated manner. Start by looking at yourself in a mirror. Look long and hard. See the reflection of your destructive and bogus livelihood. See what is happening to your face, your body, your life. Now, for the first time, act with full honesty and courage: Quit your bogus job, leave that evil empire. Then, with Neo-Tech, we can and will help you. ...Neo-Tech will no longer be your nemesis, but rather Neo-Tech will become your best friend.
No professional value destroyer can buy our literature or products at any price...unless that person quits his or her destructive livelihood and makes a consistent effort to become a competitive value producer. At that point, we can and will help that person rescue the innocent child of the past. How? By helping that person become a competitive value producer. And, thus, we help that person find the promise of life lost so many years ago.
So come, Mr. Strapp, we are with your child of the past. Dump that evil job. Neo-Tech can transform you into a happy, hard-working, competitive value producer. Neo-Tech will even burn off that potbelly completely, quickly in delivering both physical and mental health. And then you can discover the grandest reward of life -- romantic love. For, romantic love arises from being a competent, happy producer of values for others and society.
Mr. Strapp, make that decision to live. Write or call Barbie Diamond (1-702-798-4451). She and I & O Publishing Company will loyally stand beside you while helping you discover life, happiness, and romantic love. Neo-Tech can be your friend and ally forever.
CALCULATED HYSTERIA: THE WAR ON DRUGS by Jarret B. Wollstein (Reprinted with permission of SIL and the author. Neither the author nor SIL are associated with I & O Publishing or Neo-Tech in any way.) |
The images are real and reminiscent of Nazi Germany:
According to the government's own figures, at least 25% of all Americans now use some illegal substance on a regular basis. And over 80% of Americans have at least tried an illegal substance. The War on Drugs is a war by the government, against the American people.
Our right to privacy is being destroyed by growing government and corporate drug testing; by the destruction of bank secrecy in the name of catching drug dealers; and by the virtually unlimited rights of government agents to search houses and cars, schools and offices, without warrants or probable cause.
Our right to trial by jury and the presumption of innocence, are being destroyed by the growing trend to seize assets before any crime has been proven and to punish the accused without trial by calling penalties "civil" rather than "criminal".
Most of all, our right to liberty is being destroyed by a government which believes it has the authority to spy on us, reprogram us in psychiatric hospitals, and imprison us, if we refuse to conform.
The crimes against liberty now being committed by our "duly elected" representatives almost defy belief. Consider some examples:
In Nazi Germany, the public was convinced by the government that Jews were the cause of most of the evil in the world; an alien, sub-human race, who were enemies of everything good and decent. For Germany to regain its greatness, the evil Jews had to be destroyed. That was the Big Lie.
Once the German people were convinced of this lie, it was easy to unite them in a campaign of calculated hysteria to root out and destroy the evil, sub-human Jews. Government had to be given the power to do whatever was necessary to destroy this scourge from within. Democracy and due process were unnecessary luxuries, easily discarded in the state's "noble crusade".
Similarly, Americans are now told that drug users are crazed sub-humans, endangering society with their filthy habits. Who cares if the police violate some unimportant rights or occasionally break down the wrong door? If we are to win the drug war, we must abandon the suffocating legal niceties of the past.
In Nazi Germany, a Jew did not have to commit any crime to be regarded as an enemy of society. Simply being a Jew was enough to deprive him of all liberty, property, and ultimately of life itself. And anyone might be a Jew. In America today, one doesn't have to demonstrate that a drug user has harmed anyone else or even that he has harmed himself to be fired from his job, have his car confiscated, or to be imprisoned. And anyone might be a drug user.
The persecution of drug users is logically absurd. After all, the supposed evil the drug user commits is harming himself. A person who harms himself deserves compassion and help, not harassment and punishment.
Also, contrary to federal drug propaganda, most drug users are not crazed "addicts" but casual users; normal, healthy people who simply prefer illegal intoxicants like marijuana and cocaine, to legal intoxicants like tobacco and alcohol. The Surgeon General's own figures show that thousands of times more people are physically debilitated or die from smoking or drinking than all drug users combined. But logic has long been forgotten in the current deluge of drug hysteria. Federal and state legislators are competing to see who can impose the most draconian penalties, and the Bill of Rights be damned.
Just as the Nazis orchestrated hatred against Jews to rationalize brutality and the abandonment of all civilized law and behavior, today our government is orchestrating hatred of drug users and sellers to rationalize brutality and the destruction of our liberty. The Nazis transformed their police into murderous brown shirts and SS troopers. We are transforming our police into paramilitary SWAT teams and DEA strike forces.
Finally, the Nazi's internal war against Jews was a springboard for their war against the rest of humanity. Today, our government's war against domestic drug users is gradually being transformed into an international crusade against drug exporting nations and uncooperative foreign governments. In a world where superpower brinkmanship has become too dangerous, a holy crusade against sub-human deviates is a convenient justification for mass hysteria, confiscatory taxation, and the omnipotent state.
The legal precedents established by the War on Drugs give the government the legal power to ruin any career, confiscate any property, and imprison any person. We are now witnessing nothing less that the inception of a full-fledged American police state; government unrestrained by law, decency, or any concern whatsoever for individual rights.
The war against drug users is only a first step. The same laws which permit the confiscation of the assets and liberty of drug nonconformists today, establish the legal precedent for the suppression and imprisonment of political nonconformists tomorrow.
If the precedents established by the War on Drugs are allowed to stand, it will mean nothing less than the end of liberty in America. We have very little time left.
Liberty is both moral and practical, but it can never be taken for granted. As the War on Drugs is proving anew, liberty can only be preserved if free men and women have the courage and strength to oppose tyranny. While America slept, a nightmare state spread across the land.
Bush, Deng, Ceausescu: Soul Mates?
Why has President Bush's reaction to the escalating Dump-the-Neocheaters movements in China and Eastern Europe been cool, unenthusiastic, even sullen? Beneath his perfunctory words about freedom, why did he appear to tacitly support Deng and oppose the fall of the Berlin Wall? The answer is: Bush fears the dynamics of that spreading anti-neocheating movement. ...He fears the same Neo-Tech dynamics will eventually dump all neocheaters in America.
Given similar events, guns, and power, would Bush be as murderous as Deng and Ceausescu toward those destined to end his power? The only difference among those who kill for power is the cleverness of their ploys. Bush hides behind his bloody war-on-drugs ploy. Indeed, the evil of that drug ploy is more hidden, more clever, more moral sounding than Deng's and Ceausescu's ploys. Yet, the drug ploy provides the same mechanisms for usurping power by abrogating individual rights. At the same time, the drug ploy provides the same mechanisms to directly or indirectly kill more and more people, be it in America, Columbia, Panama, or elsewhere.[ 42 ] Moreover, Bush's invade-and-kill actions openly invite his Soviet and Chinese counterparts to return to their Stalinist invade-and-kill policies when needed to hold their false power.
Could Bush, Deng, and Ceausescu be soul mates? Indeed, Bush does not yet have the power for mass killing within his own country. Nor is he yet threatened with being dumped from power. Yet, Bush has demonstrated his capacity to kill solely for his power and feelings -- for his image and glory. He has already killed five-hundred innocent Panamanian civilians using his contrived drug-war ploy. That ploy cost "only" one dead marine. But once the killing started, Bush needed only to escalate the violence. And, indeed, he did seize that opportunity. Bush escalated the killing, quickly and eagerly. ...He then went to Texas for a hunting vacation.[ 43 ]
Why did Bush kill innocent people? He killed for one basic reason -- to assuage his own personal feelings. He did not like being called a wimp. So he set up a "surgical strike" -- a macho drug-war invasion using an alleged money launderer[ 44 ] as his rationalization, killed a few hundred Panamanian civilians and a couple dozen American soldiers. Then Bush arrogantly announced that the Americans killed were "worth it".
After invading Panama with guns ablaze, no one is going to call George Bush a wimp. No sir, so he wistfully thought. ...The dead civilians were sacrificial fodder for Bush's personal feelings. Hell, those five-hundred dead civilians were not even worth mentioning by the man responsible for killing them.
Indeed, "legally" killing people with impunity is the ultimate high for professional value destroyers -- the ultimate power trip. That killing of innocent people to a cheering congress and media helps Bush temporarily feel more powerful, more macho-like. And does he wonder if more abrogation of rights, more usurpations of power, more killings in the name of his insane drug wars will further increase his glory, his erections, his self-esteem?
Yet, justice awaits those professional value destroyers who have committed murder. Within the spreading dynamics of Neo-Tech, one of two routes await such people: (1) due-process legal execution or (2) a living-hell ostracism leading to suicide.
Do not be misled by George Bush's seemingly benevolent words or kind countenance. The contrived drug-war ploy is his personal instrument of power. And, as overtly demonstrated in Panama, Bush has already killed for personal feelings and glory. ...What will stop those drug-war killings? Neo-Tech will stop them. How?
[ 40 ] See Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #1-10 for details about the dynamics that will lead to the self-destruction of the entire bogus-job INS empire. Those dynamics will also hunt down and prosecute all professional value destroyers and salaried murderers -- active or retired -- until they repay their victims or commit suicide.
[ 41 ] November-3rd manager, Gary Rogers, used the same spying techniques as described on pages 231 - 237 in Neo-Tech Cosmic Power, Pincer Movement #1, volume I.
[ 42 ] Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #1, volume II, page 165 identifies the mass-murderer potential within all professional value destroyers from Beijing to small-town America.
[ 43 ] Disrespect for life by killers is reflected in many ways. For example, most of the politicians who kill innocent people for power also kill innocent birds and animals for sport. Avid hunters replete with hunting lodges included Honecker, Castro, Ceausescu, Stalin, Hitler, Bush.
[ 44 ] The capturing of Noriega was not to bring a murdering tyrant to justice. If so, Bush would have gone after Castro and Ortega first. Instead, Bush "got" Noriega to (1) justify Bush's invasion killings, (2) make Bush's image more manly, more "strong", (3) expand Bush's irrational, power-usurping drug wars.
4Previous published Guns-and-Fists documents demonstrated why the legalization of drugs would quickly eliminate the government-created drug problem, the DEA, and the drug czar.
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