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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

in the Congress,
News Media, and Government Bureaucracies
Survive in their Bogus Livelihoods

Vengeful Hypocrite -- Come, attack Neo-Tech again!
Or use Neo-Tech to become a happy hero in history

All Bogus Livelihoods are Doomed
when the
Commercial Neo-Tech Laugh Boxes Arise
Competitive Use and Public Entertainment


Cure the Disease of Mysticism
Forever Eliminate its Professional Value Destroyers

The First Neo-Tech Wave Was Launched
Saturday, November 3, 1990
and will reach Alaska and Hawaii
Friday, December 17, 1990

Ten days after the violent attacks of November 3, 1986 on the writers and editors of I & O Publishing Company, the first Neo-Tech Document was released. That historic document was sent to the original cabal of two-dozen armed agents and their management in the November 3rd hierarchy[ 80 ]. That document forecast how seven Neo-Tech waves would evolve from those violent attacks. That document further forecast how those seven waves would eventually eliminate all professional value destroyers from government and business bureaucracies around the world. Those forecasts are now materializing.

That initial document also identified why November 3, 1986 marked the watershed event of civilization. For on that day, the cure for the 3000-year-old disease of mysticism began. Curing mysticism will let conscious man evolve into mystic-free, neothink man. The neothink man gains genuine power, prosperity, happiness, and romantic love through the unlimited advantages of a mystic-free mind--a brain free of mind-created "realities". For, any mind-created "reality" always blocks the capacity for integrated thinking. ...Indeed, that fully integrating neothink mind is the powerful, mystic-free (disease-free) mind available to every human being.

Goodbye Neocheaters

When the disease of mysticism is cured and all its manipulated mind-created "realities" vanish, professional value destroyers and their neocheating manipulators will also vanish. All their crimes, wars, pillagings, and destructions will vanish forever -- quickly forgotten as a diseased and meaningless period of history. Conscious man will finally be free from the disastrous mind-created "realities" of mysticism. Through healthy, competitive, mystic-free minds, the lives of honest people will grow forever in knowledge, prosperity, and romantic love. By contrast, dishonest people clinging to their diseased, mystic-plagued minds will become increasingly uncompetitive and pass into extinction.

Everyone Will Immediately Identify the First Neo-Tech Wave

The seven Neo-Tech waves will bring the demise of all professional value destroyers. Still each doomed value destroyer, despite his or her harm to others and society, represents a persona tragedy. No, we are not interested in hurting anyone. We are interested in helping everyone How? By healing everyone's mind from the ravages of mysticism. As always expressed in our literature, we stand ready to help any professional value destroyer become a competitive value producer. That person can then pay restitution to his or her victims and experience a future of genuine prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. ...For, conscious life is meant to be honest, prosperous, happy -- the natural condition of every human being. Anything else is tragic, unnatural, unnecessary.

On initial contact with this wave, each person on the November-3rd mailing list will immediately know that the first Neo-Tech wave has arrived in America. No one will need an explanation or notice from us or anyone else. For, everyone will recognize that the permanent cure for mysticism is irreversibly underway. Everyone will know that each professional value destroyer must begin converting to a competitive value producer or perish forever.

When will each person encounter the first Neo-Tech wave? Those who received permission to subscribe to the "Politicians-on-Trial Newsletter" last July are receiving the first-wave packages now. All others will encounter the first Neo-Tech wave not through us, but through third party sources. Some people will encounter the wave in a few weeks, other people perhaps in two or three months. But all will encounter the Neo-Tech wave through the general public as that first wave reaches California and moves eastward. And as each person encounters that first wave he or she will know that the irreversible washing away of mysticism and its professional value destroyers has begun.

Justice Through the Heart and Soul

Quite appropriate to this the grandest of all November-3rd celebrations is a translated chapter from a forthcoming Spanish book titled Relaciones Romántico Sexuales by Cristina DeMayorga. That book is part of the international Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #4. The Spanish edition of that book is scheduled for publication in late 1991. The English translation will be available in late 1992. This preview excerpt is particularly appropriate since that original November-3rd document four years ago predicted that the international pincer movements of Neo-Tech would someday bring worldwide justice. And how would those pincer movements bring that justice? By burning holes through the hearts and souls of professional value destroyers -- until they either perished or became competitive value producers and paid restitution to their victims.


Are You a Man?
Or Are You an Authentic Man?
...Let Me Tell You the Difference

Cristina DeMayorga
(Translation from the Spanish Edition of Neo-Tech Pincer IV titled,
Relaciones Romántico Sexuales))

Below is a chapter translated from a new Spanish manuscript about competitive value production and romantic love. That manuscript reveals for the first time to women of this world who is an authentic man and who only looks like a man. To be published in Spanish in late 1991 (late 1992 for English, French, and German translations), this book will help millions of women avoid the unhappiness and wasted years of being romantically involved with or married to those who only look like men. This book shows how to spot artificial men ahead of time, how to avoid them, how to get rid of them. This book was also written to show authentic men their real power and how to use that power benevolently and romantically. And finally, this book reveals how men become authentic. For, only authentic men can have and hold exciting women of value.

The following chapter was translated from Spanish into English and presented below as relevant to certain American men: relevant to immature, incompetent men who are destructive to society; relevant to armed bureaucrats and their managers who attack innocent people and their businesses; relevant to men who will be ostracized from society by the Neo-Tech Matrix.

Translated from Chapter Seven

Attention American men: Are you a man who is masculine? Or are you a man who thinks you are masculine?

A man is born a man. Therefore, he is called man. Thus, you may say, this has nothing to do with me! If this is your case, pay attention. Because you are cheating yourself. For, without understanding my point, you will never know the excitement and happiness of romantically experiencing a value-oriented woman. ...What does a value-oriented woman do for an authentic man? She brings that man out so he can feel his tremendous power -- power that never needs force. The authentic man has real power that never needs guns-and-fists backing, directly or indirectly.

This chapter illustrates nonauthentic men in American bureaucracies who depend on guns and fists to survive. This chapter identifies the nature of each harmful American who directly or indirectly needs armed agents of force to support his livelihood.

I am not talking about armed policemen or soldiers. They provide brave and needed services to society. I am talking about armed bureaucrats. I am also talking about each person who directly or indirectly depends on the collective threats and intimidations of armed bureaucrats to build a harmful career. ...Does your job depend on physical threats of guns, fists, and jails? Do you need the smiles and support of gun-backed cohorts to feel confident -- to feel power?

If so, do you think you can sexually please a woman seeking genuine values in a man? Do you think you can be her authentic man when the bedroom door closes and the lights dim? No armed buddies of force-backed systems will be there to smile at you or support you. Has your lack of confidence gone that far? Think when you are in a closed room with a lady. Do you feel the need for your armed buddies hiding in the closet ready to defend you just in case that lady becomes a little aggressive. I do not mean sexually aggressive. I mean being aggressive because she did not like your absence of values or sexual performance.

If so, any woman looking for values in a man will not see an "attractive man" in you. Instead, she sees the politician, the senator, the bureaucrat, the federal agent. As long as she sees you as a public official who depends on gun-backed power rather than an authentic man with genuine power, you can never have a sincere, loving, value-oriented woman in your bed.

But, you can have a scheming woman in your bed. For, the scheming woman sees only the public position that you hold. She accepts that situation for her convenience. That situation remains silent between the two of you. Because neither can tell the other the real reason you are together. You cannot let each other or anyone else know. But ironically everyone knows. Because that situation is obvious. That is why with enough money you can be with a different scheming woman each night.

All those scheming women keep their mouths shut because they are all the same kind of people Those women do not talk about the sham of their relationships with destructive public officials, armed government bureaucrats, or other such non authentic men. They do not talk about the nonperformance in bed. But the empty sadness and hard bitterness of those relationships is obvious.


Man generically speaking is not an authentic man just because he was born with masculine sex. The authentic man manifests himself by his bravery. And bravery is demonstrated by the genuine man acting alone. That man makes himself responsible and is honest in his labor. ...That genuine man safeguards himself with actions based on responsibility and honesty.

How the Authentic Man Differs From You

The authentic man does not need support or reassuring looks from cohorts. He does not need the direct or indirect backing of threats, force, or guns to do his job. He does not need to harm or destroy other people and their property.

That authentic man will confront you. In fact, he is the only one who will confront your entire organization. He is an authentic man not only in public but in private too. No one will question that man's courage in public. For he will confront all destructive people and organizations that come at him, no matter where and how they come. And in private, that man will display his masculine virility -- the one characteristic that all normal women admire and desire in a man. ...That man is the authentic man. Authenticity gives him the power to confront face to face not only all his enemies, but all the enemies of his country and our world. And that same authenticity gives him the power to satisfy his woman.


You are bodyguards to one another. You are sissies unable to stand alone -- unable to competitively produce values desired by others. For you belong to the same conglomerate of public weaklings needing government licenses and facilities to support destructive attacks or innocent, productive people. Those government facilities you use to attack others are paid for by your victims -- the competitive value producers. Yes, you always must move in groups of armed cohorts to protect your destructive livelihoods. You act by force using your fists to hit people, using your weapons to scare people, using your pseudo power to ruin people.

Your position depends on behaving like unmanly bullies with licenses to hurt and destroy people and businesses. You come armed because you know whenever you come to destroy someone's life or business, that person has the right to defend himself, his family, his property his business from your attack. Some of you have 20 years experience in attacking and hurting others. After so many years of harming others and society, you lose all good feelings and loving values. As a professional value destroyer, you harm people wherever you go. Thus, you also destroy yourself. For, you have nothing valuable or agreeable to share with your woman, family or anyone else.

Your Daily Gift as a Value Destroyer to Your Family

What can you tell your family when you come home after a 12-hour day of destructive activities with fifteen of your cohorts? What do you tell your wife and children about ruining the valuable business of a happy company? As a person who is paid to harm people and their production of values, what can you say to your wife and children? You can rub your hands with satisfaction in performing your duties of damage. But you know and I know that this is not a good lesson for your children, especially the little ones who ask all kinds of question, because they see an idol in their father. But that idol is the monster. That idol is one who kicks people and destroys private property earned by others. The following day you hit you' next victim in your chain of destruction. That makes you an undesirable person for this world, and even undesirable for your own family.

Can you imagine what you do to the psychology and emotional stability of your children-- the love and respect they want to have for you?

What if someone with a video camera taped your day's work -- taped you kicking, hitting with your fists, or perhaps pointing your gun to kill the defenseless value producer on his own property? Can you imagine showing that video to your youngest child? What confusion to the child! ...What do you think that child would say or ask you? And worse! How would you answer your child? Children like to identify themselves with the strong, good guy in a movie. And they expect their father to be like the strong, good guy. But you are the weak, bad guy. With your salary-murder profession, you do not project anything good for you, your children your wife, or anyone else.


Generically, the value-oriented woman sees the male figure as the most magnificent figure of the universe. The aesthetic masculine beauty is something we all must know and appreciate. But for that extraordinary being to be a genuine man, he must take care of his own authenticity in all his characteristics. Daily, he must confront life with consistent effort and responsibility to others and society, led by his own rational courage.

Masculine beauty expressed through responsibility and strength attracts all women. And rational value-oriented women explicitly seek such masculine beauty. But, that beauty, responsibility and strength exists only in value producers. ...The authentic man is masculine and strong. The authentic man is beautiful.

The Authentic Man Realizes His Goals

The authentic man achieves his goals because he honestly projects himself with physical mental, and emotional energy to produce competitive values for others and society.

Tyrants with guns can take from the authentic man all his material property, but not his innocent, free mind. No one can stop his real power and strength. And that genuine man preserves his sexual potency forever. For he continues to give material fruits and human values to the world...and to his woman.

The Authentic Man Delivers All Vital Benefits to Society

With his fully integrated honesty, the authentic man shows who has the real power as he diligently keeps his mind focused on competitive value production. The authentic man is a very important figure to society. For the seed of all value production depends on him. And value oriented women of all nationalities must never mix their bodies or souls with destructive, nonauthentic men such as the armed agents of force infecting American bureaucracies.

The Third Eye

The next chapter shows how every woman can discover her third eye to quickly see and distinguish authentic men from those who think they are men.

When everyone knows
When you can no longer have the love of a woman
Where can you turn for help?
The Neo-Tech Center--Spanish Branch
Cristina DeMayorga
(702) 293-7813


[The 4000-year history of the Jews projected through the master work of Paul Johnson, The History of the Jews; 583 pages, Harper and Row, New York (1987) provided research information and data for the following article.]

Protection from a Horrible Future

Only Neo-Tech will prevent new pogroms against the Jews from arising worldwide. Only Neo-Tech can totally and permanently protect Jews and other competitive value producers from false blame for economic disasters and Mideast wars. Only Neo-Tech can protect Jews from envious hatred and malicious destruction whipped by "populist" and Hitler-like demagogues. Those demagogues will arrive as new, fast-rising politicians gaining power by using currently in-place bureaucracies staffed with armed agents of force, powered by Gestapo-style "Swat Teams", and supported by arbitrary laws that increasingly criminalize noncrimes. ...Those same arbitrary law. are being used in America to increasingly criminalize competitive value production by hones individuals and businesses.

All such in-place systems of destruction will conveniently be redirected to persecute and eventually liquidate the Jews and their businesses, starting with the most competitive, super competent Milken-type or Helmsley-type value Producers.

Envious Attacks on Competitive Value Producers

The Jews always achieved competitive advantages in value production over others. On a per capita basis, the Jews delivered much greater genuine, competitive values to others and society -- much greater values than all other people. In general, Jews achieved consistent advantage. in competitive value production by yielding to fewer irrational mystical beliefs, fewer stupefying mind-created "realities", fewer integration blockers. ...The Jews were more earth-bound, life-oriented, business-minded.

Germany in the 1930s, America in the 1990s

The twenty centuries of persecutions, pogroms, and periodic mass liquidation of the Jews all evolved from envious, mystical insanities. Those value-inverting, mystical insanities resulted in the Jews being constantly attacked for the competitive values and advantages they delivered to their victimizers.

And only three score years ago, with stunning rapidity, the seemingly safeguarded and protected Jews fell from prominent positions of value, power, respect, and culture in the highly civilized prosperous Weimer Germany of the late 1920s. They fell into the mass-murder Holocaust in Hitler's Nazi Germany of the late 1930s to the mid 1940s. Contrary to popular belief, the mass murder of Jews in Nazi Germany was made possible not by rampaging mobs, not by the Brownshirts, or not even by the SS troops, but by the systematic building of bureaucracies based on arbitrary laws that increasingly criminalized social and business activities. Those bureaucracies then expanded their destructive powers through parasitical jobs, armed agents of force, and professional value destroyers. ...Today, those exact same bureaucratic structures of criminalization, cruelty, and parasitism are being built today in America.

Once Again, the Jews Will be Falsely Blamed

The coming economic disasters and America's involvement in Mideast wars will be mystically blamed on the Jews. To the shock of almost everyone, that blame will rapidly intensify into public animosity, turning to hatred, and then to ferocity. Despite all the seeming safeguards and protections today, a totally unexpected and stunningly rapid escalation of cruel, violent anti-Semitism will occur in America during the 1990s -- as happened in Germany during the 1930s.

Today, in America, destructive bureaucratic and legal systems that increasingly criminalize victimless "crimes", noncrimes, and honest business activities are already established. And those violent bureaucratic and legal systems are exactly what will facilitate the economic and physical destruction of Jews in America.

Neo-Tech Will Forever Protect the Jews
All Other Competitive Value Producers

But, that coming disaster for the Jews will not occur -- and will never again occur. For the Jews and other competitive value-and-job producers have for the first time in history the tools of Neo-Tech. And those tools will cure the 3000-year-old disease of mysticism -- the cause of all intentional value destruction. Thus, curing mysticism will halt and forever eliminate the crimes of destructive bureaucrats, demagogic politicians, armed agents of force, business-destroying judges, giuliani-type prosecutors, and all other professional value destroyers. ...Those are the people who with manipulated public acceptance would carry out the persecution and eventual liquidation of the Jews. But those are the people who will be publicly ostracized and then driven from existence forever by Neo-Tech.

Never Again

After three millennia, Neo-Tech has finally arrived to permanently protect all honest, value-and-job producing individuals and businesses -- to permanently protect all Jews and other competitive value producers. Together, they will seize the power of fully integrated honesty to guiltlessly reverse and forever end all unjust Persecutions and parasitical value destructions.


[ 80 ] The term November 3rd was coined to separate the honest employees within government bureaucracies from the destructive employees. Those destructive employees are typified by the hierarchy responsible for the criminal pillagings and violence committed against the innocent writers and editors at I & O Publishing Company on that date in 1986. Such November-3rd people not only undermine their bureaucracies, but undermine our government and menace all society.

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