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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

Editor's Note

[Frank R. Wallace had concluded his Guns-and-Fists Newsletter series at this point. He was now ready to move on to a new dimension. What follows is a letter that Frank R. Wallace served against the Hierarchy-of-Guilt after his arrest. The letter further identifies and exposes the growing police-state dynamics within the IRS and its commissioner.

That letter is followed by a 95-page missive called The Treasure MAP Document. The Treasure MAP Document is moving into a new dimension of the Ultimate Battle -- the Ultimate Battle between mysticism and reason, between value destruction and value production. Several readings may be necessary before one grasps the powerful, new-color dynamics that The Treasure MAP is moving into. BP]


The undersigned hereby certifies that she served certified copies of this formal complaint Pursuant to Rule 103 (c) Federal Rules of Evidence by placing said copies in postpaid envelopes addressed to the persons listed below, at the places and addresses stated below, which are the last known addresses, including the Internal Revenue Service Center, Ogden, Utah 84201, and by depositing said envelopes and contents in the United States Mail at 549 California Street, Boulder City, Nevada 89005 on this date of July 20, 1990

Maria Gonzalez

This complaint is timely filed

Robert E. Withers, et al
Internal Revenue Service
4750 W. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas Nevada 89102

regarding the

Taxpayer Formal Protest of April 9, 1990
(Re: Robert E. Withers' Jeopardy Assessment E:E:I:1104 of April 5, 1990
Frank R. Wallace

Copyright (c) 1990
Sent by Certified-Mail Copies to:

1. Mr. Fred T. Goldberg
IRS Commissioner
111 Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC 20224
(Certified # P 813 085 921)
2. Mr. Thomas P. Coleman
Western Regional Commissioner
1650 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
(Certified # P 813 085 922)
3. Mr. Robert E. Withers
November-3rd Department
4750 W. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102-1535
(Certified # P 813 085 923)
4. Mr. Dennis Crawford
November-3rd Department
4750 W. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102-1535
(Certified # P 813 085 924)
5. Mr. Roy T. Henshaw
November-3rd Department
4750 W. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102-1535
(Certified # P 813 085 925)
6. Mr. Hubert J. Goodrich
November-3rd Department
4750 W. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102-1535
(Certified # P 813 085 926)

Signed and submitted on July 19, 1990 by _______________________
Frank R. Wallace

(Reference: Socratic-Trial Case #CR-S-90-057-LDG [LRL])

The Hierarchy of Guilt Responsible for Continuing
The Guns and Fists of November 3rd:



I along with I & O Publishing Company and all associated Neo-Tech bantam companies reject the June 5, 1990 attempt by the November-3rd hierarchy[ 81 ] to return the $250,000 seized from us. Agents of force had illegally seized those bio/medical-research funds with guns and fists four years ago on November 3, 1986. We also refuse to recognize your removing of wrongfully placed liens on our properties. Ironically, our rejections and refusals will eventually save the IRS from irreparable harm by helping to extirpate those divisions staffed with professional value destroyers.

Our initial document to the IRS four years ago on November 13, 1986, as well as our document to IRS defense attorney J. Gregory Damm on June 6, 1990, stated that we cannot accept any "legal" procedures for conditional or piecemeal releases of our illegally seized property. Why? On principle, we cannot accept anything that sanctions or facilitates criminal actions by professional value destroyers. ...We will not accept any stolen property until all properties (including all illegally seized writings, intellectual works, documents, files, computer equipment) are released unconditionally, in toto, as one unit. This document is also a formal notice that in no way are we abandoning claims to any of our property that you seized, including the stolen property and valuables not reported on your seizing records. To the contrary, we are holding you fully responsible for the total and unconditional return of all seized items. Moreover, we shall always hold both the November-3rd hierarchy and its professional value destroyers liable for further actions, damages, interest, and class-action litigation.

Growing Nastier and Meaner

On April 6, 1990, an arraignment in a Las Vegas Federal Court began the process for the first Socratic trial in 2400 years. Among the defendants in that forthcoming trial are the professional value destroyers who are cancerously growing within the IRS. The morning after that arraignment, the headline in the Las Vegas Sun newspaper blazoned the suicide death of an innocent businessman who was methodically driven to death by those cancerous growths within the IRS.

On May 3, 1990, IRS commissioner, Fred T. Goldberg, publicly stated that he was leading the IRS away from its nasty, bullying behavior toward the public. The same day, the headline in the Las Vegas Sun newspaper blazoned Mr. Goldberg's intentions to use hobnail-boot crackdowns without amnesty on low-paid kids -- on valet-parking attendants, busboys, waitresses.

Despite Mr. Goldberg's words to the contrary, the destructive elements in the IRS are not only growing, but are becoming meaner and nastier under his management. ...Yet today with fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), the days are numbered for all criminal elements and professional value destroyers not only in the IRS but in all government and business bureaucracies.

How and when will the demise of professional value destroyers begin? Shortly after the first Socratic trial in 2400 years occurring this September, value producers throughout North America will access the tools and motivations for identifying and prosecuting the value destroyers both in bureaucracies and in politics. That prosecution will forever split the productive employees in the IRS from the destructive employees. How? First, the competitive dynamics of objective justice catalyzed by the Neo-Tech wave from abroad will motivate each productive person to identify and separate themselves from the value destroyers. Then the value producers will begin driving those value destroyers from their jobs.


Consider the pillagings and physical-beating attacks of Monday, November 3, 1986 inflicted on totally innocent writers and editors of I & O Publishing Company: Almost all other people or companies would have been crippled or ruined by such wanton desecrations and destructions. Indeed, as those guns-and-fists agents finished their devastations as a routine part of their bogus livelihoods, they would perhaps return home that evening, snap open a can of beer, and watch Monday-night football. At the same moment, their victims would be suffering excruciating pain while feeling the agonizing deaths of their businesses...and themselves. Yet, no one would care or even know about the crimes those agents of force had just committed not only against those value producers but against our government, our society, and even against the IRS and all its innocent employees.

Consider, for example, the basis of those destructive, life-threatening crimes against I & O Publishing Company and its writers: A self-confessed prevaricator and perjurer (Ms. K) seeks vengeance on her ex-spouse, his new wife, his children, and his lifelong work. She collaborates with a zealous value destroyer at the IRS. Together they scheme.

The resulting violent, potentially lethal assaults on innocent people and mindless destructions of irreplaceable intellectual works were based on nothing more than whole-cloth, malevolent-minded fabrications between two destructive people and a perfunctory computer readout on the tax status of some individual social-security numbers. Moreover, as identified in November-3rd documents published during 1987, those assaults were designed to be potentially lethal. ...Indeed, such unprovoked, injurious, even lethal assaults by November-3rd agents can and do repeatedly happen to other innocent, value-producing citizens. But, unprotected by Neo-Tech, most such innocent victims are helplessly crippled or ruined for life. And they are never justly indemnified by a court system based on dishonestly manipulated, out-of-context, a-point laws (ref: "In-Context, The-Point-Law" motion filed in Federal District Court on July 9, 1990: Case# CR-S-90-057-LDG[LRL]).

* * *

After that insane attack on I & O Publishing Company, the next three-and-a-half years brought little or no effort by the November-3rd hierarchy to corroborate the guilt or innocence of its attacked victims. Why? Because the November-3rd personnel and management instigating those attacks are not and never have been interested in the guilt or innocence of their victims or even in revenue collection. As clearly demonstrated in the Neo-Tech literature, the entire essence of their livelihoods is value destruction, not revenue collection. Thus, they can routinely, blindly attack, beat, even kill innocent, hard-working people. Without a thought, those agents can and do destroy in a few hours beautiful, value-producing businesses often painstakingly, artistically built over many years.

In the forthcoming Socratic trial, what will happen when all those responsible for the criminal destructions inflicted on I & O Publishing Company and its associates must answer to fully integrated honesty under oath? And especially what will happen after the trial when invisible bantam companies unleash the worldwide competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech?

The Innocent Shall Prosecute the Guilty

Indeed, the path of that irrational, unfounded criminal attack has led to the second Socratic trial in history. But the result will be exactly the opposite to the first trial 2399 years ago. In that first trial, the victim was executed by the professional value destroyers whom he publicly identified and relentlessly exposed without compromise or fear. In this current trial, the victor shall finally vindicate Socrates by forever ending the reign of professional value destroyers. That vindication in turn shall lead to achieving the 22-year goal of I & O Publishing Company -- the goal of curing the death and destruction disease of mysticism.

When and How Will We Cooperate With the IRS

After the trial when the first Neo-Tech Wave reaches America, the value producers in government and business bureaucracies will begin waking up. With the competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech coming from all directions, the value producers will recognize for the first time that the professional value destroyers are increasingly undermining their bureaucracies, businesses, livelihoods, and happiness.

And as you shall learn from a completely different aspect called the "Copper Helmet", that first Neo-Tech Wave also has the capacity to do irreparable harm to the operations, credibility, and future of the IRS. But I & O Publishing Company has no intentions of harming the IRS. For, the IRS itself has never been a Neo-Tech target. In fact, a prime objective of Neo-Tech has always been to integrate with the value producers in the IRS. And we can accomplish that integration by driving wedges between them and the professional value destroyers.

Unrecognized until Neo-Tech, the value producers in government have steadily lost legitimate power, control, self-esteem, and happiness. Indeed, the value producers in government are increasingly losing their dignity and careers to those encroaching elements orchestrated by professional value destroyers. And such value destroyers are created by dishonest politicians and their a-point laws[ 82 ].

Those manipulated, a-point laws give legalized empowerment to criminal-minded individuals within each government bureaucracy. Consider the Bennett-type bureaucrat who wants to publicly behead his own drug-law-created lawbreakers. Consider the Giuliani-type prosecutor who dishonestly uses demagoguery and RICO laws to jail or ruin America's greatest value producers. Those growing numbers of power-usurping bureaucrats in turn enhance the false power of the Dole-type politician. Thus, the Dole-type politician reciprocates by delivering the laws and funds that escalate the guns-and-fists powers of those professional value destroyers. ...That entire politician/bureaucrat dynamics is a 2000-year hoax based on manipulated a-point laws[ 83 ].

That a-point-law hoax works as follows: Dishonest politicians usurp power by passing or promoting laws that create "legally" destructive bureaucrats. And then the politicians and bureaucrats hide behind one another and those bogus laws so no one can blame or prosecute them for their destructions. But, after the Socratic trial, prosecuting those professional value destroyers with Neo-Tech will become internationally effective and profitable. ...Neo-Tech is going to break that destructive politician/bureaucrat hoax forever.


We have your "Release of Levy Notice" dated June 5, 1990. You now want to return the $250,000 in I&O/RIBI research funds violently and illegally seized on November 3, 1986 by your predecessors in the November-3rd hierarchy: Lawrence B. Gibbs, Jesse A. Cota, and Archie Banbury[ 84 ]. Also seized at that time through guns and fists were other properties, writings, research works, documents, and all files and records needed to conduct our first-amendment-right publishing activities.

As stated in our letter of November 13, 1986 to agent Burt Goodrich and in subsequent documents as well as in the publicly distributed literature, we cannot on principle accept any stolen goods returned within any piecemeal, step-by-step November-3rd "legalities". Such acceptance of stolen property would immorally acknowledge and give credence to those "illegal" seizures and violent procedures. Instead, we hold the November-3rd hierarchy legally and morally responsible for returning, in toto, unconditionally all properties stolen from us.

Driving a Wedge Between
The Good and the Bad Within the IRS

One important aftermath of the coming Socratic trial will be the competitive wedge driven into the IRS (as well as into other government and business bureaucracies). That wedge will not only separate and eventually eliminate the destructive and illegal elements within the IRS, but will cause confrontation one-on-one with every professional value destroyer to eliminate his or her bogus job.

Also, after the Socratic trial prosecuted by Frank R. Wallace in September, the Neo-Tech wedge will have the commercial leverage to explicitly start driving dishonest politicians and their "legally" created, destructive bureaucrats from their offices. At that time, we can and will help the competitive value producers in various government and business bureaucracies, including the IRS, to restructure their organizations into businesslike paragons of value and service to our government, society, and all its citizens.

Within the malicious criminal divisions[ 85 ] growing throughout the IRS exist those guns-and-fists agents of force responsible for undermining the legitimate revenue-collection functions of the IRS. Those destructive people must either be terminated or retrained as value producers.

The Last Gasp from the Tired Old Guns-and-Fists People

The clownish guns-and-fists mode toward Neo-Tech by puerile agents of force culminated with their "Swat-Team" jailing of Frank R. Wallace on March 29, 1990. That gratuitous nighttime jailing was their temper-tantrum retaliation against the aggressively escalating Neo-Tech writings, literature, and billboards aimed at the November-3rd hierarchy. But those agents of force were also attacking everyone's first-amendment right to free press and expression. Yet, I & O Publishing Company and its writers will never be intimidated through threats or attacks by value destroyers from the IRS or anywhere else. In fact, every act of destruction inflicted on I & O feeds its literature resources, fuels its competitive power, and thus, accelerates the demise of professional value destroyers.

That November-3rd attack mode continued with the trembling hands of guns-and-fists agent Gary Rogers. Collaborating with the prosecutors, they tried to intimidate a totally innocent Dr. Wallace into a plea bargain by demanding an on-the-spot payment of $604,494 fraudulently based on someone else's social security number and false calculations. Dr. Wallace calmly, politely reminded that agent and his partner that they had the guns so they could pillage whatever they wished without further words or specious legalities. Dr. Wallace even told them where his car was parked to facilitate their pillaging. He then turned back to federal prosecutors Damm and Chamberlain and quietly continued his discussion about the nature and advantages of fully integrated honesty. ...With open mouths, those agents of force fled without pillaging anything.

What will happen after the Socratic trial when the commercial dynamics unfold? What will happen as the first Neo-Tech Wave enters from Eastern Europe? As the competitive dynamics of fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) arise, the honest, productive individuals in the IRS will increasingly want to integrate with those exciting dynamics in order to competitively, proudly, efficaciously serve our government and society. ...And, perhaps the biggest payoff: As American citizens discover that new honesty and rationality in the IRS, they will once again become proud to pay their taxes.

Advantages of Mutual Cooperation

How can we gain further advantages from the current situation with the IRS? What advantages could more quickly advance our single goal of curing the disease of mysticism? By dealing directly with honest, productive people in the IRS, we could more quickly separate, isolate, and protect them from the professional value destroyers. That would allow Neo-Tech to uproot the prime culprits. Those prime but hidden culprits are the dishonest politicians. Yes, they are responsible for the laws that create and empower the criminal-minded elements and professional value destroyers harming the IRS and other government bureaucracies.

Without imperiling the dynamics of the coming Socratic trial and the first Neo-Tech wave, we could together begin separating the productive elements in the IRS from the destructive elements. For, beginning that separation process would let I & O Publishing Company focus more quickly and directly on those dishonest politicians who promote bogus laws that create and empower destructive bureaucrats.

Indeed, such mutual cooperation would position I & O Publishing Company as a silent, pro-bono partner. Such an approach would offer the IRS compelling advantages in its restructuring program. For example, the IRS could undergo that inevitable restructuring while being viewed in a highly favorable, inspiring, even heroic manner by the public -- not only in America but worldwide. Also, the professional value destroyers could avoid being driven from their bogus jobs under devastating, harsh public criticism of the entire IRS.

In addition to avoiding aggressive prosecutions, some of those value destroyers would have the opportunity to rehabilitate into value producers for a happy honest life, perhaps even within the restructured IRS. And for I & O Publishing Company, that faster movement toward isolating and extirpating those destructive elements in bureaucracies would accelerate the cure for the death and destruction disease of mysticism. ...Achieving that cure is the raison d'être for I & O Publishing Company.

A Beneficial Agreement

A mutual cooperation agreement would require a six-month period for I & O to develop a viable, three-year handshake plan. But anytime after the acceptance of that three-year plan, either party could give a 60-day notice of dissatisfaction in order to terminate the agreement and resume the previous adversarial dynamics. But the successful completion of that program would obviate the need for adversarial positions. And to remove all technical questions, at anytime during that restructuring period (when sincere and genuine progress is demonstrated), I & O will disclose its "Golden-Helmet" records that show excess income-tax payments for each year during the 1980s. I & O will also disclose its next-step "Platinum-Helmet" tax-payment system applicable to everyone. Indeed, the IRS will enthusiastically endorse the "Platinum Helmet" not only for its dynamics of high compliance, efficiency, and fairness but also for the benefits and added revenues delivered to the IRS, government, and taxpayers.

Previous Offers Ignored by the Professional Value Destroyers

Never once during or after the 1986 attack on I & O Publishing Company did the November-3rd organization ask for our tax payment records. Indeed, in a premature strategy during 1987, I & O Publishing Company offered its income-tax payment records to November-3rd manager Gary Rogers and others in his organization. The key with instructions for accessing the public lockbox #1672 at Western Vault containing those records was sent to Mr. Rogers. The certified, signed receipt for that key was dated May 27, 1987.

An offer was also made in 1987 (both by certified mail and through our publications) for the November-3rd people to help us review, audit, consolidate, and simplify our tax payment system. We wanted them to advise us in consolidating from a multiple, complex international system to a single, straight-forward "Silver-Helmet" domestic system.

Despite the certified letters and the distribution of that publicly published offer throughout the November-3rd organization, no one ever even asked to look at our tax-payment records. Why? Because no one was interested. For that disclosure would have openly revealed their careless criminal actions and violence not only toward I & O and its writers but toward all others whom they attack with the sole purpose of value destruction (not revenue collection). For their value destructions, not revenue collections, are necessary to retain and advance their bogus livelihoods.

Restructure Now or Later?

Individuals within the productive elements of the IRS wishing to explore this cooperative plan should contact Dr. John Flint, Box 752, Boulder City, NV 89005.

Signed and submitted on July , 1990 by:

Wallace Ward


[ 81 ] The term November 3rd was coined to separate the destructive employees of the IRS from its productive employees. Those destructive employees are typified by the hierarchy responsible for the criminal pillagings and violence committed against I & O Publishing Company on that date four years earlier. Those people not only undermine the revenue-collection responsibilities of the IRS, but undermine society and government itself while menacing all society.

[ 82 ] A-point law is invalid because it is noncontextual. Indeed, all knowledge is dependent on other knowledge. Thus, all knowledge is contextual by nature. Take away context and no knowledge exists. Instead, only a collection of words remain. Those unbound words can then be manipulated to serve any unjust or destructive end. Such susceptibility to dishonest manipulation is why Neo-Tech will replace fragma a-point law based on "truth" with integra the-point law based on honesty. ...That switch to incorruptible honesty will eliminate November-3rd-type value destroyers from government bureaucracies. Integra the-point law will also reduce the need for attorneys and courts by 75% or more.

[ 83 ] On July 9, 1990, the plaintiff filed a motion in Federal District Court (case file # CR-S-90-057-LDG-[LRL]). That motion demonstrates why manipulative fragma a-point law based on truth oaths must be replaced with nonmanipulative integra the-point law based on honesty oaths. That motion also requests that all witnesses swear to an honesty oath, not to a truth oath. For, no one can subvert or manipulate testimony and cross-examinations based on fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech). ...Only fully integrated honesty can deliver corruption-free justice.

[ 84 ] While pillaging cash from I & O Publishing Company, the November-3rd organization directed by Archie Banbury was simultaneously running a bookmaking scam from which sums of unreported cash were apparently skimmed into the pockets of agents. ...At that same time, the known (via Ms. K) cash funds being held by I & O Publishing Company for clandestine biological research (RIBI) would certainly be considered a lucrative target for a one-shot skimming job by those same agents.

[ 85 ] The United States is the only industrialized country that has allowed itself to be conned by dishonest politicians into undermining its entire revenue collection system. How? By mindlessly criminalizing tax-collection disputes and problems. For, from both rational and moral aspects, tax-collection problems are bill-collection problems, not destructive and murderous criminal problems. That irrational, violent criminalization process achieves only one result: Professional value destroyers and their guns-and-fists agents of force are allowed to infest and grow in the IRS. That infestation, in turn, undermines the efficiency and morality of tax collection while piling up victims, destructions, and sufferings. And finally, that irrational criminalization ends with making everyone in the IRS increasingly dehumanized, inefficient, and unhappy about their jobs.

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