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SCIENTIST AND AUTHOR of Neo-Tech, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, is from another world. He was arrested and jailed. Although innocent of any crime, he is guilty of revealing how to remove all harmful elements from government, business, and society. What follows is a treasure map sent to those who put him in chains. But, by reading this document, you can collect more personal benefits than from any other source during your lifetime. This document demonstrates how Neo-Tech will increasingly flourish worldwide because of the aggressions inflicted on Frank R.Wallace. Nothing can stop the spreading of Neo-Tech, whose publishing activities are scattered beyond the political reach of any country. ...With this document, you can benefit immediately and enormously. |
instead just guiltlessly enter The Golden World of Prosperity and Happiness You Can Have That Prosperity and Happiness Now
Many feel guilty about being overweight. Many seem drained: some harassed by their children, others unhappy with their spouses. Most want or need more money. Some dislike their jobs. Others are worried about losing their jobs, or have already lost their jobs. Many feel bored, anxious, or empty. Almost everyone has abandoned his or her youthful dreams of success and glamour. Almost everyone feels resignation. To have so many losses and problems, we must be guilty of something. We must be guilty of all kind of faults, defaults, mediocrity, failure. What's the use? We must surrender our dreams, get what we can, wait to die. We cause our own problems and limitations, don't we? That's what they say. They say we're responsible for our hardships, failures, and deficits. They say we're to blame, we're at fault. Wait a minute! We cause our own problems? We are to blame, we are at fault, we are guilty? Who says? Who exactly are those who have always said we are responsible for our problems -- for not having success, prosperity, and happiness? Do we really prevent ourselves from gaining success, prosperity, and happiness? Does that really make sense? Is that natural? Or is some dark secret fooling us? Maybe we are not responsible for our hardships and deprivations after all. Maybe others are responsible. Could they be the guilty ones? Could they be responsible for essentially everything unhappy, hard, painful, negative in our lives? Could they have created history's most gigantic illusion? Could they have created an illusion so perfectly that none of their billions of victims were ever aware of their secret? Yet, could their secret be so outrageously simple that, once uncovered, each of us, no matter what our current problems, will suddenly find ourselves in an exciting new world of prosperity and happiness? No, you are not at fault. You are not to blame for your "shortcomings". Once you see through the illusion and dump your self-blame, you will spring to your feet, free from the illusion of trapped lives, free to enter another world -- a Golden World of prosperity and happiness. The following Treasure Map from another world will do exactly that -- free you from their illusion of trapped lives. That Map will then escort you into that exciting world of prosperity, happiness, and fulfilled dreams. Read on. Read this document from another world. Do not skip around. Carefully read the entire document. And then you will suddenly capture the guilt-free power, advantages, and prosperity that belong to you from the Golden World. |
copyright (c)1991
Golden-World Publishing Company
(VB #170147300)
Man's bicameral mind could no longer handle the increasing complexities of society. Great turmoil arose. The voices of authority became more limited, confused, contradictory, destructive. Almost overnight, cities collapsed into bloody chaos and literally disappeared. For survival, a different organization of the human mind was needed. The automatic voices of authorities and big-picture flashes were no longer adequate or reliable. Man had to abandon those automatic mind-created images or "realities". He had to perceive reality as his own authority with his own integrations to form his own concepts and eventually his own big picture to act upon. That new form of thinking would be much more adaptable and effective for understanding reality and solving the complex problems of an advancing civilization. That meant man had to reorganize his mind -- he had to become conscious of introspection and thinking in analog models as explained in Supporting-Document #1.
When the first few men became conscious of introspection and thinking in analog models over 3000 years ago, they could clearly see two different worlds: They saw and understood the dying, collapsing bicameral world in which everyone else was existing. But they also saw a new world -- the world of their future that they had discovered. They saw and understood the productive, problem-solving conscious world of everyone's future. They also knew that everyone could and must move into that new world to survive and prosper. But those few conscious beings were helpless in showing the rest of the population their new, exciting, problem-solving future. For, all in the bicameral state could see only one world -- their world of automatic guidance.
Not being conscious, bicameral people had no way to be aware of the new conscious world. Even if they read the clearest, simplest literature written by a conscious mind, they could never perceive the conscious nature of that literature. Thus, the only way bicameral man could move into the new world of consciousness was to be driven there by competitive survival pressures. Those who converted to the conscious mind would survive. Those who stayed behind in the bicameral mind would perish. In a few centuries, under tremendous survival pressures, the conversion was complete: The Asia Minor and Mediterranean civilizations converted essentially 100% from the obsolete bicameral mind into the new conscious mind.
With his much more powerful conscious mind, man assumed a new responsibility. He had to think and integrate his knowledge through his own effort. The conscious mind would abandon nature's limited, automatic mode of following mind-created voices from "authorities". But, the new capacity to think and integrate to wider and more powerful perspectives of knowledge was still limited. The capacity of the conscious mind was limited to the extent that remnants of the bicameral mind remained in the form of mind-created "realities" or illusions. For, every false reality or illusion remaining in the conscious mind acted as an integration blocker or a short circuit that reduced the capacity and power of the conscious mind.
Over the next five centuries, the newly developing conscious mind steadily abandoned the remnants of those obsolete, impractical mind-created "realities" or illusions. Those made-up or mind-created "realities" that block thinking from wider perspectives were called mysticisms. Thus, with mysticisms naturally disappearing, the power of the conscious mind steadily increased to advance civilization into the Golden Age of Greece.
Plato's instructions for reviving and intensifying mysticism let people in government and religion gain livelihoods by being purposely destructive. How? Through gaining unearned advantages, wealth, ego, and power by harmfully manipulating mysticisms in other people. Plato provided the instructions for governments, institutions, and tyrants to use unreal illusions for controlling and draining individuals, property, means of production, societies, cultures, and civilizations.
What were the consequences of Plato institutionalizing mysticism and converting it into a contagious mental disease? Instead of a mystic-free mind today with unlimited capacities for ever wider knowledge and power, our mystic-diseased mind is blocked and limited. Because of those limitations today, just as happened 3000 years ago, the increasing social, economic, and political complexities of our world today are surpassing the capacities of our mystic-blocked minds to solve society's mounting problems. Areas of uncontrollable economic instability and political collapse are already appearing in the Middle East, Soviet Union, and other parts of the world -- even here in urban America.
How can we understand what is happening today? How can we perceive the difference between the crippled, mystic-blocked mind that dominates our civilization and the healthy, mystic-free mind that only a handful of people in this world have discovered and understand? In starting to understand those two minds, we must use one of the most powerful tools of the conscious mind for understanding new knowledge -- the metaphor:
Conscious life begins when we independently start assembling that giant puzzle. As a baby of perhaps six months, we began experiencing our conscious mind. We start piecing together initial bits of valid knowledge derived from our perceptions. As a child, we began piecing together that initial knowledge to form new, wider-range knowledge. Now, by nature, invalid knowledge can never fit into or be connected to any valid assemblage of knowledge. Thus, in protecting every young child, such invalid knowledge naturally drifts away unconnected and eventually disappears harmlessly -- unless that invalid knowledge is unnaturally held and cultivated in that child's mind by the only disease of consciousness: mysticism. ...Tragically and unknowingly, that disease of mind-blocking mysticism is cultivated in almost every child by his or her own parents.
On developing new knowledge, a person gathers more and more pieces of that giant puzzle in various islands of assembled knowledge. On striving to gain more valid, noncontradictory knowledge through education and experience, that person begins to assemble the outlines of that puzzle picture along with more and more growing sections or islands of knowledge within the puzzle. If that person does not let unconnectable or false pieces block his puzzle assembly, he will begin seeing the relationships between the various, scattered pieces or islands of knowledge already assembled within his incomplete puzzle.
From that ever widening view, he will begin seeing other connections among the islands of knowledge already assembled. He will then begin seeing those connections in relation to the whole puzzle picture -- an entirely different, much more complete, accurate, and valuable picture than if that person only viewed each individual island or piece of knowledge separately, without connection.
Only the disease of mysticism blocks people from ever-increasing growth, prosperity, and well being.
Essentially everyone today sees reality as individual islands of personal views or opinions. Each such person has an inconsistent, narrow view from an infinite variety of incomplete pictures. For that reason, most philosophers throughout history have erroneously held that certainty of knowledge cannot exist. Those philosophers project narrow, skeptic views that everything is relative -- that everything is dependent on interpretations, opinions, or mind-created "realities". Such views, as do all mysticisms, eventually lead to nihilism -- the loss of all values.
But what other view could those philosophers hold? For, they too could only see knowledge as separate floating islands, unable to grasp the connections with all the other separate islands of knowledge. Why? Because the integration blockers of mysticism crippled their minds -- the same as everyone else's mind has been crippled for the past two millennia.
Today, the problem is to move mankind from the now incompetent mystic-diseased mind into the competent, mystic-free mind. ...The solution is to cure the disease of mysticism.
Frank R. Wallace |
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