(Review Editor and Seminar Director)
By nature, the crowning experience of human consciousness is happiness, and the crowning experiences of happiness are romantic love and psychuous pleasures.
At its core, happiness is derived from value production. However, unlike all other animals, man must exert self-effort, self-discipline, and self-honesty to fulfill his nature of producing values for others. Thus, as destructive mystics and neocheaters live antithetically to the requirements of nature, they are unable to experience the crowning rewards of life -- genuine happiness, romantic love, and psychuous pleasures. Indeed, those who live by usurping or destroying values quickly lose competence, especially in bed. ...That impotence of mystics and neocheaters will be dramatically demonstrated in a forthcoming Neo-Tech Wave.
As integrated throughout "The Neo-Tech Discovery", all values must be earned through honest effort, hard thought, consistent discipline, and the competitive production of values. Mystics, neocheaters, and their agents of force default on that responsibility by living through deception, destruction, usurpation, coercion, and force. Sadly, by living through coercion and force, they deny themselves the greatest rewards of life. They sentence themselves to an existence void of genuine self-esteem and abiding happiness -- never experiencing the joy of romantic love and the ecstasy of psychuous pleasures. For, to obtain pleasure, they must migrate toward neurotic actions in and out of bed -- actions based on degradation, force, and pain. This too will be spotlighted in a forthcoming Neo-Tech Wave.
All happy love relationships and psychuous pleasures are built on values. That is why professional mystics and neocheaters can never experience genuine romantic love and authentic psychuous pleasures. ...They are value destroyers, not value producers. Thus, their relationships deteriorate into actions that destroy innocence and values.
All Neo-Tech value producers guiltlessly recognize and capture romantic love and psychuous pleasures as the consummate rewards for an honest, value-producing life.
The Microscope Begins to Focus
Rifling through the writer's files, a November-3rd agent of force said, "This is America, land of the free." What did he mean? Why did he say that in front of our young writers while destroying their work?
Another agent said, "Sooner or later you always get caught." ...The Neo-Tech Centers are writing offices in which innocent writers and editors work 12-16 hours a day, seven days a week, consistently. The operating premise of every person at the Neo-Tech Centers is fully integrated honesty. Thus, we have nothing to "get caught". And we all quietly knew who, for the first time in 2000 years, had finally been caught.
Neocheaters must conceal their rationalized usurpations and subconscious guilt by making innocent victims appear guilty. Neocheaters garner unearned money, power, and respect by camouflaging and then transferring their guilt. By dishonestly transferring guilt onto others, neocheaters constantly try to make the innocent value producer feel like a guilty blot on society. Such techniques were developed over many years by master neocheaters and then osmotically passed down to their present-day agents in the street. Such agents, minions, and automatons sense what they are doing is wrong, but assiduously avoid identifying their own destructiveness and dishonesty. Thus, to create a sense of self-esteem, however false, they must make their victims appear guilty to justify or hide their own criminal guilt along with their own neurotic and destructive behaviors.
For example, consider the guilt feelings the agents of force tried to foist onto our young men and women writers during the November-3rd attack:
On and on for ten hours went their neurotic remarks designed to transfer their guilt onto us as they continued to pillage our property, rob our money, destroy our work. For to survive as value destroyers, the agents of force must constantly conjure illusions that the value producer is guilty. But this time, through Neo-Tech and the live arts, everyone will come to realize that the innocent producer is a lovely piece of art -- a masterpiece. And our New York Live Arts division will dramatize that masterpiece. How? By juxtapositioning the dishonest illusions of the value destroyers against the honest facts of the value producers: The public has waited 2000 years for this drama.
Indeed, the Neo-Tech Center has trapped the premier behemoth of neocheating flagrante delicto or "in the act". Thus, for the first time in history, everyone in this world will have a chance to understand the destructive nature of those master neocheaters.
Consider this unusual concept as seen in card playing: Upon suspecting another player of cheating, the average card player usually chooses to ignore his suspicions, putting the thought out of his mind (re: Frank R. Wallace's metaphorical book, The Advanced Concepts of Poker, Warner Books, New York). For the innocent, honest player simply does not want to deal with the unpleasant emotional reactions of confronting a cheater. In addition, the innocent person is unable to relate to dishonest, destructive people. Thus, further thought about dishonesty and cheating is usually repressed and the cheating continues with impunity.
That same phenomenon occurs away from the card table, but much more destructively: The card-game cheater is interested only in usurping money. But November-3rd people must additionally usurp power and destroy values to hold and build their bogus jobs.
The November-3rd attack epitomizes the neocheater's inversion of justice -- the guilty value destroyers attacking, injuring, stealing from the innocent value producers. But, unlike duped poker players and the intimidated public, this time their innocent victims were fearless, had clean minds, open eyes, and Neo-Tech knowledge:
Yes, all that time those young writers and editors were observing, quietly writing, tape recording. For they, the developers of Neo-Tech, aggressively seek in-context facts fully integrated with honesty. Moreover, Neo-Tech writers never evade the unpleasantness of identifying the neocheaters. Indeed, their job is to identify and eliminate mysticism and neocheating. That is their responsibility. And, as events pass, those writers and editors will triumph. They will be the mightiest heroes for collapsing mysticism -- for curing mankind's most destructive disease.
Neocheating is the manipulation of dishonest or mystical notions to usurp power and values. Moreover, mysticism is the only disease of human consciousness. And Neo-Tech, which is fully integrated honesty, is the only cure. ...The Neo-Tech writers and editors work to cure the disease mysticism. The Neo-Tech writers and editors work to help, not hurt, those who are sick -- those who are spreading that disease and its destruction.
Through Neo-Tech, mysticism is cured. With Neo-Tech, the value destroyers can discover self-worth, love, and happiness. They can join productive people to live in a bright, exciting, almost unbearably happy world.
(Editor in Chief)
Before November 3rd, we wrote and published quietly, without publicity, building our base of knowledge and literature. Our policy has always been, and still is, to avoid both publicity and disturbing any specific area of government, religion, and most other specific areas of mysticism or neocheating. That low-profile, non-confrontational, private position let us focus internally on our single goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. ...But now, November 3rd propels us toward high-profile, forward-march, public positions:
What if agents of force had ravished Einstein's Zurich offices in 1905 during the preparation of his four fundamental papers dealing with relativity, mass and energy, movement, and light? How would the world have viewed such an atrocity? ...On November 3rd, the agents of force ravished Dr. Frank R. Wallace's fundamental work on Neo-Tech/Neothink in epistemology, the long wave in astrophysics, the non sequitur in philosophy, and youth-perpetuating biological immortality in biomedical research.
And what about the November-3rd unprovoked beating, kicking, and hospitalizing of our gentle editor, Kenneth A. Clark, by men with guns? Indeed, the resulting hospital bill for his injuries still remains unpaid by those responsible. What about the research funds belonging to 112,000 Neo-Tech and RIBI registrants being illegally seized by men with guns? What about the vindictive seizing of book orders and money belonging to our readers around the world? What about the theft of personal belongings and savings? And most important, what about our research, writing, and publishing materials that were stolen and destroyed in violation not only of the first and fourth amendments but of all moral and intellectual standards? Who can bring justice to those responsible for such brutalities and crimes? ...Neo-Tech can. Neo-Tech can and will bring everyone responsible, from top to bottom, to justice.
Over the coming years, only one issue will loom with increasing clarity for the November-3rd people. That issue has nothing to do with taxes, of which we owe none as everyone will realize when our books are unveiled during the Seven Neo-Tech Waves. But the issue has everything to do with earned values versus usurped values. As the November-3rd people grasp the nature of their actions versus our actions, then the whole world will understand. At that time, everyone will grasp the Neothink discovery as it unfolds before the public.[ 5 ] Then, as Dr. Frank R. Wallace stated in his recently published works on biological immortality, "...the entire, rickety colossus of mysticism will collapse into one resounding dust heap."
A number of developments will unfold with each subsequent action directed against our efforts to collapse mysticism. One example that developed from the second Neo-Tech World Summit is the funding for a musical/theatrical/TV drama production of "November 3rd" by Neo-Tech Live Arts of New York.
Nearly every great drama has one essential element: irony. And "November 3rd" contains the greatest of ironies. For, the events unfold with thrilling emotions in capturing that watershed event. The power of "November 3rd" arises from juxtapositioning events and meanings: The seemingly omnipotent forces of guns and fists trying to crush innocent value producers. ...Such events are immediately recognizable by everyone.
But then the reversal, the denouement: The unexpected suddenly looms so poignantly clear for all the world to embrace and feel deeply -- the David standing up to the Goliath, the identification, the surprise, the reversal, and then sparkling victory after 2000 years of dark deception. What irony and drama. What spectacular value and appeal. Indeed, what a giant step toward collapsing mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters everywhere.
The November-3rd production provides a benevolent opportunity for neocheaters to escape their unhappy situation. For they will learn how to swap the unhappiness of draining values from producers for the happiness of producing values for others. They can help cure mankind's most destructive disease -- mysticism. They can help eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters who exist by draining the value producers. They can help open the way for all -- including themselves -- to prosper honestly, to earn genuine power and abiding happiness, to experience psychuous pleasures and romantic love.
Yes, they can join the Neo-Tech army. For its legions are clean, innocent, attractive, unarmed people who are cheerfully moving toward mankind's greatest goal. Yes, they can join this historic journey. The time is not too late. All is right and good. They have nothing to lose except unhappiness and anxiety. For they can now become a good part of history.
THE NEO-TECH ARMYThe Neo-Tech army is growing. It has no budget and needs no money. It has no property and needs no guns. It has no generals, leaders, authorities, gurus. It has no soldiers, followers, servants, slaves. Everyone in the Neo-Tech army is a supreme commander-in-chief who takes orders from no one and gives orders to no one. The Neo-Tech army never takes life -- only gives life. With each individual marching to his or her own step forever into the future, the Neo-Tech army is already the most powerful army on earth -- the most important influence in 140 countries around the world. This fast-growing army is quietly on the march against mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters everywhere. ...After 2000 years, victory is near.
I am Rosa María. I am responsible for Spanish-language Neo-Tech. But, today, I helped prepare this November-3rd package for you. And because I read this package, I want to share my feelings with you:
"November 3rd" is a very dramatic subject because it is an extract from real life; it is not from a fantasy world of mystical ideas.
It is very good to let the whole world know with blends of drama, poetry, and music how agents with guns broke into the producer's house and writing offices with total lack of knowledge of what producer efforts and values mean. They come in full of weapons like they are going to defend their country against a big enemy. Instead, they only hurt America's best friend and the world's best friend -- the producer, especially the producer of Neo-Tech.
But those agents have the mind so dry. For, they never use it to understand that they live by destroying man's values -- values wanted and needed by everyone, including them and their families.
Those agents feel so powerful with guns on their ribs and unreal power in their fists to hurt people. They make war on clean producers of values: people with pencils in their hands.
Do you not think that the mind and especially the clean Neo-Tech mind will rise above every kind of superfluous power needing guns?
Agents of force in this kind of position look "macho" in front of innocent people. But you make such a poor appearance! So unmanly, so weak, so unsexy, so impotent. Maybe one day you will start to use your mind in the right direction. Perhaps you will be part of Neo-Tech Life after you recognized how weak and unhappy you are against our strength and happiness.
But the good part of November-3rd action is that you show us the door that we are looking for to collapse mysticism around the world. You show us how to start our pincer movements. With November 3rd, Neo-Tech is going to teach all honest people, and you too! It will show everyone the evil action against value producers. It will show everyone the happiness and innocence of value producers, especially Neo-Tech value producers.
You open the door for us. Now no one can stop us to go out and put big spotlight on neocheating. But, you can still choose honesty and produce values before Neo-Tech pushes sad neocheaters off this world.
We appreciate the historic significance of November 3rd as well as the opportunities made available for accelerating our goal of collapsing mysticism and ending neocheating around the world. With Neo-Tech, the traits of mysticism are easily dramatized for all to see: dishonesty, laziness, projection of false guilt, use of force, deception, usurpation of values, neocheating. ...November 3rd consolidates everything into one unit.
This report is the introduction to the first of seven Neo-Tech waves. The first wave will arise from the increasing entanglements of November 3rd into the Neo-Tech matrix. Indeed, integrated Neo-Tech waves will flood into entirely new, unexpected corners of darkness...dark corners of the mind, history, literature, and the arts never before exposed to fully integrated honesty.
We want to help even those responsible for November 3rd. For, we consider ourselves physicians curing the disease of mysticism and its symptoms of neocheating. ...November 3rd will galvanize each Neo-Tech reader into a resolve to vanquish mysticism and neocheating. Sooner or later, everyone will integrate facts with honesty to abandon the neocheaters in order to survive and prosper in the coming, mystic-free world.
Each person who reads Neo-Tech, volumes I-V, will compellingly move toward integrated honesty. After that, each will seek the ever more powerful Neothink integrations that will follow each of the emotionally gripping Seven Neo-Tech Waves. But those who choose to remain locked in value-destroying positions will one by one lose their friends, respect, livelihoods. Shrivelling in their own destructive and unhappy past, they will be abandoned by everyone in the coming mystic-free society of happy value producers.
Inversions of honesty must, by necessity, occur in all mystical-based cultures to support their symbiotic neocheaters. For example, one of the most pervasively harmful inversions of honesty in America today is the November-3rd monolith with its agents of force and coercion. For that monolith is singularly harmful: It harms society and subverts value production more widely and deeply than any other bureaucracy. Yet, the November-3rd hierarchy orchestrates many mystical notions[ 6 ] to appear as a valuable service to the nation and society.
By contrast, most travesties or inversions of justice in America today are aimed at aggressive value producers. But, in reality, those aggressive producers are the prime creators of values in any society. Yet, through manipulated arrays of mystical illusions, those value producers are made to appear as harmful exploiters of society. Thus, they are constantly targeted for injury and pillaging by the professional mystics and other neocheaters. Still, those seemingly formidable neocheating forces that survive by usurping values hold no real power. Indeed, Neo-Tech easily uproots and exposes even their most subtly effective illusions. With increasing tempo, Neo-Tech will obliterate all inversions of honesty and justice.
Through integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), all mystic-free people will hold the aggressive value producers as the good -- as the supreme heroes of civilization. With the Neo-Tech army now marching throughout the land and around the world, justice will prevail.
The sole business purpose of I & O Publishing Company is to collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters as described throughout the Neo-Tech Information Package. Most men and women are productive, innocent, happy individuals. A few are not. And that scattered minority hurts the lives of everyone today through that 2000-year hoax:
A 2000-year hoax? Who can take that seriously? Just what is this hoax?The hoax is neocheating. No, neocheating has nothing to do with any fabricated conspiracy or some Trilateralist master system secretly colluding over our heads. Instead, neocheaters consist mainly of down-to-earth, everyday people like you and me who discover a simple formula to accumulate false power. Neocheaters can range from petty usurpers to vicious killers -- from manipulative politicians to as far as one can take destruction up to a mass-killing Hitler. But they all function through the same camouflaged, neocheating neuroses. And true, when several neocheaters come together such as the Hitler regime, a dangerous neocheating force results. But it is important to break neocheating down to everyday individuals. On their own, they discover a simple formula and use it to acquire unearned livelihoods and false power over everyday people. And those who become good at the formula graduate from two-bit neocheaters to master neocheaters. The formula is:
The non sequitur takes facts out of context to create a dishonest, manipulating effect that when taken in full context is false.[ 7 ] The neocheater starts small, pursuing a temptation to get something he desires without earning that value -- the same as a manipulative politician or Hitler himself, who like all politicians want power without earning that power through competitive, value-producing careers. Hitler started as a small-time neocheater in the streets of Germany. People would laugh at his antics. Like a million other small-time neocheaters, Hitler would have quickly faded. But he learned how to become more and more effective with the non sequitur + emotion formula to whip up an entire, depressed nation.
I agree that Hitler hoaxed his country. But while his hoax lasted a decade and a half, the hoax was so blatant that it eventually became obvious to all. But what is this about us being hoaxed for 2000 years? No big hoax is going on now. We live in a world of competent people. Besides, I let no one hoax me.
First realize that the "hoax" refers not to some collective conspiracy going on above our heads. The hoax refers to the entire concept of mysticism and the many independently operating, symbiotic neocheaters fading in and out over the centuries from historical monarchs to everyday peers to federal agents of force to Hitler regimes. This neocheating has gone on for 2000 years. And neocheating is what pulled civilization into the Dark Ages.
Today, however, we are not in the Dark Ages or in a Hitler regime. Yet neocheating goes on all around us and affects us more than we know. Indeed, neocheating usually operates without our knowledge. For the innocent value producer has no way to grasp the destructive, manipulative uses of non sequiturs. In fact, the non sequitur is completely foreign and nonexistent in the value producer's character. Thus, until Frank R. Wallace's publication exposing non sequiturs was released at the First Neo-Tech World Summit, the clean, innocent mind of the honest producer could not identify the non sequitur as the manipulation tool of all professional mystics and neocheaters. ...At that same Summit, Frank S. Ward publicly revealed, eight months before November 3rd, the trap I & O Publishing Company had set for the November-3rd empire (Re: Summit cassette tape titled, "Trap Clue #3").
Neocheaters make themselves falsely powerful by combining dishonest non sequiturs with emotions. Once they learn that trick, they begin controlling innocent people. Such neocheaters range from young manipulative pushers emotionally pressuring your son or daughter into trying drugs to a master-manipulative Hitler duping a whole nation in a roar for victory (and a muffled cry for help from millions of baffled value producers). Most neocheaters fall between the two extremes to usurp values from everyday, productive people. Without your full awareness, neocheating affects your life everyday. In fact, neocheating actually puts those paranoid stories of secret conspiracies in the minor leagues. Indeed, most neocheating is a down-to-earth, free-for-all scramble for unearned advantages going on every day all around you.
From the time people could make the explicit choice to be honest or dishonest starting about 3000 years ago, a few intelligent but lazy people discovered neocheating: They then chose to live dishonestly -- off the efforts of others through neocheating. ...Not realizing the extent, most individuals are drained all their lives by mysticism and neocheaters.
It's not that bad; my life is okay. The world has its problems, I know. But my life is working out. The world is never going to be perfect. And most people I know are basically happy.
The majority of people live semi-happy lives because they are value producers. They live in a country still free enough to enjoy some of their rewards. Nevertheless, the effects on everyone's lives are much more severe than each realizes. For neocheaters camouflage their destruction with non sequiturs while inflicting widespread damage and pain...from school-level neocheaters who harm tender children through mind manipulations to master neocheaters who cripple or destroy heroic value producers through government bureaucracies. FDA bureaucrats, for example, have actually prevented cures for cancer and heart disease to gain unearned power and bogus livelihoods as identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery (all editions). Moreover, an increasing chunk of your earned money from each paycheck goes to support those master neocheaters, and an increasing chunk of your future goes to support everyday neocheaters draining your life, happiness, and career as also identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery. Indeed, neocheaters everywhere take bigger and bigger chunks of your life, money, time, current and future potential, and happiness. You and your loved ones are drained every day of your life by unsuspected, camouflaged neocheaters.
I agree that you have some good ideas. But the world is too set and cannot be changed. No one can change the way things are. That is for dreamers, for it is too big a task, beyond anyone's good intentions.
Neo-Tech is not some save-the-world, idealistic philosophy or some paranoid, conspiracy-fearing exaggerated literature. Neo-Tech is not written from some intellectual elitist's home or some paranoid Objectivist's study to be exchanged among hands in academic circles or in tight-knit cliques. Neo-Tech is in the business of delivering hard facts to as many people as possible -- to reach everyone in providing hard-nosed, practical advantages in earning prosperity, power, and romantic love. I & O projections put the geometrically spreading Neo-Tech company ahead of IBM within a decade. For value producers everywhere from black entrepreneurs in central Africa to presidents of giant corporations are discovering the business-generating power behind Neo-Tech.
During I & O's quiet research and incubation period for fifteen years, close studies and careful research uncovered the neocheaters' tools used to spread their influence through the non sequitur + emotions formula. Now for the first time, through I & O, an honest power exists that knows just how to use those highly effective tools to capture every value producer on this planet. Thus, this time, those tools will collapse the hoax of mysticism and sweep every neocheater from the face of this earth. ...That formula learned from the dishonest neocheaters and adjusted for honest Neo-Tech now becomes:
I & O began to use this new formula after its fifteen-year quiet period ended with the November-3rd attack. The company jelled as the business of exposing neocheaters and the resulting money/power/romantic-love advantages became an earthy demand everywhere. Indeed, I & O has developed the most powerful, universal information in history. And I & O has developed the methods to spread that information to millions of value producers around the globe. Everyone needs this information. For, everyone can gain prosperity and happiness by using Neo-Tech to dump mysticism and its neocheaters. I & O indeed has the most universally needed product and, thus, ultimately the most profitable and widely distributed product in history.
As I & O spreads the emotion-packed, live-arts drama of November 3rd around the world, professional mystics and neocheaters will have nowhere to hide. As people around the world first feel and then understand the fully integrated facts, they will increasingly dismiss the neocheaters. The collapse of the hoax will begin. The many neocheaters from mind-killing clergymen, to value-destroying November-3rd minions, to mass-killing dictators, and all those in between will find no value producer uninformed on which to foist their neocheating ploys. I & O will pass IBM in importance as all businesses and individuals will have to acquire Neo-Tech information and use its advantages to stay competitive.[ 8 ] To survive, the small-time neocheaters will drop their manipulative livelihoods to join the clean, the innocent, the happy -- the honest value producers. But, the master neocheaters beyond redemption will have no place to go. They will take their lives in their misery as did Hitler in his bunker.
I am the children-and-games editor who was beaten by the November-3rd agents of force. Being knowledgeable about the Neo-Tech Discovery, I could easily identify the unmitigated evil of that event. However, not until I read the November-3rd Information Package, cover to cover, did I realize the watershed significance of that event.
As I reflected on the actions of that matón who punched and kicked me, I felt sadness for that pathetic creature. Even as I returned from the hospital, I felt pity for all such minions duped into a life of criminal mayhem by the November-3rd hierarchy. But yes, I felt rage at his superiors. For they all knowingly live on value destruction while hiding behind their blindly obeying minions executing criminal thefts, destructions, and assaults.
I contemplated what I would do if again confronted by those value destroyers. Perhaps I would attack. No, not a mindless physical attack but a fully integrated verbal attack. But then I recalled a passage from the Neo-Tech Discovery: No need to attack, even verbally, for such value destroyers hold no real power. They are impotent. Simply withdraw support. ...So what would I do now if confronted by value-destroying mystics or neocheaters? Laugh as I put the Neo-Tech spotlight on them. Laugh at their immaturity and incompetence. Laugh while focusing Neo-Tech on their every destructive move. Laugh as they shrivel into what they really are -- nothing.
Still, at anytime, professional mystics and neocheaters can choose to exert the effort and honesty to become value producers. For once the antics and manipulations of value destroyers are understood, no one will ever again support their criminal ravishments. Indeed, I can never again support any value destroyer. I will never again allow a single value to be usurped from me. Instead, I will work hard to increase my competency and honesty. I will exert the productive effort to earn forever-growing prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. Yes, effort and fully integrated honesty will collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. ...Thank you Dr. Wallace and I & O for bringing November 3rd to the world through fully integrated honesty. Indeed the dawning of a prosperous, happy, mystic-free world has arrived.
A Point versus The Point
Eric Savage
(International Marketing Director)
The American legal system was created by hard-working, honest individuals interested in protecting values from being usurped, stolen, or destroyed. They developed a great mechanism for justice: The courts zeroed in on the legal point. They asked, "Was or was not a destructive act inflicted on others by the person or persons in question?" Endless, irrelevant tangents were avoided or discarded. Facts were swiftly determined and justice effectively dispensed.
Unfortunately, neocheaters have ingeniously infiltrated that valid legal system, turning its beauty into a beast. Over the decades, as explained in attorney letters A and B that follow this article, neocheaters developed and used laws as non sequiturs to usurp power through the swift, effective court system. Thus, the effectiveness of the court system was subverted into a prime manipulation tool for neocheaters.
For example, after decades of perfection, the November-3rd people have crafted a court-system tool for inverting justice. That tool has been honed into a weapon for aborting challenges to their dishonest, illegal actions.
In court, for example, the November-3rd people focus on a legal point. That point is determined by certain specifically defined, non-sequitur "tax laws" that have nothing to do with the point of justice: guilt or innocence, value destruction or value production. Instead, an individual's guilt is determined by those non-sequitur "A-point" laws. With such laws as their weapon, the November-3rd people dishonestly focus on single, non-sequitur legal points to support each case.
With that technique, the November-3rd bureaucracy can use the originally objective court system and its seemingly business-like approach to divert any challenge on any ground, especially challenges by innocent value producers. For, today, the court always sticks to a legal point, even to a false legal point. In that way, innocent value producers are made to appear guilty. At the same time, the guilty value destroyers neatly protect themselves while continuing their usurpations and destructions without detection or challenge.
Without Neo-Tech, few if anyone can identify that the November-3rd legal points are non sequiturs that have nothing to do with integrated facts or honest revenue collection. In fact, their non-sequitur legal points are merely a neocheater's technique to appear legal or valid while inverting justice without challenge. For, they must invert justice to continue usurping values, power, respect, and low-effort livelihoods.
But with Neo-Tech, the neocheaters' powerful legal weapon becomes their fatal flaw -- their Achilles' heel. With facts combined with fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), everyone will suddenly grasp the one and only valid point on which to focus. Indeed, consider what will happen before the public, the media, any courtroom, any jury, any forum. Every one-and-only the point based on fully integrated facts will always obliterate every a point based on November-3rd-type neocheating bluffs and hoaxes.
The American justice system is a well-developed mechanism for dispensing justice, especially in high visibility, clear-cut criminal cases such as murder, rape, assault, robbery. Thus, to most, the justice system appears as a sound, solid value. However, those high-visibility, legitimate cases represent only a small segment of the legal system's activity and influence. But such cases abet and give credence to a vast network of "legal" machinations that have nothing to do with justice, objective law, or protecting individual rights.[ 9 ]
For the November-3rd bureaucracy, the legal system is now their comfortable means of existence and survival. That corruption of an originally objective legal system allows the November-3rd empire to live and grow through money, power, and respect usurped from the innocent value producer. By corrupting the legal system through non sequiturs, neocheating empires are built on deceptive illusions involving legions of obedient underlings. But all, from the highest in command to the lowest minion, ultimately live through bogus jobs by draining the value producers.
What is the solution? The next three November-3rd documents demonstrate that the solution lies in unraveling the legal non sequitur which mysticism and all its neocheaters need for survival. Thus, unraveling that non sequitur will end mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters not only in the November-3rd empire but everywhere. ...All honest, productive people will then rise to unparalleled heights of prosperity and happiness.
[ 5 ] The Neo-Tech matrix is evolving into a great array of Neothink matrices that will eventually envelop all societies to end mysticism and neocheating around the world. That gridlocked matrix arising from the original 144 Neo-Tech concepts was first identified by Dr. Peter Meier of the Institute of Cognitive Infomatics, Wilen bei Sarren, Switzerland.
[ 6 ] Once free of mystical and neocheating notions, mankind will evolve to its natural state of abiding happiness and prosperity. As identified in the Wallace's publication, "Neo-Tech and Business", mankind will evolve to where destructive concepts as mysticism, neocheating, demagoguery, usurpation, intimidation, molestation, theft, destructive bureaucracies, and even unhappiness itself will become as archaic and forgotten as the concept of worshiping Ra the sun god or of using oracles for military strategy.
[ 7 ] Exactly what a non sequitur is and how neocheaters and mystics depend on it for survival is explained in Appendix E, "The Secret of Non Sequiturs, The Achilles' Heel of Mystics and Neocheaters".
[ 8 ] Sooner or later, every business person, company, industry must use Neo-Tech to dump mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters. For those who do not dump mysticism and its neocheaters will be left behind, uncomptetitive and unprofitable. Indeed, the money/power advantages immediately acquired by dumping neocheaters will catapult the informed far past the uninformed. As the clean, honest, highly profitable and practical Neo-Tech picks up momentum all men and women will adopt Neo-Tech to reap the immediate money/power advantages needed to remain competitive. ...Every honest, productive person will eventually use Neo-Tech to dump mysticism and its life-draining neocheaters. ...Neo-Tech schools, universities, happiness centers, and ostracism networks will circle the globe.
[ 9 ] By definition, individual rights are the corollary of justice: A simple technique for laymen to identify if a legal action is honest justice or dishonest injustice is to ask the question: "Is this action protecting the rights of the individual?" If the answer is not a clear yes, then, indeed, that action is inverting justice or usurping values. ...Justice means respecting and protecting individual rights, life, and property. [Reference: F.R. Wallace, "The Supreme Constitution", I & O]
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