Our annual meeting will review our long-range research concerning the decoding of the gravity-based, information storage and retrieval system present throughout the universe. What connection does that research have to November 3rd? That connection will become evident during the third Neo-Tech Wave. But as an opening indication, we quote from Dr. Frank R. Wallace's observations:
"All conscious civilizations evolving beyond the mystic-prone, conscious mind would quickly develop the knowledge to access the gravity-programmed universal computer. Conscious-coded gravity contains essentially all useful knowledge developed throughout the universe by Neo-Tech/Neothink minds. ...Through man-altered gravity patterns, knowledge is instantly available throughout the universe."
Today, we cannot yet mass-market public versions of November 3rd or schedule Live-Arts productions across the nation. For, first we must galvanize our markets by engaging the November-3rd empire in high-visibility, public confrontations. Indeed, we need that public confrontation to profitably launch the Seven Neo-Tech Waves into mass-markets throughout America and around the world.
Our goals do not involve November 3rd per se. More broadly, they involve the collapse of mysticism and the elimination of its symbiotic neocheaters. Indeed, all such neocheaters survive by destroying values and usurping power. But the Neo-Tech searchlights will swing from every point on the globe, including jail, to end their destructive careers forever.
Yes, we will relentlessly use our clean, honest, principled approach. But you are stuck with your besotted, dishonest, arbitrary approach. And we will never deal with your destructive, criminal methods -- in or out of court. For, no matter how many guns, fists, prosecutors, judges, and jails you employ, you will lose and we will win.
We will wait for your next aggression -- in or out of court. We do not fear you. We will not hide anything from you. We will not resist you. Instead, we will quietly wait for you before launching the first of our Seven Neo-Tech Waves. That wave captures powerful emotions from the bedrooms of gun-toting "Criminal Investigators" to their sordid actions with a physically attractive yet sadly vulnerable, mentally ill female "informant" -- up to the career of the Secretary of Treasury and beyond. Indeed, the Seven Neo-Tech Waves are going to end all value destructions orchestrated by the November-3rd hierarchy and other destructive empires.
After initiating your next aggression, you will receive the thick, early-draft manuscript of November-3rd, Volume I Part B. As opposed to Part A that is now moving toward commercial formats, Part B is starkly specific and tangible. Indeed, Part B will be the basis of our public approach for collapsing the hoax of mysticism. With Part B, value producers can easily outcompete and then literally drive neocheaters out of existence. For once in the Neo-Tech spotlight of Part B, all neocheaters will immediately appear as impotent, uncompetitive, comical troglodytes. Through Part B, every value producer will suddenly identify every neocheater in existence. And then the veneer will lift to reveal all neocheaters as nothing more than value destroyers with souls somewhere between clownish Hitlers and the Keystone Cops.
Once uncorked, Part B will spread like wildfire around the world. Why? Because Part B is not at all intellectual or philosophical, but rather is eminently practical and spectacularly beneficial to every value producer in existence.
Part B, "Smashing The White-Collar Hoax", will be produced abroad and shipped worldwide from low-cost printing and marketing centers, such as Ireland, Nigeria, Malaysia, Taiwan, Rumania, even mainland China. ...You and everyone will be shocked: On the commercial release of Part B, all professional mystics and neocheaters will be compelled to help themselves, to live by their own mind and efforts, to live by becoming value producers. Moreover, Part B inextricably captures America's biggest, most vulnerable colossus deep within the Neo-Tech Matrix. That colossus is the rickety November-3rd empire. Indeed, Part B is the launching pad for the Seven Neo-Tech Waves. ...To quote from the cover of Part A: "The Seven Neo-Tech Waves will be the ablution of the deceiver, the usurper, the immature, the unevolved. For a world of honesty has dawned -- a world void of mysticism, a world free of neocheaters. The world is growing up. Life, prosperity, happiness will reign."
Simply phone or write us to arrange for any agent without guns or matones to:
Simply come and work with us. We will hire any competent agent to consolidate and reorganize our scattered accounting system: November 3rd has passed. We are now approaching the first Neo-Tech Wave. Thus, we no longer have the time or need to maintain dozens of banking accounts under various registered trade names in various states and countries. We must now consolidate our finances and integrate them with our fast growing Neo-Tech matrix. Yes, as long as the November-3rd agent is competent and works hard, that agent can even do our tax accounting.
Guns, fists, illegal actions, and sordid relationships with mentally ill "informants" are so unnecessary. Just come clean, open, and ready to work as a value producer. ...Forget about being a value destroyer.
No, we will never cooperate with agents of force, with those living by false power usurped through guns and destruction. No, we will never deal with value destroyers on their terms. But yes, we will always work with those living by real power earned through honesty and competitive value production -- including you.
All society and all the world will benefit profoundly from the coming Seven Neo-Tech Waves. And the climax will bring cheers of triumph, then shouts of joy, and finally peals of laughter. After that euphoric climax, all professional mystics and neocheaters will founder and then perish in the sea of history. Midst their death rattles, they will be pitied briefly and then forgotten forever.
...Remember, the entire November-3rd management is now knowledgeable and thus responsible for the crimes of November 3rd. With each passing day, therefore, that management becomes increasingly responsible, involved, and guilty as it continues to tacitly sanction the guns, fists, and pillagings directed at innocent business people, heroic writers, prolific value producers, and their epochal works. ...That management must and will answer to the world and all history for those crimes.
The entire management is also responsible for the malicious, immoral holding of irreplaceable, intellectual property: our manuscripts, publishing files, records, word-processing computers, writing and publishing projects, document disks, orders belonging to thinkers and readers worldwide, medical-research funds belonging to thousands of RIBI owners worldwide. That management magnifies its crimes by holding those intellectual properties. Its guilt and responsibility for those crimes against the intellect deepen moment by moment as the literary and intellectual damage mounts daily.
Consider what would happen if an organization as IBM committed the same crimes -- the same guns-and-fists attacks on innocent value producers. What if such crimes were sanctioned throughout IBM's management as they are throughout the November-3rd management? Obviously, the entire IBM management would be summarily fired, probably jailed, perhaps sued for millions. Moreover, the entire IBM approach would be scrapped and reorganized.
But through Neo-Tech, the entire November-3rd management will be held accountable for its crimes. ...Neo-Tech will deliver justice. No one will escape.
Why are you, the business quisling, the biggest loser? Why are you a bigger loser than the guns-and-fists people? Why are you uncompetitive against Neo-Tech/Neothink people?
Neo-Tech/Neothink people are free of the neocheating trap. Neocheating? Neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood. But once detected and exposed by Neo-Tech, that uncompetitive livelihood is finished. You and your bogus position are ripe for replacement and elimination. For, you who do not integrate the meaning of November 3rd with Neo-Tech are lost in the fog of mysticism and caught in the web of neocheating. Thus, you will lose your comfortable, bogus position as the 2000-year-old hoax of mysticism and neocheating crumbles.
Not so, you say, perhaps still smiling? Think about this:
Three-thousand years ago, those who remained trapped in the crumbling bicameral establishment had no escape, no hope against the rising army of conscious beings. Today, those who remain trapped in the crumbling mystical/neocheating establishment have no escape, no hope against the rising army of super-competitive, mystic-free, Neo-Tech/Neothink men and women.
Three-thousand years ago, with the rise of consciousness, no one could stop the sudden collapse of the uncompetitive, bicameral-mind establishments in Mesopotamia and Babylonia. Today, with the rise of Neo-Tech/Neothink, no one can stop the coming collapse of the mystical-mind establishments in the United States and around the world. Mystical minds? Mystical minds operate on whims, laziness, and deceptive dishonesty rather than on discipline, effort, and fully integrated honesty. Indeed, such mystical minds create problems where none exist. Why? To conjure up livelihoods that avoid the responsibility and effort of earning a living through competitive value production.
The quietly spreading Neo-Tech matrix will corral and squash every cancer seed of mysticism. Then, using a worldwide spotlight, Neo-Tech will relentlessly pursue all neocheaters and their collaborators. Neo-Tech will never retreat. Neo-Tech will advance doggedly every day until you and the others in the uncompetitive neocheating trap are driven from the business world by clean, integrated honesty -- by intense, merciless competition.
And how, you ask? Neo-Tech will spotlight every business executive supporting the guns and fists of November 3rd. No one will escape. Neo-Tech will reveal to the world all guns-and-fists supporters as uncompetitive. And that uncompetitiveness is exactly why they support guns and fists. But through Neo-Tech Live Arts, the value producers will discover and reject all such collaborators. Indeed, all those stooges will be ignominiously driven from their defiled business positions.
Your nervous snickers and smug smiles will not help. For Neo-Tech is more iron-gripped than Lenin, more righteous than Gandhi, more tenacious than Mao, more intense with effort than da Vinci, more integrated with honesty than Aristotle. Yes, you will finally face your camouflaged dishonesty, laziness, uncompetitiveness. For you will be matched against clean, honest, hard-driving, value producers who are free of mysticism, untouched by neocheating. Against those value producers you are uncompetitive -- you are finished.
No, the November-3rd monolith does not carry the basic responsibility for its value destructions. Who does? You do. Moreover, those November-3rd people are already held in low esteem by the public. They are already known as failures and losers. But, many lawyers, bankers, and certain business executives usurp their livelihood through that same mystical/neocheating mode of camouflaged dishonesty and laziness as those November-3rd people. ...With Neo-Tech, all such dishonest livelihoods will end -- decisively, without mercy.
Yes, with your facade of business respectability, you have much more to lose than do the November-3rd people. Yes, your craven actions are more culpable than the brutish actions of the November-3rd minions. Thus, you who give obsequious credence and automatic support to the destructions of November 3rd are finished. For Neo-Tech irreversibly undermines everyone in the business world who gives succor to those value destroyers who live through fists and guns aimed at innocent value producers.
Soon every value producer throughout the world will know exactly who gives life and credence to the gun-toting value destroyers. Justice will be served. You will be held responsible.
Indeed, you have locked yourself into that rickety mystic/neocheating superstructure. And now, through Neo-Tech, that structure is crumbling. Then suddenly, without warning, that crumbling mass will crash into a resounding dust heap. With that collapse, the relentless Neo-Tech waves will forever wash away those responsible for 2000 years of neocheating.
Ironically, most November-3rd agents, especially the lower echelons, are redeemable through the rhapsody and beatitude of Neo-Tech. But you who blacken business are the most culpable and have the most to lose. For most November-3rd people can walk away from their bankrupt jobs. But you have woven your lives, careers, and self-esteem into mosaics of corrupt alliances.[ 15 ] Thus, you will lose everything to the unyielding competition of fully integrated honesty -- Neo-Tech. ...You who nervously snicker today will soon be washed away by the coming Neo-Tech waves. So brace yourself. For those snickers will turn into gasps of fear and then into screams of panic.
To All Who Sanction the Guns and Fists of November 3rd:
This Proclamation will eventually end one-hundred years of neocheating successors from Marx to Hitler, from Mao to Nader. Those neocheaters dishonestly orchestrated the workingman's rage away from the value-destroying neocheaters and toward value-producing businesses and their heroic leaders. Part A discovers the source of that rage. And that source is you -- the business quisling. Moreover, that discovery will forever end the careers of all value destroyers -- from the brutish guns-and-fists government matones to the wimpish white-collar-hoax business quislings. ...Part B will show how, through the implacable justice of Neo-Tech, all business quislings will pay for their criminal partnerships with guns-and-fists bureaucracies.
No, you are probably not a neocheater. You and others like you are much less clever, much less sophisticated than the professional neocheaters to whom you unnecessarily submit. As shown in this Part A, you and other such executives are stooges for those neocheaters. Unwittingly, you act as their cancer seeds sown throughout all businesses and professions. You act to blacken everyone's view of business. You are among those whom honest workers lash out in anger and disgust, never knowing their targets.
But now, for the first time, the Neo-Tech microscope focuses on those previously vague targets. And voilà! Those targets are you, the wimpish business stooges. From that discovery, Neo-Tech reveals that those stooges are business quislings who harm all honest, hard-working value producers. Thus, such quislings, despite their staid appearances, are never a legitimate part of business. Instead, they are tools needed by criminal neocheaters to undermine and harm all value producers and businesses. ...But the sheer competitive forces of Neo-Tech will drive all who blacken business into ignominious unemployment.
Every blue-collar and middle-class worker in America has felt, at times, burning resentments toward those vaguely defined targets among bankers, lawyers, and certain business executives. Now, at last, New York Live Arts precisely identifies that target during the First Neo-Tech Wave. Live Arts sharply distinguishes the honest, hard-driving, value producers from the army of wimpish stooges ensconced in fake business positions around the world.
No indeed, those proper-appearing, well-disguised interlopers are not part of the honest, productive business world. But rather, they are the neocheaters' fifth column woven throughout the worldwide, value-production structure. Those destructive interlopers blacken the image of business while enhancing the false Marxist dichotomy between labor and business. For such stooges act as cancer seeds in undermining the business world. In appearing to represent business, which they do not, they become the source of that hidden resentment in all who earn honest livings by working hard everyday to produce competitive values for others. For the productive middle class deeply resents those smug nonproducers in low-effort "good jobs" that deliver little or nothing of value.
This document will not develop the "How and Why" of those smug stooges. The First Neo-Tech Wave will do that job. And when those identifications are publicly made, the honest middle-class value producers will become lynch mobs of T. Boone Pickens. They will demand and get the scalps of each and every one of those comfortable, easy-living, guns-and-fists-supporting bankers, lawyers, and business executives. For those business wimps depend on the guns-and-fists empire and its network of destructive jobs for their security and livelihoods. Thus, they betray all honest workers and value producers. They sustain their jobs by entrenching themselves behind mosaic layers of wasteful management. They survive through quisling-like support of the guns-and-fists empire. ...Perhaps 80-90% of such management jobs will vanish on implementation of Neo-Tech Control in business and government. For, all honest workers will suddenly recognize their targets. Those workers no longer will have to grope with vague, untargeted emotions such as:
* "They're so proper -- so worried about appearances and what others think. ...They make me sick. "* "Hey man, those goody white guys got all the easy jobs. ...I wanna necklace 'em."
* "Those good old boys: They start their job training in college as fraternity pledges. They learn to humble themselves before their proclaimed master -- before any arbitrarily proclaimed master. They learn to crawl on their knees, live on their knees. They learn to break their own egos, betray their own values, surrender their own principles in order to obey blindly their master -- any self-proclaimed master." ...And now, because of their sold-out characters, they can no longer live without the approval and protection of their current self-proclaimed, value-destroying masters -- the guns-and-fists bureaucrats of November 3rd.
Soon each and every one of those business fakes will stand naked in the Neo-Tech spotlight. With Neo-Tech, they can never again fake, hide, free-load, or escape. ...Yes, they are very proper appearing. For that appearance is de rigueur to hide their groveling cravenness and open-mouth ineptness. Indeed, they survive by supporting the guns-and-fists empire. They are the ones who bet their careers and livelihoods on the continued growth of that destructive guns-and-fists system. ...Yes, those stooges are the targets of honest rage. They are the ones who blacken business and its value producers.
The guns-and-fists empire needs those respectable-appearing interlopers throughout the business and professional world to control and drain the value producers. Likewise, those good old boys need their father-image, guns-and-fists authorities to survive. Those good old boys need guns-and-fists systems to maintain their conjured-up, low-effort jobs that never produce net values for others. ...Neo-Tech will end that destructive relationship. For Neo-Tech will allow all honest, middle-class value producers, including blue-collar workers, to flood into those jobs and businesses. Indeed, they will then quickly, competitively eliminate all those false, role-playing positions that undermine prosperity and happiness. ...The genuine value producers will then reign supreme -- free, unafraid, unbetrayed, undrained.
The White-Collar Hoax in Business
Requires The Criminal Mind
You as a business quisling are now in the Neo-Tech matrix. Thus, you should carefully examine the November-3rd Information Package. For, the Neo-Tech Center will use the example of your bogus job to extirpate mysticism and criminality from business.
Neo-Tech competition will eventually squeeze all dishonesty, laziness, incompetence, criminality, and mysticism from business. In turn, that competition will eliminate every career that undermines business and harms its value producers.
As previously identified, Pincer Movement #1 will collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. And then Pincer Movement #2 will drive all neocheaters and business quislings out of their destructive jobs and into court trials to pay for their destructions.
Q: Why do white-collar-hoax business quislings support and abet the criminal acts of November 3rd?
A: Business quislings support and abet the guns and fists of November 3rd for the following reasons:
The above reasons for abetting the guns and fists of November-3rd demonstrate why you and every other business quisling are guilty of criminal destruction. But, through Neo-Tech, you will forever be held responsible for the attacks, beatings, kickings, thefts, and murders inflicted on every innocent value producer in America. ...You have no escape. Through the unrelenting, iron-grip justice of Neo-Tech, you will be forever held accountable for all the crimes, injuries, and destructions that you have directly or indirectly inflicted on innocent value producers.
Indeed, after the Seven Neo-Tech Waves, you and all other value destroyers, in or out of government, will be indicted for crimes of destruction. You will stand trial. Those found guilty will be sentenced to relentlessly mounting ostracism by value producers around the world. Then, you will either perish or become a competitive value producer. ...Those who choose to survive by producing rather than destroying values must eventually pay full restitution for their past crimes of abetment and destruction.
As previously sent to Mr. Jesse A. Cota in Las Vegas and Commissioner Thomas P. Coleman in San Francisco, enclosed is our framed portrait and famous quote of Albert Einstein: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Now turn to the front pages of your Guns-and-Fists Information Package. Look closely at the photographs showing our editor being beaten to the ground. Right there, right in front of those agents of force inflicting their violent brutalities on our innocent editor hangs the same portrait, the same words -- only inches from the smashing fists and kicking feet of mediocre minds. ...What irony!
But now, that same Einstein will now be amongst you. And his quote will be an eloquent reminder that we are going to protect those great spirits from ever again being unjustly molested, attacked, and pillaged by the value destroyers in the United States or any country on Earth.
The November-3rd people in Las Vegas broke the glass on the last picture. So please take extra care of this picture. As a precaution, however, we have replaced the glass with unbreakable Plexiglas® to protect "Einstein" from further assaults.
Hang this picture where you and your people can see Einstein and read his words. Think hard about his words. ...As the Neo-Tech waves wash away mysticism and all its Neocheaters, you will come to know the indomitable power of those great spirits who are quietly constructing the Neo-Tech matrix around you and the world.
Listen carefully. Listen in the distance. Taps are playing.
Previous documents have identified your involvement in the November-3rd crimes. And now, by your default, you as commissioner have become the most responsible and culpable for those criminal acts of November 3rd.
History beckons review of the document previously sent to you titled, "The Choice for the November-3rd Commissioner". For, nothing can stop us from accomplishing our goal of collapsing mysticism through Pincer Movements #1 and #2 (as defined in the enclosed audio tapes titled "Victory Assured"). One target of Pincer Movement #2 is the value-destroying November-3rd behemoth.
Each future action will reinforce all other actions in working towards the collapse of mysticism. And your involvement on either the honest or dishonest side of November 3rd will hasten that collapse. ...But why not be happy and prosperous living on the honest, productive side of history?
Still, the nature of our most powerful actions -- the Seven Neo-Tech Waves -- are not included in your documents. For, those waves are the synergistic surprise elements that assure the collapse of mysticism and achievement of our goal as we move forward via the November-3rd triggered events.
On Wednesday, August 26th, at 2:25 pm, "Criminal-Investigator" William O'Leary and his driver slowly drove north on an obscure street in Southern Nevada. They approached the site at which construction of the Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Shrine would soon begin. Minutes earlier, they had surreptitiously interrogated an innocent, value-producing contractor who was bidding to build that historic shrine. At that site, an attractive, innocent woman stepped from a parked car. The agents stopped. As the innocent women walked toward their blue Plymouth, the driver rolled down his window. Both men stared at her. The dialog began:
Innocent Woman: "Hi!"
November-3rd Agents: "Hi!" They said looking at everything about her.
Innocent Woman: "Who is William?"
November-3rd Agents: Suddenly confused and disoriented, both answered almost at once, "William is not here." Then agent O'Leary lied nervously, "We just came from visiting some friends. I guess you have the wrong people."
Innocent Woman: (Pause...) "OK! Take this anyway," she said thrusting the gold-covered November-3rd manuscript titled "The Ultimate Battle" onto the driver's lap.
November-3rd Agents: Immediately recognizing the Package, they both gasped at the same time with deep breaths, "Huu! juu! mmm!" The two men then became silent and looked at each other. After a few moments, the driver spotted William O'Leary's name on the note attached to the manuscript. Quickly he passed the manuscript to William and said: "Ah! This is for you, William."
Innocent Woman: Leaning into the open window, she looked directly at William O'Leary. "Why did you say William is not in this car? Are you William?"
William: "Err, yes. ...But we did not understand your question."
Innocent Woman: "Oh! I am sorry about that."
November-3rd Agents: After looking again at the attached note and then at the first page of the manuscript, they both glanced at the innocent woman. They appeared anxious and guilty as if caught doing something wrong. William's hands trembled. He did not know what to do.
William: "Wha...wha...what is this for?" he asked staring at the gold-covered manuscript.
Innocent Woman: "This is for you. It is a valuable package about November 3rd...an updated edition. We were going to mail it to you today. But now you are here. So it is better for you to take the manuscript now. Because as soon as you have the manuscript, you can take the values from it. It is very good for you."
November-3rd Agents: "How did you know that we were here today?"
Innocent Woman: Silent pause as she looked down at them with large brown eyes. "Bye, bye," she finally said waving pleasantly and getting into her car.
Enclosed is the black-and-white Neo-Tech flag. Wave it when you see me during my next trip to your offices with our sketch artist. That way I can know who you are and maybe get a sketch of you. For you have been the invisible mystery man, you know. ...In any case, Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. So display the flag proudly on your desk until you leave your destructive job to become a happy value producer.
Also, ask that sad, misguided agent, Bert Goodrich, if he too wants a Neo-Tech flag for his desk. I can personally bring him one. ...I have not seen that lovelorn caballero in several months. So, please ask him when he is leaving to become a value producer? For the Neo-Tech Discovery shows that producing values desired by others makes a man delicious for a woman.
Indeed, sexual women know that men who usurp fake responsibilities through laziness and guns perform poorly. But men who earn genuine responsibilities through effort and values perform marvelously.
Earned responsibility not usurped responsibility is the key to love and happiness. The alternatives? Unhappy love life, homosexuality, celibacy? How is your sex performance? Bert? Jesse? Can you imagine how Stalin or Hitler performed? Makes me shudder to think about their shrivelled sex lives. ...Funny, when I think about a professional value destroyer, I think about a grasshopper trying to make love to a woman.
Yours truly, The Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch
The following is to be read or presented to all suspected neocheaters directing actions or words to any Neo-Tech researcher or writer anywhere in the world:
We invite all November-3rd participants, except el matón, to our Halloween party on Saturday night, October 31st. At 8 pm, we will gather at the Research and Writing offices in Las Vegas -- one of the locations you devastated last November 3rd. You will get a first-hand view of the bonanza that has occurred since that crime one year ago.
With guns-and-fists costumes, we at the Neo-Tech Center will transmogrify ourselves into November-3rd agents. We will carry toy guns, behave immaturely and neurotically. We will make problems where none exist. And you? Why don't you come as Neo-Tech value producers! Then we can reenact the scene with roles reversed: You can take the role of innocent, hard-working, value producers. Envision yourselves as honest producers: You dedicate 18 years of your life, 16 hours a day, 7 days a week to build an intellectual publishing house that provides worldwide values to everyone and society. Then, we as agents of force suddenly attack with guns and fists. Mindlessly, we ruin all your work, achievements, and values built over eighteen years of unspeakably hard work, discipline, and thought.
All during the attack, we destroy everything we touch. We punch, kick, assault, vandalize, and steal. We try mightily to convince you and ourselves that you, not we, are the criminals and law breakers. We inflate ourselves with arrogance and self-righteousness. With macho bigness, we punch, kick, and hospitalize your innocent editor, terrorize and molest your innocent young men and women. Then, out of envy and hatred, we even try to disrupt a romantic-love relationship sparkling with values and happiness.
And, yes, we smash your delicate, artistic business structure and pillage your precious property. We giddily grab all your hard-earned values and research funds belonging to three-thousand people. We seize book orders, money, and property belonging to innocent readers and scholars from around the world. Of course, we never return your property or the money belonging to innocent consumers. And we never return the intellectual works of your writers and scholars. ...Instead we threaten you with jail while pocketing some booty and delivering the rest to the empire that provides us with low-effort, value-destroying livelihoods. Indeed, those livelihoods make us feel like we have power without having to produce values, without having to earn self-esteem, without having to be competent or competitive.
The enclosed "Guns-and-Fists" T-shirt is part of our agents-of-force costume. And we have "Innocent Value Producer" T-shirts for your Neo-Tech costumes.
Please RSVP by phoning us at our new writing offices.
Our philosophical investigator and her sketch artist were shocked when they saw Agent-of-Force Bert Goodrich twice last week in the November-3rd lunchroom. They were shocked by the profound change in his appearance in just six months. His hair had turned all white. He had lost weight. He seemed bent under a terrible burden. ...Of course, Neo-Tech will burn holes through the heart and soul of every value destroyer.
But he and all of you involved in November 3rd need not continue living such sad, destructive lives. ...Come to our party. Get to know clean, attractive people -- honest value producers. You will see an entirely different, sparkling, wholesome world available to all -- even to you. Yes, you can get well. For any value destroyer can choose to forsake the professional mystics and neocheaters. Any value destroyer can turn toward value production to live in health, happiness, and love.
[ 15 ] A vice president of one bank feigned death, the president of another bank requested a one-way ticket to Clownsville. Both were desperately trying to escape the Neo-Tech Matrix. But they can never escape.
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