The human mind has a limited storage and processing capacity. But Neothink, a discovery made through Neo-Tech, infinitely expands the capacity of consciousness to understand anything in existence. The discovery of exchanging the conscious mind for the Neo-Tech/Neothink mind is equivalent to the discovery of exchanging the bicameral mind for the conscious mind 3000 years ago. And, as occurred 3000 years ago, this exchange will occur swiftly, automatically -- through competition.
The Neo-Tech/Neothink mind emasculates and promptly rejects the uncompetitive, mystic/neocheating mind. With Neothink, professional mystics and neocheaters are finished regardless of what anyone thinks, says, or does. The pressure for evolving from a conscious mind to a Neothink mind is competition. Neo-Tech/Neothink simply provides too great of an advantage to compete against. The age is dawning in which those who fail to evolve into Neo-Tech/Neothink will simply become uncompetitive. They will never again prosper, gain happiness, or even survive.
Indeed, the mystic-plagued conscious mind cannot compete or even survive against the mystic-free Neo-Tech/Neothink mind. Similarly, 3000 years ago, the hallucinating bicameral mind could not compete or survive against the introspective conscious mind. ...In using Neothink, people will quickly realize the impotence of professional mystics and neocheaters. Those Neothink people will first outcompete the mystics and neocheaters and then scorn them out of existence. Indeed, all mystics and neocheaters are finished. For their value-destroying propaganda will become as ridiculous as a by-gone pope's propaganda promoting the burning of "witches" -- as ridiculous as a by-gone ruler's propaganda promoting planet Earth as flat.
Neothink is the process for developing startling new concepts through unlimited ranges of new integrations. That unlimited capacity is accomplished by dividing thoughts into separate groups or units and then building each unit to its maximum capacity of conscious thought. Those separate, maximum-capacity thought units are then suddenly integrated together into vast, super units of new knowledge and concepts far beyond the capacity of the human mind functioning as a single conscious unit. ...The mind must be free of mystical blocks to make those most powerful, widest-range, unlimited integrations.
An example of Neothink through such maximum-capacity units is the work titled "Surpassing Einstein's Ultimate Goal" presented in Appendix H. In that work, 25 separate maximum-capacity thought units are developed. Then like a jigsaw puzzle, those 25 thought units or pieces are assembled into interlocking positions. And when that last thought unit or piece is snapped into place, an entirely new, super-large, super-integrated picture appears. And from that larger-than-consciousness picture flows new knowledge far beyond the capacity of any single-unit thought or picture of the conscious mind.
Today, through Neothink, every Neo-Tech research and business project is being propelled beyond the range of Einstein's most advanced work. For, mystical blocks in the "spiritual" and philosophical arenas prevented Einstein from making those simple but required widest-scope integrations.
Among the most important results of Neothink are Mark Hamilton's business and management developments. Indeed, his concepts offer such great competitive advantages that all businesses will be compelled to use those concepts...or perish along with the entire uncompetitive, mystic world. Publication of Hamilton's live-action, Neothink business and management dynamics (Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #2) will mark the end of the white-collar hoax. Through the dynamics of that powerful new competition, all businesses will be increasingly pressured to use Neo-Tech. Business will be forced squeeze all mysticism and neocheating out of their own operations and their dealings with others in order to survive domestically and compete internationally.
Neothink is man's most powerful tool: This mighty integration tool, this focused beam of competitive heat will desiccate every mystic and neocheater who steps into its path. Eventually, every value producer will know how to focus on and then desiccate every professional mystic and neocheater -- not only in business and government everywhere, but in his or her personal life to gain super competitive power and happiness.
Neothink involves the building, assembling, and then integrating of two or more maximum-thought units. That open-ended integration generates ideas and knowledge far beyond the capacity of the conscious mind. Although few do, anyone can Neothink. Even mystics and neocheaters can Neothink. And the most renowned professional mystics and consummate neocheaters indeed use dishonest forms of Neothink to outcompete other neocheaters in victimizing the value producers. ...Within their closed spheres of actions, they use Neothink dishonestly and out of context to usurp values and power on a grand scale.
Such consummate neocheaters include Plato, Napoleon, Lincoln, Kant, Marx, Hitler, Jim Jones, all popes, and all builders of November-3rd-type empires. All historical neocheaters used the Neocheating/Neothink matrix to out-compete the hordes of lesser neocheaters limited to conscious thinking. Those empire-building neocheaters also used various distorted forms of Neothink to assemble and manage their vast engines of value usurpation and destruction in ways that ordinary conscious minds cannot perceive. But all such empires eventually collapsed because they contradict reality and lack the foundation of fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech).
By contrast, great value producers such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Alfred Sloan, Ray Kroc used more widely integrated, honest forms of Neothink to outcompete their rivals. They also used integrated Neothink to assemble and manage their vast engines of value creation and production. Ford's assembly-line creation and development is an example of integrated Neothinking that left all competitors behind. And those competitors who did not scramble to follow Ford's Neothink production concepts did not survive.
But, all those great value producers were hampered in their efforts and diminished in their lives to the extent that they let mysticism undercut their personal and business lives. That mysticism also severely restricted their range of neothinking and eventually limited or stopped their growth.
As opposed to the dishonest, distorted neothinking used by master neocheaters, a fully integrated Neothink mind or person functions by nature from a foundation of honesty. But, through fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), the Neothink mind gains that all-encompassing, unbeatable power not only over all master neocheaters but over all competition. That power comes from --
- 1. being the most powerful, accurate integrator of knowledge possible, and
- 2. being mystic free, thereby, being
- (a) impervious to the deceptions, distortions, and usurpations of mystics and neocheaters, and
- (b) able to make super-wide, Neothink integrations to outflank everyone.
By contrast, the conscious mind is not only limited in its integration power, but is always undercut by mind-blocking mysticism and destructive neocheating. As the powerful Neothink mind begins asserting itself into all competitive areas, a flood of advantages will overwhelm conscious minds blocked or crippled by mysticism.
Under the dynamics of competitive pressures, once the conversion to Neothink starts, value producers en masse will abandon their uncompetitive, conscious minds and rush into using their newly recognized, super-effective, mystic-free Neothink minds for super-wide integrations. That rapid switch to Neothink modes will quickly collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters.
Three-thousand years ago, a parallel event occurred during which the newly discovered conscious mind quickly overran the uncompetitive bicameral mind: Once people recognized that highly beneficial conversion, nearly everyone rushed into the conscious mode to avoid being left behind in the uncompetitive, bicameral-schizoid mode. From that point, nearly everyone rapidly switched from nature's hallucinating bicameral mode to man's self-thinking conscious mode to survive. And now, today, nearly everyone will sooner or later switch from the limited, mystic-afflicted conscious mode to the unlimited, mystic-free, Neo-Tech/Neothink mode, not only to prosper but to survive.
A person living in nature's bicameral mode could not compete, function, or even survive in our world today. In fact, such a person would be institutionalized as a hallucinating schizophrenic. Similarly, a person living tomorrow in the mystic-prone conscious mode would be unable to compete or even survive.
Tomorrow belongs to the mystic-free, infinitely wide integrating Neo-Tech/Neothink mind. Against competitive business-like Neothink minds, even today's most revered mystics and master neocheaters will shrink into nonentities. They will not only be scorned out of their once respected positions of unearned power, but they will be laughed out of existence. ...The Neo-Tech/Neothink evolution (not revolution) will not involve violence, coercion, demonstrations, intellectual movements. Instead, the Neo-Tech/Neothink evolution will involve competitive pressures ranging from within everyone's personal life, outward to the widest international business activities. ...The symbols of fully integrated thinking and honest business will replace the symbols of mystical or religious thinking and dishonest government as the position of reverence and power throughout the world.
In addition to super-powerful integrations, Neothink also provides entirely different ways to look at nearly every important idea and concept encountered by conscious beings. For, since organized neocheating began about 2000 years ago, essentially every social idea and philosophical concept has been corruptly integrated with the dishonest non sequiturs of mysticism and the big-lie hoaxes of neocheating.
Those non sequiturs and hoaxes are cleverly used by neocheaters for usurping their livings from the value producers: What appears to be two opposite choices in the prevailing mystical/neocheating context are not opposite choices at all. Instead, as revealed by Neothink, those choices are always the same. They only appear different because they are based on different points. But all those a points cleverly conceal the point. That, in turn, makes all their choices the same in that they are all flawed in being based on something that does not exist. For all their choices in one way or another cede to mysticism or neocheating a crucial essence for which no validity or reality exists.
Indeed, that flaw of ceding to mysticism or dishonesty eventually renders all such choices to the same destructive ends. And those destructive ends are ultimately orchestrated into usurped power and bogus livelihoods by the professional mystics and neocheaters. Thus, the only choices that are diametrically different are those that render productive ends. All such mystic-free, incorruptible, productive ends are established through fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech). By nature, therefore, all diametrically different choices must be free of mysticism and neocheating.
Neo-Tech shows that the real choice is not between the various Hobson's choices of mysticism and neocheating. But, the choice is always between: 1. out-of-context, dishonestly used "a points" with their pragmatic flux of infinite non sequiturs or, 2. a fully contextual, honestly used "the point" with its principled foundation of unmovable facts. Expressed another way, the choice is always between mystical-based dishonesty or rational-based honesty.
The historic November-3rd event is the mother lode from which Neo-Tech knowledge, values, and power endlessly flow. The November-3rd people, through their savaging of the Neo-Tech research and writing facilities, indicted themselves before the world. And they will be found guilty by everyone who counts -- by every value producer throughout the world. They will be found guilty as the consummate destroyers of life and values. Indeed, the entire nation, the entire world will realize that the purpose of November-3rd people is not to collect revenues. Everyone will realize their destructive actions are only ploys through which they can live without producing values for others or society. And then everyone will realize the point: Who is the value producer? Who is the value destroyer? ...The only purpose of those populating the November-3rd hierarchy is to grow in power and size in order to expand their unearned livelihoods.
Examine the irrational, destructive world of the November-3rd Empire. Look at its vicious, dishonest domain. In such a domain, people cannot be happy or even live with themselves as human beings:
Consider the victims -- value-driven individuals. They live and grow by increasing their efficiency of value production. Indeed, all value-driven businesses can grow in strength and size only by increasing their value to others and society.
Now consider the victimizers -- the usurpation-driven November-3rd people. They live and grow by decreasing the efficiency of value production. Indeed, their usurpation-driven empire can grow in power and size only by increasing their harm to others, to society. ...November-3rd people and their collaborators must continue usurping values from others with increasing destruction in order to preserve their dishonest livelihoods.
In other words, value producers must constantly enhance competence and values to grow and survive. That benevolent action is the nature of honesty and business. ...But, value destroyers must constantly undermine competence and values to grow and survive. That malevolent action is the nature of mysticism and neocheating. And that nature is why the moribund, mystic-plagued, conscious mind cannot compete or survive against the newly discovered, mystic-free, Neo-Tech/Neothink mind.
Perhaps the most irrational crime executed by November-3rd people is their crippling or destroying of value-generating businesses. And perhaps the most disgusting crime executed by November-3rd people is their ravishment of innocent, hard-working value producers. But the most heinous crime executed by November-3rd people is their preventing countless values from developing or becoming available to society. For as they increasingly undercut the means to production, precious values are forever lost to society and civilization. And midst the ruined means of production lie lost values ranging from cures for cancer and AIDS to commercial production/distribution systems that would forever eliminate famine and war.
And the greatest evil? Among those lost values lie armies of potential value producers drained of the opportunities and freedom needed to produce magnificent values. Indeed, those force-backed value destroyers especially eliminate the training grounds and learning opportunities that people need to develop their conscious abilities. Such opportunities are then lost forever -- ground into egalitarian dust by the force-backed value destroyers. That criminality is the greatest evil.
Consider the attempt by the November-3rd empire to cripple or destroy I & O Publishing Company and the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center. Even that irrational crime pales in comparison to their unthinkably heinous crime of trying to ruin the production of future values. For they tried to destroy the intellectual and business structures through which I & O Publishing Company and the Neo-Tech Center create, produce, and deliver to society supra Einsteinian values. ...Consider the thought of automatons forever ending the values being produced by the Neo-Tech Centers.
Now consider the mind-numbing thought of those same automatons ending all the values yet to be produced for all civilization, forever into the future. What if those November-3rd agents of force had succeeded? What if they had succeeded in ending the future of Neo-Tech? That loss would have been far more criminally devastating to society and civilization than if agents of force had destroyed Einstein's early work in 1905 and forever prevented his future work and values from reaching society.
But today, fortunately for everyone, including the November-3rd agents of force, the time has passed when either I & O or Neo-Tech can be stopped by anyone or any force. For I & O and Neo-Tech are already seeded around the world and growing beyond the reach or control of anyone. Even totalitarian regimes cannot stop Neo-Tech from flourishing as evidenced by its recent translation into Yugoslavian and Mandarin Chinese. Even in Nigeria in which foreign exchange violations are met with the death penalty, Neo-Tech flourishes through the exchange of carved African art.
Thus, finally, after 2000 years, the value-destroying mystics and neocheaters are finished. They have lost in their attempts to stop Neo-Tech from spreading among the value producers. Today, nothing can prevent the rising power of Neo-Tech/Neothink from eliminating the professional mystics, neocheaters, and all other value destroyers from our planet. For, with Neo-Tech/Neothink increasingly becoming available to everyone, adults and youth alike, in all major languages, those value destroyers can no longer hide their parasitical natures, their harmful acts, their own viciousness. Neothink instantly and mercilessly spotlights their dishonest, destructive actions. And with each subsequent move, those value destroyers increasingly entangle themselves in the Neo-Tech matrix while accelerating their own demise.
With each subsequent, destructive act by each November-3rd-type empire against I & O and its people, one of the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will be launched. ...Those waves represent the seven Neothink units or puzzle parts that reveal the Einsteinian integrations for collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters. And when that seventh piece is snapped into its final place, the value destroyers will be finished. For when that final Seventh Wave completes the picture, the remaining professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers will be driven out of home and business. ...Then they will either become value producers or perish as impotent clowns.
An Atlas Who Never Shrugs
As Secretary of Treasury, you are ultimately responsible for the shrouded crimes of November 3rd. And with justice now emerging, the curtain rises on those crimes. So, today, you must learn about the Guns-and-Fists Empire under your domain and responsibility. But first, you must know who was aborn on that historic November 3rd:
That young Atlas, that young Titan, that young Hercules grows bigger and stronger every day, every hour as the entanglement moves from --
You have the opportunity to explicitly choose your position in history. For, the choice your commissioner once had now passes to you. ...Or will this opportunity slip by you and pass to other realms?
On understanding the nature of November 3rd, your life will change forever. Moreover, the changes will be more dramatic and rapid than you or anyone could have predicted. No, you will not have any control over the coming collapse of mysticism and neocheating. But, yes, you will have full control over your historic role in that collapse. For, the choice you have is to perish into nothingness beneath the collapsing neocheating hoax or to become one of the most admired men in history. Indeed, you could be a highly visible hero in collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. That collapse will eliminate all value destroyers not only throughout the Treasury Department but throughout all governments and businesses around the world.
Or you can choose to remain the commander of the single most destructive force in America. ...Will you keep marching with November 3rd toward an ignominious demise -- toward being laughed out of existence?
Will you grasp what is happening? Will you recognize this Waterloo event for all professional value destroyers? Will you recognize this momentous human evolvement from uncompetitive, mystically based consciousness to super-competitive, Neo-Tech based neothinking? Will you seize this nonpareil opportunity? Will you conquer mysticism with fully integrated honesty? Will you choose to become one of the most visible heroes in history? Will you become one of the happiest, most powerful, most honest persons on earth?
Or will you choose not to see, not to understand, not to act? Will you fail on this supreme responsibility -- this supreme opportunity? Will the image of your face harden forever among the Hierarchy of Guilt? Will you forever be responsible for those uncompetitive forces that destroy life, happiness, and love? ...Your resigning to get out of your position will not succeed. You will be pursued forever. For the Neo-Tech matrix forever entraps everyone responsible for the crimes of November-3rd, the neocheating hoax, and the usurpation of values earned by others.
Instead, why not help dump that destructive, doomed November-3rd empire? Come, ride atop the coming Neo-Tech waves. For, they will forever wash away the value-destroying world of mystics and neocheaters. ...Do not surrender your precious life to those uncompetitive losers.
Thank you, Martin Helko, for delivering the Happiness/Romantic-Love tape to the November-3rd Director, Jesse A. Cota. Our sketch artists missed him again -- that shy rascal. But, do not worry. We will not try again. For we are now moving beyond the street antics of the value destroyers and into their bedrooms and psyches. Simultaneously, we are moving into the minds and emotions of the value producers through worldwide marketing and the live arts. ...We know exactly how to collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters.
Martin, I hope you too listened to that tape. For, you both badly need that information to escape the wasted, unhappy life in which all value destroyers are entrapped. Indeed, that sad life showed in your shifting eyes and quivering voice during that luncheon gathering of Latin-American business people two weeks ago. In the first 60 seconds, as recorded on our tape, you twice blurted out the dishonest statement: "Jesse really wanted to be here". Then you admitted that Jesse -- oh, that pusillanimous lily -- asked you an hour and a half before the luncheon to take his place.
Is nothing spared the dishonesties of the November-3rd bureaucracy? Is dishonesty totally automatic and habitual among the November-3rd value destroyers? Martin, your words sounded so insincere, so fake. Every business person in that room knew Mr. Cota did not "really want to be here". Mr. Cota was afraid to appear, plain and simple. ...He passed the responsibility to you. And you publicly lied for him.
All that chicanery is so unnecessary. Martin, no one has to live a lie. No one has to live as a value destroyer. No one has to live without happiness, without producing values for others, without proud accomplishments, without romantic love.
With goodwill, I am enclosing the latest November-3rd Value Package. With this package, you can look beyond the malevolent world of value destroyers. Perhaps, for the first time since you entered that Faustian empire of usurpation and destruction 21 years ago, you can see the benevolent world of value producers.
More important, you are the first to receive the enclosed audio tape that explains how the rising business titans will crumble forever the Guns-and-Fists Empire. But that tape also explains how you too can build your own mystic-breaking enterprise -- how you too can soar within the sunlit world of Neo-Tech business. Moreover, that tape explains how you and Mr. Cota can contribute to the good side of history. Yes, you both can redeem your own life and happiness by partaking in the November-3rd, live-arts business in New York, Los Angeles, and abroad.
In any case, you are now entangled in the Neo-Tech Matrix. You are now involved in the Ultimate Battle between the value destroyers and the value producers. No, you need not waste the rest of your life among the value destroyers. You can choose to enter the powerfully alive, sexy world of value producers. You can choose to earn prosperity, power, happiness, and romantic love.
Contact me too Mr. Cota, Mr. Goodrich, Mr. Corrigan.
Come to our World Summits and live-art events
Come to our executive, financial,
and planning meetings
Come do our bookkeeping
and tax accounting
Come take our products and publications
Each of the above offers were made to you in writing and then published in the November-3rd Information Package. So, why have not you and your organization accepted those offers rather than constantly masquerading through one deception after another?
Enclosed is the $99.95 check and metered envelope your white-collar quislings used in trying to obtain our Grand-Event cassettes. Did you know they illegally set back the postal meter? Why? To trick us into sending them the Live-Arts tapes about the Guns-and-Fists of November 3rd -- a musical production introducing the first Neo-Tech Wave.
No need for such intrigue and clownishness. You only had to openly and honestly ask for those tapes. For, you know by direct experience that we have freely revealed and provided you with everything concerning the Ultimate Battle between the value producers and the value destroyers. And, as you know, we have invited your agents to our planning meetings, our financial meetings, and our live-arts events. We even sent you the key to our private safe-deposit box containing everything you were seeking. And, we invited one of your own accountants to do all our accounting, including tax accounting -- with us gladly paying for his or her free-lance services, so long as that person worked hard to honestly earn that pay.
Why must your organization compulsively function by deception and stealth, even when everything is available openly and honestly? Is dishonesty so habitual, so deeply embedded that no one can fathom living cleanly and openly? Those questions can now be answered in a way that everyone can understand. First, start by asking once again:
Probably not. For the nature, essence, and survival of the November-3rd Empire depend on dishonesty, usurpation, and camouflaged criminal acts. Indeed, all guns-and-fists people must live a morbid, bizarre existence of dishonesty and deception to survive as a value destroyer.
Thus, every move by your organization is by nature rooted in dishonesty and destruction. For those roots are the essences of everyone dependent on guns and fists. Consider that every action directed against us, the honest value producers, has been unclean, dishonest, criminal, destructive -- every action ranging from criminal assaults and felony thefts, to petty chiseling on postage, to automatic lying in public.
The list of November-3rd crimes further breaks down into dozens of other crimes, thefts, dishonesties in every November-3rd action -- not only in dealing with the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers but in dealing with every value producer the November-3rd Empire has ever attacked, hurt, crippled, or destroyed. ...What a disgusting, evil existence.
One wonderful, earned reward for any value producer is the pleasure available from contemplating his or her innocent face in a mirror. But could any value destroyer in that nightmarish November-3rd organization ever contemplate his or her face in a mirror without triggering sickness? Of course not. For all such value destroyers live in a frightening, anxiety-filled world of value destruction. But fortunately, today, that perverted world can no longer compete or even exist among the value producers once they discover the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech.
Yes, the competitive advantages of Neo-Tech/Neothink will spread around the world. ...And then the value destroyers will never again deceive and pillage the value producer.
November-3rd Commissioner,
Yet, you know we cannot commercially launch the Seven Neo-Tech Waves until you come to get us. So come with your guns, fists, blood, and jails. Come, try to stop us. For we are the clean, the benevolent, the innocent, the competent -- we are the value producers throughout the world. And you are the sullied, the malevolent, the guilty, the incompetent -- you are the value destroyers within the November-3rd trap.
Yet, we have no fear of you. For against Neo-Tech, your every destructive act will boomerang back tenfold, a hundredfold. And on your triggering the Seven Neo-Tech Waves, the army of Bantam Companies seeded around the world will sprout and then burgeon to full competitive strength. ...They will jackhammer every Guns-and-Fists Empire to rubble. Indeed, your entire, ossified White-Collar-Hoax foundation will crumble under the mounting dynamics of honesty, effort, and competence.
Yet, we are iron-strong and unmovable. For we live through fully integrated honesty. We need no one to succeed. We depend on no one for our power. But, you need a nation of tricked value producers to succeed. You depend on a hoax for power. And everything you need and depend on will crumble with the rise of fully integrated honesty.
For to survive, you must kill if you cannot destroy. You must destroy if you cannot rob. You must rob if you cannot usurp. You must usurp if you cannot deceive.
If you do not come to get us? You will still be driven from existence. For, without your aggressions, the bantam companies will revert to a slower, more quiet, methodical undermining of your foundation. In either case, those bantam companies will collapse you either from your dishonest foundation below or from your White-Collar-Hoax structure above.
That battle will launch the Seven Neo-Tech Waves. And those Seven Waves will ablute this nation of gudgeon-like value producers upon whom you feed. In their place, a world of piranha-like bantam companies will surface and devour all the White-Collar quislings to collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. ...The Neo-Tech clock is running. No one can stop it from reaching midnight to end the neocheaters' day forever.
The Sexual Competence
Value Producers versus Value Destroyers
"When the bedroom door closes, when the lights dim, nothing can camouflage that moment of celebration. Nothing can diminish the value producer; nothing can help the value destroyer. In bed, the consequences of one's character are inescapable."
Barbie Diamond Neo-Tech Business Woman Undocumented Alien |
We do not fear attacks by government value destroyers, attacks by born-again fanatics, or attacks by anyone else. We have more honest power than any government or religion ever had. We are only interested in our single goal -- collapsing mysticism worldwide. And, as of this date, we have been satisfied to pursue our goal quietly -- quietly laying plans and setting traps to eliminate value destroyers worldwide. We do not need publicity, the media, or help from anyone to succeed. In fact, those traditional routes only get in our way and slow our progress. But, if anything or anyone gets in the way of our pursuing that goal, we will focus all energies through the Neo-Tech magnifying lens to burn holes through anything and anyone who remain in our way, large or small. No force on Earth can stop us from achieving our goal...from forever eradicating mankind's most destructive scourge -- the disease of mysticism and its symbiotic virus-like neocheaters.
The collapse of mysticism and the demise of neocheaters is already occurring through Pincer Movements #1 and #2 triggered by the events of November 3rd. On launching the first Neo-Tech wave, the following 512-page manuscript will be released to all competitive value producers:
The Ultimate Lawyer |
No -- just the opposite.
Neo-Tech Rhapsodizes Man:
The whim of criminal minds dictates all purposeful harm inflicted upon society. The logic of independent consumers dictates all purposeful prosperity bestowed upon society. Who are the independent consumers? They are those value producers who use the marketplace, logic, and reputation to make their own judgments about trading values with others. They make their own judgments free from the arrogated "protection" of bogus-job consumer agencies, free from the dishonest media, free from Nader-like demagogues. ...Independent consumers make their judgments free from the criminal-minded neocheaters Mysticism and neocheating underlie all harm inflicted upon society. By contrast, business and Neo-Tech underlie all values delivered to society.
Subjected to the merciless Neo-Tech Matrix, all professional value destroyers and their bogus-job supporters will eventually become honest, net value producers in order to repay every one of their victims in full. ...Or Neo-Tech will relentlessly ostracize them out of existence through their own self-inflicted, premature deaths and suicides.
GUNS AND FISTS OF NOVEMBER-3RD NEWSLETTER for all Agents of Force and Matones, Their Management and Superiors, Their Collaborators, Supporters, and White-Collar-Hoax Business Quislings (volume 1, number 4) NEO-TECH WILL END THE GUNS-AND-FISTS EMPIRE |
We are the pure, we are the innocent, we are the good. We cast warm sunlight over everyone -- for we are the value producers of this world. They among the November-3rd people are the tainted, they are the guilty, they are the evil. They cast cold shadows over everyone -- for they are the value destroyers of this world. ...That is the point of November 3rd. No other point exists. That point will never again be hidden. That point once revealed never goes away, never is forgotten:
The Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #3 details the essence of the November-3rd hierarchy for all the world to see and feel. And that feeling quickly becomes one of sickness, disgust, and scorn. For, the essence of that hierarchy right up to its Commissioner and the Secretary of Treasury is to live by sanctioning criminal destructions, including beatings and murders.
That guns-and-fists scenario strips all layers of illusionary values from the November-3rd bureaucracy -- stripping that bureaucracy and its hierarchy to its essence. And again, what is that essence? What stands denuded for all the world to see during the coming Neo-Tech waves? A criminal empire whose survival rests on intimidation through its capacity to commit theft, assault, murder -- without qualms. ...And until Neo-Tech, that hierarchy could routinely commit those crimes with impunity.
But, with Neo-Tech, all guns-and-fists empires and their criminal-minded hierarchies are finished. For, their illusions will be forever washed away by the Seven Neo-Tech Waves. Nothing can stop Neo-Tech. Nothing can save them. For they are the value destroyers with the bottom-line capacity to deliver only misery and death. We are the value producers with the bottom-line capacity to deliver happiness and life.
Value destroyers will soon be powerless against all value producers. How is that? First consider I & O Publishing Company: As demonstrated in the November-3rd Information Package, even professional value destroyers cannot hurt I & O. For, each destruction inflicted upon I & O boomerangs back tenfold, a hundredfold to undermine the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic value destroyers. Indeed, their Keystone-Cops' incompetence, arrogant mandates, malevolent actions, sexual assaults, even physical beatings backed by guns, handcuffs, and jails only speed I & O toward its goal of ending all bogus jobs and livelihoods of professional value destroyers. For, each harmful act inflicted on I & O by those value destroyers provides gasoline to fuel their own destruction.
Today, I & O Publishing Company, a fire-driven coterie of writers and editors, are releasing a flood of lifetime values around the world. To produce that river of values flowing forever into the future, those writers and editors must integrate their personal lives with their work -- sixteen hours a day, seven days a week. No group of people on Earth works harder, more intensely, with greater dedication to reach mankind's noblest goal: Indeed, all efforts of those writers and editors are directed toward the single goal of curing the death and destruction disease -- the 3000-year-old disease of mysticism from which all professional value destroyers fashion their bogus jobs and fake livelihoods.
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