The Geniuses Of Society Will Make You A Millionaire
FAQ: After the Great Replacement Program begins, how soon before
ordinary people like me live like millionaires?
ANSWER: Remember, we are simply freeing the geniuses of society to make us rich as we sit back and collect the rewards from society's most gifted people...just like what happened in the computer revolution. It's a nice thought: we give them freedom, and they'll give us fortunes. We certainly are at a unique place in history in which this millionaire phenomenon can make us wealthy without lifting a finger. And it is our responsibility to make sure we experience mankind's greatest bonanza and not mankind's greatest tragedy. So, here is an abbreviated overview of how ridding big government via the Great Replacement Program will lead to your millionaire status in just a few years or less: As big government quickly shrinks back to government's original purpose of public protection, its prize possession of public "well-being" denied, the many social and regulatory programs will become legitimate, private spin-offs (the Great Displacement Program). What remains of government will be public protection only -- police protection at the local level and national defense at the national level...guided by the Individual Rights Amendment at the indivisible individual level. Super efficient local police and national defense run by super competent market businessmen and women will be guided by the Constitution, namely the Individual Rights Amendment (page 223). Indeed, the Constitution and objective justice in the courts will run our country, exactly as the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Big government's prize possession -- that is, acts of public "well-being", a regulatory paradise -- thrives on political issues, rivalries, debates, votes...and regulations. To sell you their political issues and win your votes in our power-by-numbers system, the career politicians with the help of the liberal media constantly hoodwink the masses. But, as big government and its bogus purpose of public "well-being" ends, the endless flow of political issues ends. Instead, government will become cut-and-dry as its valid purpose of public protection at its indivisible individual level takes over. Without the mazes of conflicting political issues put on the people, livelihoods built on hoodwinking the people can no longer exist. Political rivalries can no longer survive. Instead, nonconflicting simple performance will determine the job being done for us. Like any business, the numbers do not lie. ...Eventually, the government, a super efficient protection service, can run like a business, with all the same disciplines and accountabilities.
As a result, the absence of big-government barriers will free the entire economy to race ahead like the unrestricted computer industry and will forever ensure millionaire status for the rest of your life as the Constitution becomes grounded to Individual Rights. Just as importantly, we will discover a safe civilization unlike we have ever known as crime disappears. Today, we do not really have police protection. We simply have police follow-up, not prevention. The bureaucracy is simply that -- a bureaucracy, not efficient, not effective. The future government will perfect its essence with the precision of a private company. Like a private company, the government will be tied to accountability and performance. (Remember, without the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS, no government monopolies will exist, and potential competition will be ever present). Served with the competence of a private protection business, crime will disappear. Racism, too, will disappear as all people in all neighborhoods become affluent and wealthy as well as productive superstars during the ensuing job revolution (the division of essence). Instead, good feelings will grow for your fellow man and woman as everyone contributes important values to society.
FAQ: When I think about the Neo-Tech Era, I love the feelings I get.
What a beautiful world! ...But what will happen to the seniors?
ANSWER: They can now retire and get rich! They more than anyone need their buying power to multiply manyfold. But I think your concerns lie specifically with Social Security. Let us take a good look at that: Tomorrow's fears about Social Security are now here, today. After all, our younger people are paying a lot of money they will never see again. That stark reality is causing perhaps the greatest internal strife in our nation today. A war between generations has been declared.
Social Security is a paradox. If you are a young working person trying to make ends meet, you know how painful it is to pay precious money each paycheck to a Social Security that will never be there when you retire. Paying income taxes is hard, but then to pay half that amount again to a useless Social Security exceeds reasonable expectations. Of course, the young family's wealth -- or lack of it -- is being siphoned off to the elderly. In these times of declining standards of living, younger folk can no longer give out money to others...especially once married with children.
On the other hand, if you are retired, you know how vital that Social Security benefit is. In many cases, your standard of living is near poverty level already, as a result of long-term inflation. To end Social Security would drop many seniors too low, perhaps into homelessness and desperation. None of us want that. Most seniors must have that Social Security check; they depend on it. No matter how badly they feel for the younger generations, seniors simply have no choice but to collect Social Security.
The country is stuck in this paradox with seemingly no way out. However, a Modern Money Miracle will soon rescue us. The Modern Money Miracle, remember, is a fast-moving, economically driven megatrend to rid big government from our lives. As the pressure against big government builds, the government must pull back its immense reach into every aspect of every human act of living and must shrink back to its original and valid purpose -- to do what it can do best -- to protect America nationally and locally. Everything else must go.
And there comes, within the next few years, the inevitable sale of trillions of dollars of government assets and programs -- everything that has nothing to do with protection. Those trillions of dollars will go directly to paying back with accrued interest entire lifetimes of paying into Social Security. On average, over a hundred thousand dollars will go to every senior citizen, all at once, by the year 2001. And yes, Social Security, too, must go as it has nothing to do with national defense or local police protection, thus relieving all working adults and future generations from painfully paying into a dying system. The Modern Money Miracle spares our children and grandchildren and brings our seniors a small fortune. In some cases, the interest on that small fortune alone will be greater than the current Social Security benefits.
The Modern Money Miracle -- that is, America's falling out with big government -- will surprisingly soon force this spectacular sale of all government assets that have nothing to do with the government's original and valid purpose: to protect. The money from this extraordinary sale will return the rightful small fortunes to those who earned them by repaying all Social Security with interest. Thus, the bulk of those revenues would go to our parents and grandparents who paid the taxes that built those assets. In any case, everyone at every age who paid into Social Security will get a nice chunk of money that earned full fair-market interest for as long as the government held it.
Retiring wealthy with a small fortune is only a mini money miracle, however, compared to the giant money miracle about to happen for everyone, by selling off big government and setting free modern technology in this new era.
In any case, after decades of paying Social Security, most seniors have anywhere from $100,000 to a quarter-million dollars coming back to them, all at once. A quarter of a million dollars...that's a bigger pile of money than most people have ever seen at one time in their whole lives. Retired seniors can splurge and take that world cruise, and they can put the bulk of the money in interest-earning accounts for security -- whatever they decide, for it is their money. They earned it.
And, struggling younger people will no longer have to pay their precious money into Social Security, which they will never see again under the current system. The Modern Money Miracle will end Social Security, which is all part of big government.
Social Security payments end; the payoff explodes. Today, 40 million seniors receive Social Security benefits. If each of them received on average a check for $125,000, say, that would be five trillion dollars. The sale of all government assets that have nothing to do with protection (known as the Great Displacement Program) will amount to many trillions of dollars, the exact amount being researched now by the Neo-Tech Research Center. Those trillions will cover all seniors and all the other people who are not yet retired but who paid year after year into Social Security. Every working and retired American will get a substantial check from the government. The older the citizen, the bigger the check.[ 14 ]
When, exactly, will this sale of government assets take place? Older people certainly do not have a lot of time to wait around. Well, the megatrend is economically driven. As people increasingly realize the mega wealth they will incur, the pressure builds. The political cork could pop off, so to speak, in the next few years or less. By the year 2000, everyone -- old and young alike -- will very likely be ready to depoliticize other words, get big government completely out of our lives. The government will then have to sell its assets to private businesses to get out of our lives. The government will net trillions of dollars as it shrinks to its original purpose of protecting our country, not running our lives. The bulk of those trillions of dollars will go to our oldest Americans -- to repaying with full fair-market interest their Social Security investments by 2001.
When that happens, new technologies unhampered by big-government red tape will race forward at blinding speeds, like the nonpoliticized computer industry. Those famous free-falling prices in the computer industry will then spread to all other industries. Before long, we will all live like millionaires ...without changing a thing.
Tragically, the younger generation today views the older generation with growing cynicism. Younger folk resent giving up precious money each paycheck. But now, the younger generation can view seniors as those who can lead the political charge into the Neo-Tech Era to become the heroes of society.
Seniors, on the other hand, feel that they did their paying into Social Security, now it is the younger generation's turn. But now seniors can see everything differently: Finally, it is Uncle Sam's turn.
The Modern Money Miracle puts to rest the war between generations. Everyone is going to get rich, starting with the senior citizens, quickly followed by all Americans. Ordinary people, young and old, will live like millionaires as the result of driving big government out of our lives.
FAQ: Sounds like the Neo-Tech Era will be a real high -- like a
ANSWER: The stimulation in that coming Neo-Tech Era will overwhelm us. We have no idea! So, let's back up and start with what we do now for stimulation, good or bad:
Unhealthy Direction | Healthy Direction |
Multiple Sex Partners | Romantic-Love Relationship |
Junk-Food Munching | Fine Dining |
"Couch Potato" TV Addiction | High-Powered Business Addiction |
Topless Bars | Well-Deserved First-Class Resorts |
Discos | Family Outings |
Gambling | Investing |
Drugs & Alcohol | Physical Fitness |
Tabloids | Classic Literature |
Coffee/Cigarettes | Decaf/Gum |
XXX Videos, Soaps | Quality Movies |
Gangs | Clubs/Societies |
Occults | Value-Based Religions |
Self-Destructive Friends | Value-Minded Family and Close Friends |
Cheap Thrills | Serious Achievements |
"Hanging Out" | Knowledge-Expanding Hobbies |
Street-Car Racing | Luxury-Car Cruising |
Most of what we do outside our routine-rut jobs is selected for stimulation.
As you know, this book enlightens the reader to the millionaire wealth coming
to all individuals from universal Neo-Tech. The reason money is so important
to us is: millionaire wealth allows us to increase our stimulation -- whatever
it may be -- to exciting new heights.
Tracing our primordial roots, man was originally a running animal, tracking herds for many days and nights on end. That nonstop life as hunters was exhilarating both mentally and physically. Still the same animal, our anatomy and psyche still need such massive stimulation. In today's suppressed society, however, trapped in our boring routine ruts, we dreadfully lack that exhilarating mind/body stimulation. That is precisely why we form so many bad habits at all levels from overeating and TV addiction to alcoholism and promiscuous sex -- precisely for that dreadfully missing need...stimulation.
Those who surf the Internet know the exponential explosion of stimulation the computer provides now versus just a few years ago when computers were limited to specific technical applications. That same exponential explosion of stimulation will happen in every nook and cranny of our lives when America goes Neo-Tech. Put another way, the Neo-Tech World will really turn us on! Once such massive exhilaration returns to our bodies and minds, just as in our exhilarating running and tracking days, then people will lose all need for stimulating bad habits and addictions at all levels. Overeating, drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex, soap operas, even thrill killings will vanish as millionaire money, power, and romantic love overwhelm us. Happiness is the meaning of life, and the Neo-Tech Era's overwhelming stimulation will deliver that lost treasure to our lives.
FAQ: But some experts feel America is too far gone and will sink
because of our huge debt. What about that...will the standard of living in
America continue to weaken as the middle class slowly sinks toward poverty?
ANSWER: Big government and its career politicians, if not removed, will kill the middle class. Not very long ago, America was the world's warm home of security. A good job with a solid company meant you were taken care of for life. That security no longer exists. Aggressive entrepreneurs can no longer compete with big business, for big government has simply made it too difficult and downright dangerous to be an aggressive entrepreneur these days. The Michael Milken chapter of history demonstrated how big government will destroy the entrepreneur who challenges the Establishment. So, as big businesses continually downsize and bring jobs overseas, few new jobs replace the lost jobs. The job creators, the aggressive entrepreneurs, have been shut down by big government. And now, big-government regulation and legislation is all firmly in place to prevent new aggressive entrepreneurs from rising. As a result, America's middle class is dying. To bring life back into our economy and security to our middle class, big government must go away now. By the way, Part Two demonstrates in technique-by-technique detail how you will think and function in tomorrow's Neo-Tech World. A powerful benefit of reading those details is that any person can actually use those 21st-century techniques right now in the 20th century as an unsinkable life preserver to a wealthy standard of living no matter how bad the economy gets.
FAQ: How did you discover all those awesome personal techniques to
money and power, great love and sex, a nice body and creative mind?
ANSWER: The secret, how I discovered those techniques in Part Two, was actually a special gift of being able to see ahead into the future Neo-Tech World. That allowed me to see the unforeseen as I could see how individuals would function in that super rich, super successful world. I simply captured the techniques those millionaires (i.e., you and I) would be using then, and brought those powerful 21st-century techniques back to the 20th century -- to us now. Anyone can apply those personal techniques to transform into somewhat of a superman or superwoman flying ahead unchallenged in this weaker pre-Neo-Tech World. You know, the answers to all today's problems for both the nation and for the individual become obvious once you are able to look ahead into the future Neo-Tech World...easily solving everything from complicated national interests like Social Security, health care, the budget, unemployment, the suffering economy, crime, racism, dreadful education, divorce, a faltering legal easily and quickly solving personal problems such as a lousy job, lousy love life, an uncompetitive body, a stagnant mind, an embarrassing home, car, and overall financial self-worth. All those problems will quickly go away when big government goes away. Until then, the personal problems will go away with the 21st-century techniques in Part Two. In fact, with those techniques, the down-and-out ordinary person can become the man-on-the-hill in a couple of months or less. Here's why: The Neo-Tech man or woman sits in the ultimate catbird seat. You see, armed with the personal Neo-Tech techniques from the 21st century, the Average Joe becomes like a Clark Kent -- a quiet superman with powers from a stronger world. He can see and know things no one else does. For example, by seeing into the future Neo-Tech World, I could see how people would function after the job revolution. I captured those future techniques in Part Two so the ordinary person could get one of those big-money jobs, right now. I did the same for all the other important areas of the ordinary person's life. Through those personal Neo-Tech techniques, he or she can also get millionaire wealth, a super love and unbelievable sex, a new sexy body, and an omnipotent mind -- right now. He or she can become an unbeatable leader at everything and control anything or anyone for money and power from business deals to emotional situations, from financial investments to love. He or she can even regain lost love. Imagine what it is like to control almost anything or anyone, coming or going.
FAQ: Why isn't your book in bookstores for everyone to see?
ANSWER: It's too anti-Establishment. You see, the Establishment as we
know it, the money/power cliques of big business and big government, will all
soon be replaced by great individual wealth among the masses. The old
money/power cliques want to delay the future and hold onto their money and
power as long as possible. The super technology of cyberspace, though, has
already begun to break down the Establishment and its money/power cliques
including the established media and media-dependent outlets like major
bookstores. The time for Neo-Tech and individual millionaire wealth has come.
Best of all, the people know it.
FAQ: I'm excited! What are some other things we'll experience by the
year 2001?
ANSWER: I'll say something about our love lives, our bodies, our minds. Remember, those important dimensions of our lives will all be in a new setting of luxury and wealth when Neo-Tech spreads beyond the computer industry across all industries. Like the computers, product prices everywhere will race toward zero as our buying power soars toward infinity, making all of us very rich. Imagine what your expanding wealth would do for your love-life, for instance. You'll be so rich and successful you'll be fantastically successful at love. People don't realize that love depends on a person's own happiness and success because love is an act of giving. If miserably stagnated, then you're not able to really give of yourself. The wealth and success that's coming is going to transform most of us into incredible lovers. And here too, I reach forward in Part Two and provide those powerful techniques from the future that'll make you a super lover even if America does not go Neo-Tech soon. You'll be hard to resist. Also, you're going to get a really nice, really lovable body from an America that goes Neo-Tech. You see, being rich, successful, and in love, your emphasis on food will shift. Overeating is done out of boredom. Let's face it, most of our lives are pretty boring. The Neo-Tech World of tomorrow has no boredom and will quickly see a slim you emerge. Until then, you can use the "magical" Neo-Tech Eating System in Part Two -- again, a never-before-used 21st-century technique with amazing results for an awesome body.
Now, let's talk about the mind. Until now, our minds have been taught specialized thinking -- to do our boring routine ruts at work. But in tomorrow's world of super-prolific communications, our minds will become much more dynamic as we rapidly snap together information from all over the world. That entirely new way of using the mind via snapping together success puzzles is called integrated thinking.
Imagine a big boulder sits on the edge of a cliff. The world's thousand strongest men line up and, one by one, unsuccessfully try to push the boulder over the cliff. Then, ten or so average guys push together and easily roll that boulder over the cliff. Integrated strength has extreme power, even from average people. Indeed, with tomorrow's integrated thinking, average people will become brilliantly creative -- even more creative than the world's thousand smartest people today! Moreover, creativity will actually grow with age as we accumulate more and more knowledge to integrate and snap together into larger and larger success puzzles. The cliche, "We grow old, and then we die," will evolve to become "We grow old, and then we really live!" When taught integrated thinking, one becomes the person he or she always dreamed of at any age. Of course, Part Two teaches easy step-by-step techniques to integrated thinking. Again, I was able to see ahead into the future Neo-Tech World, how people will think and function, and took those powerful 21st-century techniques and brought them back to the 20th century.
FAQ: Integrated thinking was my way to break out of my rut, get rich,
and get a head start on the 21st century. ...Why are you so sure the rest of
America will go Neo-Tech?
ANSWER: America will go Neo-Tech, if not now then later, because
Neo-Tech has already the computer industry. Once society sees
monetary power like we've seen with the computers, society will migrate to the
cause. The cause, of course, is Neo-Tech. Unbeknownst to most people, the
computer phenomenon stirred up the winds of change that started the anti
big-government megatrend. People implicitly perceived the monetary power of an
unrestricted industry -- the computer industry. People will take a little
longer to explicitly understand where their anti big-government feelings are
coming from. But those feelings are all coming from Neo-Tech -- from a
get-rich dream. People want to be rich...each and every one of them. Neo-Tech
-- that is, super rapidly advancing new technology -- will make them rich.
Neo-Tech drove up buying power in the computer industry to where a couple
hundred dollars today buys what would have cost several million dollars a few
years ago. People inherently sense that millionaire phenomenon can happen
everywhere. But first big government has to be removed from industry. There's
even the brand-new political party to accommodate this anti big-government
megatrend called the Neo-Tech Party. Things are really starting to happen.
Now it's just a matter of time before Neo-Tech sweeps across the nation,
throughout all industries. We're in the gateway to a lot of wealth. Like
someone said: a get-rich dream that will come true for everyone.
FAQ: But, what about the state of things in America today?
ANSWER: Middle-aged people are sure scared to death of losing their jobs, especially good jobs, for their chances of getting a comparable job are slim. Large companies are downsizing as labor goes overseas. Standards of living are falling. America's middle class is slowly but surely dying. Being an aggressive entrepreneur has become downright dangerous because of big government. Thus, as large companies downsize, America's only real providers of jobs, the aggressive entrepreneurs, are decreasing and unable to add jobs. Big government, not global competition per se, chokes off job creation and will kill our middle class. Society needs job creators, aggressive Michael-Milken-type entrepreneurs, for only they breathe new life into society. Only they can keep America's middle class from dying. Unlike our past, Americans no longer live with any kind of security. The fortunate live every day with draining anxieties. The unfortunate live every day in inescapable hopelessness. Will the people go on this way, emotionally suspended somewhere between draining anxieties and inescapable hopelessness? They will, only if they have no other choice. But now they do have another choice.
How quickly will America go Neo-Tech? That depends on how quickly the people's anti big-government megatrend overwhelms the political leaders' status quo. One surefire indicator will tell us when the Neo-Tech Era has irreversibly begun: Consider that when conversations develop about computers and how we can buy, for a few hundred dollars, more powerful computers than million-dollar mainframes a few years ago, usually someone says something like, "Can you believe that amazing technology!" Everyone then shares looks of astonishment. Little do we stop to realize that the geniuses of society bring us that soaring technology and buying power. And those geniuses would do so in every industry if free to do so, making ordinary people rich.
Once that connection is made, ordinary people will begin to admire and love those geniuses who bring us Neo-Tech, despite all the political rhetoric that causes Americans to envy and dislike the wealthy geniuses of society. The ordinary person will begin to feel for those geniuses as he would for a highly competent doctor who saved his child's life, for instance. Indeed, imagine if your own child or grandchild were terminally ill and the heroic efforts of a highly competent doctor saved your child. You would forever feel a warm affection for that doctor who saved your child's life. Or think if you or your child were able to attend college only because of a grant from a wealthy individual. You would feel a warm affection for that person who improved the quality of your life. Or imagine a wealthy person, for no particular reason, gave you and your family a cashier's check for five million dollars. You would forever feel a warm closeness to that person who made your life so rich and wonderful.
You will feel similar feelings toward the geniuses of society as they eradicate all diseases, bring the best education in the world to you and your children, and make you and your family live like multi-millionaires. All the hoodwinking by the media and big government that made us envy and dislike the geniuses of society will subside. Sure the geniuses are rich, because they are geniuses! But they are going to make you rich too. You will feel a warm closeness to those geniuses who bring you and your family a very wealthy and wonderful life. You will also feel growing contempt toward those big-government career politicians who block Neo-Tech. Two thirds of Americans already dislike career politicians. Once the people make the connection and feel a warm admiration and fondness for the geniuses of society, then the Neo-Tech Era has irreversibly begun.
The word Neo-Tech carries two meanings: The first meaning, as you already know from Part One, is new technologies -- the super rapidly advancing new (Neo) technologies (Tech) of all industries in tomorrow's rich Neo-Tech Era. The second meaning is new techniques -- the super profitable new (Neo) techniques (Tech) of the millionaires (i.e., you and I) in tomorrow's rich Neo-Tech Era. Part Two shows you the unbeatable new techniques from that momentous new world.
[ 14 ] Selling the government would involve so much money that many Americans will be given attractive incentives to, instead of receiving cash, choose equity in the privatized spin-offs and be part of substantial profit-sharing plans. Their stock, of course, could be sold in the open market at any time. [ Back to Text ]
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