Your Job, Psyche, Mind, Love-Life, and Body
First, let us briefly review what exactly is potential: Potential is the full degree of success a person can possibly achieve. So, what is potential made of? The answer is, remember: one's deeply rooted motivational drive. Now, that means one's deep, lifelong motivational drive...not surface, temporary motivation inspired by motivational tapes or seminars. One's very deep motivational drive in life dictates his or her eventual success.
This deep motivation comes and goes very young in life. So, let us go a step deeper to answer the question, "What constitutes motivation?"
To answer that question, we must realize the natural thrill we felt as babies while developing our human consciousness. We started out like all other animals, but we went further and further into greater and greater levels of awareness. We kept going and going far beyond all other animals...into human consciousness. We felt a natural thrill as we experienced more and more control when entering human consciousness. That exhilarating thrill was a natural reaction to human life itself. Unfortunately, today we cannot remember that exhilaration. The thrill of life is gone. But it exists in all very young children. It once existed in you.
That thrill for expanding awareness and control over life constitutes your deep motivational drive in life. To whatever degree you still have that thrill determines your motivational drive and dictates your success in life.
By the way, the emotional experience of that thrill is intense happiness, which we witness frequently in young children, but seldom in adults.
If that thrill for life were not killed off before your seventh birthday, then your motivational drive would remain the same as it was during your first few years of life. We have all heard that if we continued at that pace, we would know many languages fluently, we would know physics like Einstein, we would write like the greatest authors, we would succeed beyond the world's most successful people. Indeed, we would become creative geniuses among the world's most valuable and richest people.
But we lost that geometrical learning curve. We lost our deeply rooted motivational drive -- our thrill for life and expanding awareness. And remember, as a result, we lost the intense happiness still present in very young children. The trap of stagnation sadly started closing around our minds early in life.
In tomorrow's Neo-Tech Era, on the other hand, young children will never lose their thrill for life and deep-rooted motivational drives. They will grow up and keep their unyielding learning curves, for all adults around them will be racing forward on geometrical learning curves. Natural competitive pressures will sweep everyone along, just like toddlers today.
Today, the motivational drive is gone in all adults -- replaced by resignation. Children learn from adults; indeed, children learn resignation. And that is how potential disappears.
In today's civilization, once one's motivational drive collapses at six or seven years old, it never comes back. But in tomorrow's Neo-Tech Civilization, once you start integrated thinking and release a gusher of creativity, your motivational drive will come back. So now, let us look at the entirely new way of using the mind that will make us all very creative around the turn of the century:
Your 21st-century mind in the prolific information age will work an entirely different way. It will snap together rapidly accessible information into little puzzles. In other words, your mind will conceptualize or think in concepts, not percepts like it does now.
Percepts are simple events or thoughts all around you perceived through your five senses: I smell the stench of garbage in the streets; I see the run-down store fronts; I taste the extra greasy food at the neighborhood taco stand; I feel the jolt of potholes in the deteriorating roads; I hear police sirens over and over again every night. Your senses register those percepts just as the dog or any other animal registers those percepts. Concepts jump to a whole new level of using the mind capable only by humans. Concepts (multiple thought clusters) organize several percepts (single thoughts) into a broader level of awareness: run-down, low-income neighborhoods are not safe at night. ...A dog could never reach that level of awareness.
That concept was developed by pulling together percepts through a common denominator: all such low-income neighborhoods with run-down storefronts, deteriorating roads, low-end food have something in common -- frequent crime at night. Conceptualizing lifts humans to a much greater level of power.
Of course, that is a well-known concept. Beyond the most well-known concepts, however, most people do not think in concepts. They react to percepts only...a consequence of specialization and resignation and the collapse of internal motivation in this ill-fated, under-evolved civilization suppressed by politicians and bureaucrats. Indeed, if the motivational drive and its learning curve continued beyond six or seven years of age, conceptual thinking would have taken over. Listen to any conversation, however. In most cases, a story is being told, percept by percept. Very few conversations occur at the conceptual level.
Moreover, without conceptualizing, one is helpless in his or her career, forever stuck in percepts -- in specialized tasks. He is unable to structure those simple tasks into more powerful units. Of course, now you know how the simple tasks are pulled together by the common denominator -- physical movements -- into the powerful mini-days. And now you know how all the simple responsibilities at work are pulled together by the common denominator -- purpose/build wealth -- into the powerful mini-companies.
In tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, flooded with infinite knowledge easily accessible on your TV and personal computer, your mind will begin to spot common denominators and start to snap together a lot of that information like little puzzles. In order to cope with so much interesting information, your mind will automatically start this integrated thinking to organize the much higher frequency of information. Once integrated thinking kicks in, you will become awesome in your career as you spot common denominators to consumer needs -- great marketing ideas. You will snap together those success puzzles; some puzzles will build puzzle pictures not seen before, bringing out your creative genius inside. You see, as your success puzzles in life form, you will begin to know what the developing puzzle pictures will ultimately look like and, well before the puzzle is complete, know with omnipotence what must be done to snap the proper pieces into the success puzzle. In other words, your mind will become omnipotent at knowing exactly what to do for success.
The mini-day schedule will enable you to power-think the puzzles pieces, and the mini-company job will enable you to build your success puzzles. In tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, you will leave the boring life of percepts far behind: no more just reacting to routine-rut tasks...forevermore building success puzzles.
There are no words that can describe tomorrow's feelings of becoming creative. The sense of self-importance will overwhelm you as you bring values into the world that never existed before. At that point, the deep motivational drive will return as you live by succeeding at the very essence of man -- at advancing society with your competitive creations. That deep motivational drive will restore your limitless potential and your intense happiness not known since you were a toddler.
After America goes Neo-Tech and you enjoy a living job with the mini-day/mini-company structure, then the driving force in life becomes your mind: You will look at everything differently. You will always look beneath the surface perceptions at work, on the news, about politics, in social life. You will always search for common denominators; form concepts. Try doing that now if you are pursuing these techniques. That entry level into integrated thinking will introduce you to a new power in life. As you strengthen your ability to form concepts, you will develop the ability to conceptualize money-making projects and build success puzzles. Great marketing ideas are simply a process of the mind -- of finding the common denominators that fulfill market needs. For instance, society's major problems closing out the 20th century nearly all have a common denominator: most are caused by the B.O.A.T of freeloaders regulating business, medicine, and science, as described in Part One. That common denominator sparked the Neo-Tech Party -- the "political" party of the 21st century -- and its make-the-people-millionaires program described in Part One.
If you are trying these 21st-century techniques now, try this exercise to
accompany your living job: force yourself to think in concepts. At work while
studying the details, always look for common denominators to recurring
problems. Surprise yourself as you discover solutions you never would have
thought of before. With time, your mind will become used to this new level of
thinking. By combining conceptualization with your wealth-building job, you
will eventually strike creativity in a big way. And when you do, you will
rediscover your deep motivational drive left behind at seven years old.
The premise of 21st-century schools after America goes Neo-Tech will be: Prepare children to create values that many people are excited to pay lots of money for. On that child's first day of school, the teacher will walk in and say, "I'm going to prepare you to produce great things for the world, and as a result you will become famous and rich!" Wow, that child will sit up and take notice -- his dreams confirmed! His motivation will grow and grow as he steadily gains the ability to achieve his dreams throughout his proper 21st-century education.
You had virtually no chance to become rich with a 20th-century public education. Consider the structure, thinking, and motivation -- the three fundamentals of education -- found in public schools today:
Structure: Class discussions, free-flowing thoughts from kids and teachers, random facts of events and dates all pragmatically "structured" to bring the child into "what's happening in today's social environment". The child hears all those unintegrated points (i.e., percepts), but later he forgets most of what he saw and heard in school.
Thinking: The child is never taught to integrate. He is never taught to integrate the many random percepts into common denominators -- into a few timeless, unforgettable concepts. He never knows the power of his mind to integrate random percepts into structured concepts for everlasting knowledge. Knowledge is power, but he retains little knowledge. Instead, he absorbs then forgets unintegrated, pragmatic percepts regarding "what's happening" in today's society. When he graduates, his mind is impotent as he sinks with our deteriorating society.
Motivation: He has no certainty, just a go-with-the-flow "education". The child learns to "fit in". He is trapped, at the mercy of our society, economy, national standard of living. There is nothing to be motivated over, for the child implicitly feels less and less power to rise above the bleak state of things today to help society and make big money as an adult. Dreams become blurry and fade.
But tomorrow dreams will come true, both for 21st-century school children and for adults, too, as those rising youth make ordinary adults rich like in the computer field. Consider the structure, thinking, and motivation from 21st-century schools after America goes Neo-Tech:
Structure: A highly ordered presentation of knowledge, starting with bare percepts and integrating those many percepts by common denominators into powerful concepts for rapid absorption and retention of knowledge. Knowledge is power. Through building timeless concepts, the child retains all that he learned in school. Moreover, he knows how to integrate to build more and more onto his base of concepts -- to build more and more knowledge and power throughout his life to "create great values for society".
Thinking: The child is taught to integrate. He discovers why his mind is infinitely superior to all other animals. He integrates knowledge through common denominators from random percepts into structured concepts. He learns to integrate a few large concepts, not memorize many specific percepts. Thus, that child can retain magnitudes more knowledge through integration. The child grows competent, competitive, powerful to create marketable values for society.
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