Your Job, Psyche, Mind, Love-Life, and Body
Tomorrow's super child will become a genius of society who, with his peers, will make us all rich through brilliant technological breakthroughs that drive prices toward zero and buying power toward infinity as in the computer world. Obviously, tomorrow's super child must receive a lot of knowledge. The predominant discussion method that now rules America's public schools will vanish. You see, the idea behind the popular student discussion method is that children teach each other in order to help develop their social and communication skills -- to better fit into the state of things today. However, tomorrow's super children need knowledge. 21st-century education demands the old-fashioned lecture method in which the teacher does the teaching and fills the child with knowledge.
Now, the 21st-century super child will rapidly build upon that base of knowledge as he grows up. Unlike us, he will be taught to think conceptually. To perceive surroundings -- see, hear, smell, feel, taste -- is automatic and present in most animals. Man's superiority comes from his ability to integrate. He can integrate all those percepts by common denominators into concepts to generate reason and success. That process is called conceptual thinking.
Today's public education does not teach children how to integrate. As researched by Professor Leonard Peikoff and detailed in his Philosophy of Education, public schools (and most private schools) do not teach children how to integrate the many percepts into a few simplified concepts. For example, instead of teaching children the simple concepts of phonetics (e.g., a "p" makes a "pa" sound), public schools now teach the look-say method. Phonetics requires understanding 44 simple concepts (i.e., sounds); look-say requires memorizing how to pronounce every single word the child ever sees (i.e., perceives) with no simplifying common denominators like phonetics (i.e., no concepts).
Indeed, children in all subjects -- history, math, science, literature -- are now taught impotent perceptual thinking and not potent conceptual thinking. History, for example, is taught by unintegrated specific events (i.e., by percepts) and not grouped together into common denominators by concepts. For example, the wrath of destruction over the centuries is not grouped into the basic underlying concept of tyranny. Thus, children do not make connections of logic and, instead, live their lives in a somewhat helpless "airhead state". They retain very little knowledge since they never learn how to integrate -- the very capacity that separates man from the other animals. In short, children never learn to think. ...Is it any wonder that essentially all children grow up to a life of stagnation? Is it any wonder that politicians run things the way they want to?
When America goes Neo-Tech, however, children will all grow up to be brilliant and highly motivated. For, they will not see their dreams fading as do today's students. Moreover, they not only will make their own dreams come true, but ours as well.
Imagine, for a moment, a large boulder sits near the edge of a cliff. We find the strongest man in the world and ask him to push that boulder over the cliff. He braces his shoulder against the boulder and pushes with all his might. The boulder does not even budge. We could go out and find the next 1000 strongest men in the world, line them up, and watch them one by one push the boulder with all their might. But the boulder will never budge. Well, that's how we were taught to use our minds in school and at work -- to helplessly push our thoughts one by one against the big boulder of success. The big boulder of success never budges. Now, you and I and ten average guys could all together brace our shoulders against the big boulder and, in one big heave, push that boulder right over the cliff. That's how the 21st-century mind works: It quickly brings your thoughts together into one powerful force to easily push over the big boulder of success. Through this powerful integrated thinking, you push over major money-making barriers that even the 1000 smartest men could never move through.
Integrated thinking gives us more creative power than the smartest men in the world. That is why we -- yes, humdrum people like us -- can actually become creative geniuses, even with our average IQ's! Public education gave us powerless specialized thinking. Even if someone is very good at what he does, he is like one of those world's strongest men still powerless at pushing over the big boulder to mega success. Fortunately, in the Neo-Tech Era of prolific information, we will learn to snap thoughts together into an integrated force that can easily push over the big boulder to mega success.
When America goes Neo-Tech and limitless information bombards us, we will evolve beyond specialized mental weakness into integrated mental strength, releasing our creativity. Until then, the same forces that hold back technology in society hold back creativity in us. You see, our career politicians and regulatory bureaucrats -- our B.O.A.T. of freeloaders (Part One) -- control our educational system. The ordinary person graduates from our public schools with severe short circuits; he or she cannot put together the connections needed to be creative. He or she, in short, cannot integrate.
If you are trying these techniques now, you can overcome your short circuits. You can actually knock out of your mind the passive acceptance of specialization. Do this exercise: Imagine your most ambitious dream or imagine yourself as the top person in the company you now work for. Daydream for a few minutes. Eclipse all the specialization and its obstacles that hold you back. In your mind's eye, see yourself leading the company you work for into sweeping success. Well, with all you know now, that daydream will strikingly demonstrate to you that you are in a terminal rut. As simple as it may seem, that striking snapshot of your lifelong stagnation-trap will set off an act of self-preservation: you will automatically start seeking broader thought clusters in your job. But now, you know what to do: tie together those simple thoughts by common denominators. In The Philosophy of Education, Professor Peikoff uses the following example to explain common denominators: Consider a drunk taking a stroll on the beach. He perceives many things -- the wave breaks and rumbles onto the shore then slides back into the ocean, the pebbles roll down the wet sand toward the sea, the fish jumps and splashes back into the water, the sea gull lands. To the drunk like to a dog or cat, all such events are like new and unique experiences. The events seem to come at him at random, with no structure or sense. Each event happens then is gone. He retains no logic or memory. He does not integrate events by common denominators. For instance, he does not link together the concept that the wave breaks, the pebbles roll down, the jumping fish splashes back into the water, and the sea gull lands because of gravity. The drunk never sees that common denominator, and neither do ordinary people with today's education. That common denominator -- that concept of gravity -- begins integrating those random events into some sort of structure, making them sensible and retainable in one's memory. But to the drunk, to the dog, to ordinary people today, the events make no particular sense; they just happen and are instantly forgotten as other events are perceived. People live their whole lives in this impotent "drunken stupor" as a result of today's education. Stop to think: The drunk comprehends only the most surface spur-of-the-moment events as they randomly come at him. Same with the dog. Same with people today graduating from our public educational system. For example, people today schedule their work as the tasks randomly come at them instead of by common denominators -- the mini-days. And business leaders structure their companies like the impotent drunk on the beach -- from surface perceptions, not deep integrations. People today do not integrate schedules and jobs to the deeper concepts and common denominators. Thus, our money-making lives are as impotent as the drunk.
Today's American business leaders come from a generation of American children who were never taught to think conceptually. Those business leaders mostly structure their businesses and jobs in a drunken "see-react" manner. No deeper logic, no integration underlies their surface "see-react" business structures: the manager sees he is "busy", so the manager reacts by delegating.
Worst of all, your job is part of that "drunken stroll" and becomes a terminal stagnation-trap. After the job revolution, all that will change for the better. Until then, you can personally restructure the company you work for on paper -- logically grouping responsibilities by common denominators into powerful growth-oriented jobs...the mini-companies.
If you are personally trying these techniques, you must now develop your conceptual thinking to complement your living job. You must train your mind to spot common denominators. Once you spot your first common denominator, suddenly like a child who reads his first words, you will see a whole new world of common denominators all around you, everywhere. Instead of simply perceiving and reacting, you will begin conceptualizing and controlling.
Remember in school growing a sugar rock? You dropped a small sugar crystal into concentrated sugar water and watched as that crystal grew into a big sugar rock. Similarly, building success must start small with your immediate surroundings. Start with the details at work. Look for inefficiencies and search for your first common denominator to improve such inefficiencies. After you get one crystal of success in your job, one common denominator, you will then start building on that "little success rock". Expand your thoughts out further, and you will see common denominators everywhere. With time, let your thoughts expand beyond your job to the company itself -- observe its limitations and begin conceptualizing ways to further its success. Do not stop the process there. Continue to expand your thoughts to society as a whole and see the common denominators all around us. That will lead to big marketing ideas as you find common denominators that serve society's needs.
The development of the entire Neo-Tech Program followed that process: First conceptualized was the mini-day schedule for the individual, then conceptualized was the mini-company for the whole company, then conceptualized was the Neo-Tech Party for all society.
Once your mind sees this new world of common denominators all around you, it will become creative and omnipotent. If you are trying these techniques now, before the job revolution, then try the following technique. You will turn on an unknown "power generator" that has always resided in your mind. Turning on that power generator will, like nothing else, cut through the illusions and lies that today leave you confused and powerless at building values and wealth:
Consider that human life offers power. For example, man can take control of every situation in life. He can take control of his schedule; he can take control of a company. But he must take it. Now, for those who are trying these techniques, let's try the only mental state of being that allows you to take power, known as the Power Approach: In confronting any situation, ask yourself, "What is the winning concept behind this situation?" In other words, how do you bring all the little percepts together into a single, integrated burst of pure power? To help you see the winning concept, replace those two words with the words Power Approach. Now, ask the question again. Knit your brow and try it: What is the Power Approach to this problem? ...Suddenly you felt a surge of strength, right? The most powerful course of action is always the winning concept behind the situation. Keep asking yourself, "What is the most powerful course of action...what is the Power Approach in this situation?" You will begin to see the choice of self-control, the choice of the self-leader. Then, you will act on that winning concept. ...As you increasingly act on this pure power, you will become an unbeatable winner. In short, your mind will become omnipotent.
Everything you do, particularly in your career, keep asking yourself, "What is the winning concept to this situation?" Or, more emotionally, keep asking yourself, "What is the Power Approach -- the most potent course of action -- to this situation?" For, that most powerful course is the winning concept of pure power. Let us try an example: Say you work a specialized job and are unhappy; instead of brooding over all the specifics that make you unhappy, ask yourself, "What is the winning concept to this situation? What is the Power Approach to fixing this problem?" Keep asking yourself that question. As you ponder the most powerful course of action, let your feelings get fired up until you are burning with determination. "What is the Power Approach to fixing this problem?" Do not analyze the answer. Just let the Power Approach flow. Realize that later you will decide whether or not to act on it.
See the Power Approach clearly: Say, in this case, the most powerful course of action is to aggressively take control of the responsibilities that will lift you into a living job, as explained in Chapter Five. Or, say the Power Approach calls for you to leave your specialized job and start your own 21st-century living company. ...If you then act on the winning concepts, then you will become a powerful dynamo and a big winner in life.
Leaving one's job to start a business is a major undertaking. Yet the Power Approach applies everywhere, in large or small situations. You can begin small, using the Power Approach on frequent problems or common situations. By asking yourself, "What is the Power Approach in this situation?" you can see the most powerful course of action, which burns like a laser through bothersome percepts to the winning concept. The Power Approach burns like a laser through confusion and illusions that make you weak. It burns through deep-rooted resistance to self-leadership. Once acting on the Power Approach, nothing can stand in your way. You will not succumb to others or to your own meekness. You will become too strong. Your mind will become free of debilitating illusions, which clears it to make the leap into 21st-century omnipotence.
First use the winning concept in small daily situations. Build your strength with the Power Approach. Before long, you will take on major decisions in life using the Power Approach.
Start today with problems and challenges in your career. Push ahead with the power course of action. Chop through lingering turmoil as you identify, "This is the problem; here is the definitive solution." Become calm and confident in the face of the most trying situations. Develop courage and make fearless moves.
The average person's stagnation-trap stems from deep-rooted feelings and illusions of needing to be led. The Power Approach rises from powerful determination not to be led. Resistance to becoming a self-leader comes from a passive, nonintegrating mode and is the opposite of the Power Approach that comes from an aggressive, integrating mode. The Power Approach provokes emotions that push you to use the great power in your head: to use integrated thinking, take control, and fearlessly lead your own life.
The Power Approach builds on itself. Every day you will become noticeably more powerful and a stronger self-leader. Turn on this power generator in your mind, starting tomorrow at work. Quickly, you will experience a surge of power. Gradually, a uniquely creative genius will emerge from within your own mind.
Step Two: Tap Your Potential
With the return of your motivational drive, your potential soars to awesome
levels. To tap that soaring potential, you must evolve into integrated
thinking. To make the jump from specialized thinking to integrated thinking,
daydream about yourself leading the company where you work to mega success.
With all that you know now, that little exercise will vividly demonstrate to
you your specialization and hopelessness. That self-demonstration is necessary
to provoke your mind into making the jump into integrated thinking.
Step Three: Make The Jump
Sometimes your mind just does not want to make the jump to conceptualizing and
integrated thinking. Therefore, you will never release the creative genius
trapped inside. If that is the case for you, it is time to buckle down to the
Power Approach. The Power Approach will enable you to get past the sole reason
you cannot make the jump -- external guidance. Muscling your way into the
internally guided mode, the Power Approach will kick-start your mind into
conceptualizing and integrated thinking. Laser-like bursts of power will burn
through any obstacles between you and your goals. With the Power Approach, you
will feel awesome and become unstoppable. Experience the new you -- the
power you! Discover the unbeatable self as you grab power daily through
the emotionally charged Power Approach. No, nothing will get in the way as you
finally take control of life. The Power Approach will aggressively race you
toward your goals. In conceptual control of everything, your mind will grow
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