Consider the following six points:
You Control Existence |
Zon is a citizen of all universes. How would a citizen of Earth recognize Zon? How would Zon appear? How would Zon think? What would Zon do?
Zon is the controller of existence. Zon is the past and future creator of all universes. Zon is identical to you, except he or she acts entirely through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Thus, you can experience Zon. Indeed, you can become Zon to rule existence and gain eternal prosperity. ...As Zon, nothing in an anticivilization has power over you.
You were born Zon. Every conscious being who has ever existed was born Zon. But, on planet Earth, every conscious being has been dragged from childhood into the dishonest illusions that perpetuate this anticivilization. Thus, everyone today behaves as someone else -- as someone other than an honest, fully conscious human being. ...Until today, every adult on Earth has lived as a phantom, never realizing that he or she is an eternal Zon.
You are Zon living in an illusion-shrouded anticivilization. In this illusionary civilization, all human beings live as phantoms deluded into believing they are mortals who live and die with no eternal power, purpose, or prosperity. When, in reality, conscious beings are immortal with limitless power and purpose.
On vanishing the illusions of this anticivilization, you reconnect with Zon, the ruler of existence. Although you still walk among the phantoms in this anticivilization, you have no connection with their illusions. You are as divorced from their illusions as you would be divorced from the illusions of schizophrenics in an insane asylum.
Yet, you see everyone as your kin. You see the profound value and power in every conscious being. Beyond all else in existence, you treasure the soul of each human being, regardless of what civilization or age in which each lives.
As Zon, you do not feel superior to, aloof from, or even particularly different than others. Nor are you a Bartleby. You simply know you are in a different civilization -- a 180° different civilization. That difference does not make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy. In fact, your ability to function with others is enhanced. That disconnection also enhances your ability to benefit all human beings and humanoids on this planet. Moreover, your disconnection enhances your own happiness and enjoyment of life on Earth.
Most profoundly, as Zon you know that you are invulnerable to the irrationalities of this anticivilization. Like the anticivilization itself, the irrational actions of both its human-being and humanoid citizens are unreal -- not connected to reality. Thus, such nonreality has no meaning for real influence on you.
Still, you are among fellow conscious beings -- the greatest value in existence. Moreover, the objective requirement for eternal life, prosperity, and happiness remains the same wherever conscious beings exist. That requirement is to deliver ever increasing values to others and society. Through the division of essence and labor combined with voluntary transactions, you create increasingly more values for others than you consume. You become increasingly valuable to yourself, others, and society.
You live to be, not to have. You live to create, not to consume. You need nothing beyond the requirements to produce life-enhancing values at maximum efficiencies for yourself, others, and society. You need or want nothing from this moribund anticivilization. You neither need nor want anything from its inherently destructive rulers and their dishonest media, organizations, academe, politicians, intellectuals, or celebrities.
Why the zero value of this anticivilization? Consider its irrational effects: The more life-enhancing values that heroic value producers deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids foment public envy against those value producers. Why? To increasingly usurp unearned livelihoods from the productive class. Likewise, the more life-supporting jobs that honest businesses deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids use government force to drain those businesses through irrational taxes, political-agenda laws, and destructive regulations. Such insanity is not the fault of human beings. Rather, that insanity is inherent in any irrational civilization functioning through subjective laws fashioned by parasitical rulers backed by armed agents of force.
In reality, you and all human beings belong not among this unreal anticivilization but among the Civilization of the Universe. All the insanities of which an anticivilization is constructed are merely illusions that never exist in reality -- bizarre illusions that ultimately yield only diminishment and death to human beings -- dishonest illusions that serve only the parasitical livelihoods of humanoids.
Yet, you as Zon are eternally protected by honesty and reality. You are always advancing in real spacetime to ever greater accomplishments, continually decreasing the entropy[ 93 ] of existence -- continually making order out of disorder. Thus, nothing in the anticivilization can really harm or adversely affect your progress in moving through spacetime toward eternal life and prosperity.
At this moment, you can experience the first glimpse at how you as Zon function among your fellow human beings in this anticivilization. You first note the honest innocence of young children. You realize that essentially all children under six years of age are Zons -- innocent, uncorrupted, honest. You notice how all such children struggle to obtain objective knowledge, not illusions. Those children strive for value-producing powers, not socially destructive pragmatisms. Then you realize how all parents and adults in this anticivilization are deluded by their humanoid rulers -- humanoids who eventually corrupt and then bury the innocence, honesty, and power inherent within every young child.
Only through that ultimate crime inflicted on all children has this bizarre anticivilization been perpetuated since its creator, Plato, twenty-three centuries ago.
You are thinking about the intentional destruction of the human mind and body. You realize that such destruction accrues through subjective laws and views replacing objective laws and views. By that process, you see America is becoming a fat farm as well as an insane asylum. You realize that obesity and insanity are related. With drug-like intensity, Americans are increasingly living to eat, rather than eating to live.
Indeed, the intentional destruction of the body requires the intentional destruction of the mind, which in turn requires the loss of honesty through rationalizations. That loss of honesty evolves from a culture of parasitical leaders foisting self-serving political agendas and exploitive mysticisms onto the public.
How do the above facts link together to cause the intentional killing of Americans -- the lethal fattening of men, women, and most evilly, innocent children[ 94 ]? How do those facts link together to increasingly diminish the chance for a healthy, happy life for Americans and their children? ...You discover the answer:
Research for the Canadian Air Force in the 1960s compiled and implemented scientifically sound facts about human metabolism, health, and physical fitness. That study identified the objective causes of damaging one's metabolism to breed unhealthy weight gains that lead to demoralizing stagnation, decreasing happiness, and early death.
Then in the early 1970s, Dr. Robert C. Atkins converted the Canadian Air Force findings into the best-selling, most effective diet book ever published: The Diet Revolution.[ 95 ] [ 96 ] The eternal fact underlying Dr. Atkins' diet is that carbohydrates combined with poor aerobic fitness -- not calories, oils, or fat per se -- cause unsavory weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and other health problems. For, the human body does not naturally metabolize concentrated carbohydrates. In fact, above certain modest quantities, carbohydrates are both poisonous and addicting to human beings.
Human beings are natural carnivores, not herbivores. Human beings are natural meat or protein eaters, not vegetarians or carbohydrate eaters. Human beings naturally metabolize proteins along with fats and oils. Thus, natural foods include meat, poultry, fish, cheese, nuts, butter, cream, eggs, low-starch vegetables, and high-fiber cereals. While corn, sweet fruits, potatoes, pastries, pastas, and breads are troubling foods for human metabolism. All concentrated carbohydrates are harmful above modest levels, especially the most concentrated, purest form of carbohydrate -- sugar in all its forms, including fructose, honey, and corn-syrup sweeteners. ...Sugar, a heavily government-subsidized industry, is subtly the most addicting, toxic, and deleterious drug known to afflict the human body...and mind.
Sugar is the crack cocaine of the carbohydrate drugs. Sugar is by far the biggest killing substance among human beings today. Such concentrated carbohydrates lie at the root of most eating disorders, discipline problems, concentration deficiencies, moodiness, unhappiness, depression, sloth, poor performance, and criminal behavior. Indeed, without exaggeration, the most insidiously harmful of child abusers and drug pushers are parents who addict their defenseless children with sugar in all its forms.
Those are facts: facts now, facts before, facts forever. Sitting in that ice-cream parlor, you realize why Americans today are increasingly throwing away their health and happiness. You realize they are increasingly mutilating their bodies and trashing their minds through endless upside-down "health" diets, government-subsidized nutritional frauds, bogus low-fat school lunch programs, and dishonest government-backed, survey-type pseudo science. Those frauds along with the FDA armed bureaucrats maliciously work to harm the physical and mental health of all Americans and their children.
In the 1970s and 1980s, increasing numbers of people directly or indirectly recognized the universal, objective facts about diet and health. Development and sales of sugar-free food and drinks escalated. But, in the early 1990s, sugar-free foods began vanishing in favor of meaningless low-fat, low-cholesterol, organic "natural" foods -- politically correct foods. Mega-size, fat-free, sugar-laden cookies, brownies, snacks, and drinks are sold as health foods while the most benign and effective of the nonsugar sweeteners -- cyclamates -- are dishonestly banned by power-crazed FDA bureaucrats...and the harmless sugar-substitute saccharine is irrationally labelled as cancer-causing by the FDA, leaving only dubious NutraSweet® unscathed.
Today, as the public obsession with irrational food consumption and bogus fat-free diets grows, the per capita intake of toxic carbohydrates soars. Indeed, consumption of sugar and carbohydrates is now accelerating as people are deceived with illusions generated by the government, FDA, and bogus health advocates. Their sickening deceptions dupe people into believing they are eating healthier by eating low-cholesterol, low-fat carbohydrates. In the meantime, they and their children are increasing their carbohydrate intakes and addictions. Thus, they grow fatter while irreversibly damaging their metabolic systems, leading to glandular harm, uncontrolled fatness, and mounting unhappiness.
Next, consider Dr. Kenneth Cooper's great, scientifically grounded research in the 1960s concerning physical fitness and his subsequent book, Aerobics. From that book, Americans freely, on their own, began a rational trend toward genuinely improved physical fitness and happiness. For, in the 1970s and early 1980s, without the blatherings of government "experts" or self-appointed "health" advocates, the two natural criteria of a healthy human body were being increasingly understood: Human beings are by nature (1) protein metabolizers and (2) long-distance running animals.
Yet, in the 1990s, sales of near worthless, non-aerobic exercise devices, health-club memberships, low-fat diet books, and "anti-aging" pills soared. Fewer and fewer people kept aerobically fit to remain trim and happy into old age. ...The key to human health and longevity is low-carbohydrate diets combined with aerobic fitness. The key to human dietary happiness is the CAS diet -- no Caffeine, no Alcohol, no Sugar.
Observe the increasing political-correctness machinations combined with government-funded, pseudo-science "research" in the form of noncontextual surveys. Today's avalanche of lazy, dishonest "science" is why objective knowledge about health, fitness, and happiness is being lost in a sea of irrationality -- forgotten in a contradictory blizzard of bogus, survey-type health "discoveries".
The mid 1990s was like reentering the Dark Ages that were dominated by dishonest religious Establishments similar to today's dishonest politically correct Establishments. During that dark-age period of extreme irrationality, knowledge about health and prosperity was lost or sequestered. Life expectancy plunged, for example, to less than half that experienced in the previous, more-rational Golden Age of Greece.
Today's period of increasing irrationality blocks public knowledge of the destructive political agendas diminishing everyone's precious life. For example, government promotes public dependency and control by increasing drug-like carbohydrate consumption in the form of low-fat, low-cholesterol, sugar-laced foods and drinks. As people become carbohydrate addicted, unfit, and unhappy, they lose self-esteem and seek ever more dependency on authorities supplying good-sounding "easy answers". ...Consequently, the first major product that totalitarian governments allow into their countries is the insidious, will-breaking, sugar-laced caffeine drug, Coca-Cola®. ...Such governments show no interest in importing healthy, sugar-free, caffeine-free beverages.
The inescapable essence of a healthy human mind and body is honesty and effort. That identification about honesty and effort will eventually serve to vanish our chronically sick anticivilization, replacing it with the eternally healthy Civilization of the Universe.
Now shift to an entirely different problem in this anticivilization: Today's religious-right individuals are among the most worthy of Americans. Most religious-right people deliver genuine values and prosperity to others and society. Many are hard working, productive, family-oriented individuals who act as foils to the destructive actions of the parasitical-elite class throughout the secular Establishment.[ 97 ] Most religious-right people are self-sufficient and do not partake in government-sponsored, gun-backed parasitism. Yet, they are self-defeating and thoroughly hoodwinked by their own demagogic leaders on abortion and issues like school prayer.
Only with fully integrated honesty can they escape their trap -- their contradictions of reality. With integrated honesty, they can remove the threats against their lifestyles while expanding their admirable values to vanish their nemeses: parasitical elites who enforce evil agendas through their armed bureaucrats.
Because of their loyalty to genuine values, religious-right people properly respect human life above all else. Thus, they would be correct -- morally and legally -- to block by any means within objective law, anyone, including government itself, who purposely murders other human beings. But, the problem with their all-out crusade against abortion "murder" is simply that a fetus is not a human being. ...Potentiality is not actuality.
Their badly misguided concept of "murdering" fetuses springs from emotional brainwashings by false "spiritual" leaders -- leaders who support agendas needed to advance their own self-serving demagogic livelihoods. Indeed, at any stage, a fetus is nothing more than protoplasm. The fetus is not a baby, not a child, not a human being. The defining essence or attribute of a human being is consciousness -- conscious awareness and conscious functioning. The fetus has no consciousness. The fetus is not a human being. The fetus has no rights. The fetus requires no legal or moral protection.
Many millions of intelligent, religious people have been duped into morally and physically defending fetuses as if they were human beings. Consider their forcibly aggressive anti-abortion demonstrations along with other contradictions such as their demanding prayer or silent mediation in public schools. Such repugnant blending of church and state ultimately subverts the rights and freedoms of all nonreligious and religious people. For, demanding any gun-backed government action to promote political frauds or religious agendas means sanctioning gun-backed actions leading to all criminal acts, including political-agenda mass murder such as at WACO. Indeed, WACO was a political fraud that involved real child killings by the President, his armed bureaucracies, and his Attorney General.
Living by the universal principles of objective law, one neither needs nor wants approval, acceptance, or recognition from anyone interacting with this unreal anticivilization. The entire history of the anticivilization and its humanoid rulers is one of fraud leading to human diminishment. The anticivilization has no real existence or power. Its humanoid perpetrators have only illusionary existences and imaginary powers in an anticivilization first conjured up by Plato and then perpetuated by parasitical elites. Such parasites are epitomized by the dishonest hierarchies of the church, state, and academe who have fatally corrupted the minds and bodies of human beings for the past two millennia.
Now consider the meaning of vanishing the illusions that support this anticivilization and its humanoid rulers -- the meaning of you becoming Zon:
You need not correct anything in an uncorrectable anticivilization. You only need to disconnect. ...Now consider these areas of disconnection:
Returning to your free-ranging thoughts, you have long known human beings on Earth are by nature long-distance running animals. Thus, through DTC, you run daily. You started years ago by running a slow 100 yards, working up over several years to a steady five miles a day in 40 minutes. Now you run every day, probably not missing a half-dozen days in a year. Time and schedule "inconvenience" are no more an inconvenience than bathing everyday. With that daily run, you are physically and mentally reborn each day, ready to advance beyond the accomplishments of the previous day, progressing forever into a future of expanding knowledge and prosperity.
You also know human beings are carnivorous animals. Indeed, your natural, low-carbohydrate diet eliminates desires for drug-like, high-concentration carbohydrates and sugar toxins. ...DTC naturally occurs throughout the Civilization of the Universe as does the CAS happiness diet -- no Caffeine, no Alcohol, or no Sugar. ...You recognize cups of coffee, for example, as cups of unhappiness.
You are trim, fit, and happy. With your spouse, values such as growth, communication, love, and sexual enjoyment grow each year. In handling life, your effectiveness increases each year, never diminishing with age.
Your joy with your work, your loved ones, and your life expand eternally. You realize DTC and physical fitness are natural for all conscious beings throughout all universes, in all ages.
You disconnect from the irrationalities throughout this anticivilization.
You disconnect from the dishonesties throughout this anticivilization.
You disconnect from the socially and economically destructive behaviors throughout this anticivilization.
In the meantime, Zonpower will enable adults to protect children from being dragged into this illusionary anticivilization. Children will remain Zons. Thus, their Zonpower will remain intact as they grow into adults. They will leave this anticivilization behind as nothing. The anticivilization with its humanoid rulers will vanish, forgotten forever. Everyone will then live prosperously, peacefully, eternally in the Civilization of the Universe.
Children are the Achilles' heel of this anticivilization. For essentially all children under six belong to the Civilization of the Universe. They are Zons, citizens of the universe. Uncorrupted, they hold the power to control existence through fully integrated honesty. When, through Zonpower or the Zon Protocols, parents realize that every baby is born a Zon, they will protect and prevent their children from being dragged into this lethal, illusionary anticivilization. Thus, when those children become adults, they will assume their responsibilities as all-powerful citizens of the universe. They will be free of corruption and dishonesty. For them, the anticivilization will not exist. It will have been vanished, forgotten forever. ...Conscious beings on Earth will then be free to control existence in creating for society eternal health, prosperity, and happiness.
[ 93 ] That capacity to decrease entropy is why conscious beings and only conscious beings can potentially reverse physical aging.
[ 94 ] With hypocritical concerns and dishonest pleadings, people like Susan Smith and Hillary Clinton either directly kill their own children or indirectly kill thousands or even millions of other people's children. Also, Dickens/Gifford-type child-labor dishonesties have starved millions of children.
[ 95 ] In later years, Dr. Atkins sadly surrendered to the politically correct establishment, grew stout again, and leaned toward bogus fad diets.
[ 96 ] A modified, improved version of Dr. Atkin's diet was published in 1995: The Zone, Barry Sears, Harper Collins.
[ 97 ] As stated on page 273, Western religion has often acted as a foil to the destructive power of the state -- and vice versa. ...In the Civilization of the Universe, no illusions exist. Thus, no state or religious powers exist. Only individual Zonpower exists.
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