Nothing links the nonliving to the living, the plant to the animal, or the animal mind to the human mind. Similarly, nothing links the slumberous consciousness of the anticivilization to the dynamic consciousness of the Civilization of the Universe. ...Likewise, nothing links the endless deprivations in this anticivilization to the limitless prosperity in the Civilization of the Universe.
In physics, nothing links one electron state to another or one spacetime system to another. In both life and physics, essences exist in either one state or another with no flow, transition, or linkage between them. Consider the nature of Planck's go/no-go blackbody radiation, Einstein's go/no-go photoelectric effect, and civilization's go/no-go limitless-prosperity dynamics. Locked within the laws of physics, how could one ever enter the law-based Civilization of the Universe from this criminal-based anticivilization?
As in physics with the introduction of Planck's energy, the introduction of Zonpower will allow entry into the Civilization of the Universe. Eventually, everyone on Earth will leave criminal politics behind and click into the Civilization of the Universe without transition.
Since no link or communication with the anticivilization is possible, no one today can know what life is like in the Civilization of the Universe -- not until it actually appears on planet Earth, perhaps by the end of this century. Until then, all that can be known with certainty is that life in the Civilization of the Universe means limitless prosperity and eternal happiness. Indeed, everyone can look forward to the happiest shock of his or her life as each suddenly awakens in a law-based civilization of eternal riches and exciting romance.
Why is linkage between the two civilizations impossible? That impossibility is not because of any cultural or psychological differences, which are profound and absolute. But, rather, that impossibility is because the laws of physics make impossible any contact or linkage, both practically and theoretically. The reason for that impossibility lies in the fact that each civilization travels along separate spacetime coordinates. One cannot travel or switch to a different spacetime system anymore than one can travel backward in time. For, any such spacetime travel or switch would require the conscious reconstruction of every quantum state -- of every matter and force coordinate -- in the universe at every instant in time. Thus, the arrow of time cannot be reversed or switched.
Spacetime systems constantly evolve and move forward. One is never able to travel to different spacetime or light-cone coordinates that have already come and or elsewhere. Nothing can revisit, return to, or alter events occurring in any past or separate time frame as reflected in a familiar way by Omar Khayyám in The Rubáiyát nine centuries ago:
What do the two illustrations on page 305 reveal? Different essence systems are in different spacetime or energy coordinates in different worlds or civilizations. In every such case, an unclosable gap always exists between separate coordinates. Nothing can connect one spacetime system to another.
Then how does one move from one spacetime system, world, or civilization to another if no contact or transition is possible? Like going from one time zone to another, one does not phase out of one zone and into another. One is in one zone or the other with no transition. So, how can one in the anticivilization end up in the Civilization of the Universe? How can one suddenly be in the Civilization of the Universe without any transition?
Consider the analogous, well-established laws of physics shown in Illustration A on page 305. Throughout existence, at least two distinct coordinate systems of energy exist: (1) the limited closed-coordinate system that functions below Planck's energy level doing little, and (2) the limitless open-coordinate system that functions above Planck's energy level doing everything. Between the two systems, nothing except Gravity Units exists -- no contact, no transition. Each system is in a universe of its own. Below Planck's energy level, a boring universe of limited, closed boundaries exists. Above Planck's energy level, a lively universe of limitless, open evolution springs forth -- generating all possible events and energies, without limits or boundaries. ...Everything is either above or below Planck's energy level. Nothing is in-between. Nothing connects or mediates the two independent systems or universes.
What about the animal mind to the bicameral mind as shown in Illustration B? The bicameral mind to the conscious mind? The closed-system, rationalizing Kantian mind comprising the anticivilization to the open-ended, integrating Randian mind comprising the Civilization of the Universe? The criminally destructive Hitlerian/Clintonian mind to the heroically productive Thomas Edison/Bill Gates mind? ...What is the analogous Planck's energy that will jump the spacetime gap or void from the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe? That equivalency of Planck's energy is contained within the universal constant of Zon, k, described on page 11. From the constant k flows the power of Zon.
The Civilization of the Universe is Zonpower. Once one integrates with Zonpower, he or she automatically makes a Planck-like jump with no transition. Abruptly, one is in the Civilization of the Universe. The anticivilization is then left behind, impossible to contact, soon forgotten forever.
By contrast, the Civilization of the Universe has no boundaries. Thus, new knowledge is limitless and the speed of integrations are bounded only by the speed of light. Thereby, both knowledge and speed of thinking increase geometrically, if not exponentially. With such a multiplying effect, the speed of integration will soon approach the velocity of light as described in Chapter 6. At such speeds, time dilation becomes noticeable and then dominates.
What happens as the speed of integrations for new knowledge keeps accelerating ever closer to the velocity of light? The resulting time dilation becomes so great that the flow of time essentially ceases relative to events and experiences in technologically advanced cyberspaces.
Those differences in time dilation reflect the separate spacetime coordinates or paths along which conscious beings travel in the closed anticivilization versus the open Civilization of the Universe. With those differences in time dilation, any linkage or contact is impossible between conscious minds travelling along their separate spacetime coordinates -- the anticivilization slow path versus the Civilization of the Universe fast path. ...Galileo/Newton provided the transformations of classical physics; Lorentz/Einstein provided the transformations of relativity; today Neothink/Zon provides the transformations of consciousness.
The Civilization of the Universe is coming. On its arrival for each individual, the anticivilization and its criminal parasites will disappear, lost in bygone spacetime coordinates, never to be revisited, forever forgotten as nothing.
In the anticivilization, why care about what anyone thinks, says, or does? Except for competitive values and their heroic producers, what difference does anything or anyone make in the schizophrenic irrationality of an anticivilization? Beneath this anticivilization, nothing except permanent value production makes any difference...or sense. In the Civilization of the Universe, however, everything that each individual does or experiences makes the most profound difference to everyone eternally.
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