- A Build Freedom Focal Point -
Part IA
The most powerful way to build freedom is for you as an individual to start building your own freedom. And the most effective course of action for you might be to start escaping from the "job"/"employment" trap.
Part IB (Basic Money Skills)
In order to escape from the "job"/"employment" trap, you may need to acquire a range of basic money skills. Without these skills, you may be doomed to many years of 9-5 wage slavery. With these skills, financial freedom may be in your near future..
Part II
The bogus power of terrocrats depends on the support from their victims. In practicing the Economic Means to Freedom, we find practical ways to legally, elegantly, and safely withdraw our support.
Part III
In practicing the Economic Means to Freedom, we don't attempt to change, oppose, reform, or overthrow any political or economic systems. We simply create our own voluntary alternatives in the free-enterprise sector.
Part IV
25 anarcho-capitalist things you can do now!
Part V
A proposal for a complementary money system to be developed, launched, and implemented as a matter of urgency.
(Articles only referenced in this part: Appendices 1 and 2, Appendices 3 and 4, Appendix 5, A Snapshot of Community Currency Systems in Europe and North America.)
Part VI
Exit tax systems to the extent you can do so legally -- with an acceptable level of risk. Terrocrats are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.
Part VII
The importance of financial freedom and independence and some practical steps to achieve an economic status such that you don't have to work for money. By financial freedom and independence I mean having organized your life and affairs so you don't have to work for money. If you're interested in such financial freedom, then this article may be well worth reading.
The most important factor determining your level of freedom is how much money you have, how much you earn, and your ability to keep your money safe from the marauding hands of politicians, bureaucrats, and their armed police. If you live your life as an economic "subject" or "slave" of others, they will drain away both your wealth and your opportunities.
Part IX
There are enormous potential freedom resources in the world. Think in terms of upgrading the utilization of these resources.
Part X
From the perspective of the freedom activist, there is no substantial difference between the "private" sector and the public sector. The implication of this is that to the extent that freedom activists work or do business in the "private" sector, they support "the enemy."
Part XI
The purpose of this article is to provide information on e-gold and other alternative currencies and to answer commonly asked questions.
Part XII
The massive changes that could come about as a result of the rapid growth of gold-backed alternative currencies, and what individuals and businesses could do to take advantage of these changes.
Why a Business Must Be Profitable
Understanding and having an appropriate mindset about "profits" is critical to the success of any organization or business.
Start Your Own Business
A few very brief ideas or suggestions on where to start.
e-gold Enables You To Use Gold As Money (also silver, platinum and palladium)
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