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(revised 09/10/01)

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Appendix #1

The Success/Fail Test

A Heuristic Test that Integrates Facts with Emotions

This is how the test works: Respond to each item in both columns below by placing a 0, 1, 2, or 3 in every box. Cipher 0 means that the statement has either no meaning or a negative meaning to your thinking. Number 1 means you have some emotional affinity to the statement. Number 2 means you have a definite emotional affinity to the statement. And, number 3 means you have a strong emotional affinity to the statement. You should have a figure in each box in both columns. At the completion of the test, separately add the figures in each column, subtract the total of the left-hand WILL-FAIL column from the total of the right-hand WILL-SUCCEED column. If your final score is a negative number, Neo-Tech will not benefit you at this time. But, if the negative number is small, Neo-Tech will probably directly or indirectly benefit you in the future. If your final score is a positive number, Neo-Tech will directly benefit you now, perhaps greatly so, depending on how high is the positive number.

Success/Fail Test

My score is ___. The highest score possible is +156. The score for the founder of Neo-Tech was +113. Thus, others can surpass and outcompete him.

[ ] Neo-Tech seems untoward, mystical, utopian. And, what's this idea about entrepreneurs and businesses bringing Earthlings commercial immortality. That idea is blasphemous at best, evil at worst. [ ] Neo-Tech vanishes mysticism. And, by Neo-Tech breaking the political-and-religious chains of force and fraud, freed scientists, entrepreneurs, business people, and artists will bring open-ended health, riches, and happiness to everyone.
[ ] Immortality arises in Heaven and Hell as per Dante, Milton, Billy Graham via The Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, and The Holy Bible. [ ] Immortality arises on Earth as per Wallace, Hamilton, Savage via Riches & Romance, The First Immortals, and No More Dishonesties.
[ ] I relate more to Plato, the Christian-socialist/​altruistic "Jesus", Augustine, Swift, Kierkegaard, Kant, Hegel. [ ] I relate more to Aristotle, the Jewish-businessman/​impresario Jesus, John Locke, Jay Gould, Mark Twain, Nietzsche, Ayn Rand.
[ ] Limitlessness evolves from God and spirits in heavenly, noncompetitive, nonbusiness realms. ...Let us pray. [ ] Limitlessness evolves from myself and conscious people in competitive, business/​scientific/​artistic realms. ...Let us deal.
[ ] I need politics, religion, and God to succeed. [ ] I succeed through my own independent mind and body.
[ ] Man is saved by faith alone, by holy scriptures alone. [ ] Man is saved by reason alone, by honesty alone.
[ ] The cross. [ ] The broken cross.
[ ] Paul's apocalyptic revelations. [ ] Neo-Tech's apocalyptic identifications.
[ ] The apostle Matthew's "measure for measure" had it right. [ ] The pagan Shakespeare's Measure for Measure had it right.
[ ] Neo-Tech rests on godless pride and jungle anarchy. [ ] Neo-Tech rests on objective facts and universal laws.
[ ] Neo-Tech is a Sodom/Gomorrah apocalypse. [ ] Neo-Tech is a business/science apocalypse.
[ ] Followers of Neo-Tech will be thrown into the lake of fire. [ ] Implementers, not followers, of Neo-Tech create rivers of wealth.
[ ] Neo-Tech is outlandishly unreal. [ ] Neo-Tech is arrestingly real.
[ ] Neo-Tech is unfair ... and heartless. [ ] Neo-Tech is justice ... and beneficent.
[ ] Neo-Tech is an antichrist movement. [ ] The anticivilization is an antibusiness cult.
[ ] Eternal futures via God granting grace. [ ] Eternal futures via business unleashing life.
[ ] Neo-Tech is repelling, selfish, and greedy. So is its idea of a digital journey to a business civilization. ...I want government-led democratic/socialist societies, not market-led individualistic/business societies. [ ] Neo-Tech is attractive. Harmful parasites neither understand nor want to understand universal-business dynamics. ... I can profit from their dishonesties and irrationalities while neutralizing their harms.
[ ] Neo-Tech gestures toward a hedonistic society of unnecessary luxuries. [ ] Neo-Tech gestures toward a rational society of prosperous joys.
[ ] I hate Neo-Tech. It's too threatening, too strict, too critical. It requires too much effort, uncomfortable change, self-responsibility. [ ] I love Neo-Tech. It bypasses the harms, irrationalities, and frauds of others. It rewards effort, creative change, self-responsibility.
[ ] Neo-Tech undercuts government's force-backed role of protecting "threatened" environments, endangered species, ozone atmospheres, acid-free rains, colder weathers, cigarette smokers, fat people, welfare downtroddens. [ ] Neo-Tech advances well-being, prosperity, and happiness of conscious life into the future. Neo-Tech undercuts force-backed political leaders, their lethal destructiveness, their criminally dishonest enforcements.
[ ] Only force-backed government can protect environments and species irrespective of selfish human interests. ... Go for the green. [ ] Only free-market businesses can protect environments and species for the long-range benefit of happy human life. ... Go for the gold.
[ ] Human rights and big heartedness are the essences of an egalitarian-moral society. "Compassion" is the hallmark of a successful democracy that controls business through force-backed regulations, tort actions, affirmative actions, social-justice, and antitrust laws. [ ] Only from individual-and-property rights for the minority of "one" can evolve a just, prosperous, happy society. "Big-hearted" rhetoric is a key dishonesty of criminal neocheaters, parasitical elites, and religious hoaxers who attack and drain value producers.
[ ] Altruism is a categorical imperative to be coerced or forced. Altruism makes people love one another and brings world peace. [ ] Coerced or forced altruism is a hate-filled tool of criminality and fraud. Altruism lets people think socialism is virtue and capitalism is evil.
[ ] Conscious people are not perfectible as per Saint-Augustine/Original-Sin concepts. [ ] Conscious people are perfectible as per Classical-Greek/Neo-Tech concepts.
[ ] Art reveals the imperfections of life. [ ] Art reveals the perfections of life.
[ ] Environmental/​regulatory politicians, bureaucrats, and celebrities are heroes of society. [ ] Creative businesspeople, entrepreneurs, scientists, and artists are heroes of society.
[ ] Lawyers and contract laws are unneeded in a political/​religious utopia as per Plato/​Thomas-More (1478-1535) concepts. [ ] Honest lawyers and contract laws are essential for a universal-business civilization as per law-over-whim concepts.
[ ] Politics and religion are required for the stability and morality of society. Business is an economic weapon against the populace. Through force-backed laws and regulations, rulers must weaken, then control business. ...Up with government. [ ] Politics and religion are the destabilizing, destructive elements of society. Only honest/free businesses and rational/the-point laws can generate prosperous, healthy, happy lives for the populace. ...Up with free-enterprise.
[ ] William Jefferson Clinton! Snoop Doggy Dog. [ ] Thomas Jefferson? Ludwig van Beethoven.
[ ] Plato's higher realities (mysticisms) for political/religious power, profit, preeminence. [ ] Aristotle's earthly realities for individual/natural business, excitement, beauty.
[ ] Neo-Tech is an aberration of Objectivism and Libertarianism. [ ] Neo-Tech is a dynamic that antiquates Objectivism and Libertarianism.
[ ] Neo-Tech contradicts the politics, philosophies, and psychologies that are guides to life in a society of egalitarian justice. ...Market-driven justice is a fantasy. [ ] Neo-Tech processes of honesty and accounting combined with facts and emotions eclipse politics, philosophies, and psychologies. ...Egalitarian-driven justice is an oxymoron.
[ ] Neo-Tech is an extension of the Illuminati goal to end nationalism and religion. [ ] Neo-Tech replaces the Illuminati in bringing forth a universal business/science civilization.
[ ] Neo-Tech seems too hard and challenging. Life in a business civilization would be unnatural -- competitively grim -- not fun. [ ] Neo-Tech is a happy, creative challenge. Life in a business civilization would be natural -- excitingly enjoyable -- real fun.
[ ] Neo-Tech is hostile. Besides, it never won me the lottery, brought parades of chicks begging for sex, or provided effortless riches for my future. What's Neo-Tech good for? [ ] Neo-Tech is benevolent. It saved my life by separating me from the lethal insanities of an anticivilization. Neo-Tech help me earn real riches, romantic love, and an ever-open future.
[ ] Neo-Tech is about entrepreneurs and businesses. But, I never wanted involvement with business. What I want is a good-time life and an easy retirement. ... The government must take good care of me 'til I die. That's my right! [ ] Neo-Tech is about benefiting from freed businesses and heroic value creators. It lets me earn prosperity. It lets me profitably pursue my chosen desires in any rational area of life, in or out of business. That's my right!
[ ] Gaining limitless benefits from science/business entrepreneurs not only sounds crude, but sounds hard, unpleasant, unhealthy. [ ] Gaining limitless benefits from science/business entrepreneurs is not only rational, but is easy, joyful, healthy.
[ ] Waffle ice-cream cones and Big-Gulp cokes. [ ] Fiber-One® cereal and gallon-per-day water.
[ ] Daily TV-entertainment shows. [ ] Daily four-mile runs.
[ ] Health must focus on developing aging-retardation and life-extension products for marketing to those who have enough money. [ ] Health must focus on emotionally and commercially achieving non-aging biological immortality for every conscious life.
[ ] Vanishing politics and religion is socially-subversive, hellishly-anarchist, not-practical. [ ] Vanishing politics and religion is socially-supportive, joyously-enabling, most-practical.
[ ] Profanity is liberating chic. [ ] Civility is profitably appealing.
[ ] I want to do what I think others approve of -- what others think is right. [ ] I want to do what I know is right for me, my loved ones, and society.
[ ] Believing in mysticism and clinging to the status quo are too prevalent, comforting, and popular. We can't escape it. Also, clinging to faith-beliefs keeps life acceptable to others. [ ] The freedoms, profits, and benefits arising from rational skepticism -- arising from eradicating mysticism and the irrational status quo -- are life enhancing, joyous, romantic.
[ ] Hiss! "Narrow-minded" Neo-Tech categorically rejects mysticisms and paranormal beliefs. ...Get free rewards. [ ] Hooray! Honest-minded Neo-Tech thoroughly debunks mysticisms and paranormal beliefs. ...Earn real rewards.
[ ] Scarily, Neo-Tech literature proclaims the eschatology (end time) of political civilizations. [ ] Happily, Neo-Tech literature reveals the final events of Earth's anticivilization.
[ ] I resent business. It is man's scourge -- his tool of malevolent greed. Replace it. [ ] I applaud business. It is man's survival -- his tool of benevolent prosperity. Replicate it.
[ ] Neo-Tech unveils nothing factual, divine, emotional, or immortal. [ ] Neo-Tech unveils everything factual, divine, emotional, and immortal.
[ ] Neo-Tech theory puts me to sleep. [ ] Neo-Tech theory awakens me.
[ ] Conscious life does not need the honesty and accountability of Neo-Tech to survive force-and-fraud authorities. Without Neo-Tech, we can still survive sociopathic rulers who wield global-annihilating nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. [ ] The honesty and accountability of Neo-Tech sublimates the criminal force of politics and the deceptive fraud of religions. That process lets non-force/non-mystical business evolve conscious life toward peace, prosperity, and non-aging immortality worldwide.
[ ] I misled myself about Neo-Tech by (1) seeking an authority or leader who will deliver riches and romance with little effort on my part, and by (2) using Neo-Tech's anticivilization identifications to blame others for my problems, shortcomings, and unhappiness. [ ] I gained open-ended benefits and happiness by (1) using Neo-Tech as a tool and process -- not as an authority -- for gaining competitive advantages in earning riches and romance, and by (2) using Neo-Tech to replace static truth and dogma with dynamic honesty and openness.
[ ] The original Neo-Tech concepts of the 1980s clearly enhanced and benefited my loved ones, society, and me. But, I don't understand the mystical-sounding Zon stuff of the 1990s. What's the point of it? It only drives people away from Neo-Tech and dims the future. [ ] The original Neo-Tech concepts of the 1980s greatly benefited my life. But, the evolvement in the 1990s of Zon metaphors provided never-before-known tools to profitably subvert the anticivilization and secure open-ended futures in a business/science civilization.

Will the Neo-Tech apocalypse -- the business/science revolution -- succeed or fail? The question really is, will you succeed or fail during the revolution? Your score in the above test reflects the answer.

Appendix #2

Related Notes

Envy versus Emulation

A distinguishing feature between Earth's anticivilization and a universal-business civilization is summarized in two words -- "envy" and "emulation". Envy is the essence of the parasitical left and right from murderous communism/socialism/fascism to the criminalized Democrat Party in America to violent antibusiness populist/eco-nazi protesters. ...Envy usurps or destroys values created by others. Envy unleashes hatred against the good, the successful, the prosperous, the happy -- hatred against life itself.

By contrast, emulation is the essence of competitive business, science, and art. Emulation is the admiration of, the striving for, the surpassing of values created by others. Emulation reflects love toward the good, the successful, the prosperous, the happy -- love toward life itself.

In an envy-based society, citizens decline and die in sorrow. In an emulation-based society, citizens prosper and live in happiness. The essence of Neo-Tech/Zon is the emulation of values created by conscious life.

A Harbinger to Conquering Death

A man experiences recurring thoughts beyond his experiences: He is lost in a large city. It is modern, technologically advanced, but reveals slightly decaying streets, buildings, and activities. At times, some people reflect good lives and happy times, but everyone ends in loss, decline, and then death and dust. A miasma of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism pervades the air. The thinker has an urgent destination beyond the city. But, the more he asks and follows directions, the more lost he becomes, always ending back at the same no-progress starting point. Running out of time, he ventures on his own, doubling the pace. Still, the streets lead him in nonsensical directions. Like a "random-walk" drunk, he always ends at the same lost position. ... He cannot get beyond the city. He cannot escape death and dust.

Is there no escape from the city of death and dust? ... Many citizens cry out, "There is no escape, accept it." Some cry, "When is the escape, when is salvation?" Others cry, "Where is the escape, where is Valhalla, Heaven, Paradise?" A few cry, "What is the escape, what is the answer?" Several even cry, "Why is there no escape, why doesn't God grant us grace?" Answers never come. But, when the thinker finally exclaims, "I will escape!" the answer comes:

He finds a cemetery. This he reads on a tombstone: "It is a fearsome thing to love what death can touch." He then discovers a barely noticeable skin-like fabric of dishonesties, irrationalities and mysticisms covering the cemetery, vacuum-sealed around the entire city, encapsulating its every citizen. Sealed in that lethal bubble, no one can achieve god-like immortality natural to conscious life. Instead, each is trapped within the false boundaries of mortality.

Hearing a throat-clearing "ahem" from beyond that fabric skin, the thinker reaches into his quiver of life. Withdrawing rods of honesty and rationality, he bundles them into an ax-handled fasces. Hacking a Truman opening at the false-skyline boundary, he steps into a new-color light -- the Civilization of the Universe.

Here shines an eternity of life -- a civilization in which every conscious mind/body thrives without limits. Yet, realizing that his loved ones and countless others remain trapped in a tomb of decline and death, he begins fashioning bandoleers filled with bullets of honesty. ... When those trapped in that bizarre city receive and fire those bullets, the boundaries of dishonesties and irrationalities will crumble. Conscious life can then step into a business/science/art civilization of non-aging immortality from which flows endless riches and romance.

A Different, Outcast City -- A Free, Exciting City

Neo-Tech has happily dwelled in Las Vegas, Nevada since 1973. Exciting boomtown Las Vegas is the fastest-growing city in America. In many important ways, it is today the freest, most enjoyable anticivilization city in which to live, raise a family, and conduct business. Man-made beauty abounds in architecture, art, entertainment, and business. The beauty of nature abounds in the surrounding desert, the nearby snow-capped mountains, the cool deep-blue Lake Mead, and near-perfect weather year around. Most important, individual and business freedom abounds with less government or social intrusions on private life than any other place in America.

Las Vegas as all of Nevada has no personal or corporate income taxes and exceptionally low property taxes thanks to dupes from around the world who leave billions of dollars every year on the gaming tables and in the slot/poker machines. Gamblers subsidize many key aspects of life in Las Vegas -- low-cost living, dining, entertainment; good schools, parks, transportation. Moreover, a certain beauty and justice rises from the reverse Robin-Hood atmosphere in Las Vegas: First, take money from the lowlife, the dupes, the greedy, the parasites -- gamblers seeking unearned money, something for nothing. Then, transfer that money to businesspeople who create competitive values and jobs for others and society. ... And, best of all, every such behavior and choice is voluntary -- free-choice -- force-free.

In Las Vegas, justice speaks: the irrational and parasitical lose; the rational and productive win. ... One knows how wonderful is Las Vegas in direct proportion to how much academic elites, religious elites, and socialist elites despise this "gaudy city of mammon".

Yet, with much irony, the rational world of Neo-Tech and its rising business/science civilization will competitively put this beautiful anticivilization city out of business. For, the rational dynamics of Neo-Tech competitively vanish irrational activities such as gambling, drinking, and other Las Vegas vices. ... But, in its place, an even more wonderful and exciting Las Vegas will rise -- a free business, science, and art city of immortals happily, romantically prospering forever.

The Ugliness of a Split Consciousness

Now switch from the dupes who support beautiful Las Vegas to the dupes who support an irrational anticivilization: The ugliness of split program/computer consciousness is highlighted today by, for example, Fidel Castro committing premeditated murder with impunity backed by apologists as journalist Barbara Walters and other such socialist-celebrity elites. Also, consider President Clinton committing premeditated crimes with impunity backed by facilitators as Janet Reno and other quid-pro-quo lawyers/businesspeople/foreign governments. ... Still, one positive of the Clinton/Reno era was its ridiculing and diminishment of Christian cultists and their nasty malevolence. That malevolence is, however, rebounding under President Bush.

Further examples of split-consciousness ugliness include Janet Reno seeking unearned power and fame. To accomplish her ends, she uses government guns and fists for her frame-up prosecutions, her child-abuse crimes, her planned killings (e.g.: Snowden, Fuster, Fenjne, Elian, Waco). She now awaits her political rewards -- governorship of Florida.

Massive destructiveness spreads from Reno's crimes: Timothy McVeigh sought eye-for-eye justice for her unanswered crimes -- for the escalating injustices throughout American government facilitated by ATF/FBI killers in Reno's Justice Department. He met his "goal" by bombing the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. ... "Captain-of-my-soul" McVeigh was executed. "I-take-full-responsibility" Reno is still on the loose. He was executed for his lawless killings of 168 victims. His facilitators paid no penalties for their lawless killings of 2+6+76+168+1 victims.

By contrast, Neo-Tech seeks profitable justice for unanswered crimes -- for the escalating criminalities throughout anticivilization politics. To accomplish those ends, Neo-Tech digitally exploits criminal neocheaters by profitably shrinking them and their anticivilization toward null points.

Every criminal consciousness, including Reno and McVeigh with their murderous political agendas, evolved from an unnatural mind/body split -- from a brain/mind dichotomy that lets program/computer processes dominate conscious life. ... Insert a program written for dishonesty, irrationality, or mysticism into such a mind and the computerized brain will obey that program to yield destructive behaviors that ultimately bring decline and death to everyone.

Cohorts of dishonesty and irrationality acquiesce in programmed unison. Consider, for example, acquiescing businessmen such as Oracle's CEO, Larry Ellison. Set aside his unfocused spending in immaturely seeking a "Fountain of Youth". While lauding Ayn Rand, he and his clan buy political/government force to overcome non-force, free-market competition from Bill Gates and Microsoft. Next, Ellison pays off a pathologically dishonest politician -- Bill Clinton -- the epitome of a politically concealed criminal world. He pays Clinton $100,000 for a speech. He and his cohorts give Clinton a standing ovation. German businessmen gave Adolf Hitler a standing ovation for their force-backed profits -- a standing ovation to the man who would later destroy them and their businesses.

Then what happens? Reality asserts itself -- rationality rises over irrationality -- justice rises over injustice. The bubble bursts. Oracle's stock price plunges. Then the Greenspan-Rubin stock market along with the Clinton-Potemkin economy collapses. ... Consider what Winston Churchill said about Italians cheering Mussolini, the man who would later destroy them and their country, "How much easier it is to join bad company than to shake it."

Alas, even Bill Gates and Microsoft turn to government force in attempts to stifle free-market competition. Such is the nature of an anticivilization operating via automatic dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities. ...The anticivilization is an insane-asylum in which nothing can conquer crime, decline, and death.

As a Las-Vegas-type sidebar explaining why, in an anticivilization context, Neo-Tech favors the anachronistic Royal Family of England: English Royalty is the only major government entity that has no power to hurt, diminish, or regulate any individual or business. Moreover, the Royal Family serves as a major profit-making business in generating billions of dollars in entertainment-and-tourist profits.

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