Gods of the Universe
Part 5: The Changing Nature of Mass and Energy:
The Grand Cycle
All events of the universe fall within nature's mighty Grand Cycle, the dominating, all-inclusive energy wave involving the entire universe. That cycle consists of nature's longest energy wave exactly counterpoised with nature's shortest energy wave. All other cycles, waves, or forces of nature, ranging from cosmic and gamma rays to radio waves fall within the Grand Cycle. ...The Grand Cycle is described in Table 2 below:
The Total History Of The Universe (omitting the unifying element of consciousness) is contained in THE GRAND CYCLE which consists of The Googol-Year Explosion Half-Cycle, Long Wave
The Googol-Year Implosion The Googolth-of-a-Second |
A capsulized account of the Grand Cycle starting with the so-called big-bang birth of the universe is illustrated in Table 3 on the next page.
Table 3 also indicates that all activity during nature's longest wave, the googol-year exploding/imploding cycles, exactly equals all activity occurring during nature's shortest wave, the googolth-of-a-second cycle. An understanding of that seeming paradox will evolve over the next few pages.
Part 6: The Explosion Cycle
Within the universe, all existence oscillates in one Grand Cycle spanning trillions of years. The actual time to complete that Cycle is not relevant here, but will someday be scientifically measured by us on Earth. But, even today, experiments and calculations from the astrophysical Doppler effect[ 20 ] show our universe is in the explosion, energy-to-matter half cycle. Our universe is exploding outward at near the speed of light, scattering away from a so-called "big-bang birth" with ever increasing entropy[ 20 ] -- a measurement of spent energy.
Energy available for work throughout the universe will keep decreasing as the universe spreads out for trillions of years until all energy is spent. In that state, trillions of years after the initial big-bang explosion, the universe exists at its maximum scattered or disordered state -- as inert residue of an exploded bomb. At that moment, the entire universe is motionless, energyless, and while always approaching absolute zero Kelvin temperature (0 0 K=-273.16 0 C=-469.67°F), all energy is in the form of uniform, unusable heat radiation. ...Do subatomic arrows of time exist? Will protons, quarks, and electrons eventually decay or annihilate to end in radiation for all subatomic particles and motions?[ 21 ]
Part 7: The Implosion Cycle
With no usable energies or motions, the universe is dead. Entropy is essentially infinite. Entropic heat death has occurred. Without the force of consciousness, one incredibly weak force remains -- by far the weakest of nature's forces -- gravity. And, at that moment, in the absence of all other forces, gravity begins acting as an invisible cosmic hand destined to fulfill its function as the ultimate housekeeper, healer, and energy restorer of the universe. For, at that moment, gravity begins pulling a totally scattered, exhausted universe back toward increased order while gradually restoring potential energy. Increasingly restoring energy by reversing entropy, this cycle is the mirror image of the explosion cycle and equally lasts trillions of years. In that implosion cycle, gravity eventually pulls the universe back into essentially perfect order...an ultimate-compact, black-hole[ 22 ] bomb, ready to explode into another big bang as entropy races toward zero.
As contraction of the universe begins, gravity gradually changes from the weakest to the mightiest force of nature. Starting as an unimaginably faint but constant pull, gravity begins rebuilding the scattered universe by drawing all energyless existence closer together -- perhaps initially by a millimicron in a million years. But every movement closer together increases the pull of gravity.[ 23 ] That, in turn, increases the speed at which the universe condenses toward an ordered, densifying mass. From the beginning to the end of that condensing-collapsing-imploding cycle, gravity steadily moves toward increasing all forms of energy ranging from potential and kinetic energies to chemical, heat, and nuclear energies.
In the explosion cycle, all energy escapes the diminishing grip of gravity. But in the implosion cycle, no energy escapes the increasing grip of gravity. In this cycle, the universe keeps moving together. Gravity holds all forms of increasing mass and energy within the same shrinking unit as the universe races closer together at accelerating speeds.
Part 8: The Googolth-of-a-Second Cycle
On drawing the universe toward a never reachable point, the accelerating pull of gravity begins compacting matter and energy toward a super-ordered, super-compact black hole. Becoming the mightiest physical force in existence, gravity begins crushing the universe. All forms of energy blend into all forms of matter and vice versa. All molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, sub-atomic particles, and energy waves of the universe are crushed together into unrecognizable forms of matter and energy. That rapidly compacting universe assumes entirely different forms of existence occurring only during that nearly instantaneous moment of super compaction at the final instant of the implosion half cycle.
Then, as the entire universe implodes to the size of a basketball, those bizarre forms of existence keep changing with increasing rapidity. Undergoing seemingly infinite changes into ever more radical forms of existence, the universe crushes inward at near the speed of light, imploding to golf-ball size, then to pinhead size, then to pinpoint size. Everything in the universe, including trillions of stars and billions of galaxies, even black holes, are crushed into that pinpoint. The universe then flickers from microscopic to submicroscopic size then to sizes unimaginably smaller than a proton -- all while continuously changing into near infinite varieties of unimaginable radical structures shrinking toward zero volume and infinite density. ...The end condition may or may not be different, more disordered, from the beginning condition.
Most incredibly, the total of all mass/energy/activity changes that occur during nature's longest cycle (the seemingly infinitely long, googol-year explosion and implosion half cycles) is exactly counterpoised or duplicated during nature's shortest cycle (the seemingly infinitesimally short, googolth-of-a-second cycle). In other words, the total action during nature's longest cycle of trillions of years is exactly counterbalanced during nature's shortest cycle occurring in the tiniest fraction of a nanosecond[ 24 ].
Part 9: The Universe Turns Inside Out From Implosion to Explosion
At that final instant, all activity ceases as the universe is essentially, but not actually, at zero volume, infinite density, and zero entropy. At that final instant, all the universe is in the form of gravity/existence symmetry. All information and time from the previous Grand Cycle has vanished. At that moment, with a quantum flux, a new spacetime is born -- the universe turns inside out from the implosion cycle to the explosion cycle. At once, the universe converts from increasing order and compaction to "nothing" then to increasing disorder and scatteration, from decreasing entropy to increasing entropy, from implosion to explosion. At that instant, the entire universe is cataclysmically destroyed and then instantly reborn from seemingly nothing -- reborn in a big-bang inflation of a trillion times a trillion suns.
Created from seemingly nothing, a mammoth composite of post-inflation mass and energy expands in every direction at nearly the speed of light. That ball of mass and energy keeps expanding for centuries, millennia, or perhaps longer before blowing apart, scattering, and then congealing its mass and energy. That scattering and congealing eventually forms visible stars, solar systems, planets. During our current googol-year cycle, millions of Earth-like planets and conscious civilizations formed billions of years before Earth's formation. And millions of Earth-like planets and conscious civilizations will form billions of years after Earth's formation.
Part 10: Super Grand Cycles
Assuming similar gravitational dynamics operate among universes,[ 25 ] similar Grand Cycles would occur among the universes themselves, but on endlessly greater scales. And then, ever longer cycles exist among ever larger clusters of universes, and so on, eternally. For each greater cluster of existence, its exponentially longer Grand Cycle would have occurred endlessly in eternity.
From the perspective of forever greater Super Grand Cycles, infinity becomes two dimensional with one vector forever reaching into space, eternally gathering greater and greater mass and energy. Concomitantly, the other vector forever reaches into time, eternally repeating ever longer cycles. Thus, travelling on those two vectors, existence evolves forever throughout the endless universes.
From the limited perspective of our world and universe, the speed of light seems incredibly fast and free. But from the perspective of endlessly evolving existence and ever greater clusters of universes, the speed of light seems increasingly slow and restricting. For, the process of escaping such super big-bangs seems chained to the speed of light. Indeed, being limited by the speed of light, a seemingly endless time would be needed just for those unimaginably large masses to escape their "instantaneous", initial big-bang inflations in their Super Grand Cycles.
Space, time, and distance throughout existence are mind-boggling because they truly never end.
Part 11: Grasping the Ungraspable: The Infinity of Existence
Within the Milky Way, our relatively small galaxy, billions of stars and planets exist that are millions of years older than our Earth. Within our universe, billions of galaxies exist that are larger than our Milky Way. Throughout the Grand Cycle, millions of stars, solar systems, and Earthlike planets constantly form anew. Among those millions of Earthlike planets abundant in water and oxygen, the dynamics of nature immutably generate life. Life, in turn, always undergoes nature's evolutionary process that ends with conscious beings...and conscious beings always evolve to control endless existence.
Indeed, life itself, its evolutionary processes, and thus, conscious beings themselves, have always existed throughout the universe as its third and unifying/integrating/controlling component. And that unifying/integrating/controlling component of the conscious mind was the component Einstein always sought but never recognized. For, he focused only on the mass and energy components of the universe while overlooking the component of consciousness.
When dealing with infinity, relationships among time, distance, knowledge, events, and probabilities become meaningless, resulting in seemingly bizarre situations. Consider a realistically impossible event here on earth for which the odds are a billion to one against occurring. When put in the context of infinite time, such an improbable event will not only occur with absolute certainty, but will occur an infinite number of times. Throughout infinity, whatever is theoretically possible becomes an absolute certainty that occurs an endless number of times.
To further demonstrate the bizarreness of infinity: Take an essentially impossible event that might occur once every billion years. Now take an event that happens constantly, say, once every nanosecond. Relative to infinity, both events will reoccur endlessly, forever into the future. Thus, from the perspective of infinity, no difference exists between their occurrences, for they both occur with endless repetition. So, juxtaposed against infinity, no difference exists between an event that occurs every nanosecond versus an event that occurs once every billion years. For, throughout infinity, both events occur infinite times.
Also, in the context of infinity, no difference exists between distances throughout space. For, throughout infinity, no reference points exist to measure differences among time or distances. ...Infinity is the only concept in existence without identity or boundaries. Thus, infinity[ 26 ] is radically unique from all other concepts.
To grasp the meaning of infinite existence, one cannot view existence from the perspective of a finite planet or a finite universe. Instead, one must view existence from the perspective of eternal endlessness. From that perspective, no difference exists between a mile and a trillion miles, or a year and a trillion years, or a forest fire and a star fire, or a lightning bolt and a big-bang birth of a universe. For, no reference points exist to compare distance, time, knowledge, or events of any magnitude when forever really means forever.
As shown later, certain deterministic concepts in the above four paragraphs are valid only in the hypothetical absence of eternal, free-will conscious life.
[ 20 ] The Neothink mentality is a dramatic new way of using the conscious mind. An analogy could be drawn to a power reactor: As long as impurities remain in the solution, the power reactor will not activate. But remove the final traces of impurities, and presto -- a power-reactor explosion. Similarly, as long as mysticism remains in the mind, the power reactor of Neothink will not activate. But remove the final traces of mysticism, and presto -- a power-reactor explosion of Neothink. The Neothink mentality is a whole new mentality, an unconnected jump beyond conscious minds today plagued with bicameral mentalities. The Neothink mentality is a "Planck's jump" away -- a whole new mentality of astonishing power beyond anything today. The Neothink mentality, however, is still a function of consciousness, i.e., consciousness performing perfectly, limitlessly with no impurities, as the power reactor of life. Consciousness is eternal and unchanging when making the jump into the limitless Neothink mentality, which exists in all advanced civilizations throughout the Universe.
[ 21 ] A change of light-wave frequencies caused by a moving light source such as a star. The wavelength of light from a star moving away red shifts -- becomes longer -- stretches toward the color red.
[ 22 ]
Entropy involves the second of the three laws of thermodynamics for
closed systems. Entropy is simply the movement of events toward
their highest probability or disorder.* Entropy measures irretrievable
energy spent on scattering a closed universe. ...For every star that
explodes, every pebble that drops from a cliff, entropy and disorder
irreversibly increase throughout the universe. Approaching infinite
entropy, all usable energy throughout the closed universe is spent. All
is flat and scattered to the maximum. No star is available to explode,
no cliff is available from which a pebble can fall. No wind blows.
All is dead and still. Stars are collapsed, cold and dark, or
not at all. No sound or light exists: perhaps not even mass exists. Perhaps
only unusable radiation near and always approaching 0 o K exists.
*The same probability concept applies to formulating hypotheses:
always formulate toward the highest probability. Thus, the formulation
of the Long-Wave hypothesis.
[ 23 ] Are gravity waves the final dissipater of energy and motion? Or does mass itself seek higher entropy? With incredibly long half lives of 10 32 years or perhaps up to 10 220 years, do protons themselves decay toward infinite entropy? What about the energy and mass of a quark, an electron? Do quarks and electrons finally decay or annihilate with antiparticles? In any case, without conscious intervention, entropy death of a closed universe will eventually occur. ...The laws of thermodynamics, however, apply only to closed systems. Existence itself is eternally open and evolving. Thus, any meaning of entropy to existence disappears, including the idea of entropic heat death.
[ 24 ] The universe-containing black hole described here is matter and energy condensed beyond the critical mass and density needed to be captured, collapsed, and then imploded by its own gravity. When the collapse is complete, the resulting black hole can convert into a white hole, exploding into a new universe. The entire black-hole/white-hole cycle occurs in the tiniest fraction of a second because all information, entropy, and time obliterates between the two Grand Cycles.
[ 25 ]
Gravitational attraction increases proportionally to the amount of
existence involved multiplied by the inverse square of the distances
between the eventual masses and energies. That means gravitational
attraction accelerates exponentially as masses and energies are collapsed
toward unity. Fields of existence are rolled ever closer together,
perhaps into multidimensional space* and then into Gravity Units.
*Up to a twenty-six dimensional space has been mathematically
derived in superstring theory. ...Most of those dimensions are rolled
up into inconceivably tiny volumes or strings that vibrate at
characteristic resonances.
[ 26 ] A nanosecond is one billionth of a second.
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