As young children, when our consciousness was in its pure state before it was invaded by mysticism, we were all God-Man; for a brief time, we all lived as Gods. Indeed, in our early years as little Gods of the Universe using our Neothink mentality to learn to talk and become conscious and to learn at a geometrical rate, we were at that time equipped with the "God" part of God-Man. We would have easily grown into "God's" Six Ultimate Gifts to man as explained in Chapters Three through Eight.
But when still just young children, mysticism from the bicameral world around us took away our God world within us. The authority of our own minds was handed over to others; we lost the Neothink mentality and landed in the hands of neocheaters who became our "higher authorities" and played God with our lives. ...The neocheaters' greatest kept secret went undiscovered for 2300 years: there are no Gods of man, only Gods of the Universe...among whom we belong.
God and man will finally unite. The God-in-Heaven mutation of the bicameral mentality, looking for automatic answers from a "higher" authority telling us what to do and how to live, the God of the past, will vanish along with the neocheaters surviving off that mysticism. In its place will rise the real God, the God of the future, you as God-Man.
Ending the False Gods
Ordinary people tomorrow looked back over their lives and knew the 20th century was still part of mankind's long retreat from the bicameral mentality. Neocheaters were providing the public with god-like authorization. Because of our mysticism, we granted them the power to rule over us. That bicameral vestige in the 20th century, that hierarchy of authorities ruling over us, blocked the good life we would enjoy after 2001.
After 2001, extraordinarily healthy and very, very wealthy people walked the Earth. The previous century of increasing diseases, stagnation, and poverty (i.e., by comparison) seemed weird, we were once automatons functioning in a trance or under the spell of the neocheaters on top.
Twenty-three centuries ago, governments treaded beyond their natural purpose of protecting the people and, bit by bit, wrongly assumed the bicameral gods' power of ruling over the people. Politicians never ceased playing God with society. In the process, as you know, they took away our own authority and our Six Ultimate Gifts.
The neocheaters took the Six Gifts away, and we never experienced the glorious life we were meant to live. It has always been our right to enjoy those Six Ultimate gifts. Once our bicameral mentalities of accepting higher "authorities" collapsed, the small but powerful ruling class lost its 2300-year-old ploy of playing God, and the people relegated government back to protecting the people only, sometime in the next millennium.
The 21st-century government of defense protected society with local police and a national army. To the other extreme, the 20th-century government on the offense ruled over us with aggressive politicization and relentless regulations. After 2001, we harbored a lot of resentment against 20th-century neocheaters; we knew their old code had blocked the grand life we were now living.
Under the new code, government no longer existed for authorization, just protection from physical aggression. We granted government the power to protect us but rescinded the "divine" power to rule over us, i.e., to politicize and regulate our lives. The hierarchy of authorities politicizing and regulating how we live our lives and run our businesses permanently ended, replaced with an objective protection service.
Thus, big-government regulations vanished, geniuses rose, evolved into Neothink, and their new technologies raced ahead. As a result, most industries in the next millennium delivered to their consumers the famous millionaire phenomenon. Under the new code, we became rich.
Waving the Magic Wand
Our country and thereafter our world was able to wave what seemed like a magic wand, and everyone became rich -- a hundred times richer. That magic wand was called Neo-Tech, and we waved it by depoliticizing our country and then the world.
Interestingly, when society's standard of living rose during mankind's previous three major ascents throughout history, each time people eventually became a hundred times better off, but after generations or lifetimes. Rising from barbaric civilizations into the Golden Age of Greece, rising out of the Dark Ages during the Renaissance, and rising from agrarian societies into the Industrial Revolution each time gave mankind a steadily rising prosperity curve. Yet, each time that curve took generations or lifetimes to fulfill, eventually lifting mankind's standard of living a hundred times.
But after 2001, we barely heard the swish of a magic wand called Neo-Tech, and we became a hundred times richer. Neo-Tech (short for super rapidly advancing new technologies) raised mankind's standard of living a hundred times in just a fraction of a lifetime, in just a few years instead of lifetimes. The magic wand has already been waved through the computer industry and gave us a preview of things to come.
When exactly did that magic wand of Neo-Tech get waved through all industries, and who waved that wand? The wand of Neo-Tech got waved through all industries when we depoliticized all industries like the uniquely nonpoliticized computer industry, yet I do not know the exact year when that happened. I guess I do not know because that time schedule is still being determined, which must be why these Visions came to me and now to help accelerate the schedule.
Now, who actually waved the wand? The geniuses of society did. I glanced back throughout history and noticed society has always advanced or retreated to the degree government depoliticized or politicized that society, respectively. Upon depoliticizing society, the freed geniuses of society, particularly the aggressive entrepreneurs, catapulted values into super values for cheaper and cheaper prices. In the 21st-century of electronics and high technology, however, they catapulted modern technology into super technologies to bring us Neo-Tech in all industries. Those super technologies, in turn, catalyzed the geniuses' own efforts. Jumping ahead, my Fourth Vision showed me a hundred million geniuses in the next millennium waving magic wands of Neo-Tech everywhere to take us into a paradise beyond anything Adam Smith could have anticipated.
Witnessing the Catalytic Reaction
The future in my Neothink Visions almost seemed surrealistic: wealth was the inner cities, in the retirement communities, throughout the countryside. Our civilization had discovered immense wealth by mixing Neo-Tech with super entrepreneurs (a hundred million of them). Indeed, when we put them together -- super technologies and super entrepreneurs, both free to race forward as in the computer/cyberspace industry -- we experienced a catalytic prosperity-explosion the world had never seen that made everyone most instances a hundred times richer within a few years.
Until then, under the old code, politicizing our lives with big-government regulations cost over one trillion dollars per year, year after year. Protecting our lives with the world's best army (plus paying interest on the national debt) cost about a half trillion dollars per year. Finally, when our country passed that half-trillion-dollar protection-only budget instead of the ever growing one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget and beyond, the trillion dollars used to politicize our lives and rule over us was no longer available. Under that new code, big-government regulations vanished, resulting in the universal millionaire phenomenon.
You must realize, the Neo-Tech World was a new-color civilization, a different world with immense prosperity that had no reference points in today's world or throughout history. That new world with a new mentality, unlike today, had no boundaries. Prosperity was literally limitless and based on the limitless creative energy from our Neothink minds.
Ending Our Quest for Authorization
Tomorrow looking back, the neocheaters' annual trillion-dollar politicization of society, every year, year after year, guaranteed the neocheaters their bicameral-civilization setup with its hierarchy of authorities ruling over us. In other words, 20th-century big government established a permanent ruling class for the neocheaters.
After 2001, however, the people clearly understood that career politicians had no right whatsoever to politicize society, rule over us, and play gods with our lives. The time had come to put to rest authorization. Of course, career politicians would never relinquish their ruling powers -- i.e., their annual trillion-dollar politicization of all aspects of society, enforced by big-government regulations. But career politicians were part of the old bicameral-like political structure on its way out. Around the turn of the new millennium, the hierarchy of authorities began to crack. Being called a career politician during campaign season increasingly hurt a candidate's election results. Mankind's bicameral longings for external "authorities" were subsiding.
We finally ended our quest for authorization through something tomorrow we called the Great Replacement Program. As our bicameral urges faded, we replaced the 20th-century career politicians with entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders who were more interested in the commendable chore of producing values than in ruling others.
In fact, the Great Replacement Program became America's fastest growing mega trend after the turn of the 21st century, ushering in the 21st-century get-the-people-rich government. The new political paradigm of entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders freed their brethren to evolve into Neothink and wave Neo-Tech wands throughout all industries and make us rich. ...Mankind's final evolution into the Neothink mentality was starting.
Introducing the Get-The-People-Rich Government
Now, I saw the new code of living take form: Entrepreneurs and market-driven business leaders protected us but did not rule over us. They did not desire to rule over us, and the people no longer desired authorization. In mutual agreement, the government and the people chose to revoke the politician's power to play God. Together, they ended politicization and big-government regulations; they ended authorization. Government became an institution of protection against physical aggression.
As a result, society soared to a prosperity previously unreachable under bicameral trappings. The new get-the-people-rich government set free all industries, right down to the entrepreneurs, to race ahead in the 21st-century like the first scout, the amazing computers. However, as the Technological Revolution got going full steam, its hundred-million super entrepreneurs evolving into Neothink and using Neo-Tech dwarfed the computer phenomenon.
Just how high the prosperity rose in our Neo-Tech World, I cannot get down in just a few words or in an entire book. Let me just say, for now, the people fully enjoyed the Six Ultimate Gifts. Only neocheaters -- the small clique, the ruling class -- stepped between the multitudes and the Six Ultimate Gifts in the 20th century.
Stopping the Devil's Trickery
The first political party of the new political paradigm, driven to end the devil's trickery[ 40 ] and depoliticize America, obsoleted the two old parties after 2001. The people scorned the two old parties as the "devil's left and right hands", both driven to politicize and rule over us, from the left or the right. The people embraced the new party, which protected but did not rule and lifted us to paradise on Earth, where we finally lived the good life we were meant to live.
They called the new political party that forever put our bicameral-like hierarchy of authorities to rest...the Neo-Tech Party. Again, Neo-Tech is short for super rapidly advancing new (Neo) technology (Tech). Neo-Tech shaped the new code of living, for once Neo-Tech began driving all industries, your couple of hundred dollars today became worth thousands and, in some cases, millions in just a few years. The new millennium's get-the-people-rich government freed society's business dynamics to let the magic happen just as it happened to the computer world.
Through hindsight, it became all too clear that the millionaire phenomenon could never happen under the old code, in the "old world" of big government and its greater than one-and-a-half-trillion-dollar budget that carried the endless big-government regulations -- a trillion dollars worth. Geniuses and technologies were suppressed and paralyzed; Neothink and Neo-Tech could not happen. Sure, many people got their "old world" entitlements -- but they did not get their "new world" millionaire riches.
[ 40 ]
In the mid 19th century, the great German mathematicians, C. F. Gauss
and G. F. Riemann uncovered the noneuclidean geometries and higher
spatial dimensions involved in such transductions throughout existence.
Matter, energy, forces, and fields arise from motions through varying
geometries in various dimensions and quantum states. Einstein needed
Riemann's geometries to develop general relativity. Today, superstring
theory originating from Kaluza-Klein theory further links geometries
in various dimensions to existence.
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