Enjoying Our Wealth a Long Time
In the new millennium, ordinary people not only lived like millionaires, but we lived with near-perfect health. I saw in the Third Vision that suddenly many, many super entrepreneurs rose in the medical world and waved the wand of Neo-Tech throughout that industry, too. The super entrepreneurs were discovering Neothink and making huge advancements of human knowledge. In only a few years, super rapidly advancing new medical technologies eradicated most diseases.
The beauty of tomorrow's Neo-Tech World kept growing with my Fourth Vision: To remain competitive in that rapidly advancing Neo-Tech World, businesses went through a job revolution that transformed our boring routine ruts into exciting entrepreneurial jobs.
Now, remember the ingredients to a catalytic reaction of societal wealth: super entrepreneurs mixed with super technologies. We lived during the only time in history during which a great Technological Revolution about to bring us super technologies, and a job revolution about to bring us a hundred million super entrepreneurs, were both incubating within our civilization, ready to break out. The catalytic reaction when the two together were released by the new get-the-people-rich government took us far beyond any existing economic theory.
The nation's wealth was a function of productive and creative energy put into society, catalyzed by super technologies (i.e., Neo-Tech). The productive and creative energy put into society by a hundred million entrepreneurs, all evolving into Neothink and catalyzed by Neo-Tech, permanently outdistanced any existing, extrapolative economic models. We enjoyed our wealth for our long, remaining lives...well into our hundreds.
Enjoying Awesome Romance, Bodies, and Minds
We became youthful again with more energy and romance, slimmer, sexier bodies and more creative minds than we have ever had -- even in our prime.
Indeed, while we lived like millionaires and surpassed our dreams in tomorrow's Neo-Tech Era, our love-lives became spectacular too. For, rich and successful, we were no longer bored and stagnated. Happy and stimulated, we had a lot more to give of ourselves, and we became romantic lovers. Our active bodies slimmed down to their best looks.
Moreover, our minds became creative. You see, information was so prolific in that Neo-Tech Era racing ahead via the information revolution that our entrepreneurial minds began snapping more and more of that interesting information into organized little units or puzzle pieces. Having outgrown our bicameral mentalities of being paralyzed without external guidance, those puzzles grew and revealed new puzzle pictures, some never seen before.
We almost seemed psychic, seeing and creating the future. But creating such new knowledge became natural to our minds. We discovered honest power and prestige in our new 21st-century jobs which, in turn, fed our happiness and love.
As I looked into the exciting new millennium where everyone lived the lives they were meant to, flourishing monetarily and romantically, the old code just sank in shame in our esteem. That shame was how the people tomorrow felt about today once they experienced the new code and their Six Ultimate Gifts.
Coming to the End of the Millennium
The third millennium was mankind's most anticipated date. Mystical prophecies had been written, all the way back to the Scriptures themselves, predicting major changes for humanity at the end of the second millennium. Indeed, ending the second millennium and starting the third millennium initially brought some apocalyptic catastrophes. Yet, out of survival, those human catastrophes, such as virulent epidemics, evoked a new code with no ruling class, simply a protecting class, which released the geniuses of society "to do their magic" and become our saviors.
America's fastest growing mega trend to fire career politicians and end big government got traction and picked up momentum after 2001 as people saw the favorable economic and medical impact. In short, the people were monetarily and medically motivated to end our bicameral past. The changes for humankind were dramatic, but in the end brought ultimate prosperity. Out of the breakdown of the mysticism-plagued, conscious mind rose the Neothink mind and our Neo-Tech World.
The People Learned Who Really Cost Us Our Dreams
After 2001, the anti big-government mega trend increasingly brought Americans together toward a united cause: depoliticize America to free all industries right down to the entrepreneurs to do what the computer industry did, thus making millionaires of us all. Americans, caught up in the traditional political rivalries, now redirected their energies against the true culprits of their frustrations. Indeed, political rivalries in the 20th century reflected the frustrations and disillusionments we all felt in life. After 2001, however, the people learned to see who really cost us our dreams and got them out of our lives. The Neo-Tech Party accommodated this mega trend and did the job for us. The rise of the Neo-Tech Party made everyone's get-rich dreams come true and initiated the new 21st-century get-the-people-rich government.
As big government shrank back to government's original purpose of public protection, its 20th-century prize possession of providing the "public good" denied, the many social and regulatory programs became legitimate, private spin-offs (the Great Displacement Program). What remained of government was public protection only -- police protection, courts, prisons at the local level and national defense at the national level, restoring what the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Tomorrow's government, a super-efficient protection service, ran like a business, with all the same disciplines and accountabilities.
Securing the Seniors
Furthermore, in my First Vision into the next millennium, I was thrilled to see the seniors got rich! They more than anyone needed their buying power to multiply manyfold. After 2001, concerns climaxed about Social Security: Younger people were paying a lot of money they would never see again. That stark reality caused perhaps the greatest internal strife in our nation. A war between generations had been declared.
Social Security had become a paradox. The young working person trying to make ends meet felt the pain of paying precious money each paycheck into a Social Security that would never be there when he retired.
On the other hand, many retired persons lived in near poverty already, as a result of long-term government-created inflation. To end Social Security would drop many seniors too low, perhaps into homelessness and desperation. No one wanted that.
The country was stuck in this paradox with seemingly no way out. As we moved into the next millennium, however, the pressure against big government continued to build. The government was left with no choice: it pulled back its reach into every aspect of every human act of living and shrank back to its original and valid purpose to protect America nationally and locally. Everything else had to go.
And that's exactly what happened: the sale of trillions of dollars of government assets and programs. Everything that had nothing to do with protection was sold to the private sector. Those trillions of dollars from the sale went directly to paying back with accrued interest entire lifetimes of paying into Social Security. Every working and retired American got a big government check. Many seniors got back between $100,000 and $200,000.
Yet, retiring with a small fortune was only a mini money miracle compared to the major money miracle that happened for everyone by selling off big government and setting free modern technology and super entrepreneurs in this new era. That catalytic reaction of super technologies and super entrepreneurs coming together for the first time en masse caused an explosion of prosperity for everyone, including the seniors.
Securing Everyone Else
Leading up to the changeover to the new code and its great prosperity-explosion, middle-aged people were scared to death of losing their jobs, especially good jobs, for their chances of getting comparable jobs were slim. Large companies continued downsizing as labor and middle management went overseas. Standards of living were falling. America's middle class was slowly but surely dying.
Moreover, being an aggressive entrepreneur had become downright dangerous because of big-government regulations. Thus, as large companies down-sized, America's only real creators of new jobs, those aggressive entrepreneurs, were decreasing and unable to create new jobs. Twentieth-century big-government regulations, not global competition per se, choked off job creation. Society needed job creators, for only they breathed new life and opportunities into society. Only they could keep America's middle class from dying.
So, how far did we sink, and when and how did everything change to tomorrow's forever protecting/never ruling 21st-century get-the-people-rich government and that booming standard of living? Millions of people sank from middle class to poverty before the change. However, once fifty million people saw these Six Visions, then the new code and its Neo-Tech forces became too great to stop...and the strategic inflection point began.
Living in a World of Legitimate Laws
When fifty million people saw the Six Visions and got exposed to the Neo-Tech World, major changes started happening. Suddenly, people were ready to see the political change that would bring them the benefits of that Neo-Tech World. The Neo-Tech Party formed and quickly got national attention as it distinguished, among the thousand or so annual federal laws and the thousands of state laws, which were laws and which were assaults. Those laws for physical protection from aggression were laws; those for the "public good" were assaults -- assaults on our freedom as the hierarchy of "authorities" regulated us and told us how to live our lives and spend our money.
The ratio of assaults to laws was consistently several to one. The enlightened American people began to feel the weight of the government's ongoing assaults, especially now that the Neo-Tech Party was articulating the problem to the American people who, now aware of the Six Ultimate Gifts ahead, were ready to listen. Soon, the political revolution with its Great Replacement Program and Solar-Eclipse Budget happened, which freed the geniuses and technologies to set off like dominoes the Technological Revolution, the medical revolution, the job revolution, the love revolution, and the evolution into God-Man. We lived with great wealth, health, success, love, and power for long and happy lives...perhaps forever.
The glory of man -- the God-Man -- is coming.
"For 2000 years, neocheaters have prophesied that the world will end during the 20th century. Now, today, late in the 20th century, their world is indeed ending. Their world is ending through the emerging other world -- the world of fully integrated honesty, the world of Neo-Tech. Their world, being an uncompetitive remnant of nature's bicameral past, is fatally diseased with mysticism. Thus, in their final war with Neo-Tech, their dying world will crumble to nothing." -- Frank R. Wallace
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