Drew Ellis
Atheism's greatest value is also its disvalue. That disvalue is being totally Earth bound. Today, a major advancement needs to occur, and is occurring, among mankind. The people bringing about this advancement could well be termed born-again atheists or Civilization of the Universe Atheists. What is different about this Civilization of the Universe Atheist? The Civilization of the Universe Atheist has a specific, unified code of conduct to live by[ 1 ] and has again turned to the heavens. Mankind needs to again turn to the heavens, not as astronauts, but as supreme beings creating their own universes. They need to turn to the heavens to be inspired, to see the full, nonmystical potential of conscious man -- to see, grasp, and strive for Jesus' message of God and the Kingdom of God. Today's Civilization of the Universe Atheists are doing just this, and they are doing it without breaking any laws of physics. The Civilization of the Universe Atheist has vanished God and found Zon.[ 2 ]. The new atheist has vanished the Kingdom of God and found the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, tomorrow, even the theists will abandon God and turn to Zon. They will praise and esteem the person/being we can all become -- Zon.
What is the difference between God and Zon? What is the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Civilization of the Universe? If we reflect back to Jesus' teachings about God, we can see that God was used as a metaphor representing totally evolved, unfettered consciousness. The metaphor of "God" was created as a road map to aid in the understanding of and directing man to that potential. Today, Zon realizes that limitless potential of consciousness. Indeed, Zon is God incarnate. Zon has all the power attributed to God and much more. Yet, Zon accomplishes his miracles without breaking any laws of physics -- indeed, such is the power and glory of unfettered consciousness.
And what is the Civilization of the Universe? Any civilization or society is built by its inhabitants. In the Civilization of the Universe, each inhabitant, each individual, is a Zon possessing the full range of powers of a God. A society or civilization enjoys the accumulation of values built upon values, as each individual contributes to the overall growth, well-being, and prosperity of the society. Thus, we can begin to see the limitless values present in the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, those values are so vast, that human consciousness today cannot fully grasp the overwhelming magnificence and unlimited nature of the Civilization of the Universe. How can we grasp a civilization built on values accumulated for centuries, or hundreds of centuries by Zons -- by people with more benevolence, power, knowledge, and skill then God? Today, for most people, the Civilization of the Universe is still a metaphor as is the Kingdom of God.
Yet, today on Earth, a bridge is being built to the Civilization of the Universe. That bridge is being constructed in cyberspace. Cyberspace is the only environment free of the anticivilization's value destroying authorities who "legally" wield their guns, harms, and injustices. In cyberspace, each conscious being is free to evolve to his or her unlimited potential. In cyberspace, evolved minds commune with other evolved minds, from that communion, the Civilization of the Universe is beginning to grow.
Civilization of the Universe Atheism is the only possible route to the Kingdom of God. Civilization of the Universe Atheism is the only route that integrates Jesus' atheistic message to create consciousness. The values of the Kingdom of God -- the Civilization of the Universe -- cannot be given to anyone; such values must be self-created. This is God's/Zon's/Nature's demand: For such values to exist, they must be self-directed and self-created. Such values cannot come from blind following, mindless believing, nor hallucinated visions. Civilization of the Universe Atheism and its demands of self-directed morals, ethics, laws, economies, productivity, happiness, and love, is indeed the only route to the Kingdom of God. The self-directed behaviors required from Civilization of the Universe Atheism are axiomatic to the requirements of the Kingdom of God -- the Civilization of the Universe.
As born-again atheists, how do we achieve Zonliness and the Civilization of the Universe? To transmute into the Civilization of the Universe, people must get off their knees. People must use their mind to transmute. People simply transmute, with no transition, in quantum-jump fashion, leaving behind the dead, decaying anticivilization as they enter the Civilization of the Universe.
Pointing to the next step for today's born-again atheists, is a quote from the article Thus Spake Zon:
"For a mind to be capable of transmuting into the Civilization of the Universe, that mind -- consciousness -- must be built from the focused power of Profound Honesty. As an aid to understanding, the adjective "Profound" is used only because total and complete honesty is so rare in today's anticivilization. ...That is, the widest-scope, fully integrated honesty in every thought, every action, of every day. Indeed, such honesty is profound. And indeed, such a mind of Profound Honesty will transmute into the Civilization of the Universe.
Such power is available now, today, for those who wish to use it. With Profound Honesty yielding Zon-like control of thoughts and behaviors, anyone can transmute into the Civilization of the Universe. ...Anyone can transmute into the endless prosperity, love, and happiness of the Civilization of the Universe. This power is given unto you. Take it, for that power and prosperity is rightfully yours.
"Today, you live in the anticivilization. Go forth and use Profound Honesty and Neo-Tech to guiltlessly collect wealth, love, and happiness. As you grow in your profoundness of honesty, you will naturally quantum cross into the Kingdom of God -- into the Civilization of the Universe."
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[ 1 ] See "The Neo-Tech Discovery", Frank R. Wallace.
[ 2 ] See "Riches From Another World", Frank R. Wallace, for the physics of thinkons, Zon, Zonpower, and the Civilization of the Universe.
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