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Atheism: The Route to the Kingdom of God

The Route to the
Kingdom of God

Drew Ellis

Does the Kingdom of God actually exist? Would such a place be boring or exciting? Could we on Earth reach that place by following specific actions. This article is designed to identify the actions needed to reach a Kingdom of God, which is a metaphor for the magnificence of the Civilization of the Universe.

By the end of Jesus' ministry, most people had evolved into consciousness[ 1 ]. With the development of consciousness, there evolved essentially three different spiritual routes people could follow: "Route One: Believers", followed by the majority of people, is the route of faith promoted by organized religions. "Route Two: Intellectualizers", followed by far fewer people, is the route of esoteric, secret doctrines, the occult, and meditation. "Route Three: Atheists", followed by the smallest number of people, is surprisingly the route to the Kingdom of God. Consciously or unconsciously people live their lives through one or a combination of these three routes.


ROUTE ONE: "Believers"

The first route, followed by the majority of people, is that of organized religion. Christianity is the largest organized religion of the Western World. Most Christians attempt to follow the literal word of Jesus instead of understanding his message: to develop consciousness. Once consciousness has been developed, Jesus' teachings are of little value, and even become net negatives to happiness, life, and reaching the Kingdom of God. All other organized religions are similarly based on the pressure to develop consciousness, consequently, the following holds for them too.

"Route One" deems God, in his full ramifications, unknowable to the conscious mind. Thus, for "Route One", belief and faith become the requirement. It is taught, if one believes strongly enough or has enough faith, that person will gain entrance to the Kingdom of God.

The problem with "Route One" as far as Jesus' message to develop consciousness and the requirements of the Kingdom of God, is that belief and faith are emotions. As such, belief and faith cannot distinguish between reality and nonreality -- they cannot accurately direct life to values. Belief and faith are emotionally (feeling) based, not intellectually (conscious) based. Consequently, belief and faith cannot integrate, conceptualize, nor contemplate -- they have no way to know or validate reality versus nonreality. Indeed, as far as consciousness (Jesus' message) is concerned, this is essentially a low-effort, futile approach to the Kingdom of God.

To sustain the emotions of belief and faith requires the manipulation of ever stronger dynamics. For, as emotions fluctuate, belief and faith fluctuate. The most powerful tool discovered by religious leaders for sustaining belief and faith was the emotion of guilt. With crafty manipulations, religious leaders learned that as the emotion of guilt was increased, so too was the desire for belief, faith, and redemption.

Religious leaders then linked guilt to behaviors, feelings, and thoughts -- to the basic processes of living: how we act, feel, and think. Linking guilt to actions/behaviors was most successfully accomplished through sexuality. For, sexuality -- procreation -- is among the strongest drives in all higher forms of life. Linking guilt to feelings/emotions was accomplished through emotions such as lust, desire, anger, even pride. By condemning such emotions, religious leaders linked them to guilt. This particular use of guilt was even more successful due to the spontaneous nature of many emotions. Linking guilt to thoughts was accomplished through teachings such as "the thought is as bad as the deed". Indeed, with the tool of guilt, religious leaders clamped a closed lock on all aspects of human life.

Guilt is a valid emotion designed to help direct human life. When objective wrongs have been committed, guilt is a valuable tool to aid learning. But, when guilt is experienced and no objective wrong has been committed, a gross harm has been inflicted on the mind, soul, and being of that person.

The second major tool manipulated to control behavior and stimulate belief was fear. ...Fear of God's retribution, fear of not reaching the Kingdom of God, fear of spending eternity in a fiery hell.[ 2 ] Guilt and fear are at the core of most pain suffered by this group. Guilt and fear are contradictory to the nature of man, as such, they act as the psyche and spiritual wound that never heals. ...The wound that is forever infected, the wound that forever bleeds and causes pain.[ 3 ]

Another harmful aspect of this "believer" route is seen on a day-to-day level in the diminishment of problem solving skills. To various degrees, people in this group pray (beg) for solutions to life's problems. Some become essentially paralyzed in directing their own lives and solving their own problems. Such people have no idea how to solve problems without praying -- begging for God to alleviate their pain, to find and sustain love for them, to create wealth for them, to find jobs for them. Some people are so powerless they even pray for guidance when purchasing clothes and furniture. The natural skills, abilities, and problem solving capacity of consciousness are truncated. Diminishment of such mental skills -- the very skills Jesus tried to teach us -- inevitably causes pain, suffering, and unhappiness as people live their lives without power or control.

All this pain, in its various degrees, is experienced by the largest segment of the population. Yet, the errors and pain of this route have been dramatically worsened by the leaders of organized religions -- sustained and expanded for centuries, all for those leaders personal benefit. ...Those leaders are among the most culpable humans on Earth, they uncaringly usurp livelihoods and positions of esteem at the expense of untold millions. Still, each person is ultimately responsible for his or her own errors and choices. Jesus clearly tried to teach people how to live differently -- how to live consciously and direct their own lives to happiness, love, prosperity.

As a side note, the psychological, intellectual, and emotional dependency created by this route has evolved an equally destructive and painful scourge on mankind -- political governments. Governments are just another form of external authority for people to hide behind, an excuse for avoiding self-responsibility, an excuse for avoiding problem solving. Tragically, people on this route -- the "believers" and "prayers" cannot reach the Kingdom of God, for their actions and behaviors are the opposite of those required for entry.

ROUTE TWO: "Intellectualizers"

A second route created after the achievement of consciousness is that of following esoteric, secret doctrines, or the occult. This route arose from an awareness that "Route One" was wrong. Yet, people of this route still did not fully grasp the metaphorical nature of Jesus' message. The purists of this group do not pray per se, they try to achieve Godliness, holiness, and the Kingdom of God by meditation or deep, disciplined, controlled use of the mind. This group comes closer to using consciousness (Jesus' message) to reach the Kingdom of God.

For the purist, "Route Two" is quite difficult as it requires a great commitment of concentration and discipline. Yet, on net, people choosing this route experience less pain and suffering then people choosing "Route One" because there is less moralizing and more self-responsibility. Similarly, most people in this group believe in reincarnation, consequently, ill-chosen behaviors result in time wasted in incarnations until they evolve into pure spiritual souls and beings -- but they do not suffer the fear of retribution from a harsh God. "Route Two" is an intellectual approach not an emotional approach. To achieve the degree of mental control required, emotions too must be controlled. However, this control of emotions is different from "Route One", for here, emotions are not "created" they are held back, they are suspended in order to eliminate their influence on consciousness.

The purists in this group do not actively recruit with missionaries and extravagant public displays as does "Route One". Their approach is the opposite; they are private, even secretive. For the purist, this process is between the individual's own consciousness and God -- whatever that God may be to them. Occasionally, people will try to help and guide others through this process, such helpers are called Masters and Initiates[ 4 ]. For the purists, "Route Two" is a high-effort, active approach to Godliness, holiness, and the Kingdom of God.

"Route Two" is interesting because of the intellectual effort required. However, because of the demand on consciousness, few people achieve success. The successful practitioners, through amazing feats of consciousness, bridge the two hemispheres of the brain. Once the non dominant, creative, right hemisphere is accessed, an endless world of visions, insights, and communion can occur.

Another way to conceptualize this process is to compare it to lucid dreaming. Yet, here again, we can appreciate the skill and effort required -- to lucid dream on command, without the aid of sleep. This also shows how the critical, analytical nature of the left hemisphere is suspended in this process.

Each person in this process goes in search of finding God, Spirits, and other worlds. Their success is a self-fulfilling prophecy. ...Their creative, symbolic, extremely intelligent right hemisphere creates whatever scenes and images it deems necessary to satisfy their desire. In this process, the logical left hemisphere of the brain provides just enough influence to keep the visions/hallucinations coherent. This requires a great degree of mental proficiency. And, it must be understood, for the few people who successfully reach this state, the experience is 100% real. There is literally no way for them to determine if the experience was mind-created, or if they indeed "transmuted to another world". This is analogous to bicameral (Old Testament) man hearing, seeing, and speaking to his own God -- from all objective accounts, the experience for each person was real, it was reality to them[ 5 ]. Such experiences are somewhat analogous to certain dreams, when temporarily the person does not know if the experience is a dream or reality.

This approach to Godliness, holiness, and the Kingdom of God does not foist guilt onto others nor onto the self. This group does not try to control anyone nor their behaviors. For the purists, there is no built-in dependence on external authorities as the process is internal. The purists do not look for others to solve their problems.

The process above is identified as requiring great powers of conscious control, yet for some, this may be easy. The visions and hallucinations may be an exercise in creativity, or they could occur due to increased lateralization of brain hemispheres. Indeed, most schizophrenics today are examples of people who cannot stop nor control the influence of the right hemisphere of their brain.

There are a few sub sets within "Route Two" where "believers" creep in. But, the psychological, emotional, intellectual makeup of these people is identical to the "Route One" group. ...For, as far as "belief" is concerned, it doesn't matter if the belief is directed at a God, a Spirit, a Ghost, or a Devil. Belief cannot distinguish between reality and nonreality.

Interestingly, the fastest growing types of spiritual mysticism today are found within this "Route Two". The areas of occult, metaphysics, psychics, prophets, astrology, and others have their roots in "Route Two". This segment represents an amalgam of believers, intellectualizers, and hallucinators. This segment is currently in vogue and is highly commercialized. Yet, this commercialization will facilitate the collapse of this segment as more and more people become disenchanted with the net results and benefits. Other then the personal costs: monetary, emotional, and intellectual, the plethora of 1-900-Psychic hot lines and practitioners actually help reality assert itself. ...The reality is that there are no supernatural powers and no supernatural beings.

What are the net negatives of "Route Two" and what pains are suffered:

"Route Two" followers fool themselves with consciousness; they use their conscious minds to create illusions. But, illusions do not lead to the Kingdom of God.

ROUTE THREE: "Atheists"

This is by far the smallest group. This group does not strive for Godliness, holiness, or the Kingdom of God. Theism means "belief-in-God", a-theism means "no-belief-in-God". That is, no belief in a God who is a supernatural being, a being not subject to the laws of nature. It is a no-belief in a God who transcends human understanding[ 7 ].

Many people are terrified by the thought of no God. For without the existence of a God, each person becomes fully responsible for his or her actions, responsible for solving life problems, responsible for creating wealth, responsible for finding and sustaining romantic love, responsible for achieving happiness. As a group, people become responsible for creating a code of ethics and morals to live by, responsible for creating a fair and just way to interact with their fellow man.

Today, there is a growing number of people who are being successful in creating these values for themselves and society. By assuming the self-responsibilities listed above, people in this group evolve the skills needed for life competency. Due to these competencies, this group suffers by far the least pain. Yet, this group does suffer pain, they suffer the pain inflicted by an irrational society dominated by "Route One" values, expectations, and needs. They suffer the pain inflicted by irrational, parasitical governments extorting bogus livelihoods and producing no net values. ...Governments that exist solely because of a neurotic need for an external authority -- a vestige of "Route One" and "Route Two".

There are other challenges for today's atheists: As a group, they suffer from being societal outcasts -- the masses of the world do not understand or accept atheism. For some, a potential source of error and pain is the total rejection of guilt as foisted by "Route One". Yet, a blind negation of the "guilt concept" can prove to be devastating if objectively unhealthy and destructive behaviors are condoned. Likewise, some people use nonbelief to avoid the needed norms of society. We see this in the defiant renegade attitude -- an attitude that rejects authority, yet defaults on creating rational, sustainable, value-based ethics and behaviors. Most atheists have been duped by the camouflaged vestige of "Route One": government. It is strange how they see through the external authority myth of theism, yet do not see through that myth regarding government.

From a big-picture perspective, we can be somewhat understanding of mankind's retardedness in evolving to atheism. For, since the beginning of consciousness, since the time of Jesus, the world has been dominated by "Route One" believers. The conditioning, contradictions, and irrationalities of "Route One" are pushed onto most individuals starting soon after birth. The new-born is given religious rights, baptized a few years later, taken to church on Sundays, and celebrates an endless array of religious holidays. Holidays that culminate in the largest celebration of any single lie, irrationality, or mysticism -- Christmas. That beautiful, happy time of joy, pleasure, giving, and love is linked to a supernatural being. And, for those children too young to intellectually grasp the concept of God, a consciousness stunting surrogate was created -- Santa Claus. Yet importantly, this surrogate is similarly endowed with supernatural powers. What is the young, innocent, evolving, not yet objective and analytical conscious mind suppose to learn?

At one level, it is amazing the human race has advanced as far as it has. For, how are young, growing, conscious minds suppose to deal with parents, family, and society imposed errors, lies, and incongruencies? Yet, reality relentlessly forces itself upon man and consciousness. The reality of a flat Earth and walking on water have clearly proven themselves incorrect. Yet, due to conditioning, the walking on water issue still clouds the mind of many.

The Kingdom of God -- Yesterday's Metaphor
The Civilization of the Universe -- Tomorrow's Fact
[Click Here for Balance of Article]


[ 1 ] See Tracey Alexander's article "Jesus' Secret Message" at That secret message was to develop a Neo-Tech consciousness.

[ 2 ] The God presented in this route is not a nice God. This God is harsh and brutish -- he is an unstable God who has an ego problem.

[ 3 ] This presentation is not designed to understand the human beings, or their motives, who create and foist these tools in order to control people and behaviors. Yet, these people are not absolved of the suffering, ruined lives, and death they have caused. Such people are forever held accountable.

Somewhere in the heavens, Jesus suffers great pain on witnessing mankind being duped by these religious leaders. For, instead of directing man to consciousness and the Kingdom of God, his teachings drove belief-driven man into an Earthly purgatory.

[ 4 ] See the article "Thus Spake Zon", by Drew Ellis for information on initiates and secret doctrines.

[ 5 ] See "Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", by Julian Jaynes.

[ 6 ] This is due to an invalid primacy of consciousness versus the primacy of existence premise. See "Objectivism the Philosophy of Ayn Rand" by Leonard Peikoff.

[ 7 ] The book "Atheism: The Case Against God" by George Smith is highly recommended.

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