The sole purpose of I & O Publishing Company is to collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. Why? To eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters worldwide. Among those existing through that hoax is the internationally despised, racist-based Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Since the INS deals almost entirely with foreigners, its actions are not accountable to individual rights or to American citizens.
Thus, the INS has become the most arrogant, destructive bureaucracy in America. No entity in America has more cruelly or malevolently savaged individual rights, jobs, careers, lives, families, and happiness than the INS. Indeed, every INS employee, directly or indirectly, usurps his or her livelihood by hurting defenseless, value-producing aliens by consuming their lives, time, and funds. ...Until Neo-Tech, the INS was an empire with no restraints on its destructiveness. But, today, Neo-Tech begins the process of forever ending such evil.
The first step in that process is to reveal the destructive, racist nature of the INS. How? By leading the INS into conflict with I & O Publishing Company. In turn, that conflict entangles the INS into the Neo-Tech matrix. And today, that first step continues as the INS destructively works to block I & O's publishing activities throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Because of the destructive behaviors of its personnel -- behaviors that include sexual assault -- the INS may well become the most visible, vulnerable neocheating target within the Neo-Tech matrix.
The sole purpose of the INS with its contrived "laws" and regulations is to usurp easy jobs and unearned power through racist-based ravishments of innocent, value-producing foreigners. Through Neo-Tech, four additional facts about the INS are identified:
1. The INS is a giant bureaucracy existing through camouflaged ravishments of honest lives, innocent families, and value-producing jobs of mainly non Anglo-Saxon aliens.
2. Through its self-serving system of specious laws and irrational regulations, that bureaucracy depends entirely on force, threats, guns, handcuffs, jails, deportations, and racism to carry out its destructions. Such destructions are needed to survive as a pointless entity. Thus, the INS is nothing more than a hoax designed to build an empire by providing false power, bogus livelihoods, and fake jobs to dishonest, lazy, uncompetitive people. How does the INS execute such a sham? Evilly, by savaging honest, hard-working, fiercely competitive value producers. Indeed, such value producers represent most of the aliens drained, harmed, or destroyed by the INS. ...Of course, the survival of all professional value destroyers requires undermining competitiveness -- which means constantly harming, draining, and often destroying brave, innocent value-producing aliens.
3. To respect INS-rigged "laws" because "it's the law" is a profound non sequitur. But that non sequitur lets the INS and all other such empires expand their destructiveness by providing uncompetitive people with bogus jobs and unearned power.
4. Because value destruction is the essence of the INS, its personnel are by nature ill-intentioned. They work only to secure their fake jobs, expand their bogus livelihoods, and usurp their false power.
Value production always yields net increases in prosperity or happiness for all society. Thus, Neo-Tech will prove that all those living off the INS and its multi-billion-dollar budget produce not a single net value for society, for our country, for anyone, anywhere, ever. In fact, the entire INS bureaucracy has never produced a single honest, objective value for anyone. In the broadest context, every act of the INS always yields a net loss in prosperity and happiness for society.
Want proof? Let the INS claim any value it created, ever -- just one single value. And Neo-Tech will easily prove that, in full context, any such claimed "value" is a fake -- a value destruction instead. For example, claiming a value in keeping "cheap labor" from crossing the border is especially false and destructive as proven in the Neo-Tech literature. Indeed, Neo-Tech demonstrates the colossal fraud perpetuated by the INS through such racist, neocheating notions that constantly attack value production.
The essence of the INS is value destruction. In fact, I & O Publishing Company has a standing offer of $10,000 for anyone inside or outside the INS who can show a single, fully integrated, competitive value created at any time up to now by the INS for any individual, for any society, for any country, especially the United States.
As with the November-3rd empire, we are unafraid of the INS, its guns, its handcuffs, its jails, its threats, its deportation orders, its criminal actions, its pip-squeak bureaucrats and cowardly matones. And, no, we will never play its dishonest game, never support its criminal actions, never deal on its specious legal terms. Indeed, as with the Guns-and-Fists of November 3rd, we initially engaged the INS on its terms. We even dealt with its familiar white-collar-hoax lawyers. By our initially engaging such lawyers and operating in the neocheater's "legal" system, both the INS and the November-3rd empires were drawn into the Neo-Tech matrix.
But now, we shun any cooperation with their dishonest legal systems supported by soulmate lawyers. We refuse to abet any of their dishonest illusions, deceptions, and criminalities. For any such cooperation and abetting only sanctions the bogus jobs, usurped power, and criminal destructions arising from those evil empires.
With its Legal/Lawyer Hoax, The INS is Finished Why? Neo-Tech/Neothink Collapses That Hoax |
The above recorded quote is from Mr. Glade Stewart, Director of the Las Vegas INS office. Yes, he and the INS much prefer dealing with a white-collar-hoax lawyer with whom they can comfortably commiserate. No, they cannot deal with an independent, clear-thinking cadre of value producers who grasp the white-collar hoax and identify their every destructive act.
Indeed, all destructive bureaucrats prefer dealing with comfortable, "legal-system" lawyers as identified in Lawyer Letters A and B on pages 170 - 189 of Cosmic Power I. For, such trouble-making lawyers play vital roles in supporting bogus-job bureaucrats and white-collar-hoax executives. But, as also demonstrated in Cosmic Power I, Neo-Tech will end that hoax forever.
Thus, we will never deal on their destructive terms. We will deal only on the productive terms of:
No difference exists between the November-3rd matón and the INS matón. Both are immature automatons who live through guns, fists, handcuffs, physical threats, punches, kickings, sexual assaults, and property destructions inflicted upon innocent people. Indeed, bully threats backed by brute force is their "career". And they must use threats and force to feel big and important, to assuage their shrivelled self-esteems, to mask anxieties that can lead to suicide.
Indeed, such nasty, anxiety-filled matones are the root source of power for the INS, the November-3rd, and all other destructive empires that exist by force. Thus, the hierarchy of guilt -- supervisors, directors, commissioners, and beyond -- tacitly approve and support those matones. For, to survive, all destructive leaders ultimately depend on the coercive threats, destructive behaviors, and criminal actions of such matones.
In an act of amazing stupidity, the INS management purposely allowed its matón to videotape his sexual-assault victim, Ms. Meoño, during her formal work-status interview. With that act, the INS management publicly demonstrated its criminal sanction of sexual assaults on innocent, female aliens by its matones.
And now, the INS has a videotape to share with its November-3rd soulmates. Let all value destroyers see each innocent person who will cure their disease of mysticism. Let all agents of force hear each honest voice that will end their value destructions forever.
Remember that innocent, hard-working Mexican gardener, Hector Juarez-Quinonez? The INS was systematically ravishing his life, job, and family until the news media intervened. The story was covered by Review-Journal reporter Dan Njegomir and photographer Jeff Scheid on that same May 24th that Ms. Meoño was being videotaped by her sexual assaulter. Why were INS agents threatening and ravishing that helpless value producer and his innocent family? For the same reason the INS "video-man" matón nearly two years earlier threatened and then sexually assaulted another seemingly helpless value producer -- Rosa María Meoño. For the same reason INS agent, Grace Sena, manipulated a sham technicality against Ms. Meoño...a sham technicality created by Ms. Meoño's own INS-system lawyer.
What reasons exist for such irrational malevolence and destructiveness? For that Mexican gardener, the only reason to destroy his job and his family was to let impotent INS agents feel big and important while justifying their bogus jobs. How? By exercising their gun-backed power to damage or destroy any such innocent, helpless foreigner. Yes, INS agents must constantly exercise their usurped power through destructive acts to assuage their desiccated self-esteems, massage their insecure egos, and to justify their specious careers. But, for Rosa María Meoño, the INS had an additional, vindictive reason to damage her career, family, and marriage:
As recorded on audio tape, INS management expressed outrage over I & O's prepublication literature sent to them for review. For that literature identified the destructive, criminal nature of the INS. But now the INS could strike back. It could exact revenge and show its "power". It only had to conjure up a technicality. But its trumped-up technicality was voluntarily, honestly, and openly revealed seven months earlier by Ms. Meoño, her husband, and their white-collar-hoax lawyer. Moreover, that technicality was fully accepted as "no problem" by the INS during the official, in-depth interview seven months earlier -- before anyone saw the Neo-Tech prepublication literature about the INS. ...That interview was conducted by a nonvindictive INS agent, Mr. Robert White.
On May 24th, however, agent Grace Sena, the "video-man" matón, and the "outraged" INS management seized that false, lawyer-generated technicality. Now, at their slightest whim, they could wipe out Ms. Meoño's career, marriage, and family. How delicious...or so they thought.
Let us return to that day of the gardener, the reporter, the sexual assaulter, and the videotaping. Now, let us see what actually happens in the dreaded hearing rooms of the Immigration and Naturalization Service throughout America. Let us examine a scene played a million times before: Always backed by implicit or explicit threats of jail and deportation, an arrogant INS value destroyer interrogates an innocent, honest value producer. Then, the officious agent systematically sets out to break or humble that value producer -- even destroy that person's job, life, and family if that damn foreigner does not show proper fear and "respect". Indeed, that fear and "respect" are crucial to the false egos of the INS value destroyers. And without those desperate false egos, many INS value destroyers would collapse in nervous breakdowns or commit suicide.
But, May 24th was different than all the days, years, and decades before. For, on that day, the force-backed INS faced not helpless, frightened foreigners intimidated into "respect". But, instead, it faced Neo-Tech value producers who were neither afraid nor helpless. The INS value destroyers faced for the first time a worldwide unity that not only could identify their hoax, but could collapse that hoax. ...Yes, those Neo-Tech business people, writers, and artists know how to subvert the legions of value destroyers whose dishonest livelihoods depend on that 2000-year hoax of mysticism.
In all the years before, in all the thousands of senseless, destructive confrontations before, the innocent value producers and their families stood helpless before the usurped power of their interrogators. And those force-backed interrogators could abrogate the value-producer's dignity, job, career, property, happiness, and family in a moment -- at any arbitrary whim or feeling, at the slightest challenge to their false authority or pseudo self-esteem. Indeed, facts, individual rights, justice, values, honesty make no difference at those life-and-death moments -- only the appeasement of the bureaucrat's ill-intentions, pseudo egos, and emotional whims makes any difference.
Insidiously, expertly, value-destroying bureaucrats create their elaborately deceptive illusions: They must make everyone believe, especially themselves, their families, and the public that they are professionals doing honest work.
Honest work? And professionals at what? Professionals at nothing more than camouflaged value destruction. Indeed, they must make pompous displays of how carefully and objectively they follow their own by-the-book rules, fake regulations, and specious laws. But all those rules, regulations, and "laws" are cleverly, meticulously designed for one purpose only -- to mask and justify their destructions. For, by necessity, all INS jobs are designed solely for false livelihoods and fake power through racist-based value destruction.
Yes, INS personnel expertly create illusions of doing a needed job, a good job, a conscientious job that serves the public, society, and the country. Their every action is designed to convince themselves, their families, and everyone else that they are earning honest livings doing valid, valuable work. But, the exact opposite is the fact. ...Indeed, the creation of illusions opposite to the facts is the survival requisite of all value destroyers.
Soon, however, through Neo-Tech, every value producer will begin recognizing and dismissing the value destroyers -- calling their bluffs, shattering their illusions, collapsing their hoaxes. Without such bluffs, illusions, and hoaxes, the professional mystics and neocheaters are finished. For, once in the Neo-Tech matrix, no value destroyer, be it mass-murderer Pol Pot or agent Sena, jail-man Grugel, director Hendricks, commissioner Nelson, or the "leaders" above them can escape identification, indictment, justice, and eventual restitution to the victims of his or her damages. ...Their only alternative is suicide.
How can the INS punish us, break us, make us submit? How can the INS make us bow and drop to our knees? How can the hordes of value destroyers force us to respect their evil empires and bogus careers? How can they make us fear and respect their usurped power? For, even with their false authority, usurped power, and billion-dollar budgets; even with their prosecutors, judges, agents of force and matones, they can never make us bow, never break us, never stop us. For, we know their impotent nature. We know how to collapse their 2000-year-old hoax. We are the potent, the powerful, the value producers. And we are everywhere, multiplying in nearly every country of the world, accumulating permanent, irreversible, earned power with their every malevolent move, with their every value destruction.
Last year, I & O Publishing Company established the Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation for those innocent value producers and their families beaten, bankrupted, and jailed by the November-3rd value destroyers. Today, I & O Publishing Company is establishing a second memorial foundation for those innocent, value-producing aliens and their families assaulted, ravished, and deported by the INS value destroyers. That new memorial foundation is named
and all the other value-producing foreigners ravished by the INS. For, the entire INS exists on a racist-based ravishment of value producers who add vibrant growth and prosperity to our nation. Thus, all employees of the INS must always hide the following immutable fact from themselves, their families, and the public: Every INS employee is a value destroyer who exists directly or indirectly by draining, hurting, or destroying innocent value producers through racism.
The Neo-Tech matrix will eventually identify, uproot, and eliminate every destructive "legality", irrational regulation, and specious law of the INS, the November-3rd empire, and all other value-destroying organizations. For, they all need their contrived, self-serving "laws" and irrational regulations to survive. Thus, the Neo-Tech matrix will fulfill the basic mandate of human life:
The photograph on page 23 illustrates the mighty, 4000-pound wood sculpt recently completed for the Jungle-Bitch Memorial by undocumented alien, Yoko Sony. Her abstract sculpt depicts the ultimate impotence of all INS assaults, ravishments, jailings, and deportations directed at any value producer. And, today, that value producer includes the current INS "victim" -- that damn spic, that damn Jungle Bitch, Rosa María Meoño.
The title of Ms. Sony's sculpt is:
When will I & O Publishing Company dedicate that sculpt and activate the Jungle-Bitch Memorial Foundation? The dedication will occur during the I & O festival for alien value producers. That festival is scheduled for the first anniversary of the notorious May-24th interrogation during which the INS management publicly sponsored and sanctioned the video-taping of Ms. Meoño by her sexual assaulter.
The expanding Neo-Tech matrices of art, music, and literature will increasingly, fatally entangle the INS into its own trap -- into its own hoax -- into its own self-destruction. Yes, that entanglement will eventually eliminate all INS value destroyers, all November-3rd value destroyers, and all other symbiotic neocheaters, forever.
Collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism to eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters is the one-and-only goal of I & O Publishing Company. That goal is based on fully integrated honesty, which is Neo-Tech. Thus, Neo-Tech is the greatest goal of civilization. ...Nothing else counts, nothing else matters except hoax-free, mystic-free, fully integrated honesty.
They can dramatize the Jungle-Bitch Memorial. They can come with their tired, old, obsolete tools of force, coercion, deception. For the jobs of all INS people depend on racism, value destruction, and dishonesty backed only by pip-squeak matones with their moribund weapons. And that is all the INS value destroyers have. Thus, the more they attack, the weaker they become, the stronger we become. The more they attack, the more galvanized Neo-Tech becomes in subverting the INS, the November-3rd empire, and all other professional value destroyers of this world.
All professional value destroyers are doomed when they juxtaposition their dishonesties and destructions against the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech.
So far, we have been unable to commercially launch the Seven Neo-Tech Waves because of inaction by the November-3rd value destroyers. Yes, further direct action with them is important to our goal. And, before launching the Seven Neo-Tech Waves, we will try to draw them back into conflict with us. But for now, we are no longer dependent on their further attacks to commercially launch those waves. For the INS, the FDA, and the SEC are just as destructive and evil-intentioned in their own realms. Thus, we now engage the INS to fuel the commercial launching of our first Neo-Tech wave. That wave will roll toward accomplishing our goal of collapsing mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters.
Yet, as with the November-3rd organization, we are not dependent on the INS to achieve our goal. For, even if they stop trying to damage I & O Publishing Company and the Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch, our planned entanglement actions will draw the Justice Department, the SEC, and the FDA into the required actions against us. But, even if all value-destroying organizations avoid future confrontations, we will still end their destructions, albeit indirectly, with a new commercial product disclosed for the first time in the next paragraph. For, with that new product, we can launch the first Neo-Tech wave on a commercially profitable basis without anyone's help, friendly or unfriendly. In that way, Neo-Tech gains full strength and ultimate power:
Those Guns-and-Fists Newsletter recipients who have abandoned their destructive careers will receive a review copy of the 480-page Neo-Tech Discovery integrated with the commercially re-edited and reformatted, 496-page November-3rd Information Package. Later, that combined work will expand into the fully commercial version in many languages. ...From that mega combination will arise the omnipotent Neo-Tech Bible.
The commercial Neo-Tech Bible will be produced and distributed from four countries simultaneously. Our test-market program demonstrated that even a preliminary, incomplete version of the Mystic-Busting Neo-Tech Bible is an unstoppable product that will outcompete and sink the darkest neocheating tool in history -- the Holy Bible. That test program also demonstrated that literally hundreds of millions of Neo-Tech Bibles translated into all major languages can be profitably distributed over the next few years. Thus, that symphonically integrated Neo-Tech Bible will also obliterate all other neocheating religious and philosophical tomes.
The commercial Neo-Tech Bible fully integrates honesty with mystic-free business and art to outcompete all neocheating. Thus, the Neo-Tech Bible outcompetes the mystical God concept, the Holy Bible, and all other value-destroying concepts. As a result, the Neo-Tech Bible leaves behind everyone remaining in that uncompetitive world ruled by professional mystics, neocheaters, and the white-collar hoax. And unless those left behind choose to enter the sunlit, alive world of competitive value producers, they will self-destruct in the dark, dying world of uncompetitive mystics and neocheaters.
Indeed, that Neo-Tech Bible will commercially launch the first of Seven Neo-Tech Waves, regardless of the final, death-rattle actions of the professional value destroyers. Yes, the INS and all other value destroying empires will try to delay Neo-Tech, try to stop Neo-Tech, try to bury Neo-Tech. But, Neo-Tech will always advance ever stronger, relentlessly, irreversibly. Indeed, once rolling, those Seven Neo-Tech Waves will forever wash away every value destroyer from the planet earth.
Deportation Machinations Are Not Enough -- Prosecute Us!
The INS racists can speed the collapse of mysticism by prosecuting us because Ms. Meoño is an alien spic. Thus, we will help them prosecute. First, they should contact the November-3rd "informant", Ms. K. In fact, they already know her: She was the anonymous caller on March 25th who informed INS agent Gloria that (1) Ms. Meoño is an alien spic, (2) she is a value-producing Jungle Bitch, (3) she is responsible for distributing Neo-Tech values throughout the Spanish-speaking world, and (4) her marriage to Dr. Frankenstein is "fraudulent". The subsequent March-25th phone report by agent Gloria is in the Las Vegas INS files. More important, I & O Publishing Company now has a copy of that report on display in the Guns-and-Fists Museum. Yes, that single phone report induced the INS into that amazingly stupid, video-taped, May-24th inquisition of Ms. Meoño. ...Two years before, Ms. K lured the entire November-3rd bureaucracy into the Neo-Tech trap. And now, Ms. K has lured the racist INS into the same trap.
Yes, Ms. K can give INS agents all the additional information they need about the "fraudulent" marriage, the "sham" divorce...or anything else they want to hear about the Jungle Bitch from Costa Rica, Dr. Frankenstein from Romania, or any other damn foreigner at the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center. Indeed, Ms. K will deliver all the information and testimony the INS needs for warrants signed by its judges, indictments by its grand juries, trials by its prosecutors.
Ask November-3rd caballero Burt Goodrich on the floor above you about Ms. K. He knows her well -- very well, indeed! Yes, with Ms. K and Burt, you can conjure up an ironclad case. ...Go for it! Go for it just as did Burt Goodrich -- that professional, criminal investigator seasoned with 16 years of value destruction.
What a launching pad for the Second Neo-Tech Wave! For, that Second Wave dramatizes the romantic love and abiding happiness of the value producer versus the dead love and anxiety-filled unhappiness of the value destroyer. ...Most value producers cannot even imagine the nightmarish internal existence and black emptiness of professional value destroyers.
Indeed, the introduction to that music-filled, second Neo-Tech wave is a dramatization of perhaps the most integrated, happiest love story in history -- that of the Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch and her research-scientist husband, Dr. Frankenstein. And as a part of the third Neo-Tech wave, Dr. Frankenstein orchestrates non-FDA-approved research on living human heads whose terminally ill bodies have been amputated for future replacement by newly cloned bodies.
Yes, the INS can galvanize the power and drama of that Second Wave by juxtapositioning the hatred and malevolence of value destroyers against the love and benevolence of value producers: Being the evil antagonist, the INS will catapult that mighty romantic-love drama into an historic legend.
By definition, mysticism is anchored in emotionally driven stupidity and irrationality. And through its reactions to Neo-Tech, an irrational management hierarchy led the INS into its own trap -- as did the irrational management hierarchy of the November-3rd empire, as will every irrational, destructive entity in this world. Mysticism will lead them all into their own fatal traps, deep within the Neo-Tech matrix. In America, those doomed empires of destruction include the INS, FDA, IRS, SEC, DEA, FTC, EPA, OSHA, and all other value-destroying bureaucracies guided by the Executive Branch of government. And, in turn, that executive branch is guided by astrology, God, fake altruism, unprincipled pragmatism, and other mystical stupidities and neocheating expediencies.
Those goofy, immature leaders are backed by destructive automatons and criminal matones wielding moribund weapons of guns, fists, and manacles. Such immature people are no match for value-producing business and scientific minds backed by fully integrated honesty and rational actions. Indeed, with Neo-Tech, the value producers easily outcompete and squelch all professional value destroyers.
Legions of guilty value destroyers indicting and prosecuting the innocent value producer: What irony, what drama! And then their options will be exhausted -- dead. Their march of death will end while the Neo-Tech march of life will shift to double time, then to triple time. No one can stop that march of life. ...Today, relentless footsteps quietly encircle the value destroyers in 140 countries.
The false power and dishonesty of all value destroyers will end forever. They will have no place to go. And we? The more they inflict irrational actions upon us, the more options, tools, and power we gain. We can never be spent or exhausted. We are alive and growing. And as they spend their false power, we relentlessly accumulate irreversible, real power.
Let them come as they are -- as racist destroyers of lives, jobs, and innocent families. They have their legions of jailers and matones backed by guns and handcuffs. And until they encountered Neo-Tech, their destructions of lives, jobs, happiness, and families -- the end result of all their actions -- went unchallenged. Indeed, they destroyed values and life with self-righteous impunity.
Yes, they can attack our research and writing centers. For those happy places are crawling with damn foreigners -- with non anglo-saxon spics, wops, japs, chinks, slavs, even a nigger chief from Nigeria. Yes, they are all clean, honest, happy value producers. So, the INS must come with their agents of force and matones. They must come with their guns and handcuffs. They must attack. They must....
And when they come, they will confront healthy, honest minds. They will confront happy, productive people who live by solving problems wherever they exist. They will confront innocent, non anglo-saxon foreigners who are driving hard with fully integrated honesty to produce values for our country, for our society, for our civilization, for everyone -- including everyone in the INS.
No, we never cooperate with the criminalities of any value destroyer, including those of the INS. We will never let value destroyers enter our doors or inspect our records. They will have to display their nature. They will have to break their way in, brandishing guns and manacles. ...And, no, we will never physically resist. With guns, they can do and take whatever they wish, as can any armed criminal.
But, with all their force, they can produce not a single value. They can only destroy values. So let the INS publicly display its nature. Through Neo-Tech, let the INS show the world who is the value destroyer, who is the value producer. Let the INS play out its stale, crumbling hoax for the last time.
How can the INS indict us, prosecute us? What rationalizations can they use? Consider the following four tips:
No, we will not resist the value destroyers' guns and fists. And we will not use their contrived procedures for "our defense". For such procedures are only ploys for hiding their crimes, camouflaging their malevolence, sanctioning their destructions. Moreover, innocent value producers need no defense. They need only to act on the one and only point that counts -- now and forever into the future: Prosecute the guilty value destroyer; protect the innocent value producer.
No, we will not use their "legal" procedures or lawyers with whom they "much prefer to deal". Instead, they must deal directly with us, our fully integrated honesty, our factual writings, our consistent hard work, our music and art, our clean and innocent minds, our happiness, our love, our strength.
No, we will never stop subverting the professional value destroyers. We will never stop pursuing them until they are gone forever.
To prevent any mistaken injustice, one point must be clarified: The sexual assault on Ms. Meoño did not occur during the second fingerprinting session conducted by INS agent Bob White nearly a year ago. In all fairness, INS agent White was impeccably proper and courteous. The sexual assault occurred during Ms. Meoño's first fingerprinting session almost two years ago. Indeed, that matón's assault made an indelible scar on Ms. Meoño's memory:
The matón was mustachioed, macho, and wore a big gun. After spending twenty minutes getting a cup of coffee, he kept the attractive Ms. Meoño alone with him in his private office for at least two hours. Pointing to handcuffs on a shelf, he first terrorized her by boasting that he was the one who put people like her in jail. Almost on bended knee, the innocent producer, Ms. Meoño, wept as she pleaded for mercy. Her potential jailer trembled with excitement. To Ms. Meoño's prolonged agony, that matón slowly savored his life-and-death moment of power...his power to terrorize, humiliate, degrade a comely woman of genuine self-worth.
The matón then proceeded to photograph Ms. Meoño. Then with remarks about her prettiness, he photographed Ms. Meoño again while gratuitously fondling her face. Still alone with her, that agent then fingerprinted Ms. Meoño while pressing and squeezing parts of her soft upper body.[ 23 ]
That touching, pressing, and squeezing was done over Ms. Meoño's terrified objections. But, at that time, she was under severe duress and too endangered to file a complaint. For that matón held life-threatening control over her immigration status. But now, she is under the protection of the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center. And today, this criminal indictment is being filed against that matón, his management, and all accomplices who sanctioned or silently accepted his assault and his subsequent videotaping of his victim, Ms. Meoño. ...This indictment remains in effect until justice is fully done.
Increasingly, everyone will recognize that Neo-Tech benevolently moves all, including the INS and November-3rd agents of force, away from value destruction and toward value production. Indeed, nothing can stop Neo-Tech. Nothing can stop the demise of value destroyers. Nothing can stop the rise of the value producers. ...With Neo-Tech, every value destroyer will become a value producer -- or self-destruct.
Is all hopeless for the INS people, the November-3rd people, and all other value destroyers caught in their own destructive, neocheating systems? No. The exact opposite is the fact: For the first time in history, all those caught in value-destroying hoaxes manipulated by professional mystics and neocheaters can now escape their march of death. They can partake in the march of life. For, Neo-Tech can help all those trapped in INS-type jobs. Neo-Tech can help them escape that sad world of value destruction to discover the happy world of value production.
Yes, all who abandon their value destructions can enter that sunlit world of abiding prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. For further help in escaping the mystical/neocheating world, write Barbie Diamond at the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center.
VALUE DESTROYERS versus VALUE PRODUCERS We are waiting for a move by the guns-and-fists value destroyers -- any move by any agent of force, by any INS or November-3rd matón, by anyone usurping a livelihood within any destructive segment of the:
Justice Department Treasury Department November-3rd Guns-and-Fists Bureaucracy Come, we are waiting with our clean minds, our fully integrated honesty, our hard and noble work to produce values for others -- including you. ...We, the innocent value producers, are ready to battle you, the guilty value destroyers. For, we hold the power, not you. The future belongs to us, not you. So come attack, come with your destructions. For, we will use your every attack, your every destruction, your every arrogance to speed your own self-destruction. |
War of Two Worlds
The Ultimate Battle Begins |
YES The Value Producers and their Neo-Tech Bantam-Phantom Companies are going to Dump All Value Destroyers and forever End Their Bogus Jobs and Livelihoods through Honest, Guilt-Free Business Competition |
The Neo-Tech Bridge: Leaving the Value Destroyers Behind
Neo-Tech Fine Arts -- France -- Marc Gratas
[ 22 ] Living in the mystical jungle country of Costa Rica, this innocent, value-producing woman refused to feel or act guilty about living fully, honestly, happily. Thus, she was stridently labeled a selfish bitch by the mystics and neocheaters in the clergy, educational system, and government. Three hundred years ago, she would have been among the first to burn at the stake. Why? Because she thought for herself -- fearlessly, independently, honestly. She rejected their mysticism, called their neocheating bluffs, slapped away their grasping hands, and alone stood up to them. Without knowing the word Neo-Tech, she functioned with an innocent, honest Neo-Tech mind. Thus, throughout her life she was denounced by the authorities as a disobedient, selfish bitch from the jungle. Now, Neo-Tech will rectify that upside-down, mystical pejorative flung so dishonestly by the mystics and neocheaters: ...Judge for yourself this Neo-Tech jungle bitch.
[ 23 ] Our research department verified through Detective Slade Griffin of the Metro Police Department that fingerprinting techniques never involve touching the subject's upper torso, much less squeezing or pressing any part of the upper torso. Moreover, that gun-toting, jail-threatening agent continued his assault by "romantically" hugging Ms. Meoño while crossing the street a block from the Federal Building.
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