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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II
Editor's Note
[With the November-3rd, INS, and other organizations left impotent in the wake of the rising Neo-Tech waves, I & O Publishing Company's next target was, surprisingly, the state-controlled, local-level Nevada Consumer Affairs Division. Why waste valuable time exposing such small-time value destroyers? Remember, I & O's sole job, I & O's sole focus, is to expose value destroyers everywhere. I & O hunts down value destroyers on every level. That hunt will continue for both large-game as well as small-game value destroyers until they are gone forever -- until all value destroyers either self-destruct or become competitive value producers.
After learning that its file had been "poisoned" by the incompetency of the local Consumer Affairs Division of Nevada while handling a standard complaint from a religious zealot, I & O sent the following document to correct that record as well as entrap that value-destroying agency within the Neo-Tech matrix. All government bureaucracies, at the expense of value producers, bask daily in laziness, incompetency, value destruction, and wasteful consumption of precious time. BP]
Good-Bye Neocheaters November 3rd plus 665 Days

GUNS AND FISTS of NOVEMBER-3RD Newsletter volume #1, number #11 |
I & O Publishing Company will increasingly hunt down and entrap the most destructive, neocheating organizations in America and around the world. The Neo-Tech hunt for big-game neocheaters and value destroyers is already entrapping the most viciously criminal bureaucracies in America and England, including the November-3rd Empire, the INS, INTERPOL, and soon the FDA.
But the hunt also includes small game, down to state-level, local-level, and personal-level value destroyers. This Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #11 begins that small-game hunt by entangling the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division (CAD) in the Neo-Tech matrix. And that hunt will continue for both large-game and small-game value destroyers until all are gone forever -- until all either self-destruct or become competitive value producers in the Neo-Tech world.
Preparations are continuing to launch the coup de grace -- the Seven Neo-Tech Waves. And the very first wave will cause every professional value destroyer to become entangled in the Neo-Tech matrix. Indeed, every neocheating bureaucracy will disintegrate as its minions either (1) self-destruct or (2) abandon the dead, parasitical world of value destruction for the alive, competitive world of value production -- the world of Neo-Tech. |
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This document begins the penalty phase for Consumer-Affairs Director Shari B. Compton and Governor Richard H. Bryan to respond at 10:00AM on July 20th to the Neo-Tech Subpoena Duces Tecum.
Since the subpoena recipients failed to provide proper answers to the questions and indictments of that subpoena, this document answers those questions for them. This document reveals with facts, statistics, and literature references that bureaucracies such as the Consumer Affairs Division generate false power and bogus jobs by harming honest businesses, consumers, and society:
For 20 years, I & O Publishing Company has aggressively worked to promptly, fairly, satisfactorily resolve every customer problem. Indeed, I & O's business has been scrupulously professional and efficient throughout those 20 years. As a result, I & O's product-return and customer-problem percentages are even lower than premier companies such as American Express and the Franklin Mint. I & O is clean, honest, and will never accept dishonest, destructive actions from any government bureaucracy. Moreover, I & O's expanding worldwide literature uproots and subverts all fake-job bureaucrats while forever ending their destructions.
In the past, the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division (CAD) made some efforts to provide a service to both consumers and businesses. They performed that service by informing honest businesses of valid customer problems that occasionally occur without the knowledge of the company. But such efforts ended when a neocheating governor appointed a power-drunk clown as the Director several years ago. For, since then, the CAD has rudely harassed honest, value-producing Nevada citizens on behalf of out-of-state religious figures, politicians, bogus-job bureaucrats, and other value destroyers whose fake livelihoods are threatened by Neo-Tech. Details of such harassments are described in the Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #8. An article in that newsletter describes how the CAD, a Nevada-tax-supported agency, abetted out-of-state
zealots trying to stop a coterie of hard-working Nevada writers.
Without any consideration of the facts, why did the CAD so eagerly help those out-of-state "crusaders" use a Nevada bureaucracy to attack honest, productive Nevada citizens -- Nevada writers who are producing major values worldwide? Such behaviors and actions demand an explanation as to why Nevada taxpayers are supporting such a bureaucracy. The demanded explanation is based on the following four characteristics demonstrated by the current CAD bureaucracy: 1. Incompetence, 2. Arrogance, 3. Destructiveness, 4. Dishonesty.

Indicting the Value Destroyers
Today, Neo-Tech indicts Ms. Shari B. Compton, her superiors up to Governor Richard H. Bryan, and all accomplices using public money to support the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division (CAD). ...They all must answer to the following crimes:
- Wantonly destroying the time of honest value producers under the guise of being a service to the public.
- Fraudulently conjuring non-sequitur images of being a value to consumers and society.
- Deceptively, harmfully injecting themselves into the natural dynamics of consumer protection. Such artificial, distorted processes short circuit the only effective protection process available to human beings. That natural process is: self-responsibility, self-protection, and objective litigation through civil and criminal due process. That and only that process effectively protects individuals from dishonesty, fraud, and injury.
- Dishonestly creating illusions to trick taxpayers into believing that CAD activities help stop or prevent business crimes: Combined with the reasons stated in #3 above, facts and statistics demonstrate the exact opposite. The more fake "protection" such bureaucracies foist on the public, the more criminal activities occur. The Neo-Tech literature demonstrates why that phenomenon must always occur. Moreover, all past and current data show that expanding government "protection" agencies, ranging from the massively destructive federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) down to statewide "consumer protection" agencies, always cause an increase in those criminal activities from which they claim to protect the public. Indeed, just as with prohibition fifty years earlier, national drug problems and crimes always increase with the increasing size and power of the DEA. Likewise, dishonest business practices always increase with the increasing size and power of "protection" bureaucracies. ...As such destructive bureaucracies grow toward police-state ambitions, their crimes become much greater than all the so-called crimes combined that they could possibly prevent.
What is the Motive?
What is the motive of those destructive bureaucracies? The neocheating hierarchy of the DEA, for example, cares little about decreasing the drug problem and even less about curing the disease of mysticism, which underlies all drug and social problems. For, ending the drug problem and curing dishonest mysticism would eliminate their usurped power and livelihoods. Thus, the hierarchy of the DEA is motivated solely by its need for usurped power and bogus livelihoods. Likewise, all other neocheating-based bureaucracies exist by usurping power, destroying time, and harming society. Indeed, to survive, those irrational-based bureaucracies must generate more and more unearned power and bogus jobs to exist and grow. Thus, no one in those bureaucracies ever creates net values for others and society. Instead, each constantly destroys values of others and society.
Four-Question Subpoena to Director Compton, Governor Bryan, and the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division (CAD) |
- Answer to Lazy Incompetence:
- Ms. Compton and others in her office apparently never integrate correspondence with facts. Nor do they bother to carefully read consumer letters sent to them. Instead, they blindly, automatically issue hostilely worded, accusatory missives to value producers such as the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center and I & O Publishing Company.
- Even when a letter has no mention of a problem or complaint, the CAD lazily, automatically, blindly harasses any business mentioned in that letter.
- Pompous, arrogant, CAD missives and subpoenas appear ludicrous with sloppy misspellings and illiterate syntax.
- Such careless missives not only destroy the precious time of value producers,
but flippantly waste taxpayers' money.
- Answer to Arrogant Hostility:
- The following arrogant, hostile words are now on display in the Guns-and-Fists Museum in Southern Nevada. That display forever documents how lazy, business-hating bureaucrats destroy the time of honest, hard-working, value-producers:
"WE COMMAND YOU, pursuant to......and that all singular business and excuses being set aside, you appear before SHARI B. COMPTON, COMMISSIONER OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS and produce the following..."
"...subject you to such sanctions and penalties... WHEREFORE, I have hereunto set my hand this ______ day of ______________________. SHARI B. COMPTON, COMMISSIONER"
"Send us your pitch and business license."
According to a CAD staff worker, the above arrogant words were issued by a person who between vacations saunters into the office at various hours for a little "work". Imagine lazy, destructive bureaucrats sending such nastily worded, time-destroying missives to hard-working, productive writers and editors providing historic values for all society -- values for everyone, even the lazy and incompetent, even Ms. Compton and her Consumer Affairs Division. |
- To exercise unearned power, Ms. Compton ignored I & O's fifteen years of letters and integrations in working with the CAD and her predecessors, Nancy Spray and Sy Newmark. Over many years, I & O developed those understandings and integrations so the CAD could be a genuine value to I & O, the consumer, and the taxpayer. But today, the CAD wastes everyone's time and money by automatically launching arrogant, anti-business attacks without considering the facts.
- Thus, Ms. Compton scornfully dismissed the only valid reason for her job. She dismissed the only possible value of the CAD to honest business people, consumers, and society.
- Answer to Draining Destructiveness:
- Drains taxpayers' money in wasteful, harmful activities.
- Drains time, money, and value production from honest businesses and value producers with rudely worded missives and time-destroying subpoenas.
- Drains everyone by generating make-believe work to:
- justify the existence of a senseless CAD,
- spread increasing false power among its neocheating leaders, especially the politicians right up to master neocheater, Governor Richard H. Bryan.
- Answer to Big-Lie Dishonesty and Fraud:
- An anti-business bureaucracy dishonestly supported by taxpayers' dollars.
- A fake bureaucracy that exists by deceptively creating big-lie illusions of serving the public by "protecting" the consumer.
- A fraudulent bureaucracy that usurps power by weakening, undermining, and negating the individual's responsibility for self-protection. That individual self-protection comes through free choice, free markets, valid protection organizations such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and easy access to legal recourses -- civil and criminal. ...Individual responsibility, not fake "protection" agencies like the CAD, is the only valid and effective means to reduce and eliminate dishonest, fraudulent activities.
- A corrupt bureaucracy that operates through automatic lying: Essentially all professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers automatically lie anytime a lie will conveniently, safely get them out of problems. By stark contrast, honest business persons strive for fully integrated honesty as the only beneficial way to solve problems. Indeed, honesty and veracity are requirements for building long-term success in all productive businesses. By contrast, deception and prevarication are requirements for holding false power and bogus livelihoods in all destructive bureaucracies. Below are examples of automatic lying by CAD bureaucrats:
a. July 13th at 8:30AM, a CAD staff member informed a Neo-Tech writer that Ms. Compton conducts subpoena hearings and would personally conduct the I & O hearing later that morning. At 9:00AM, arriving early for the I & O hearing, Ms. Compton was served a surprise Neo-Tech subpoena. She then fled the CAD premises. As a CAD employee reported, she left as a "very unhappy camper". At 10:00AM, with cameras flashing, the Neo-Tech writers punctually arrived for the subpoena hearing. Compton's assistant informed those writers that Ms. Compton does not conduct subpoena hearings and he would conduct the I & O hearing. ...An automatic lie? His statement was a direct contradiction of the earlier 8:30AM statement.
b. Several weeks earlier, Mr. William Tkach, a CAD investigator, talked to a Neo-Tech writer. That writer then provided I & O with a written transcript of Mr. Tkach's conversation. According to that transcript, Mr. Tkach stated that the CAD had received all correspondence for a specific customer problem, including its full and proper resolution by I & O. But to exercise its fake power, that bureaucracy used implicit threats in arrogantly trying to impose its own "look-good", dishonest solution upon I & O. Those responsible for those threats failed to realize that I & O Publishing Company never compromises or deals with dishonesty in any form, on any level of government, no matter what the cost or inconvenience. Thus, to punish I & O's intransigence in refusing to support a fake show of power, Ms. Compton issued her blustery, museum-piece subpoena. ...At 10:15 AM, on that July 13th, in trying to explain the reason for that dishonest subpoena, Ms. Compton's assistant hastily claimed that the CAD never received information or correspondence from I & O about that customer's problem or its resolution. When informed of Tkach's transcript, Ms. Compton's assistant stood mute. He then admitted that all was fine and I & O had properly resolved the
c. At 10:30AM, Ms. Compton's assistant cheerfully proclaimed that he was with I & O Publishing Company -- that he was really all along a laissez-faire capitalist. ...Well, the door at I & O Publishing Company is open for Ms. Compton's assistant, even for Ms. Compton herself, to abandon the neocheaters' hierarchy of destruction and become a happy, honest producer of competitive values.
One of the most cleverly hidden scams in the state of Nevada is the Consumer Affairs Division. The purpose of this subpoena is to have Governor Bryan show cause (1) why the entire division should not be immediately abolished, (2) why those responsible for the CAD should not personally pay restitution for their damages to the taxpayers, consumers, and value producers in the State of Nevada, and (3) why those responsible should not pay for the biggest crime identified below:
Hiding America's Most Destructive Frauds
Yes, many cases investigated by the Consumer Affairs Division (CAD) actually involve unethical or illegal activities such as bucketshop frauds and telemarketing scams. But, as identified earlier in this document, bureaucratic "protection" against such frauds and scams is unnecessary, ineffective, contradictory, and a fraud in itself. Moreover, pretending to protect the public from such frauds is only a look-good front to conceal the one-and-only purpose of all tax-supported "protection" bureaucracies. And that one-and-only purpose is to usurp unearned power and bogus livelihoods from the value producers.
Indeed, all tax-supported "protection" bureaucracies undermine each individual's responsibility for self-protection against such obvious frauds as bucketshops and telemarketing scams. More harmfully, however, those bureaucracies hide all the less obvious, more cleverly concealed frauds such as their own dishonest actions. But most catastrophically, all such bureaucracies hide the biggest, most destructive frauds in America while giving credence to its bogus-job criminals.
* * *
Late Newsletter Note for the November-3rd Bureaucracy
A tombstone inscribed with the metaphorical epitaph shown below will be installed during the second-anniversary celebration of the November-3rd Guns-and-Fists attack on I & O Publishing Company by the Hierarchy of Guilt.
KENNETH A. CLARK Innocent Children-and-Games Editor "bled and died" on this hallowed ground from a beating and kicking administered by the Guns-and-Fists Hierarchy of Guilt But they -- the guilty not he -- the innocent are buried here. |
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