The "Neo-Tech Philosophy" article arose from the Neothink mind of Dr. John Flint. This article reveals the power available to the human mind when integration blockers caused by mysticism are removed.
The "Criminal Mind" article by Eric Savage can be traced back to his "neocheating neurosis" identification which first appeared in the early editions of the November-3rd package. This much expanded upon identification, which forms the backbone of the "Criminal Mind" article, answers several questions about the origins of value destroyers and the development of the criminal mind.
The "Criminal Mind" article serves as a perfect companion piece to the confrontation between an I & O worker, the newly formed Neo-Tech Press, and a small-town mayor and his "cohorts in crime." All participants cited in the above mentioned tale have been integrated and locked forever into the Neo-Tech Matrix. BP]
Now, At Last, Value Producers Can:
1. Eliminate Bourgeois Mysticism That Supports
Giuliani-Type Criminal Minds
2. Turn Public Support for Giuliani Crimes into a Joke
3. Kick All Criminal Minds Off Planet Earth
4. End All White-Collar Hoaxes
Guns and Fists of November-3rd Newsletter
Each day that platform grows larger. Each day more and more value producers climb atop that expanding platform. And, each day, that platform entraps beneath more and more value destroyers. As each value producer discovers Neo-Tech, the screws of derision and ostracism tighten on all professional mystics and neocheaters. ...Indeed, those value destroyers will crumble beneath their destructive nature, sexual incompetence, and thumb-sucking immaturity.
Subversion, subversion, subversion. Every day powerful products of subversion push us toward our goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating all its symbiotic neocheaters.
From that integration, how obvious becomes Aristotle's observation that man, by nature, is noble. For, civilization moves forward solely through individual efforts to produce competitive values for others. Individual man and woman produce competitive values. They heroically produce values despite the legions of parasitical mystics and criminal-minded neocheaters constantly harming and draining them. Yes, everything we have, everything that contributes to well-being and happiness comes from those noble individuals working naturally, independently -- each honestly delivering in his or her own way competitive values to others and society.
Man's nature is to deliver net values to others and society. Business, numbers, and profits are the dynamics to competitively build those values -- not to collect money per se, but to build greater, more competitive values. An Andrew Carnegie, for example, builds incredible values that would take a thousand other men a hundred lifetimes to build. A Carnegie builds those great values through the dynamics of business-like thinking, numbers, and profits. All his integrated thoughts and efforts focus on delivering competitive values with increasing quantity, quality, and efficiency.
At I & O, our work grows through those same business dynamics. Combining the interactions of Neo-Tech with business-like thinking, numbers, data, and value production drives us forward. In the past, great value producers fought heroically just to produce values for others and society. Yet, without knowing what they were fighting, those value producers could never identify those destructive forces of envy, mysticism, and neocheating. But now, at last, we know how to collapse forever the hoax of mysticism and eliminate all neocheaters. We have a clear course before us: Nothing can stop fully integrated honesty. Thus, nothing can stop Neo-Tech from curing forever the disease of mysticism -- the core cause of failure, unhappiness, and death.
The Criminal Mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others. A person with a criminal mind constantly projects that others owe him something -- be it money, a job, happiness, love, or anything else of value.
Instead of focussing on earning values, the criminal mind conjures up rationalizations as to why one deserves values belonging to others. Earn is replaced with deserve. The responsibility to provide that deserved value is then automatically placed on someone else.
The criminal mind functions through destructive rationalizations that subvert a person's ability to produce competitive values. A person in the criminal-mind mode stops exerting the honesty, effort, and integrations required to effectively deal with problems and build competitive values.
While criminal-mind thinking festers at the core of all criminals, such thinking is also used by others for well-camouflaged manipulations. For, a person can employ criminal-mind thinking without actually being an overt criminal (although, by nature, such a person always becomes a covert criminal).
Instead of keeping secret his dishonest behavior, he brags about his shoplifting skills. In fact, Eddie prides himself on his ability to outsmart those big wheels who own the supermarkets. Eddie speaks about his shoplifting in the context that he is finally getting back at those "rip-off store owners who victimize everyone". While bragging about the $15.00 steak he had lifted, Eddie exuded a self-righteous tone that implied: "You should feel sorry for me, I'm the little guy who has been victimized all my life by the greedy big wheels out there." To Eddie, the supermarket owners owe him the merchandise he takes.
Aside from his shoplifting problem, Eddie appears to be a normal, friendly young man. However, his self-justifying criminal behavior is a key sign of the criminal mind and exemplifies how all levels of criminals must rationalize away their dishonesties by reversing their situation so that in their own minds they are the ones being victimized. ...People with criminal minds always blame others for their problems.
People often run into petty shoplifters throughout their lifetimes -- from schoolmates to co-workers. And the one characteristic common among essentially all those petty thieves is that they turn their situation around, using the same self-righteous, I'm-the-victim rationalization.
But, upon analyzing Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, one realizes how all those shoplifters fit the criminal-mind mode. Although such shoplifters often are not hard-core crooks, they all use the same mode of criminal-minded thinking to justify their criminal actions.
Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind demonstrates that the criminal-mind thinking mode always inverts the concepts of self-responsibility, discipline, and effort. Examples of that mode of thinking are everywhere. Recently, for example, a television movie evolved around a young boy growing up in a poor neighborhood as a gang member. He was only 8 or 9 years old. But he would lure unsuspecting victims into a trap in which the older teenagers of that gang would then mug the victim. One night the gang attempted to mug a professional athlete who was able to overcome them and capture the youngster.
That athlete then tried to help the young boy. The boy's mother was a poor, unwed mother who was threatened by gangs in the neighborhood. The young boy was cute and in a tough situation. The viewer could not help liking him. But then, after the athlete put out time and effort to help him, the boy suddenly flew into a rage. Because he had been caught, he was forced to face reality and exert the independent honesty and effort to reform or to default to the dishonesty of a criminal gang. But he turned the whole situation around. The boy self-righteously proclaimed that the athlete was the cause of his current problems, was being terribly unjust to him, and subsequently owed him things. Suddenly it became strikingly clear that this little boy was using the criminal-mind thinking mode.
Yes, he was cute. Yes, he was just a kid in a tough, "disadvantaged" situation. But, indeed, he had the criminal mind. Suddenly, all the other aspects in that situation became irrelevant. The point was obvious. The boy's problem was his indulging in the criminal mind. All his other problems became meaningless unless and until his indulging in the criminal-mind mode was focused on and overcome.
In fact, a person can use the criminal-mind mode selectively as a powerful manipulation tool. Even a person who has never stolen anything directly can use the criminal-mind mode to turn responsibility upside down and lay self-responsibility on someone else in order to steal indirectly from others.
Soon after that television program had aired, the presidential election campaigns began. Listening to the statements that the candidates were making, a momentous fact became obvious: All the candidates had criminal minds! Essentially every statement they made fit the definition: "The Criminal Mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others." For whenever a person lives on the premise that someone else is responsible for the well-being of others, he too lives through the criminal mind.
Once the essence of criminal-mind thinking is identified, a startling realization leaps forth: criminal-mind thinking is also at the core of all politicians and clergymen, most lawyers and bureaucrats, many media people and professors, all business chiselers and white-collar-hoax business quislings. For, those people constantly shift self-responsibility from the individual onto others. Such criminal-minded intellectuals serve to institutionalize criminal-mind thinking.
The results of such irrationality are escalating injustice and value destruction. But even worse, criminal-mind thinking becomes institutionalized. While common criminals live by direct criminal actions, institutionalized criminal-mind practitioners live by indirectly promoting and applying their criminal actions as a third party. They force some individuals to provide for others. Thus, they make their criminal actions appear noble. But, in reality, they are neocheating -- making themselves appear as benefactors while they are in fact gleaning a living and prestige by draining the value producer. They do that by extolling and then implementing the criminal-minded action of taking from some to give to others while constantly skimming enough for their own uncompetitive livelihoods. But, like the common criminal, those institutionalized criminal-mind professionals are making their living by usurping or stealing values from others.
A bureaucrat's third-party, criminal-minded methods can create endless "problems" where none exist. Thus, he can create endless targets from which to usurp value-destroying power. On close examination, the forced "solutions" to those fake problems always lie in more usurped power and arrogated values by guns-and-fists-backed criminal minds. ...By definition, mystics and neocheaters create problems where none exist. By contrast, businesses and value producers solve problems where they do exist (see The Neo-Tech Discovery).
Yet, any politician, media person, lawyer, or other person using criminal-minded thinking can quickly be exposed by asking, "Is this person projecting that someone else is responsible for the well-being of others?" If the answer is yes, dump him. For he is a criminal-minded value usurper. And such criminal-minded usurpers become powerless and shrivel to nothing when their hoax is exposed and support withdrawn by their victims.
Listen to the speech or statement by almost any politician, from local city councilmen or mayors up to the President of the United States. Essentially every statement they utter precisely fits the criminal-mind definition. Once you identify a person using criminal-minded manipulations you can dump him or her with scorn and derision. Whether Jesse Jackson or Ronald Reagan, the IRS Commissioner or the FDA director, the SEC bureaucrats or the INS bureaucrats -- all those people and their institutions have at their essence the criminal mind. For their livelihoods depend on making some people responsible for the "problems" of others. Indeed, creating grandiose programs gives those criminal-minded manipulators massive doses of unearned power to enforce their justice-turned-upside-down laws and destructive regulations. And all their hoaxes are supported by money and property usurped from value producers.
But with Neo-Tech, that 2000-year criminal hoax orchestrated by the professional value destroyers is finished. The commercial release of the Neo-Tech Bible and then the seven Neo-Tech waves will wash all criminal minds off planet Earth.
Day after day, a person is bombarded by criminal-mind propaganda espoused by the media, government, clergy, and white-collar-hoax business "leaders"[ 34 ]. In addition, most people are subjected to subtle, criminal-mind manipulations from friends, family, even spouses. And, when a person sees highly placed intellectuals continuously using criminal-mind manipulations, those same reverse-responsibility manipulations become increasingly easier for himself or herself to rationalize.
In fact, the criminal-mind mode is frequently used on a personal level through subtle implications such as: "If you love me you'll do this for me," or, "Because I'm your daughter, it is your responsibility to help me out." Although such manipulations may be used only to coerce family or friends into doing simple favors, those subtle manipulations are nevertheless rooted in the criminal mind.
Such criminal-mind manipulations should be promptly cut off no matter how loved the perpetrator. For, a person helps the perpetrator the most by explicitly identifying the manipulation and then saying "No!" One must never sanction the criminal-mind mode of reversing responsibility. That defaulting on responsibility is a mental cancer that if allowed to grow will spread to other, much more damaging areas of a person's thinking process.
But also like cancer, if spotted and removed early, criminal-mind thinking can often be eliminated in a person. When a family member or close friend identifies and rejects responsibility-reversing manipulations, the manipulator will often give up. For the manipulator knows he or she is wrong.
Rationalizations rooted in the criminal mind can lead to a child doing poorly in school and thereby cutting off his future, to a man or woman not doing integrated thinking and thereby stagnating in his or her job (See Mark Hamilton's "The Alternative"), or to a person destroying a love relationship by continuously manipulating his or her spouse. And all that personal value destruction can result from reverse-responsibility manipulations first learned in the family.
Indeed, a person using criminal-mind manipulations, even on a minor scale, such as "You don't love me if you don't baby-sit my kids tonight," or, "You owe me this favor because I'm your friend," is playing with a mental cancer without even being aware of that deadly disease. ...Criminal-mind cancer can creep up in a camouflaged way, quickly sprouting to destroy a person's happiness and eventually his or her life.
The criminal mind is a disease that is not a part of a person's real self. Like cancer, the criminal mind is an invader and must be wiped out, without mercy. One does not show mercy to cancer. And once that cancer is eliminated, no more problem exists. But if not quickly eliminated, the criminal-mind mode can grow, slowly eating away love, values, character, and potential. When a loved one gets away with responsibility-reversing manipulations on family members, the long-range effects can be devastating. For those manipulations will spread to other areas of that person's life.
Indeed, the recipients of criminal-minded value transfers are never helped because they quickly learn to become dependent on criminal-mind thinking. They learn to default on the responsiblities for their own needs and livelihoods. Someone else becomes responsible to provide for things they do not have. They become increasingly unhappy about themselves and bitter about life. For example, second or third generation welfare recipients never live to experience happiness. And their pathetic, criminal-minded thinking spreads to their children, and then to their grandchildren. ...Gradually almost everyone begins to accept the criminal mind growing within themselves and others.
In today's world in which 2000 years of Plato's altruistic, external authority hoax has prevailed, everyone is exposed to and is silently encouraged by the intelligentsia to indulge in the criminal-minded path of least resistance. But with Neo-Tech, one uncompromisingly stamps out criminal-minded manipulations wherever they occur -- particularly in personal situations. A lone act of explicitly identifying and firmly saying no to a responsibility-reversing manipulation can forever stop a person from using such criminal-minded indulgences again. Just the knowledge that someone knows the hoax behind their manipulation can forever break a person's rationalizations. Without those rationalizations, that person is unable to foist reverse-responsibility manipulations onto others.
By others silently accepting a person's criminal-minded acts, that person is never compelled to face the hoax of his or her responsibility-reversing manipulations. Therefore, the hoax can grow until all happiness and values are destroyed.
Indeed, "respected" clergymen, politicians, news anchors, reporters and other professionals who, with premeditation, espouse criminal-mind thinking are irredeemably dishonest and destructive. As with that television movie about the young boy and the athlete, guilt-implying, responsibility-reversing themes are bandied about everywhere. The implicit message is that society and the individual have a moral responsibility to meet the needs of other people -- to meet the needs of parasitical unwed mothers, criminal gang members, or camouflaged thieves and murderers. Glory-seeking Giulianis and politicians then step in to provide those "needs" while usurping unearned values, respect, and power.
Everyone must dump that 2000-year life-destroying hoax. For that hoax diminishes life, love, and happiness in everyone. Criminal-mind self-indulgence will push a person into stagnation and camouflaged failure. The "thinking tools" of the institutionalized criminal-mind manipulators mentally cripple everyone who accepts them. In turn, most people become psychologically dependent upon such criminal-minded institutions for guidance and support. ...Now is the time to use Neo-Tech to end that vicious hoax forever.
The "Level-Playing-Field" Concepts
Evolve from Giuliani-Type Criminal Minds
Why are such envy-based irrationalities and inversions of justice accepted by the public? Those irrationalities let the bourgeois middle class relax and breathe satisfied sighs of relief. How is that? First, consider that the heroic value producer chooses to live fully -- to live through Discipline, Thought, and then Control (the DTC method). He chooses not to default on life. Instead, he chooses to exert the effort to live by pursuing his essence. And that essence of all conscious beings is to live by constantly increasing productive efforts, competence, and efficiency in order to increasingly produce competitive values for others and society.
But the competitive aggressiveness of heroic value producers threatens the false power and bogus livelihoods of all professional value destroyers as well as their upper-class backers. For they are entrenched in the white-collar hoax of big business and government. Thus, the Milkens are conveniently declared criminals for their outstanding accomplishments, looted of their earnings, and then even jailed. Indeed, that inverted justice purposely implemented by the Giulianis provides the rationalization service needed by the bourgeoisie to avoid integrated thinking and effort. They need those Giuliani criminal acts to comfortably conceal their own fears, defaults, envies, and failures. ...They can point to the heroic value producer and say, "See, he's a criminal. Such success is illegal and immoral. I never need to emulate that success. Thanks to the Giulianis, I'll never have to use disciplined effort and integrated thought to live. Instead, I can safely stay in my sheltered hole to comfortably grow old and die."
With dependence on the Giuliani criminal mind for their security and rationalizations, the vegetating middle-class followers can keep faking their low-effort, unchallenged, failed lives. With the Giuliani criminal mind providing those rationalizations, they can continue growing old and dying without ever exerting the integrated thinking efforts needed to flourish and live successfully. Indeed, the criminal-minded Giulianis are hailed as heroes. Then they run for political office to the cheering throngs of ensconced bourgeoisie. Those cheering followers choose not to think for themselves. They choose not to experience life, prosperity, and romantic love. Instead, they choose Plato's world of false external authority, envy, default, and death. They choose mysticism over life.
[ 33 ] The producer of that television movie attempted to imply that society was to blame for the criminal actions of others. But, by simply being aware of criminal-mind thinking, that theme backfired. For the fact was obvious that not only was the boy in the story employing criminal-mind thinking, but the show's producer was promoting criminal-mind thinking as well. Thus, he too lives through a criminal mind.
[ 34 ] White-collar-hoax business "leaders" who drain the productive businesses they now control but never built (See Neo-Tech IV, November 3rd plus 228 Days and 230 Days of Volume I, November 3rd plus 780 Days of this Volume II, and Mark Hamilton's Pincer 2 volume II).
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