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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

in the
by Christina Demayorga Protector of Alien Value Producers "Until Latin business people stop being first-class suckers for honoring and respecting pip-squeak politicians, they will remain the oppressed laughing stock of the world." |
A Warning to the Ensconced Bourgeoisie
All persons wanting to secure and protect their middle-class comforts by supporting local white-collar-hoax business/government scams must now stop to understand their actions. For Neo-Tech will hold them accountable for all crimes arising from those scams. Consider one such paradigm scam perpetuated by a local "businessman"/politician and supported by the ensconced bourgeoisie of that town.
That "businessman" started his journey by learning questionable business and billing practices from his parents. Then, despite being a grown man, he followed the business dictums of a mystically reacting mother. Thus, he remained uncompetitive. Yet, he perhaps learned from his mother that an affable, gracious manner, even unctuous sweetness, can effectively disguise dishonesty, laziness, and malevolence. Such Janus-faced disguises are essential to neocheating and politics. ...But Neo-Tech always tears off those disguises.
The Green Light For Criminal Minds:
Citizen Acceptance of
Local Business/Government Scams
A college student and his parents left their hometown. Why? Because, according to the father, their business and billing practices were not appreciated by those people back home. Initially, after college, that young man tried to escape those influences. He moved to another state. Apparently finding little success on his own, he returned to his mother's influence in a small American city. They continued those same business and billing practices. But again, as before, customers did not appreciate those practices. Reputation and business again darkened. Painting "Trust-Me" type slogans on his truck did not help. For a sizeable and expanding percent of that city's population experienced their business practices.
But then that "businessman" discovered the combination to unearned wealth. What was that reality-defying discovery for "success"? The discovery was combining business with politics: Under tutelage of his mother, he became an affable "nice young man" about town. Then, with the sanction of the ensconced, local middle class, he became the mayor of that town. With his city council, he could promulgate government-dictated arrangements, regulations, and restrictions that diminished competition and enhanced personal connections and business advantages unavailable to others.
Soon the mayor was driving a Mercedes. Indeed, he learned how to use his position, his "public-payroll" contemporaries. He learned how to use his local city attorney, his local judge and real-estate partner, and his local armed constables to back his business maneuvers. ...This document reveals one of those maneuvers during which that smalltime mayor used the tools of force-backed government to:
- exploit a local, seemingly helpless, tax-paying alien,
- use government-backed guns to make that alien pay for his business mistakes,
- abrogate a valid lease and contract through the local judge's orders,
- purloin monies belonging to others, invade and expropriate property, usurp double payments from victims through government-backed business maneuvers,
- extort monies through invalid, nonexistent, and exaggerated damage claims conjured by his mother and witnessed by a local government gunman. (That original, annotated list of "damages" is now on display in the Kenneth A. Clark Guns-and-Fists Museum.)
How Government/Business Gangs Exploit
Honest Value Producers
How did the mayor and his mother use government-employed cohorts to accomplish their money/property usurpations? How specifically do such people combine business, government, and guns to usurp livelihoods from taxpaying victims? First examine the following edited and expanded letter from one of the mayor's victims -- a seemingly helpless, Spanish-speaking woman who came to the Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation for help:
- Dear Mr. Mayor and his mother
- Mr. City Attorney
- Mr. Local Magistrate
- Mr. Local Constable
- City Hall
I rent my home from the Mayor and live there alone with my young son. I work hard and honestly to support our lives. My language and culture are Spanish. Sometimes I cannot protect my rights with those who speak English too fast or fancy. For, I cannot fully understand what they are saying or doing. Some people see my difficulty and dishonestly take advantage of my confusion. The Mayor backed by government guns and a tax-paid lawyer is that kind of a person.
The Past
The Mayor's tricks begin with maintenance-repair work he does in my home to protect his own rental property. His father does the work. Then the Mayor makes me pay for that work. And he makes me pay high-sky rates -- for example, $57 for less than 30 minutes work by his father -- for work that is the Mayor's responsibility, not mine; for work that benefits the Mayor, not me; for work that protects the Mayor's property, not mine. ...Those repairs are not from any damages. They are air-conditioning and plumbing maintenance to protect the Mayor's property and keep up his investments.
At first, I do not understand these charges. I pay his previous maintenance with a burden to my finances. Then I learn that maintenance work is the owner's responsibility, not the tenant's. My friend tells the Mayor about that responsibility. With big congenial political voice, the mayor agrees to meet his responsibilities. But then the Mayor ignores his word. Maybe his mother tells him to. Putting sado hurt on me, his mother promptly sends me the same $57 bill for the Mayor's maintenance she adds interest charges!
The Mayor and his mother continue making me pay for his responsibilities. For three years, I always pay everything on time. Then suddenly they do not cash my rent-payment check for nine days. When they say they have no payment from me, I quickly send another check. But I have proof that they received my first payment on time and make me send a second payment for the same rent period. Then after getting the second check, the Mayor sends an eviction letter to break my lease for nonpayment. Yes, I always support the Mayor's right to properly end my lease at any time, for any reason. I do not argue with that. But the Mayor tries to improperly break my lease with dishonest maneuvers. He has no right to use his government power and lawyers backed by guns for breaking business contracts and taking my hard-earned money.
Later, I give him my honest, valid notice to end our lease. But first I go to court to show the situation to the judge. In court, the Mayor walks on me with his City Attorney in front of the local judge. And I pay all their salaries with my taxes! I feel them laugh at my helpless position. I feel the Mayor and his City Attorney strut unmanly arrogance all over me to hide my right actions and justify their wrong actions.
To make me pay for the Mayor's mistakes and responsibilities, they make my life difficult, unpleasant, and expensive. They end my peaceful enjoyment of my own home for which I fully pay two months ahead. Why do they damage my life? I meet all my moral obligations and financial responsibilities. If the Mayor and his mother do the same -- if they were business-like with mature behaviors and unemotional decisions, if they did business without fast moves or fancy acts, no problems would exist.
I always respect property rights; the Mayor and his mother do not. I always honor contracts and leases; the Mayor and his mother do not. I never take unearned money, the Mayor and his mother do. ...They all know the facts. They all know the Mayor makes mistake when he waits in the bushes until after the judge's order. Then he takes even more money from me. He waits to cash my new, advance-payment check one day after he gets the judge's order. ...Now, they all know that judge's order is no good after the Mayor takes even more advance money from me. And he never mentions or tries to return that new money from my check he wrongly cashed. I even send through certified mail a proper, legal notice for ending the lease to the Mayor and his City Attorney. But they all ignore my valid notice. Instead, they purposely use their wrong actions to take my property and keep all my money.
Why does the Mayor make that mistake? Cannot he resist taking money spread before him? Does he automatically take money if it is his or not? And why does he take a second person's money for the same property? He takes two payments at the same time for the same property! Because of that money grabbing, he cancels the judge's order. Now, only my 30-day written notice to the Mayor and his City Attorney becomes valid and legal. Yet, with my legal notice, he could collect only once on that property. He would lose the double
money from the other person.
The Mayor and his City Attorney know all the facts. Still, they gang together. I feel them laugh at my helplessness. They act big against me and my son. Gunmen come to my door. One gunman is the electrician employed by the mayor's mother. They invade my property. They take my money and property. No different from any gunman who rob me and my son!
What can they do after using guns to take my money and property? That first night after they force me out of my home, the Mayor's mother sneaks her big Mercedes past my refuge location. She looks to see what I'm doing.
Then, with what seems like uncontrollable money madness, the Mayor's mother tries wringing even more money from me: The day before being forced from my home, I professionally clean every room, every closet, bathrooms, drawers, refrigerator, and oven too. I leave no dirt in my home. And I will always pay for repairs that are my responsibility. But they force me with guns to leave my home immediately. Without me present, they invade my property. The Mayor's mother seizes that good chance to fabricate a long, dishonest list of all wear and damages of previous tenants before the Mayor even buys the property. Then she adds new, nonexistent "damages". She imagines more and more "damages" until enough add up to make me pay for remodeling the Mayor's entire property. Finally, what perhaps comes from sadistic excitement, she even bills me for the Mayor's maneuvers to invade my home and take my money!
I do not understand such unhappy behavior. Is it an illness? She sends to my friend's house a long list of false damages. The Mayor and his mother use that dishonest list to bill me four additional months of double-collected rent! Yes, the Mayor and his mother keep all my unused advance payments and deposits. Do they just assume my hard-earned money is theirs to pocket? Is their desire to wring more money from me so strong that the Mayor and his mother never think of consequences. They must never think that such a written document of false and exaggerated damages lives forever.[ 35 ]
The Future
I am poorer now because of the Mayor and his mother. And they are richer because of me. But I am free. And they are caged for life. For, they must answer forever to their gunman robbery of me and my son. That injustice will never go away. ...No matter what their facades, they will always know who they are -- stealer people backed by government guns. That's all they are. They all know that.
The criminal mind wants unearned wealth. The criminal mind wants others to pay for its livelihood and responsibilities. "I have the right to live by wangling, draining, or usurping values from others. For others must support my wants and needs," says the criminal mind. Those usurpations are accomplished by theft, deception, or force. Those usurpations are needed to pay for the bills, wants, and needs of the criminal. With straight-forward criminals, their thefts are obvious and without hypocrisy. With political/business people, their thefts are subtle, invisible, hypocritical. For such thefts occur through dishonest laws and lawyers, through non-sequitur regulations and judge's orders, through government cohorts and courts, through guns, force, hidden frauds, unethical maneuvers, criminal harassments, rip-off jobs, dishonest billings. Such machinations result in the usurpation of money and property from others. ...But once the criminal mind is identified through fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), all criminal-minded mystics and neocheaters fashion their own destruction with each subsequent act, reaction, or attack.
The Dynamics of Justice
Indeed, the dynamics of justice eloquently unfold on integrating Neo-Tech with the experience of that honest, hard-working Spanish lady. No matter how skilled are the neocheaters' camouflages, no matter what guns, lawyers, judges, courts, or jails the criminal minds employ, no matter how helpless seem their victims...juries will always be available and justice will always prevail. For, before the world, Neo-Tech will relentlessly reveal and ceaselessly prosecute criminal-minded people and their supporters -- from totalitarian mass murderers down to the smallest-time, local politician.
Moreover, once caught in the competitive business dynamics of Neo-Tech, those whose livelihoods depend on dishonest maneuvers and government-backed guns are finished. For their uncompetitive livelihoods will increasingly be identified, scorned, and then ostracized. By whom? By each victim, yes. But also, eventually, by each person who currently supports them. Even families and friends will eventually scorn them.
And finally, those neocheaters will be laughed out of existence by their previously accepting victims and supporters. For under mounting competitive pressures from Neo-Tech, those victims and supporters will suddenly recognize all such cheaters as unneeded, uncompetitive millstones. Moreover, everyone will recognize those millstones as impotent and diseased, unable to support themselves in competitive arenas, unable to produce competitive values for others and society. And finally, everyone will dismiss those millstones as
nothing more than bad jokes.
Murderers Are Unredeemable
But All Others Can Enter the
Sunlit World of Neo-Tech
Many big-time neocheaters such as certain FDA, INS, and November-3rd agents of force are responsible for murder, even mass murder. Such salaried murderers are unredeemable. But most smalltime cheaters can still escape the dark, dying world of dishonesty and value destruction. How? By using the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech to rip mysticism from their own minds and souls. Then, finally, they too can dismiss mysticism in themselves and others to enter the sunlit world of fully integrated honesty, competitive value production, abiding happiness, and romantic love.
We Never Hurt Anyone.
We Always Help Everyone.
Yes, we can and do help people exorcise their personal mysticisms. Our sole goal, motivation, and objective is to cure forever the dishonesty disease, the stupidity disease, the disease of destruction and death -- the disease of mysticism. Indeed, we can cure the dishonesty disease, even within that mayor and his tax-paid lawyer. With Neo-Tech, such people can still discover honest, happy, mystic-free lives. Our hand reaches out with benevolence and goodwill. But they, as anyone, must take the first step. The Mayor and his city attorney must abandon their political positions and compete honestly. And they both must start a sincere program to repay all monies unethically taken from past and present victims. And finally, they both must abandon all the destructive dishonesties of mysticism.
Do Not React Mystically
Do not react negatively or defensively to the above document. Stop to think what is really being offered for the first time to you and everyone on this planet: Mysticism is a disease. It is not a natural part of you or any conscious being. Write or call Barbie Diamond. She can help you dump the source of all criminal-minded destruction and chronic unhappiness -- mysticism. She can help you cure forever the only disease of human consciousness -- mysticism. She can help you kill forever that evil alien, that always fatal scourge -- mysticism. With Neo-Tech, you can forever rip the disease of mysticism from your minds and souls to discover the sunlit world of eternal prosperity, happiness, and romantic love.
The Importance of Capturing Smalltime Criminal Minds in the Neo-Tech Matrix
Mark Hamilton: A petty politician ripping off people? That's pretty smalltime stuff. Should we put time and research into that? What's the payoff?
John Flint: We can spend more time on this situation if we get more mystical reactions from the culprits -- especially reactions that can lead to a jury trial. The payoff? What would spotlighting the ensconced bourgeoisie's routine acceptance of local, next-door-type criminal minds accomplish? That public spotlight could markedly accelerate our program to uproot bourgeois mysticism across the country. Eager witnesses to local criminal minds are plentiful. For example, in that town of the mayor and his mother, the NT Press interviewed a dozen randomly selected, long-established residents. Amazingly, everyone, all twelve, reported being ripped off by that family business as far back as sixteen years ago. ...Subverting and ostracizing both smalltime and bigtime criminal minds are integral to curing the disease of mysticism.

Neo-Tech Penis Collapsers
Specifically, how will the worldwide demise of all neocheaters occur? First, the spreading Neo-Tech matrix will consume all mystical-hoax structures built upon previously duped victims and supporters. Next, all white-collar hoaxes will begin collapsing under the mounting pressures of Neo-Tech business competition. And finally, with the appearance of the Neo-Tech Penis Collapsers, each neocheater will crumble to a rising chorus of worldwide laughter. ...Ignominiously, all professional mystics, neocheaters, and their craven supporters will crawl from existence to be forgotten forever.
Future Subversion Documents |
Shredding to Pieces Mysticism in Yourself, Family, Friends,
Church-Going Old Ladies, and
Beer-Drinking Construction Workers
The coming Neo-Tech waves will focus on subverting and collapsing the entire structure supporting all neocheating monoliths. Those Neo-Tech waves will mercilessly wash away bourgeois mysticism from every country on earth. No one will be spared. Neo-Tech will shred and then cleanse personal mysticism from the mind and soul of every individual. Neo-Tech will shred the personal mysticism in that old lady next door who, between her praying and confessing in church, maliciously spreads cancer seeds about innocent value producers. Neo-Tech will also shred the personal mysticism in that construction worker down the street who, ensconced with his six-pack of beer and television, enviously cheers the criminal Giuliani value destroyers for jailing the innocent, aggressive, heroic value producers such as Leona Helmsley and Michael Milken. Supporting the neocheaters' attack on those value producers makes both the church lady and construction worker feel safer and more secure in their defaults on life. Supporting the professional mystics lets them live comfortably in Plato's mystical world of unintegrated thinking, dishonesty, and laziness. ...The coming Seven Neo-Tech Waves will wash away all such bourgeois mysticism. Indeed, those waves will wash away the entire rickety structure that supports every professional mystic, every dishonest
neocheater, every criminal-minded value destroyer on planet Earth.
With Neo-Tech,
Dishonesty Fades and Evil Vanishes
What will materialize from the ablution of personal mysticism worldwide? The Neo-Tech Bridge to our mystic-free cousins throughout the cosmos will suddenly appear. Their civilizations have evolved far beyond our own. They all function through fully integrated honesty. Thus, all mystic-free civilizations are joined by Neo-Tech.
Fully integrated honesty means being free of mysticism. And being free of mysticism means the disappearance of dishonesty, value destruction, and evil. And, finally, being free of mysticism means biological immortality with eternal happiness. Thus, with Neo-Tech, the memory, the knowledge, and even the history of dishonesty, mysticism, and evil itself will quickly fade and eventually be forgotten by everyone, forever.
[ 35 ]
Editor's Note: The Neo-Tech Press documented and videotaped the victim's property before its armed seizure. Then they videotaped the forced entry into the victim's home as directed by the mayor's mother. Finally they videotaped the mother's unapproved entry with armed constables into the victim's home. Later they videotaped her exit with that museum-piece list of "damages".
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