THE RACISM HOAX Value-Protecting Generalizations versus Value-Attacking Racism by Eric Savage |
Recently an article in a major economic news magazine identified how black African nations, which have had horrifying political and economic records, have begun showing signs of turning around. A tiny amount of individual freedom is being allowed. As a result, entrepreneurial seeds are now sprouting. ...This turnaround comes after decades of economic and human decline caused by murderous, criminal-minded dictatorships in those countries.
The magazine article identified how black African governments continually rationalized for decades their inhuman conditions as being caused by other nations exploiting them. At the same time, most industrial nations cajoled along that rationalization by paternally implying to those African governments: "It's okay, the mess you are in is not your fault; it's due to former European colonialism and now to the overpowering economies of the industrialized countries."
Only when the real cause of a problem is focused on can it be overcome. By finally abandoning their exploitation rationalization, African governments are beginning to focus on cleaning up corruption and upholding a fragile smattering of individual rights. New rays of hope are arising from these glimmerings of free enterprise.
That same concept applies, in generalized terms, to most black communities in America. When generalizing, as civil rights leaders and the media do when they speak of the "black community", one must adhere to reality and generalize according to what the facts are. Black communities in America have tremendous problems. They have incredibly high crime rates, an underachieving work ethic, and a high criminal-minded, welfare-oriented culture. Instead of focusing on those problems and then working to abandon that destructive mysticism, civil rights leaders and the media continually assert that those problems are caused by discrimination from the "white community".
When civil rights leaders and the media promote excuses for underachieving, effort-avoiding cultural elements, they provide the rationalizations to avoid self-responsibility. But, as with the brutal, criminal-mind governments in black Africa, self-defaults have to be identified and self-responsibility accepted for one's own actions. That holds true whether you are speaking of an individual, a community, or a nation.
Widespread criminal-mind elements in any community, whether Soviet Russia, Cambodia, Uganda, Harlem, or Watts is always the result of dishonesty and laziness -- the essence of mysticism. As has happened with African governments, individuals caught in the trap of rationalizing that their problems are caused by others will not face up to their own problems. Putting responsibility on others for one's own lack of achievement or criminal-mind actions is the criminal-mind thinking mode.
Reality is that predominantly nonblack American neighborhoods are usually quite safe. But that fact does not apply to most large black communities. And the intensity of crimes in inner-city black communities is often unheard of in other communities. (E.g., the recent group of "wilding" 14-year-old Harlem teenagers raping and beating into a coma, causing brain damage, a 28-year-old female Wall-Street banker jogging in Central Park in daylight. ...Even then, civil rights leaders came forth and stated that the "racist" white community was overemphasizing that crime because the attackers were black.)
What this entrepreneur did not know was that the distinction between honest generalization versus dishonest racism has been corrupted. Civil rights leaders and other glory seekers have expanded their power and attention-getting antics by twisting definitions, by twisting the meaning of immoral racism to erroneously encompass moral generalizing. Generalizing is not racism. Generalizing is a valid, rational process that morally must occur constantly in everyone's thinking process.
For example, that same entrepreneur has an admiration and inherent trust for the Japanese. They are, generally speaking, very productive, hard-working, noncriminal-minded, achievement-oriented people. Yet, that, too, is a generalization. By today's corrupted definition of racism, the entrepreneur's admiration of the Japanese would also have to be called racism.
Now, consider an ordinary, small American town, Cedar City, Utah, or even a large North American city, Toronto, Ontario. Neither city has a large black community. A woman can go out alone at night without the fear of being attacked. A person can leave his door unlocked while going to a store and have little risk of his house being broken into. Yet, if an average American black community resided in either of those cities, muggings, rapes, break-ins would happen frequently. That is a statistical fact. And one must have that knowledge to make correct decisions -- so that one does not walk into Harlem in the middle of the night and risk a high possibility of being mugged or even murdered. Likewise, a small business owner must have that knowledge so that his entire business is not put at risk because a key puncher innocently lets the word out among a highly criminal-minded neighborhood about the expensive computer equipment in her little office.
Indeed, generalizing is a valid, necessary tool. Nothing is wrong with making generalized decisions. Such decisions simply mean adhering to reality and upholding the responsibility to protect oneself and others.
That entrepreneur also expressed the respect he feels when dealing with effort-exerting, articulate black individuals. He related an example about Richard, a black businessman, who owned an order-fulfillment house. The entrepreneur greatly enjoys dealing with Richard. In fact, he actually chose to do business with Richard over a competing fulfillment house he had examined. Why? Because the entrepreneur had an added admiration for Richard. Because Richard was black, hard-working, articulate, Richard had to exert more character development than a white person in the same position. Richard had to overcome a more mystical, stagnating, cultural background. ...Thus, being black worked to Richard's business advantage.
But, glory-seeking neocheaters continually play off people's natural revulsion toward low-effort, criminal-minded cultural elements in minority communities. Those dishonest glory seekers manipulatively label natural emotions in productive, value-oriented individuals as racism to induce guilt. Then, those neocheaters cajole low-effort minorities to indulge in rationalizing away their effort-avoiding laziness and criminal-mind thinking modes as being caused by exploitation from productive, middle class whites.
Civil rights leaders and the media promote a false crutch, much like the crutch used by criminal-minded African governments, in order to rationalize criminal-mind thinking and a low-work ethic in minority communities. Instead, that destructive mysticism should be clearly identified and uncompromisingly abandoned.
On the other hand, when a minority person focuses on values, a minority advantage kicks in. One sees that frequently. For example, there is a very articulate, intelligent, black economist who occasionally appears on Public Television. When he appears on TV, a value producer cannot help but have an enhanced respect for him because he is black. One feels an added respect because that economist is black and has exerted the effort to achieve a high intellectual status and integrity.
An example of racism: Imagine that clean, articulate, intelligent black economist just mentioned appearing on TV. Value producers would have great respect for him. Now imagine a dirty, unkempt white person, sipping beer while wearing a soiled, unbuttoned shirt with a potbelly hanging out. That white slob looks up from his beer, sees that intelligent black economist on TV and spouts "Get that nigger off the air; what the hell is he doing there!" That is racism. Racism goes directly after the individual, throwing away all values because of his or her race.
Generalizing, on the other hand, adheres to reality in order to protect and uphold values. Generalizing reacts accordingly to who or what is building values and to who or what is endangering or attacking values. A person generalizing will take appropriate actions to protect himself, his loved ones, and his property from being endangered by situations that have high criminal risks. At the same time, if a value-upholding generalizer sees an individual who is a hard-working, honest producer, he completely respects him or her regardless of race. In fact, value producers will actually respect that person more if he or she is from an underachieving and statistically high criminal-minded race.
But a racist will see a hard-working, achievement-oriented minority and have the opposite reaction -- a racist will go directly after that minority value producer. The racist uses the mystical concept that race determines a person's value in order to justify putting his own sense of self-worth above minorities. As a result, when a racist encounters a hard-working, value-producing minority, he becomes filled with envy. The racist's self-esteem is threatened by that productive minority individual.
Every value producer has in him or her legitimate, negative emotions towards lazy, criminal-mind elements. A person sees how incredibly dangerous and destructive inner-city black communities like Harlem or Watts are. One reads about roaming gangs of Harlem teenagers raping and bludgeoning a female Wall-Street executive out for a daytime jog...or about Watts drug gangs shooting everyone in sight. Then, he or she feels a strong emotion, "I'm glad I live in a little town like Cedar City without a black community, instead of New York City with a dangerous Harlem in the center. I do not want a Harlem to begin developing in my town." Such feelings are not racism -- such feelings are responding to reality. But, by twisting the definition of racism, people are made to feel guilty about such emotions and suppress them. Civil rights leaders continually exclaim that such emotions are racism. But no value producer can escape feeling such emotions.
The average person may consciously think "I don't like those skinheads; they're sick! they're jerks." But, deep down there can begin arising unadmitted feelings of credibility towards skinhead-type racists. By banning necessary, value-protecting generalized actions through civil rights legislation, value producers become increasingly vulnerable to and helpless against aggressive, criminal-mind elements. Eventually the situation deteriorates out of control -- as has already happened in major American inner cities and is beginning to happen in other communities. Therefore, many people, without being grounded on principles, begin getting a subconscious feeling that racist groups are the only ones who will stand up and take action to protect values. Average people can slowly begin giving sanction to skin-head-type racists. To them, there appears to be no other alternative -- no one else is standing up to and protecting them against criminal-mind dangers that steadily deteriorate out of control. But that is an illusion, for the skinheads are true racists. They are not interested in protecting values. They attack minorities who are effort-exerting value producers.
Indeed, one can make valid generalizations and state that a community, culture, or nation has a relatively high degree of laziness and criminal mindedness in it. Such generalizations based on statistical facts do not handicap in the long run any individual of that race who exerts value-producing effort. For he or she will rise up and can actually garner certain additional advantages because of his or her supposed disadvantage. Especially in business, where to compete one must focus on who is producing values and who is exerting effort. But what does the INS do? The INS goes after those minorities who have a job, who are working to produce values. The INS goes after those who are exerting effort to be productive and to move up. A non-American "alien" has no problem staying in the U.S. until he or she becomes a value producer -- that is when the INS sweeps right down on that "alien" and kicks him or her out of the country. The INS works in a reverse evolution manner -- it operates on racism to destroy growth, development, and value production.
As always, mystics and neocheaters use double talk to turn everything upside down. The nonracist, value producing businessman is called a racist when he is not, while the power-seeking civil rights leader and government neocheater are called the defenders against racism when in reality they are racists. Such a twisted condition creates an unstable environment prone to a destructive Nazi-type blow up. Indeed, when people have valid emotions against criminal-minded, non work-ethic elements yet are made to feel guilty about those valid, value-protecting emotions, they are then left wide open for manipulation by skinhead/Nazi-type racists. Skinhead types begin getting a subconscious, nonadmitted silent support as they appear to be the only people standing up against an increasingly irrational and deteriorating situation. But such skinhead/Nazi types are real racists bent on value usurpation themselves.
At the same time, civil rights leaders increasingly join hands with government neocheaters to create bureaucratic empires through controlling the productive middle class and their businesses with "anti-discrimination" laws and regulations.
All the while the Racism Hoax hurts minority communities the most. As has happened with the black African governments, such hoaxes provide a crutch for continually rationalizing the path of least resistance to not exert the effort required to rise out of and dump welfare and/or criminal-mind mentalities.
Once that rationalization is taken away, individuals are forced to face reality and confront their personal defaults and weaknesses. They have to face the fact that their personal problems are caused by their own defaults. But they will not do that until path-of-least-resistance rationalizations are removed.
And the DEA symbiotically fuels the "I'm cool" myth by providing a high-paying livelihood for criminal-mind drug dealers. Indeed, drug dealers can now capture an incredibly high-pay/high-power livelihood because drugs are illegal. For the first time, such "I'm cool" drug dealers can financially outcompete hard-working value producers. Thus, low-effort criminal minds can easily but destructively bolster their self-esteem and prestige beyond hard-working value producers -- actually making the effort-exerting value producer appear as a loser next to the drug dealers who are gorged with money and power.
Consider a minority person who is exerting effort, like that black economist on TV previously mentioned. He sits there with his glasses on studying books. But because of the "I'm cool" myth, he can so easily be labelled uncool, a nerd, a bookworm, and end up feeling that way in front of his friends or girlfriend. Recognizing the value in himself and the value in what he is doing can become difficult. He may slowly give up exerting value-building effort. The "I'm cool" myth makes negative cultural elements much harder to dump.
Low-effort and criminal-mind mentalities are not something to be held up as cool, emulated, felt sorry for, or paternalized. Rather, they should be ruthlessly identified and dumped. Only then can an individual move into a world of fully integrated honesty and competitive value production for real, growing prosperity and happiness.
Any individual from a low-productivity, statistically high criminal-mind race does face real disadvantages. Racism seldom occurs in successful business. Most racism that is encountered in business is usually from smalltime, ignorant bigots who do not really have any significant business power. But, because the white-collar hoax is so pervasive in business today, certain situations can arise in which non essence-building, white-collar-hoax business quislings turn away certain high-stake business deals from a minority because that minority does not fit in with their good-old-boy's network (see "Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Power" for a complete definition of the White-Collar Hoax). However, an essence-building minority individual can overcome that mysticism and actually turn such situations into a strength.
I & O Publishing Company, because of its "radical" philosophy and exposure of the white-collar hoax, is rejected by much of the traditional business establishment. The result is that I & O has had to become fiercely independent and forge its own paths of business success. This has made I & O a much stronger company. I & O has turned a short-term disadvantage into a powerful long-term advantage. I & O's situation is different than an individual who faces racism, but the results can be similar.
There is, however, a form of amoral generalizing that can be a big short-term disadvantage to a black businessman in a high-stake business deal. For example, when negotiating to take over a large, Fortune 500 business, thousands of people's futures are dependent on who is running that business. Suppose two men of seeming equal qualifications are each negotiating to take over that business. The business may more likely go to the traditional white businessman. Why? Because a black businessman may present more of an unknown or unpredictable variable in such a high-stake situation since he most likely comes from a less business-like background. On the other hand, the traditional white businessman comes from a more predictable, business-like background.
That same situation occurs with good, but eccentric, businessmen. If an eccentric businessman has long hair and wears nonbusiness clothes, he will be at a disadvantage to a traditionally dressed, short hair businessman in high-stake situations. Why? Because nonbusiness dress represents an unknown, unpredictable variable. Traditional business grooming and dress allows people to focus on the business at hand without being distracted by the possibility of any unpredictable, nonbusiness actions arising.
There is no denying that the culture, class, or country one comes from affects him or her.[ 58 ] If a person is born into a low-class family, he will have to drop low-class etiquette if he moves up in the business world. If he does not, he will lose opportunity at times to a traditional middle-class businessman. Nonbusiness etiquette is a distraction, it represents certain unknown or unpredictable variables. That, in fact, is actually the problem which many blacks encounter. Since most blacks come from poor, lower-class backgrounds, they often have blue-collar behavior patterns that present a negative business image. (See "Live For Success" by John T. Molloy for further details on negative business images.)
Consider that much racism used to exist against Orientals. But, because the Oriental race in general has proven hard working and successful, Orientals no longer present unknown or unpredictable negative variables in business. A Japanese businessman will seldom be discriminated against in business. A businessman that may hesitate to sell his business to a black will not hesitate to sell to a Japanese. In fact, that businessman may even prefer to sell his business to a Japanese over a white, middle-class American. Japanese, in general, have proven themselves extra productive and responsible -- thus, extra desirable.
Any minority who exerts consistent, integrated effort will eventually rise to his or her highest potential.[ 59 ] He or she may get shut out of certain traditional opportunities. But one can always walk away and build other opportunities. And those new opportunities most often are more independent and powerful than any traditional opportunities one may have been denied.
Expanding on the example of I & O Publishing Company, consider how I & O is perhaps the most "discriminated" against business in American history. Everything in I & O's essence is rejected by the establishment. Traditional media (the lifeblood of publishers, writers, and philosophers) run from I & O and its publications. Established publishers are too frightened to handle Neo-Tech writings. In addition, I & O's advertising was initially rejected by all major television, radio, newspaper, and magazine companies. ...Now many are begging for I & O's business.
But, that business discrimination never stopped I & O's people. Instead, the men and women at I & O focused on blazing their own, completely independent, much more powerful routes to success. When an I & O manager gets rejected from the establishment, he immediately begins examining how to break reliance on traditional set ups. No pouting takes place. Thus, the men and woman of I & O come from a position of emotional strength when faced with business discrimination.
That emotional strength contrasts to those who focus on civil-rights issues. They are indulging in a huffy, nonintegrated pouting approach. While civil-rights approaches do provide a forum for glory-seeking civil rights leaders, such approaches are coming from emotional weakness and always leave the individual impotent.
A successful black businessman is sometimes at an unavoidable disadvantage, through no fault of his own, because his race in general has demonstrated a low-productivity, statistically high criminal-mind culture. That is beyond any individual's control. For such facts are reality. But the solution is exactly the opposite of what civil rights leaders, the media, and government bureaucrats espouse. The solution is to focus on productivity and dump all the racist Jesse Jacksons and their criminal-mind mentalities, along with all welfare and minority incentive programs.
As demonstrated by the Neo-Tech Discovery, an individual's own actions eventually far outweigh the actions of other people to determine his or her personal success. So long as government or criminal force is kept out, anyone, anywhere, can achieve limitless success -- although he or she may have to change directions at times to avoid other people's mysticism.
[ 52 ] As identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery, a prime symptom of mysticism is the blaming of others for one's own problems.
[ 53 ] Statistically speaking, the American white community is vastly more productive and hard-working than the American black community.
[ 54 ] The entrepreneur did not hire the young "blue collar" black woman for the data entry position because she presented herself as an average "working class" black. She did not present herself as a hard-working, articulate, growth-oriented individual. If she had, she would have actually inspired above average trust and confidence, not below average trust and confidence. She would have been more likely to get the job than if she had been a white lady with the same skill level.
[ 55 ] Racism usually occurs by attempting to bolster the racist's feeling of self-worth over a generally less productive race because that is the crudest, easiest form of racism to get away with. Using race as a means to bolster one's feelings of self-worth over a minority is much more difficult if that minority race is generally more productive than one's own race. On the other hand, consider Hitler's Nazis. The Nazis persecuted the Jewish race out of envy. The Nazis were envious of Jews because in generalized terms, the Jewish race was a more productive race. Nazi racism was a bold attempt to usurp self-esteem and steal values earned by a generally more honest, rational, and productive race.
[ 56 ] Only the initiation of force violates individual rights. Thus, morally, that can be the only action government can regulate against. For government to regulate any nonforce actions, no matter how discriminatory or racist the actions may be, is immoral and is, in fact, criminal. Freedom of the press exemplifies that concept. For government to censor the media is criminal. Freedom of the press means freedom from government censorship. A free press must be free to express or not to express any ideas it chooses. And why has freedom of the press always been the prerequisite and foundation of a free and prosperous society? Because with freedom from force-backed government censorship, the correct reality-based and, therefore, moral ideas will eventually prove themselves. Thus, those ideas will outcompete and replace incorrect, mystically-based, immoral ideas. Likewise, a moral, free society means freedom for each individual to think as he so chooses and to act on those thoughts. The only action an individual can morally be refrained from is the initiation of force. For the government to regulate an individual's thoughts and corresponding actions that do not initiate force against another is immoral and criminal for the same reasons that regulating the press is immoral and criminal. And, as with freedom of the press, freedom of thought and action results in the correct, reality-based, moral ideas and actions proving themselves and, thus, outcompeting and replacing incorrect, mystically-based, immoral ideas and actions.
[ 57 ] Foreigners who obtain jobs in a new country always create more jobs for that country's citizens than those foreigners take. The production of values inherently leads to increasingly greater value production and a corresponding creation of jobs. But, force-backed government regulation destroys those natural business dynamics. (See Frank R. Wallace's Cosmic Power, volume II, for a powerful missive on the vast destruction of the racist INS.)
[ 58 ] Consider a person born into a poor family in a third-world country. Those circumstances are going to affect his or her opportunity and quality of living in a very negative way relative to being born into an average American family. And there is nothing one can do about that. If a person is born into a poor third-world family, focusing on fully integrated honesty and value production becomes more crucial than ever. That is the only way to grow beyond those circumstances to achieve a happy and productive life.
[ 59 ] Many poor immigrants came to New York City ghettos at the turn of the century. Many could not even speak English. But those who exerted consistent effort rose to enormous business successes. Yet, a lifelong language problem is a greater business disadvantage than any form of discrimination.
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