Flawed Logic Blocks
Biological Immortality
On abandoning the cryonic myth, those people can now capitalize on their past, hard efforts and valuable research. They can easily restructure their past efforts and resources to achieve authentic immortality during their lifetimes. In fact, with Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty), they can achieve non-aging immortality for themselves, their loved ones, and most other conscious beings -- probably within a decade.
But, henceforth, those who continue clinging to cryonics or life-in-the-hereafter myths will be on a rationalized route to guaranteed death.
That essence of immortality is: "The supreme authority, power, and value of the universe is individual consciousness." From that essence, immortality gains meaning only through the preservation of each individual's consciousness -- each individual's sense of self or I-ness. No cloned entity, preserved intelligence, or restored memory bank has meaning if that individual's own sense of self or I-ness is lost. Even a perfectly replicated individual indistinguishable from the original individual is meaningless relative to immortality unless that individual's original sense of self or I-ness is retained.
In other words, what if you were closing your eyes for the last time knowing that a perfectly replicated human being was going to open its eyes with your identical appearance, character, personality, and memory? Unless your own self-awareness would be transferred intact into that new entity, you would be very sad on closing your eyes for the last time. For you would know that soon you would be dead forever, never to know or be aware of life again. So what if a new person however similar were sparked to life from your remains. You would be just as dead as every human being who had died on planet Earth for the past two million years. For you, immortality would still be as remote as it was for the cave man. Even if your spouse could not distinguish the new entity from the old entity, you, yourself, would still be dead forever, never knowing or living again. And that new entity would have never created or earned its replicated character, personality, memories. ...What would be the purpose of such an entity? No rational purpose exists.
I-ness evolves from one's self-created, self-organized, and self-programmed electronic circuitry within the brain. Once the continuity of that volitional self-organization is gone, that person is gone -- dead forever. For that person's I-ness is gone, even if the electronic circuitry of the brain is exactly restored or replicated. ...Continuum is the cornerstone essence of I-ness. Thus, continuum is the essence of immortality.
"Better frozen than dead" is a nonsensical statement meaning nothing more than "better dead than dead". A dead body frozen is as dead as a dead body buried or ashed. A dead body frozen, buried, or cremated has no connection to life. ...Once the original sense of self is lost, one's I-ness is lost forever.
So basically, that "better frozen then dead" statement posits the corollary statement: "Better to believe in cryonics than not to. Otherwise you have no chance for immortality." Such a proposition is no different than the statement: "Better to believe in God and the hereafter than not to. Otherwise you have no chance for immortality." Indeed, both propositions are the same. And, as explained below, betting on either proposition guarantees death.
Only by ending all wishful thinking can conscious beings fully seize the responsibility themselves to achieve biological immortality now, here on earth -- rather than passing that responsibility to someone yonder under the facade of religion or cryonics. Immortality will be achieved only after (1) recognizing the essence of conscious life as a self-built sense of self or I-ness, (2) recognizing the dynamic continuity of I-ness, and (3) seizing the responsibility for achieving immortality now, rather than relying on future knowledge, mystical illusions, and "higher" powers.
On being frozen in cryonics, one is dead, period. Indeed, cryonics is built around a tacit fallacy that restored life equals restored I-ness. That fallacy gains credibility by being played out in scientific, biological, and medical settings. But the point in any setting is that once one's I-ness is lost -- one is dead forever.
All wishful thinking of mystically or scientifically rising from the dead must be abandoned. For abandoning such wishful thinking is the first step toward achieving authentic immortality. Only after accepting full responsibility to achieve non-aging immortality can full-power integrated thinking and actions focus on achieving low-cost, commercial biological immortality for all conscious beings.
Such continuum approaches include the living-head concept, living-brain transfer, continuum-consciousness transfer, nanotechnology cell/body rejuvenation, and other increasingly sophisticated concepts and technologies. ...All approaches to authentic immortality must, by nature, retain that unique continuum built by a volitional self and I-ness.
As demonstrated through the mystic-free Neo-Tech Idea System (Pincer Movement #1, Volume I, Article 2, page 675):
Mysticism is nothing. Mysticism is disembodied from anything and everything in existence. Mysticism is disembodied from every fact, from every entity, from every integration of reality. Mysticism is nothing more than arbitrary, infinite varieties of imagination figments -- random, meaningless, arbitrary figments from anyone's imagination. And figments of imagination are nothing. ...Mysticism is nothing.
What is the antithesis of mysticism? What is the exact opposite of mysticism? Or, in other words, what is everything -- what captures the essence of existence? What is the most fundamental essence of all the Cosmos? Einstein, Hawking and others have spent their lives in Holy-Grail searches to uncover that fundamental essence, that basic building block, that unifying force of the universe. But their quests were always flawed, futile -- always destine to failure. Why? Because as identified by the Long-Wave article in Appendix H of Neo-Tech Cosmic Power, volume I, they all missed the source in which that essence resides. They all searched only two of the three cardinal elements of existence: matter and energy. They all missed the third cardinal element of existence: consciousness.
Since the dawn of consciousness on planet Earth 3000 years ago, no human being from Heraclitus to Socrates to Newton to Einstein recognized the blatant fact that consciousness itself is not only the third cardinal element, but is the eternal controlling element of all existence. Since consciousness is the controlling element of existence, the fundamental unifying essence of existence must reside within one's consciousness.
Plug in that missing puzzle piece of consciousness. Suddenly the essence of all existence leaps forth: Break down consciousness into its most fundamental essence. Unlike the seemingly infinite regressions in breaking down matter and energy toward their essences, breaking down consciousness quickly comes to an abrupt, axiomatic halt at its obvious, single irreducible essence -- the irreducible essence of I-ness.
As demonstrated by Neo-Tech, the dishonest, irrational world of Plato's Republic is a world of conscious minds crippled with mysticism. Also, as demonstrated by Neo-Tech, survival in that world depends on diminishing and then destroying the independent sense of I-ness in one's self. As a result, most people have so greatly diminished or lost their sense of I-ness that they have little or no concept of life in relation to eternal growth, power, and happiness.
Thus, dwellers in Plato's mystical world have only one route ahead -- an unhappy route to eternal death. They can never experience or know the meaning of existence as an eternally happy, productive, conscious life.
Ironically, the Plato world panders to the wishful-thinking quest to resurrect or preserve life the "easy" way -- have someone else solve your problems in the hereafter. That wishful thinking is fueled by the desire to escape the self-effort and responsibility required to constantly grow and live successfully. One escapes that self-responsibility by beseeching someone or something else -- some unreal technology or false knowledge, some "higher" power or bogus authority -- to eternally "save" one's own life. Professional mystics, neocheaters, and other Plato-world value destroyers cleverly promote zany immortality concepts. Why? To hide or obscure the seminal concept of I-ness. But, when the general population grasps the supreme value of I-ness, those professional mystics and neocheaters will lose their false power and bogus livelihoods. The resulting collapse of mysticism through recognizing the value of I-ness is identified in part I of this article.
Like a storage battery, the essence of I-ness is its dynamic electrical potential. That potential has no bearing on electrical currents flowing or not flowing. Indeed, if a battery is inactive or rundown, it can be reactivated or recharged as the same battery. But destroy the electrical potential or dynamics of that battery and what happens? The essence of the battery is lost forever -- the battery is dead forever. ...Yes, the dead-battery components can be replaced or rebuilt to create a new battery. But the new battery will be a new battery, not the previous battery, even if it looks and works exactly like the previous battery.
Likewise, if the electrical potential that holds the dynamics of I-ness within the conscious brain is lost or destroyed, I-ness is then lost forever -- dead forever. Indeed, that continuous dynamic, at rest or in action, is the life dynamic of I-ness. Losing that life dynamic means losing I-ness irretrievably for all eternity. And that unnecessary, eternal loss of I-ness is the greatest tragedy and crime in all existence.
Since I-ness is everything in existence, when one loses I-ness all is lost. All is lost forever, even if all the accoutrements of consciousness are rebuilt or restored -- such as downloaded memory banks and behaviors rebuilt by nanotechnology. That original I-ness is lost forever, even if the rebuilt entity is indistinguishable from the original I-ness.
Ironically, the only route to I-ness immortality is to fully recognize the nature and finality of death in all dimensions. Mysticism -- the death disease -- is the only reason or cause for I-ness death today. I-ness immortality can be achieved after turning to one's own self to identify and solve problems by eradicating all mysticism. How does one eradicate all mysticism? Through fully integrated honesty, through fully integrated thinking, through fully integrated effort, through discipline, thought, and then control (the DTC technique)...through the Neo-Tech/Neothink business evolution of mystic-free consciousness...through the Neo-Tech mind...through the cosmic mind.
[ 60 ] Cryonics is the liquid-nitrogen freezing of a dead person with the hope of restoring life at a later time. ...Cryonics was a courageous first step toward biological immortality. And, indeed, cryonics could potentially restore the same body, brain tissue, and memory. But that restored entity would by nature be a different person with a new soul or I-ness. Creating a new person with a new I-ness irrevocably misses the goal of biological immortality.
[ 61 ] That "higher" power could actually be cosmic-world people in other solar systems with super-advanced technologies. Such people, however, would require a rational purpose to intercede with conscious life on planet Earth. But, from the widest mystic-free integration of infinite time and space, no such rational purpose could exist. And to count on such baseless, easy-way, wishful thinking guarantees death. ...The responsibility for immortality is ours alone, here on Earth. No one or nothing "out there" will do our job for us.
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