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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

Supplement to
Guns and Fists
November-3rd Newsletter
volume 3, number 5
(reviewers' copy)

Washington, DC

and to all those for whom he is responsible
including the bureaucratic
INS/IRS Team of Arthur Strapp/Jesse A. Cota
Pawn Team of Dennis E. Crawford/Bennett L. Wade
Tryst Team of Caballero Hubert J. Goodrich/Impresario Ms. K

Ceausescu Had the Guns. You Have the Guns


You have false power. I have genuine power
You cannot win. I cannot lose
Break through my door, pillage my property, destroy my work
Just as you did on November 3rd -- 1176 days ago
Handcuff me, beat me, prosecute me, jail me
I am a value producer
You are value destroyers
Try to stop
the writing and publishing of Neo-Tech literature
the collapsing of mysticism worldwide
the dumping of professional value destroyers
The more we are attacked, the more strength we gain
Multiply Neo-Tech a thousandfold, then a millionfold
For we have earned power, you have usurped power
We have no fear of pip-squeaks and clowns
You deathly fear the silver bullet
And now, after 2000 years, the silver bullet has been found
That silver bullet is Neo-Tech -- fully integrated honesty
Let us hurry toward court
Let us see what happens

John Flint
I & O Publishing Company
Black and White Publishing Company
Cosmic-Mind Bantam Companies
Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers
Kenneth A. Clark Foundation and Museum
L. Faire Associates
Fiduciary Lists
CBD Accounts


and his army of professional value destroyers for whom he is responsible
Jesse Cota/Arthur Strapp * Dennis Crawford/Bennett Wade * Hubert Goodrich/Ms. K


Why did you refuse the safe-deposit key to our accounting books?
Why did you ignore our offer to audit everything?
Why did you ignore our offer to attend our financial meetings?
You know why
You were afraid to discover the trap into which you fell
You were afraid to discover
that you are nothing more than professional value destroyers
Now you lost all claims
Now we offer you nothing

We Need Action to Reach Our Goals

Yes, let us get Neo-Tech into the courts
Who before has ever faced Neo-Tech nonlawyers?
Who before has ever faced the unmovable the point?
I am ready for you -- all of you
A thousand phantom-bantam companies are ready too -- all over the world
For, today is the same as on November 3rd -- 1176 days ago
The same as when you looted I & O Publishing Company
Why such criminalities? All taxes had been paid for all years
Why such criminalities? No taxes were owed for any year
Why such criminalities? You owed refunds for all years
You burglarized $250,000 in medical research funds
You stole earned property with guns and fists
You pocketed love letters, jewelry, and stamps
What about the hospital bill for a gentle children's editor
you savagely beat and kicked?
And the intellectual work you destroyed?

You Must Answer to All Points

Yes, those are all points to which you must answer
But dealing with such points is a 2000-year-old trap
For, they all miss the point
Thus, we will never use the above points in your courts
(But we will use each point in the Ostracism-Justice Court)
For as valid as those points are
they are dishonestly manipulated by neocheaters
to gain credibility for their specious a points
Using a points, they justify their fake jobs
Using a points, they hide their value destructions
Using a points, they live through bogus livelihoods
Using a points to hide the point
Indeed, all professional value destroyers survive by hiding the point

One Must Never Support Professional Value Destroyers

One must never support their a-point tools of survival
Instead, one must identify and deal only with the point
And what is the one and only the point on planet Earth?
Who is the professional value producer?
Who is the professional value destroyer?
The answer seals the indictment and prosecution of you
No other question or answer has meaning
in the riving of a new mystic-free business society
from a 2000-year-old mystic-plagued hoaxed society

Showtime: A Thousand Phantom-Bantam Companies will Prosper

The fattening of Hermann Göring: Act on emotions. Get mad!
Showtime: Come "get" me! You can easily "get" me
I will not resist. I will not protest under guns
Let us prosecute. Let us get Neo-Tech into the courts
For you are the guilty value destroyers
You have the Plato-world criminal minds -- You have nothing
We are the innocent value producers
We have the cosmic-world business minds -- We have everything
We can only go up, you can only go down

I Have No Fear of those with False, Unearned Power

I have no fear of you or any professional value destroyer
for you are incompetent, impotent
I live in the clean business-mind world of fully integrated honesty
You live in the sullied mystic-mind world of chaotic dishonesty
I will use no legalities to support your legality shams
I will use no system lawyers to support your criminal system
No need to fake due process with your judges, motions, subpoenas, orders
Skip your look-valid legal procedures. I will not protest
Come "get" me. I am waiting
A thousand phantom-bantam companies await the War of Two Worlds
You have fake power. We have earned power

The War of Two Worlds is No War

We are from the business-mind Cosmic World
You are from the mystic-mind Plato World
Our world is living, rising from the reality of worldwide business competition
Your world is dying, sinking into the illusions of mystical nothingness
The two worlds can never meet, never mix
What world will survive? What world will perish?
No contest

Remember Master-Bureaucrat Ceausescu?

Ceausescu would "get", pillage, prosecute, jail, and kill
those who could reveal his bureaucratic crimes
Who could forget his face falling apart on television
when his fake power suddenly collapsed beneath Neo-Tech
In only days, he went from the pinnacle of Plato-world power
to a crumpled body before a row of smoking rifles

Ceausescu is Only the Symbolic Beginning

Today Neo-Tech is seeded everywhere, in almost every country
For each person you "get", a thousand more will rise
Escape is impossible
You too will be driven from your bogus livelihoods
You will then be laughed out of existence
Can you imagine what will happen after that?

Or Will You Too Discover Fully Integrated Honesty?

Will you abandon the usurpation of values earned by others?
Will you begin working hard, thinking honestly, integrating widely?
Will you discover abiding happiness, genuine power, and romantic love?
Will you become a competitive value producer
in order to repay your past victims?
in order to join the happy, competitive business minds throughout the cosmos?
in order to live as all conscious beings were meant to live
as competitive value producers -- as honest, competent, integrated essence movers
Growing forever with eternal happiness

Erstwhile Handsome Caballero -- Hubert J. Goodrich
The Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch -- Rosa María Meoño

I saw that January-8th, round-robin Cota/Strapp letter by Crawford signed by Wade and referred to you. Hubert, are you still in that unmanly job? Even when you know such parasitical, destructive jobs always lead to collapsed penises? Look what happened with Ms. K -- unbelievable. ...Yet, you can still sublimate yourself to a real man -- to a Neo-Tech man.

Below is my recent tribute to the Neo-Tech man. Hubert, you could still become that happy, attractive man, you know. ...Nancy would be ecstatic. So would I.


On this ninth day of December in the Neo-Tech Center Laboratory of I & O Publishing Company, I dedicate this Certificate to the Neo-Tech Man. This Certificate recognizes his success toward accomplishing his single goal of creating a world of unlimited growth, prosperity, power, happiness, and romantic love -- a world of competitive, mystic-free life and business.

The Neo-Tech Man works tirelessly, day and night. He works with integrated discipline, thought, and control (DTC). Plus, he works with high energy, effort, and consistency (EEC) that only a free man can apply. With total consistency, he integrates his work into his personal life as well. He maintains fitness and health by running every day as part of a consistent aerobic program (CAP). The result is a fully integrated, honest man (FIH) -- the Neo-Tech Man.

The Neo-Tech Man understands the geometric increase in personal power generated by the breakaway 3000 years ago of the conscious mind from the bicameral mind. From that understanding, he grasps the unlimited increases in personal and business power generated by the breakaway today of the mystic-free mind from the mystic-bound mind. And with that knowledge, he makes himself the man of the millennium. ...Neo-Tech is the most powerful knowledge in the world. That knowledge is changing the world course -- changing the world forever to benefit everyone.

The outflanking, mystic-free integrations of the Neo-Tech Man combined with his consistent energy and courage let him confront every professional value destroyer floating around the value producers, draining and harming their innocent lives. Neo-Tech will abort every bogus job created from nothing and for nothing. Neo-Tech will terminate every career that leeches off the value producers.

Neo-Tech integrates together philosophy, psychology, and physiology. All values integrate through Neo-Tech Psychuous Concepts to give ever growing happiness and romantic love.

The Neo-Tech Man has all the characteristics that make a man a "real man". His strength is unique. But, at the same time, he is the most tender, loving person -- as a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a friend, a boss, a businessman, a lover. His most important characteristic is modesty with aggressive confidence and integrity. In turn, that quiet modesty makes the Neo-Tech Man the strongest, the most powerful of all men.

Today is the most important monthly Executive Meeting of the year because this is the last meeting of the year, twenty-two days before the Neo-Tech collapse of the mystical world was predicted to begin in Eastern Europe -- a prediction publicly made by the Neo-Tech Research Center eighteen months ago.

This certificate will become a part of the Neo-Tech Museum.

With love,

The Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch


Neo-Tech Will Deliver Justice

During the same period the Helmsleys were accused of not paying taxes on $1 million, they had already paid $500 million in taxes! (Only little people pay taxes.) That represents a disputable underpayment or bookkeeping error of amount equivalent to a disputable $10 discrepancy for a person paying $5000 in taxes. Seizing that invalid a-point discrepancy, the professional value destroyers whipped up an evil storm of envy among the losers and failures of the population. Then an array of criminal-minded value destroyers in the government and media maliciously smashed one of the most competently managed businesses in America.

With murderous intentions, those professional value destroyers orchestrated a witch-burning campaign intended to destroy perhaps the most heroically successful, self-made businesswoman in the world. They dishonestly, viciously pilloried a 69-year-old woman who was intensely active in producing major values and jobs for others and society. Those value destroyers further whipped up destructive envy over her outstanding personal virtues: That woman kept herself young, beautiful, and aerobically fit through hard daily discipline, diet, and swimming while keeping the fires of romantic love burning with her beloved husband.

Neo-Tech will rectify that insanely evil inversion of factual reality toward Leona Helmsley. But what about those professional value destroyers responsible for the criminal damages inflicted upon the innocent Helmsleys? What about those responsible for devastating the Helmsleys' magnificent business creations that generated jobs and major values daily for others and society? Each person responsible for those destructions will be brought to justice through Neo-Tech. And to survive, each such value destroyer will eventually have to repay the Helmsleys the amount of damages for which he or she is responsible.

A Personal Letter
The Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch
(cut and edited by Eric Flame)

A Clean, Honest Soul

What I admire most about your letters is how you maintain such a calm, benevolent business-like mind along with a gentle, thoughtful demeanor. You reveal a clean soul and an innocent heart, even during this insanely unjust ordeal -- an ordeal in which professional value destroyers have teamed with envy-mad witch burners to turn everything about you upside down through frenzied dishonesties and non sequiturs.

Neo-Tech Justice

Hopefully, future actions and attacks by professional value destroyers will move I & O Publishing Company into the public/courtroom mode. Neo-Tech will then deliver justice to all heroic value producers ravished by the professional value destroyers. ...Neo-Tech will sink those value destroyers right in their own courtrooms.

Through Neo-Tech, you will not only be vindicated, but you will be compensated by your attackers for the crimes and damages they inflicted upon you, your husband, your properties, your businesses, your time, your life.

Leona Helmsley was nominated for the Iridium Medal Award for Business Heroism and Achievement. The only previous nominee for the Iridium Medal was Soichiro Honda, Chairman of Honda Motor Company, two years before.

Janet D. Steiger, Chairman
via a letter addressed to
New York Consumer Protection Bureau: John W. Corwin, Director

Twelve Steps Toward the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix

1. We received your letter of December 18th. Enclosed is an integrated report identifying the fraudulent nature of your "consumer-protection" bureaucracy. Indeed, you are responsible for that tax-funded, destructive sham. For you function by wasting our time and money. But, more important, you function by draining time and resources from countless other value producers. And most important, you harm all consumers by crippling their survival and growth mechanisms: With your every force-backed regulation or interdiction, you undermine and erode the survival mechanisms of self-choice, self-responsibility, and self-protection vitally needed by every consumer.

2. For years, professional mystics, value destroyers, and "born-agains" have been trying to stop or cripple our writing and publishing activities. Essentially all mystic-dependent people feel threatened by Neo-Tech. Some react emotionally, some maliciously, still others try to harm us by asking destructive government "authorities" like you to "get" us. Simultaneously, we have tried for several years to have the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) "get" us. For we have wanted to integrate that trophy bureaucracy into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix. We executed several entrapment actions, including having Ms. K plant a vituperative letter in the FTC. But the FTC has yet to take the bait. Still, we already have six of the most destructive bureaucracies in America trapped in the Neo-Tech Matrix.

3. In 22 years, I & O has quietly delivered life-saving values to millions worldwide. With that groundwork nearing completion, we are ending our foundation phase. We are now awaiting public/courtroom action to prosecute and eliminate step by step all professional value destroyers.

4. And you? What have you done in the past year, much less the past 22 years? How many millions in wasted dollars and precious hours are your bogus bureaucracies and power-usurping regulations costing the value producers, the consumers, and the taxpayers?

5. Look how much time and money was wasted by everyone when you mindlessly grabbed a single hand-written note by a person hostile to our aggressively anti-mystical publications. Why did you create problems where none exist? That question is easy to answer: Self-created destructions of time, money, and values of others are your means of support -- your means to a bogus livelihood evolving around the fraud of a tax-paid "consumer-protection" agency.

6. You know you are a fraud. We know you are a fraud. And soon everyone will know you are a fraud. How will everyone know? Through the rising dynamics of Neo-Tech business competition -- through the marketing of those competitive-advantage integrations worldwide.

7. Value producers in Eastern Europe are suddenly grasping the dynamics of Neo-Tech and dumping the value-destroying bureaucrats. Soon the value producers in America will begin grasping Neo-Tech to scorn all destructive bureaucrats out of existence.

8. You never exerted the effort to learn or know the nature of competitive value production. You chose to remain unaware of the exceedingly difficult, constant hard efforts and integrated thinking needed to create and expand competitive job-producing businesses. You ignore the constant brain-sweating integrations and body-aching efforts that value producers must exert daily to efficiently deliver jobs to society and competitive values to consumers.

9. We deliver to our long-standing customers unmatched values and services that do not cost them one penny. ...You only deliver time and money destructions that cost everyone plenty. Yes, you are the criminals. And before long, all value producers are going to know how to identify you. And then they will prosecute you along with all other criminal-minded, professional value destroyers.

10. No, we do not use your system lawyers. We do not use your soul-mate, white-collar-hoax cohorts. You and most (not all) Plato-world judges, prosecutors, and lawyers are lazy, professional value destroyers dedicated to supporting a labyrinth of bogus livelihoods that drain values and jobs from others and society. We are hard-working professional value producers dedicated to supporting free-market competition that delivers values and jobs to consumers and society. And that is the one and only point, no matter what guns, fists, clubs, judges, or jails the value destroyers use to survive. Eventually, through Neo-Tech, all professional value destroyers will be scorned out of their bogus jobs and then laughed out of existence.

11. So roll out your tired old guns, judges, prosecutors, jails. Neo-Tech is ready for any action from any professional value destroyer anywhere in the world. We will take you or anyone on, one by one, or all together -- whatever you choose. No matter what anyone's fake or usurped power, Neo-Tech will eventually rid planet Earth of all criminal-minded value destroyers. The value producers will then be free to join their clean, innocent business-minded cousins throughout the cosmos.

12. Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. Through fully integrated honesty, business-minded conscious beings throughout the cosmos live productively, happily, forever.


Samurai Short Term

Neo-Tech makes no move until the criminal mind acts
On each criminal-minded action, Neo-Tech strikes with escalating leverage
until justice is served

Commando Long Term

First they vaguely heard the word Neo-Tech
Then they ran from Neo-Tech -- hiding their souls, evading reality
Until some future quiet night from behind
a metaphorical piano wire suddenly pulls them down forever

Notice to an Agent of Force:
Defy Your Power-Drunk, Criminal-Minded Bosses
and then
Rise Above the Stupidities of Their Destructive Bureaucracies

Using Taxpayers' Money to Attack "Satanic" Literature

Dear agent of force: You are using tax money to help a religious mystic sic destructive bureaucracies on Neo-Tech writers and their mystic-collapsing literature. Indeed, that religious mystic should not have acted out of greed to deceptively acquire Neo-Tech. For, as you know, all our advertisements and literature clearly and sternly forbid the sale of Neo-Tech literature, at any price, to religious mystics and professional value destroyers.

Religious Dupes Want to Harm Godless Neo-Tech

As with many confused dupes who fearfully clutch religion, that "spiritual" man expressed only one desire and objective: to have government agents of force stop or harm I & O Publishing Company. ...But destructive actions by agents of force anywhere in the world only strengthens I & O while tightening the grip of Neo-Tech around their own necks -- as Ceausescu learned too late.

Becoming a Value to Business and Consumers

Yes, we always appreciate learning of any valid customer problem. But if you took minimal time, effort, and thought to integrate value into your job and then act appropriately by rejecting such bad-intention, time-wasting, tax-wasting missives, your bureaucratic actions could actually become a value. For then you could help protect the time and assets of value producers, businesses, and taxpayers. And, of course, such rationally constructive actions would in turn benefit all consumers.

Easily Outcompete Your Immature, Destructive Bosses

Naturally, your destructive bosses (the clownish power-drunk Commissioner and the pip-squeak criminal-minded Governor) could not support such rational, business-like actions. For such competitive actions by extrapolation would drive them from their bogus "careers". But why not rise above them by becoming a genuine value producer in your job? ...As a value producer, you would become with Neo-Tech more powerful than any professional value destroyer, including your current bosses. Moreover, as a competitive value producer, you would discover genuine self-esteem, happiness, and sexual dynamism -- probably for the first time in your life.

A Boring Route to Death versus an Exciting Route to Life

Why roll over and die forever through a lazy, value-destroying criminal mind? Wake up and live forever through a competitive, value-producing business mind!

volume 3, number 6

This Document is a Prepublication Quote
from Chapter 28 of
Mark Hamilton's 752-page Neo-Tech Cosmic Business-Control Manual to be released by Black and White Publishing Company from Kuala Lumpur. This manual marches all phantom-bantam companies worldwide into position for the Seven Neo-Tech Waves. Those waves will ablute the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters from planet Earth.

A Notice To All Destructive
Politicians and Bureaucrats
Who Live Off the Efforts
Value Producers

With Neo-Tech, Everyone Will Step Outside of Your
Closed Systems
Squash Your Bogus Livelihoods

Ending a 2000-Year System of Bogus Livelihoods

Since the Greek philosopher Plato, politicians and bureaucrats have parasitically controlled the innocent value producer to the diminishment and suffering of all mankind. Those politicians and bureaucrats built an array of laws and regulations made to seem "valid" through their brilliantly integrated closed systems of a points backed by guns, clubs, and jails.

But with Neo-Tech, anyone can simply step outside of their dishonest, closed systems of a-point laws and regulations. Each such person will then ask the one and only the-point, twin question on planet Earth: Who is the value producer? Who is the value destroyer?

Milken, Helmsley: Jailing the Last of the
Unprotected Value-Producing Giants

Politician-created bureaucracies use closed-system a-point laws and regulations to generate ever expanding support systems of bogus jobs with their destructive laws, regulations, and controls. Those closed systems support the value destroyers by building fake illusions for living off the value producers. Consider how closed-system a-point laws and regulations provide the entire INS and November-3rd bureaucracies with countless careers of destruction: The professional value destroyers seize more and more control over the innocent value producer until they are destroying and jailing the greatest benefactors of society such as Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley.

Protecting the Value Producers

The phantom-bantam companies will end that 2000-year-old hoax of closed-system dishonesties. How? By showing value producers how to step outside of those closed systems of a-point laws and regulations. Then everyone will start asking the-point twin question: Who are the value producers (Milken and Helmsley giants: creators of values and jobs) versus who are the value destroyers (INS/IRS/FDA/SEC pip-squeaks: destroyers of values and jobs)? The answer to that twin question provides the only moral basis to prosecute human beings. ...Indeed, each Ceausescu-like bureaucrat who prosecutes value producers will himself become the prosecuted as more and more individuals step outside of every dishonest closed system -- just as is happening throughout Eastern Europe.

Squashing Closed Systems of Destruction

Closed systems have controlled the world since Plato. But observe how the Marxist closed systems are now falling apart because of the dynamics of that the-point Neo-Tech question: Who is the value producer? Who is the value destroyer? Before long, people in America will also step outside those closed systems of not only the INS, IRS, FDA, SEC, and other such destructive bureaucracies, but of democracy itself. Indeed, first down goes communism, the most blatant closed system of Ceausescu-like bureaucrats who exist by destroying value producers. Then down goes democracy, a more subtle but increasingly obvious closed system of Giuliani-like bureaucrats who exist by draining value producers. Then down goes the entire Plato's Republic of value-usurping livelihoods that exist by controlling and draining the value producers. ...All people draining others and society through closed-system legalities and criminalities will lose their bogus livelihoods in the clean competitive world of Neo-Tech.

The Unveiling of Professional Value Destroyers

The dynamics of Neo-Tech are spreading. Those with bogus livelihoods will try desperately to continue controlling others through their closed-system a-point laws and regulations. But through the unleashing of the phantom-bantam companies worldwide, value producers being controlled by others will suddenly step outside of every closed system. From that outside, open-view position, they will suddenly understand and unravel the hoax-woven a-point laws and regulations used to control and drain them. They will suddenly see and reject those professional value destroyers usurping bogus livelihoods through the hoax of Plato's Republic -- through the hoax of controlling and draining the value producers.

Forever Leaving Behind the Insane World of Plato

How will people react to the discovery of those a-point laws and regulations that let clownish politicians and pip-squeak bureaucrats drain, cripple, and destroy them? Will the value producers of tomorrow let themselves be controlled like the Milkens or Helmsleys? Hell, no! The new Neo-Tech value producers will be free of every neocheater's control and demand. They will no longer support anyone's bogus, parasitical livelihood. With the dynamics of Neo-Tech, value producers will forever step outside of all closed systems. Only once will they glance back at the goofy turmoil, grasping hands, and demanding screams of the Plato world. To that insane world fading behind, they will yawn and say

So What?

Then, finally, all professional value destroyers and their bogus jobs will be gone forever. That insanely stupid Plato world of meaningless illusions and destructive nothingness will quickly fade from everyone's memory.

A Notice
to the bogus-job
Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Bureaucrats
wanting to
Punish, Jail, and Silence John Flint
I & O Publishing Company

can no longer prosecute
but instead


Your Crimes Against the Innocent Shall End

We will never deal or cooperate in any way with you or any of your other hundreds of bogus-job lawyers, prosecutors, and bureaucrats. No matter what guns, fists, judges, and jails you throw at us, each of you up to Fred T. Goldberg will be held accountable for your value destructions. ...You continuously commit criminal destructions for one reason only -- to support your bogus livelihoods.

We have no fear of professional value destroyers anywhere in the world. Global phantom-bantam companies are thirsting for the opportunity to go after you and every neocheating value destroyer on planet Earth. You cannot win. We cannot lose. Go ahead, attack us. You have the guns and jails. Yet, against Neo-Tech, you can only accelerate the rise of the cosmic-world business mind. For, against Neo-Tech, your every action speeds the collapse of the 2000-year Plato-world hoax of criminal-minded, a-point "legal" systems.

Your 2000-Year Era of Value-Destroying
A-Point Legalities is Ending

You and your bogus-job bureaucracy will crumble beneath the dynamics of Neo-Tech -- the same as Ceausescu and his bogus-job bureaucrats crumbled beneath the dynamics of Neo-Tech in Eastern Europe.

Any Escape? Any Alternative?

Yes, you can still abandon your destructive careers. You can still choose consistent hard work and integrated thinking to become independent, competitive human beings. You can still choose to become value producers in order to live happily by first repaying your past victims for all damages that you caused. ...Otherwise, you will increasingly be scorned out of your bogus livelihoods. Soon after the scorn, you will be either laughed or ceausescued out of existence. And then, you will be forgotten forever.

John Flint, Director
Criminal-Investigation Division
Ostracism-Matrix Bantam Company of Nevada

Among the Last of Innocent Value Producers
Savaged by Guilty Value Destroyers

Consider the following quote from a recent Neo-Tech document:

"During the same period the Helmsleys were accused of not paying taxes on $1 million, they paid $500 million in taxes. That represents a disputable underpayment or bookkeeping error of amount equivalent to a disputable $10 discrepancy for a person paying $5000 in taxes. Seizing that invalid a-point discrepancy, bogus-job bureaucrats in the government and neocheaters in the news media joined forces to purposely ruin two of the most competent, productive business people in America. In an envious frenzy, those professional value destroyers crippled the Helmsleys' invaluable business organization that pumped billions of dollars into the economy, paid a half-billion dollars in taxes to the government, delivered major values to consumers, provided thousands of jobs for society. ...If the government and the media should ever protect anyone or anything, they should protect people like the Helmsleys and their businesses. Instead, those professional value destroyers live by cannibalistically feeding on the most precious resource in all society -- the aggressively competitive value producer."

The above quote again demonstrates that the purpose of the November-3rd bureaucracy is not to serve society or even to collect revenue for the government. But rather, the real purpose is to usurp false power and bogus livelihoods through the crippling and controlling of competitive value producers. ...Neo-Tech will end that insanity on planet Earth.

Are All Destructive Bureaucrats Soul Mates?
Nicolae Ceausescu, Master-Bureaucrat:
President of Romania, 1974 - 1989

Was Ceausescu an obvious value-destroying criminal with no connection to destructive bureaucrats and politicians in America or elsewhere? Consider what was happening only months before the dynamics of Neo-Tech suddenly collapsed Ceausescu's false power and left him accountable for his value destructions:

In the scope of a few years down to a few months before Ceausescu's execution, the Queen of Denmark knighted him, the Queen of England feted him, heads of states in Western Europe honored him, three Presidents of the United States exalted him, and many Western politicians promoted him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

And even days before his execution, his system of legalities, courts, judges, and lawyers were models of decorum. Carrying business-like briefcases, educated lawyers and Giuliani-like prosecutors scurried about in three-piece suits, busily usurping livelihoods within the constitutional, legal-appearing a-point judicial system of Ceausescu's Romania.

Indeed, all neocheaters...all value-destroying bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, and prosecutors have lost a soul mate, a beau ideal, in Nicolae Ceausescu.

But, just as Ceausescu discovered, the 2000-year era of a-point legalities is ending forever.



Who is responsible
for the greatest long-range
value destruction?

The Last President
of Romania?

or the

of the
November-3rd Bureaucracy?


The Guilty Will be Either
Laughed or Ceausescued Out of Existence

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