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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II
Editor's Note
[Guns-and-Fists Supplement document #3-7 contains the final letter to Leona Helmsley.
At this time, Neo-Tech began to enter into the public spotlight via its famous billboard campaign. Although Neo-Tech had been attacked and libeled in several national and international publications in recent years, the local billboard campaign resulted in a libelous, two-part news broadcast by a CBS affiliate station. This Guns-and-Fists document also announces Neo-Tech's policy in handling future questions/investigations from the traditional, mostly dishonest news media. BP]
Phantom-Bantam Company supplement volume 3, number 7 |
With Neo-Tech, will Honest Elements of the Military Eventually Turn Against the Bogus-Job Bureaucrats? |
between the
[Reference: Remember the photograph of the hooded Neo-Tech man from Transylvania, Romania in the 1987 Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #1-10 published two years before the collapse of Ceausescu? Yes, Romania, the most evil bureaucracy in Eastern Europe, was the easiest to collapse. The Neo-Tech Wedge turned the honest elements of the Romanian Army against the evil elements of Ceausescu's bogus-job bureaucracies and his media stooges. Those same Neo-Tech dynamics will spread throughout America with the same end results.]
Identifying the Honest, Value-Producing
Elements of Government
Ranging from Local Police Protection
to the
Postal Service
I & O Publishing Company and Neo-Tech are directly confronting the value-destroying elements of government and business. In the future, however, Neo-Tech will increasingly identify the value-producing elements of government and business. Such government areas include the park services, the Library of Congress, local police protection, national military protection, and the postal service. Neo-Tech will juxtapose those value-producing elements against the value-destroying elements of government. Eventually, everyone will recognize the profound good versus evil differences among various elements of government. Then, as in Eastern Europe, the public will dump the evil and uphold the good.
For example, I & O Publishing Company in California is one of the largest international mailers on the West Coast. After 22 years of direct experience, the writers at I & O fully know that the U.S. Postal Service not only delivers net values to society but is by far the best postal system in the world. But constantly, during those same years, destructive elements of the media have dishonestly lampooned with malevolent sarcasm perhaps the most benevolent, most valuable area of government -- the U.S. Postal Service.[ 62 ]
By contrast and adding to the media hypocrisies, legions of stooge reporters constantly protect their bogus-job soul mates in false-power bureaucracies -- protect them by supporting their upside-down a-point judicial systems. ...I & O will eventually upright all the unjust value inversions by the news media. That rectification will move the public toward protecting the value producers by dumping all professional value destroyers in government, the media, and business.
A Closing Letter to Leona Helmsley from the Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch |
As reflected in my past letters, you are an innocent, honest person. But your entire productive career was spent in Plato's false world surrounded by people with insincere motives. Probably most "friends" wanted or needed something from you. ...You never knew anyone from the mystic-free world of clean, independent, happy people who want or need nothing from the meaningless, irrelevant world of Plato's Republic.
We Will Relentlessly Prosecute the Guilty
No, neither I & O Publishing Company nor I need or want anything from you or anyone else. But yes, we genuinely care about you and will relentlessly prosecute those professional value destroyers in the government and the media who are inflicting murderous injustices upon you and other innocent business heroes. Our single goal is to cure the stupidness disease (the death disease) of mysticism and to eliminate forever its symbiotic neocheaters worldwide. That goal is based on unchangeable principles, not on random whims. Thus, our caring about you will not diminish no matter what
happens to you or what misunderstanding you carry.
I will always care about you, even if we never again communicate. And you can always know that if, even after ten years, you need a mystic-free friend, I will be that friend. ...I just want you to know that no matter what happens to you, I will not forsake you.
Someday, you will integrate with the competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech. At that moment, you will understand what we are doing. You will know your own earned power -- you will know the gift of innocent self-protection we were giving to you. Then we shall meet again in the happy, mystic-free world of Neo-Tech.
For a Consistent Response to All Questions and Queries from the News Media
Our Subversion Activities are Silent Matters Between Us and Professional Value Destroyers.
No Information is Available to their Media Stooges
For 22 years, I & O Publishing Company has ignored the value-destroying elements of the news media. For Neo-Tech fully identifies their nothingness -- their clownish dishonesties, their lack of integrity, their lack of principles, their bogus-job livelihoods, their hidden uncompetitiveness, their pip-squeak insecurities. ...No one ever needs to deal with them. For they too will be laughed out of existence with the collapse of mysticism. |
- Cease all conversations on the phone or face to face immediately on identifying or perceiving a news reporter.
- At that moment, tell the reporter, "I will not answer your questions. Give me your name, whom you are associated with, and your phone number. Someone will call you."
- That statement should always be made in an intransigent, matter-of-fact manner. The emotion toward all news reporters is indifference. For, relative to Neo-Tech, they are nothing more than a boring time-wasting intrusion. They have no significance toward our work or achieving our goals.
- From that point, give no answers to whatever any reporter asks. Do not say a single word toward answering any question. Do not even disclose your name. (Okay if you gave preliminary information or your name before realizing the person was a reporter.)
- On persistent questioning by the reporter, just repeat the words, "I cannot answer your questions. Someone will call you." If necessary, repeat those two sentences until the reporter stops the questioning -- or until you decide to terminate the questioning politely by telling him you must go. And then hang up the phone or walk away.
- On returning the phone call, Brett Peters (or anyone acting in his behalf) may disclose, if asked, his own name or any of his trade or decoy names. After that, his only useful response to any question from any reporter is:
"Our work is a matter of subverting all professional value destroyers.
No information is available to their media stooges."
- That statement is always made in a detatched manner and repeated as often as necessary, without emotion or emphasis. The attitude toward the news media is indifference.
- Today, many if not most news reporters are integral parts of the destructive Plato-world hoax. Thus, in essence, they are meaningless, irrelevant. They are part of the nothingness drain to be laughed out of existence. Eventually, they will be replaced by (or change to) honest, mystic-free, competitive reporters with fully integrating minds. ...Yes, we will freely, gladly deal with any honest, mystic-free, value-producing reporter.
- Today, let the news media develop any view about us, our literature, our work, our goals. Never acknowledge or deny any statement or allegation by the news media. For, just as with the November-3rd Empire, every dishonest or distorted attack on us leads the news media deeper into the trap...deeper into the Neo-Tech Matrix. Let them do, say, or write whatever out-of-context or dishonest statements they wish. They will receive no response from I & O Publishing Company. For the deeper they put themselves into the Matrix, the quicker the competitive business dynamics of Neo-Tech will cure the dishonesty disease of mysticism. ...Without the manipulation tool of mysticism, all neocheaters and their bogus livelihoods will vanish in a so-what yawn.
- The coming Seven Neo-Tech Waves will end the 2000-year-old disease of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. Then, all professional value destroyers will rehabilitate themselves into competitive value producers -- or they will perish.
[ 62 ]
In the coming Neo-Tech business world, postal services will deliver even greater efficiencies, services, and values, providing ever increasing benefits to both the postal employees and society.
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