But, unlike any other such time throughout history, when such a moment marked a helpless descent into vanished liberties and unchecked value destruction, Frank R. Wallace plugged all of those dishonest, highly destructive acts into the Neo-Tech Matrix. Thus, all such value destructions will boomerang back against the perpetrators as a self-exposure trap.
The following documents were sent to key people worldwide and began weaving that self-exposure trap. BP]
| [place mailing label here] |
Will Let Neo-Tech Phantom-Bantam Companies Worldwide
Release Their Ultimate Product:
THE COMING NEO-TECH WAVES WILL PUSH OPEN THIS NEWLY CRACKED DOOR to the COSMIC-MIND WORLD ![]() Forever Ending the Darkness of Plato's Mystical World and eliminating all his generations of Professional Value Destroyers |
I & O Publishing Company is Entrapping Professional Value Destroyers
in the inescapable
from the
Li Pengs and Ramiz Alias who are Murdering Heroic Value Producers in China and Albania
to the
Bogus-Job Bureaucrats who are Destroying Heroic Value Producers in America
(such as the Michael Milkens and Leona Helmsleys)
1. This newsletter document along with the forthcoming 1264-page manual Neo-Tech Cosmic Power closes the nine-year private mode of Neo-Tech. The imprisonment of Frank R. Wallace begins the public mode. Starting with the "Trial Brochure", the public mode will evolve from Bucharest, Romania in October or earlier. 2. Edits, corrections, or suggestions for this document should be sent to Ms. Barbie Diamond, Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation, 850 South Boulder Highway, Henderson, Nevada 89015. |
HAPPINESS CAPTURE by Mark Hamilton |
In all the infinity before you were born, and for all the infinity after you die, your one, brief moment alive is all you have in all eternity. Once you die, then you know nothing; you feel nothing ever again. Time goes on and on and on forever, but you will never know any of it...not even a moment of it, not ever again. Your time has ended. During your brief moment in all eternity, you felt everything you will ever feel. We are here for a moment and then are gone forever. Look at your brother and stop to think that this is his one special moment in time. Look at him and know that everything he will ever know or feel is happening right now. You may want to hug him and tell him to be happy. ...Oh, my dear brother, enjoy your days. Please be happy...be happy. Look at your brother and see beyond what is in front of your eyes. Time goes on forever. He will be left behind when he dies. What happens to him now is everything to him. Oh, how you want only good to happen to him. When you think about him this way, you cannot bear to see him unhappy. You feel bad even when he gets upset or sad. For, his unhappiness, uptightness, or sadness takes away the specialness of his one short moment in time. If he could only feel intense happiness throughout his one short moment in eternity! But he looks so helpless now. He does not have intense happiness. He has no idea how short and precious his time is now. If only you could give him that intense happiness. Look at each of your loved ones this way. Look at each one, alone. See beyond what is in front of your eyes. Feel the sadness of life. Only once you feel the sadness do you know the rightness of happiness. When you see your loved ones this way, all you want for them is intense happiness. Look at your loved ones. Each loved one will someday die. One by one, they will lose their brief time in which to experience life. As they die, every special feeling within them ends forever. Their happiness ends. Exciting memories end. Unique little gestures they would do when they were happy that brought warmth into their lives and into the world around them all end forever. ...Gone not for a few weeks. Gone forever. Never to occur again. Say, when your wife is happy, she does a special little walk. When she dies, she will never be able to enjoy that special little walk again. That special little walk will never be part of her world or the world around her ever again. Her warmth will be gone forever. Look at your loved ones and think of them when they are happy. Notice the special little things about them when they are happy. Watch them during their happy moments and realize that when they die, they will lose all of that. ...Everything special in life turns to sadness. |
Everything in life meets a last time. Even the littlest thing. For instance, a young adult often gets "carded" (ID checked for age) when he orders an alcoholic drink. During one particular time out with his friends, the cocktail waitress will ask for his ID as he laughs with his friends, having a good time. Although no one knows, this time happens to be the last time he will ever get carded again. This ritual of being carded is over now, forever. He may be laughing with his friends and having a good time, but a sad moment in life is happening and no one knows: A silent reminder of the tragedy of life, that we are all moving toward death. He is aging, and no one ever needs to question his age again.
Everything one does eventually meets a last time... from swimming in the ocean to closing your eyes for the last time. Remember some of the things you have done lately. Then ponder if those moments were to be the last time they would ever happen. Feel the sadness as you remember the carefree moments, not knowing you would never have them again. Think how you would long to have those moments back again. ...For everything comes THE last time. Even something little like being carded. No one may even know that the last time has occurred -- the last time, forever and ever throughout all eternity.
Only by feeling the sadness of life can we know the rightness of happiness...of super happiness. During the unbearably sad shortness of life, your loved ones and you yourself must discover super happiness.
Look again at your loved ones. Look closely. Look at them over and over again. Are they intensely happy? Or is life just passing, day after day. They do not seem to know about the great sadness of life; they do not seem to be seeking the super happiness they must have during their brief time alive. They just do not seem to know. You want to make them know. You want to wake them up to happiness. You want to give them happiness. ...But you cannot.
Why do they not know? Why do they not seek intense happiness? That should be foremost with everyone, always on everyone's mind, always discussed and sought. Why does not anyone know?
Life is so precious. The day by day moments of your loved ones are so very precious. The great sadness of life manifests itself in how little time we spend with our loved ones -- how little we enjoy each other before we die and never see each other again. Not until a loved one dies does one know the tragedy of life. Only then does he feel the sadness as he remembers the carefree moments together. During those moments, he did not know that someday he would never have them again. Suddenly he becomes enveloped in a helplessness that no matter how much he longs to spend time with his lost loved one, no matter how much he hurts inside to be together just once more, he never, ever will spend another moment with his loved one.
The moments together may be so strong, so real in his memory that he feels as if his loved one will suddenly be there...and they will be together again. He may remember and remember...but nothing will ever happen again with his lost loved one. Their carefree moments together are gone, forever.
Such a brief time alive, and only sparing moments were shared with his loved one. And now, he will never be able to share so much as one more good-bye embrace. His precious loved one will never again be there for any moment when he needs her. Gone is everything: her funny little walk of happiness, her eyes, her smile, her sweetness, her soft hands that would hold onto him whenever they were together. Gone is her tenderness, her understanding, and her love that was always there for him. All is gone. ...He lies alone at night, remembering her...swallowed by the sadness of life.
When realizing the preciousness of being able to spend time with loved ones before dying, one wants to spend more and more time with his loved ones, his wife, his brother, sister, his children, parents. He can cherish every moment, even if his loved ones do not realize how precious the moment is. He can cherish the moments together because once they are gone, he will never have them again. And because he cherishes the moments, his loved ones will feel how special the moments are, even though they may not know why. ...When he is dying, he will know that his one brief time was filled with precious moments and that he savored those moments.
When realizing the preciousness of life and the preciousness of spending time with loved ones, one wants to spend all his time with his loved ones. But he knows that is not possible. For the nature of a man is to produce values, which puts time to spend with his different loved ones out of easy reach. Indeed, the nature of man makes his moments to share within his time alive even more brief. And that brief time alive is everything to him -- everything he will ever experience or know. ...The nature of man makes death more tragic and the sadness of life, that is the briefness of experiencing time with loved ones, more painful.
Just think how inconceivably important super happiness is! Can you bring that happiness to your loved ones? The nature of man makes everyone (beyond one's immediate spouse) alone in his world of producing values. You know you cannot bring your closest loved ones happiness (beyond your spouse). They must discover happiness on their own. ...Somehow, that makes everything about life even more sad when you see your loved ones not really happy, and you can do nothing to change that.
Super happiness does exist in life. In fact, a person can experience super happiness every single day of his or her life. That happiness is called, "the celebration", and the celebration can happen every single day of a person's life. The celebration lasts from two to five hours every day with hours of indirect celebration before and afterward. Once one discovers "the celebration", he knows it, he feels it, and he knows that those around him do not know "the celebration". Life becomes intensely happy every morning, day, and night. ...Life also becomes increasingly sad as he sees his loved ones lost in an abandoned search for the preciousness of life.
The world does not know yet about something very special. People around the world do not know about this incredible treat called: the celebration. When they discover the celebration, they will discover how to experience indescribably intense happiness every single day of their lives. Such indescribable happiness now remains a giant blind spot to all the world.
The celebration is most easily understood by remembering the early weeks of falling in love. Remember during those early weeks how every visit with your new-found love was a celebration to behold. Excitement and energy filled the room when your new love walked in. Her desire to be with you -- to be yours -- filled you with more life and happiness than anything you had known before and anything you have known since. Life was sensational then.
Although the sensation of those celebrations is forgotten in most people, those long-lost celebrations brought super happiness into your life as never experienced before or hence.
The celebration of love -- that once-in-a-lifetime flame of super-intense happiness -- runs out of energy after awhile. In one's brief time in all eternity, he feels super-intense happiness for only a few weeks or possibly months. Yet during his brief time to experience life, he should feel that super-intense happiness not for a fraction of his time, but for his entire one short flicker of time alive before all is gone, forever.
As the celebrations lose energy and fade, he and his love will get together and for one last time feel the celebration. There they will be, feeling happy, holding and touching, and not even know that this time will be the last real celebration. The saddest tragedy of life will be happening right then during this happy moment together as they enjoy their last celebration. From now on, time together will not be a celebration. ...The celebrations have faded and are now gone, forever.
You and your wife live and die and never know what you could have had. Imagine your wife dying, looking deep into her eyes, wanting to hold the life inside her with your love. As you look into her eyes and she looks into your eyes, you feel the greatest love that you have ever felt for each other. This is the most special moment of your life. And this is the saddest moment of your life as her eyes can stay open no longer. As she closes her eyes, your heart breaks. Don't go...don't go. ...During her one last moment as you look into each other's eyes for the last time, you both feel the celebration once again. Then it is gone, forever.
A person must not let that happen to him, must not wait until his wife is dying before experiencing, once again for one unbearable last time, their long-lost celebration. Now, with Neo-Tech, he can experience the celebration again, now and every day for the rest of his life. When he looks into his wife's eyes while she is dying, they will both know that they savored the celebrations every day of their lives. They will, at that final moment, be very, very happy. Every person lives for a brief moment in time, then is gone, vanished from eternity, forever. He may be quickly forgotten; he may be painfully remembered. But he is gone and remembers nothing and no one regardless of those who remember him. Everything, all the wonderful values and heart-warming feelings, vanish with death. That inherent sadness of life amplifies the moral purpose of living (as identified in Neo-Tech Cosmic Power): to achieve happiness. During one's brief moment alive in all eternity, he must experience intense happiness for as much as he possibly can. He must accomplish this to have gotten everything he could out of his one shining flicker of life. But something blocks even the Neo-Tech man from experiencing great happiness: Passive Plato-world influences block nearly everyone from ever going the final step in life: into a day-after-day celebration of intense happiness. ...The forthcoming Neo-Tech Wave will wash away those Plato-world influences that block us from the celebration of life.
The attacks and pillagings of I & O Publishing Company, the beating, kicking, and hospitalizing of I & O's editor, the accosting and jailing of author Frank R. Wallace by the IRS have nothing to do with taxes or revenue collection. But instead, those IRS actions have everything to do with (1) perpetuating and expanding bogus, value-destroying livelihoods and (2) stopping the publication and distribution of Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) that first identifies and then segregates the value destroyers from the value producers in government, business, and religion. Consider this: A writer publishes information and literature that publicly identifies various professional value destroyers growing as cancers throughout the IRS and other bureaucracies from the FDA to HUD. That night, those same value destroyers armed with guns take that writer from his home in handcuffs and jail him. When freedom of the press and expression is lost to guns and jails, tyranny and violence begin. ...I & O Publishing Company will not let that happen. |
By eight in the morning on March 29th, Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO) erected our "Don't Worry" billboard across from the Federal Building in Las Vegas. Later that same afternoon, our Little-Soldier newsbox containing Neo-Tech publications was placed in front of the IRS Building. That night, abrogating the first-amendment right to free press and expression, guns-and-fists agent Hubert J. Goodrich and his crew accosted Dr. Frank R. Wallace minutes after he completed a hard-driving, five-mile run. They handcuffed him. Then they led him away in the chilly night. Drenched with perspiration, he was not allowed to change into dry clothes or take his jacket. When he asked to feed his cats, a bellow came, "Fuck the cats!". Then agent William O'Leary threw into Wallace's lap all the Neo-Tech publications that were in the Little-Soldier newsbox. "How is Neo-Tech going to help you now?" an agent demanded with bitter sarcasm.
Chilled and wearing only a wet T-shirt and running shorts, Dr. Wallace was ordered by Goodrich to be held without bail in a felons' hole crammed with 36 prisoners at the Clark County jail. The next morning, Goodrich with a sadistically smiling face asked Dr. Wallace how his night was. He said fine and asked Mr. Goodrich how his night was. ...In all their conversations, Mr. Goodrich never could look Frank R. Wallace in the eye.
Goodrich's sadistic retaliations and your malevolent harassments will help neither of you escape the Neo-Tech Matrix. You will forever be held responsible for every value-destroying act you commit.
Mr. Withers: On April 6th, with Goodrich and his cohorts in the courtroom grinning at one another for reassurances, two agents with their same tired old guns, badges, and trembling hands thrust your order E.E.I:1104 onto Dr. Wallace. After waiting three-and-a-half years, your and Henshaw's sudden, malicious levy-and-seizure actions immediately following the arraignment are obviously designed to pressure, harass, and interfere with the judicial process. How? By directly attacking, harassing, and distracting the sole individual responsible for preparing a properly conducted trial pro se. But as you will discover, all of your malevolent, criminal-minded attacks, seizures, and destructions will backfire on you, Mr. Henshaw, and all other professional value destroyers. No, you cannot hurt or stop us. Your every destructive attack only strengthens us and ultimately will vanquish you.
And no, you cannot stop or even slow our publishing activities. We immediately acted to prevent a repeat of the confiscation and destruction of our intellectual work and writings during the guns-and-fists attack of November-3rd three-and-a-half years before. During that attack, Goodrich and his crew orgasmicly beat to the ground, kicked, and hospitalized our children-and-games editor Kenneth A. Clark. And then they seized or destroyed most of our property, intellectual works, and publishing records.
But this time, our intellectual works and publishing records, including the Neo-Tech Ostracism-Matrix data base, are now secured beyond your reach. Thus, you can now come and heist our remaining property any time you wish. Each of you will be held responsible for your every criminal act of destruction. ...Our only requests are (1) that you do not disturb our concentration on our editing and writing, and (2) that you do not trample Dr. Wallace's deaf-and-blind, 17-year-old cat while hauling away our belongings.
You Mr. Withers, Mr. Henshaw, and everyone in the hierarchy of guilt up to IRS Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg will be held accountable for every destructive act against us and every other honest value producer. Yes, ravage us, beat us, jail us. We have no fear of you or your guns, fists, and jails. We have no fear of your multibillion-dollar organization. We have no fear of professional value destroyers anywhere. Indeed, we know such people in essence are uncompetitive clowns and impotent pip-squeaks. For we hold genuine power backed by effort and pens -- backed by value production and fully integrated honesty. They hold fake power backed by jails and guns -- backed by value destruction and deception.
Against Neo-Tech, the more you try to harm us, jail us, the more strength and power we gain. Mr. Withers, as of now, you have no idea of the power in fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech). You, Henshaw, Goodrich, Goldberg, and all professional value destroyers will discover that power following the trial when that first commercial wave begins rolling from abroad. Yes, until justice and restitution are complete, all of you will be held personally accountable for your every destructive act inflicted on others. Yes, all of you will be held personally responsible for your destructions forever into history. ...Your every destructive act tightens the noose of justice around you and all other professional value destroyers.
Dr. Wallace's imprisonment induced our first move toward the public mode. After the forthcoming court trial, the first of seven Neo-Tech Waves will roll across the United States. Moreover, with the spread of Neo-Tech, professional value destroyers are increasingly collapsing themselves...from Eastern Europe to South Africa. And from the trial, those same Neo-Tech dynamics will move across the United States, then to Canada and China as the first of seven commercial waves spreads worldwide. ...We will then help the IRS isolate and eliminate its professional value destroyers along with their bogus careers. And we will also help the IRS restructure around an honest, efficient, noncriminalized tax-collection system operated by professional value producers.
So, come. After nine years, let us move to the public arena
Yes, you can jail all of us; you can confiscate all our remaining property
You have the guns
But let us see who has genuine power
Let us see who is the value destroyer and who is the value producer
Let us see who is the guilty and who is the innocent
I am The Little Soldier.
My name is Sergeant Cosmos.
With shoulders square, I protect all value producers.
I stand in places too dangerous for them.
And no matter what, I deliver fully integrated honesty.
The Neo-Tech army is growing. It has no budget and needs no money. It has no property and needs no guns. It has no generals, leaders, authorities, gurus. It has no followers, servants, slaves. Everyone in the Neo-Tech army is a supreme commander-in-chief who takes orders from no one and gives orders to no one. The Neo-Tech army never takes life -- only gives life. With each individual marching to his or her own step forever into the future, the Neo-Tech army is already the most powerful army on earth -- the most important influence in 140 countries around the world. This fast-growing army is quietly on the march against mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters everywhere. ...After 2000 years, victory is near. |
![]() Out of Existence | As promised in a Guns-and-Fists of November-3rd Newsletter two years ago, we are providing notice as to when the Neo-Tech Waves will begin crisscrossing the United States: The first of seven commercial Neo-Tech Waves will roll across North America in October -- or anytime earlier.
John Finn |
[ 63 ] The distribution or liquidation of illegally seized research funds or assets will spearhead a possible class-action suit by all value producers who have been damaged or destroyed by individual value destroyers throughout the IRS and other bureaucracies. That class-action suit will not be directed at the government in general or the IRS per se. Moreover, the productive aspects of government and its innocent employees will be heralded. But instead, all actions will be directed at those individuals who are personally responsible for net value destruction toward others and society. ...Potential plaintiffs and attorneys may write John Finn, Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation, 850 S. Boulder Highway, Henderson, Nevada 89015.
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