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Operation #1
The Door | ![]() |
Is Opening |
Operation #2
Notice to all newsletter recipients: This final-edition newsletter closes the ten-year private mode of Neo-Tech. Our samurai-move, our Federal-Trial #1 opens the public mode with the forthcoming Neo-Tech trial brochures. The masses around the world will make immediate use of those brochures in driving value destroyers from their lives. Also, personally presented to Gorbachev's summit delegation was I & O's concept letter. That Neo-Tech concept is now obtaining one minute of the first twelve minutes of uncensored "idea" advertising allowed on Soviet television. ...Thank you for being an historic part of our laboratory and contributing to the cure of mysticism -- the dishonesty, destruction, and death disease. As an additional reward, save as collector items all the Neo-Tech material you have received. Some of the early 1986 - 87 documents are already worth over two-thousand dollars.
from GOVERNMENT, THE MEDIA, AND BUSINESS All governments and big businesses are built on bureaucracies. But the cancers are not the institutions or bureaucracies themselves. The actual cancers are the bogus careers and destructive individuals that grow from bureaucracies lacking business-like disciplines and honest management. Indeed, growth of bogus jobs and destructive careers is self-multiplying. That malignant multiplication eventually kills all values in the host body be it a HUD or an IRS bureaucracy, a murderous Third Reich, a bankrupt Savings and Loan, or a moribund giant corporation with expanding groups of destructive employees. All such disasters start with legitimate bureaucracies from which destructive managements and bogus careers grow -- be they the guns-and-fists careers in the IRS, the brownshirt careers in the Third Reich, or the white-collar-hoax careers in stagnating big businesses. As with cancer, the disease must first be diagnosed. Next, the diseased tissue or destructive elements must be isolated and then extirpated from the healthy tissue or productive elements. Yes, those growing destructive elements must be ripped out and discarded...or destruction and death will follow. Fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) is the instrument to identify, isolate, and then remove those cancerous growths. Through direct confrontations, one-by-one, one-on-one, always holding each individual responsible for his or her actions, Neo-Tech will eliminate all such growths be it in the FDA, HUD, the IRS, Burma, Massachusetts, broadcast network news, or a dying General Motors. The cancers to be isolated and removed include the most obviously destructive politicians, bureaucrats, guns-and-fists agents, attorneys, news journalists, and business-quisling executives. Neo-Tech business competition will eliminate forever all professional value destroyers and neocheaters from planet Earth. ...In the diseased world of mysticism and dishonesty, everything is temporary. But, Neo-Tech is forever. |
This October or earlier, following our Federal-Court Trial #1 prosecuted by Dr. Frank R. Wallace, the first of seven Neo-Tech Waves will roll from Eastern Europe. Indeed, the door is opening to the cosmic-mind business world. Newly born, business-building, integrating minds are now entering our world from that opening door. Through competitive pressures, they will drive out the value destroyers and cure the dishonesty disease of mysticism. As a result, those powerful business minds will also quickly cure all other physical and psychological diseases. But, to accomplish such cures, those business-building, integrating minds must first end the neocheaters' escalating trend toward control, suppression, and criminalization of honest business and value-producing competition. Those integrating business minds will stop that trend by driving the professional value destroyers and criminal-minded neocheaters out of existence forever. ...The disease of mysticism and dishonesty is being permanently cured by Neo-Tech. |
Should value producers ever deal with the news media? Yes, when they encounter news journalists who work on the principle of fully integrated honesty. Such news journalists will soon rise from the competitive business pressures of fully integrated honesty. |
For curing the dishonesty disease, Neo-Tech holds every individual forever responsible for his or hers words and actions. |
Note: Savvy, big-time, master neocheaters such as all the Popes, Dan Rather, Ralph Nader, and Jesse Jackson are also automatically dishonest. But, how do they conceal their dishonesties and retain credibility? Unlike small-time value destroyers, those master neocheaters seldom lie directly. Instead, they much more cleverly and invisibly orchestrate the Big Lies about religion, business, and government to destructively manipulate entire populations. |
Why did a CBS television journalist show photographs of Neo-Tech billboards while reciting a steady stream of unrelated, out-of-context dishonesties?
Why did that same journalist imply that neither he nor anyone else understood the meaning of Neo-Tech? Why did he not even allude to the clear, three-word definition of Neo-Tech? That definition was right in front of him in his hands: Neo-Tech simply means "fully integrated honesty" -- nothing more, nothing less. So, why did that reporter imply that Neo-Tech was something weird or diabolical involving true believers? Why did he ask who the value producers were when the answer was the most prominent feature in the Neo-Tech handout literature? Indeed, he told his television audience that he had read that handout literature which clearly and repeatedly identifies who are the value producers. Simply, they are the honest business people of this world. So, why did he imply that the value producers must be some sort of mystical, true believers? Moreover, from the handout literature, he knew that Neo-Tech explicitly and aggressively rejects all notions of mysticism, faith, followers, and true believers.
Why did that journalist try to make Neo-Tech appear as some kooky "religious" group of followers when even a cursory glance at the literature he had read demonstrates exactly the opposite. Indeed, Neo-Tech is based on objective reality and is oriented around competitive, value-producing business. Moreover, Neo-Tech not only vigorously denounces true believers and faith, but Neo-Tech denounces all fake leaders, gurus, external authorities -- and their followers. ...The essence of Neo-Tech is autonomous self-responsibility of honest business-minded individuals.
Why did that journalist choose automatic lies to back his malignant story? Why did a Consumer-Affairs Commissioner automatically lie on that television program by blurting that Neo-Tech never answered bureaucratic letters inquiring about nondelivery of books. Indeed, that commissioner knew the facts: For 17 years, Neo-Tech has fully answered every letter from all bureaucracies. Moreover, I & O has always properly and fairly resolved every known customer problem or complaint. ...The fact is that the commissioner disliked the Neo-Tech responses. For every response letter aggressively identified how and why that commissioner's job was bogus and destructive.
Also, as with any large-volume international publisher, orders and books are occasionally lost and honest mistakes are made. But considering our volume of shipments from California, Nebraska, Delaware, Tennessee, Philadelphia, Florida, and from Neo-Tech mailing operations around the world, our customer service is superb -- better than even blue-ribbon companies like American Express. And to our knowledge, each one of our customers over the past 22 years has received what he or she ordered. So why did that bureaucratic commissioner lie on broadcast television? Trapped in a hoax-revealing position, that destructive bureaucrat automatically lied as an "easy" way out.
Why did an unsavory city attorney imply Neo-Tech writers and businesspeople were socialists or anarchists when the opposite is the fact? Why did he report through the television journalist that Neo-Tech tried to protect a woman from being evicted for not paying her rent? That city attorney clearly knew the facts firsthand: That "evicted" women not only always paid her rent when due, but had paid two months in advance. The facts? Her landlord was the city mayor. The mayor and his city attorney connived to break a legal lease and bilk that women out of $700 in extra rent she had paid -- money belonging to her.
Why did that city attorney let that journalist air such a slanderous remark on broadcast television? The city attorney was trapped. How could he state the facts? He and the mayor were caught in a dishonest and possibly illegal position of using taxpayers' money to wrongfully break a lease and pillage funds belonging to a taxpayer. ...That city attorney allowed the slandering of that woman and Neo-Tech as an "easy" way out.
Why did a television news journalist, an unwholesome city attorney, and a bureaucrat commissioner all support dishonesty, injustice, and slander on broadcast TV news? Bogus-job value destroyers, by nature, survive through dishonesty and automatic lies that seem to offer quick advantages or easy escapes from situations that would expose their bogus livelihoods.
That television reporter has given Neo-Tech Research a classic video-tape document of dishonest, lazy television journalism void of principle, integrity, competence, and effort. As the Neo-Tech competition moves throughout society, such dishonest work and lazy incompetence will increasingly be identified, outcompeted, and then laughed out of existence.
We invite the people identified above or any other professional value destroyer to challenge any of the above facts in any way. With Neo-Tech, we are all forever held responsible for our words and accountable for our actions. So, let us together confront all the facts in full context. Let us publicly see who is responsible and who irresponsible. Let us see who is honest and who is dishonest. We are waiting. For all of you are in the Neo-Tech Matrix forever...or until you become honest value producers and make restitution for the damages you have done to others and society. ...And finally, with the always extended hand of fully integrated honesty, Neo-Tech can help you abandon your unhappy, destructive livelihoods for happy, value-producing careers.
A young boy and his little brother wake up early and look out the screen of their tent across the yard to Grandma and Grandpa's large beach house. Once a year they get to come here. Three of their cousins will come here today, two tomorrow, and four the day after. The boys cannot retain their excitement of being here at the Grandparents' beach house. They get up and go inside. Grandpa is already up and sitting at the breakfast table. The boys talk with him and listen to him with a fascination. Then their dad comes downstairs, ready to go jogging with the boys. They go out the back door and head down to the beach. As they jog along the beach, exciting thoughts rush through the boys' imagination. They can barely hold their excitement as they jog along the water: When they get back, they will eat breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma. After breakfast, they will play on the beach and go swimming all morning. Then they will eat lunch with Grandma and Grandpa. After lunch, they will go into town with Grandma. By the time they get back, their three cousins should arrive! Of course, the first thing to do after the cousins arrive -- the yearly tradition of building the beach bonfire. After that, time for the picnic barbecue. And after the barbecue, the boys, their sister and their cousins will all walk to the corner store together across the railroad tracks and buy penny candy and gum. If a train happens to come, they will lay some pennies on the tracks and duck behind the bushes. After the train passes, they will run out and find their stretched and squashed pennies, which they keep as souvenirs. When they get back, then off to the clubhouse to watch cartoons and to meet the other neighborhood children visiting their grandparents. And tonight, Uncle Chuck promised to take all the kids to Sunset Park up the beach to go on the rides and play the games. Wow, everything here is bigger than life. Two whole weeks in this fairy tale! ...As the exhausted boys lie in their tent that night with their sister and cousins, the soft rumble of a train in the distance rocks them to sleep.
When we are children, much of life is like those two weeks for the boys: Exciting things that seem bigger than life happen a lot. Even going to McDonald's seemed bigger than life. Or going hiking in the woods with Dad. Or, while at the ocean, even body surfing with the waves seemed bigger than life and kept us busy all day long. Or spending the night at a friend's house seemed bigger than life. Life for children is full of bigger-than-life sensations.
What happens to those bigger-than-life sensations as we grow up? As we become adults, going to McDonald's or body surfing in the ocean no longer seems bigger than life. Do those bigger-than-life sensations happen only as children? Is that why most people long for their childhood?
An adult can rediscover the long-lost bigger-than-life sensations through Neo-Tech. Of course, going to McDonald's or body surfing in the ocean can no longer cause bigger-than-life sensations. The circumstances change. Back then just experiencing new things was bigger than life. But now that you have experienced most things, something else becomes bigger than life: Bigger-than-life sensations for an adult come from bringing new values, new experiences of life into the world that did not exist before. Bigger-than-life sensations when you were a child came from experiencing new things, experiencing life that you never did before. But now that you have experienced most things, bigger-than-life sensations come from building new things -- building life.
Indeed, the adult makes life bigger than life through building beyond life -- bringing to the world new values that did not exist before him. Any adult, any average man or woman can build with Neo-Tech new values never before seen in this world.
Once an adult rediscovers the bigger-than-life sensations that he felt as a child, life becomes sensational again. Emotional and financial stagnation dissolves with Neo-Tech and then washes away forever. Life once again becomes wondrous and exciting.
The young boys at the Grandparent's beach house are now full grown and run their family business together with their Dad. They often still jog together. As they jog together, exciting thoughts still rush through their imaginations (just as when they were boys running along the beach at Grandma and Grandpa's). Even today they can barely hold their excitement as they jog together: The data points to a whole new marketing approach in Brazil. The new product they worked on for two years is now ready for test marketing. The new TV ad looks promising, what is our next step? Did you hear that we may be the first American publisher to advertise on Russian television? The Yugoslavian translation is completed and ready for marketing. A breakthrough has just occurred in our domestic direct-mail brochure about curing the dishonesty disease. We will push into testing new markets here in the U.S. now. Let's discuss the new full-page newspaper ad to run in next Tuesday's paper. That was a powerful article Dad published last Thursday exposing the soul of the value destroyers and neocheaters throughout government. Now, we can develop that article into a commercial advertising piece for the whole world to see. The new book on happiness is near completion. That book will send shock waves throughout the world. The quantum-leap master brochure is done. The new concept of retail locations has come to life with the opening of the first location. The seminars in Australia show so much strength that we must start these seminars in England, France, Germany, and the United States and Canada. Dad is breaking into new grounds in our ten-year-plan court battle against the value destroyers that will expose the neocheating hoax to the whole world. The PR campaign is a whole new dimension to enter. New PR television spots need to be reviewed and discussed. Just three months from now Dad's historic court case takes place. Wow, everything here is bigger than life. A lifetime in this fairy tale!
Life is bigger than life for the father and his sons. But they can never have the same carefree sensation as they did as children, for a sadness...a tragedy...grows in them every single day -- the tragedy of moving toward "the end".
When the sons were children, Grandma and Grandpa were as young as Dad is now. Dad is nearly sixty now. When everything was bigger than life as children, everything was also so carefree. Grandma and Grandpa were still young and Dad was just a young adult. Everything was wide open and life had so many adventures for the sons. No one really knew about or talked about death. Death was something so far in the future that, as a child, we never even considered. We were so happy and carefree. And everything was bigger than life. What a combination...what a sensation.
With Neo-Tech, adults can have back that bigger-than-life existence again. But they cannot have back that carefree, worry-free youth. For, as we grow older, death closes in on us.
Grandpa is gone now. The father and his sons are too busy with their worldwide business to go back to see Grandma. The aunts, uncles and cousins are spread across the country and busy with their careers. Grandma sits alone, every day, trapped in the silence of no one there: nothing and no one but the memories. She goes to bed at 7:00 pm every night. For just getting ready for bed gives her something to do.
One of the cousins or uncles visits Grandma every once in a while. When they do, her life lights up. Yet those happy moments have to make everything even more sad as they bring back memories of the way things used to be, before the tragedy of life -- death -- closed in on her and one by one took her husband and all her friends. She is the only one left.
A person who is younger than Grandma, say middle aged, can get through and move on past even the greatest tragedy. For they still have time...a life still before them. But Grandma cannot get through this. Every tragedy, every loss for her is permanent. She does not have time, does not have a life still before her. When Grandpa died, her spouse for 55 years, she could not get past that tragedy. Instead, she suffers day after day in the quiet house where everything once happened. Oh, the desire for the way it used to be hurts! Every day...every day...every day.
Grandma -- creator of unforgettable happiness and a lifetime of wonderful memories planted in all the cousins -- sits all alone, suffering. When she dies, the carefree youth in all the cousins will die. The era of carefree youthfulness ends forever. We are all heading for a lonely end.
One of the sons took perhaps his last visit back to see Grandma. He had not been here for several years. Everything was the same as when he was a boy. During his three days here, he perhaps felt what life is like every day for Grandma. He could remember the carefree happiness he and his brother and father used to feel here. But the carefree happiness is all gone -- even in them...three men whose lives are bigger than life. For the first time in his life, he longed for the past -- for the carefree happiness again. He longed for Grandpa to be back and for his brother and Dad to be here with him again. He longed for Dad to be a young man again. He longed to be together with his cousins again...back when they were young and life was carefree and bigger than life for them. Each day the desire for the way it used to be gripped him and did not let go.
Although his cousins were not there, Grandma made him feel as though they were there. She filled him in on what everyone was doing. She called his cousins and had him talk to them. She was providing that eternal value of life and love: the preciousness of staying in touch with loved ones. She was providing that value as long as she still lived, no matter how lonely and tragic her life had become.
At night after Grandma was in bed, he would look through the many photo albums Grandma always keeps out on the coffee table. He could look at one picture for many minutes or longer, his thoughts drifting back to those days. ...Is this what Grandma does now, every day?
The last day of his visit, he finished looking through the photo albums. Grandma was with him. He found a newspaper clipping announcing his Grandma and Grandpa's engagement -- over 60 years ago. There they were, a picture of Grandma and Grandpa engaged...just 20 years old. What a striking couple. Grandma looked so beautiful, so vivacious with a hint of mischievousness in her smile. She looked so deeply in love with Grandpa. Can this beautiful girl be Grandma?
As he looked at Grandma, she giggled and tilted her head as he pointed to the picture. Suddenly he could see that same giggle and tilt of the head in the beautiful young girl with the dimples in the picture. He could see and hear her doing that same giggle, that same smile, that same tilt of the head. But that girl in the picture had a whole life before her. She had the bigger-than-life, carefree happiness back then -- glowing in her beautiful face. Oh Grandma, how can I turn time back 60 years for you?
Look what 60 years did: She had everything. She had beauty and a bubbling happiness and a love that few ever know. Sixty short years aged away her beauty. And even more tragic, 60 years took away and killed her happiness and love. Sixty years made everything go from beautiful, carefree, happy, and from deeply in love to old, painful, sad, and deeply suffering for the loss of her lifelong love. Sixty short years changed everything from wonderful to suffering.
When the son went to visit Grandma, he went with his sister. Together they felt the sadness of their childhood carefree happiness gone into distant memories of the past. Now, the time had come to leave. His sister's plane left two hours before his. As she said good-bye to Grandma, most likely for the last time, the son sat in the living room and listened to their soft and sad parting words. When his sister left, Grandma closed the door and went to her room. He heard her crying.
As she stopped crying, he suddenly noticed the quietness of Grandma's house. He had never known such quietness here before, not like this. Whenever he visited, loud and joyous talk and laughter filled the house. Even when he and his sister were the only visitors, still their own voices filled the house. But now with his sister gone and Grandma in her room, he felt a quietness he never knew before. Oh, what a sad quietness...the quietness of life lost and good times gone forever. Oh, what a sad quietness.
For the first time, he saw life from Grandma's perspective. She lives in this sad quietness from the time she wakes up till the time she goes to bed, every single day. And she has no way out, nothing to move her through this time in her life to better times. For, all her good times have come and gone. She suffers in this sad quietness day after day. And there is no way out. Oh Grandma, how did this happen to you? How did things end up this way? Oh Grandma, you did not deserve this. You made us all so happy and gave us all such beautiful carefree times when we were children.
The son cannot stand the sadness of the quietness. He cannot stand to hear Grandma's house this way. He cannot stand to know that Grandma suffers this way.
Soon he must leave for his plane. When he says good-bye to his Grandma, they both silently know this is the last time. They had one more nice time together. Grandma gave him perhaps his last eternal value of staying close to his family -- to all his cousins, aunts and uncles. They look at each other in the doorway. He hugs her. This hug is different than any he had given her before. He holds her against him. Her head rests sideways on his chest. She does not get hugged or held by anyone anymore. They know that this will be their last embrace. When he lets go, her eyes are filled with tears. He nearly loses his composure, but manages to say good-bye. As he turns and leaves, he feels something drain from him. He knows this is the last time he will see these surroundings of Grandma's ever again. The carefree happiness of Grandma's will soon be over forever. He feels his small remains of his carefree youth leave his body as he leaves Grandma.
He knows that inside the house, Grandma goes to her room and cries. When she stops crying, the lonely silence returns.
At the airport an hour later, he still feels the sad quietness that surrounds Grandma right now, every moment, every day for the rest of her life. Before he had left, Grandma asked him and his sister to jot something in her "good-bye book", a small book in which the cousins jot a little good-bye to Grandma before leaving. He had left an hour ago, and Grandma was just sitting down now to read the good-byes. Anyone else would have read those through in a couple of minutes. But Grandma makes an event of it. In her lonely silence, she stretches out, expands, and savors every little thing there is for her to do. For, those little things are all she has.
When we are young, we are swirling around at the very top of the very wide funnel of life. We are carefree, worry-free. Tragedy is nonexistent. And life seems bigger than life with so many new experiences in that very wide opening of the funnel of life...filled with the potion of life swirling around into unexplored adventures, swirling around that ungraspably wide top of the funnel of life.
As we grow up, we must preserve that bigger-than-life sense of life by building new experiences of life with Neo-Tech. But the potion still gets pulled down the funnel. Life steadily leaves the funnel until, like Grandma, 60 years later you drop into the final tube at the bottom of the funnel of life. In that final tube, your loved ones around you die -- your spouse, your brother, your sister, your cousins, your friends. But this time, you cannot move past these tragedies. For, you are caught in the final tube of the funnel of life. So little life left. Soon the final drop of your potion will flow from the funnel of life, and everything will be gone and over forever.
Only sixty years and everything happy and good becomes sad and tragic...and dies. When at the top of the funnel, there is so much life. At the beginning, everything is excitingly bigger than life, including one's carefree happiness. When in the final tube at the bottom of the funnel, there is so little life. At the end, everything is painfully smaller than life, including one's loneliness and suffering.
Now Dad moves toward his final tube in the funnel of life. Nothing can stop it. Life for Dad and his sons move from carefree days in the past toward tragic days ahead. The unbreakable love they have built among each other will be mercilessly broken by death. They built their bigger-than-life company, goals, and achievements together. Yet, they will lose their lives -- their bigger-than-life existence. Dad will be the first to go. From there on, all carefree happiness in his sons will be extinguished forever. And when his sons enter their final tube in the funnel of life, they must say good-bye to everything all three built together -- all their bigger-than-life values. This time, they will not be saying good-bye to Grandma, to their carefree youths, and to all the wonderful times at Grandma's beach house. ...This time, they will be saying good-bye to each other, to their own lives, and to all the wonderful values they built together.
Why cannot life for Grandma, Dad, and for his sons ever again be like it was when they were children? Two sensations are lost when we grow up:
The bigger-than-life sensations come back with Neo-Tech. Life can be bigger-than-life again by building values that did not exist before -- by building life. But the carefree sensations cannot come back -- not until the neocheaters are removed from the FDA and from other bureaucracies. For, they block the uninhibited medical and business progress necessary to eliminate all fatal diseases and to eventually reverse through nanotechnology the fatal disease of cellular degeneration -- aging...death.
Once I & O's goal is achieved and man achieves biological immortality, then the growing sadness of life -- the growing tragedy that robs us of our child-like carefree happiness -- vanishes forever.
The ultimate goal of I & O can be reached (i.e., biological immortality as the neocheaters who block progress are exposed by I & O's literature and then scorned out of existence). When that goal is reached and people no longer have to die, then the carefree happiness known only as a child will come back again in all adults. Life will be as it was for the two boys at their Grandparents' beach house.
Today we subconsciously do not get close to our loved ones. We block ourselves from that preciousness because of the growing sadness that someday we will lose those loved ones to death. Yet, being close to loved ones is perhaps the most precious value in life. When we achieve the goal of I & O, then our relationships with our loved ones will grow so powerful -- like Dad and his sons.
I remember when we were at Grandma's and I was 14 years old and Eric was 10. None of the tragedy was in my thinking; everything was bigger than life. I go back to Grandma's now at 31. Everything's still bigger than life for me but there's all these things that are closing in too; everything is closing in -- Grandma's closing in, all of our memories are closing in. You're moving toward the age Grandma was when we went down there when I was a carefree kid. Everything keeps closing in. I feel that tragedy of life. It's such a contradiction because when you're living in this bigger-than-life mode, everything is opening up but when you're realizing this tragedy of life, everything that's opening up is also narrowing in. It's an incredible contradiction and of course, I really felt that when I was visiting Grandma. I just realized even more that we have to accomplish what we're doing here.
Right, and you also have to see what you're identifying and the power of that, Mark. Because that is what's going to drive us. That's what drives us into the court trials, maybe even into jail. Recognize that this is all the crucial part of the dynamics necessary for curing this death disease, this tragedy disease. These Neo-Tech dynamics are so just and natural, so powerful and happy. Yet, the cause of this disease is so puny and irrational, so dumb and stupid. This disease -- everyone is caught in it. But, in a sense all this shows what an easy target it is. It's hard, it's the hardest job in the world, but yet it's easy because this disease is so unnatural, so bizarre, so stupid.
You know it's really something though Dad: I was looking at all the old pictures, and it really got me sad when I saw the engagement picture of Grandma and Grandpa. They were both sitting on some door steps. The look on her face was like she couldn't believe she was so in love. She couldn't believe that she was engaged to this handsome man who had a tremendous career. The look on their faces. I kept looking at the picture and thinking: this is the same person who is right here -- Grandma...this is the same person. I kept looking at her picture. She looked like a completely different person. But then I looked at Grandma, and I could see that young girl in her face, and I was shocked. This thing of time, 60 years ago, just 60 years ago. Sixty years is not much time and look at the difference here in 60 years! Everything's lost. All those happy feelings and that love and excitement. All that's gone and there's this suffering here. And you know, I see Grandma's little gestures. Like the way she laughs and tilts her head sideways. Then I would look at that young picture and think back then...you know, it would be the same laugh then and...(sobs)
I know, Mark.
You know...I guess it's because of our goal, none of it makes any sense but no one else sees that. To everyone it makes sense.
That's the power that you have, though, because you're not only intellectually and morally integrated with the tragedy, but you're emotionally integrated with that and you probably more than anybody in the world -- maybe in history -- who's able to so fully identify that and also emotionally feel it. That's why it's so powerful and important what you're doing.
Right, you know, you look at that picture and you think 60 years. I mean, that's nothing -- 60 years, you don't even...(sobs)
Right, go from that point to that point.
You know, that point to that point in age and looks and even more-so in emotions. I mean, the shift in the emotions of 60 years...it just doesn't make any sense.
No it doesn't. It's just so evil and irrational and unnecessary, the whole thing.
It's all because of the value destroyers. They are the reason the situation is like it is...because of those value destroyers.
They're the ones who keep this disease in place -- perpetuate it. And for nothing but their own laziness, their own bogus livelihoods. And that's why I said it's such a puny thing this whole thing, it's such a nothing, it's something so easy to throw out.
Right, it is. It's just like that Romania situation. Once we break this understanding through to the public, everything's just going to change overnight.
It will.
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