Reject Integration-Blocking Mysticism[ 64 ] to CAPTURE SUPRA HAPPINESS by Eric Savage |
Everyone can build a great value-producing/wealth-generating empire, everyone can develop tremendous self-character, everyone can experience fulfilling romantic love; and everyone can live a really exciting, happy life. But mysticism truncates almost everyone's happiness by blocking their ability to integrate with values. As a result, too many people remain unfulfilled, never experiencing the powerful happiness readily available to them.
While mysticism disintegrates a person with values, Neo-Tech[ 65 ], on the other hand, integrates a person with values. A mighty capacity for personal achievement and happiness building is released when an individual uses Neo-Tech to reject mysticism and instead integrate with values.
Values are the source of life. And integrating with values is simply a matter of disintegrating with mysticism. Any honest, productive man or woman can, at any time, integrate with a powerful network of values. When a person does this, he or she will discover a bigger picture; he or she will discover the cosmic mind. (See the Neo-Tech Discovery by Frank R. Wallace.)
Stop and think for a moment. There is so much evolved value at a person's command. And all of that value has been captured for free, as the gift of life. Consider yourself. You are an amazing living entity that has taken 3.5 billion years to evolve from a first primitive microcell organism. 3.5 billion years later no other single life form has evolved into the mechanism you now control. Only a handful of life forms out of millions of species have come anywhere near the evolvement of your own body and mind. Yet, you have total control and absolute use of this living, feeling, thinking, flesh-and-blood organism.
Stop and contemplate for a moment: look through your eyes, behold your full-color sight. The colorful images flowing into your eyes are more beautiful than any piece of jewelry ever crafted. And that eyesight is yours free, constantly. Behold the graceful movement you command over your body. Your upright, coordinated posture took millions of years to evolve. Yet, you walk with on-demand ease. You turn your head and view your colorful, rich environment effortlessly. You touch, taste, grasp, smell, laugh, move with instant ease. All this incredible value evolved over the millenniums through torturous trial-and-error, won-and-lost life battles -- all reaching an apex with modern conscious man.
To more fully grasp this value, picture yourself in a crippled or maimed body. Imagine the sad, torturous confinements of your life. Then imagine that suddenly your life, your soul, is transplanted into your current healthy body. Imagine the freedom, the joy, the power you would suddenly feel. Or picture your life being shrunk into some evolving life form millions of years ago resembling not much more than a worm or tadpole. Now, think about the highly evolved, powerful organism you have been so fortunately endowed with.
When a person blasts out integration-blocking mysticism, he or she can then emotionally integrate with values. That emotional integration makes one want to go out and celebrate life, celebrate one's existence. For you have been given indescribably profound values completely free, right from birth. Those values provide a reservoir of happiness and motivation.
Consider, for example, the uniquely human values available to you. At anytime you can effortlessly summon to your command the most powerful language ever developed. Immense conscious effort stretching over thousands of years has gone into evolving the modern language you now effortlessly snap around your mind to think, communicate, feel, plan, enjoy, achieve. Yet, few people fully appreciate this single greatest achievement of mankind. No other invention, including the most advanced computers, even comes close to the tool mankind has evolved over thousands of years called language.
Yet, you have mastered to your command, both through unspoken thinking and through spoken and written words, this highly sophisticated, artistically unsurpassed language. This fantastically powerful tool rests effortlessly on the tip of your tongue.
Developed language allows intelligent, thinking, civilized human life versus unthinking, brutish, animal life. Man without language could do no conceptual thinking at all. All his actions would be limited to nature's animal system of perceptual reactions. Without language one could not think except on a rudimentary level. Thus, a person could not effectively learn, plan, build, teach, achieve.
Very little separates man today physically from the brutish cavemen of prehistory. But, the development and mastery of advanced language is what allowed humans to become thinking men that control their own minds and environment rather than animalistic men controlled by the primitive, perceptually based emotions of their minds and environment. Such animal men were confined to brutish, short, subsistence lives.
The more an individual uses Neo-Tech to blast out value-disintegrating mysticism, the more that individual frees his mind to integrate with the tremendous values available to him. Such a person can then focus on building onto the values that surround him. That value-building focus will greatly increase his or her own opportunity and productive growth. All of which leads to increased character development, self-esteem, and happiness. And that growing, confident happiness will, in turn, fuel that individual to ever greater levels of productive achievement. When an individual integrates with those value-integrating/value-building dynamics, a powerful synergy kicks in. One becomes increasingly inspired about existence. (See the Neo-Tech Discovery by Frank R. Wallace.)
Think for a moment about the struggles that have taken place to create mighty values now available to everyone. These values were created by heroic producers throughout history. And studying the personal lives and achievements of the world's great value producers is a marvelous experience. Unfortunately, most individuals have little knowledge of the great value producers. In schools and the media, professional mystics and neocheaters[ 66 ] purposely avoid and suppress the study and understanding of great value producers. For, when individuals recognize who the real value producers are, undeserved reverence for the value usurpers evaporates along with the fake livelihoods of neocheaters and mystics in power.
That is why recognition of genuine value producers is continually suppressed while dishonest tribute is feverishly paid to destructive, value-usurping political leaders and uncompetitive mystics. (Refer to the article "Jay Gould, the Best, Versus Abraham Lincoln, the Worst" in Neo-Tech Cosmic Power.) But, the great value producers have built the very foundations upon which the life and happiness of every person today depends on.
Heroic struggles occur constantly by value producers and their businesses to efficiently produce and distribute values that enhance the lives of everyone, values that raise men and women from short, brutish, toil-filled lives trapped in ignorance up into today's world filled with immense opportunity. Today, average men and women can live dignified, intelligent, growth-oriented lives with happiness levels unimaginable to most just a few generations ago.
But consider life before the Industrial Revolution -- less than three hundred years ago. Three hundred years represents a mere speck of time on the human time line. Yet, prior to the Industrial Revolution, life for most was nasty and short. Happiness was rarely obtained. A life of value building, character development and happiness was almost inconceivable. Most people barely managed a subsistence living. If a crop failure occurred, which usually happened several times per decade due to drought or pests, many starved to death. Living conditions were filthy and disease was rampant. No indoor sanitation existed. Humans rarely bathed. Bathing was a luxury. Any education of the mind was out of the question for all but the elite. For most, their human intelligence was stifled, literally imprisoned in torturing ignorance.
But, the Industrial Revolution, and particularly the rise of free American industrialists, dramatically changed that dark situation. Consider, as just one example, the heroic struggles 19th century industrialist Andrew Carnegie exerted to build a huge steel industry that produced remarkably inexpensive, previously unimaginable quantities of steel. That massive and efficient industry was a crucial foundation block for the affluent life we enjoy today. Carnegie's efforts have contributed significantly to freeing mankind from stagnating poverty.
Industrialists like Andrew Carnegie spent endless days and nights exerting hard mental and physical energy pioneering the mass production of quality steel and other goods. Their achievements required vast Neothink integrations. They had to invent entire new realms of human endeavor. Often they had to organize or develop many new professions at once. Andrew Carnegie, for example, had to devise a whole new system of modern accounting in order to develop and sustain his high-volume, low-cost steel manufacturing process. Carnegie had to bring together, sometimes establish from scratch, entire industries like shipping, railroading, and coal mining in order to make his visionary integrations a reality. Carnegie had to develop new scientific research methods for industry, new systems of management, new employment processes. Carnegie's struggles were vast and set off a chain reaction of productive, life-lifting events that have greatly contributed to freeing mankind from the feudalism-like bondage of a nonindustrial society.
Consider the struggle of a small 19th-century company to produce and mass market an effective, low-cost soap called Ivory. Imagine the world without readily available, affordable soap! Yet, until just a few generations ago, out of all the thousands of generations of human existence, bathing was a luxury practiced by only a few. The stench, the open sores, the disease borne from lack of affordable hygiene products spoiled vast potential happiness.
Reflect on the effort-filled struggles to found mass-distributing personal hygiene companies. Companies like Proctor and Gamble, Colgate , Gillette, and many others. The founders of such companies and their essence-building employees exerted an accumulation of mental and physical effort that surpassed that of NASA's effort to put man on the moon. All so that today you have affordable personal hygiene items readily available to you -- allowing you to focus much more effectively on expanding your own opportunities and happiness.
Reflect on the 19th-century financial tycoon Jay Gould and his heroic push to open railroad and communication lines across the continent. Jay Gould single handedly pumped an incredible amount of tangible values right into your modern day life. Those values have directly contributed to freeing you from endless, petty, physical toil and mental stagnation caused by opportunity-snuffing poverty.
Reflect on John D. Rockefeller and his development of the oil industry through ingenious vision. Reflect on the momentous efforts of Henry Ford to make one of the most advanced pieces of machinery, the automobile, available to almost every individual. The efforts of that one man, Henry Ford, have contributed more than any other single factor to freeing individuals worldwide from an exhausting life of backbreaking physical toil to instead live growing lives sparkling with conscious thought and discovery -- lives filled with human dignity and happiness.
Consider Harvey Firestone and his immense struggle to manufacture efficient, affordable, safe tires and distribute those tires across the entire nation in every community so that they would be available to everyone, and at a price the working man could afford. Consider Juan Trippe, founder of Pan American Airlines. Trippe's hustling efforts started a one-plane airline that, integrated with his global vision, eventually ushered in the jet age and world travel on a mass scale. That has contributed incalculable values to world business and commerce. In addition, economical, international travel created by modern jumbo jets has allowed millions of ordinary people to visit foreign countries at prices they can afford. Such international travel has contributed greatly to reducing the public's gullibility to be drawn into war against foreign nations by value-plundering neocheaters in power. Today, such affordable world travel combined with global communication is yanking out the support pillars of iron-fisted, totalitarian dictatorships at a breathtaking rate.
Reflect on masters of business organization like Alfred Sloan of General Motors. He set the pattern for developing and managing huge, national and multinational corporations. The result of this has directly increased the quality of life for literally billions of people. Reflect on Wallace E. Johnson, founder of Holiday Inn. Johnson's unending enthusiasm and energy for his work ushered in an explosion in business and family travel because of the standard for safe, clean, dependable lodging he set nationwide. Reflect on Ray Kroc of McDonald's. He made quality fast food affordable to even the poorest. Reflect on the contributions that the Gillette company has made towards the quality and ease of grooming for the working man. ...On and on stretches the list of achievements by great value producers.
The tremendous effort that has gone into the many life-lifting achievements surrounding oneself culminates in a cornucopia of modern values that can be capitalized on everywhere, everyday. When you pick up the telephone at work you are exploiting a vast network of technological and business achievement. You are putting to work for your direct benefit a massive amount of advanced technology, including complex satellites put into orbit by rockets. All so that you can expand your business across cities, across continents, across oceans. All of which opens new and exciting opportunities for business development and personal growth.
Benjamin Franklin observed that happiness has a direct correlation to the level a person has expanded his mind. Ignorance chains a person to restricted mental boundaries and stifles the ability to grow and experience happiness. When the mind is fed new knowledge and growth experiences, when the mind obtains the freedom and knowledge to live by its own, reasoned choices, a person's entire psychological being soars.
The great value producers throughout history have provided the means to break the life-snuffing chains of poverty while advancing new knowledge through business and science. All of which increasingly allows individuals to wake up to value-usurping mystics and neocheaters who for centuries stagnated, often completely destroyed, people's lives. The achievements of the value producers have provided the resources that allow individuals to focus on developing their minds and their characters in countless ways -- through business, education, communication, travel. The value producers have provided the means for everyone to live independently, to afford privacy, to live in decency. The value producers have provided the means for everyone to generate not merely subsistence-level income but to generate discretionary income that acts as seed money for personal growth and opportunity. Today average men and women can obtain the self-sufficiency, the self-esteem, the human dignity and the life-fueling tangible rewards that can, combined with Neo-Tech, lift them to unlimited heights of achievement and happiness.
A person must use Neo-Tech (effort and honesty) to integrate with the tremendous life-giving values that so many have struggled to create. The alternative is to fall back on mysticism (dishonesty and laziness) which always disintegrates a person with values. A person integrated with Neo-Tech utilizes and grows from the great values that are available to him everyday of his life. And every individual should feel this building wave of value momentum that contributes so much to his well-being and personal power. Let that feeling sink in. Indeed, when one really thinks about and integrates the incalculable, life-lifting values surrounding him, an inspiration builds that makes one want to really celebrate his existence.
Consider, as another example, the enormous values required to allow a young man or woman to attend college. Society must have enough value momentum to support a standard of living high enough for that youngster to be able to work part-time in order to sustain himself and attend college at the same time. And think about the enormous value momentum required for the many other things necessary for a young person to be able to attend college -- such things as obtaining a low cost used car so that the student can travel to work, school, and perform necessities like shopping. Think about the enormous accumulation of value production necessary to build, supply, staff, and run enough universities nationwide to have tuition available to, and at an affordable cost, average middle-class youngsters.[ 68 ]
Imagine a young person growing up in a small town. A small-town environment can be somewhat stifling to a young mind. Then imagine when that young person goes off to college. College greatly widens that student's experiences from the sheltered environment in which he or she grew up. As that young student sits in class studying physics, studying calculus, discussing the achievements of the Roman Empire, learning about Renaissance art, experimenting with electronic technology, and being exposed to numerous other growth experiences, imagine the feeling of a new, precision power arising in his or her mind.
That student's young mind begins discovering entire new realms of professions that he or she never knew existed. Imagine the excitement the young student feels at this new world brimming with possibilities for pursuing interesting, meaningful careers. Yet, think about how that exciting world of discovery and growth would have never been possible for most people just three or four generations ago. All such life-fueling value is now possible because of the tremendous efforts of great value-producing industrialists who worked devotedly and hard at their businesses.
Imagine that young college student driving from school to work really feeling alive as he or she delves into the physics of space travel, or the mathematics of heart surgery, or the geology of 100-million-year-old rocks, or the history of Phoenician merchants. Imagine the excitement that young student must feel at being lifted out of a sheltered, limited world and into an exciting world of men and women of intelligence and character -- all made possible by the efforts of men such as Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, and countless other value producers. The faces of such men can at times actually flash before the mind of a person who is integrated with the roots of values as he or she reflects with great appreciation at life's opportunities.
Imagine that college student as a young man and then imagine him going on a date with a pretty, life-filled girl he met at college. They experience so much excitement together. He values so much her overflowing health and energy. He loves her happy laughter and innocent mind. And yet, none of that happy life experience would have been possible until just a few generations ago. Instead, that young and growing couple would have been two ignorant, unhygienic, unhealthy, stagnated serfs. But today, those two healthy, growing minds feel as if there could be nothing greater in the world than just the experience of their two persons being together overflowing with health, intelligence, happiness -- overflowing with future potential and life itself. They are experiencing a state of life all made possible by the value accumulations of great industrialists as well as countless other value producers throughout the ages -- from everyday workers and merchants to great scientists, doctors, philosophers, artists, bankers, inventors.
Stop and think about the value momentum all around you. Think about even simple devices such as a stainless steel or electric razor that allows you to feel clean and refreshed every morning. Think about having toothpaste and a toothbrush. Those "luxury items" were unavailable before the turn of the century. And yet think about how much those two simple devices have increased your health, your good feeling, and your ability to enjoy your lover. All because heroic businessmen invented, integrated, and worked intensely to reduce costs, mass produce, and mass market such items at affordable prices.
Think about indoor plumbing and the ability to shower daily. Think about the enormous values required to bring about affordable, effective, mass-marketed soap and shampoo. From the simple to the complex, all such values required great effort by countless individuals to make them available to working people. Instead of spending all day preparing meals from scratch, washing clothes, farming a small plot entirely by backbreaking physical labor, or fighting rudimentary health ailments, a person can focus on expanding his or her mind, career, and happiness to break the stifling chains of a short, ignorant, brutish life experienced by all but a privileged few throughout most of history.
Reflect for a moment on how the struggles exerted by past value producers contribute to the lives of your loved ones, your friends, the lives of all people by lifting everyone out of general misery and into a conscious life of exciting growth and happiness.
The article "Businessmen vs. Neocheaters" by Carl Watner, I & O Publishing Company, reviews the origins of and the heroic efforts behind many crucial values we now take for granted -- values which have contributed greatly to human progress: Values such as the development of agriculture and farming, the development of writing, the invention of the printing press and the development of mass communication, the evolvement of rational, written law, the smelting of bronze, iron and steel, the development of coinage and money, mapmaking, glass making, the crane, pulley and gear systems, the clock, the compass, spectacles, the microscope, the telescope, the barometer and thermometer, blasting powder, machine tools, the steam engine, the locomotive, textile machinery, steel and the skyscraper, the telegraph, electricity generators and electrical lighting, road construction and mail delivery, the internal combustion engine and the automobile, industrial standardization, the airplane, radio, television and radar, the instant picture, the photocopier, calculating devices and the computer, aviation, electronics, nuclear power...on and on runs the list of life-lifting achievements.
When reading Watner's synopsis of various value achievements, an enormous gratification grows at the realization of the personal struggles that went into every one of those developments. Even if a person does not directly use a particular value, indirectly every value achievement in society benefits him or her. For every value in society contributes to each individual's ability to break the stifling chains of ignorance, physical toil, and ill health that has plagued most of mankind. All values contribute to the ability of working men and women to capitalize on their inherent and powerful potential to produce values themselves while synergistically receiving self-esteem and happiness in return for their productive livelihoods. That is the exciting, dynamic nature of conscious life.
For example, a person's livelihood may not directly depend on using the mail. But much productive business is vitally dependent on the mail service. Productive business that every day creates values that every person's happiness, quality of life, and career potential depends on. Similarly, if a person has no need for a computer, important business he or she benefits from does depend on computers. Few people ever have a direct need for a supertanker, most will never even see one, yet their happiness, their standard of living, their life itself literally depends on the enormous efforts that go into building and operating supertankers. Few people have a need for navigation equipment. But shipping and aviation depends on advanced navigation equipment. In turn, world communication and most business depends on shipping and aviation. And every individual benefits directly from world communication and world business. Examples of such interplaying value dynamics are endless.
Tremendous effort has gone into achieving numerous abstract, intangible values that today benefit every person enormously. And yet, other than specialized historians, few people are even aware of those abstract values. For example, consider another article written by Carl Watner and published by I & O Publishing Company entitled "Silence, the Ultimate Protector of Individual Rights." This missive outlines the historical evolvement of the fifth amendment. The fifth amendment is the individual's right not to testify against himself.
Forcing the accused to bear witness against himself or herself is an ancient manipulative tool of neocheaters. It was most infamously used in star chambers and during the inquisitions. Individuals were tortured until they confessed that they were guilty of sins. Their confessions were then used to inflict harsh sentences on them -- usually death.
In modern times, government neocheaters have used that manipulative tool by imprisoning victims until they "testified" their "guilt." Forcing the individual to testify against himself or herself has been responsible for vast enslavement and incalculable oppression by the state.
But, in 16th Century England, the concept of individual rights began to spring from the enlightenment of the Renaissance. A few independent thinkers identified the evil of self-incrimination and how individual rights would remain unobtainable as long as government was permitted to get away with that manipulation. Mankind would always remain oppressed unless the right against self-incrimination was written into law. Consequently, a brave handful of those individuals, through heroic personal struggles, relentlessly fought against the evil doctrine of forced self-incrimination. Those men were imprisoned, tortured, and many were executed. Even the printers who printed pamphlets from those men were imprisoned. But, eventually, through decades of relentless struggle, reason and justice prevailed. As a direct result of those 16th-Century heroes, Americans today are protected and benefit every day of their lives in a totally unnoticeable, indirect way by the fifth amendment.
In fact, the entire history of individual rights and freedom has gone through the same type of struggle. Incalculable effort and hardship over countless generations has gone into evolving the life, values, and happiness experienced everyday by every person. When a person integrates the vast, intangible values he or she now capitalizes on every day of his or her life, it is as though every day should be a Fourth-of-July celebration!
As identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery, increasing value production in one's career is the process of lifelong growth and happiness. To fully appreciate and integrate with this dynamic process of human life, one needs to fully appreciate and integrate the heroic struggles that have gone into making all of today's value-building/happiness-increasing synergy possible. When a person reflects on the wonderful value momentum built piece-by-piece, with painstaking care and effort throughout the ages, a powerful motivation begins building within that person.
Think about when you are at work sending a fax across the country or across the globe. You are utilizing a vast network of business, technology, and human effort spanning many generations. Think about when you are arranging to have your company's products trucked to another city. You are utilizing a vast infrastructure of roads, bridges, maintenance, as well as the massive, advanced truck-building industry. So much incredible business and technological evolvement over the millenniums, both tangible and intangible, complicated and simple, have culminated into making opportunity-generating, livelihood-supporting actions in your world possible.
Consider a final example: Imagine, at the end of a productive work day, walking out of your office with your healthy, life-filled spouse at your side. As you walk towards your car a mammoth, smelly garbage truck pulls into the parking lot to loudly empty a big dumpster. That is a sight not many people would relish. Yet, being integrated with the root of values, you suddenly experience a great flash of inspiration as you reflect on the effort, technology, and organization that makes it possible for that huge truck to efficiently collect garbage and safely dispose of it. For, throughout the ages garbage was just dumped in the street or in nearby piles, stinking up everything, causing disease and adding to misery. But, because of the vast, accumulated effort that went into making that garbage truck and that garbage collection business possible, you can walk out of your office and enjoy your overflowing health, your clean, pretty neighborhood and the beauty of your happy, healthy spouse instead of a dirty, diseased, prematurely aged woman quickly sinking towards death as could be the situation without the development of that single productive garbage disposal business.
As you continue towards your car, you feel the three-million-year evolved body of yours walking with grace and total control. Your full-color eyes take in the brilliant, sparkling colors around you. Your intelligent, educated mind can, with clear, focused thoughts race out to grasp the existence of another galaxy millions of light years away, or integrate with enlightening experiences in distant cities, or borrow wisdom from the greatest minds of the past. ...Thoughts of such magnificent values can rush through your head as you get into your car: A marvelous device that required materials from four continents in order to become the final, efficient, affordable, precision machine that it is. With a turn of your wrist you start your car and race across town to fetch a healthy dinner of fresh fish flown in from an ocean 500 miles away. "This is the beauty of conscious, human life" you tell yourself. "This is the beauty of mystic-free business and its heroic value producers."
By exerting discipline, thought, and control (DTC), you can reject all integration-blocking mysticism to instead exert Neo-Tech thinking (fully integrated honesty). You will then be free to fully integrate with the roots of values. You will realize that no matter who you are, rich, poor, young, old, good looking, homely looking, smart, dim, are truly a masterpiece of life. You should feel this, appreciate this, let this integration sink in all the way down to your bones. When you do, celebrate your existence! Aspire to achieve, to build onto the great value momentum taking place all around you. Jump into the incredible value dynamics of a mysticism-free, Neo-Tech life. You will come to know a permanent, ever increasing supra happiness.
[ 64 ] Mysticism consists of feeling-based thoughts and actions that at first sound good but on closer examination are based on effort avoidance and envy. Mysticism is a disease of the thinking mind. The root cause of mysticism is laziness and dishonesty. See the Neo-Tech Discovery for a complete definition of mysticism.
[ 65 ] Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. See the Neo-Tech Discovery for a complete definition of Neo-Tech.
[ 66 ] Neocheaters are normally undetectable value destroyers. See the Neo-Tech Discovery for a complete definition.
[ 67 ] By using Neo-Tech to root out integration-blocking mysticism within oneself, the mind breaks into entirely new dimensions of unlimited, wide integrations called Neothink. (See Neo-Tech Cosmic Power by Frank R. Wallace.)
[ 68 ] Most universities today are government-funded organizations staffed with high percentages of uncompetitive, tenured professors that produce little or no net values. In fact, most of those professors are actually professional value destroyers. However, the dynamics of Neo-Tech will soon drive out such value destroyers from all aspects of society. Every university and professor will then be driven into competitive, business-like value production to maintain a livelihood. They will be driven out of their sheltered, limited world and into the exciting world of value-producing men and women brimming with opportunity.
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