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Neo-Tech lets genuine, value-producing business serve you and society rather than serve the professional value destroyers in government, politics, and elsewhere. Moreover, Neo-Tech lets vigorous competitive growth of value production thrive by letting honest businesses deliver maximum values to society. Maximum values mean value-producing businesses being competitively free to serve you in delivering ever increasing prosperity, health, and happiness to society...rather than those businesses eventually stagnating or dying by being forced to serve as targets for demagogues, hosts for parasites, and fodder for professional value destroyers.
Many people have succumbed to the professional value destroyers' manipulating propaganda. Indeed, the value destroyers' constant, pervasive anti-business propaganda against competitive hard work leaves most people intellectually blind and emotionally numb. Thus, the public becomes increasingly callous and unjust with shrivelling compassion. As a result, the multitudes blindly ignore the escalating criminalization of honest business and oppression of value-producing competition. Consequently, the multitudes increasingly support the malignant attacks on and jailings of heroic businesspeople. ...By constantly absorbing that unjust attack-business mentality, the public grows meaner and nastier.
Such suicidal public blindness and loss of justice are starkly obvious in this final feeding frenzy by the professional value destroyers in government, religion, the academe, and the media. With a loss of justice, the scream for blood is the same dynamics that occurred in Germany over a half-century ago when, step by step, honest, hard-working Jewish businesspeople were blamed, criminalized, jailed, and finally exterminated by the professional value destroyers. ...But, today, a just and cleansing Neo-Tech wave is coming: That wave will end all such suicidal blindness and destructive malignancy by curing neocheating forever.
Neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood -- the unsuspicious stealing of money or values through clever manipulations of dishonest non sequiturs. Neocheaters are generally unsuspected, undetected professional value destroyers acting as politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats, journalists, academe, clerics, and increasingly as businessmen. Such neocheaters have always drained the value producers by constantly working to regulate, stigmatize, or criminalize productive business and its competitive dynamics. Indeed, those neocheaters must increasingly regulate, stigmatize, and criminalize value production, competition, and business (as is rapidly happening in America) in order to continue usurping power, control, and values from the value producers. ...But now, for the first time in 2000 years, Neo-Tech will decriminalize and rightfully glorify business production and competition while stigmatizing and criminalizing the neocheaters themselves (as is happening in Eastern Europe).
Neocheating literally means new cheating for usurping values earned by others. But that literal meaning is imprecise. For actually, shrewd and dishonest people have used neocheating for 2000 years in hidden, unnoticeable ways. But the techniques of neocheating were not specifically identified until the current decade. Thus, neocheating is a new identification rather than a new technique. Before that identification, no one could define or even notice a neocheater, much less stop his or her neocheating. Now, anyone through Neo-Tech can easily spot neocheaters and render them impotent. With all their dishonesties, neocheaters become powerless as their illusions vanish through Neo-Tech.
To understand dishonesty and its consequences, one must first understand mysticism: Mysticism evokes, accepts, or uses imaginary notions that create problems where none exist. Contrary to common belief, mysticism today seldom involves religion or the occult. Instead, mysticism is the underlying tool of neocheaters and their manipulating anti-business propaganda. That envious, anti-business propaganda increasingly leaves the masses blind, stupid, vicious. Thus, manipulated by neocheaters, the masses will blindly, stupidly, viciously scream for the blood of those heroic businesspeople who serve them best.
The source of all mysticism is the dishonesty that evolves from using feelings, rationalizations, or laziness to generate or accept mind-created "realities". In turn, human beings acting on such illusionary "realities" are the source of all unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain is not a reality-creating device, but is a reality-integrating organ. Thus, reality-creating mysticism is a faulty, dishonest, diseased state of mind. ...In fact, reality-creating mysticism is the only disease of human consciousness. And essentially everyone is afflicted with that disease to various degrees.
Free yourself from mysticism and you gain unlimited advantages over everyone still afflicted with that disease.
Indeed, mysticism is the destruction disease -- the seminal source of all preventable destructions. Moreover, each instant or unit of mysticism or mind-created reality blocks further integrations of facts needed to preserve, expand, and create values. At the same time, mysticism erodes and eventually destroys all values. Thus, mysticism is decline and suicide on all levels -- on personal, local, national, and world levels.
Continuing with wider integrations and understandings of the dishonesty disease leads to its definitive cure. As the disease of mysticism is cured, the human mind breaks into new dimensions of unlimited thinking called neothink.
Dishonesty and Mysticism
Shrink the Conscious Mind
By contrast, the honest, relatively mystic-free businessman, scientist, or artist will often plan major, long-range value production over the span of years, even decades. But the mystic-infested person increasingly shortens his or her range of thinking and action. Thus, that person becomes more and more incompetent. Such increasing incompetence combined with mystically narrowing vision can continue until a person mugs, robs, or kills for immediate money to support a moment-by-moment existence void of vision, effort, and value production.
Ultimately, however, even the master neocheaters themselves are trapped by their own dishonesties and mysticisms. Indeed, they too are blocked in their own stunted integrations and afflicted with their own stupidness disease. ...With Neo-Tech, the emerging neothink minds in America will outintegrate, outflank, and leave behind all neocheaters as began to happen in Eastern Europe.
But now, for the first time in 2000 years, Neo-Tech will identify and eliminate all bogus careers of all professional value destroyers and neocheaters.
By contrast, the mind that quickly evolves from the mystic-free Neo-Tech condition is the Business Mind. That mind is expressed by the attitude of effort: "I must earn my own living. Thus, I must live through my own productive efforts. I must competitively create and produce values wanted and needed by others." ...Such value-producing business minds are the exact opposite of value-destroying criminal minds. The competitive productiveness of a business mind depends on the extent that mind is free of mysticism. Business minds respect individual property rights. And, by nature, competitive, productive business minds never need to use deception, duress, or force to deliver values to others and society.
From the criminal mind versus the business mind evolve the two conflicting character roots on our planet today:
The Professional Value Destroyer has a dishonest, lazy-driven criminal mind. He lives by purposely usurping or destroying values produced by others. His livelihood is bogus, dishonest, unhappy. He has an attack-business character.
The Professional Value Producer has an honest, effort-driven business mind. He lives by competitively creating or producing values for others. His livelihood is valid, honest, happy. He has a build-business character.
1. Money: Is it wanted to escape responsibility and support laziness or is it wanted to increase responsibility and expand productivity? A criminal mind sees all money as a way to escape competitive efforts needed to produce values for others. A business mind sees earned money as a way to increase competitive efforts to produce more and more values for others.
The criminal mind camouflages its own guilt about money and laziness by supporting, for example, false propaganda about "greedy" businesspeople exploiting the public.
2. Truth is a mushy, hydra-headed word. Everyone disputes its meaning. Truth denotes a static assertion that changes from person to person, opinion to opinion, culture to culture. Thus, truth is a hollow, manipulating word that all professional value destroyers, mystics, and neocheaters promulgate in their attempts to gain credibility for their deceptions and destructions.
Truth is a weapon used by neocheaters. They develop arbitrary sets of preconditioned points of what is "good" or "bad". They then demand the truth from people in applying those preconditioned points established by criminal-minded neocheaters. By nature, those sets of points are anti-business and dishonest. And demanding the truth within each set of dishonest points allows attack-business propaganda, force, and jailings to expand unchallenged.
3. Honesty is a solid, indivisible word. No one disputes its meaning. Honesty is a hard-effort, volitional process that is identical for every conscious being. Thus, honesty is the thinking and acting process that all professional mystics and neocheaters must becloud in order to live off the value producer.
Honesty bypasses all preconditioned dishonest "a" points in going straight to "the" point: Either something is honest or dishonest. In bypassing all manipulated preconditioned points, honesty dissolves all anti-business propaganda, force, legalities, and jailings. Thus, Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) dissolves all neocheating illusions and rejects all neocheaters' propaganda and destructions.
Discard the Word Truth
and discard all dishonest a points;
Use the Word Honesty
and act only on the point.
For justice,
only one honest the point exists:
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