Why do we blue-collar workers, housewives, and businesspeople ignore the escalating abuse of power by value-destroying bureaucrats? Why do we accept criminal-minded agents of force marauding about the politician-empowered bureaucracies such as the DEA, EPA, FDA, FTC, HEW, HUD, INS, IRS, OSHA, SEC? |
Why don't we blue-collar workers, housewives, and businesspeople fear the escalating power usurpations by malevolent Dole-type politicians, madman Bennett-type bureaucrats, and evil Giuliani-type prosecutors? Why don't we worry about their politician-created destructions that leaves us ethically dead and will put our children under the heel of regulation, stagnation, and unhappiness? |
Because we all resist integrated thinking, integrated effort, and integrated honesty. Thus, we all remain ensconced in the politician/bureaucrat-created hoax of effortless familiarity, false security, and drug-like evasion of reality...familiarity, security, and evasion that guarantee stagnation, unhappiness, and deadness.
Congressional Notice #1
Congressional Notice #2
The first Socratic trial in 2400 years against criminal-minded politicians and bureaucrats will be prosecuted by Frank R. Wallace. The competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech will break the 3000-year false grip on power by those professional value destroyers to deliver genuine power, prosperity, and romantic love to every value producer cured of the politician/bureaucrat-created dishonesty disease. ...And, this time, the guilty not the innocent are drinking the hemlock. |
Sought by no one, Neo-Tech will be adopted by everyone: Neo-Tech stands alone with its omnipotent competitive dynamics to haunt us all until one by one we take the power and responsibility of conscious life -- until we take the power and responsibility of fully integrated honesty held by citizens in all advanced civilizations throughout the cosmos.
[place mailing label here] |
THE HONESTY MOTION POLITICIANS ON TRIAL NEWSLETTER The Newsletter is an addendum to the Politicians on Trial Newsletter volume 1, number 1, published July 1990
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The Door Is Opening |
TO CURE ALL DISEASES by Mark Hamilton One Man Alone A lone scientist discovers the key that will unlock the definitive cure for all viral diseases, including influenza, cancer, and AIDS. Delivering that cure to society will end all destructions and deaths caused by viruses in human beings. During every woken moment, that scientist feels an all-consuming responsibility and pressure to deliver to others and society that definitive cure for all destructive and fatal viral diseases. Millions of lives depend on his cure being available immediately. Daily, tens of thousands of people are dying from those diseases worldwide. Indeed, that scientist feels the awesome responsibility and pressure every moment. He consumes every available bit of energy during every woken moment to bring that cure to fruition. ...Delivering that cure to the world is his total dedication, his passionate goal, his driving mission.
Will that lone scientist ever let anyone or anything deflect him from his goal of delivering that cure to mankind? Of course not. Constantly feeling the omnipresent responsibility, he will overcome every obstacle and bypass every impediment, including the professional value destroyers at the FDA. His personal comfort and convenience mean little to him. He will ignore the guns-and-fists threats and attacks from the professional value destroyers throughout all governments. He will not fear their attacks, guns, fists, judges, and jails. Nothing will deter him, nothing will intimidate him. He subordinates everything to bring that cure to others and society. He drives forward every moment, eighteen hours a day, seven days a week, for however many years it takes to reach his goal. Little matters beyond delivering that cure to others and society. For above all, he feels and meets his responsibility to the world.
Now what if that lone scientist discovered the definitive cure not only for viral diseases but for all physical and mental diseases; the definitive cure for all destructive and irrational behaviors not only on personal levels but on social, business, and political levels; the definitive cure for all wars, acts of initiated force, violence, and injustice purposely inflicted on others. What if through unleashing guilt-free Neo-Tech businesses and decriminalized competition worldwide that lone scientist discovered the definitive cure for all human harm and suffering? Would he let anyone or anything deter him from delivering his discovery to others and to society? ...And what would such a discovery mean to you, me, and everyone else? What would such a discovery mean to civilization to have all biological, mental, and social destructions eliminated quickly, completely, and permanently? One man alone has made that discovery by unearthing the seminal disease for all other diseases and destructive behaviors. What is that seminal disease? That disease is mysticism, the dishonesty disease, the integration-blocker disease, the stupidness disease. How can mysticism and the dishonesty disease be cured? ...It can be cured through the Ultimate Battle. |
War of Two Worlds: Value Producers versus Value Destroyers KNOWLEDGE YOU NEED TO SURVIVE AND PROSPER |
What is the Dishonesty Disease?
What is dishonesty? Why does it exist? Where does it come from? What are its ultimate consequences? Why is it a disease? How can it be cured and eradicated? ...How can you gain immediate advantages and prosperity from that knowledge and cure?
To understand dishonesty and its consequences, one must first understand mysticism: Mysticism evokes, accepts, or uses imaginary notions that create problems where none exist. Contrary to common belief, mysticism today seldom involves religion or the occult. For, unlike during the Dark Ages from 500AD to 1200AD, religion and the occult today are declining forms of mysticism with fading powers to evoke disease, destruction, war, anxiety, unhappiness, and death.
The source of all mysticism is the dishonesty that evolves from using feelings or rationalizations to generate mind-created "realities". In turn, human beings acting on such illusionary "realities" are the source of all unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain is not a reality-creating device, but is a reality-integrating organ. Thus, reality-creating mysticism is a faulty, dishonest, diseased use of the mind. ...In fact, reality-creating mysticism is the only disease of human consciousness. And essentially everyone is afflicted with that "thinking" disease to various degrees. ...Free yourself from mysticism and you immediately gain unlimited advantages over everyone still afflicted with that disease.
Indeed, mysticism is the destruction disease -- the seminal source of all preventable destructions. Moreover, each instant or unit of mysticism or mind-created reality blocks further integrations needed to preserve, expand, and create values. At the same time, mysticism erodes and eventually destroys all values. Thus, mysticism is decline and suicide on all levels -- on personal, local, national, and world levels.
On a wide scale, mysticism and neocheating are the underlying tools for those who inflict wide and massive destruction on others or society. But ironically such obviously evil people as Caligula, Robespierre, Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot are not neocheaters. Nor do they use neocheating techniques. Yes, they purposely use mysticism as their tools of death and destruction. But they do not conceal or camouflage their destructions. Thus, almost everyone who chooses can quickly identify and know that such people are evil value destroyers. So who are the neocheaters? What exactly is neocheating? How does it work? How much destruction does it wreak?
Neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood -- the unsuspicious stealing of money or values through clever manipulations of mystical notions or dishonest non sequiturs. Neocheaters are generally unsuspected, undetected professional value destroyers acting as politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats, journalists, academe, clerics, and increasingly as businessmen. Such neocheaters have always drained the value producers by constantly working to criminalize productive business and its competitive dynamics. Indeed, those neocheaters must increasingly regulate and criminalize value production, competition, and business (as is rapidly happening in America) in order to continue usurping power, control, and values from the value producers. ...But now, for the first time in 2000 years, Neo-Tech will decriminalize value production, competition, and business while criminalizing the neocheaters themselves (as is now happening in Eastern Europe).
Neocheating literally means new cheating for usurping values earned by others. But that literal meaning is imprecise. For actually, shrewd and dishonest people have used neocheating for 2000 years in hidden, unnoticeable ways. But the techniques of neocheating were not specifically identified until the current decade. Thus, neocheating is a new identification rather than a new technique. Before that identification, no one could define or even notice a neocheater, much less stop his or her neocheating. Now, anyone through fully integrated honesty can easily spot neocheaters and render them impotent. For through fully integrated honesty, the illusions of mysticism vanish and neocheaters become powerless.
What specifically is the cure for neocheating and its underlying disease of mysticism? What is the silver bullet that will eliminate all neocheaters by curing the dishonesty disease? That definitive cure, that silver bullet is called Neo-Tech: Neo-Tech is a noun or adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts and reality. Neo-Tech creates a collection of new techniques or new technology that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all competitive, value-producing situations. Neo-Tech provides the power to profit in every situation by collapsing neocheating and all other forms of mysticism. ...By contrast, mysticism is unintegrated dishonesty based on rationalizations and mind-created "realities". And neocheating is the criminal-minded manipulation of false, mystical notions.
What constitutes the dishonesty disease and its cure?
How is mysticism the tool of neocheating? Mysticism is based on mental laziness. With mysticism, a person does not try to figure out reality. Therefore, that person can be manipulated by illusions and mind-created realities orchestrated by neocheaters. But, by contrast, Neo-Tech is based on mental effort. With Neo-Tech, a person tries to figure out reality. Therefore, that person cannot be manipulated by illusions and mind-created realities. He cannot be fooled or controlled by neocheaters. ...Indeed, Neo-Tech is the reason why the work of one lone scientist is going to bring down the entire multitrillion-dollar, lazy-driven, dishonest structure of professional value destroyers and neocheaters.
Continuing with wider integrations and understandings of the dishonesty disease leads to its definitive cure. As the disease of mysticism is cured, the human mind breaks into an entirely new dimension of unlimited thinking called Neothink.
Neothink is the unlimited wide integrations made possible by the eradication of integration-blocking mysticism. And eradication of mysticism is accomplished through Neo-Tech effort. Thus, neothink is Neo-Tech moving in a high-effort, value-producing direction. That essence-moving direction always yields unlimited advantages. ...Neothink outcompetes all, outcontrols all. Neothink dominates the universe.
The dynamics of a mind succumbing to the laziness of mysticism versus a mind growing through the effort of Neo-Tech cause the evolvement of two different, contrasting minds:
The mind that ultimately evolves from the mystical-diseased condition is the Criminal Mind. That mind is expressed by the attitude of laziness: "The value producers owe others a living. Thus, people can live by destroying, stealing, wangling, or usurping values earned by others." Indeed, all mystic-diseased, criminal minds lay the responsibility for value production onto others. Such criminal minds epitomize politicians, clergymen, business quislings...and many bureaucrats, academe, news journalists, lawyers. For their attitudes fit Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment definitive description of the criminal mind: (1) The criminal mind disregards or disdains individual property rights. (2) The criminal mind rationalizes presumptions that parasites, usurpers, con artists, and professional value destroyers have a right to live off the productive efforts of others. ...Criminal minds exist by using deception, duress, or force to drain values from others and society.
By contrast, the mind that quickly evolves from the mystic-free Neo-Tech condition is the Business Mind. That mind is expressed by the attitude of effort: "I must earn my own living. Thus, I must live through my own productive efforts. I must competitively create and produce values wanted and needed by others." ...Such value-producing business minds are the exact opposite of value-destroying criminal minds. The competitive productiveness of a business mind depends on the extent that mind is free of mysticism. Such business minds respect individual property rights. And, by nature, the competitive, productive business mind never needs to use deception, fraud, or duress to deliver values to others and society.
From the criminal mind versus the business mind evolve the two conflicting character roots existing on our planet today:
The Professional Value Destroyer has a dishonest, lazy-driven criminal mind. He lives by purposely usurping or destroying values produced by others. His life is bogus, dishonest, unhappy.
The Professional Value Producer has an honest, effort-driven business mind. He lives by competitively creating or producing values for others. His life is valid, honest, happy.
From understanding the derivations of value destroyers versus value producers, three key concepts evolve:
RELEASES THE SEVEN NEO-TECH WAVES On the morning of March 29th, I & O Publishing Company publicly unveiled in front of the U. S. Federal Building a giant Neo-Tech SO WHAT! billboard dismissing all professional value destroyers. Earlier, I & O had distributed a Neo-Tech document to President Bush and throughout the federal government. That afternoon, I & O distributed the same Neo-Tech document to armed federal agents on the streets. That night, federal agents with guns surrounded the author of Neo-Tech, Frank R. Wallace. They handcuffed him and took him from his home. With vengeful vindictiveness, those armed agents threw a pile of Neo-Tech newsletters at the handcuffed Dr. Wallace and then jailed him without bail. Why? Hoping Neo-Tech would go away, they sat and waited three-and-a-half years after their initial armed attack, pillaging, and beating. But they could no longer tolerate his escalating ideas, writings, and publications. Thus, they abrogated everyone's first-amendment rights to free press and expression by jailing Dr. Wallace. Consider this: A writer publicly reveals his literature that clearly identifies the nature of various professional value destroyers spreading throughout government and business bureaucracies. That night, government agents come with guns, handcuff that writer, take him from his home, and jail him. ...In all past history, when freedom of expression is lost to guns and jails, tyranny and violence begin. But against Neo-Tech, the value destroyers themselves increasingly collapse their hoax with their every destructive act. Indeed, how can those professional value destroyers silence Neo-Tech already spread around the world in ten languages? How can they reverse the march of Neo-Tech businesses toward (1) emasculating all neocheaters and (2) driving permanent wedges between the value destroyers and value producers in both government and business? How can they stop the eradication of professional value destroyers from planet Earth? How can they find and destroy the phantom-bantam Neo-Tech companies quietly seeded around the world? How can they hide from fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech)? How can they put Neo-Tech back into the bottle? Imprisoning Dr. Wallace by professional value destroyers releases from foreign lands the first of seven Neo-Tech waves. On reaching America, that wave will lift millions of innocent value producers beyond the reach of professional value destroyers. And as those value destroyers are identified by each who earns the money to support them, they will increasingly be driven from their bogus livelihoods and scorned from society forever. |
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