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Politicians on Trial newsletter volume 1, number 1, July 1990 copyright (c)1990 by Al Kern |
ON JULY 9, 1990 FRANK R. WALLACE FILED THE HONESTY MOTION IN FEDERAL COURT. This historic document is a motion to base the judicial system on fully integrated honesty. As explained in the Honesty Motion (see "Politicians on Trial" newsletter volume 1, number 1, July 1990), fully integrated honesty cannot be manipulated with single, out-of-context truths or facts to draw dishonest conclusions. Only by using an oath based on fully integrated honesty can contextual, objective justice be insured. But, the current oath based on single item statements of truths or facts can lead to out-of-context, dishonest manipulations of justice. Yet, a federal magistrate denied the Honesty Motion with a single non sequitur stating that the current oath based on truth cannot be replaced with an oath based on fully integrated honesty because the current oath has been practiced by millions of people for hundreds of years. Beginning on the following page is an Appeal to the Honesty Motion denial filed by Frank R. Wallace. That Appeal is followed by two critiques of the Federal Magistrate's denial of the Honesty Motion. The first critique is by Mark Hamilton, author of numerous books, articles, and documentaries dealing with philosophy, business, biological immortality, and happiness. Mr. Hamilton is also running for President of the United States in the next election. His platform is to drive a wedge between the happiness-quashing value destroyers in our government and the genuine value producers in our government. The second critique is by Eric Savage, President of I & O Publishing International. The Honesty Motion itself is printed in the Politicians on Trial newsletter volume 1, number 1, July 1990.
"...the oath or affirmation which has been administered in courts of law throughout the United States to millions of witnesses for hundreds of years should not be required to give way to the defendant's idiosyncratic distinctions between truth and honesty."
...That quote is from a court order by federal-magistrate Lawrence R. Leavitt filed on August 2, 1990 and received by the defendant, pro se, on Monday, August 6, 1990 by United States mail. That order denied the motion for a fully contextual honesty oath. Those quoted words were the sole reason for denying that Honesty Motion filed on July 9, 1990 by the defendant. That motion requested that the corruptible truth-oriented oath be replaced with an incorruptible honesty-oriented oath.
"...the sun rotates around the flat earth is a truth which has been firmly held by billions of persons for thousands of years and should not be required to give way to the defendant's idiosyncratic distinction between historical faith and reasoned facts."
...That hypothetical quote is the essence behind the Inquisition trial of Galileo in 1633.
The denial of the Honesty Motion rests on an invalid premise. Moreover, the denial of the Honesty Motion abridges the first-amendment, free-expression rights of the defendant's life-dedicated beliefs and convictions in fully contextual honesty. And finally, the Honesty Motion is not only objectively and consistently valid, but is crucially relevant to unabridged justice in this trial and to law and justice in general. Thus, this appeal motion requests that the Honesty Motion be sustained.
The number of persons who believe in something for however many years, centuries, or millennia is not a valid premise for judgments or decisions. Thus, that "millions of persons, hundreds of years" premise is invalid for judicial decisions and actions. For, that unintegrated or unconnected premise is invalid from every position of reason, logic, and knowledge. Moreover, that premise is the first cousin to the equally invalid premises that use public opinion, popularity, or polls in place of factual knowledge contextually integrated with reason and logic.
If such invalid premises were valid, then the Ayatollah Khomeini with his Koran and Adolph Hitler with his Mein Kampf would represent fountainheads of "higher" knowledge from which perfect and benevolent civilizations would flow. How can such a statement evolve from the invalid "millions of persons, hundreds of years" premise? Many millions of Shiite Muslims and German citizens along with their leaders, judges, and prosecutors insisted that the laws and actions of Khomeini and Hitler were valid. Furthermore, those millions of persons based their beliefs on truths verified through promulgation by world-known intellectuals for hundreds of years as illustrated below.
On what truths did those millions of Muslims and Germans base their beliefs? On the truths of faith and tradition that justify dishonesty, deception, parasitism, plunder, and murder by their leaders promoting "higher" causes. And who supported and promulgated such dishonest truths? Some of the most influential but destructively bogus philosophers in history...from Hegel and Kant back to Rousseau and finally back to St. Augustine and Plato. Every one of those mystical philosophers promulgated the upside-down concept of X being superior to Y when in fact X equals value destruction and Y equals value production. More specifically:
X = Mind-created realities for advancing the arbitrary truths needed to usurp and dispose of precious values produced by others
Y = Mind-integrated reality for advancing the resolute honesty needed to create and produce competitive values for others.
Consider that the Honesty Motion was denied solely on the false "millions of persons, hundreds of years" premise. Judgments and decisions based on such premises block the development of new knowledge, correction of errors, improvement of human life, and the objective administration of justice. ...Now consider the disastrous, long-range consequences of any judicial system sanctioning decisions and actions based on false premises such as "millions of persons, hundreds of years", false authorities of tradition, historical non sequiturs, and popular opinions:
People 350 years ago were persecuted, imprisoned, even executed for tendering crucial knowledge developed from facts, reason, and logic that challenged established beliefs. People today are still persecuted, imprisoned, even executed for tendering crucial knowledge developed from facts, reason, and logic that challenge established beliefs. Consider the most blatant examples in current history: Castro's Cuba, Xiaoping's China, Ceausescu's Romania, Hussein's Iraq. ...Now, today, in more indirect and subtle ways than a bullet in the brain, persecutions and imprisonments of the most courageous and far-sighted value producers are occurring more and more in the United States. But ironically that destructive trend has reversed itself in Eastern Europe and even in Russia. How? Through a newly rising trend toward objective reality, the-point law, and integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) in those countries.
First, one must know what the Honesty Motion is not: It is not some idiosyncratic philosophical or intellectual exercise void of relevancy to this case or to law and justice in general. Yet, that characterization is what the federal magistrate implied as he dismissed the motion with a single non sequitur. But the objective fact is exactly the opposite: The five essences of the Honesty Motion are:
The federal magistrate subjectively denied the Honesty Motion with a non sequitur...with an unintegrated, irrelevant a-point. Indeed, unintegrated a-points can always be subjectively plucked from an infinite parade of arbitrary, mind-created realities. Such a-points can serve any rationalization, whim, or desire. Moreover, such a-points evade the responsibility, discipline, and effort required to respond within the strict boundaries of objective, mind-integrated reality.
Thus, the federal magistrate's denial eloquently demonstrated the validity of and need for the Honesty Motion -- for incorruptible the-point law based on the dynamics of fully integrated honesty. The federal magistrate's denial also validated the twin pillars of judicial and social needs upon which the Honesty Motion rests:
Pillar A: The need for eliminating corruptible a-point law based on the static assertions of truth as demonstrated and illustrated in the attached Honesty Motion.
Pillar B: The need for objective justice through incorruptible the-point law based on the dynamic process of integrated honesty as demonstrated and illustrated in the attached Honesty Motion.
Dismissing the Honesty Motion with a non sequitur will not diminish the significance or inevitability of incorruptible, honest-based, the-point law. To the contrary, the Honesty Motion will return again and again, stronger and stronger, at every opportunity, until incorruptible the-point law based on the nonmanipulative dynamic process of honesty replaces corruptible a-point law based on the manipulative static assertions of truth.
1. The premise of the federal magistrate's denial of the Honesty Motion is invalid by all standards of objective reason and logic.
2. Denial of the Honesty Motion will lead to the abridgment of justice in the defendant's trial. For, by administering the truth oath rather than the honesty oath, justice can be hamstrung and subverted by the manipulation of a-point facts, truths, and law.
3. Denial of the Honesty Motion would abridge the defendant's first-amendment right to free expression.
4. Denial of contextual honesty in law always leads to increasingly subjective, corruptible, a-point law and justice. Without the demand for and discipline of contextual honesty in law and justice, professional value destroyers will increasingly proliferate throughout society as delineated in the defendant's Honesty Motion filed on July 9, 1990.
5. Acceptance of contextual honesty in law leads to objective law, which in turn leads to incorruptible, the-point law and justice. With the demand for and discipline of contextual honesty in law and justice, professional value destroyers will increasingly be driven from society as delineated in the defendant's Honesty Motion filed on July 9, 1990.
INTEGRATE EACH PREMISE TO ITS WIDEST CONTEXT A Critique of the Federal Magistrate's Denial of the Honesty Motion - by Mark Hamilton |
The moral basis behind all decisions, particularly all judicial and legal decisions that affect millions of people and control our country, is integrating wider and wider realms of reality, integrating all relevant facts into accurate context. For instance, the reality or fact may be that a man's briefcase is full of money. Yet that single fact does not mean that he is the man who robbed a bank. But integrating all the facts into the most comprehensive context will determine if that man is guilty or not.
Indeed, the key responsibility behind all decisions is integrating more and more reality and facts until justice is properly determined and served. ...Integrating wider and wider realms of factual reality is the moral basis for all judicial and legal decisions.
Let us hone in on the premise behind a recent judicial decision to deny the all-crucial Honesty Motion; let us put it to the test: Let us integrate the basis behind the decision to reject the Honesty Motion -- "millions of people, hundreds of years" -- to wider realms of reality. Let us see where we go:
The Premise Behind The Decision: "Millions of people, hundreds of years" makes a legal point valid... Integrate That Premise To Wider Realms Of Reality: Millions of people for hundreds of years lived under the rule of the Church. That makes the Church rule "valid". During that time, known as the Dark Ages, new knowledge was not permitted. Only approved knowledge held in place for hundreds of years and followed by millions of people was permitted. Mankind went backward for a thousand years. Not until new knowledge could finally challenge the "valid" knowledge followed by millions of people for hundreds of years did mankind break through into the Renaissance. Only when new knowledge could finally challenge the "valid" knowledge followed by millions of people for hundreds of years did the world and knowledge begin to move forward again.
Test Results -- The Premise Behind That Decision FAILS Because of its Invalid Basis: Consider the reasoning behind that decision: "millions of people, hundreds of years" makes a legal point valid. Such reasoning permits no new legal knowledge beyond what has existed for hundreds of years, followed by millions of people. ...Carrying that reasoning out to wider realms of reality fails. Indeed, when carried out to wider realms of reality, that reasoning -- "millions of people, hundreds of years" -- is the same reasoning that held the world in the Dark Ages for a millennium.
Now, let us put the Honesty Motion to the test. Let us integrate the Honesty Motion to wider realms of reality. Let us see where we go:
The Honesty Motion: Replace the truth oath with the fully integrated honesty oath...
Integrate Honesty Motion to Wider Realms of Reality: Fully integrated honesty simply means integrating wider and wider realms of reality, integrating all relevant facts into accurate context -- the epistemological process behind all valid knowledge and decisions. If fully integrated honesty became the oath in Stalin's Russia, Stalin could not have survived. The legal system gave Stalin his power through dishonest a-points designed for destructive power. With the Honesty Oath, all a-points designed for political power will not survive. Corruption will end. Stalin's Russia could have never occurred.
Test Results -- The Honesty Motion PASSES Because of its Valid Basis: The honesty motion prevents corruption in government and consistently delivers justice. And, carrying out the Honesty Motion to wider realms of reality prevents injustice and the conditions that allow Stalin-type judicial systems. The Honesty Motion will hold our country in freedom forever.
THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL PROCESS REQUIRED TO MAKE VALID JUDICIAL DECISIONS A Critique of the Federal Magistrate's Denial of the Honesty Motion - by Eric Savage |
For a decision process to be valid, the logic and reasoning given to support each position must be carefully examined. For example, examine the logic and reasoning given to support the Honesty Motion. Then examine the logic and reasoning given to support the Court's denial of the Honesty Motion. Upon reading the Honesty Motion, one can see a clear attempt to use systematic logic and reasoning to objectively integrate facts to valid conclusions. But, upon reading the Court's denial of the Honesty Motion, one sees no attempt to objectively integrate facts with logic and reason. Nor does the denial of the Honesty Motion attempt to refute any of the facts, logic, reasoning, or integrations used in validating the Honesty Motion. The premise of the denial is simply "It has always been done this way".
The reasoning used in denying the Honesty Motion is illogical and unjust. Ironically, that glaringly invalid reasoning is exactly why the Honesty Motion will never go away, never cease until fully implemented. For, the sole purpose of I & O Publishing Company is to eliminate mysticism (mind-created realities) and corruption in the government, in the legal system, and in the private sector. Thus, I & O Publishing Company will continue to meticulously document and expose mysticism and corruption wherever encountered, to thousands of intellectuals, educators, businessmen, and working people throughout America and 150 countries worldwide.
Premises such as "It has been practiced by millions of people for hundreds" are readily discernible as illogical and unjust by even the man in the street. And the fact that such premises are being used today to determine and control our judicial system will soon cause a rising wave of public resentment and indignation, especially with the accelerating spread of fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) occurring worldwide. That angry reaction will build to eventually drive all unjust and immature a-point-premised mysticism out of existence.
The great responsibilities of a free nation, the great responsibilities of its judicial system with its far-reaching consequences demand mature, meticulously reasoned decision making. There is no place for pseudo decision making and mickey-mouse intellectualism in our legal system.
The only moral, proper action is to: l) Overrule the denial of the Honesty Motion, and 2) Usher the Honesty Motion into our legal system as quickly as possible.
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