SOCRATIC TRIAL PRODUCER/DESTROYER WEDGE DOCUMENT#1 Please send correspondence to: Barbie Diamond Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation 850 S. Boulder Highway, Henderson, NV 89015 copyright (c)1990 |
Neo-Tech will Hold Accountable Judges, Prosecutors, the Media, the Public who Support Those Criminal-Minded Politicians and their law-empowered agents of force, professional value destroyers, and bogus-job bureaucrats |
Discarding all manipulative a-point law for objective the-point law delivers incorruptible justice by always determining: Who is the Innocent, Who is the Guilty? Who is the Rational, Who is the Irrational? Who is the Just, Who is the Unjust? Who Benefits Society, Who Harms Society? Who is the Value Producer, Who is the Value Destroyer? |
With the Neo-Tech Dynamics,
All Dishonest Politicians and their Destructive Law-Created Bureaucrats
Will be Identified and Driven from their Bogus Livelihoods
from a hard-working value producer -- Dwayne Decker (edited for syntax and ease of reading) Thank you for letting me review the prepublication copies of your two new products: "The Wedge" newsletter and "Politicians On Trial" newsletter. Here are my thoughts on the two newsletters that I understand will be marketed as a team series: Everyone knows about the increasing corruption in our government. But no one knows what to do about it...that is, until now. Upon reading issue #1 of The Wedge titled The Socratic Trial, the value destroyers' hidden secret that protects their corruption suddenly snapped open my eyes. Their techniques became so obvious as I read the newsletter. And I know everyone else will immediately see what I see upon reading The Wedge newsletter. Do you plan to mass market The Wedge? I hope so. At last, everyone can now see how dishonest politicians build their destructive power and how dishonest bureaucrats enforce that corrupt power. Then the dishonest politicians and bureaucrats conveniently hide behind each other. The brutish bureaucrat agents of force who abuse their power simply claim they are upholding the law. The slick lawmakers, on the other hand, take no responsibility for abusive power as they point to the bureaucrats who abuse the power. One builds the power. The other enforces the power. The value destroyers then hide behind one another, with no one taking the responsibility or blame for their corruption and destructions. With that eye-opening revelation in the first issue of The Wedge and in the accompanying Politicians-On-Trial series, the public can begin to do something about corruption. They will finally be able to spot and elect honest politicians who are not value destroyers. As these Neo-Tech newsletters spotlight each and every politician's power-building corruption, they will force a new breed of competitive value producers into politics -- honest value producers whom the public will eagerly vote for en masse. Beautiful! Please accept my subscription for the double-barreled newsletter series of The Wedge and Politicians On Trial |
from N-T International President Eric Savage (FAX from Hong Kong) Here are my reactions after reading the review proofs of the "Producer/Destroyer Wedge" and "Politicians On Trial" newsletters: Neo-Tech will hold all individual value destroyers accountable for each destruction inflicted upon their every victim. For the first time in history, fully integrated the-point justice will be engaged and upheld. Thus, all destructive politicians will finally face fully integrated honesty and the-point justice. Indeed, for the first time in history, politician lawmakers will be held responsible for the damages and pillagings caused by their a-point created laws. ...Eventually, no value destroyer in America or the world will escape the justice of fully integrated honesty and the-point laws. The "Wedge-Document" demonstrates that the structure and enforcement methods of the politician-empowered criminal divisions within the IRS remain the most enduring legacy of Marxism in the United States. Of course, Marx's dishonest ideologies have revealed themselves to be the most viciously malignant mechanisms known to man. And it was the inculcation of Marx's ideas that led directly to the concept of criminal-enforced income tax. Thus, the malevolent, zany criminal division of the IRS is the organization in America most closely resembling Ceausescu's organization in Romania. What does that fact mean? Consider that the competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech spontaneously swept Eastern Europe, dumping the value-destroyer's organizations of destruction and death. Soon the same Neo-Tech dynamics will begin moving across North America. Once started, those competitive dynamics will start driving dishonest politicians from office while dumping the value-destroying elements not only from the IRS but from all government and business bureaucracies. Yes, let us roll out those newsletters. The market worldwide is ready. New, honest, competitive value-producing politicians will arise and sweep all elections. And most important, those newsletters will help cure the disease of mysticism and eradicate all its symptomatic neocheaters. |
Thus, After 2400 Years Neo-Tech will Redress the Execution of Socrates by Ostracizing from Planet Earth Dishonest Politicians and All Other Professional Value Destroyers |
The Neo-Tech law and justice evolution has begun with the following motion filed in United States Federal District Court. As a result, this motion is now available in a ready-to-use turnkey format that anyone can use in any situation involving the dynamics of justice. ...See page 12 of this document for information on obtaining copies of the complete turnkey honesty motion that will forever eliminate all corruption and dishonesty from the dynamics of justice.
This is a motion to eliminate all oaths or affirmations oriented around truth, such as:
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
This motion also requests that all oaths or affirmations be instead oriented around fully integrated honesty, such as:
"Do you affirm to speak with fully integrated honesty, only with fully integrated honesty, and nothing but fully integrated honesty?"
Telling the truth means nothing more than asserting a factual point or a series of factual points that are not untruths or lies. Truth implies neither responsibility to honesty nor responsibility to integrate facts into context. Moreover, the current oath or affirmation to truth is based on automated, noneffort, static assertions or
a-point facts. And a-point facts alone are dependent neither on integrations with the whole of one's knowledge nor on the known essential point (or the point) of an issue. Thus, the point of an issue can be erased by clever but dishonest manipulations of truthful a-point fact.
What are the definitions and distinctions between fragma a-point law versus integra the-point law? Consider that a-point facts, truths, or points of law are presented by themselves without further responsibility to integrate them more widely into a fully honest or accurate context. A-point facts, truths, or laws need not be integrated into additional relevant information or wider knowledge available at that time. Thus, without the need for context, a-point law can be manipulated toward out-of-context, unjust, and destructive ends. By contrast, the-point law represents all known relevant facts and information integrated together in order to produce the most accurate, in-context statements possible. Moreover, in contrast to a-point law, no one can manipulate the-point law.
A-point law bypasses the discipline and effort required for fully integrated honesty. But the-point law includes the responsibility of fully integrated honesty required to objectively prosecute the guilty, protect the innocent, and exercise incorruptible justice. As an example relevant to every court and justice system: The-point law is necessary to objectively determine who are the value destroyers in order to hold them accountable for their actions and penalize them for their destructions inflicted onto others and society. The-point law is also necessary to objectively determine who are the value producers in order to protect and reward them for the values they provide to others and society.
While no one can manipulate integra the-point law, any cleverly dishonest person can easily manipulate the facts and truths of fragma a-point law for destructive purposes. Such people use out-of-context facts, combined with a-point law, to subvert justice, integrity, and honesty in undermining our government, society, and all its citizens.
But honest people must also maneuver, like in a chess game, a-point law in order to protect or defend themselves in all justice systems based on manipulative truth rather than incorruptible honesty. And that demand for honest people to manipulate the law is the most insidiously harmful aspect of a-point justice systems.
For consistent, objective justice, an oath or affirmation must be based on the volitional, effort-driven, dynamic process of honesty. Honesty by nature demands full context and integrations with the whole of each individual's knowledge. Such full-context honesty always leads to the essential point (or the point) of the issue under consideration. Honesty cannot be manipulated to serve dishonest purposes. Consequently, only honesty can consistently deliver objective justice as well as uphold objective ethical principles and integrity.
This motion requests that all oaths or affirmations oriented around the static, easily manipulated assertions of truth be replaced with an affirmation oriented around the dynamic, unmanipulative process of honesty.
1. Truth is a mushy, hydra-headed word. Everyone disputes its meaning. Truth denotes a static assertion that changes from person to person, opinion to opinion, culture to culture. Thus, truth is a hollow, manipulating word that lawyers, prosecutors, the law, and the courts can use to gain credibility for destructive actions and unjust it President Nicolae Ceausescu's decorous courtrooms used to jail and execute thousands of innocent businesspeople for "economic crimes". Or Judge John M. Walker's decorous courtroom used for sentencing to jail one of the great value producers in America, businesswoman Leona Helmsley, on out-of-context a-point law to satisfy cries for crucifixion by a mendacious news medium and an envious public. ...By contrast, legal proceedings based on fully integrated honesty would prevent all such irrational actions and miscarriages of justice.
Truth is a weapon used in law and courts to develop arbitrary sets of preconditioned points of what is "good" or "bad". Then that "truth" is demanded from people in establishing those preconditioned points as the building basis of specious law and false justice. By nature, using such sets of noncontextual points as the basis of any law is dishonest. And demanding the truth within each set of noncontextual points allows unjust propaganda, force, jailings, and ultimately executions to expand without compunctions, challenges, or limits.
2. Honesty is a solid, indivisible word. No one disputes its meaning. Honesty is a hard-effort, volitional process that is identical for every conscious being. Thus, honesty is thinking and acting with fully integrated responsibility. But, all professional value destroyers must becloud the thinking and acting process of honesty and context in order to live off the productive efforts of others.
Honesty integrates beyond all preconditioned, dishonest a points in going straight to the point: Any statement, issue, or action is either honest or dishonest. In integrating beyond all manipulated preconditioned points of truth, the dynamics of honesty dissolve all unjust propaganda, force, legalities, jailings and executions from a Judge John M. Walker, Jr. to a President Nicolae Ceausescu.[ 69 ] Thus, fully integrated honesty dissolves all dishonest illusions, rejects all unjust propaganda, and prevents all destructive actions in legal and courtroom proceedings.
The references below further illustrate the differences between truth and honesty as well as the differences between a-point law and the-point law. How? By illustrating (1) how our current system of justice is subverted by manipulative, a-point laws and (2) how an incorruptible system of justice is guaranteed by fully integrated honesty through manipulation-free, the-point law:
1. Neo-Tech Pincer I, Volume 1, I & O Publishing Company, pages 166-168
The American legal system was created by hard-working, honest individuals interested in protecting values from being usurped, stolen, or destroyed. They developed a great mechanism for justice: The courts zeroed in on the legal point. They asked, "Was or was not a destructive act inflicted on others by the person or persons in question?" Irrelevant tangents were avoided or discarded. Facts were swiftly determined and justice effectively dispensed.
Unfortunately, neocheaters[ 71 ] have ingeniously infiltrated that valid legal system, turning its beauty into a beast. Over the decades, as explained in attorney letters A and B that follow this article, neocheaters developed and used laws as non sequiturs[ 72 ] to usurp power through the swift, effective court system. Thus, the effectiveness of the court system was subverted into a prime manipulation tool for neocheaters.
For example, after decades of perfection, the November-3rd people have crafted a court-system tool for inverting justice. That tool has been honed into a weapon for aborting challenges to their dishonest, illegal actions.
In court, for example, the November-3rd people focus on a legal point. That point is determined by certain specifically defined, non-sequitur "tax laws" that have nothing to do with the point of justice: guilt or innocence, value destruction or value production. Instead, an individual's guilt is determined by those non-sequitur
a-point laws. With such laws as their weapon, the November-3rd people dishonestly focus on single, non-sequitur legal points to support each case.
With that technique, the November-3rd bureaucracy can use the originally objective court system and its seemingly businesslike approach to divert any challenge on any ground, especially challenges by innocent value producers. For, today, the court always sticks to a legal point, even to a false legal point. In that way, innocent value producers are made to appear guilty. At the same time, the guilty value destroyers neatly protect themselves while continuing their usurpations and destructions without detection or challenge.
Without Neo-Tech, few if anyone can identify that the November-3rd legal points are non sequiturs that have nothing to do with integrated facts or honest revenue collection. In fact, their non-sequitur legal points are merely a neocheater's technique to appear legal or valid while inverting justice without challenge. For, they must invert justice to continue usurping values, power, respect, and low-effort livelihoods.
But with Neo-Tech, the neocheaters' powerful legal weapon becomes their fatal flaw -- their Achilles' heel. With facts combined with fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech), everyone will suddenly grasp the one and only valid point on which to focus. Indeed, consider what will happen before the public, the media, any courtroom, any jury, any forum: Every one-and-only the point based on fully integrated facts will always obliterate every a point based on November-3rd neocheating-type crimes, hoaxes, and intimidations.
The American justice system is a well-developed mechanism for dispensing justice, especially in high visibility, clear-cut criminal cases such as murder, rape, assault, robbery. Thus, to most, the justice system appears as a sound, solid value. However, those high-visibility, legitimate cases represent only a small segment of the legal system's activity and influence. But such cases abet and give credence to a vast network of "legal" machinations that have nothing to do with justice, objective law, or protecting individual rights.[ 73 ]
For the November-3rd bureaucracy, the legal system is now their comfortable means of existence and survival. That corruption of an originally objective legal system allows the November-3rd empire to live and grow through money, power, and respect usurped from the innocent value producer. By corrupting the legal system through non sequiturs, neocheating empires are built on deceptive illusions involving legions of obedient underlings. But all, from the highest in command to the lowest minion, ultimately live through bogus jobs by draining the value producers.
What is the solution? The next three November-3rd documents demonstrate that the solution lies in unraveling the legal non sequitur which mysticism and all its neocheaters need for survival. Thus, unraveling that non sequitur will end mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters not only in the November-3rd empire but everywhere. ...All honest, productive people will then rise to unparalleled heights of prosperity and happiness.
2. Neo-Tech Pincer I, Volume 1, I & O Publishing Company, pages 183-185
The November-3rd organization lives and grows by its gradual, long-term subversion of justice through a once valid legal system currently used as a three-step non sequitur:
a. Over the decades, the November-3rd people have accumulated a well-organized arsenal of seemingly valid, objective, well-defined points of law. They then aggressively apply those points out of context, as non sequiturs, to justify and support their destructive actions and bogus livelihoods.3. Neo-Tech Pincer I, Volume 1, I & O Publishing Company, pages 333-334b. Next, they, in conjunction with the prosecutors, judges, and even defense attorneys, expect everyone to stick to those dishonest non-sequitur points of law.
c. Then, presto, by keeping everyone focused on their non-sequitur a point, the point disappears. Thus, few ever see the point. Now, with most of the legal profession operating on those misconceptions, neocheaters can with impunity continue their usurpations of power and values. For everyone is busy sticking to the mind-blinding a point without regard to integrated facts, honesty, justice, guilt or innocence. ...But dishonest, destructive guilt versus honest, productive innocence is and always will be the point and the only point of objective law and justice.
Neo-Tech shows that the real choice is not between the various Hobson's choices of mysticism and neocheating. But, the choice is always between: 1. out-of-context, dishonestly used "a points" with their pragmatic flux of infinite non sequiturs, or 2. a fully contextual, honestly used "the point" with its principled foundation of unmovable facts. Expressed another way, the choice is always between mystical-based dishonesty or rational-based honesty.
The historic November-3rd event is the mother lode from which Neo-Tech knowledge, values, and power endlessly flow. The November-3rd people, through their savaging of the Neo-Tech research and writing facilities, indicted themselves before the world. And they will be found guilty by everyone who counts -- by every value producer throughout the world. They will be found guilty as the consummate destroyers of life and values. Indeed, the entire nation, the entire world will realize that the purpose of November-3rd people is not to collect revenues. Everyone will realize their destructive actions are only ploys through which they can live without producing values for others or society. And then everyone will realize the point: Who is the value producer? Who is the value destroyer? ...The only purpose of those populating the November-3rd hierarchy is to grow in power and size in order to justify and expand their unearned livelihoods.
4. Neo-Tech Pincer I, Volume 2, I & O Publishing Company, page 228
5. Neo-Tech Pincer I, Volume 2, I & O Publishing Company, page 236
Since the Greek philosopher Plato, politicians and bureaucrats have parasitically controlled the innocent value producer to the diminishment and suffering of all mankind. Those politicians and bureaucrats built an array of laws and regulations made to seem "valid" through their brilliantly integrated closed systems of a points backed by guns, clubs, and jails.
But, with Neo-Tech, anyone can simply step outside of their dishonest, closed systems of a-point laws and regulations. Each such person will then ask the one and only the-point question on Earth: Who is the value producer? Who is the value destroyer?
6. Neo-Tech Pincer I, Volume 2, I & O Publishing Company, page 239
Was Ceausescu an obvious value-destroying criminal with no connection to destructive bureaucrats and politicians in America or elsewhere? Consider what was happening only months before the dynamics of Neo-Tech suddenly collapsed Ceausescu's false power and left him accountable for his value destructions:
In the scope of a few years down to a few months before Ceausescu's execution, the Queen of Denmark knighted him, the Queen of England feted him, heads of states in Western Europe honored him, three Presidents of the United States exalted him, and many Western politicians and diplomats promoted him for the Nobel Peace Prize.
And even days before his execution, his system of legalities, courts, judges, and lawyers were models of decorum. Carrying businesslike briefcases, educated lawyers and Giuliani-like prosecutors scurried about in three-piece suits, busily usurping livelihoods within the constitutional, legal-appearing a-point judicial system of Ceausescu's Romania.
Indeed, all neocheaters...every value-destroying bureaucrat, politician, lawyer, and prosecutor have lost a soul mate in Nicolae Ceausescu.
But, just as Ceausescu discovered, the 2000-year era of a-point legalities is ending forever. The age of the-point law based on fully integrated honesty is dawning and cannot be stopped.
7. Neo-Tech Document: Politicians On Trial, I & O Publishing Company.
To serve, uphold, and advance uphold principle and prevent miscarriages of justice in this and all other litigations of justice, the oath must be changed. All oaths and affirmations based on the word truth as well as all dishonest and manipulative uses of fragma a-point law must be discarded. The word honesty must be used in place of truth in order to deliver consistent, objective integra the-point justice in all areas of law. The recognition and granting of this motion is not only essential for justice in this current case, but will represent the most significant advance in providing consistent, incorruptible law and justice since the Magna Charta in 1215 A.D.
Justice From All Angles Please, also review this motion for edit suggestions, comments, or ideas. For, this honesty motion will become a turnkey motion that anyone can use in any court case. Not only can innocent people use this motion to protect themselves from destructive laws and abusive power, but prosecuting attorneys can also use this motion to protect society from real criminals. For example, with this motion, sharp defense lawyers for hardened criminals could no longer "beat the law" or "get around the law". With this motion, dangerous or violent criminals could no longer get off on technicalities. This motion becomes a powerful, legitimate tool for all honest people to protect themselves and society from dishonest and destructive people. |
[ 69 ] On April 11th, a short article in the back pages of the Wall Street Journal reported the execution deaths in communist China of four businessmen convicted of "economic crimes" against the state. Economic crimes? What exactly were their a-point crimes? Those businessmen were trying to deliver values to others and society by generating voluntary free trade and value exchange among people. That execution-death example is the beau-ideal end result of a-point law based on oaths of truth and manipulated by professional value destroyers.
[ 70 ] November 3rd is the date of the violent attacks and illegal pillagings inflicted on innocent writers and editors at the editorial offices of I & O Publishing Company four years earlier. That violent destruction was based on nothing more than a vengeful fabrication from a lovelorn woman, a careless IRS zealot, and a perfunctory IRS computer check. With similar circumstances, such destructive attacks could happen at any time to any innocent person or business. But nevertheless, neither before nor after those attacks has I & O Publishing Company and its writers ever questioned the honest, legitimate revenue-collecting functions of the IRS. In fact, the term November 3rd was coined specifically to segregate and refer only to those destructive elements and professional value destroyers who are responsible for the criminal actions and violent behaviors in the IRS. For such actions and behaviors are increasingly harming both revenue collection and the credibility of the Internal Revenue Service.
[ 71 ] A Neocheater is one who usurps in undetected or hidden ways an unearned livelihood by manipulating non sequiturs and mystical notions in others.
[ 72 ] A non sequitur is a statement or conclusion that does not follow logically from anything previous. Dishonest manipulators constantly use non sequiturs. With non sequiturs, they can link nonvalues to values. Thus, they can create illusions that are the opposite to the integrated facts. Hitler used non sequiturs to cause millions of Germans to revere him as their savior. The dishonest media used non sequiturs to cause the public, the jury, and the judge to crucify heroic businesswoman Leona Helmsley as an evil witch. ...Today, the use of non sequiturs dominates the legal profession in America.
[ 73 ] By definition, individual rights are the corollary of justice: A simple technique for laymen to identify if a legal action is honest justice or dishonest injustice is to ask the question: "Is this action protecting the rights of the individual?" If the answer is not a clear yes, then that action is inverting justice or usurping values. ...Justice means respecting and protecting the rights, life, and property of each individual. [Reference: F.R. Wallace, "The Supreme Constitution", I & O]
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