Corruptible Justice Through Truth Oaths and A-Point Laws | Incorruptible Justice through Fully Integrated Honesty Oaths and The-Point Laws | ||||||||||||||||
Illusions and Mind-Created Realities Conjured Up Through Manipulative, Unintegrated Truth Fragma A-Point Law | Fully Integrated In-Context Facts Revealed Through Unmanipulative, Fully Integrated Honesty Integra The-Point Law | ||||||||||||||||
THE TURNKEY HONESTY MOTION The technical law-citing portion of this motion has been omitted from this public document. Copies of the complete motion formatted into a universal turnkey motion may be obtained by writing: Ms. Barbie Diamond, Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation, 850 South Boulder Highway, Henderson, NV 89015. Any and all defendants, plaintiffs, and attorneys can use that turnkey motion in all courts, litigations, or situations involving sworn statements, testimonies, and cross-examinations. Every judge and prosecutor on every level, state and federal, civil and criminal, up to the United States Supreme Court can and will be confronted with the honesty motion. And they each individually will be responsible for answering to the honesty motion. Moreover, each will remain responsible until the-point law based on unmanipulative honesty uproots and replaces a-point law based on manipulative truth. ...And that replacement of "truth" with honesty will mark the end of all dishonest politicians and other professional value destroyers as disclosed in the following article. |
The American people stand united on one fact: politicians are increasingly becoming dishonest people. In fact, people in every country agree that politics today attract dishonest people. Unfortunately for the honest politicians, the escalating dishonesty among politicians causes the American people to stereotype politicians and the American government as dishonest. And that stigma hurts our country.
Let us take a moment to ponder the hemorrhaging dishonesty among politicians: Do we stop to think that those politicians form and control our laws? Dishonest people interested in dishonest ends form the laws with which the judicial system and the American people must abide. Why? Why can dishonest people form laws? That pathological situation subverts justice with the increasing creation of irrational laws that harm society and corrupt justice. How do those harmful laws continue to exist and grow? The answers reduce to a single cause: the truth oath. With the truth oath, most laws including dishonest laws go unchallenged by honesty. Instead, every person must tell the truth about his actions as those actions pertain to the law, not to integrated honesty.
The law is the law, regardless of honesty or justice. The law and the dishonest politicians who form and control the law always remain unchallenged by honesty. Yet laws today are occasionally challenged and sometimes even eliminated as irrational or harmful. But such laws are challenged only through easily corruptible a-point law, rather than through incorruptible the-point law. Thus, the law and the dishonest politicians who form and control the law always remain unchallenged by honesty. But the honesty oath will make every law and every politician answerable to honesty.
Indeed, the honesty oath represents the most significant advance in justice since the Magna Charta. The reason the honesty oath is so important has nothing to do with challenging existing laws per se, but everything to do with removing the process of corruption. Only the dynamic process of integrated honesty can remove the dynamic process of integrated dishonesty (i.e., corruption). Corruption is a dynamic process of integrated dishonesty. Without the dynamic process of integrated honesty and continuing with the static assertion of truth, our legal system remains a permanent breeding ground for dishonesty and corruption.
Nearly everyone today recognizes that politicians are largely dishonest. Let us examine their dynamic process of corruption: First, parasitical people, professional lobbyists, and dishonest politicians work together on forming bogus a points in order to pass irrational laws for destructively selfish ends. And then, malicious bureaucrats not only throughout the November-3rd empire but throughout the entire government become increasingly empowered with such laws to coerce, control, and drain value producers while inflicting great harm on society.
Moreover, in abusive November-3rd-like situations, the politicians and the bureaucrats hide behind each other. The destructive bureaucrats claim they are only carrying out the law. They tell the truth about their actions that uphold some dishonest law and are never brought to justice. The dishonest politicians who form and control the destructive laws simply point to the guilty bureaucrats abusing the power. Meanwhile, the dishonest politicians evade responsibility and are never brought to justice. Dishonesty sails ahead; no one is ever held responsible for dishonest and destructive one is brought to justice.
What is the cure for that dynamic process of corruption that subverts justice? The cure reduces to a single oath: the honesty oath. The-point law based on the dynamic process of fully integrated honesty will hold every individual fully responsible for each and every act of dishonesty, including escalating harmful laws by dishonest politicians that give unconditional power to destructive bureaucrats.
Consider the ongoing results of the one-two corruption process during which dishonest politicians and destructive bureaucrats continually hide behind each other: One of those results is the escalation of abusive, violent guns-and-fists November-3rd-like activities against innocent people. Such crimes will be prosecuted with fully integrated honesty, regardless of anyone's actions to stop or reverse this inexorable process of objective, Neo-Tech justice. And now, the honesty oath gives the court the opportunity to support and accelerate that process of fully integrated honesty.
Any judge in any American or foreign court knows the disgusting results of the one-two corruption process during which dishonest politicians and bureaucrats hide behind one another. That corruption process is fully integrated dishonesty. Those destructive people live dishonest lives and inflict harmful acts on the American people. But now, for the first time in history, a way exists to remove that corruption throughout all government. That process starts with the-point law and the use of the honesty oath. Indeed, that process is fully integrated honesty. The process of honesty is needed to remove the process of dishonesty. No longer will dishonest politicians and bureaucrats be able to usurp respect and a living from the American people. ...Dishonest laws and destructive enforcement cannot survive when challenged by fully integrated honesty.
Everyone in the American court and justice system who wants honesty over dishonesty, objective justice over pseudo justice, must support the honesty oath. Never again will this opportunity occur for one to play such a key role not only in eliminating dishonesty and corruption in the legal system, but in eliminating dishonesty and corruption in all governments.
The corruption process described above involving a-point law manipulations by dishonest politicians and destructive bureaucrats always leads to increasing control of the value producers through step-by-step criminalization of business. Indeed, manipulated a-point laws increasingly regulate, control, and malign the honest business activities of the most creative and competitive value producers. But recently, the value producers of Eastern Europe began grasping the dynamics of Neo-Tech. As a result, they suddenly reversed that process of politician/bureaucrat corruption.
Even the value producers in Russia are now responding to Neo-Tech by reversing that corruption process. Those value producers are moving on a Neo-Tech vector in decriminalizing productive business activities as the only way to increase the happiness and well being of individuals and society. Activities that only a year ago would have brought long prison terms or even death sentences for a-point "economic crimes" are today not only legal, but are praised and encouraged.
By contrast, and with great irony, the United States today is moving in the opposite direction. The United States is moving on that corrupt vector of increasingly criminalizing value production and business.[ 74 ] But, after the Socratic trials, the worldwide competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech will permanently reverse that criminalization of business. For, Neo-Tech will end the dishonest politicians' a-point laws that allow destructive bureaucrats to control, regulate, drain, attack, and even jail the greatest value producers in America. ...Then the professional value destroyers will be gone forever. The value producers will be free to deliver unlimited prosperity and well being to others and society.
Nobody before knew what this ghostly word called corruption exactly was or how to stop it. But now, all can see that corruption is a dynamic process of integrated dishonesty and the only way to stop that value-destroying process is through a dynamic, value-producing process -- integrated honesty (Neo-Tech). Now all can see that the static assertion of truth could never compete with the dynamic process of integrated dishonesty -- corruption. Indeed, only the dynamic process of integrated honesty can compete with and eliminate corruption. Therefore, the honesty oath is the most important legal advancement since the Magna Charta. For the honesty oath will eliminate the process of corruption and bring objective, incorruptible law to the world. That process, in turn, will lead to the decriminalization of all honest business.
A future Producer/Destroyer Wedge document will provide another turnkey motion -- a motion to stop and reverse the current step-by-step criminalization of business. That motion will lead to the reversal and then elimination of irrational and destructive laws, controls, and regulations over honest business and its value producers. For those deceptive laws serve only to empower professional value destroyers. And that destructive empowerment works by methodical step-by-step criminalization of the most heroic, long-range, value-producing activities. In turn, that gradual criminalization of business is how professional value destroyers control and subvert the greatest, most productive servants of the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, society, and all civilization. ...Those heroic public servants are the value-producing business giants of this world.
The Hierarchy of Guilt Responsible for Continuing The Guns and Fists of November 3rd:
We reject the June 5th attempt by the November-3rd hierarchy[ 75 ] to return the $250,000 seized from us. Agents of force had illegally seized those bio/medical-research funds with guns and fists four years ago on November 3rd. We also refuse to recognize your removing of wrongfully placed liens on our properties. Ironically, our rejections and refusals will eventually save the IRS from irreparable harm by helping to extirpate those divisions staffed with professional value destroyers.
Our initial document to the IRS four years ago on November 13th as well as our document to IRS defense attorney J. Gregory Damm on June 6th of this year stated that we cannot accept any "legal" procedures for conditional or piecemeal releases of our illegally seized property. Why? On principle, we cannot accept anything that sanctions or facilitates criminal actions by professional value destroyers. ...We will not accept any stolen property until all properties (including all illegally seized writings, intellectual works, documents, files, computer equipment) are released unconditionally, in toto, as one unit. This document is also a formal notice that in no way are we abandoning claims to any of our property that you seized, including the stolen property and valuables not reported on your seizing records. To the contrary, we are holding you fully responsible for the total and unconditional return of all seized items. Moreover, we shall always hold both the November-3rd hierarchy and its professional value destroyers liable for further actions, damages, interest, and class-action litigation.
The Internal Revenue Service (the IRS) has valid and necessary functions in serving government and society. But a bureaucracy such as the Immigration and Naturalization Service (the INS) has no rational function. Being based on prejudice and racism, the INS is malevolently harmful and abusive[ 76 ] to immigrants ranging from heroic individuals to working-class families. And the false power wielded by INS employees is nasty, arrogant, dangerous, and sadistic as those employees maintain their bogus livelihoods by disdainfully draining the precious resources, time, and life itself from competitive value producers -- from hard-working, lower-class and middle-class immigrants.
The next Socratic trial will involve the INS. That trial will provide the leverage for an effective international wedge. In turn, that wedge will isolate the INS and its employees from other bureaucracies and their employees. The purpose of that isolation will be to replace that entire bureaucracy, its abusive employees, and its dishonest a-point laws and regulations. Within the dynamics of incorruptible the-point law, the current INS will evolve into an honest, rational, service organization. Such an organization would efficiently, happily, and benevolently facilitate everyone entering America who can deliver competitive values to others and society.
That coming INS court-trial confrontation will also provide the leverage for additional Socratic trials. The Neo-Tech dynamics after each of those trials will wedge, isolate, and then eliminate those uncompetitive, irrational, a-point bureaucracies and their destructive employees throughout America and around the world.
The countries most infested with corruption would first meet the Neo-Tech wave. Indeed, their corrupt governments pulled those countries into economic havoc. To survive now, integrated honesty must increasingly exert itself to overcome integrated dishonesty (i.e., corruption). Thus, Neo-Tech has begun sweeping through the Eastern-Bloc communist countries.
Why did the most corrupt governments cause economic collapse? The reason is that the process of corruption occurs by dismantling its opposite: value production. Indeed, any process requires action. And any action has an opposite and equal reaction. To row a boat upstream requires pushing the oars downstream. To increase corruption requires tearing down business. Therefore, the most corrupt communist governments totally criminalized business, which eventually lead to economic collapse. ...To survive, the first Neo-Tech waves have begun crisscrossing those countries. Now business in Russia and the other communist countries is increasingly being decriminalized as corruption gets washed away by the Neo-Tech waves.
Likewise, the increase in corruption in the U.S. government requires tearing down business. Indeed, dishonest politicians and destructive bureaucrats increasingly criminalize business, indicting and jailing business heroes such as Leona Helmsley and Michael Milken, which eventually will lead to economic collapse. However, well before that time, the Neo-Tech waves that have begun crisscrossing Eastern Europe will hit America. Business in America will be decriminalized as corruption gets washed away by the Neo-Tech waves.
[ 74 ] See page 22 about ridding America of those responsible for criminalizing honest business activities.
[ 75 ] The term November 3rd was coined to separate the destructive employees of the IRS from its productive employees. Those destructive employees are typified by the hierarchy responsible for the criminal pillagings and violence committed against I & O Publishing Company on that date four years earlier. Those people not only undermine the revenue-collection responsibilities of the IRS, but undermine society and government itself and menace all society.
[ 76 ] The abusiveness of INS employees evolves from a corrupt management that condones, for example, its agents using deportation threats to sexually assault women. After the INS Socratic trial, actions will be filed against one of those agents and the INS management by a victim of one such sexual assault.
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