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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

Supporting-Document #2


1980 A.D. TO 1991 A.D.
toward the


Much of Supporting-Document #2 was written and first published in 1990 as a monograph simulating Frank R. Wallace's Federal-Court trial, which occurred in February 1991. That monograph was distributed in test quantities to random individuals in Alaska and Hawaii before the trial. Of the 12,000 "trial" simulations and "jury" ballots distributed, only one guilty ballot for the defendant was received.

Thus, to prevent any pre-trial influences that could have jeopardized the trial or swayed potential jurors and witnesses, not a single copy of that "trial" simulation was released in Nevada. For, to cure the disease of mysticism, an uninfluenced Socratic trial and verdict from today's mystic-plagued world was required. With that trial and verdict now in place, the eventual implementation of wide-scope accountability throughout the IRS and other areas of government and society is assured. Such wide-scope accountability, in turn, will end the manipulations of mind-created "realities", which will lead to the cure of mankind's most tragic and destructive disease -- the disease of mysticism. And that cure of mysticism is the sole goal of Frank R. Wallace and I & O Publishing Company. For, curing mysticism is mankind's only route to our golden world of tomorrow.


Honest and valid evaluations and criticisms come from connecting all facts into a complete, contextual picture. In that way, no personal prejudices or feelings can get in the way to distort the honest picture. Criticisms become valid and constructive. Indeed, such full-bodied, unbiased criticisms can and do identify contradictions and errors. Thus, those criticisms must and will be ceaselessly heard by everyone affected -- in this case, the United States government and the American people.

copyright (c)1991
Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation


The prosecutor turned to the jury and revealed that the man on trial was from another world. The prosecutor told the jury that this one man was the most dangerous man. For, this one man threatened the status quo -- the world in which we live today.

But, did you ever feel that the world in which we live today is sometimes unreal -- a world that increasingly seems inconsistent, dishonest, corrupt, violent, abusive? Did you ever feel that something is wrong with this world? Did you ever feel that somewhere must exist a better world -- a consistent, benevolent world of honesty, integrity, rationality, peace, and security?

Where is that other world? How do we get there? Has any explorer yet discovered that world? Does he have a map for us? Is that our world of the future?

Ten years ago, a scout, a pioneer, a Columbus set sail into the unknown to discover a new world. He wore a Golden Helmet. His name was Frank R. Wallace. All but a handful of people thought he was going to sail off the edge of a flat earth. He did not. He discovered that better world. He discovered our world of tomorrow. He discovered the world of consistent honesty, integrity, rationality, peace, and benevolence.

Dr. Wallace is a scientist who ventured beyond the known to discover a Shangrila. He returned with a map. And, that map shows all men and women the route to a rational world of opportunity, growth, and security. Once started on that route, nothing can stop one from discovering the clean, honest world of our future.

That journey to our future actually began with a court trial 2390 years ago:

The First Socratic Trial

In Athens, Greece, 399 B.C., before a jury of 500 Athenian citizens, the innocent Socrates prosecuted the guilty. He alone prosecuted those in government who harmed society -- those in government who were professional value destroyers. Although he was on trial for his life, Socrates relentlessly prosecuted the guilty politicians and bureaucrats. He fearlessly exposed those who were ruining the economy and happiness of Athens. But, through false laws, Socrates was found guilty of false crimes. False crimes involving noncooperation and irreverence toward those corrupting the Athenian government. And those corrupting the Athenian government then executed Socrates with hemlock poison. But forever after in Athens and throughout all history, everyone clearly knew who was the innocent and who were the guilty. ...The guilty were those who harmed the economy and society for unearned gains and power. They were scorned and forgotten forever. But, Socrates' legacy lives forever. Indeed, Socrates' prosecution of the professional value destroyers in Athens was successful beyond his imagination. He drew them into a perpetual self-exposure trap that lives to this day.

The Socratic Self-Exposure Trap

Think back. Think back, even to your childhood. Recall all those instances when someone would aggressively accuse another of wrongdoings. Often a comprehensive, compelling, even a "shocking" case would be built against that person -- a case that builds accusations upon accusations. At the conclusion, the listener is convinced that the accused is guilty of those wrongdoings.

Then the accused appears. He is presented with the accusations. If he is free to fully respond, a shocking change sometimes occurs: That convincing mountain of "evidence" levied against him falls away and dissolves as one begins to see the accused as a totally innocent person. Then flashes an awful sense -- what if the accused never had an opportunity to respond. That injustice inflicted by the accuser would have remained forever into eternity.

But with the accused having the opportunity to answer the accusations, often another change occurs. One's view of the original accuser changes: The accuser now becomes the revealed villain -- a manipulating villain. And his capacity for further injustice is nullified in a unique and permanent way -- through the accuser's own dishonesties and injustices. ...No one could have been more effective in exposing the actual villain than the villain himself.

Now, what if the innocent accused understood that self-exposure process beforehand? Could not he, as did Socrates, have allowed himself to be accused? For, through such a process, that innocent person could draw previously impossible-to-expose villains into their own self-exposure traps. Those villainous accusers would then reveal to everyone that they are the ones who are harming others and society. Such self-caused revelations would eventually emasculate all such manipulative accusers to end the harm they inflict on others and society.

The self-exposure trap depends on one thing: The accused being free to fully respond. If innocent, the accused only needs to put all the facts into context. Justice will follow. ...Consider the oversimplified self-exposure trap of John O'Grady:

The Accuser

In 1944, I saw John O'Grady premeditate and then purposely kill a man. John O'Grady is a murderer. He should be jailed for life.

True facts. Incomplete. Out of context. Unjust conclusion.

Then the Accused Appears

I, John O'Grady, saved a platoon of men in 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge at Bastogne, Belgium. Trapped beneath a snow-covered ledge by a Nazi machine gunner, I premeditated a plan. I then scaled an icy cliff. Wounded twice, I shot and killed the machine gunner. I saved the twenty men left in my platoon.

True facts. Complete. In context.
Just conclusion:
John O'Grady is a hero.
He should be honored.

Now, with the facts integrated in full context, one's view and opinion of the accuser versus the accused inverts: The accuser becomes the guilty villain and the accused becomes the innocent hero.

Once all the facts are locked together to reveal the full picture, the accuser often becomes revealed as the guilty. That process of connecting all the facts into accurate context is the process of honesty. And that process of honesty is called Neo-Tech.

Neo-Tech, the process of honestly connecting all facts, weaves self-exposure traps like webs, entangling the villains and malefactors camouflaged throughout the world. Those villains hidden in our government and society intentionally present facts out of context to mislead the public. Why? To gain harmful power and bogus livelihoods. Those hidden malefactors are called neocheaters.

What follows is the Neo-Tech process of honesty that connects all facts into context. One result is the weaving of inescapable self-exposure traps. Another result is the revealing of big-picture puzzles. ...Below is the assembly of sixteen puzzle pieces to reveal the golden world of tomorrow:

The First Puzzle Piece Formed
Over Three Decades Ago

Leaving his University of Iowa teaching-and-research position in chemistry 34 years ago, having just earned his doctorate degree, Frank R. Wallace began his career as a research scientist at the world-famous Brandywine Laboratories of E. I. du Pont de Nemours -- a scientific mecca at which over 3000 Ph.D. research scientists worked. A few weeks after his career began, he heard a speech by Dr. Frank McGrew, the General Manager of those famous laboratories. Dr. McGrew represented a pinnacle to which almost every scientist at Du Pont revered as the highest career goal. With admiration and inspiration, Wallace listened to that brilliant, powerful man speak. Dr. Wallace sensed his fellow scientists sharing that admiration and inspiration. But, at the same time, he felt a tug in a different direction. He felt something bigger, more important. Something tugging at his mind, heart, and soul. He did not know the source or meaning of that feeling. But that feeling was embedded deep within his soul.

Working hard and moving forward with career accomplishments, Wallace rapidly progressed from patented catalytic discoveries, to medical research, to the successful development of several commercial products still in use today. New realms of happiness and excitement unfolded before him. At the same time, he felt a growing compassion with others. As his competence and accomplishments grew, his empathy with the happiness and sadness of others also grew. With that growing empathy, he increasingly became a value to those with whom he worked. He learned to identify and enhance the values and happiness of his fellow workers. Thus, each person with whom Dr. Wallace worked performed more effectively and happily. Such dynamics seemed natural as they always yielded increasing enjoyment and benefits to everyone. ...This enjoyment must be the essence of human life, Wallace thought. Yes, all human life can forever grow in accomplishment, joy, and happiness.

Yet, Dr. Wallace also sensed something dark happening -- something contradictory and alien. He was sensing something that always yielded losses. Everyone including himself seemed to experience unexplainable, unnatural losses of happiness to different degrees and frequencies. Later, he sensed a certain threshold of losses in people. People with losses beyond that threshold seemed to experience little happiness, excitement, or love in their lives. They just seemed to grow old and die.

Furthermore, Wallace observed that for almost everyone, those unnatural dynamics seemed to increase with age. Nearly everyone seemed to lose the desire to discover new knowledge required for happy, exciting lives. Everyone seemed to lose that clean, childhood exuberance for learning and achievement.

Wallace too was gradually losing that exuberance for learning and achievement. True, achievements and competence in his career were still increasing faster than he was losing exuberance. But, still, he sensed his excitement and happiness gradually declining. What was causing this unexplainable loss of happiness? To his alarm, he realized no matter how great were his successes, some strange conflicting dynamics would increasingly taint his happiness and love for life. Thus, he knew that on living long enough, those strange dynamics of loss and unhappiness would overtake his life.

Everyone Wallace observed was experiencing those same conflicting dynamics, although at different levels, speeds, and intensities. And essentially everyone he knew seemed to move, some rapidly, some slowly, some in zig-zag fashions, toward lost happiness. Everyone seemed to be gradually dying through some relentless force -- some relentless process of happiness deprivation. ...Something unnatural was happening inside of everyone.

Even more perplexing and alarming for Wallace was not finding any fundamental reason or explanation for that growing loss of happiness. And, tracing back in history, the origin of all human-caused destructions and sufferings seemed to come from some vague unknown source based on nothing.

Causeless Divorce

On a personal level, the loss of happiness and values became even more vivid with the loss of his marriage. At the start, Wallace's marriage was right and happy. He and his wife moved forward on a path of growth and love. But gradually those phantom dynamics of happiness deprivation and value destruction began surfacing. At first, their growth slowed ever so slightly. But eventually, their happiness and value growth stopped. Then their happiness began to decline. And finally their happiness was gone. Then unhappiness began to grow. Finally unhappiness dominated.

Wallace's marriage ended for what at the time seemed like compelling, obvious reasons. But even as early as the eve of his divorce, those reasons began to fade into something unreal or illusionary. Indeed, on the eve of his divorce, he phoned his wife across the country. He was no longer clear as to the underlying reasons they were getting divorced. He no longer fully understood how they lost their growth, values, and love. Perhaps, subconsciously, he was hoping somehow one or both of them would discover that no underlying reason existed for losing the values they built for over a decade.

But, neither of them could overcome the dynamics of value loss as those dynamics relentlessly continued. ...The next day they were divorced forever. Wallace did not remarry until 20 years later.

Causeless Death

A profound sadness enveloped Wallace. For, he was unable to grasp any fundamental reason for losing such a major value as his marriage. Still, his career at Du Pont and his personal life continued to grow, even flourish in many ways. But he was plagued with an ominous, unmistakable sense of continued loss. He sensed that those same alien dynamics of value deprivation continued to grow in all areas of his life. He sensed with horror that those same unreal dynamics would overtake and eventually end all growth, values, happiness, and love in his life. And then he would simply grow old and die.

Daily, he struggled to grasp how such a senseless, destructive contradiction could exist not only in him, but in everyone, everywhere. Indeed, that contradiction seemed to undermine all human life. Yet, how could any human being let something so unnatural invade one's own mind, body, and happiness -- something so harmful and depriving, something so alien, something causing the loss of one's most important values? What could that invader be? How could that alien invader be described, understood, diagnosed? Where did it come from? What was its nature? That alien invader seemed to be an unnatural affliction that harms every human being on planet Earth. How could that growing affliction be identified, stopped, cured?

After all those Years...He Finally Knew

Something unnatural? Something alien invading all human beings? Something harmful without reason? An affliction? Something to be diagnosed and cured? What in all existence has those attributes? Disease. Yes, disease! Only disease has those attributes. Disease is an unnatural, invading alien. Disease is an affliction without reason or logic. Indeed, those destructive dynamics are attributes of a disease -- like any progressively destructive, eventually fatal disease. ...Yet, disease is something to be understood, overcome, and cured.

Dr. Wallace now had something in his grasp and understanding. Suddenly, he was dealing with something tangible, something real. The next step he realized was to identify, define, diagnose, and then fully understand that disease. Only when that were done, could the cure and eradication of that disease occur. ...Indeed, he knew once identified, diagnosed, and fully understood, any disease could be cured and eradicated.

Now, suddenly, he knew his lifetime goal and dedication. That single goal and dedication was to understand, diagnose, isolate, cure, and eradicate that baleful disease from which everyone in history has suffered so greatly and unnecessarily.

But what exactly is that disease? After a decade of research and writing evolved the unequivocal answer: That disease consuming everyone on this earth is mysticism.


Mysticism? Mysticism a disease? A disease that eventually consumes everyone on planet Earth with unhappiness? What exactly is mysticism? Is not mysticism just something strange, just something related to religion, the occult, the Oracle of Delphi, and Shirley MacLaine? ...How did Wallace derive the drastic conclusion that mysticism is not only a hidden, terminal disease, but is mankind's worst plague that sooner or later consumes everyone on earth? How does mysticism cause essentially all the purposeful harm and suffering in today's world?

First, consider the mildest example of harmful mysticism that everyone understands and experiences repeatedly: Consider when you or your spouse become emotionally upset. The moment one acts on that emotion as factual reality, an unreal mind-created problem arises where none previously existed. That process of the mind creating unreal problems is the process of mysticism in action.

Now, how much honest thinking or clear understanding occurs in arguments between people who hurl angry accusations, emotions, or mind-created problems at one another? Everyone knows the answer. No honest thinking or clear understanding occurs. Only hurt, harm, and deprivation occur. Moreover, that hurt, harm, and deprivation occur for no real or necessary reason. Consider, for example, jealousy against an innocent spouse: A jealous partner conjures up all kinds of suspicions and mind-created "realities" that do not exist. Such mysticism with its mind-created "realities" will eventually corrode all values and love between them. Indeed, that one mysticism alone can strip away a person's happiness.

By condensing a dozen years of Wallace's research into the following statement, one can see the disease of mysticism with its wider, evermore destructive implications:

"Mysticism evokes, accepts, or uses mind-created `realities' to create problems where none exist. Contrary to popular belief, mysticism today seldom involves religion or the occult. For today, religion and the occult are dying forms of mysticism with fading powers to hurt others and society. Certainly, some terribly harmful forms of religious mysticism are still found in pockets of civilization driven by schizophrenic emotionalisms, tribal ignorance, and mindless mobs. Dark-age remnants of violence and destruction still exist in the Irish, African, and Arab worlds of Catholicism, Voodooism, and Islamism. But more broadly, mysticism is the deprivation that evolves from using feelings or rationalizations to generate mind-created `realities'. In turn, those conjured up `realities' create unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain is not a reality-creating device, but is a reality-identifying organ. In fact, `reality'-creating mysticism is the only perversion or disease of human consciousness.

Indeed, mysticism is the deprivation and destruction disease. Mysticism is the source of all wars, poverty, racism, cruelty, stupidness, collectivism, envy, purposeful destruction, irrationality, demagoguery, and neocheating. How does mysticism do its damage? Mysticism blocks the brain from properly connecting facts and reality -- mysticism blocks the connecting and thinking processes needed for consistent honesty, productive growth, character maturity, quality survival, and abiding happiness. ...Mysticism erodes all values. Thus, mysticism is suicide on all levels -- on personal, local, national, and world levels."

Whenever mind-blocking mysticism occurs, honesty shuts down. When the process of mind-blocking mysticism is institutionalized, the process of dishonesty eventually shuts down that society: Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, Tojo's Japan, Hussein's Iraq.

Institutionalized mysticism is massively manipulated throughout the populace by neocheaters through their agents of force, dishonest politicians, harmful bureaucrats, and other professional value destroyers. Indeed, such people string together out-of-context facts to create and then manipulate mind-created "realities" -- mysticism -- especially among working men and women. And that large-scale manipulation of mysticism causes widespread destruction and unhappiness, including economic decline with eventual wide-ranging poverty, destruction, war, and death.

Consider the death and destruction resulting from the Nazis manipulating the mind-created, Master-Race ideas. Compare that death-and-destruction era to the life-and-production era resulting from the mind-integrated, Industrial-Revolution ideas. ...Where in this world has peace, prosperity, and happiness ever been delivered by politicians and bureaucrats usurping power, importance, and livelihoods? Where in this world has war, poverty, and misery ever been caused by free men and women building businesses, values, and jobs?

Manipulating Mysticisms in Others

Throughout the history of conscious man, certain people learned to pathologically manipulate mind-created "realities" in others to gain unearned power and livelihoods. For example, consider when "authorities" manipulate mind-created "realities" or mysticisms to gain blind obedience: Consider the mystic-dominated Spanish Inquisition: Books were burned and knowledge concealed so the "authorities" could manipulate mind-created "realities" in order to push the populace into total obedience.

Eventually, populations of entire nations lived in terror of those "authorities" within religious bureaucracies. But, as religious power faded during the Renaissance, power-seeking politicians moved in. They took over that destructive power of manipulating mind-created "realities" in the masses to secure bogus political power and parasitical livelihoods. In that way, mysticism has been unnaturally preserved and pathologically intensified.

Those manipulators of mind-created "realities" or mysticism are today identified as neocheaters. And their subordinates are identified as the professional value destroyers in government, religion, and the academe. For centuries, those value destroyers have duped the average working man or woman by creating and manipulating his or her mind-created "realities". Professional value destroyers perpetuate their harmful power and control by manipulating facts out of context. For example, they can manipulate working men and women into believing the John O'Gradys -- the heroes -- are the bad guys. Likewise, the neocheaters can dupe the working class into accepting economic suicide and political oppression as natural and inevitable.

Consider how the duped working class in Russia chose financial suicide and personal devastation by accepting the mind-created "realities" of Marx and Lenin. In America, similar manipulators are undermining our economy and family security while pushing us into bankruptcy, recessions, and wars. In hiding their guilt by projecting guilt onto others, those manipulators will dishonestly yet cleverly blame the economic destructions and political disasters on the innocent. They will blame the greatest benefactors of working men and women. They will blame the most aggressive value-and-job producers. They will blame the most competitive businesses.

Discovering a Metaphor for the
Deprivation Disease

Although his career was blossoming at Du Pont's famous laboratories, Frank R. Wallace resigned his position as Senior Research Chemist to pursue the cure for mysticism. For the next twelve years he studied, researched, and wrote in a constant drive to define and understand the disease of mysticism. During that time, he also wrote and published what became the best-selling poker book in history, The Advanced Concepts of Poker, last published by Crown Publishing and Warner Books in New York. Many poker players purchased that book. But, paradoxically, they were not the people for whom Dr. Wallace wrote the book. Increasingly, nonpoker players were buying that book until Wallace took it out of print several years ago. And when the revised book comes back into print, most of its readers will have no interest in poker. Why? Because that book is really not about poker. Poker is used as a metaphor -- a comparison -- for something much more important and fundamental. The poker book is about manipulating mysticism and its mind-created "realities" to control or govern opponents. In other words, the poker book provided the metaphor for exploring and understanding mysticism and its manipulating neocheaters in government, law, religion, the academe.

Indeed, that metaphor from poker applies to every area of human life: every area of personal life, business, and politics. ...Poker is a powerful metaphorical vehicle to relate the disease of mysticism to the everyday world.

Subsequently, Wallace formed a research, writing, and publishing association to develop and distribute the information that someday would lead to the cure of mysticism. He was not interested in publishing or business per se. Everything he did was focused on one objective -- understanding and curing mysticism. Over the years, he turned down profitable business and publishing proposals. He turned down one of the most profitable and successful books of the 70s and 80s which he helped conceive, edit, and publish: How to Incorporate Without a Lawyer for Under $50. That book, which bypassed overcharging lawyers, was worth many millions of dollars in profits. But Wallace literally gave the book to his close friend and original author, Ted Nicholas. Wallace then established Nicholas as his own publisher. As a result, Ted Nicholas became a millionaire. Wallace never asked for or received one penny. Why? Publishing and marketing that book would have consumed his personal time without advancing his goal of curing mysticism. He could not afford that lost time. He needed every remaining moment of his life to accomplish his goal. ...Capturing time not money is what Wallace desperately needs to reach his goal.

Every Moment Dedicated to
Curing Mysticism

Money, profits, and business held no meaning for Wallace except as to how they could advance his goal of curing mysticism. Essentially nothing in Wallace's life was separated from his single, all-consuming goal. His personal life, his family, his associates, his work, his writing, his company, his research, his books were all unified to serve that one goal. Indeed, Wallace's entire family and close associates had also dedicated their lives and energies toward ridding the world of this disease that is responsible for everyone's eventual loss of love, happiness, and life itself.

Wallace justified every moment with what was the most efficient use of time toward curing mysticism. He had no luxuries, sports, hobbies, or diversions. He did not even own a VCR. His only extra activity was to run five miles daily to maintain his health and endurance in order to work with extra energy, intensity, and efficiency. ...He was a scientist who carried the responsibility to cure mankind's worst disease before he died.

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