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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

The Origins of Understanding Mysticism

The journey toward understanding and isolating the disease of mysticism began ironically with the writing and publishing of Wallace's poker book twenty-three years earlier.

Poker for most people is gambling. But, for the rare, profit-making professional player, poker is not gambling. For, he establishes casino-like odds permanently in his favor by manipulating the mysticisms in his targeted opponents. Thus, over the long term, he drains dry those opponents. ...On state, national, and international levels, the neocheaters and professional value destroyers also "play poker" by creating and manipulat-ing mysticisms in their targeted public. Thus, over the long term, they drain dry their public -- they ruin the economy while causing misery and wars.

An Ideal Laboratory to
Study the Disease of Mysticism

High-stake poker offers a unique blend of high emotions and mystical reactions involving sufficient money to quickly alter a person's lifestyle. That combination generates constant arrays of thrills, fear, greed, stupidity, masochism, sadism, desperation, deception, and manipulation. Indeed, poker is an ideal closed system to observe and experiment with concentrated doses of mysticism. ...Consider the observation and experimental conditions available in poker:

Observation: With concentrated focus, where else than in high-stake poker can one study at close range, staring intensely at other people, one on one, face to face, for hours at a time under highly stressful, emotional, mystical conditions? What psychologist ever gets such opportunities to study irrational, harmful behaviors of specific individuals in financial life-and-death action, flipping in and out of mysticism -- flipping in and out of mind-created "realities" formed from emotions of greed, desperation, hope, superstition, luck?

Experimental: Where else can one learn to understand and control emotion-based, mystical reactions in self and others more than in high-stake poker? And, from that poker laboratory came the basic discoveries needed to begin the journey toward isolating and curing the disease of mysticism: Those discoveries led to deep understandings of mysticism and to the initial understandings of neocheating.

Only in poker can one remain an honest person while manipulating the illusions of mysticism in others. For, manipulating illusions created in others is the essence of the game agreed upon by all players as the rules of the game -- as the ethics unique to poker. But when Wallace finished writing the Advanced Concepts of Poker, he stopped playing poker. Why? He knew that creating and building values for society were the source of all growth and happiness. Such values, however, cannot be created or built from poker. For, poker is a negative-sum game -- no one can gain values in the long run. Thus, even the best player or the biggest winner is a loser. Why? Because he is wasting his irreplaceable time on something that can bring neither personal growth to him nor competitive values to others and society. Poker can never bring genuine growth or happiness to anyone. ...Poker served its purpose once Wallace learned as much as he could about mysticism and neocheating. Now, he had to move ahead on his journey to cure mysticism.

Phasing Out Poker; Phasing in the Traps

In the early and mid 1970s, Wallace phased out the publication and distribution of his poker book. By that time, his book had become the best-selling poker book ever. Still, he could not spend any more time publishing and distributing that book. Because time spent increasing its sales and distribution did not advance his understand-ing of mysticism or contribute to its cure. ...I & O Publishing Company exists for one reason -- for contributing to the cure of mysticism.

The Poverty Years

Thus, began Wallace's poverty years of little or no income with three schoolchildren to support. Yet, without neglecting his family responsibilities, he immersed himself into intense research and writing to develop the precursor to discovering the cure for mysticism. A concentrated four-year project resulted in a quarter-million-word volume about the destructiveness of mysticism on government, business, love, and happiness. The concepts developed in that book were a crucial contribution toward discovering and understanding the cure for mysticism. Those concepts led to resolving harmful man-woman conflicts based on mysticism -- conflicts that haunt almost everyone. That natural resolution called psychuous opened the door to abiding love and happiness for everyone by expelling those mind-created "realities" or mysticisms. But, that publication was scholarly and not oriented around the popular public market. Thus, that book was not a commercial success. Wallace's poverty years continued.

He was already in debt and living off a network of investors who recognized the importance and future potential of his work. Wallace knew, however, he must not go back to that network for more financing under his then desperate condition. For such "mortgage" financing of his future could lead to control over his work. He appreciated but never accepted their willingness to continue financing him. Instead, Wallace used the rest of his personal savings, obtained a second mortgage on his house, refinanced his car, and then borrowed from his parents and ex-wife. But always he kept a driving focus on his work, knowing that someday his poverty years would end and everyone would be repaid with full interest.

Discovering the Dynamics of Neocheating
-- and Its Antidote

In the late 1970s, new concepts were discovered as Wallace began his research on the destructive consequences of mysticism. From that research evolved his second precursor book titled Neocheating. In writing that book, he made the discovery of undetectable, unaccusable forms of cheating. Those never-before-identified forms of cheating were called neocheating. That book linked those forms of cheating and dishonesty to the practical, everyday world.

For example, neocheating involves highly intelligent people who live parasitically by intentionally manipulating mysticism in others. Those manipulators are called neocheaters. Neocheaters manipulate the mind-created "realities" in their victims in order to usurp values and livelihoods from those victims. Hitler, for example, was a master neocheater who injected mind-created "realities" deep into working men and women. He then manipulated mysticism among the German populace to convince them of the need for a Master Race. The duped working men and women of Germany then enthusiastically hailed Hitler and his many subordinate value destroyers into glory and power. ...Such neocheating livelihoods are based on gaining unearned recognition and power. Neocheaters most often attain high-ranking statuses as professional value destroyers in government, religion, the academe, and stagnated big businesses.

Politics is the easiest area to manipulate mysticism for usurping glory and power. Thus, neocheating dominates politics. Twentieth-century examples of destructive neocheaters in Congress: Robert Dole, Dan Rostenkowski; in the Cabinet: William J. Bennett, Richard Thornburgh; in the justice system: Rudolph Giuliani, Judge Kimba Wood; in politics: Lyndon B. Johnson, Jesse Jackson; in American history: Huey Long, Martin Luther King, Jr.; in world history: Lenin, Hitler. Why are such people called neocheaters? Why do such people comprise a parasitical ruling class that depends on professional value destroyers to survive? ...This document makes those answers clear.

From understanding neocheaters and their manipulation of mysticism in others, a powerful antidote evolved: That antidote was the self-exposure traps of fully integrated honesty called Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech would have stopped the Nazis. Neo-Tech would have stopped World War II. And currently, the Neo-Tech dynamics have already stopped master-neocheater Ceausescu in Romania. Now today, Neo-Tech is reversing the blood and tyranny of a dying Stalinist Albania. ...As this document shall demonstrate, Neo-Tech is also the mechanism to separate and eliminate corruption in government and business throughout America while protecting working people everywhere.

Face-to-Face Action Required to
Eliminate Neocheaters

Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech means facts put into full, accurate context. Those facts when put into full context undo the illusions or false realities created by neocheaters' manipulating those same facts out of context. Indeed, Neo-Tech undoes all mind-created "realities" caused by mysticism and manipulated in working men and women by neocheaters seeking power and control.

How do those neocheaters actually seize power and control? By harnessing their bureaucratic structures staffed with professional value destroyers backed by armed agents of force. How can their escalating control, power, and destructions be stopped and reversed? By harnessing all relevant facts through self-exposure traps designed to reveal the guilt of those value destroyers. How are those facts harnessed? They are harnessed as done in this document by connecting all relevant facts into full and accurate context.

Indeed, Neo-Tech is the only antidote that can detect previously undetectable mysticisms and eliminate previously untouchable neocheaters in government, in business, in religion, in the universities, and in one's personal life. But, another key discovery revealed that eliminating those "unbeatable" professional value destroyers called neocheaters could never be done through ideas or writing alone. Those professional value destroyers had to be engaged in direct, abrasive action. Only then could their dishonesties and destructiveness be publicly challenged and eliminated.

By directly confronting the Nazis fifty years ago, Neo-Tech would have undone the dynamics of World War II and prevented the loss of 10,000,000 human lives. And those 10,000,000 deaths were only the iceberg tip of the ruined families, property destructions, and human sufferings caused by the Nazis. Likewise, in Stalin's Russia, the bureaucrats murdered 12,000,000 of its own citizens in the mind-created hypocrisy of "protecting" the workers and consumers -- the proletariat. Those armed bureaucrats established by Lenin and Stalin not only duped the public but eventually so duped and corrupted the entire government that the government itself became an all-consuming criminal against all working men and women -- the very men and women that master-neocheater Lenin was "protecting from being exploited by the value-and-job producing bourgeoisie".

How did that government become an all-consuming criminal? By gun-backed bureaucracies becoming machines dedicated to draining the working people of their present and future economic well-being -- bureaucracies that eventually committed the children and grandchildren of the working class to poverty and deprivation. Those evil results on future generations are so obvious today in the poverty-stricken Soviet Union. ...Such is the end result of every "protection" bureaucracy staffed with armed agents of force, be they revenue-collection agents or proletariat-protection agents in bureaucratic Russia sixty years ago...or, be they revenue-collection agents or consumer-protection agents in bureaucratic America today.

In America today, armed bureaucracies are expanding in the mind-created name of "protecting" workers, consumers, and special-interest groups. The continued expansion and empowerment of those armed "protection" bureaucracies in America will end in condemning working men and women to economic hardship, danger, and deprivation, perhaps for decades or generations. Indeed, that trend toward increasing economic hardship for working Americans is already well under way. ...Without Neo-Tech, economic and spiritual deprivation would continually worsen until our children and grandchildren were also condemned to a life of hardship, danger, suffering, and unhappiness.

The Strength of Neo-Tech

Many intellectually honest philosophers and writers such as Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Herbert Spencer, and Ayn Rand identified the insidious harm of certain professional value destroyers operating in various areas of government and religion. But the works of all those philosophers and writers remained academic or theoretical. They did not have the Neo-Tech strength or information needed to directly confront the neocheaters and value destroyers. Therefore, they could never really undo the manipulated mysticisms used to dupe the masses. Not since Socrates 2390 years ago has any philosopher persistently engaged the professional value destroyers in direct action. Moreover, those philosophers and writers were undermined and eventually stopped by their own personal mysticisms -- mysticisms ranging from professional jealousy to self-destructive personal habits. Therefore, no past philosopher or writer could effectively combat mysticism or stop its symptomatic neocheaters.

Likewise, Neo-Tech cannot eliminate neocheating by remaining an inactive philosophical theory. Thus, Neo-Tech is aggressively orchestrated toward engaging institutionalized mysticism and bureaucratic destructiveness in direct confrontations using self-exposure traps. With continuous self-exposure confrontations, Neo-Tech will eventually eliminate professional value destroyers and, thus, eradicate mysticism.

Trapping Neocheaters and
Professional Value Destroyers

Wallace began emerging from his poverty years as he published the early volumes of Neo-Tech called the Reference Encyclopedia. From that work arose the question: How could the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech be locked into public combat with the professional value destroyers in various areas of government and business? Wallace began to understand how that combat could be achieved through Neo-Tech self-exposure traps. Those traps would let him put all facts into full and accurate context for the public to identify. Once clearly identified by the public, professional value destroyers would be rejected or ostracized by everyone. ...As early as 1976, four years before any long-range traps were designed, Wallace's Psychuous literature identified the increasingly tyrannical IRS as one of the most leveraged targets for those traps.

But a crucial point that Wallace gradually recognized in planning those entrapments was that no government or business bureaucracy itself would be the target of any trap or engagement. For, all bureaucracies consist of specific individuals. Thus, all targets must be specific individuals. Yes, the targets must be those individual value destroyers and neocheaters who are personally responsible for the harm they inflict not only on others and society, but inflict on their own bureaucracies as well.

By contrast, throughout history, all past attempts to stop the destructive irrationalities of governments, religions, and businesses focused on the bureaucracies and institutions themselves. But by focusing on the institutions or bureaucratic systems, all past "reformers" missed the source of corruption -- the destructive individuals within those systems. Thus, professional value destroyers and their neocheating managements simply continued maneuvering their own bogus livelihoods through all criticisms and "reforms".

Why could those people continue their destructive careers? Because no one was focusing on them -- no one was specifically going after them as destructive individuals. No matter what "reforms" were placed on the bureaucracy, the individuals themselves were left free to continue corrupting that "reformed" bureaucracy -- left free to take on other appearances and continue their destructive, unearned livelihoods. Thus, all such "reform" attempts failed. ...Such corruption can be stopped only by going directly to the source -- the destructive individual. Then each such individual can be held responsible for his or her actions. How? Through objective, wide-scope accounting and ostracism as explained later in this document.

Honing a Long-Range Strategy

Wallace emerged from his poverty years. At the same time, he was developing both the Neo-Tech concepts and a long-term strategy. He began honing those converging circumstances into a wedge for splitting harmful employees from honest employees within various bureaucracies and institutions. Such a wedge could then move through all areas of government, business, society, and life itself. ...A wedge honed from fully integrated honesty.

Plans for Entrapping Value Destroyers
Began Over Ten Years Ago

Over a decade ago, Wallace began planning the most effective ways to uproot those individuals with unearned power who are purposely harming our economy and society. Long-range, self-exposure traps were set for several bureaucracies that had the most obvious cancers growing within their hierarchies. Traps also were set for destructive individuals within foreign governments, the news media, the academe, and the legal profession. And, still another decade earlier, a rudimentary self-exposure trap was set for harmful executives in stagnated big businesses.

The actual roots for planning those traps appear in two of Wallace's books published twenty years ago -- Man's Choice and Eric Flame. And, nineteen years ago, in May 1972, drawing on his experience at Du Pont, the first long-range trap was set for executives dishonestly draining stagnant big businesses as described in Neo-Tech IV. Some of the other long-range traps that are already entangling destructive elements in local, state, and federal bureaucracies are described in Neo-Tech Pincer #1, volume 2. ...But how did the entrapment strategy develop ten years ago for the IRS? And specifically what is the trap?

An Unshakable Foundation

First, Wallace's self-exposure traps had to stand on an unshakable foundation. And, paramount to all self-exposure traps was the meeting of his responsibilities to society. For, his position as being the accused would always be juxtapositioned against his accusers -- the professional value destroyers and their failures to meet their responsibilities to society. Wallace had to be able to withstand examination from every position. Indeed, elimination of the irresponsible criminal elements throughout government bureaucracies could be done only from a position of objective legality and uncompromised responsibility. Thus, to confront and oust those destructive elements in the IRS and other bureaucracies, Wallace had to fully meet his responsibilities to society, including paying society more than he took -- paying more than his fair share. Additionally, he could never take loophole deductions, make tax-reducing maneuvers, or use any tricks to reduce taxes. That means he would not only pay his taxes in full, but in excess.

Pay taxes in full -- fine. But purposely paying extra taxes? Why would Wallace do that? Aside from providing an unshakable foundation, did another motive exist?

Irretrievable Time

Consider the value of time to Frank R. Wallace -- money cannot replace the value of time. Money beyond his immediate needs has little meaning except to save time for increased productivity in advancing toward his goal.

How much irretrievable time is lost in trying to minimize taxes -- in planning, consulting, recordkeeping, paperwork, accounting, worrying, studying, investing, maneuvering? Accounting projections show how the direct and indirect time lost in minimizing taxes can cost much more productivity loss than the dollar value paid in extra taxes. For Wallace, perhaps 20% or more of his productive life would be directly and indirectly consumed in handling the tax matters for all his writing and publishing activities. From his acute responsibility to cure this disease of mysticism as rapidly as possible, how could he continually waste over 20% of irretrievable time on unproductive tax matters, year after year? How could he let such tax manipulations and bureaucratic paperwork undermine his single drive toward curing mysticism? His allowing such unbearable losses of time and progress, year after year, would be negligent toward his responsibility to cure mysticism.

Indeed, Wallace could hire a competent accountant for $40 per hour to save some taxes. But he would have to spend time and concentration on managing, tracking, supplying information, and working with that accountant. His gross tax savings might be $60 per hour, maybe more, probably less. But, he can not, must not consume the brief time left in his life on activities that contribute nothing to curing mysticism, even for a $1000 per hour. ...Imagine if a research scientist missed curing cancer because of unnecessary tax accounting. Now imagine if, because of unnecessary tax accounting, a research scientist missed curing the much more catastrophic disease of mysticism that sooner or later kills everyone, spiritually and physically.

A Bonanza of Time Saved

By devising a quick, whistle-clean system of modestly overpaying his taxes, Wallace could avoid all distracting, time-consuming maneuvers, recordkeeping, and paperwork subject to audits. Indeed, he could eliminate perhaps 95% of that direct and indirect time lost on handling taxes. Moreover, he would have no involvements, distractions, or worries about taxes -- except when the involvements advanced his goal.

How much does that savings in time cost him in overpaid taxes? Maybe 15%, maybe more. But so what. Nothing brings greater returns than that extra money spent on saving those large chunks of time, year after year. Wallace would gladly pay twice the money to save that same amount of time. Furthermore, that extra money would be useful only for luxuries. But Wallace has never cared about extra money or the luxuries it could buy. Indeed, luxuries would only get in his way, dilute his concentration, divert his progress, consume his time. ...Wallace gladly exchanges those replaceable dollars for irreplaceable time.

Why is Wallace Consuming His Brief
Time Remaining by Going to Jail?

Overpaying taxes on purpose to keep his payments beyond question and to save irreplaceable time? ...Then, why is Wallace submitting his life to armed IRS agents and their managements who want to jail him for life? Is not that the greatest unproductive consumption of the remaining time he has left to cure the disease of mysticism and stop neocheating -- to stop the duping of all working Americans?

Those questions raise even more questions: If Wallace pays all his taxes in excess, why is he subjecting himself to white-collar "criminal" penalties designed to terrorize and control -- penalties more severe than for most murderers and rapists? Why is he risking his life, risking not being able to complete his goal of curing mysticism, risking never again being able to spend precious time with his dearly loved family?

If Wallace were guilty, he would have gratefully accepted the prosecutor's generous plea-bargain offer of no jail and a reasonable fine. For, the armed IRS agents wanted to jail Wallace essentially for life. But the prosecutor wanted to get rid of the case. He wanted Wallace to quietly plead guilty, pay a fine, and become a peaceful part of the status quo.

Wallace pleading to any wrongdoing would contradict all facts. If he wished to avoid charges, trials, and jail, he would have simply turned over his taxpayment records and avoided those problems. But consider, with his breaking no laws and paying his taxes in excess, he could indefinitely engage professional value destroyers until they were evaluated through wide-scope accounting and then eliminated.

Exaggerations? Overstatements?

One must now ask further questions: Indefinitely engage professional value destroyers until they are eliminated? People collecting paychecks for value destruction? Prosecute them through self-exposure traps? ...Those questions lead to further questions: Armed agents of force? Professional value destroyers and mystic-manipulating politicians? Bogus jobs and cancerous elements in the IRS and other bureaucracies?

Exaggerations? Not so in America? Overstating the problems in our government and the IRS? Let us ask more questions -- questions relevant to Wallace's jailing and the IRS: Who are the value destroyers in the IRS? Why are they value destroyers? Are not they just doing their legal jobs? How do they differ from honest IRS employees doing sincere jobs? And, why are bogus government jobs harmful to everyone and our country? Why and how do they increasingly harm the economy to eventually hurt all honest working people and their families?

Now consider: Have all of those questions been answered to this point? Not yet. But all those questions will be answered throughout this document. And, Neo-Tech will eventually show every honest working person in America the answers to those questions.

And finally, how will Dr. Wallace succeed in curing mysticism through self-exposure traps?

Succeeding Through Entanglement

He will succeed through entangling professional value destroyers -- drawing them deeper and deeper into their own self-exposure traps no matter what attacks, destructions, court trials, and jails they press on him. He will draw them into constant face-to-face action -- never done before -- direct action required to defeat neocheaters ...required to cure mysticism. Remember, eliminating professional value destroyers and curing mysticism cannot be done through ideas or writing alone -- cannot be done without direct confrontation. But, with an unshakable foundation, Wallace can constantly confront professional value destroyers in front-trench action and never falter. He can constantly pull those value destroyers into their own self-made traps.

With his unshakable foundation and long-range planning, he will eventually succeed. The public will increasingly know and eventually reject the fraud of every professional value destroyer duping working men and women.


The planning that began over a decade ago has today brought Wallace to a Socratic Trial and then jail. That planning evolved into what is called the Golden Helmet.

In the world of mind-created "realities", Cervantes's Don Quixote had a Golden Helmet he wore to combat his vision of evil. But Don Quixote was insane. He was a hallucinating nobleman living off the efforts of others. He lived his life by tilting windmills as his targets of imagined evil. And his golden helmet was also fake. It was a tin shaving bowl.

But, in the world of fully integrated honesty, the Golden Helmet is metaphorically real. And the Golden Helmet is worn to combat genuine evil. Moreover, that Golden Helmet cannot be broken, penetrated, cracked, or even dented by the unreal world of mind-created "realities". Nor can the Golden Helmet be broken by guns, violence, armed agents, manipulated mysticisms, sleazy lawyers, neocheaters, value destroyers, trials, or jails. Instead, the Golden Helmet will eventually eliminate that unreal world of mind-created "realities" and professional value destroyers who drain our lives, damage our society, destroy our economy, and dupe our thinking.

Now, specifically, what is the Golden Helmet? In the simplest sense, the Golden Helmet is an accounts receivable and payable system through which all taxes are routinely, automatically paid. But, at the same time, the Golden Helmet is protective gear under which the actual or original taxpayer remains anonymous -- unknown until that taxpayer reveals his taxpaying identities. ...The Golden Helmet cannot be traced without the originating taxpayer's consent or cooperation.

Before the Golden-Helmet self-exposure trap, no one had any reason or motivation to make taxpayments anonymously. To the contrary, taxpayers always made certain that their taxpayments were unmistakably credited to their own names and social-security accounts. Thus, the IRS or Congress never had reasons to legislate against taxpayers who pay their taxes through other names and accounts.

The original idea with the Golden Helmet was to follow a natural, expected, calculated course of action. For example, the IRS computers would reveal no record of income-tax returns or payments under the routine tax-identification numbers for I & O Publishing Company, Frank R. Wallace, or other publicly or commonly known trade names, pen names, pseudonyms, or other entities representing Frank R. Wallace and his publishing company. The IRS would then send standard inquiries requesting information concerning its findings. At that point, Wallace would pursue a legal course of noncooperation -- noncooperation not with the IRS for Wallace fully cooperated with the IRS by paying all taxes in excess. Instead, he would pursue noncooperation with individual value destroyers in the IRS who exist through threatening or inflicting unnecessary force and ruinous penalties on others.

How would that noncooperation with the value destroyers work? Wallace would not turn over taxpayment records to those particular, destructive individuals. Those individuals would then move into the essences of their bogus livelihoods -- into the harming or destroying of their new target. Those essence moves could range from unjust penalties and bankrupting fines to ruinous confiscations and illegal seizures. With each such destructive move designed to support bogus jobs, those harmful individuals would become increasingly entangled in the self-exposure trap.

Legal noncooperation does not mean breaking laws. To the contrary. In order for legal noncooperation to be valid and effective, one must first meet the responsibility of increasingly benefiting others and society. For, that person must juxtaposition himself against his targets -- against those who are increasingly harming others and society.

Noncooperation is Not Only
Legal and Proper
But is Everyone's Moral Responsibility

Legal noncooperation is a moral responsibility incumbent on everyone. Indeed, everyone is responsible for protecting loved ones and society from destructive people. Thus, everyone can and should use legal noncooperation and ostracism to stop professional value destroyers from harming legitimate government, innocent citizens, and all society.

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