"12:25 pm, November 3rd, sixteen armed agents struck the Neo-Tech writing, research, and publishing facilities. Without warning or provocation, they punched, beat to the ground, kicked, and hospitalized our children-and-games editor, Kenneth A. Clark. They then destroyed a business that took eighteen years of intense concentration and discipline to build...values that took eighteen years of day-and-night effort to build were gleefully, sadistically destroyed in a few hours by agents of force laughingly plying their trade. The torture of witnessing armed agents deliberately, mindlessly destroying all those years of hard work was unbearable. Every writer and researcher became sick watching their intellectual works being barbarically, orgasmically destroyed. And they became stunned after hearing of Ken Clark's beating and kicking at the writing office twenty-five miles away. ...Those armed agents then broke into a safe, took, and never returned the accumulated biomedical-research assets and capital belonging to 2100 RIBI members."After ten hours of intense ravishment, those sixteen armed agents dutifully followed their rule book in concealing their destructions: They neatly, expertly straightened the surface appearance of each room to produce the illusion of `orderliness and legitimacy', took photographs, and then left. But they left with files, manuscripts, writings in progress, research notes and records, checkbooks, book orders, book payments, cash, credit cards, vouchers, invoices, phone indexes, software programs, word-processing disks, even backup disks, operation manuals, computer, printer. They took everything needed to continue publishing Neo-Tech; to create books, manuscripts, articles about Neo-Tech; to distribute literary works and knowledge about Neo-Tech.
"The agents of force left well satisfied. Their day of destruction was professionally well camouflaged -- the prime requisite of neocheating. For they had halted the research, writing, and publishing activities of the Neo-Tech Research-and-Writing Center by carrying away its irreplaceable research and literary work. Without a care or backward glance, they left behind a neatly bombed-out shell of what hours before had been a happy, efficiently managed, intensely busy publishing vehicle turning out values every day for others, society, the world."
"His once sprightly gait now broken, his bright and cheerful face now dark and swollen, our gentle editor entered the meeting room. The editing session then began. A young female writer summarized the feelings of all who witnessed those agents vent their violence and destruction: The feelings were that of deep sickness -- as if a horde of child molesters had suddenly descended upon us. They immediately conveyed an anxious need to frighten, hurt, and then ravage what moments before was an innocent, happily flourishing work of art."Such violence almost destroyed Wallace's Neo-Tech self-exposure trap based on peaceful, legal noncooperation. For, he nearly revealed his taxpaying records out of fear -- fear of men with guns and slugging fists -- fear, the prime weapon used by those corrupting the IRS. Indeed, those armed agents and their management need to create that fear to retain and advance their destructive livelihoods. Fortunately, the self-exposure trap did not break apart. Today, that trap is stronger than ever as Wallace's accusers -- his attackers and jailers -- have revealed themselves.
Consider, at the height of their empowerment, Stalinist bureaucracies actually murdered twelve million of their own citizens. Moreover, nearly all the remaining citizens lost their "lives" and happiness throughout their remaining bleak existence. ...Through such destructive bureaucracies, countries become miserable lands of the living dead. But today, Neo-Tech dynamics are reversing the arbitrary bureaucratic empowerments, regulations, and controls that ruined and bankrupted those countries for decades.
By contrast, the United States is the only major country still racing toward the disasters of increasing bureaucratic controls backed by guns. That harmful control over the public is being expanded both through agents of force corrupting various bureaucracies and through giuliani-type prosecutors corrupting our justice system.
Trending toward the economic collapse of pre-reform Eastern Europe, our economy is beginning to suffer. Consider how the citizens of the Soviet Union have suffered economic and social hardships for decades. And now the United States faces a recession that could continually worsen into a depression. Yet, for now, the average working man and woman probably does not need to worry about violent personal attacks like the armed November-3rd attacks on Frank R. Wallace, his family, his associates, and his publishing company. Still, the increasing frequency and intensity of violent November-3rd-like attacks barometrically measure the elimination of future jobs, prosperity, and safety of working men and women.
That barometer especially measures the future well-being of everyone's children and grandchildren. Therefore, I & O must put itself on the frontlines where the attacks and violence occur. For, those frontlines are the only places such attacks and violence can be stopped, destructions reversed, and the economy revived. ...The increase or decrease of such bureaucratic control, violence, and corrupted justice is the iceberg tip that signals future dangers for the economy of a country and the well-being of its citizens. And like any iceberg, people see only the tip, not the hidden, deadly menace submerged beneath that tip. Similar to sinking the "indestructible" Titanic, that iceberg would sink the "indestructible" American economy. But today, Neo-Tech will prevent that destruction. For, Neo-Tech will make that hidden, deadly menace permanently visible to all Americans.
Today, only I & O Publishing Company with its Neo-Tech sword and shield need be on the frontlines of attack. But every citizen's life is at stake in the outcome of this Ultimate Battle now underway -- the battle to eliminate all professional value destroyers and their agents of force before they destroy our country, our economy, and our happiness.
Once the population identifies the false power of neocheaters and their professional value destroyers, the battle is over. Recall how Nicolae Ceausescu fell from seemingly total power to a firing squad in less than five days. That fall started in a single moment on CNN world television news. That moment was when the citizens of Romania saw his face fall apart -- saw his power as false. Such is the illusion of power to which all professional value destroyers and their neocheating leaders cling.
Curing the Disease of Mysticism
Armageddon? Who is the good? Who is the evil? Who meets their responsibilities to society? Who avoids their responsibilities to society? Who will survive? Who will perish? Who will outcompete whom? Neo-Tech working men and women anchored in reality and competing through integrated honesty? Or neocheating value destroyers floating on mystical illusions and manipulating mind-created "realities"?
In the early spring of 1987, still not grasping the full significance and potential of the Golden Helmet, Wallace made a serious mistake, only to be saved by the laziness and obtuseness of those armed IRS agents who attacked I & O Publishing Company: Early in 1987, only a dozen weeks after the violent November 3, 1986 attacks on his family and associates at his writing offices, the fear and pressure of further such attacks and destructions by those armed agents became too great. Dr. Wallace thought the only way to end those threats was to reveal the Golden Helmet. But, how could he reveal the Golden Helmet and still retain its original purpose he had planned for the previous six years?
How could Wallace partially reveal the Golden Helmet and still keep the IRS engaged, at least on a safer, civil level? He would contact the IRS agents officially asking them for their assistance in changing his Golden-Helmet taxpayment accounting from a complex international system to a simple domestic system. With that approach, the IRS would learn about his taxpayments to end its threats of further physical attacks and violence. Still, the IRS would be obliged to pursue the case because initially its agents would not be given all the records of his taxpayments.
While professional value destroyers from the IRS would no longer come with unannounced violence, they would still come with escalating actions designed to ruin and destroy. They would still come with liens, levies, confiscations coupled with bankrupting expenses, unpayable fines, and loan-shark penalties. ...But, without the threat of physical violence, Wallace could still boomerang their each such malevolent act back toward their own self-exposure and eventual demise.
Thus, Wallace sent written requests to over a dozen IRS people who were involved in his case. He asked them to help him simplify his taxpaying accounting system for the years of 1983 to 1985 -- the years supposedly for which those IRS people violently attacked I & O Publishing Company. No one responded. Thus, Wallace sent similar written requests both by certified mail and by published notices to nearly three dozen people in the IRS up to the IRS Commissioner, Lawrence B. Gibbs and the Secretary of Treasury, James A. Baker, Jr. -- and to the regional and local Directors, Thomas P. Coleman and Jesse A. Cota. Still, no one responded. Wallace even offered in writing and in publicly published documents to pay an IRS accountant or representative of their choice to help simplify his taxpayment system. No one responded, not even those directly responsible for investigating Wallace and his publishing company.
Neither before, during, nor after that violent attack in 1986 did anyone from the IRS ever ask Wallace for taxpayment or accounting records -- no one, ever! In fact, no one from the IRS ever spoke to him or contacted him...not until those same armed agents emotionally, violently reacted to the escalating Neo-Tech literature and billboard campaign three-and-a-half years later:
With "swat-team" yelling and flashing badges, those same armed agents physically accosted Frank R. Wallace on that chilly night of March 29, 1990 as he returned from a hard-driving, five-mile run. No, they would not walk a few blocks to get his taxpayment records at Western Vault Company to resolve the entire case in a completely safe manner. But, yes, they would eagerly send a "swat team" of armed agents anxious to feel important, anxious to feel a destructive high, anxious to attack and destroy while inflicting harm onto their victim in an extremely dangerous manner. Midst their emotional behaviors and immature tantrums, they handcuffed Dr. Wallace -- hands clamped behind his back. Then armed-agent William O'Leary threw a pile of Neo-Tech literature at Wallace, striking his body. "How is Neo-Tech going to help you now?" that agent asked bitterly.
In that highly dangerous situation, Wallace's First-Amendment rights of free press and free expression were being directly violated and physically assaulted. Still, he composed himself to ask if he could feed his two ailing, aged cats before they drove him away. Their response? From armed-supervisor Gary Rogers, a screaming "F_ _ K the cats!" echoed about the quiet neighborhood. Then, still in his sweat-soaked running clothes, hands manacled behind his back, Wallace was hauled to the county jail. Those IRS agents then made certain he was locked in a sardine-packed felon's hole without bail or dry clothes. ...Yet, apparently as a result of Neo-Tech literature received prior to Wallace's arrest and jailing, one of the arresting agents had seen enough. That agent quietly told Wallace the following day that he was quitting the IRS and returning to school to learn a productive career.
Wallace had reached a crossroad. He began realizing the safest long-range direction for his goal, family, and everyone else must be to stand up to that evil despite the fear and threats. Increasingly, he realized in order to succeed, he must never give in to such fear. He had to stand up to that kind of spreading evil. If he did not stand up during this outstanding opportunity, no one ever would. And then no future would exist for anyone's children and grandchildren.
Fearfully not standing up to the guns-and-fists neocheaters in Germany fifty years ago seemed to many like the safest route. But, instead, that decision from fear was the most disastrous decision for everyone. Likewise, fearfully not standing up to the guns-and-fists neocheaters in America today would eventually cost every honest working person his or her well-being, happiness, and perhaps life itself.
By early 1988, Wallace had made his decision. Unequivocally, irrevocably he knew what road to take for protecting his family, his associates, his goal, and the future of all society. ...His fear of those destructive people in the IRS was gone forever.
When no one used that brass key or responded to the several written and published offers to turn over the Golden-Helmet taxpaying system, the self-exposure trap for those armed agents further unfolded. Wallace realized that those armed agents existed for no rational or healthy reason. No, they were not interested in facilitating revenue collection. They were interested only in executing value destruction to justify their bogus livelihoods and false power under the guise of enforcing the "law". Why? To avoid the everyday hard effort and discipline required to earn an honest living through a competitive job or career. For example, to collect paychecks for scaring people with guns, fists, and jails is a lot easier, more glamorous, more thrilling -- "it's downright fun and addicting" -- than to live by the daily hard work of a regular job.
Thus, Wallace began realizing the much larger role the Golden Helmet must play in curing mysticism:
The Golden Helmet is the only device that can initiate and sustain front-trench actions against those corrupting the IRS. Front-trench actions are necessary to sustain a moving wedge that separates destructive employees from honest employees. ...The Golden Helmet will keep that sundering wedge moving until the honest employees themselves begin ridding the IRS of its professional value destroyers to the benefit of everyone.
Since the violent attack by armed IRS agents on I & O Publishing Company in 1986, the value and strategy of the Golden Helmet has evolved from its original secondary role of entrapment -- an isolated self-exposure trap -- into a primary role for curing the epidemic of mysticism.
Such attacks are rare and would never happen to you and your family, you say? Remember, the increasing intensity and frequency of violent bureaucratic attacks are barometric measurements of developing police-state dynamics. Such dynamics always lead to economic decay, loss of jobs, and falling living standards for honest working men and women -- as happened in all the Soviet-like economies. ...Such attacks are becoming increasingly intense and frequent in America.
Curing the 2-millennia-old disease of mysticism requires developing the tools to break free from the dying world of professional value destroyers. Indeed, I & O Publishing Company through its Neo-Tech Matrix is developing those tools. And eventually everyone will use those tools to gain the competitive power and advantages arising from consistent rejection of mysticism and its professional value destroyers. ...The Socratic Trial of 1991 will lead to the cure of mysticism -- and then to the golden world of tomorrow.
That destructive control of our economy is enforced through armed agents not only from the IRS but from the FDA, INS, SEC, and other such bureaucracies. ...The dynamics of Neo-Tech with the Golden Helmet can reverse that economy-destroying, police-state trend in America.
In Europe and Asia, Neo-Tech dynamics can develop most rapidly in those countries that long ago destroyed their heroic value-and-job producers. For decades, the value-destroying politicians and bureaucrats in those countries kept their economies afloat by increasingly usurping and draining the dwindling remains of their past assets and industries. Those industries originally arose from the achievements of past value-and-job producers -- unknown, heroic individuals who were drained and persecuted into extinction.
Today, their past accomplishments are drained dry. So, today, the only survival option is the Neo-Tech dynamics. Through those dynamics, professional value destroyers are uprooted and eliminated. After that uprooting, new value-and-job producers can arise. ...Spontaneously seizing that Neo-Tech option, the long-suffering citizens of Eastern Europe are angrily identifying, ostracizing, and dumping the guns-and-fists value destroyers while suddenly protecting their competitive value-and-job producers.
In America, the professional value destroyers survive by draining with increasing intensity the accomplishments of both the past and the few remaining value-and-job producers still feeding our economy. Indeed, most of those heroic people have disappeared years ago -- unmentioned, unrecognized, unappreciated. ...Dishonest individuals throughout the news media are also guilty. For, they foster gross injustices by manipulating malignant envy and out-of-context facts to make the few remaining heroes appear as "robber barons" or guilty villains. But the opposite is the fact.
Indeed, the American public has not yet suffered enough economically to spontaneously swing into the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech needed to remove the professional value destroyers not only from government, but from the news media, the academe, and the legal professions -- those who attack, harm, and drain the honest value-and-job producers. The American population has not yet suffered like the populations in Eastern Europe. Thus, the American public has not yet arisen to protect and nurture the preciously few remaining value-and-job producers. Time is running out for the American economy. The professional value destroyers continue to drain dry the decades of past accomplishments -- accomplishments by unrecognized, forgotten value-and-job producers. Those great benefactors have long since faded from existence while being purposely hidden from recognition and honor.
Victory over those neocheaters and their professional value destroyers seems impossible? Consider how the Berlin Wall came unexpectedly tumbling down in only a few months. And today, Eric Honecker, the former East-German president ultimately responsible for the Stasi agents of force, is under indictment for murder of his own citizens.
By driving the Neo-Tech wedge into the IRS, the newly separated honest employees can protect their careers by identifying, isolating, and then eliminating those employees who are harming the IRS, our government, and society. Indeed, Neo-Tech waves from abroad will increasingly deliver the information, motivations, and competitive pressures needed to drive that wedge further and further into the IRS and other bureaucracies to initiate self-cleansing processes.
The Copper Helmet represents not a revolt against paying taxes, but represents a revolt against professional value destroyers.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward
The destructive elements now growing in the IRS and certain other bureaucracies must by nature practice that strategy: two steps forward on abuses, one step backward on "reforms" to give their victims thankful relief. With that relief, the victims then accept previously unacceptable abuses. That two-forward, one-backward process is how all elements of destruction survive and grow, be it the armed elements of Mao Red-Guard Divisions or the armed elements of IRS Criminal-Investigation Divisions.
Why must essentially all systems of destruction constantly undergo "reforms"? All destructive systems are unhealthy, irrational, and must buck reality. Therefore, by necessity, all such systems must thrust forward against the natural survival needs of their victims. The value destroyers thrust forward until the tolerance or acceptance level of their victims is reached. Then the backward "reform" step is required to solidify and gain acceptance from their relieved victims before the next deeper, more destructive thrust can be made. ...Such are the "reform" steps of all professional value destroyers.
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