Criminalized Bill Collection
instead of
Civil Bill Collection
Consider the IRS propaganda ploy: "...for each additional dollar Congress provides us, we can get four additional dollars from the taxpayers." The facts are the opposite: For every such extra four dollars extracted from taxpayers through destructive penalties or force, hundreds of dollars in damage and productivity loss will eventually be done to our economy and society. For, such extracted dollars often mean individuals, families, businesses being crippled or ruined by those gun-backed extractions. ...Most such extractions are made "profitable" only by imposing unjustly severe fines, loan-shark interest rates, and bankrupting penalties -- all highly destructive actions.
"Our computers reveal an entrepreneur and his business have unpaid utility bills. Is he evading or avoiding payment? Is he in financial difficulties? Perhaps he needs to make some payment arrangements. Or is he just behind in his payments? Did he simply forget or make an error? Maybe our computer or program data for bill collection are in error? Perhaps wrong information was entered. Perhaps a mistake was made in our payment records, computations, or billings. Perhaps a different name was used to pay his bills...or a different address. In any case, such matters must not be handled through businesslike credit and collection procedures. If we removed the threat of force against those not current on paying every penny, what kind of a lesson would that be for everyone else? What would happen to our enforcement powers? If we fail to set stern examples, everyone might stop paying."We must have bigger budgets to fund armed collection agents who must keep growing in number and power. We must have more power to handle the escalating nonpayments, evasions, and defaults. Or, everyone could stop paying their bills. Yes, we must make stern examples -- regardless of facts, due process, or the Constitution.
"Some say our Federal Utility Company should simply shut off services until delinquents pay. Sure, but we'd lose our enforcement powers with that approach. Some say even our inspiration, the IRS, can operate more efficiently without armed agents of force -- without Criminal-Investigation Divisions. Sure, like us, the government could cut off many crucial services to any debtor. Certainly, such government cut-offs for past-due tax bills could be extremely effective if done comprehensively -- more effectively than possible for any business or company.
"But why take that approach? When, instead, through their armed Criminal-Investigation Divisions, a small hierarchy within management can hold almost unlimited power by keeping everyone captive with gun-backed deeds. Yes, indeed, keeping the public captive is a lot easier than setting everyone up as a businesslike account with billings, collections, and credit ratings. Like the IRS, we don't need to dig into all that detail, thinking, and work. Instead, just give our collection agents the same freedom as the IRS agents to confiscate with guns and force. They'd do the job for us -- they'd keep everyone in line.
"Some say that credit-backed tax collection would be much more efficient than gun-backed tax collection. Some say guns and force are never needed. They say that any bona fide physical danger or threats to their agents can be handled simply by withdrawing and calling the local police. Some say businesslike revenue collection that utilizes credit ratings, civil use of the courts, and social ostracism is much more effective than criminalized threats -- much more effective than confiscations, fines, and jails. Proven by past history they say. Proven today by Switzerland and other first-world countries. They say that tax compliance is higher in those countries. They say that without threats of guns and force most people would actually pay their taxes proudly, without the resentments. They say that most people would pay their taxes like other debts and bills. They say that without ruinous penalties and criminalization, debtors would be free to pay past taxes with proper interest. And then debtors could start paying future taxes. They say that civil tax collection would help eliminate harmful people from government -- such as armed agents of force and power-seeking bureaucrats.
"I might agree with all of that. But, I agree even more with the stern enforcement policies of the IRS Criminal-Investigation Divisions and will continue to follow their examples here at Federal Utility Company.
"Inflicting stern lessons are necessary for the survival of Federal Utility. Even on suspicion or hearsay, our armed Federal-Utility collection agents must attack. They must hurt and destroy to show power and instill fear. They need gun-backed power to do their job properly. Otherwise, how could they teach object lessons to our captive customers? How could our agents instill compliance in all who might not pay their bills? For, everyone who pays today might not pay tomorrow."With more targets, Federal Utility needs bigger, stronger Armed-Collection Divisions like the IRS. To maximize our power, we must increasingly press object lessons on the public. Yet, despite all our force and fear pressed upon our subjects, more and more subjects are not paying. Our enforcement costs keep climbing. We need more agents with more power to make more examples out of more delinquents. `Get out of line with Federal Utility and we'll ruin you, your business, your family for life', must be our policy, just like the armed divisions of the IRS. ...We are losing more and more money. Our deficits grow. We need more power to deliver harsher lessons.
"Why is our customer base shrinking? Look at the mounting piles of ruined customers. They cost us plenty to attack, prosecute, and jail. We ruin them, their families, their careers, their businesses. Often, our ruined customers can never again pay their bills...or ever again become paying customers.
"Still, more and more customers are not paying. With our terror-tactic criminalization approach, those who get behind in payments often stop paying. They are too afraid of devastating penalties to come forward and pay their past debts. Thus, they never pay again. That's how we create more and more criminalized targets to build our enforcement powers. Without that approach, we'd lose our targets and power.
"How can our Federal Utility Company be sinking deeper and deeper into debt, inefficiencies, incompetence, and corruption? We do a better job than anyone at crushing those who fail to pay. We are expertly successful in breaking almost every targeted customer -- financially, physically, and spiritually."Why is our competition, Johnson & Sons Utility Company, booming? They give their customers better services at lower prices and costs. How can we compete with them? They have almost no collection costs. They do not raid, beat up, hospitalize, bankrupt, or jail delinquent customers. Instead, they use credit ratings, arbitration, collection bureaus, and civil litigation. Their customer base and payments are expanding. No one is afraid of them. Look, they do not have a single armed-collection agent or giuliani-type prosecutor. They use no dole-type politicians, laws, or funds to control their customers.
"The government must stop that excess-profit Johnson & Sons Utility Company. Call Senator Dole. Call Prosecutor Giuliani. Johnson & Sons is guilty of violating antitrust laws by undercutting our prices while gleaning big profits. And we keep incurring bigger and bigger losses.
"Some say we should switch from criminal bill collection to civil bill collection like Johnson & Sons. Absurd! That would violate all traditions of power and control. And what would happen to our large, expanding Federal-Utility Armed-Collection Division? Like the IRS agents, our armed agents have worked for many years to build power and respect over our captive customers. What would happen to all the power we captured through our armed agents? Abolish the Federal-Utility Armed-Collection Division? Impossible! We could not exist. And what about me -- my job? ...Thank God for the politicians. They would never let anything like that happen. They know that ending bureaucratic armed power would eventually end their power." -- Allegorical thoughts of an IRS Commissioner.
Even certain federal judges recognize the noncriminal nature of tax matters and refuse criminal cases involving taxes. ...Criminal-enforced taxation serves only as an expanding job source for professional value destroyers. Government-armed people belong only in local-police forces and national-defense forces designed to protect citizens from harmful force and aggression. Armed agents of force within bureaucracies are nothing more than power-usurping sources for destructive people -- people who harm others and society. ...Indeed, today, our government is riddled with armed bureaucracies. Today, police-state agents are woven throughout our bureaucracies, directly or indirectly menacing every citizen.
Armed IRS agents can attack American citizens with little or no regard for the Constitution or due process of law. The result is the most destructive, most costly, least effective, and fastest deteriorating tax-collection system among the industrialized nations. ...And those attacks are just the iceberg tip of the harm being done to our economy -- irreversible harm from which we will all suffer. Such attacks are the barometer of future jobs, economies, security, and happiness.
The IRS title of "Criminal-Investigation Division" is no more valid than the title of "protection services" by Mafia goon squads or Nazi brownshirts. Such goon squads, Nazi brownshirts, and armed IRS agents are not interested in facts, justice, or service to society. Their interests and motivations are in usurping power and livelihoods through gun-backed force.
All such armed agents live without the hard honest effort needed to earn a living. They never have to think hard with integrity and honesty. They only have to carry guns then "go get 'em" and "get 'em good".
Also, protecting tax-delinquent citizens from violence and ruination will let almost all delinquents pay back taxes and then continue paying future taxes, just like delinquents on utility bills. Indeed, protection from armed agents would save us all from the excuse for politicians and bureaucrats to set up and expand police-state mechanisms...mechanisms designed to commit increasingly harmful acts against targeted citizens and all society.
More important, only through such police-state dynamics can those "authorities" take away our First-Amendment rights to free press and expression -- as they are trying to take away from I & O Publishing Company. Indeed, free press and expression are the only tools that can identify and then eliminate those professional value destroyers and their guilty managements.
Moreover, the subsequent inaction by those responsible for attacking Wallace in 1986 indicated that, after realizing their blunder, they never intended to take further action. Not until three-and-a-half years later, after Wallace's escalating publishing campaign to identify the harmful individuals in the IRS, did those people feel compelled to attack again. But, this time, they attacked not because of taxes, but because of Wallace's publishing and billboard campaigns that began publicly identifying the specific elements and individuals in the IRS who were harming our government and society. ...That second attack in 1990 was in direct violation of Wallace's first-amendment rights to free expression and free press.
The chronological line of reasoning of the IRS people responsible for those attacks seemed to be:
Today, the Neo-Tech self-exposure traps give each of us the opportunity to experience a new beginning -- an exciting, productive, happy life by replacing mysticism with fully integrated honesty. ...Each of us today can forever leave the mystic-plagued world to join the mystic-free world of competence and happiness. ...Each of us can experience the disease-free mind of the future. Indeed, through fully integrated honesty, each of us can discover the unlimited growth and happiness available to every human being -- each of us can enter the Golden World of tomorrow.
Let us now gather the relevant puzzle pieces. Working from a mystic-free perspective, let us snap these pieces together and for the first time see the entire picture -- see who is the guilty, who is the innocent:
A Supplemental Document By Eric Savage Director of International Operations I & O Publishing Company |
Whenever mind-blocking mysticism occurs, the process of honesty breaks down. And whenever the process of mind-blocking mysticism becomes institutionalized in government, the process of integrated honesty within that entire society breaks down. That, in turn, results in horrific dishonesties.
That is how the educated and civilized populace of Nazi Germany allowed and even cooperated in the holocaust. Mind-blocking mysticisms were institutionalized by the government and then vigorously pumped into the public. As a result, the process of integrated honesty completely shut down and those dishonesties went unnoticed or unquestioned.
That process of institutionalized mysticism shutting down the process of integrated honesty is witnessed everywhere and is the biggest testimonial to man's bicameral vestiges and civilization's intellectual immaturity. Obvious examples include Stalin's Russia, Jim Jones' Jonestown, Honecker's East German STASI, Deng's China, Ceausescu's Romania, Noriega's Panama, Khomeini's Iran, Hussein's Iraq...the people in those countries and places stood by and accepted, even supported, dishonesties of incalculable proportions. They became unable to recognize the dishonesties that were fatally surrounding them.
Indeed, whenever and wherever mysticism is institutionalized, it will grow like a cancer unless it is exposed and uprooted. That is the responsibility of every citizen. Mysticism, meaning whenever a rationalization is used to justify actions that are dishonest in their widest and final intent, is rampant in certain American bureaucracies -- particularly in the IRS. And that is extremely dangerous. For those mysticisms, those dishonesties, are institutionalized. They carry the support and legitimacy of the United States government. Thus, mind-blocking mysticism will continue to grow, the process of honesty will continue to break down, and escalating destruction will result.
Consider a speech made by Richard E. Byrd, Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, on March 3, 1910, ominously warning about the impending result that a new federal agency created to enforce the federal income tax would bring. "A hand from Washington will be stretched out and placed upon every man's business; the eye of the Federal inspector will be in every man's counting house. The law will of necessity have inquisitorial features, it will provide penalties. It will create a complicated machinery. Under it businessmen will be hauled into courts distant from their homes. Heavy fines imposed by distant and unfamiliar tribunals will constantly menace the taxpayer. An army of Federal inspectors, spies and detectives will descend upon the state. They will compel men of business to show their books and disclose the secrets of their affairs. They will dictate forms of bookkeeping. They will require statements and affidavits..."
Senator Byrd's ominous warning was dismissed as reactionary. But imagine the horror those men of 1910 would now feel if they witnessed the Criminal-Investigation Divisions of the IRS of today. No financial transaction of any American is private. In fact, bankers are jailed today for the "crime" of not reporting other people's financial transactions to the Federal government. Businesspeople are endlessly harassed and burdened by a mountain of IRS regulations and an army of IRS auditors. Huge, punitive assessments daily bankrupt businesses and individuals in every state of the nation. Widows now stand before Congress and tell stories of their businessmen husbands committing suicide because of ruinous assessments attached to them in their old age. Young children have their bank accounts seized. Newspapers carry pictures of IRS agents smashing open the windows of a Volkswagen and dragging out a young, bewildered couple as they desperately try to prevent the confiscation of their meager means of transportation. Federal Judges are debarred and jailed after presiding over decisions unfavorable to the IRS. Presidents admit to using the IRS to ruin political opponents. Top value and job producers in society are fined millions of dollars and sent to jail. The richest entertainers in America are suddenly left homeless and financially destroyed. Middle-class men and women have their homes, cars, furniture, even family heirlooms confiscated and auctioned off. Every year a trail of devastation weaves across the nation as thousands of Americans are bankrupted and left in financial ruin by the IRS.
Those men of 1910 would have found the IRS of today intolerable and unacceptable. Yet, the public of today completely accepts this situation. Mind-blocking mysticism has been built up and institutionalized over the years by dishonest politicians and guns-and-fists bureaucracies. That mysticism has already made the American public of today incapable of integrating and recognizing the massive, destructive dishonesties now occurring. Tomorrow, people will accept and even support Americans being dragged from their homes in the middle of the night, homes and businesses torn to shreds in search of "evidence of financial crimes", individuals from all walks of life sentenced to punitive, life-ruining prison terms. The public will no longer have the ability to recognize that they are living in a police state. They will be numb to the fear that permeates them. All they will know is that they are living with increasing misery as opportunity wanes, the economy sours, and wars increase.
That is the disgraceful legacy we, the American public, are leaving to our children. I am ashamed that I have been a part of this. I am ashamed that I have not done more to correct this disgrace that will cause increasing suffering for everyone. ...But now, with the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech, anyone and everyone can finally make a stand to end that disease.
Eric Savage |
In a sense, the IRS is the Romania of America -- the most ripe and vulnerable entity for an accounting wedge. Once started on a solid, provable, wide-scope accounting basis, the illusions that support all purposeful harm will crack. For, a vivid, publicly understood separation of harmful people from helpful people in the IRS will finally break the damaging illusions of mind-created "realities". In turn, breaking those illusions is the process of curing mysticism. Then, the competitive avalanche into tomorrow's world of ever growing prosperity, peace, and happiness will begin. |
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