Neo-Tech is directed not at the government or the IRS, but at those destructive individuals comprising the State. Thus, Neo-Tech begins the process of identifying and eliminating those individuals who are undermining our government, harming every citizen, and destroying our economy.
The purpose of government is to protect its citizens from harmful aggressions and crimes. The government openly and legitimately arms national defense forces for self-defense, not offense, and local police forces to protect, not harm, individual citizens. By contrast, the State furtively and illegitimately arms bureaucracies with gun-backed agents of force. Those armed agents then enforce specious laws and arbitrary regulations designed to usurp power in an increasingly police-state manner. That escalating police-state behavior serves dishonest politicians and destructive bureaucrats -- not our government, not our society, not American families. ...The armed State is an invalid, immoral creation. Likewise, "crimes against the State" are invalid and imaginary. Such "crimes" are created and manipulated by neocheaters and professional value destroyers for usurping bogus livelihoods and false power.
Moreover, wars originate through the State. Justifications for all offensive wars occur through specious inner logic or rationalizations. Then those mind-created "realities" manipulated by that ruling class either whip up or force people to fight and kill each other. But as time passes, those rationalizations fade. Why? Because the origins of those rationalizations are not based on facts honestly connected or integrated. Instead, those origins almost always begin as emotional indulgences involving spurious economic, nationalistic, macho, or religious rationalizations. Bush invades Panama to prove his machismo. Hussein invades Kuwait for unearned power. Then war, destruction, death. With passing history, rationalizations fade until all we know is that every war of death and destruction arose from the immaturity of mind-created "realities". ...Indeed, historical research demonstrates that essentially all wars arose from irrationally indulged emotions in immature people with false power -- false power usurped through armed bureaucracies.
2. What was Frank R. Wallace's original idea in devising the Golden Helmet? In the early 1980s, he envisioned the following scenario: The wheels of the IRS computers would eventually crank out signals about him and I & O Publishing Company. He knew the longer that process took, the deeper and more effective would be the entanglement of the IRS value destroyers. Wallace also knew that the longer the delay, the more complete and effective would be the newly developing Neo-Tech concepts. In addition, he knew that the longer the process took, the more extensively would value-destroying elements of the IRS engage him and his publishing company. And once the conflict started, the most harmful elements within the IRS would become increasingly entangled within the Neo-Tech self-exposure traps.
In effect, Dr. Wallace had a long-range sting operation designed to flush out, entrap, and then remove the most destructive elements undermining the IRS, our government, and society.
Originally, Dr. Wallace thought IRS agents would gradually close in. And then, step by step, they would try to debilitate him and his publishing company. With those IRS agents directly applying their destructive acts, Wallace could specifically identify and isolate those individuals who were harming the IRS, our government, and all society. He could then methodically lock each professional value destroyer into the Golden-Helmet self-exposure trap and then into the ostracism matrix. And that no-compromise, permanent ostracism would separate and eventually eliminate those destructive elements from the IRS.
Dr. Wallace would then have a proven working model that could be applied and used for future confrontations. He would also have a working model to replicate in the literature for the public to see and use. And, with that model, I & O Publishing Company could engineer similar isolations and eventual eliminations of individuals corrupting other bureaucracies such as the DEA, EPA, FDA, FTC, HEW, HUD, INS, OSHA, and the SEC.
Wallace's original plan for a slowly unfolding scenario was awaiting activation when on November 3, 1986 the unexpected happened: A sudden, violent attack occurred without warning, without a single notice, without any justifying investigation. Intending to immediately debilitate Frank R. Wallace and his publishing company, that violent guns-and-fists attack was directed at benevolent writers, dedicated editors, and hard-working associates. Those armed IRS agents shattered the lives of innocent people who worked daily, intensely on delivering values to society. ...That violent aggression originated entirely from the emotions, perjuries, and mysticisms of two people:
The first person was a professional prevaricator bent on collecting a confiscation fee from assets illegally seized by the IRS.
The second person was an armed IRS agent who eagerly seized the fabrications from that perjurer. He then compounded his error by doing no substantive investigation of the perjurer's mind-created allegations. Instead, recklessly acting on those allegations without any corroboration attempts, he attacked his new victims with gratuitous violence and gleeful destruction. He and his blindly following cohorts also attacked, beat, kicked, and hospitalized an innocent editor in the open doorway of Dr. Wallace's home. ...And finally, in court, that armed agent embellished the paid perjurer's testimony and scenarios with his own perjured testimony and scenarios.
3. Consider what happens when similar such November-3rd blitzkriegs flatten other innocent people, their businesses, and their families: First, those armed agents of force have no interest in the facts or their targeted victim's guilt or innocence. They do not even have a mechanism to handle the facts about anyone's situation. They just attack and destroy for paychecks. Value destruction is the essence of their livelihoods. Their innocent victims can try to pick up the pieces later -- if possible. But often, they are too debilitated to recover, much less to ever rise against the unjust devastations inflicted upon them. ...Most victims attacked by those armed agents of the IRS are purposely devastated into passivity or destroyed. Unjustly stigmatized by those IRS attacks, the victims are often sadly abandoned by friends, business associates, even spouses and family members. Many broken victims give up on life, commit suicide, or die prematurely. Thus, justice is never sought for the countless crimes, including murder, inflicted by the "accusers" upon their victims.
Those ruined people are only a fraction of the countless, potential value-and-job producers who will never rise in the face of such growing destructive power. ...The economy today not only sinks into recession, but would continue sinking irreversibly into depression and chaos if not for the Neo-Tech dynamics growing today.
4. How were the armed agents of the IRS drawn into their own self-exposure trap? In 1987, when no further movement or action came from the IRS, I & O began escalating its literature aggressions until the jailing of Frank R. Wallace on March 29, 1990. Before that jailing, more intense escalations by I & O occurred in late 1989 and early 1990 as the statute of limitations on the November 3, 1986 attacks were running out and the litigation years began dropping off. I & O kept escalating to more direct, more jarring literature aimed at the individual value destroyers in the IRS and other government bureaucracies. Still no response occurred. ...Every piece of literature was preceded by private letters to the individual IRS agents and managements involved -- explicit letters offering specific help and support by I & O Publishing Company for correcting their destructive actions.
With no response from the IRS, I & O began erecting each month, starting in November 1989, a series of five, huge, increasingly provocative billboards in front of the IRS offices. Those billboards appeared, one after another, until action was finally initiated by a new IRS District Director, Robert E. Withers. Unlike his predecessor, Jesse A. Cota, that new Director did not personally understand the dynamics of Neo-Tech. Thus, with his gun-backed power, he reacted emotionally. He reacted aggressively to the "insulting" Neo-Tech literature and provocative billboards, drawing the harmful people of the IRS further into the trap. On January 9, 1990, in violation of Dr. Wallace's First-Amendment rights to free press and free expression, that new Director formally issued a letter ordering those same armed agents to prepare a jailing attack on author Frank R. Wallace.
Then early in the morning of March 29, 1990, I & O Publishing Company erected its fifth and most "dangerous" billboard high above Las Vegas Boulevard. Later that morning, I & O placed one of its "out-rageous" Little-Soldier newsboxes on the sidewalk in front of the IRS building. That newsbox was filled with incriminating newsletters identifying by name the most destructive individuals within the IRS management. Promptly, armed IRS agents pumped quarters into that newsbox and removed all its newsletters. Then, on that chilly, wind-swept night, those same armed IRS agents came filled with rage to Wallace's home.
Unlike their blindly violent attacks in 1986, this time they came in direct violation of Dr. Wallace's First-Amendment rights to free press and expression. They came bearing their same badges and guns used in their attacks three-and-a-half years earlier. Showing even further deteriorations in stability and maturity since their previous attacks, those agents came with tantrum-contorted faces and screaming voices echoing throughout the quiet neighborhood. After handcuffing Dr. Wallace, an agent assaulted the author by throwing the newsletters against his shackled body while asking bitterly, "How is Neo-Tech going to help you now?"
Those armed cohorts came to "get even". Those armed cohorts came to arrest, shackle, assault, and imprison Frank R. Wallace because they objected to his writings. ...From behind their window curtains, frightened neighbors watched the author being handcuffed, put in a car, and swiftly driven away in the night by armed agents of the IRS. ...The scene was ominously reminiscent of the Jews in Germany being arrested and swiftly taken away in the night by armed agents of the State.
5. The next day, at the bail-bond hearing, the motive and reason for the arrest was again obvious -- Frank R. Wallace's literature, not his taxes: The IRS attempted to silence Frank R. Wallace by jailing him without bail. With bail denied, the IRS could silence Dr. Wallace until the trial. Being in jail would prevent him from writing, publishing, and properly preparing for the trial. Knowing that Dr. Wallace was aggressively trying to obtain this trial for three years and was a zero flight risk, the IRS armed agents maliciously gave false and distorted information to the U.S. Attorney prosecutor about Wallace being a flight risk. Later, when the prosecutor learned the facts, he realized that the IRS knew all along that Dr. Wallace was no flight risk at all. The prosecutor seemed contrite about being misled and acting on that IRS deception. He even agreed to let Dr. Wallace have his passport for traveling to the Pacific Rim for Neo-Tech consultations while awaiting trial.
6. People have suggested that I & O Publishing Company seek a constitutional amendment to protect all value-and-job producers against the destructive elements of government bureaucracies. That amendment would provide three fundamental protections to all individuals producing competitive values and jobs for others and society. The first protection would be to prohibit armed agents of force in any government bureaucracy. The second protection would be to prohibit laws criminalizing any mutually voluntary activity that does not threaten or harm any individual by force or fraud. The third protection would be to prohibit economy-harming controls and business-harming regulations instigated by politicians and bureaucrats.
7. The literature production and distribution system for Neo-Tech was developed in 1976, published in 1981, and currently outlined in volume V of The Neo-Tech Discovery: Every individual operates as an independent associate or company. For example, I & O Publishing Company has never had an employee. In fact, I & O has never operated as a traditional company or run as a typical business. It is not a functioning corporation or even a publishing company, despite its name. I & O is a widely scattered literature vehicle with a single mission -- to cure the disease of mysticism. ...The I & O associate system provided the international dynamics for establishing the Golden-Helmet taxpaying system as well as a series of politically untouchable bantam companies scattered around the world.
The 1950s: | The ascent and decline years |
The 1960s: | The recovery and discovery years |
The 1970s: | The struggle and foundation years |
The 1980s: | The preparation, building, and dispersion years |
The 1990s: | The Ultimate Battle and the cure of mysticism. The victory decade. |
The 21st Century: | The prosperity and happiness millennium. |
* * *
Indeed, today, a lone scientist has uncovered the seminal disease upon which the continued existence of all diseases and destructive behaviors depend. That disease is the deprivation disease -- the disease that erodes everyone's mind with progress blockers -- the integration blockers of mysticism. Those progress blockers cripple everyone's mind and ability, preventing the rapid cure of all other diseases. ...Mysticism and its progress blockers manipulated by neocheaters in the news media, academe, congress, and various bureaucracies such as the FDA, IRS, and SEC are responsible for the continued existence of all debilitating diseases, destructive aging, and preventable deaths.
Mysticism is indeed the death-and-destruction disease. After 2000 years, we must now all grow up. The cure of mysticism must now begin.
9. Has the Moving Wedge already started in the IRS? On April 22, 1991, the IRS took its first action based on integrated honesty -- its first move toward correcting its errors and damages done by individuals in its invalid Criminal-Investigation Division. Perhaps that action was based more on its uncovering direct evidence of the Golden-Helmet taxpayments than on motives to remedy the actions of that fallacious division. Nevertheless, that unilateral action by the IRS to nullify all tax liabilities, fines, penalties, and interest wrongly assessed against Frank R. Wallace's writing and publishing activities for 1983-1985 does reflect an attempt to correct those serious errors.
Moreover, taking that corrective action required courage by certain people in the IRS management. For, they most certainly realized that their action not only left the IRS more vulnerable to litigation for grievous damages done on and after November 3, 1986 against innocent people and private property, but also, left the IRS open for seriously negative publicity through the media dynamics of I & O Publishing Company.
Sustained legal and publicity actions are important ways to advance the goal of curing mysticism. But, I & O is much more interested in a better way -- in quietly working with the IRS to implement wide-scope accounting that eventually will be used for evaluating individuals and jobs in all areas of government and business. To initiate a constructive low-profile approach, I & O needs to meet with positive, cooperative members of the IRS management about preparing a more detailed proposal and schedule. A meeting should also be held with Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg to assure mutually beneficial goals. ...Mr. Goldberg has hopefully turned toward Neo-Tech, which means integrated honesty, as indicated both by his potential grasp of Platinum-Helmet taxpayments and by his most recent public statements.
10. Frank R. Wallace's Socratic Trial of 1991: Now is the opportunity for the prosecutor, who seemed to act with integrity before and during the trial, to perform on the positive side of the wedge. Even the judge, despite his condemnable pretrial and trial behaviors, can switch to the value side of the coming wedge. ...By writing I & O Publishing Company, readers of this document may request a copy of the twenty-five-page letter sent to the prosecutor, the judge, and the IRS Commissioner. That letter discloses the recent IRS documents that demonstrate both Frank R. Wallace's innocence and his excess taxpayments for all years. But more important, that letter discloses Dr. Wallace's proposal to implement the wide-scope accounting wedge for separating the harmful employees from the IRS and other bureaucracies.
Consider what happened only three score years ago in the civilized and cultured Weimar Germany of the late 1920s. With stunning rapidity, the seemingly safeguarded and protected Jews fell from prominent positions of value, power, respect, and culture into the mass-murder Holocaust in Hitler's Nazi Germany of the late 1930s to the mid 1940s. In only a decade, contrary to popular belief, the murder of six-million Jews in Nazi Germany was made possible not by rampaging mobs or Brownshirts, but by systematically built bureaucracies empowered through fully codified bodies of laws and regulations. Those laws and regulations increasingly criminalized social and business activities.
In addition to well-structured "legal" supports, the violent bureaucratic system built by the Nazis gained intellectual support and credibility through the mystic-manipulating philosophies of Plato, Kant, and Hegel.
The Nazi bureaucracies increased their destructive powers by expanding bogus jobs based on armed agents of force and professional value destroyers. ...Today, those exact same administrative structures of destruction are being built in America through dishonest politicians and destructive bureaucrats. They are aided by the complicity of certain power-lusting prosecutors and cowardly judges.
At any time, those in-place armed bureaucracies can be redirected to persecute and eventually eliminate successful Jews and their businesses. That process has already begun with giuliani-type prosecutions of the most competitive, most competent, most enviously unpopular Milken-type and Helmsley-type value producers. That attacking of heroic value-and-job producers is driven by news media dishonesty, stirred-up public envy, and courtroom complicity. ...The bigger the catch or destruction, the more usurped power and false fame is captured by the giuliani-type value destroyer.
That handiwork by the news media gets silently translated in the public mind as, "Those greedy, exploiting Jews. Give 'em good, stiff jail terms." ...And the next step is not a big step: "Wipe 'em out. ...Kill 'em!"
Today, more and more judges act without principle to feel self-importance in seeking media and public approval. They increasingly inflict devastating injustices on value producers who have been dishonestly maligned by the news media and, thus, enviously attacked by the public. Such injustices are especially easy to inflict after the media purposefully ignores or scorns the magnificent values and achievements of such victims. Those attacks today on the greatest value producers set up the attacks tomorrow on all value producers. Tomorrow, demagogic journalists, "populist" politicians, giuliani prosecutors, and benighted judges can lay ever greater destructions on all aggressively competitive value producers. ...A horrible future? Today, ever stiffer fines and jail terms. Tomorrow, destruction and death?
First, the prosecution hammers the victim with threats of lifetime prison terms through blatantly dishonest use of RICO laws. Then the prosecution threatens destruction of the victim's brother. Thus, the innocent victim is forced to "bargain" and then plead guilty. Next, an envy pandering judge gives an unbearable, torture-filled, ten-year jail sentence to the victim -- a super-energetic, super-competent value producer who greatly benefited society and our economy by breaking and eliminating parasitical managements in stagnant big businesses.
The court offers to decrease that unbearable torture only if the victim weepingly confesses to an expanding array of newly spun regulations and arbitrary laws -- confessions to expanding noncrimes demanded by his giuliani prosecutors. Indeed, to diminish the torture, those prosecutors demand that the victim grovels before the court with tearful pleadings for mercy and vigorous admissions of guilt -- guilty or not. Such forced confessions and debasements are needed to give seeming validity to the destructive injustices by giuliani prosecutors. In addition, giuliani prosecutors would consider any dissent or disagreement by the victim as not showing sufficient remorse. Thus, the court would increase the sentence -- the torture. Furthermore, the victim must then immorally betray the mutual trust, care, and love of his friends and associates. In that way, the giuliani prosecutors can expand their own false power and destructive harm over an ever new supply of victims -- by the same torture-filled procedures used during the Inquisitions and Star-Chamber proceedings.
With that inquisition-torture mechanism established and publicly accepted, the apparatus is now in place and has already begun to wipe out the most aggressive, heroic value producers.
Increasingly, heroic and benevolent value producers are ending up groveling with confessions of guilt before the feet of arrogant judges -- cowardly judges who evade the principles of objective law and justice. Those morally bankrupt judges equate innocent value producers giulianied in their courts to the destructive criminals tried in their courts. And then those judges often hand out harsher sentences to the value producers than to the criminals. ...But, such judges are shrewd enough to show "fairness" by first recognizing and praising the ability, achievements, and contributions of those value-producing victims. From that platform of "fairness", those judges then deliver specious, hypocritical tirades at their victims as a prelude to crushing them with stiff fines and jail terms -- sentences based on spurious regulations or subjective laws designed for power usurpations.
Under the respected system of American law and justice, those judges easily fool themselves and the public. They deceive almost everyone with a dignified aura of deliberated "thoughtfulness and fairness". But their deliberations are directed toward serving the destructive power lust of the news media and the vicious envy of manipulated public opinion. ...On close examination, those judges display no concept of consistent, principled justice. Those judges have no experience with integrated thinking and consistent honesty.
But soon, the veneers hiding all the destructive deceptions of the past two millennia will be washed away by the coming waves of fully integrated honesty. With those Neo-Tech waves, such media hypocrisies, giuliani-type prosecutions, star-chamber pleadings, and courtroom injustices will never again be laid upon a value-producing Jew or any other heroic value producer anywhere in the world. With Neo-Tech, never again will innocent people guiltily grovel at the feet of professional value destroyers in the dishonest news media, in destructive government bureaucracies, or in morally bankrupt courtrooms.
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