The judge and his court: The foundation of justice, the foundation of government honesty, the foundation of societal success. The judge and his court: The guide to the future of our country, the guide to growth and prosperity...or decline and deprivation. Which way today? Which way tomorrow?
A judge and his court can display the supreme best in our society. Such a judge can assume the responsibility to lead society by standing on uncompromised integrity and objectivity. He can assume the responsibility to expand societal values by consistently performing with rational thought and detached objectivity. Thus, he would become a powerful searchlight cutting through today's courtroom fogs of unprincipled pragmatism, indulged emotions, and mawkish subjectivity. What an inspiration would be such a judge. What genuine power would such a judge possess. What a needed candidate for the United States Supreme Court would be such a judge. ...He would blaze shining history in leading us to the golden world of tomorrow.
By contrast, only in today's mystic-plagued world can judges lacking the concept of objective justice hold judgeships -- judges with camouflaged souls metaphorically expressed in the movie Nothing But Trouble featuring Dan Aykroyd as the malignant judge. Such judges deliver ego "justice" through mind-created realities, subjective feelings, and immature whims. ...Ego "justice" always leads to abuse of judicial discretion. Ego "justice" delivers nothing but trouble to others and society.
The self-exposure trials of Socrates, Jesus, and Galileo -- all confronters of false authority -- laid the groundwork for understanding the good-and-evil opposites of judges and their courts. Seven judicial opposites are listed below. The first three are general; the final four are specific:
Mystic-Free Judges (Objective Justice) | Mystic-Plagued Judges (Ego "Justice") |
1. Mystic-free judges need no props or symbols of power. They detach their emotions and egos from their responsibilities to lead society to consistent, objective justice. They focus on pursuing facts to wherever they lead -- to the guilt or innocence of any party. ...They recognize and embrace honesty as the tool that assures consistent, objective justice | 1. Mystic-plagued judges need the props and symbols of power to fill ego agendas. They hide the harm they inflict on society beneath "Great-Man" auras of black robes, throne-like chairs, high-ceiling courtrooms, and strict-appearing legal rituals. They bask among grovelling prosecutors, defense lawyers, clerks, and marshals. The self-esteems of such judges depend on feeling power and importance through their life-and-death commands over people caught within their sovereign-domain courtrooms. The concept of being diligently honest and consistently objective to meet judicial responsibilities is absent. In fact, the concepts of honesty and objectivity must be avoided by all mystic-plagued judges to conceal their natures. Thus, such judges will reject any honesty motion as a threat not only to their ego-manipulated power but to their jobs and self-esteems. ...They cannot have an honesty oath muddying the waters of their courtrooms. |
2. Actions of such judges are objectively rooted in principled justice. Through self-discipline, they avoid injecting prejudicial feelings and opinions into any judicial action. | 2. Actions of such judges are subjectively rooted in personal feelings and ego enhancements. Those judges require unearned power to inject their ego agendas into judicial actions. Without Socratic self-exposure trials, such judges can indefinitely camouflage their societal harms and injustices through the hallowed auras and dignified proceedings of the court. |
3. They recognize the responsibility of a judge: They focus on avoiding prejudgments in any court pro-ceeding, including side-bar proceedings. | 3. They evade the responsibilities of a judge. They follow their feelings in making themselves appear legitimate, powerful, and important to others. ...Side-bar comments and behaviors often reveal their camouflaged natures. |
4. A mystic-free judge displays loyalty to honesty -- to impartial actions before, during, and after every trial. He remains personally detached in all proceedings among the court, prosecu-tors, defendants, witnesses, and jurors. Only then can a judge think and act with fully integrated honesty, objectivity, and integrity. | 4. A mystic-plagued judge evades integrated honesty and its demands of constant discipline, hard effort, and objective thought. Thus, he evades the disciplines and efforts required for principled, objective justice. Instead, he manipulates his position to become a pragmatic "lawyer", joining the side that best supports his ego needs. ...Now, the prosecutor can and should use all honest means to maneuver and gain advantages over the defendant in order to win. For, that is the prosecutor's duty and responsibility. So long as he acts with consistent honesty, the prosecutor can aggressively perform his job and maintain full integrity -- even if his main witnesses are provable
perjurers. But, if a guilty verdict against the defendant serves the ego agenda of a mystic-plagued judge, that judge can easily become the most effective member of the prosecution team. For example, such a judge can unilaterally and unexpectedly convert a defendant's pretrial "notice of exception" into an interlocutory or pretrial appeal. Such judicial action leads the defendant into believing that the court desires an appeal ruling before the case begins. For, that would be the only logical reason for a sincere judge to order a pretrial appeal. Thus, that interlocutory appeal stops all trial preparations and obliges the defendant to invest his time and effort in preparing an appeal brief to satisfy the court and avoid waving his rights to that appeal. Yet, suddenly and unexpectedly, that same judge refuses to extend the trial date -- refuses to give the time needed to complete the appeal brief and obtain an expedited ruling from the Appellate Court. The judge then immediately and unilaterally advances the trial already docketed to begin in five begin in five days! Thus, he leaves the defendant with no way to properly prepare for the trial. The prosecutor has no such power to unilaterally manipulate and gain that kind of an unbeatable advantage. Thus, the judge becomes the most effective member of the prosecution team. ...With the judge on his team, the prosecutor wins his case before the trial begins, regardless of the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Moreover, that judge can assure conviction of an innocent defendant by manipulating the jury. Such a judge can easily precondition a jury to fulfill his desires and support his ego. Furthermore, he can assure conviction by denigrating the defendant at every opportunity, casting more and more "guilt" on the defendant in full view of the preconditioned jury. That judge, for example, forces the defendant to cut his crucial opening statements from one hour down to twenty minutes. The clerk places a prominent clock in front of the defendant in full view of the jury. Then, the judge curtly cuts off the key points of that truncated opening statement. Next, that judge cuts off all cross-examinations by the defendant designed to impeach the credibility of the perjured testimony by the prosecution's two key witnesses. ...Behaving as an adoring father, the judge protects the prosecution's key female witness and her staged baby-voice testimony from being impeached as perjury -- perjury fabricated for self-serving, financial payoffs. After that, the judge refuses even the prosecutor's fair offer to let the defendant take both the Truth Oath and the Honesty Oath. To the prosecutor's credit and integrity, that agreement would have let the defendant testify and call witnesses on his behalf without waving his appeal rights. The judge's denial of that fair proposal by the prosecution combined with the judge's constant, hostile terminations of the defendant's opening statements and cross-examinations of perjured testimony preclude any defense by the defendant. Also, many of the judge's cutting-off actions are done with derogatory remarks about, for example, the defendant "wasting the jurors' time" -- even though the case involves grave decisions by the jurors deciding the fate of a person's entire remaining life. Indeed, that "wasted time" may have involved a total of two hours for the defendant to prove his innocence by simply putting the facts of the case and testimony into full and honest context. But the judge highballs the entire trial past the jury in less than three days. And almost all of that time, perhaps 90% of that time, is freely granted to the prosecution for a leisurely and complete presentation of its case. |
5. The above mystic-free judge recognizes the most basic percept of courtroom justice: To remain personal-ly detached from jurors and witnesses. | 5. The above mystic-plagued judge cultivates a syrupy, "wonderful-man" rapport both with the jury as a whole and with each individual jury member before, during, and after the jury-selection process. Especially taking advantage of the question segment of the jury-selection process, the judge probes each juror with "personal-bond" communications involving totally irrelevant personal and family matters. That manipulative bond is reinforced through chummy, personal anecdotes about the judge himself, words about "meaningful experiences", and invitations to his chamber to chat and express his "appreciation". Such overt bonding of the jurors and witnesses with the judge, perhaps more than any other act, reflects that judge's underlying disregard for the basic concepts of justice. Also, such personal involvement with the jurors reflects a noxious agenda by the judge -- an agenda to gain unearned respect and approval by constantly eliciting "wonderful-and-important-man" feelings from the jurors and others. But, perhaps the greatest injustice comes from the judge publicly displaying hostile feelings toward a defendant standing before the jury that will decide his fate -- especially a jury that has been preconditioned with the judge's own personal bonding. That judge does not use integrity to remain impartial. He does not keep his personal feelings from showing in his courtroom. Instead, he at times uses facial expressions of disgust as the defendant talks. And that judge frequently uses a demeaning, scolding voice in addressing his already "condemned" defendant. With that behavior alone, the judge guarantees to serve his own feelings as the number-one member of both the jury and the prosecution team. ...Such a judge, with his years of education, practice, and honors knows nothing about justice -- nothing at all. |
6. He recognizes his responsibility for the behaviors of each court officer and clerk. He makes certain all such personnel remain detached from the jurors and witnesses as well as to behave equally and impartially toward all parties. | 6. Throughout each day of the trial, that judge allows flagrant socialization and jovial bantering in his courtroom between the prosecution's ever-present summary witness and the judge's ever-present female clerk. Also, that judge allows the same clerk to make derogatory, disgusted faces and angry, disrespectful rustling motions visible to all the jurors throughout the defendant's closing statements. But, that same clerk in view of the jurors sits in respectful, attentive silence throughout the prosecutor's closing statements. |
7. He recognizes that the essence of justice extends into all post-trial proceedings and sentences. He carefully avoids injecting personal feelings or moralizing opinions into the post-trial and sentencing proceedings. | |
The above seven points reflect a mystic-free judge who understands and practices the concepts of principled, objective justice. For, he uses his position of responsibility to deliver consistently objective justice and genuine values to others and society. | The above six points reflect, for example, a mystic-plagued federal judge lacking the concepts of principled, objective justice. Instead, he uses his lifetime appointment to support a pseudo self-esteem. How? By irresponsibly using his power of life-and-death decisions over those within his courtroom domain. ...Such a judge also reflects the embodiment of incompetence. He is the antithesis of a person qualified to be a judge. Metaphorically, he is the ethical soul mate of the monstrous judge portrayed by Dan Aykroyd in the movie, Nothing But Trouble. Both are ethical soul mates because at their roots they both dispense "justice" through their egos -- through their mind-created "realities" and subjective whims. Thus, they cast the same harm upon others and society. They differ only in degree. |
A mystic-free judge exemplified by the above seven points is a paradigm of honor and virtue for consistently acting with integrated honesty in today's mystic-plagued world. His step into tomor-row's golden world will be much smaller and easier than for the mystic-plagued judge who is a paradigm of camouflaged harm in today's world. ...In tomorrow's world, objective justice will be understood and practiced by all. Such justice means prosecuting the guilty value destroyers and protecting the innocent value producers. | But, in the widest sense, being victimized by the unrecognized disease of mysticism, even the mystic-plagued judge is innocent. Thus, ironically, that judge can benefit the most from curing mysticism. He can experience a beauty, love, and happiness never before imagined by him. He can gain huge, dramatic rewards simply by understanding this initial encounter with tomorrow's Golden World. How? By a two-step process: (1) start grasping the enormous benefits derived from fully integrated honesty, (2) then start expelling the mind-created "realities" and subjective mysticisms from judicial actions -- and then from one's own mind, body, and soul. ...No blame, no recriminations -- just come to the golden world of tomorrow through fully integrated honesty. |
Federal Prison System
They shall put me in a prison cell. But, I will endure this tribulation with equanimity. Knowing the irony of Socrates, I will endure the innocent being jailed by the guilty. I will endure to cure mankind's most destructive disease -- the mind-crippling disease of mysticism. I will endure to end mankind's prime evil -- the manipulation of mysticism to destructive ends. ...Only we have discovered that prime evil. Only we have stood up to that prime evil. Only we can end that prime evil. We are the pioneers, the scouts carrying the responsibility to lead the suffering world of today into the healthy world of tomorrow. Over the past two decades, we have developed the skills and means to take the world populations away from two-thousand years of mysticism -- away from today's illusion-crippled minds. Once free of today's mysticisms, the world populations will enjoy tomorrow's illusion-free happiness and prosperity. My jailers now control my body. I control my mind. Do they want to silence me? They can. Do they want to quell Neo-Tech? They cannot. Do they want to destroy I & O Publishing Company? They will not succeed. And, we need not resist them. For, their each destructive act will yield the opposite result from what they expect. They do not know what they are doing. They do not understand what is happening. They are in a self-exposure trap. And someday they will understand what that means. Everyone will understand. Our work and publishing company are now scattered as a million seeds around the globe. People of all nationalities are today watering those seeds. They are cultivating the garden of fully integrated honesty. And, before long, that garden will burgeon into the most beautiful and fruitful garden in history. Then my jailers will come with sorrow in their hearts. And we must forgive them. For we will all be the victors. ...The entire world will become the victor. Even my jailers will finally become victorious over today's harmful illusions and purposeful destructions. ...In the world of tomorrow, no wrath exists. All losers become winners.
Such substitution of emotions or illusions for reality also results in rationalizing destructive actions. Indeed, such mysticism is a disease of the conscious mind. And that disease has become an epidemic as neocheaters aggressively dupe the public with facts manipulated out of context for their own self-aggrandizing power and control.
A person's honesty and reliability are always undercut by mystical integration blockers. Thus, how does a person measure the reliability of another person's statements? By determining through observation and questioning how free that person is of mysticism and its integration blockers. That freedom from mysticism, in turn, determines that person's honesty as well as the validity of his or her statements and actions. In a court trial, for example, the validity or value of statements, testimony, and evidence depends on the amount of known relevant information the defendant, witness, attorney, jury, or judge chooses to integrate. For, at any point, they can choose to block those integrations with mind-created "realities", emotionalisms, dishonesties, or other forms of mysticism.
Without context, nothing can be knowledge. Because all knowledge is interconnected, all valid knowledge requires context. By contrast, the legal system today increasingly consists of misleading a-point law and testimony based on unconnected or unintegrated points of law. A-point law, facts, and truths that are not anchored or connected to full-context reality. Such floating, unconnected points are not reliable sources of knowledge or information. Use of a-point law and its systems are little more than chess-game maneuvering of unconnect-ed, cited laws and facts. And the cleverest player or lawyer often wins, regardless of who is right or wrong, guilty or innocent.
Thus, a-point law, testimony, and "truths" in the courtroom do not serve justice. Instead, such floating a-point "truths" serve only those people wanting to manipulate and corrupt justice. For example, a-point truth is that John O'Grady purposely killed a man. O'Grady, therefore, is a murderer. But, only integrated, contextual-ly connected the-point law and testimony are reliable and serve justice. For, the point is always anchored to wide-scope, full-context reality. Indeed, no one can manipulate or corrupt fully integrated the-point law, testimony, statements, knowledge, or evidence. For example, the-point honesty is that John O'Grady killed a man in self-defense to save a platoon of men. O'Grady, therefore, is a hero.
Consider the following direct application of the-point law to a trial: In legal or court proceedings, one should never take oaths to manipulative a-point "truth". One should take oaths only to fully integrated honesty. ...Morally, practically, and logically, one should abide only to nonmanipulative, the-point honesty in any action, testimony, evidence, or procedure.
Moreover, the Golden Helmet will eventually eliminate the 2000-year system of laws manipulated for harmful ends by the professional value destroyers. Through competitive pressures, Neo-Tech will begin replacing the current legal system, a corruptible system of a-point laws -- a corruptible system of unanchored facts or truths that can be manipulated out of context by clever lawyers and judges. Such manipulations serve only professional value destroyers in their abuse of justice. Competitive Neo-Tech pressures will cause the replacement of that a-point system of law with an incorruptible process of the-point law -- an incorruptible process of anchoring all facts by connecting or locking them into full context so the public can accurately see and understand the full situation.
The current a-point system can be dishonestly manipulated. But, the process of fully integrated honesty can never be manipulated by anyone. Thus, with the-point law, professional value destroyers and master neocheaters cannot manipulate law to justify their bogus livelihoods -- or to justify their subjugation, control, and destruction of competitive value-and-job producers.
Emotions themselves are not mystical. Indeed, emotions are the most valuable essence of human life. For, through emotions, people experience love and happiness -- the purpose and rewards of all rational, productive life. Mysticism occurs when emotions, feelings, or imaginations are used for conjuring up mind-created "realities" to commit harmful acts.
Even more harm occurs when mind-created "realities", rationalizations, or illusions are silently repressed. For, those repressed illusions unknowingly block the thinking processes needed for competence, confidence, and happiness. And, the mass manipulation of mysticism in others by neocheaters causes even more -- immeasurably more -- destruction than overt temper-tantrum behaviors or specific mystical reactions of individuals. Indeed, essentially all unnecessary human-made sufferings, poverty, and destructions including war occur through mass manipulations of mysticisms -- through mass dupings of the public.
Manipulations and dupings by whom? By a few exceptionally clever, master value destroyers called neocheaters. ...Neocheaters particularly dominate politics, law, the news media, religion, and the academe. Such neocheaters and their teams of professional value destroyers survive by manipulating the disease of mysticism in others.
What happens when mysticism occurs on a national level? Neocheaters and their professional value destroyers are accepted by the population. Then they begin to infest and damage government, the economy, and society. And what happens when mysticism occurs on a world level? Devastating Lenins, Hitlers, and Khomeinis begin to infest and damage the entire world. ...Only fully integrated honesty -- Neo-Tech -- will cure the hidden plague of mysticism and forever eliminate its symptomatic neocheaters and value destroyers.
Definitions and Concepts Needed for the Future |
Neo-Tech is a noun or an adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality. Neo-Tech creates a collection of new techniques or new technology that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all situations. Neo-Tech provides the integrations in every situation to collapse the illusions, hoaxes, and all other forms of mysticism manipulated by the parasitical elites.
Mysticism is action based on dishonest rationalizations and mind-created "realities". Mysticism evokes, accepts, or uses unreal notions that create problems where none exist. Contrary to popular belief, mysticism today seldom involves religion or the occult. For, religion and the occult are dying forms of mysticism with fading powers to hurt the working class. More generally, mysticism is the dishonesty that evolves from using feelings or rationalizations to generate mind-created "realities". In turn, those "realities" create unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain cannot create reality. Instead, the brain perceives and then integrates facts of reality. Thus, "reality"-creating mysticism is a perversion or disease of human consciousness. Indeed, mysticism is the destruction disease. For mysticism blocks brain integrations to erode all values. Hence, mysticism is suicide on all levels -- on personal, family, social, and business levels; on local, national, and world levels.
Neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood -- the unsuspicious swindling of money or values through clever manipulations of dishonest rationalizations and mystical notions. Neocheating means new cheating for usurping values earned by others. Actually, parasitical elites have used neocheating for 2000 years in hidden, unnoticeable ways. But the techniques of neocheating were not specifically identified until 1976. Thus, neocheating is a new identification rather than a new technique. Before that identification, no one could define or even notice a neocheater. Now, anyone with Neo-Tech can easily spot neocheaters and render them impotent. For, against Neo-Tech, the illusions of mysticism vanish and neocheaters become powerless. ...Neocheaters are unnatural people. They are humanoids.
MYSTICISM lets one act arbitrarily on feelings. That approach yields harmful actions. Thus, mysticism loses reality by having emotions produce actions.
...Mysticism disintegrates the mind.
Mysticism is the essential tool of all parasitical elites and neocheaters. But Neo-Tech will cure the disease of mysticism to end dishonesty, neocheating, and the parasitical-elite class.
Neothink is the unlimited wide integrations made possible by having Neo-Tech eradicate mysticism. Neothink is the harnessing of that Neo-Tech power:
...Neothink outcompetes all, controls all.
Integrated Thinking is the honest effort of putting all information into the most accurate, widest context by logically connecting all known relevant facts. Indeed, only contextual knowledge is valid. Thus, genuine power is gained through integrated thinking used to capture the widest possible contextual knowledge.
Parasitical Elites are unnatural people who drain others. They are humanoids who live by usurping, swindling, or destroying values produced by others. To exist, they must prevent honest, integrated thinking by others.
The Parasitical-Elite Mind: Others owe me a living. Thus, I can live by destroying, stealing, leeching, or usurping values earned by others. ...Parasitical elites lay the responsibility for competitive value production onto others. Such criminal minds epitomize politicians, business quislings, also many bureaucrats, academe, clerics, news journalists, judges, lawyers. For their behaviors fit Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment definitive description of the criminal mind: (1) Unawareness of or contempt for individual property rights. (2) The presumption that parasites, usurpers, enviers, and con artists have a right to live off the productive efforts of others. ...Criminal minds exist by using deception or force to drain the working class. Survival depends on value destruction. Uncompetitive incompetence and unhappiness result.
The Working-Class Mind: I must earn my own living. Thus, I must live through my own productive efforts. I must competitively create and produce values needed by others. ...Such value-producing minds are the opposite of parasitical-elite minds. For, working-class minds, by nature, respect individual property rights. Working-class minds never need to use deception, fraud, or force to prosper. Survival depends on value production. Competitive competence and happiness result.
Value Producers have business minds that benefit society. They live by creating or producing values for others. They succeed by honest, integrated thinking.
Money: Is it wanted for laziness or effort? A criminal mind sees all money as a way to avoid competitive efforts needed to produce values for others. A business mind sees earned money as a way to increase competitive efforts to produce ever more values for others.
The Neo-Tech Mind is the powerful, mystic-free mind of all future civilizations.
The Neo-Tech Business Mind easily outflanks and outcompetes the narrow thinking and dishonest behavior of all criminal and mystic-plagued minds.
Truth is a mushy, hydra-headed word. Everyone disputes its meaning. Truth denotes a static assertion that changes from person to person, opinion to opinion, culture to culture. Thus, truth is a hollow, manipulating word that all parasitical elites promulgate in their attempts to gain credibility for their deceptions and destructions.
Honesty is a solid, indivisible word. No one disputes its meaning. Honesty denotes a volitional process that is identical for every conscious being. Honesty is the thinking and acting processes the parasitical elites must prevent in order to live off the working class.
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