A WORKER'S REVOLUTION will end All Exploitations Inflicted on the Working Class and Society |
Who will be among the first to unlock and use that untapped power? Those who grasp Neo-Tech? Those who grasp fully integrated honesty? Maybe not. For today's strange upside-down world of illusions extends everywhere. Perhaps those the furthest from understanding sophisticated ideas and concepts are the most able to discover and harness that untapped power.
And more about this strange, upside-down world: Does Existentialism, the opposite of Neo-Tech, ring the bell for opening the final door to the golden world of our future? Could this confusion usher in a crystal-clear knowledge never before known, an untapped power never before recognized? Was Jean-Paul Sartre, the champion of Existentialism, right for the wrong reasons? He correctly stated that each conscious being is wholly responsible for making his or her own life through the total freedom of choice within each of us. From our constant state of being free in making our own choices, we are constantly making who we are. But, Sartre also proclaims that we are all in a constant state of self-deception.
Could Sartre not only be right, but could he be understating that self-deception? And could the greatest self-deceptions be occurring in those least likely to be deceived by others -- those most sophisticated and knowledgeable? By contrast, could those least sophisticated and knowledgeable be the ones to discover that untapped power? Could the discovery of that self-deception be the key to unlocking the final door to the Golden World -- to releasing the Dower of fully integrated honesty?
Let us retrace the steps which led scientist Dr. Frank R. Wallace to discover that deception. Those retraced steps began a half century ago. Frank R. Wallace was five-years old when incomprehensible perceptions began translating into a long string of feelings and events weaving throughout his next 53 years. Those events eventually led to revealing that deception. Just prior to entering federal prison, Dr. Wallace related those feelings and events to his two sons. In turn, they summarized those feelings and events showing the path Wallace took to a new-color power:
1937: 5 years old. Increasingly feels different from parents, brothers, cousins. But experiences few problems. Gets along easily. Still, increasingly senses he does not belong among his family
1940: Transfers from a plebeian public school to an elite private school. Does well. No hostility or resentments. But a compelling sense that he belongs in the plebeian school, not the elite school.
1940-1943: First awareness of feeling natural with others. That feeling occurs with domestic help -- feeling a kinship with household servants, yard people, delivery people. But, no negative feelings toward those in his family or their socially elite friends -- just detached, not interested, not his world. ...First girlfriend, Bonny Lou, from a working-class family.
1943-1945: Friendly but distant with schoolmates. Although Wallace appears as al easy-going, blond, blue-eyed WASP, he experiences his first natural-feeling, soul mate friendship with a swarthy, intensely self-absorbed Jewish "nerd" named George Swartz. As with no other person, Wallace feels at home with George and enjoy' personal and intellectual growth from that friendship.
1945-1950: Although easy with social graces, Wallace increasingly feels among different people in a different world. No negative feelings, just different feelings at family gatherings, dancing lessons, coming-out parties, debutante balls. Increasingly, he escapes early from such social events, often in his tuxedo, in order to join low-brow friends at boxing matches, burlesque shows, and waterfront bars.
Brothers, relatives, friends find "respectable", clean summer jobs -- desk jobs, office jobs, store jobs, jobs helping others. Wallace experiences no resentments. Instead, he happily finds hard, "dirty" labor jobs -- ditch digger, garbage man, merchant-marine deckhand, engine-room wiper, oiler. Felt among his world and people.
1950: Wallace experiences his first friendship with a world-class worker: a business titan named Ralph Peo. Behind his back, Mr. Peo is enviously criticized by his socialite friends for working too much. But, Wallace does not mind, neither does Mr. Peo. For, Mr. Peo is intensely absorbed in his work -- unaffected by what others think or say. Indeed, he is a guiltless, cheerful, self-made millionaire who founded and built a large industrial company listed on the New York Stock Exchange Wallace pilots and maintains Peo's yacht. Feels natural and at home with Peo. Enjoys and admires him not for his position or wealth, but for his consistent integrity in being a prolific producer of values for others and society. Feels growth and excitement while being with Mr. Peo. ...Not until 30 years later did Wallace realize why he related to Mr. Peo the same as to the proletariat laborer, even though Mr. Peo's work and appearance seemed very different from that of the laborer.
1950-1954: College. Seldom feels satisfied in college as a pre-med student or while socializing with other students. Feels in another world -- except at poker table, in science and math classes, in factory bars versus college bars. First gentile invited to join a Jewish fraternity -- the only fraternity in which he felt at home. But let social pressures cause him to join the most popular gentile fraternity -- a fraternity in which he felt remote. Met first adult love: a social-outcast, other-world woman Let social pressures end relationship. Forever after he feels shame for losing such major values to pressures of what others think in the socially elite world. Vows never again to let the socially elite influence his decisions about values.
1954-1957: Moves into a world of his choice: Graduate school in chemistry. Happy and comfortable working within his own chosen career for the first time. Met and fell in love with his first wife. A lovely, intelligent woman with no pretensions or social-world aspirations. Lose her to the disease of mystical illusions eleven years later. Feels his responsibility for that major loss and starts long journey to understand that disease.
1957-1972: Becomes a research chemist for E. I. du Pont de Nemours at its famous Brandywine Laboratories in an elite Exploratory Research group. Happily, Wallace works hard and productively. But distinctly feels in a different world apart from his fellow scientists and management. Recognizes his world with laboratory technicians, equipment operators, factory workers. Thus, transfers to the more business-and-factory oriented Chestnut Run laboratories at Du Pont. One of hi' specialties becomes working with his-world, blue-collar workers, especially "trouble makers", in bringing out their best performances.
Makes his second discovery since Mr. Peo of top-worker class -- three manager who seem to make the entire billion-dollar Du Pont Polymer Division work successfully and profitably. Those three men were the wellsprings for most of the business growth and new profits within that Du Pont division.
Senses those extremely rare, top-worker-class managers somehow belong in the same world as the factory worker -- even though those managers outwardly seen not at all like the factory worker, especially with their intellectual powers coupled with their urbane appearances and social graces. In fact, those three special managers outwardly appear as other high-ranking executives. But, in their essences, those managers belong to the world of factory workers. Why?
1968: Wallace publishes his best-selling metaphorical poker book: Poker players businessmen, intellectuals seldom see the metaphor. But many working-class persons correctly perceive the Poker Book as a metaphor for people living in two worlds: Those who live in the lucid world of perceived reality and those who live in a manipulated world of illusions or mind-created "realities". Those in the first world seem potent and successful. Most in the second world seem impotent and unsuccessful.
1969: Wallace and three other men travel to Turks and Caicos Islands. They represent a Nevada realtor purportedly wanting to establish a new country. But the realtor's idea is to purchase and develop a strip of coastal resort land. Once there, Wallace and his team see a far greater potential. Indeed, suddenly, the realtor's approach seems like a small real-estate venture for profit only. Thus, to fully advance their mission, they negotiate a huge land-option agreement that includes unique political autonomy agreements with the British government. Wallace and his negotiating team accomplish a major coup with negligible-cost option arrangements to purchase the entire North and Central Caicos Islands complete with political autonomy!
Also, Wallace and his team organize a comprehensive financing and development plan. But, the Nevada realtor becomes terrified by the vastness of that coup and its enormous opportunities, challenges, and responsibilities. Thus, that realtor denounces Wallace and his negotiating team for insubordination, then kills that historic opportunity. ...Wallace vows never again to invest his time into anyone's illusion manipulated scheme.
1973-1986: Wallace writes and publishes his basic works on Psychuous and Neo-Tech. Few intellectuals, elitists, or "top" businessmen let themselves see the integrations. Why? But many proletariat-class workers, youth, artists, musicians and entrepreneurs see and use Neo-Tech integrations to greatly benefit their personal material, social, and spiritual lives.
1986-1991: The six-year-old sting trap set in 1980 by Wallace for entangling and ostracizing the harmful elements in the IRS suddenly and violently springs closed on November 3, 1986. ...Wallace had planned for and expected a peaceful entrapment -- an entangling legal conflict designed to ostracize and then eventually eliminate the professional value destroyers undermining the IRS, our justice system, and our entire society.
Building his ostracism portfolio over the previous six years, Wallace had already successfully experienced peaceful entrapments with destructive people in other local, state, and federal bureaucracies -- domestic and foreign. But this time, Wallace was hit with a violent armed attack resulting in near total destruction of his research, writing, and publishing facilities laboriously built over 18 years. A pillaging occurred that took essentially all the assets needed for publishing as well as for the literature and scientific research needed to cure the disease of manipulated illusions -- the disease which supports all professional value destroyers. ...Also, a beating, kicking, and hospitalization of an innocent editor occurred along with a near-killing scenario of Frank R. Wallace by violent guns-and-fists agents from the IRS. From that criminally inflicted violence and destruction, a major discovery evolved:
The answer? No support came from the elite class. No outrage arose from the elite establishment for the criminal injury, destruction, and pillaging inflicted on innocent people by professional value destroyers. No feelings of injustice even for the violent injuries gratuitously inflicted on an innocent, third-party editor. And the most shocking realization? On learning that Wallace and I & O Publishing would alone face and eventually defeat the professional value destroyers in and out of government, without involving or risking anyone else, some of those beneficiaries hoped Wallace not success, but failure! Why?
But an even stranger phenomenon was occurring. That phenomenon went for several years essentially unnoticed: Those who were seemingly the least threatened by professional value destroyers, those with seemingly the least interest in Wallace eliminating the destructive elements in government and business, those who were not even informed of the criminal attacks inflicted on Wallace and his publishing facilities were coming forward to express clenched-fist support. Who were those passionate supporters? They were the working class, the downtrodden. ...What did that discovery mean? What began to unfold from that discovery?
In 1981, Neo-Tech was first cast into a matrix of 164 interconnected concepts. In 1985, that matrix was consolidated into 114 concepts. The new matrix directly confronted professional value destroyers and others existing through deceptive livelihoods. That growing segment of society is the parasitical elitist class. Of course such people immediately block themselves from understanding Neo-Tech and its literature. They would either assert strident criticisms of Neo-Tech or simply claim that they did not understand Neo-Tech or its concepts of fully integrated honesty.
What about the Neo-Tech scholars and those associated with I & O Publishing Company? Most responded only vaguely to the full Neo-Tech matrix. Instead, they responded to selected Neo-Tech concepts. For, then they could live in their own selected Neo-Tech islands, avoiding the fully integrated Neo-Tech matrix that compels a deception-free world. Thus, they could keep living in a world of manipulated illusions on which essentially the entire bourgeoisie depend for their life-styles, self-esteems, and livelihoods.
Soon after the November 3, 1986 violent, potentially lethal attack that nearly destroyed I & O Publishing Company, Dr. Wallace was forced into a seemingly life-and-death decision: surrender to their threats and force or make a never-yield stand. He soon realized surrender meant eventual death not only for him and his loved ones, but for everyone. Making a never-yielding stand meant a happy, free life, if not for him, then for his and everyone else's children. In 1987, by choosing never to yield, he placed himself and his lifetime work under severe survival pressures.
Those mounting survival pressures forced Wallace to drive ever deeper into the Neo-Tech matrix, despite his own surprising emotional resistance against such probing -- resistance based on fear of what he would discover and how he would have to change. In a slow painful manner, the realization of two distinct worlds evolved: The illusion-manipulated world of deception in which everyone lived and depended including all Neo-Tech people, I & O associates, and Frank R. Wallace himself. Beyond that stood alone the illusion-free world -- a lonely, beautiful world of full, integrated honesty in which no one lived or knew.
On March 29, 1990, an expanding campaign of Neo-Tech publications and public billboards identifying the two worlds resulted in a nighttime, swat-like-team arrest and jailing of Frank R. Wallace. Dispatched by District Director Robert E. Withers the screaming armed IRS agents uttered nothing about taxes throughout their blustery arrest. Instead, they angrily threw a pile of seized Neo-Tech publications at the author, striking his body. "How is Neo-Tech going to help you now?" was the only question they asked Dr. Wallace. Why? ...Taxes had nothing to do with that arrest. The defendant's billboards and publications had everything to do with that arrest.
The escalating threat to Wallace's life and work drove him intensely into identifying and separating the two worlds. Wallace drove ever deeper into the fundamental understandings of tomorrow's world of fully integrated honesty versus today's world of deliberate dishonesties, illusions, and destructions.
For some of those closest to Neo-Tech and I & O Publishing Company, their islands of Neo-Tech began crumbling. They sensed their individual Neo-Tech islands would no longer protect them or deliver the promise land -- the Golden World. The, would not see the full-picture matrix that stood before them. They would no' understand the fully integrated matrix of Neo-Tech that showed tomorrow's world -- an illusion-free world to evolve directly from the demise of today's illusion-manipulated world. Why?
Before the court trial that could jail him for life, Dr. Wallace drove hard to develop a full understanding of the Neo-Tech dynamics leading to the new world. Thus, each subsequent publication by Wallace more powerfully shaped the inevitable coming of the illusion-free world with the demise of today's illusion-manipulated world. The more precisely the inevitability of two worlds became shaped, the more Neo-Tech people fled -- less and less able to accent each new publication that further separated the two worlds.
Then Dr. Wallace with editor Mark Hamilton drove to capture the total picture of the two worlds in the clearest possible, most consistent integration spiral. That spiral demonstrated the irreversible demise of today's illusion-plagued world. That integration spiral was then incorporated into the February, 1991 publication titled "Politicians and Bureaucrats on Trial". Few Neo-Tech people or I & O Associates could make themselves voluntarily read that publication, much less grasp the consequences and integrations of that publication. Why?
In the three months after the trial and before the sentencing, Wallace drove ever harder to identify the final results of Neo-Tech. He discovered the elementary actions of the Neo-Tech Matrix so no one could escape its final consequence. The resulting May, 1991 publication titled, "A Treasure Map from Another World" captured the knowledge. The flight into silence from that publication was so pervasive that Wallace did not complete its distribution to core Neo-Tech and I & O associates. ...Yet again, certain working-class laborers, artists, and young people, including downtrodden workers in foreign lands, readily understood and responded to that publication.
What was the explanation to those strange, unpredicted phenomena? The first crack in discovering the answer came in a phone call during Easter week, 1991, from the Neo-Tech Spanish Representative traveling on business in Central America:
Easter week, 1991, the phone call came from San Jose, Costa Rica. Frustration and anger put a tremor in her voice. "I can't do any business. I can't get anything done. No one here is working. Just like always. They get one or two days off then knock off for the whole week. It's the same in Guatemala and Mexico. They're all so lazy and irresponsible. They always do that -- just take off the whole week -- for parties and the beaches. No one in government or business is working. It's disgusting. The maids and yard people are the only ones in the whole country working -- along with the factory workers, hourly workers, and crop pickers. They're always working. Everyone else is living off of them."
Suddenly, the facts fell into place. Karl Marx was right! The workers and laborers are exploited by the bourgeoisie. That fact of exploitation was the clearest to see in the overtly class-structured czarist Russia eighty years ago and now in the Central American countries. And, although more subtly concealed, the identical fact exists in the United States and all other countries in today's world of manipulated illusions. Indeed, that fact has existed in every country -- in every democratic, communist, fascist government and monarchy for the past 2000 years. ...But not for the reasons Marx so dishonestly propounded for his own selfish power and glory.
A growing parasitical-elite class requires that a large working class be increasingly duped, manipulated, and exploited. For, that working class must make up the production deficit caused by those living dishonestly through unproductive or harmful jobs. Thus, the working class must be manipulated and exploited into making up that deficit caused by an expanding base of bogus jobs and destructive livelihoods.
Multiplying parasites will eventually kill the host body. Analogously, multiplying elitists living off the workers will eventually kill the working class through deceptive politics, destructive bureaucracies, and ego-driven or envy-driven "justice" systems.
Marx's life was not only bourgeoisie, but he never produced net competitive values for others and society. He never associated with or tried to learn anything about the working class. He had no understanding or appreciation of workers or how they daily produced competitive values wanted and needed by others. He was never a friend of a single, genuine worker. In fact, he held competitive workers in contempt. They were only a means to his destructive ends. He never visited a factory, mine, farm, or knew firsthand how workers performed their productive labors. Indeed, he enviously hated those who competitively produced values for others and society. Under the mass illusion of helping the working class, Marx set out to destroy competitive workers at all levels.
Marx's great trick -- the dishonest illusion he foisted on the workers and the world -- was to never correctly identify who really exploited the workers. Instead, Marx severed the head from the body of the working class. He then turned the working class against itself in a blind civil war. He created the totally false illusion that the exploiters were the top workers -- the market-entrepreneur workers who create all competitive jobs and bring living improvements to all workers.
Those competitive top workers contrast sharply to the uncompetitive government-linked "entrepreneurs", politicians, bureaucrats, white-collar-hoax yuppies, and free-ride executives who end up destroying competitive jobs and diminishing living standards for all workers. Thus, for Marx, the exploited was the severed body of workers and laborers. He then falsely established the top or head workers -- the entrepreneurial servants of the working class -- as the exploiters. ...But, in fact, those head workers, those servants of the workers, were and are the only source of genuine productivity, jobs, prosperity, and security.
Through Marx, a body-against-the-head war ensued through which the working class was eventually impoverished. Yet, the parasitical elite cashed in on every step of that impoverishment. ...Marx's end result is so evident today in the mother of all workers' graveyards -- the Soviet Union.
For any society, nation, or civilization to exist, individuals must function according to their nature. The nature of conscious beings is social. Unless a person is marooned away from interactions with other human beings, his physical and psychological well-being, indeed his survival, depends on interactions with other people. Only one fundamental moral behavior underlies all human existence: No one can morally take or usurp by force, threat, or deception the values produced earned, or owned by another. Values must be voluntarily produced and traded among individuals, not taken or stolen by force or deception by anyone, any group, or an, government.
Why is the forced taking of values versus the voluntary trading of values the moral determinant among conscious beings? If everyone acted on force by taking values from others rather than producing values for others, essentially everyone and civilization itself would perish. Such behavior is nihilistically destructive and, thus unnatural and immoral for all conscious beings.
By contrast, what if everyone produced values for others and society and then lived by voluntarily trading those values? Everyone and society would maximally benefit. Even innocent indigents and those needing help from others would receive maximum benefits and assistance as identified in the Neo-Tech literature. Indeed the Mormons and Jews provide moral examples of caring for the innocent in need. Such behavior is natural and moral for all human beings. For such behavior is conscious man's means of optimal survival. Thus, the productive working class is closest to living according to man's nature in producing traceable values for others and society.
The workers' class constitutes all those living primarily according to man's nature or essence -- all those living by producing or offering net traceable values to others and society. ...Start with manual laborers. Reach across the entire work spectrum to the most rare, highly successful, market-oriented entrepreneurs. All belong to the working class. They are all comrades in overthrowing the parasitical-elite class.
As with any living species, man's nature or essence is always toward optima survival. No living species except conscious man can act against its nature or essence Green plants cannot act against seeking sunlight; animals cannot act against their survival protections. Obviously, today and throughout history, human beings and their societies have existed somewhere between total destruction and optimal survival. Through expanding deceptions, a society may be plunging toward suicide and a dark age to the detriment of all its citizens. Or, through decreasing deceptions, a society may be rising toward prosperity and a golden age to the well-being of all its citizens.
How can -- or why does -- man purposely behave unnaturally, contrary to his nature in purposely harming others, society, and ultimately himself? Behaving according to one's nature means filling the responsibility to benefit others and society. For such behavior is man's natural and happy state. By contrast, to behave against one's nature by harming others and society is an unnatural and unhappy state. As demonstrated throughout the Neo-Tech literature, that disease which causes man to harmfully act against himself, against his nature, against his happiness, against others and society is the deceptive manipulation of illusions designed to exploit others.
Also shown in the Neo-Tech literature, deception prevents man from perceiving and acting on objective reality. Indeed, through deception, man's mind becomes opaque to objective reality as he accepts and acts on subjective, mind-created "realities" or illusions. Such illusions can take any shape or form to serve any rationalization, manipulation, or destructive purpose. Manipulations of illusions are often used criminally by criminal minds to support purposely harmful or parasitical livelihoods that drain by force or deception the lives of others. And deception i. the sickness underlying today's justice system that increasingly serves to support harmful livelihoods throughout society while boosting the immature egos of judges and lawyers. ...Such ego "justice" is increasingly corrupting our political, bureaucratic and court systems.
As clearly demonstrated throughout the Neo-Tech literature, deception and its manipulated illusions are the source of all purposeful harm inflicted on mankind. Deception as mankind's worst plague was introduced to our world over 2300 years ago by the philosopher Plato. He contrived and taught the manipulation of illusions as a clever, dishonest way for an elite few to parasitically control, usurp, and drain values from others and society. How? By conjuring up and then manipulating mind-created "realities" or illusions to deceive others and exploit society. ...Three hundred years ago in Salem, Massachusetts, elite power seekers conjured up illusions that certain women were witches. Those women were hanged. Fifty years ago in Nazi, Germany, elite power seekers conjured up illusions that Jews were malefactors. Those Jews were gassed. Today in America, elite power seekers conjure up illusions that highly competitive entrepreneurs and their businesses harm society. Those top workers and their great values are being increasingly maligned, fined, jailed, or bankrupted.
Ever since that time in classical Greece, Plato's deceptions and illusions have harmfully spread throughout all lands and ages. Indeed, the unreal world of today and for the past 2000 years has been Plato's value-inverted world. But that diseased upside-down world is succumbing: Neo-Tech has begun turning our world upright as one-by-one people encounter the dynamics of fully integrated honesty.
Who is going to cure that bizarre disease? The people most knowledgeable about that disease? Those who clearly see through and know how to end the destructive deceptions of today's Plato world? No. With the greatest of ironies, those most equipped and able to cure the deception disease will currently not cure that disease. For, they are also locked into Plato's world of deceptions. While they clearly understand and reject the destructiveness of deception and its manipulated illusions their habits and self-esteems still depend on an illusion-filled world. Thus, curing manipulated illusions and eliminating Plato's world would change their lives at the roots. ...Curing manipulated illusions will end the false security of Plato's illusionary world as Honecker and Ceausescu suddenly discovered.
Ending purposeful deception and manipulated illusions will bring the real world -- the ever-challenging, deception-free world. Thus, the closer Neo-Tech comes to ending the manipulated illusions of Plato's world, the more those who most understand what is happening will want to turn away or even flee.
Who then can and will cure that deception to end Plato's destructive world of manipulated illusions? Now, the greatest of ironies: Those least likely to understand and know how to cure that disease will cure it. How can that be?
Thus, even the productive elitists, even the most successful market-oriented entrepreneurs cannot or will not alone strike the sword at the moment needed to cure purposeful deceptions. Who then will strike the sword? The massive unknowledgeable proletariat and labor segment of the working class will strike to cure purposeful deceptions and, thus, vanquish the Plato world. ...Why and how wild they strike that victorious blow?
Who really are those working-class servants? They are the market-oriented, no government-oriented, business people exemplified by the supreme free-market entrepreneurs throughout history such as the J.J. Hills, Andrew Carnegies, Henry Fords, Ray Krocs, and all the great nongovernment, market-oriented entrepreneurs in between. They are the supreme servants of the working class. For, they create organize, finance, develop, and expand all valid, competitive jobs and long-range businesses through their consistent hard work and risk taking for all the workers and society.
With Neo-Tech, all honest value producers who have little or no vested interests in the Plato world are comrades -- from ditch digger to big-business, clean-up artist T. Boone Pickens. Together they shall rise to eliminate the exploitation by the manipulated illusions of the parasitical elite in government and business. Indeed, Marx split those natural working-class comrades and turned them against each other. Thus, Marx hid the real exploiters of the working class: he himself and the entire parasitical elitist class. ...With the untapped power of a working-class revolution, the days of all exploiters are numbered.
As Neo-Tech breaks the manipulated illusions, the proletariat laboring class will strike first. Why? Consider the reactions toward the defendant after his research-and-writing facilities were violently attacked and pillaged; after his editor was beaten, kicked, and hospitalized; after Dr. Wallace was arrested, chained, and jailed in the darkness of night; after he was kangaroo'd in court and sentenced to prison. Outside of three close associates and his immediate family, of the hundreds of elitist and middle-class acquaintances, including those knowledgeable about Neo-Tech and those associated with I & O Publishing, their reactions ranged from tepid or hesitant support to outright relief that Dr. Wallace was going to prison. One person associated with I & O without thinking blurted, "But you can't succeed. You'd end our entire system." Another without bad intentions asked, "Are you disappointed you didn't get a longer sentence?"
During that same time, the defendant was associated with three proletariat workers. He knew them well enough to gain their personal reactions. All three unhesitantly expressed aggressive emotional reactions of action-mode support and good-will, even though none had read the works of Neo-Tech. One man, a hard-working carpenter, saw the defendant emerge from his car shortly after the trial. That carpenter rushed to the convicted defendant and filled with militant emotions support expressed, "I haven't read your books, but I know you're right. And I know you're the only one who can stand up to those leeches. I'm behind you a hundred percent. Let me know what I can do, anything. You have my phone number. Call me anytime. You want some arms broken? I'll do it."
That passionate, sincere man did not know the principles of Neo-Tech. Thus, he did not realize the essence of Neo-Tech is nonphysical force -- totally nonviolent. ...The only exception: if free press and expression is squelched. Then, as Thomas Jefferson identified, overthrow of such totalitarian oppression is not only justified, but is a moral duty.
Still, from his bedrock essence, that carpenter emotionally grasped everything about Neo-Tech in ending the leech class. For, through manipulated illusions, the leech class has forever exploited and harmed him, his family, his friends. Only his market-oriented servants have benefited him. Thus, once the illusions are broken, he and his comrades will unite and turn with vengeance against the leech class and its elite exploiters. But, unlike all past proletariat revolutions based on the divisive illusions of Marx, this time the workers will stand united. No more will the head be severed from the body and the two pitted against each other.
This time the proletariat will go after its real exploiters. As has been recently happening in parts of Eastern Europe, the proletariat will angrily go after and overthrow the parasitical elitist class. In the process, the proletariat will staunchly protect its servants, its top workers -- its market-oriented entrepreneurs. With Neo-Tech, the bigger and more successful the servants, the more fiercely they will be protected by the proletariat.
Labor unions? In today's world of manipulated illusions, unions are their own worst enemies with their upside-down focus and severed-head targets. To benefit the working class, union leadership must abandon the false security of Plato's illusions and the bogus power of Marx's hoax. Instead, unions must reunite the Marx's severed head and body. Then the natural united brotherhood of laborers, workers, and market-oriented entrepreneurs will work together to eliminate those who exist by exploiting the working class: the parasitical elitists who contaminate business, government, the professions, the academe.
Naturally united unions will strike those eating away at the only productive force on Earth -- the working class with its entrepreneurial servants. Those unions wild clear the way so the workers' servants can deliver ever increasing values and security to all the workers and their families while getting rid of the parasitical exploiters who drain, hurt, and eventually destroy competitive, value-producers.
The salt-of-the-earth workers shall overthrow all such exploiters. For, those workers have earned power and values on which every human life depends. By contrast, the above listed exploiters have only usurped power and values with which they drain and harm the lives of everyone and society.
That freeing and protecting of the entrepreneur servants will continuously bring all workers more and better jobs, economic benefits, life security, pride, self-esteem, and happiness. The workers' heroic servants will no longer be impeded, harmed, drained, or destroyed by the overthrown leech class. For, the working class will never again be duped and exploited by the manipulations of Plato-world illusions or the hoax of Marx's deceptions. The heinous effects of Plato, Marx, dishonest politicians, destructive bureaucrats, ego "justice", and their manipulated illusions will finally be gone forever.
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