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Here is knowledge to enable you to become more successful, earn more money, feel good, enjoy great health (while cutting your health bills), and extend your life...

Starting Out; Some Basics

Typically, about 98% of people trying to make money online enjoy little or no success. The Get-Real Success System (GRSS) is an attempt to address this challenge. The idea is to provide some basic (yet powerful) success techniques people will be able to use to become more successful within a reasonable period. Here are the first 16 GRSS Techniques:




#0: The Master Success Principle -- It Can Be Life-Changing -- How To Get Everything You Want In 24 Hours -- 3 Magic Words Can Make You an "Unstoppable Success Machine!"

#0A: Overcome Resistance

Overcoming Resistance to Change: Top Ten Reasons for Change Resistance

Compound Interest on Your Life

Actions & Consequences

Crap Removal

#1: Use Your Dictionary

#2: Activate Your Why-Can-Do Booster

#3: Identify Your Failure Formula(s)

#4: Discover & Confront Where You Are

#5: Increase Your Desire for Success

#5A: Shift from a Victim Mentality to a Champion Mentality

How to Recognize Victim Mentality

Negative Programming

Benefits of Being a Victim

#6: Get Expert Assistance

#7: Emotional Freedom Techniques

Idenics: Great Success Accelerator

#8: One-Small-Step Booster

#9: Lengthen Your Attention Span

#10: Identify and Acquire the Key Skill(s) Necessary for Success

The Promise and the Price

Being Stuck & Make-or-Break Issues (MBIs)

#11: Pay the Price to Rise Above Your Success Threshold

The Peter Principle

#12: Apply Simpleology 101 and/or ThinkRightNow! for Success

Stack the Deck in Your Favor

#12A: Overcome Procrastination


CAVEAT: It's possible that some readers will regard some of the information on some of these pages as "too advanced." Fortunately, there's a solution: Go to "What's the Difference?"

We're not suggesting that any particular person needs to do ALL the things on this page. We suggest you do what's appropriate for you. For some ideas on how to identify the best place to start, see Your "Personal Development." You may also want to review the "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)" so you can appreciate which of the items on this page might contribute to your own PCAPS.
Much of the content of this page may not be relevant to you, because you already operate at a higher level... But, don't kid yourself!

To the degree that you master and implement the GRSS Techniques, you can expect to gain these benefits:

FEEDBACK: from "Michael, the Rogue Professor," Ph.D.:

"Incredible, and very true.

I've been a Professor of Entrepreneurial Science and a long-time entrepreneur, now retired. I view this sourced information as the absolute accurate and true description of overcoming mediocrity, then going forward to achieve success. There are very, very few people out there teaching these principles, and even fewer institutions willing to promote these ideologies to the student population.

Tradition, lack of interest to change curricula, fear of loss of potential future funding from governmental or private and public commercial groups. (Nobody wants "free thinkers"; they want employees and subjects... [no sovereignty except for the corporate and government leaders])

These pages show the principles of gaining personal sovereignty.

Even I picked up several points."


In general, it's quite presumptuous to pluck "success principles" out of thin air and then claim that they're "powerful." Typically, each "success guru" comes up with his/her own "magic 8 or 10 principles." Why don't all the "gurus" come up with the same principles that can be tested and agreed upon like the laws of physics or the rules of mathematics? How many "gurus" have done any research to establish that their "principles" actually work? How do they really know that their "principles" even work for themselves?

There could also be a "catch-22" problem. What if the skills you need to read a book and apply its ideas are the same skills required for success? If so, an unsuccessful person would not be able to read a "success" book and apply its ideas!

GRSS is our attempted solution to this dilemma.

Based on being in the online moneymaking business since 1997, and sponsoring thousands of people into a considerable range of programs, it seems that even with the best programs only about 5% of members make a serious effort to earn money with the programs they join. There could be a few important basic issues:

  1. Confusion
  2. Negative feelings, emotions, and other symptoms
  3. Overwhelm
  4. Short attention span
  5. Victim mentality
  6. Procrastination
  7. Helplessness

(If you find any part of GRSS overwhelming, then go to: One-Small-Step Booster!)

Maybe, most people who join a moneymaking program, don't take the necessary steps to Understand How the Program Works and to Understand How to Work the Program!

The basic way to overcome confusion is to Find Something You Can Understand. It might be a sentence or a paragraph. Once you understand a small part of something, you can find another small part you can understand. You may be able to find different parts you can understand, that are related, and where you can come to an understanding of how they're related.

For some people, it may be necessary to Apply OSSB to get to the point where they can understand a program.

Obviously, if there are words you don't understand, you're likely to get confused. Not understanding or misunderstanding even one single word can lead to confusion and overwhelm.

The shorter your attention span, the more likely you are to get overwhelmed when trying to understand how a program works. See Lengthen Your Attention Span!

(Note that GRSS is not being presented as a "total success solution" that will work for everyone. GRSS is just the beginning of a much more comprehensive success system that will become available to MPL members around the end of 2008. Also note that there is a $12-billion-per-year industry aptly described by Steve Salerno in his book Sham: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless. The vast majority of the "98% success seekers community" is unlikely to gain any significant benefits from much of this industry.)

To achieve whatever success you desire, you may have to Pay a Price. The price may include Investing the Time necessary to master and implement the GRSS Techniques. Above all else, achieving the success you desire may require Persistence! See Pay the Price to Rise Above Your Success Threshold. If you're not willing to pay the price -- and actually pay it -- don't be surprised if you don't achieve the success you desire.

The purpose of GRSS is to assist you in making your own "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Success Technique #0:
The Master Success Principle
-- It Can Be Life-Changing --
How To Get Everything You Want In 24 Hours --
3 Magic Words Can Make You an "Unstoppable Success Machine!"

[Adapted from the original by John Reese.]

The key is to think of your day as consisting of 30-minute time units. So you have 48 time units a day. Many activities take about half an hour. Taking a bath: one unit, web-based research: two units, exercising: three units

Admittedly, the part of the above title about "getting everything in 24 hours" is a bit misleading. The point isn't really that you can get everything you want in only 24 hours. But there's great POWER in the "24-hour statement" once you fully grasp it.

To accomplish anything in life, it helps a great deal to learn the power of INCREMENTAL SUCCESS.

Whether you want to make a million dollars, lose 50 pounds, learn to speak French... you MUST achieve your goal incrementally. There's no other way. It's the only way POSSIBLE.

Nobody makes a million dollars without making $1 first. Nobody loses 50 pounds without losing 1 pound first. And nobody becomes fluent in French without learning how to say "bonjour" first.

Practically everything you may want to accomplish must come through incremental progress. Now you can appreciate that success is created through a series of smaller accomplishments that add up to the final goal.

The next thing to understand is the process of TIME UNITS. You must understand how time is applied toward incremental progress for ANYTHING you want to accomplish.

Our main time unit ONE DAY. This 24-hour period repeats again and again until one day we die. Every day is important. If, during any day, you don't progress toward your goal(s), that day is lost forever and can never be recovered.

Consider the possibility that the kiss of death of anything you try to accomplish may be the old mantra: "I'll start it tomorrow!"

It's very easy to say to yourself, "I'll start it tomorrow"... And you lose another day you'll never get back... A day when you made ZERO INCREMENTAL PROGRESS.

See Overcome Procrastination.

Incremental progress is exactly what changed my life after I started as a struggling entrepreneur. It helped me break-through to finally building wealth for myself.

If you're trying to accomplish anything -- such as growing your income -- you must do something every single day toward accomplishing your goal. I repeat: YOU MUST DO SOMETHING EVERY SINGLE DAY TOWARD ACCOMPLISHING YOUR GOAL.

While it does matter how big or how small this effort is, it's much more important that you DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY. If you do, then every day of your life will take you incrementally be closer to getting everything you want. It's a simple, yet powerful concept.

Stop letting a single day go by when you don't make at least SOME incremental progress toward your goals. If you utilize every day for incremental progress, it becomes virtually IMPOSSIBLE for you to not change your life for the better.

Nobody is preventing you from taking incremental steps and succeeding. That's right, nobody is standing in your way... not your father, not your mother, not your brother or sister, not your friends, not your spouse, not your kids, not your boss, not your coworkers... nobody, except YOU YOURSELF.

The only thing stopping you is YOU YOURSELF. You can easily sabotage your own success... You can sabotage your own success by not taking incremental steps that move you forward toward your goals.

The 3 Magic Words:
(1) Take (2) Evolutionary (3) Steps

If you look over the contents of this page, you can see that many of the items can be regarded as "evolutionary steps." If you want to succeed, you may have to take some of these steps...

It's possible that you're an "Evolutionary Dead-Ender!"

You may have decided that you're not going to take incremental or evolutionary steps to progress toward your goals. You may hope that you'll win the lottery, or otherwise become successful through magic.

If you've decided to not take evolutionary steps to progress toward your goals, then you've effectively decided to be an evolutionary dead-ender!

You can decide to be an evolutionary dead-ender by default... simply by doing nothing without even a conscious decision to do nothing.

An "evolutionary" step is basically a step that makes you more capable of -- or competent to -- achieve your goals.

If you persist with taking evolutionary steps, you will become an "Unstoppable Success Machine!"

Typically, animals automatically achieve their full potential without any special or extra effort.

Humans are different. You have to consciously and deliberately take evolutionary steps to advance toward the potential you're capable of. If you don't take these evolutionary steps, you've effectively decided to be an evolutionary dead-ender.

You may be close to attaining your full potential... or you may have a long way to go. Considering all the evolutionary steps you may have to take, could lead you to feel overwhelmed. If so, the solution may be to implement and apply the One-Small-Step Booster.

Your own resistance may prevent you from taking evolutionary steps. Your own resistance may be keeping you stuck as an evolutionary dead-ender...

Success Technique #0A:
Overcome Resistance

The first evolutionary steps you take may have to be steps to overcome your own resistance to change.

"Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance." -- Steven Pressfield

Your current life may a "failure life." If you've been trying to make money online with little or no success, then this part of your life may have been a "failure life."

Ahead of you there's a "success life" -- if you take the evolutionary steps that will make it possible for you to live it. To make your "success life" a reality, you may have to overcome resistance.

You could do some online research on how to overcome resistance. Your best first evolutionary step may be to create a Mental "Superself" responsible for your evolutionary steps.

This Mental Superself is separate and distinct from your "regular self" who lives your daily life. Your Mental Superself has the responsibility to persuade you to take your next evolutionary step. Your Mental Superself needs to be a strong, persistent, relentless, resolute leader. You could give him or her a name such as "Napoleon" or "Cleopatra." Your Mental Superself could be a Ruthless Bully who leaves no stone unturned when persuading you to take your next evolutionary step. Read the article below from the perspective of your Mental Superself.

(The reading skills and attention span of your ordinary self may be insufficient for you to read the following article. You may be able to find some easier-to-read material on the Internet on how to overcome resistance. If necessary, you could have your Mental Superself find and read such material first. You can always come back to the article later.)

Overcoming Resistance to Change: Top Ten Reasons for Change Resistance

by A. J. Schuler, Psy. D.

Top Ten Reasons People Resist Change:

Making a change requires a kind of leap of faith: you decide to move in the direction of the unknown on the promise that something will be better for you. But you have no proof. Taking that leap of faith is risky, and people will only take active steps toward the unknown if they genuinely believe -- and perhaps more importantly, feel -- that the risks of standing still are greater than those of moving forward in a new direction. Making a change is all about managing risk. If you are making the case for change, be sure to set out in stark, truthful terms why you believe the risk situation favors change. Use numbers whenever you can, because we in the West pay attention to numbers. At the very least, they get our attention, and then when the rational mind is engaged, the emotional mind (which is typically most decisive) can begin to grapple with the prospect of change. But if you only sell your idea of change based on idealistic, unseen promises of reward, you won't be nearly as effective in moving people to action. The power of the human fight-or-flight response can be activated to fight for change, but that begins with the perception of risk.

We are a social species. We become and like to remain connected to those we know, those who have taught us, those with whom we are familiar -- even at times to our own detriment. Loyalty certainly helped our ancestors hunt antelope and defend against the aggressions of hostile tribes, and so we are hard wired, I believe, to form emotional bonds of loyalty, generally speaking. If you ask people in an organization to do things in a new way, as rational as that new way may seem to you, you will be setting yourself up against all that hard wiring, all those emotional connections to those who taught your audience the old way -- and that's not trivial. At the very least, as you craft your change message, you should make statements that honor the work and contributions of those who brought such success to the organization in the past, because on a very human but seldom articulated level, your audience will feel asked to betray their former mentors (whether those people remain in the organization or not). A little good diplomacy at the outset can stave off a lot of resistance.

Never underestimate the power of observational learning. If you see yourself as a change agent, you probably are something of a dreamer, someone who uses the imagination to create new possibilities that do not currently exist. Well, most people don't operate that way. It's great to be a visionary, but communicating a vision is not enough. Get some people on board with your idea, so that you or they can demonstrate how the new way can work. Operationally, this can mean setting up effective pilot programs that model a change and work out the kinks before taking your innovation "on the road." For most people, seeing is believing. Less rhetoric and more demonstration can go a long way toward overcoming resistance, changing people's objections from the "It can't be done!" variety to the "How can we get it done?" category.

This is a fear people will seldom admit. But sometimes, change in organizations necessitates changes in skills, and some people will feel that they won't be able to make the transition very well. They don't think they, as individuals, can do it. The hard part is that some of them may be right. But in many cases, their fears will be unfounded, and that's why part of moving people toward change requires you to be an effective motivator. Even more, a successful change campaign includes effective new training programs, typically staged from the broad to the specific. By this I mean that initial events should be town-hall type information events, presenting the rationale and plan for change, specifying the next steps, outlining future communications channels for questions, etc., and specifying how people will learn the specifics of what will be required of them, from whom, and when. Then, training programs must be implemented and evaluated over time. In this way, you can minimize the initial fear of a lack of personal competence for change by showing how people will be brought to competence throughout the change process. Then you have to deliver.

Fatigue can really kill a change effort, for an individual or for an organization. If, for example, you believe you should quit smoking, but you've got ten projects going and four kids to keep up with, it can be easy to put off your personal health improvement project (until your first heart attack or cancer scare, when suddenly the risks of standing still seem greater than the risks of change!). When you're introducing a change effort, be aware of fatigue as a factor in keeping people from moving forward, even if they are telling you they believe in the wisdom of your idea. If an organization has been through a lot of upheaval, people may resist change just because they are tired and overwhelmed, perhaps at precisely the time when more radical change is most needed! That's when you need to do two things: reemphasize the risk scenario that forms the rationale for change (as in my cancer scare example), and also be very generous and continuously attentive with praise, and with understanding for people's complaints, throughout the change process. When you reemphasize the risk scenario, you're activating people's fears, the basic fight-or-flight response we all possess. But that's not enough, and fear can produce its own fatigue. You have to motivate and praise accomplishments as well, and be patient enough to let people vent (without getting too caught up in attending to unproductive negativity).

It's important to remember that few worthwhile changes are conceived in their final, best form at the outset. Healthy skeptics perform an important social function: to vet the change idea or process so that it can be improved upon along the road to becoming reality. So listen to your skeptics, and pay attention, because some percentage of what they have to say will prompt genuine improvements to your change idea (even if some of the criticism you will hear will be based more on fear and anger than substance).

Let's face it, reformers can be a motley lot. Not all are to be trusted. Perhaps even more frightening, some of the worst atrocities modern history has known were begun by earnest people who really believed they knew what was best for everyone else. Reformers, as a group, share a blemished past... And so, you can hardly blame those you might seek to move toward change for mistrusting your motives, or for thinking you have another agenda to follow shortly. If you seek to promote change in an organization, not only can you expect to encounter resentment for upsetting the established order and for thinking you know better than everyone else, but you may also be suspected of wanted to increase your own power, or even eliminate potential opposition through later stages of change.

I saw this in a recent change management project for which I consulted, when management faced a lingering and inextinguishable suspicion in some quarters that the whole affair was a prelude to far-reaching layoffs. It was not the case, but no amount of reason or reassurance sufficed to quell the fears of some people. What's the solution? Well, you'd better be interested in change for the right reasons, and not for personal or factional advantage, if you want to minimize and overcome resistance. And you'd better be as open with information and communication as you possibly can be, without reacting unduly to accusations and provocations, in order to show your good faith, and your genuine interest in the greater good of the organization. And if your change project will imply reductions in workforce, then be open about that and create an orderly process for outplacement and in-house retraining. Avoid the drip-drip-drip of bad news coming out in stages, or through indirect communication or rumor. Get as much information out there as fast as you can and create a process to allow everyone to move on and stay focused on the change effort.

Sometimes change on the job gets right to a person's sense of identity. When a factory worker begins to do less with her hands and more with the monitoring of automated instruments, she may lose her sense of herself as a craftsperson, and may genuinely feel that the very things that attracted her to the work in the first place have been lost. I saw this among many medical people and psychologists during my graduate training, as the structures of medical reimbursement in this country changed in favor of the insurance companies, HMOs and managed care organizations. Medical professionals felt they had less say in the treatment of their patients, and felt answerable to less well trained people in the insurance companies to approve treatments the doctors felt were necessary. And so, the doctors felt they had lost control of their profession, and lost the ability to do what they thought best for patients.

My point is not to take sides in that argument, but to point out how change can get right to a person's sense of identity, the sense of self as a professional. As a result, people may feel that the intrinsic rewards that brought them to a particular line of work will be lost with the change. And in some cases, they may be absolutely right. The only answer is to help people see and understand the new rewards that may come with a new work process, or to see how their own underlying sense of mission and values can still be realized under the new way of operating. When resistance springs from these identity-related roots, it is deep and powerful, and to minimize its force, change leaders must be able to understand it and then address it, acknowledging that change does have costs, but also, (hopefully) larger benefits.

Real change reshuffles the deck a bit. Reshuffling the deck can bring winners... and losers. Some people, most likely, will gain in status, job security, quality of life, etc. with the proposed change, and some will likely lose a bit. Change does not have to be a zero sum game, and change can (and should) bring more advantage to more people than disadvantage. But we all live in the real world, and let's face it -- if there were no obstacles (read: people and their interests) aligned against change, then special efforts to promote change would be unnecessary.

Some people will, in part, be aligned against change because they will clearly, and in some cases correctly, view the change as being contrary to their interests. There are various strategies for minimizing this, and for dealing with steadfast obstacles to change in the form of people and their interests, but the short answer for dealing with this problem is to do what you can to present the inevitability of the change given the risk landscape, and offer to help people to adjust. Having said that, I've never seen a real organizational change effort that did not result in some people choosing to leave the organization, and sometimes that's best for all concerned. When the organization changes, it won't be to everyone's liking, and in that case, it's best for everyone to be adult about it and move on.

I'll never forget what a supervisor of mine said to be, during the year after I had graduated from college, secure as I was in the knowledge of my well earned, pedigreed wisdom at age twenty-two. We were in a meeting, and I made the comment, in response to some piece of information, "Oh, I didn't know that!" Ricky, my boss, looked at me sideways, and commented dryly, "Things you don't know... fill libraries." The truth is, sometimes someone's (even -- gasp! -- my) idea of change is just not a good idea. Sometimes people are not being recalcitrant, or afraid, or muddle-headed, or nasty, or foolish when they resist. They just see that we're wrong. And even if we're not all wrong, but only half wrong, or even if we're right, it's important not to ignore when people have genuine, rational reservations or objections.

Not all resistance is about emotion, in spite of this list I've assembled here. To win people's commitment for change, you must engage them on both a rational level and an emotional level. I've emphasized the emotional side of the equation for this list because I find, in my experience, that this is the area would-be change agents understand least well. But I'm also mindful that a failure to listen to and respond to people's rational objections and beliefs is ultimately disrespectful to them, and to assume arrogantly that we innovative, change agent types really do know best. A word to the wise: we're just as fallible as anyone.

Copyright (c) 2003 A. J. Schuler, Psy. D. Permission is granted to copy this article as long as the following information is included:
Dr. A. J. Schuler is an expert in leadership and organizational change. To find out more about his programs and services, visit or call (703) 370-6545.

Your Mental Superself could become a mentor, coach, or trainer who helps you identify and take your next evolutionary step. You could even get a professional mentor, coach, or trainer to help develop your Mental Superself

The most important responsibility of your Mental Superself may have to be to help overcome the resistance of your regular or ordinary self.

The book The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin includes a chapter titled "Dissolving Your Resistance."

The book Your Own Worst Enemy: Breaking the Habit of Adult Underachievement by Kenneth W. Christian, Ph.D. includes a chapter titled "All About Change."

If your ordinary or regular self has been an evolutionary dead-ender, then it would most likely be a waste of time for that self to read such books.

The solution is to create your Mental Superself (and give him or her a name such as "Napoleon" or "Cleopatra"), and have your Mental Superself get you to take your next evolutionary step.

Compound Interest on Your Life

The concept of "compound interest on your life" from The Kaizen Club is most important.

Suppose you can make a certain "percentage improvement" in your life most days. Suppose many of the improvements tend to accelerate future improvements. This could make "geometric improvement" possible -- much more effective than "arithmetric improvement."

It may be worthwhile to look over these pages to find things to improve that will maximize your rate of future improvements!

Actions & Consequences

The following diagrams are from The Kaizen Club -- highly recommended. Here they are used in a different context.

"A" stands for "Action" and "C" stands for "Consequence." You take actions to produce consequences.

The Kaizen Club uses "iB" to stand for "Irrational Belief." We use "iB" to stand for anything that might interfere with taking actions to produce desired results. Consider the table:

What Works What Doesn't Work
Senses Senses
Concepts Concepts
Language Language
Ideas Ideas
Beliefs Beliefs
Ideologies Ideologies
Programs Programs
Attitudes Attitudes
Thoughts Thoughts
Emotions Emotions
Knowledge Knowledge
Imagination Imagination
Conclusions Conclusions
Decisions Decisions
Habits Habits
Conditions Conditions
Identities Identities
People People
Tools Tools
Technology Technology
Organizations Organizations
Institutions Institutions
Purposes Purposes
Goals Goals
Intentions Intentions
Plans Plans
Desires Desires
Wishes Wishes
Needs Needs
Wants Wants
Resistance Resistance
Doubts Doubts
Etc. Etc.
Strengths Weaknesses
Learning Dyslearning

You can make a list of what you think works in your life, and another list of what you think doesn't work. You can use The Kaizen Club and other means on these pages to improve what works, and/or to correct what doesn't work, and/or to reduce the negative effects of what doesn't work.

Some of the things you list under "What Works" may really belong under "What Doesn't Work." The things that don't work could overwhelm the things that work, keeping you below your Success Threshold.

There may be Make-or-Break Issues (MBIs) on your list -- things you may have to handle first, before you can handle anything else. Conceit, arrogance, depression, helplessness, and negativity could be examples.

Consider the possibility that some of the things you might list under "What Works" could be better described as... CRAP!

Crap Removal

If you're one of the approximately 98% of people who've been trying to make money online with little or no success, then most likely you've not been taking evolutionary steps. You've probably been an evolutionary dead-ender.

Your "education" may have filled your head with a great deal of crap that has reduced you to a low level of mediocrity -- see Dumbed down by "Education!"

Crap in your head may prevent you from taking evolutionary steps. This could be a source of resistance. You may have to get rid of some of the crap before you can take certain evolutionary steps.

In fact, to speed up your progress, it may work best for at least some of your early evolutionary steps to involve crap removal.

You can construct your Mental Superself with the assumption that whatever your ordinary or regular self "knows" might be crap. One of the responsibilities of the Mental Superself is to identify and remove crap.

From the point of view of your Mental Superself, whatever your ordinary or regular self "knows" is open to question because it might be crap.

Typically, such crap is designed to make you "fit into society," get along with your family and friends, be a slave in a dead-end job, etc.

Getting rid of crap can be uncomfortable and challenging because it may cause you to feel disconnected or alienated from the people you know -- because, most likely, their heads are full of crap. All or most of the people you know may be evolutionary dead-enders!

The basic formula for crap removal is: Question Everything! So you give your Mental Superself the ability to question everything!

See also Reboot Your Brain and Improve Your Whole Life!

Success Technique #1:
Use Your Dictionary!

(Most reasonably literate people can probably skip this Technique. However, if you find yourself getting confused, be sure to check for misunderstood and un-understood words.)

A dictionary is basically an instruction manual that describes how words are used. Your dictionary may be your best friend on your road to success. Expanding your vocabulary improves your capacity to think and increases your intelligence.

A particular word can often be used in different ways. From the context in which a word is used, you can usually figure out in what way it is being used. You may want to look up "context" in your dictionary. (Here's an Online Dictionary.)

You don't always have to understand something in order to be able to use it. You don't have to understand how electricity works in order to switch on the light. You don't have to understand very much about how your car works in order to drive it.

However, with online moneymaking programs there's usually comparatively much more you need to understand about how the programs work and how to work the programs. Members of the "98% community who fail" typically don't understand nearly enough to succeed.

A good place to start improving your general ability to understand things may be to learn to use EFT. Fortunately, you don't have to understand how EFT works in order to use it. However, if in attempting to learn to use EFT you encounter and bypass any words you don't understand or misunderstand, it may lead to confusion, overwhelm, and inaction. So be sure to use your dictionary whenever necessary to understand how all the words are being used.

It seems that most people who join a moneymaking program are like a baseball player who steps up to the plate. When the ball is pitched, the player just stands motionless... but expects to hit a home run, without swinging the bat. To hit the ball, you have to swing the bat!

Possibly, most people don't "swing the bat" because they're confused, they experience negative feelings such as helplessness, and/or they're overwhelmed.

You may be able to use your Dictionary to overcome confusion.

You may be able to use EFT to overcome helplessness.

You may be able to use OSSB to overcome overwhelm. (You may want to use your dictionary to ensure that you understand how all the words in OSSB are being used!)

If you're too lazy (or too arrogant) to use your dictionary, then you may want to use EFT to overcome the laziness (or arrogance)!

Note that using some dictionaries may be insufficient to understand how certain phrases are used. "Tacit information" is an example -- see GEA. However, enter "tacit information" (with and without the quotes) in this Online Dictionary and see what you get.

There are also terms specific to online moneymaking, such as "downline," "doubler." "forced matrix," etc. Generally, you can use Google to find out how such terms are used. Some moneymaking programs have FAQs and/or Glossaries where such terms are explained.

Using a Dictionary and other resources to improve your understanding may be a key element of your own "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Success Technique #2:
Activate Your Why-Can-Do Booster!

This could be the most Self-Empowering Success Technique you ever come across!

It may be a key element of your own "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Jim Edwards: The Power of "WHY" (click to watch video)

By watching the above video enough times, you can fully activate the "WHY" part of your "Why-Can-Do Booster".

You may have an "I can't..." program in your brain. In certain situations or at certain times, a thought pops into your head: "I can't..." It could be specific to one or a few things you need to do or handle, for example a problem you need to solve. It could also be more general and pervade much of your life. The "I can't..." can also enter your awareness as an "automatic voice." An "I can't..." program can be a debilitating habit. It can destroy your life.

Practically anything that can hold you back is something you're STUCK in. You have the potential power to get unstuck and break out! You may be able to use EFT to get unstuck.

If you're stuck in "I can't..." -- and/or in any other form of negativity -- then it's very difficult to engage the conscious thinking parts of your brain. This may make it difficult or impossible for you to LEARN. So it may be vital that you activate your Why-Can-Do Booster!

"The chains of habit are too light to feel until they are too heavy to break." -- Warren Buffet

"The concept was simple, and only involved removing one word from my vocabulary and replacing it with another. But actually removing this one word from my vocabulary was more difficult than I imagined and led me to discover all kinds of things that I was hiding from my own self... I gained 100% control over my life." -- Christine OKelly

Activating your Why-Can-Do Booster may provide you with more benefits than the total gains from everything else you've done so far in your life to become more successful!

To activate your Why-Can-Do Booster, every time you find yourself thinking or saying, "I can't...", CHANGE IT to "I won't...".

Eagerness Oriented vs. Vigilance Oriented

There's a great deal of psychological research supporting the Why-Can-Do Booster. People can be "eagerness oriented" or "vigilance oriented." The first tends to be positive, the second negative. You activate and use different parts of your brain depending on whether you're in the eagerness or the vigilance mode. In the first mode you strive to win, in the second you seek to avoid loss. Spending too much time in the "vigilance orientation" can cause illness and even early death! (However, it's prudent to emply the vigilance orientation when appropriate for your own protection and the safety of your assets.)

"Eagerness vs. Vigilance" can be related to "Champion vs. Victim" and to Robert Fritz's "Creative vs. Reactive."

Success Technique #3:
Identify Your Failure Formula(s)!

Not identifying your failure formula(s) and overcoming it(them) may prevent you from making your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Edited from an email from "R.T." to Frederick Mann:

"In all I've tried, I haven't made anything work. I'm not worth shit for anything.

I cannot...

I've been searching, reading, and studying. I've seen sooooooooooo much, but I still know nothing!

I'm sad, depressed, obsessed, and fruitless...

I respectfully ask for your help. Can you help me... make more money? If you can, show me, I will do my part." -- R.T.

This clearly involves the "I Can't Formula for Failure!".

Another example of a Failure Formula:

Incompetence + Arrogance = Disaster

This is a "self-protective" failure formula. The arrogance protects the incompetence. Example: You try to join a program, or to upgrade. You run into problems because you don't do things right, or you don't follow instructions. Then you send an email to program admin. From admin's point of view, it's just a "dumb email from an incompetent." (They often receive hundreds of such "dumb emails" every day.) Admin just deletes the email.

You then send a "dumb email" to your sponsor, denouncing admin for ignoring you, and claiming that you "followed the instructions to the letter." You may use phrases such as: "This program stinks!"; "This is madness!"; etc.

Your sponsor then emails you that you need to learn to do things right. He/she may even suggest that find a competent person to sit next to you at your computer to show you how to do things.

Because of your arrogance (false pride), you then "offend yourself," tell your sponsor you don't need babysitting, and accuse him/her of being patronizing.

Then you may give up in disgust, repeat a similar pattern with other programs, etc. Eventually, you may write an email like R.T.'s above.

Another common failure program is to blame others or factors outside yourself when things go wrong -- Irresponsibility.

Such failure programs can be called "Rackets" A "racket" can be described as "Any compulsive, nonconscious, dumb game you play like a machine, thinking that it's working for you, while it's actually keeping you stuck below your success threshold." Your "racket" may be a Make-or-Break Issue (MBI).

You may be able to identify your racket(s):


  1. WTF have I been thinking and doing?
  2. What results have I produced?
  3. What decisions did I make to construct my racket?
  4. How has my racket been working for me?
  5. What "payoff(s)" have I been receiving for playing my racket?
  6. What other rackets can I perform?

The "payoffs" you receive for performing your racket could be imagined or hidden "advantages" you receive, that motivate you to play the game. For example, if your racket is "I'm a failure," then every time you fail you're proven right. "Getting attention, sympathy, or even ridicule" could be a payoff. Performing your racket could fill your time with drama and excitement, relieving you from time that otherwise would be boring. A payoff could be to confirm your "existential position" that you're mediocre, superior, lazy, hardworking, unlucky, etc.

From a Correspondent: "My working theory is that NO ONE ever loses at anything. We are all, every one of us, wining, winning, winning at everything we do. The trick, of course, is to find out what "game" we are actually playing, not the one we "think" we are playing. Make sense?

This is a very powerful perspective. You're playing a game. You're producing the results the game calls for. You're succeeding and winning! So, you can congratulate yourself! ...But what if your game is something like: "Poor, little, helpless, mediocre me?" -- "Resigned to Mediocrity?" What if he's playing his "mediocrity game" and succeeding brilliantly?

You may want to ask yourself: "What game am I really playing?" You could make a list of the results you've been producing and your current circumstances, and from that infer the game you've been winning at!

Once you've identified your racket, you may want to find one or more buddies to help you to role play and act out your racket (if it doesn't involve violence). Get your buddies to encourage you and praise you when you perform your racket particularly well. By deliberately acting out your racket, you may be able to get control over it. Then, at any given time, you'll be free to play your racket, or not.

Success Technique #4:
Discover & Confront Where You Are!

Making your own "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)" requires that you start where you are. Deceiving yourself that you're at a higher level, may impede your progress toward success.

You may have seen the TV show American Idol. You may have noticed some contestants who think they are great singers, but in reality are nowhere near as good as they think they are. To many of the hopeful contestants it's beyond understanding that the judges reject them. Some of them get so offended by the judges' feedback that they insult the judges. Sometimes judge Randy Jackson says to a contestant: "If you want to improve, I suggest you take lots of singing lessons." Then judge Simon Cowell, with a pained expression, says: "Sorry, you would be wasting your time and money; you have no talent; you just can't sing!"

Many contestants have convinced themselves that they're "the next American Idol." If you ask them how they would rate their singing ability on a scale of 0 to 10, they would probably say, "9 or 10." But in reality their accurate rating is 0 or 1. There can be a huge difference between where some people think they are and where they really are. On occasion Simon Cowell has said to a contestant: "OK, let's go to the beach. You sing to some random people, and they can tell you how good they think you are." Typically, the feedback is pretty negative.

Several psychological studies have indicated that many people tend to overestimate their level of competence -- they think they're better than they really are. Some people, in some areas, may overestimate their level of competence dramatically -- like the American Idol contestant who thinks she's a 9 or 10, when she's really a 0 or 1. The less competent people are, the more dramatically they tend to overestimate their level of competence.

Some psychologists call this phenomenon "denial of disadvantage." Most American Idol contestants are at a huge disadvantage because of their vocal incompetence. Typically, they deny their disadvantages -- they cannot face the fact that their chances of success are zero. They cannot understand why the judges tell them to go home. For more information on this phenomenon, do a Google search for "denial of personal disadvantage."

Consider an "online moneymaking scale" with a range of -10 to 0 to +10. If you've been trying to make money online for some time, and broken even (overall neither made nor lost money), then you can rate yourself as "zero." If you've been earning $1,000 a month, you could rate yourself at "1." If you've been earning $10,000 a month or more, you could rate yourself at "10." If you've been losing money, then you should rate yourself with a negative number, depending on how much you've been losing.

Your rating is a measure of your online moneymaking competence. You may have to be brutal with yourself. If you rate yourself at a level of zero or below, you may be on a path that makes success impossible. This may apply to the 98% (or so) of people who fail in their attempts to make money online. If you're currently on a path that makes success impossible, it's very important that you realize this. It may be the first step in opening the door to enable you to shift to a new path where success becomes possible.

Consider a "scale of online moneymaking skill levels":

  1. IMB - Internet Moneymaking Baby - The equivalent of babies who can lie on their backs, cry, smile, wave their hands, and wiggle their toes, but cannot yet crawl. An IMB can send and receive emails, maybe copy & paste, and access websites, but not much more. Tends to easily get confused and overwhelmed.
  2. IMC - Internet Moneymaking Crawler -The equivalent of a baby who has started crawling. In addition to IMB skills, an IMC knows what URL to send visitors to when promoting a program, can write a weak promotional email with an ineffective subject (headline), copy a list of email addresses into the Bcc field of the promotional email, and send it out, but not much more. IMCs may also spend time, ineffectively submitting to search engines, posting weak advertisements, using "blasters," etc. IMCs may think that in order to succeed with a great program, all they have to do is send a weak email to their friends and contacts. When promoting programs, IMCs typically get zero or minimal results, and quickly give up. They may also go (like humming birds that can't drink) from program to program without making any money.
  3. IMW - Internet Moneymaking Walker - The equivalent of a two-year old who has learnt to walk, but cannot yet run confidently. In addition to IMB and IMC skills, IMWs may attempt to use programs such as MPL and the other marketing programs featured on this page. However, they don't realize the power of these programs, they haven't studied them sufficiently to properly understand their power, and they don't use them effectively. IMWs typically don't realize the value of having and building a growing list of opt-in prospects they can market to over and over. IMWs typically have a low understanding of cause and effect. They may make a little money, but not very much. They tend to blame the programs they're in, other people, and factors outside themselves for their lack of success. Their ability to judge the value, quality, and potential of programs may also be weak, so they may waste a lot of time and money on programs with a low success probability.
  4. IMR - Internet Moneymaking Runner - The equivalent of a 12-year old who can run confidently and seldom falls. In addition to IMB, IMC, and IMW skills, IMRs have a better appreciation of the power of having and building a growing list of prospects they can market to over and over. They have a better understanding of cause and effect. They concentrate on improving their knowledge and skills, their program selection, and the marketing tools they use. They may enjoy reasonable success. If they create their own website(s) to market their products, programs & services, they may get a few visitors, but they're not yet very effective at "converting visitors into cash." Nevertheless, they learn to use programs such as MPL and the other marketing programs featured on this page more effectively. IMRs also improve their ability to recognize, write, and use sales copy that produces results. They may be aware of "Cracking the Code" and at least somewhat alert to potential opportunities to apply it. IMRs may also become aware of the principle of "Massive Action." IMRs learn about the "Power of Systems" and increasingly use automated systems to make their marketing more effective with less work.
  5. IMP - Internet Moneymaking Professional - The equivalent of a 20-year old athlete who can successfully compete with other athletes of similar age. IMPs take IMB, IMC, IMW, and IMR skills to a higher, more professional level. Much of their marketing is focused on building growing lists of prospects they can market to over and over. They utilize more and more automated systems to grow their prospect lists and to market to more prospects with less effort. Typically, IMPs earn enough money on the Internet, not only to live from, but also to pay for assistance in the form of webmasters, programmers, and administrative help. They use one or more websites that attract visitors and they have systems in place to "capture" more and more of the visitors so they become members or subscribers who can be promoted to repeatedly.
  6. IMG - Internet Moneymaking Guru - The equivalent of Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Lance Armstrong. IMGs have developed their marketing skills to the point that they earn millions. They also provide others with marketing skills as well as products, programs & systems to make marketing more effective. Check out Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring

(Note that the scale from "IMB - Internet Moneymaking Baby" to "IMG - Internet Moneymaking Guru" above pertains to a "skill dimension." There's also a "victim-to-champion dimension." Having a victim mentality may be a more important MBI (Make-or-Break Issue) for you than lack of skill. If so, you should overcome your victim mentality first -- see Shift from Victim Mentality to Champion Mentality!)

If you've been trying for some time to make money online, and you've had no success -- and particularly if you've been losing money -- then one of the best things for you to realize may be that you're at the level of IMB - Internet Moneymaking Baby. Then you can take steps to advance from where you really are!

See Pay the Price to Rise Above Your Success Threshold!

Success Technique #5:
Increase Your Desire for Success!

Eric Thomas: Desire for Success

To succeed, you may need to increase your desire for success. It may need to be a very strong desire. You may have to "turn up your desire several notches." Hope for success may not be good enough... maybe not even close. You may need a burning desire!

Make a list of what your life will be like when you enjoy success -- however you define or describe your success. What are the benefits of your success?

Make another list of what your life would be like as a failure -- however you define or describe failure. How is experiencing failure different from your current life? What are the disadvantages of any failure(s) you might be experiencing now?

From time to time you may want to return to this Technique to gauge if your desire has become strong enough to make success possible.

Note that desire is not enough for success. You'll also need to take action. You may have to acquire knowledge and skills... and develop yourself in other ways.

The "personal story" below has been extracted from an article by Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring called "Desire Can Only Take You to California." This represents a superb example of a "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)":

"What kind of difference does it make?

The old way = 5 Years and $15,000 down the drain. Waiting tables and trying to avoid my friends who came in to eat. Tons of debt. Tons of frustration. No money. No respect, and no downline. [I Can't Mentality?]

The right way = Hundreds of reps and $250,000 in business in 4 months. New truck. Loaded $61,000 Mercedes convertible. 1.5 acres on a golf course. New freedom. New life. [I Can Mentality?]

And you know what the nuttiest part to this whole thing is... The RIGHT WAY, IS TEN TIMES EASIER than the old way!

No more selling. No more cold calls. No more heavy-handed recruiting.

This wasn't luck and it wasn't a miracle. I simply started educating myself and learning new skills...

I started spending every spare dime on MYSELF and my education..."

Comments: During the 5 years when Mike Dillard "earned" negative $15,000, he was probably on a path that made success impossible. Then he realized that he needed to change course -- make a dramatic shift to a path that makes success possible -- "I started spending every spare dime on MYSELF and my education..."

During a TV appearance, legendary investor Warren Buffett was asked what he regarded as the most important thing people could do to become more successful. He said that you, yourself, are your own greatest asset; the more you invest in yourself, the better!

Chances are -- particularly if you've been less successful than you desired -- that there's been a "failure voice" in your head -- or "automatic thoughts" -- telling you things like:

You have the power to defeat and override your "failure voice." Where appropriate, you can use your Why-Can-Do Booster to nullify the "automatic negative thoughts and self-criticism" going on in your head. You can also replace the thoughts with versions that put you in the position to exerting your power of choice. Note that all the above items put you in a victim position. You can make replacements along these lines:

You have the power of choice to act as if you have free will! Some materialist philosophers argue that there's no such thing as "free will" -- it's an illusion. Although a competent logician with knowledge of how the brain functions could probably demolish whatever arguments you might make in favor of "free will," you may find it workable to operate as if you have free will!

It works to operate on the basis that there are circuits in your brain that enable you to at least partially control your thoughts. Circuits that enable you to understand things. Circuits that enable you to ask questions. Circuits that enable you to pause and think before you respond automatically. Circuits that enable self-observation and learning -- you can monitor your own thoughts, observe your actions and the results you produce, and learn from them. These circuits seem to make at least a semblance of consciousness, free will, and responsibility possible.

To the extent that you let it, your "failure voice" overrides whatever power of choice and free will you might have. You can beat and demolish your "failure voice" in the ways indicated above.

The following is largely based on an article by Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring called "If There Are 10 Secrets to Success, This is #1":

The above "personal story" represents a superb example of a "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Success Technique #5A:
Shift from Victim Mentality to Champion Mentality!

If you're a "98%er" (someone who's been trying to make money online without success), then the chances are that you have a victim mentality (at least to some extent).

If you're a human being, the chances are overwhelming that your parents victimized you in numerous ways. You may even have acquired the "Negative Love Syndrome" (adopting the negative qualities of your parents) and/or become "Addicted to Unhappiness" (making yourself unhappy because unconsciously you think that's what your parents want).

If you were forced into "compulsory schooling," the chances are very high that you were "dumbed down" -- see Dumbed down by "Education!"

It may be a worthwhile exercise to quickly skim all the GRSS pages, and to make a list of all the things that reflect on how you have been victimized. What do you think have been the consequences of the victimization? What do you plan to do to recover from the consequences of the victimization?

Based on our online interaction with tens of thousands of people, it seems that about 2% of people have the ability to spontaneously become successful. They can easily read guidelines and instructions, grasp them, apply them, and achieve their desired result. "S.C." (see "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)") seems to be such a person. For the 2% it's relatively easy to Get on a Path to Success. These people seem to have a Champion Mentality.

About 98% of people, it seems, are Stuck on a Path to Failure. Typically, no matter what they try, they just continue to fail. "R,T." (see "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)") seems to be such a person. They can read "success books," attend "success seminars," etc., but they just continue to fail. These people seem to have a Victim Mentality.

The challenge we address with GRSS is to provide the means whereby at least some of the 98% can move forward to success. If we can achieve this, it may be a breakthrough of historic proportions!

The purpose of GRSS is to Get You on a Path to Success or a Path Where Success Becomes Possible for You.

According to Mike Brescia of Think Right Now!, if you concentrate on doing the most important tasks related to your responsibilities and on your list of things to do (and you put off only unimportant tasks), you will be in the top half of one percent of the human population. So the challenge for you is to identify your most important tasks and do them! By looking over these pages, you may be able to find the best task for you to start with.

Mike Brescia also says that "...[I]f you want to make any kind of significant change in your life, you must take a lot of "uncomfortable" actions that are not "normal" for you to take." So keep in mind that some of the Success Techniques on these pages may seem "uncomfortable" and "not normal" to you.

How to Recognize Victim Mentality

Google search: "victim mentality."

In general, victim mentality can be recognized by the following elements:

  1. You complain a great deal.
  2. When things go wrong, you tend to blame others and/or factors outside yourself.
  3. You have little or no understanding of personal responsibility; you do little or nothing to upgrade yourself.
  4. When things go wrong, you tend to get emotional.
  5. When things go wrong, you tend to make false conclusions -- you tend to "dyslearn" from your negative experiences. ("Dyslearn" is the opposite of "learn" -- over time you may become progressively less competent.)
  6. Catastrophizing -- when small things go wrong, you inflate in your mind minor negatives into "major catastrophes."
  7. Your understanding of cause and effect may be very weak -- your cognitive connections between your actions and the results you produce may have largely broken down -- this is typically called "learned Helplessness."
  8. Your ability to learn may have been largely or completely destroyed in some areas of your life.
  9. You may have a low level of emotional control -- a "victim of your own emotions."
  10. You may use denial as a defense mechanism to maintain and "protect" your victim mentality.
  11. You may sabotage your own success.
  12. You compulsively and unconsciously play games such as "Please kick me," "Doormat," "I'm always unlucky," etc. -- as described in Transactional Analysis.
  13. You may be gullible and easily deceived; you may believe people who present themselves as "authorities" or people you regard as "authorities": parents, teachers, preachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, generals, TV anchors, journalists, used-car salesmen, etc.
  14. You may subject yourself to "external authorities" -- anyone or anything outside yourself you regard as an "authority" over you.
  15. Low self-esteem; self-doubt; lack of confidence; helplessness; depression; low-level moods.
  16. You may have little persistence or perseverance; you give up easily.
  17. You may be stubborn; you continue on an unworkable path for months or years after you should have changed direction and tried something else.
  18. You may have a poor sense of what works and what is workable.
  19. You may have unreal expectations and false hope.
  20. You repeat the same or similar mistakes over and over... for months or even years.

From Their Winning Ways by Professor Alan Snyder:

Compelling research reveals that our mental attitude -- our mindset -- dictates our performance... ...[T]he great achievers often create visions of exactly what they want to do and how they are actually going to do it. ...99% of Canadian Olympians reported that they used mental imagery as a preparation strategy -- they actually visualized their winning performance, step by step. ...[W]hat makes a champion, and I mean a champion in the broadest sense, is a champion mindset. ...It is our mindsets which ultimately limit our expectations of ourselves and which determine whether or not we have the courage to challenge others and to expand our horizons.

From Great Minds Think Big by Professor Allan Snyder:

The Centre for the Mind is passionate about what it means to be human. We see championship, and I mean championship in the broadest sense, as a fundamental aspect of the mind, the element responsible for advancing civilisation. Further, the Centre believes everyone is a potential champion, so we are compelled to understand the factors that nurture and amplify great achievement. Just imagine the competitive advantage for those who possess such knowledge.

The ultimate question is whether anyone can be a champion and, if so, how? Intriguing aspects about champions have already been revealed from our research. Immediately before making breakthroughs, some individuals reported that something big was about to happen. Is this associated with the familiar incubation period where problems are resolved non-consciously?

...But my favourite champions are those who show us how to see the world differently, especially when it shatters our preconceptions -- for example, Gandhi, by demonstrating the awesome power of peaceful confrontation; Copernicus, with his proof that the earth revolves around the sun despite the appearance to the contrary; and Roger Bannister in breaking the four-minute mile, presumed by some to have been a physiological barrier.

In my opinion, what makes a champion is a champion mindset. The world is viewed in its totality through this mindset. Great achievers often have a vision that they will succeed and sometimes even the steps leading to their success.

It is our mindsets that ultimately limit our expectations of ourselves and circumscribe our boundaries. It is our mindsets that determine whether we have the courage to challenge others and to expand our horizons...

For a great example of someone who developed a Champion Mentality, see Learn from the Example of Jack Johnson's Champion Mentality!

"When an archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull's-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself." -- Gilbert Arland

Depending on how severe your victim mentality might be, it may be worth finding a buddy or mentor to assist you to identify your next step, and to support you in taking it. You may have the potential to become a Champion!

"If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you will be deeply unhappy for the rest of your life. You will be evading your own capacities, your own possibilities." -- Abraham Maslow

Robert Fritz and Shad Helmstetter on Negative Programming

"In his book The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz cites an experiment in which three- and four-year old children had tape recorders attached to them, recording everything that was told to them: "After analyzing the tapes, researchers discovered that 85 percent of what children were told was about either what they could not do or how bad they were because of what they were doing." In other words, as children, as much as 85% of what we learned from adults consisted of negative programming. Eighty-five percent! With all those negative, self-defeating programs running in our brains, it's no wonder we feel powerless and unfree!" -- Mark Lindsay (Learned Permission-seeking).

In his book What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. wrote:

"I'll give you an example of some of the negative programming most of us have received. During the first eighteen years of our lives, if we grew up in fairly average, reasonably positive homes, we were told "No!," or what we could not do, more than 148,000 times! If you were a little more fortunate, you may have been told "No!" only 100,000 times...

Meanwhile, during the same period, the first eighteen years of your life, how often do you suppose you were told what you can do or what you can accomplish in life? A few thousand times? A few hundred? During my speaking engagements to groups across the country, I have had people tell me they could not remember being told what they could accomplish in life more than three or four times!

...Everything and everyone around us, without being aware of it, has been programming us... Year after year, word by word, our life scripts were etched."

Benefits of Being a Victim

Success Technique #6:
Get Expert Assistance!

"...[O]ne of the most solid predictors of success in life is whether a person turns to another human for support..." -- Robert Maurer, Ph.D. (One Small Step Can Change Your Life)

Utilizing some of the programs featured on the MAMS Home Page to successfully make money may involve considerable "tacit information" -- see Dictionary. There may be a great deal of tacit information which experienced experts "just know," that has not been explicitly formulated.

You may be able to arrange for an experienced online moneymaker or coach to sit at a computer next to you, and show you how things work and how to do things. This could be done at your home or in his/her office or home. You can use Craigslist, Google, and/or Social Network Sites to find such a person.

Getting expert assistance may speed up your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

You may be able to find a "heavy hitter" to provide you with expert assistance. You could be genuinely interested in joining his/her downline. You could ask him/her to show you how to get going with one or more of the programs featured on the MAMS Home Page. You could also ask him to show you how the MPL Automatic Marketing System (MAMS) could be used to promote his/her program. You could indicate that Frederick Mann may be interested in adding his/her program to MAMS.

In addition to assisting you, such an experienced person may quickly see the leveraging and moneymaking power that MAMS provides.

Furthermore, such an experienced person may be well aware of how ineffective about 98% of the people in his/her downlines are. He/she may also have experienced a downline shrinking through attrition and eventually disappearing completely.

The success techniques on this page may be at least a partial solution to the "98% problem." An experienced person may quickly see this and appreciate the benefits if his/her downline members could become more effective. This could be a persuasive reason for him/her to join MPL under you, and to promote MPL/MAMS to his/her contacts.

Over time, this could earn you thousands, particularly if you join all or most of the moneymaking programs featured on the MAMS Home Page!

Success Technique #7:
Emotional Freedom Techniques!

EFT and Idenics may help you overcome psychological and emotional barriers that stand in the way of your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Gary Craig EFT Founder: Amazing Healing Aid

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can be applied to handle a wide range of emotional, psychological, and health issues -- including aspects of confusion and overwhelm. You can download a free EFT Manual from the Emotional Freedom Techniques website. (There are many more EFT videos on YouTube, including ones that demonstrate different versions of the technique. Google video search: learn EFT.) You can learn the basic technique in a few minutes and start using it to handle issues, problems, and/or unwanted conditions in your life.

EFT - Learn in 5 Minutes!

Self-acceptance is most important. When applying EFT, you can use a phrase like: "I accept myself deeply and completely even though I (e.g., feel tired, frustrated, confused. apathetic, depressed, overwhelmed, helpless, angry, sad, lethargic, lazy, have a headache or other pain, have been procrastinating, or other issue being addressed)."

You can do before and after ratings on a scale of 0-10 to quantify your progress with whatever issue you address.

If you find yourself stuck in anything -- anything "bad" that persists -- then you may be able to utilize Idenics to resolve it quickly.

Idenics may be the greatest "success accelerator" ever invented! If any persistent "unwanted conditions" in your life have been holding you back, then you may be able to handle all or most of them with Idenics in a few hours!

Idenics Book

Success Technique #8:
One-Small-Step Booster!

For some people, particularly in the beginning, it may be best to start your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)" by taking a succession of small steps.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step." -- Lao Tzu

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." -- Mark Twain

OUTLINE: One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer, Ph.D. (Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine)

"When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don't look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That's the only way it happens -- and when it happens, it lasts." -- John Wooden (basketball coach)

PREFACE: One Small Step

Kaizen = small steps for continuous improvement. Author has explored Kaizen applied to personal success for decades. Small changes are least threatening. Effective method to build new neural connections. (Contrasts kaizen with innovation = major, radical changes.)

CHAPTER ONE: Why Kaizen Works

Brain's physiology makes change frightening. Amygdalae control fight, flight, or freeze reaction. To the amygdalae, change = danger.

"Large goal --> fear --> access to cortex restricted --> failure.

Small goal --> fear bypassed --> cortex engaged --> success."

Small steps --> cortex works --> new brain software, new nerve pathways, new habits. Change = joy.

CHAPTER TWO: Ask Small Questions

Think of very small question to improve something. Small questions better at engaging brain. Too big questions trigger fear.

Function of hippocampus: what information to store and what to retrieve. Repetition important.

Avoid negative questions: "Why am I such a jerk?," etc.

CHAPTER THREE: Think Small Thoughts

"Mind Sculpture How-To" (10 steps) -- first two steps:

  1. "Isolate a task either that you are afraid to do or that makes you uncomfortable. Try to give yourself at least a month before you actually have to perform this activity.

  2. Decide how many seconds you're willing to devote to mind sculpture for this task each day, Make sure you allot seconds, not minutes or hours; the time commitment should be so low that you can easily fulfill its requirements every single day. Repetition is important."

"Practice" task mentally before performing it physically. "Within minutes of "practicing" a task mentally, using all your senses, your brain's chemistry begins to change."

CHAPTER FOUR: Take Small Actions

"Small actions are at the heart of kaizen. By taking steps so tiny that they seem trivial or even laughable, you'll sail calmly past obstacles that have defeated you before. Slowly -- but painlessly! -- you'll cultivate an appetite for continued success and lay down a permanent new route to change."

Effectiveness of small steps in persuasion techniques.

One of the most solid predictors of success: Turn to another human for support when in trouble or fear.

CHAPTER FIVE: Solve Small Problems

Learn to spot small mistakes and small problems... before they become big mistakes and big problems.

If you react with anger to life's challenges, you're seven times more likely to die prematurely from heart disease! Treatments: Constantly look for small favors to do for others; play soft music. [You can also apply EFT to deal with your anger. See also The 4-Step Anger Cure!]

Blind spot #1: When starting a relationship, look out for "small" defects that could be tips of icebergs.

Blind spot #2: When interviewing people to hire, observe carefully toward end. Questions they ask; curiosity; willingness to listen

Blind spot #3: Overwhelming crisis -- example diarrhea in third world -- can be reduced 40% by using soap to wash hands. Author also mentions New York City's crime -- in the 80s, small steps reduced crime dramatically, though some drastic measures were also used.

Small kaizen steps + giant leaps of innovation = formidable weapon to solve major problems!

In time of major crisis, it may be possible to locate smaller problems within the larger disaster, and use kaizen techniques to move toward an overall solution. Small positive steps may prevent despair.

CHAPTER SIX: Bestow Small Rewards

Importance of intrinsic motivation. Large external rewards tend to inhibit or stunt intrinsic motivation. Large cash awards may steer people away from small improvements.

CHAPTER SEVEN: Identify Small Moments

Plagues and how Edward Jenner discovered vaccination cure for smallpox. Creative possibilities in small things. Example: Asked police officer dissatisfied with job to find one moment each day he enjoyed. Enabled officer to discover what he really liked, so he changed his career.

"The true creator may be recognized by his ability to always find about him, in the commonest and humblest thing, items worthy of note." -- Igor Stravinsky

By observing "natural" interactions of couples, Dr. John Gottman could predict -- with 93% accuracy -- whether a couple would be happily married, miserable, divorced within four years. In the successful relationships, positive attention -- in the form of small gestures -- outweighed negative by five to one.

To train your brain to live in the moment, focus your thoughts on an object or person that gives you the strongest sense of pleasure.

CHAPTER EIGHT: Kaizen for Life

The essence of kaizen: an optimistic belief about your potential for continuous improvement. Kaizen is a process that's never complete.

The The One-Small-Step-Booster (OSSB) is powerful -- particularly for emotionally sensitive people. Attempting steps that are "too big" for emotionally sensitive people may result in their amygdalae triggering a fear-based reaction ("fight, flight, or freeze"). The amygdalae are part of the limbic system. Triggering them typically involves a degree of shut-down of your neocortex or thinking brain.

Generally, when you try to do something that makes you uncomfortable -- stepping outside your comfort zone -- your amygdalae are at risk of being triggered. Sometimes when you just think about stepping outside your comfort zone, your amygdalae can get triggered.

The trick is to gradually "outwit" your amygdalae. You can do things just outside your comfort zone. Or you can just visualize them. You can gradually desensitize your amygdalae. Over time you can step further and further outside your original comfort zone.

If you've been having difficulties with procrastination or giving up easily, then there may be a breakthrough available to you when you apply OSSB.

You may want to come up with a sequence of steps to take so each step will make the next step easier. Realize that you can start with very small steps. At some point you could start gradually increasing the size of your steps. From small acorns, giant oaks can grow!

If your main interest is to make more money (particularly online), then you've come to the right place. Many people fail because they try to run before they learn to walk... or they fail because they try to walk before they learn to crawl. For anyone who's been trying to make money online without success, it may be more likely to start working when you start with small steps.

You could also apply OSSB to your personal growth and development. Every day you could think of something to do to improve your competence in some area of your life. A good place to start may be with your Why-Can-Do Booster!. (Be sure to start with steps that are small enough to be easily completed.)

Anything you do to move toward, through, and/or higher above your success threshold can be regarded as part of your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Success Technique #9:
Lengthen Your Attention Span!

Lengthening Your Attention Span may be essential to make it possible for to make your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

"Attention span" can be described as the length of time you can focus or concentrate on something. If your attention span is short, you may not be able to read and take in much of these success techniques themselves. If you find them overwhelming, it may be an indication that you have a short attention span.

It's possible that the attention spans of many members of the "98% success seekers community" is too short to enable them to read and integrate the information that would enable them to understand how a moneymaking program works. So they join a program. But if they try to find out how it works or what they need to do to proceed, they just get confused and overwhelmed. So they do nothing... like the baseball player who steps up to the plate but never swings the bat!

You can search the Internet to find attention span tests, do them, get the results, and find out how short or long your attention span is. You can also find some suggestions for steps you might take to lengthen your attention span. You may be able to apply OSSB to lengthen your attention span.

You may be able to lengthen your attention span by progressively reading and understanding more of the Success Techniques on these pages, and also by:

Google search: +cerebellum +"attention span" -- certain physical exercises may help lengthen your attention span.

Google search: +"lazy brain" -music -lyrics -- short attention span and the lazy-brain phenomenon may be closely related.

Google search: "brain shrinkage."

Google search: +mappers +packers -- maybe packers tend have lazy brains and short attention spans.

If you want to get really serious about lengthening your attention span, read Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man by G.I. Gurdjieff.

Success Technique #10:
Identify and Acquire the Key Skill(s) Necessary for Success!

The Single Most Important Online Moneymaking Success Action! If you can develop your ability to send "interested visitors" to a website, you increase the chances enormously that you'll be be able to make your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

See the Internet Marketing Case Study.

The Promise and the Price

According to "MLM lore": Mark Yarnell, a minister in a small town, was in serious financial trouble, about to lose his car and home. Fortunately, a veteran MLM sponsor introduced him to network marketing. The sponsor told Mark The Promise: "With this business you can set yourself financially free in 1-3 years."

The sponsor also told Mark The Price: "To succeed, you'll have to face and conquer 4 major enemies."

Mark said, "It's a deal!" He then invited 200 members of his congregation to his house to watch a video. 80 said, "Not interested." Mark had just encountered Enemy #1: REJECTION. He thought, "No problem, my sponsor warned me about that. I still have 120 people coming over!"

Guess what? 50 people didn't show up. Enemy #2: MEDIOCRITY. Mark thought, "No problem, my sponsor warned me about that also. I still got 70 people to watch the video."

Guess what? 57 people said, "Not interested." Enemy #3: APATHY. Undaunted, Mark thought, "No problem." 13 people signed up.

Guess what? 12 people dropped out of the business within 2 months. Enemy #4: ATTRITION.

This left Mark with just one serious associate. But Mark had paid "THE PRICE" and he succeeded. To this day, this single associate earns Mark over $10,000 per month.

Bill Britt, one of the most successful distributors in a well-known international company, was interviewed on the TV program 20/20. The show did a feature story on the company. They spent 10 minutes interviewing several distributors who whined and complained about their lack of success. During the last minute of the show, Mr. Britt was asked in front of his palatial home, "This business obviously worked for you. What's your secret?"

Bill replied, "There's no secret. I simply showed the plan 1200 times. 900 said no, and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, only 11 made me a millionaire."

Like Mark Yarnell, Bill Britt "worked the numbers." Lesson: Your success is directly related to the degree to which you are willing to work to find others like yourself who are committed to succeed. Mark Yarnell's odds were one out of 200. Bill Britt's odds were 11 out of 1200.

Would you be willing to work with 200 people to find one who will make you $10,000 per month? Or work with 1200 people to become a millionaire? I hope you would.

It's easier when you have some idea of the odds, but you won't know the odds until after you achieve a considerable degree of success. If you get 50-100 people to sign up, and haven't found one serious person yet, you can either give up and assume the business doesn't work. Or you can realize that you need to send more "Interested Visitors" to your website(s).

Being Stuck & Make-or-Break Issues (MBIs)

It's quite possible that utilizing one or just a few of the Success Techniques will enable you to move above your success threshold (or higher up in your "success territory," if you're already operating above your success threshold).

You can also look at your success threshold as the surface of the water in a lake. To succeed you have to move your head out of the water into the air, so you can "breathe the air of success."

Above the surface (success threshold) is success territory. Below the surface is failure territory. If you're currently operating in failure territory, your head may be close to the surface. A small change -- for example, your Why-Can-Do Booster -- could move your head above the surface so you can operate in success territory!

The important point is that you could be close to turning your life into a major success... If you're currently not enjoying as much success as you would like -- and you're generally operating in failure territory -- then we almost certainly have ways for you to get your head above water into success territory!

You see, there's something holding you down and we know its general nature. It's as if your feet are stuck in the mud at the bottom of the lake, preventing you from rising to the surface.

You may have tried all kinds of things to become more successful. Effectively you've been told "breathe this or that" and your success is virtually guaranteed! But they didn't tell you that if your feet were stuck in the mud, you wouldn't be able to get your head above water to breathe anything!

The kind of thing that keeps people stuck, we call a "Make-or-Break Issue" (MBI) -- something that needs to be handled first -- something that frees your feet, enabling you to rise to the surface, and get your head above water so you can start breathing success!

In general, if there's something negative holding you back, it's something you're stuck in. Your situation might even be that it requires a great deal of mental and emotional effort on your part to keep the "stuckness" in place! It may even require much less effort to "let go the stuckness!"

If you think you might be stuck in something negative that's holding you back, you may be able to Apply EFT to Get Unstuck!

What Is a Make-or-Break Issue (MBI)?

If your car's engine breaks down, you need to fix the engine to get your car running again. Anything else you might do to improve your car won't make it run. You have to fix the engine first! Such a broken engine is an example of an MBI ("Make-or-Break" Issue). If you get a new paint job for your car, while the engine remains broken, the new paint won't make your car run. That's the essence. An MBI is something you need to fix first.

Suppose you have an "I Can't..." Program. As soon as you try to do something "difficult," the "I can't..." kicks in and you give up. This would be an MBI -- something that needs to be handled first.

Suppose your amygdalae are very sensitive. As soon as you try to do something "too far outside your comfort zone," a fear-based fight, flight, or freeze reaction is triggered. You become so emotional that you give up. This would be an MBI -- something that needs to be handled first. See OSSB.

From interacting with tens of thousands of people trying to make money online, we've come to the conclusion that about 98% don't succeed very well. What if most of them don't succeed because they're held back by one or more MBIs. We don't recall any of the "success books" We've read saying that there might be one crucial thing we need to fix before we could make any progress toward success! Maybe that's one reason why most "success books" don't work for most people.

An MBI can also be described as anything that prevents your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

When One Negative Trumps, Overrides, Negates, or Nullifies All Positives

Suppose your husband has 100 great positive qualities and he loves you more than anything else in the world. If you measure him by these qualities, he's the best man in the world for you. But suppose on one occasion he lost his temper, went into an uncontrollable rage, and beat you up so violently that you had to go to hospital...

We've deliberately chosen an extreme example to make the point that just one negative can cancel out all the positives. In this example, violent rage is an MBI. You either get it fixed quickly, or leave your "dream husband" and go somewhere far away!

MBIs need to be handled first -- before anything else!

An I Can't Program could be an example of a Negative that Trumps, Overrides, Negates, or Nullifies Your Success!

For some people, DENIAL OF INCOMPETENCE (and/or STUPIDITY) may be an MBI!

Success Technique #11:
Pay the Price to Rise above Your Success Threshold!

The story of the Two Frogs is sometimes used to illustrate a most important Success Factor. In the basement of a French restaurant there are two frogs. There's a staircase with 8-inch-high stairs. A careless chef's assistant leaves the door to the basement open. So it's possible for the frogs to escape.

Frog #1 can easily jump 9 inches. So he jumps up the stairs, out the door, and escapes with his life. Frog #2 can only jump 7 inches. So he can't escape. He gets cooked for dinner and is eaten. Because he "operates below the 8-inch success threshold" he loses his life.

The idea of a "success threshold" can also be described as analogous to the boiling point of water. Below the boiling point you have the "water state"; above the boiling point you have the "steam state." From the perspective of a steam engine, "water doesn't perform work"; "steam performs work." If you operate "below the boiling point" (or success threshold), you're not doing the useful work that brings success. You may be wasting your time.

However, there's an important qualification. While operating below the success threshold, you can learn from your experiences. You can particularly learn what doesn't work. You can use what you learn to move above the success threshold.

If you operate below the success threshold -- and remain there -- you're on a "failure path" (losing). If you operate above the success threshold you're on a "success path" (winning).

An electron can suddenly shift from one orbit to another. The shift is called a "quantum leap." It may be useful to think of a "failure orbit" and a "success orbit," analogous to a "water state" and a "steam state."

Suppose you're currently operating below your success threshold -- or in a "failure orbit" or on a "path where success is impossible." But you learn from your experiences; you take steps to acquire relevant knowledge and skills -- and you persist. There comes a point when you make a "quantum leap over the success threshold" -- you "shift from water that doesn't perform work to steam that performs work" -- you shift from a "failure orbit" or "path where success is impossible" to a "success orbit" or "path where success becomes possible."

Another analogy may help illustrate the success threshold: "escape velocity." Think of a rocket designed to propel a space module to the moon. To escape from earth's gravity, the rocket has to accelerate to a speed greater than escape velocity. If the rocket doesn't have the power to accelerate to a speed faster than escape velocity, it will fall back to earth without getting anywhere near the moon. Any "moon rocket" that has insufficient power to reach escape velocity can be said to be on path where success is impossible. Only when the rocket's power is increased so it can achieve escape velocity, does success become possible for it.

It may also help to think in terms of "the last straw that broke the camel's back" -- but in reverse! Imagine a camel with a big straw load and a broken back. You remove the straws one by one. Suddenly a transformation occurs. When you remove the "last straw," the camel's back suddenly heals. The camel has broken through its "success threshold." In a similar way, some people are just below their success threshold. They just have to remove one or two "straws" to suddenly shift into "success territory!"

If you apply and persist with the appropriate Success Techniques, you will sooner or later move above your success threshold! ...If this is at all possible for you...

(GRSS is particularly aimed at people trying to make money online. However, you may find that the techniques on this page can be usefully applied by anyone seeking greater success in practically any area of life.)

About 98% of people trying to make money online have little or no success. If you're one of them, you're like Frog #2. As long as you remain a "7-Inch Frog" it's unlikely that you'll earn any significant money online. (Warning: Many "4-Inch Frogs" deceive themselves that they're "12-Inch Frogs!" Have you watched the American Idol TV song contest and noticed how many contestants overestimate their competence to sing?)

Nevertheless, you may be fortunate in that only a small improvement may be required for you to become a "9-Inch Frog." If you're a "7-Inch Frog," you may find the resources on this page to enable you to fairly quickly become a "9-Inch Frog."

If you're already a "9-Inch Frog," making considerable money online, you may experience some frustration because of all your "7-Inch-Frog" downline members who don't "produce the goods!" You may realize that you could earn a great deal more if more of your downline members were to rise above the "8-Inch Success Threshold."

For some people it may take a long time to move above the Success Threshold by themselves. If you think it's appropriate for you, Get Expert Assistance.

In general, someone who operates above his/her Success Threshold tends to succeed; while someone operating below the Success Threshold tends to fail. To succeed there may be a "PRICE TO PAY." The price may include investing time, money, and effort to overcome whatever has been holding you back. You may have to acquire knowledge and skills. You may have to overcome emotional and/or psychological difficulties. You may have to engage your brain and lengthen your attention span. Above all else, achieving success may require Great Persistence!

If you're not willing to "pay the price for success" and actually pay it, the success you desire may elude you. It may be worth looking over this entire page to identify items that may be part of the price you need to pay in order to achieve the success you seek.

An important consideration is that animals tend to automatically achieve their highest potential without any special effort. They simply live their normal lives, and automatically attain their full potential. Most humans are different. There may be a few (very lucky!) individuals who achieve greatness without any special effort -- without having to pay any special price. However, for the vast majority of us, a deliberate, conscious, and sustained effort may be required!

An important challenge for wannabe online moneymakers is that the success threshold for succeeding online may be considerably higher than for succeeding offline. (You may be a "9-Inch Frog" in the offline world, while being a "4-Inch Frog" in the online world!)

You see, in the online world you typically work at a job in a company. You have a boss or manager who tells you what to do. The company has standard operating procedures for just about anything. You have a job description and access to operating manuals. Other people have developed procedures that work and you just have to perform them. Generally, you're not paid to think, but to to do what you're told.

On the Internet you're typically on your own. In trying to make money online, you have an almost infinite number of choices. How do you discover those actions that work?

Another difference is that in a job typically the "distance between action and result" is short. If you flip a burger and it falls to the floor, you can see what's happening and correct your action. An associate may grab you by the arm and show you how to flip a burger. A boss may tell you: "Next time you drop a burger, you're fired!" So it's an environment where it's easy to learn. You tend to get quick and useful feedback.

On the Internet you have virtually unlimited options on how to promote something. Maybe you send out a few thousand emails, buy some "guaranteed visitors," use some kind of blaster to "reach 7 million hot prospects," etc. Typically, you get no sales or signups. If you do get a few signups, they all turn out duds. This is an environment where it's much more difficult to learn and succeed. You often don't get much useful feedback.

You may need a considerably longer Attention Span to succeed in the online world, compared to the job world. This may mean that the "PRICE TO PAY" to become successful online might be bigger than you thought!

Fortunately, you have on this page (and its links), most of what you need to rise above your Success Threshold. You just need to be PERSISTENT in Learning and Implementing what you Learn! That's how you make your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

The Peter Principle

The Peter Principle was formulated by Dr. Lawrence J. Peter: "In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence." The principle also applies more generally. Google for more.

Suppose you've been reasonably successful at various jobs. You may may even regard yourself as more competent than most of the people you know. Then you think you surely must be competent enough to make money online...

You could be sadly mistaken. In attempting to "promote" yourself from a "job worker" to an online moneymaker, you may be rising above your level of competence into a territory where you require a higher level of competence to succeed. Fortunately, you may be able to elevate your "Personal Development" to raise your level of competence.

The more quickly you Elevate Your Personal Development, the more quickly you rise above your success threshold!

Success Technique #12:
Apply Simpleology 101 and/or ThinkRightNow! for Success!

You may be able to apply Simpleology and/or Think Right Now! products to speed up your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

Stack the Deck in Your Favor!

(This section has been adapted from some of Mark Joyner's marketing copy. Simpleology includes comprehensive marketing materials. If you want to learn to market, you can do worse than learning from Mark Joyner!)

FACT: Did you know that 89% of the business books that people buy and download go completely unread?

Of those remaining 11%, only 1% of those who read the book will actually implement any of the ideas in the book -- even if they are well aware that doing so will cause immediate and dramatic improvements in their lives.

And of the remaining 1% who attempt to use the ideas, an even smaller percentage will use the ideas correctly.

So, that means that the "average people" (the 98% who typically fail?) have a less than 1% chance of benefiting from any book they download or buy.

If you're like me, you like to "stack the deck" in your favor whenever possible.

If the odds are against me, I change the odds.

If someone is beating me on one battlefield, I change the battlefield.

If I'm losing the game, I play another game -- or I learn to play the game better than the competition.

If you could stack the cards in the deck of your life in such a way that you had a serious (but fair) advantage over your business competition, would you do it?

What if, with a few little mental tweaks, you could instantly have an advantage over 99.9% of the population?

Would you make these mental tweaks?

I think it would be fair to say...

Yep, of course you would.

It's quite possible that you could gain that "advantage over 99.9% of the population" with just a few mental tweaks (take your pick!):

This page you're looking at now is your "stacked deck of cards!"

Most people sit around on their butts craving leisure and escapism -- and this is why they're stuck in their lives of "quiet desperation." The grand irony is that the very leisure and escapism they crave only makes them weaker and unhappier. (Beware of Make-or-Break Issues (MBIs)!)

Being part of the "less-than-1%" crowd who actually read and act on the ideas they learn in business books, is one of the keys to success.So, Read this Page and Take Action!

Success Technique #12A:
Overcome Procrastination!

The Procrastinator's Creed:

  1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
  2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.
  3. I will never rush into a job without weeks of thinking it over.
  4. I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.
  5. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.
  6. I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibility for new technologies, astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from all my obligations.
  7. If at first I don't succeed, there is always next year.
  8. I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my mind.
  9. I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first word... when I get around to it.
  10. I will never put off until tomorrow, what I can forget about forever.

Stefan Molyneux: Procrastination... 31 mins - January 25, 2008

Molyneux's video may go a long way toward explaining why some people sometimes resist doing things and why they sometimes do things badly. If you suffer from procrastination and or "passive-aggressive" behavior patterns, understanding the dynamics of master-slave relationships may be of great benefit to you.

The "great secret" to clearing up any problems related to procrastination and related conditions is that YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!

There are NO MUSTs or HAVE-TOs in the UNIVERSE!

The above may be one of the most worthwhile videos you ever watch. It may be worth watching more than once... not that you have to!

According to Mike Brescia of Think Right Now!, there are four main reasons for all procrastination (We've added #5, #6, #7, and #8):

  1. Doing the task makes you feel like a victim;
  2. You feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and the things you need to do;
  3. Perfectionism and/or fear of failure;
  4. Desire to do what is "fun" instead of what is important;
  5. You have a self-image of someone who doesn't complete important tasks successfully;
  6. Your "beast/failure voice" tells you to do it later, to not do it, or to do something else instead -- see Do Rational Recovery's "Addictive Voice Recognition Technique" Crash Course;
  7. You've been so conditioned by your parents, teachers, preachers, bosses, and other "authority figures" telling you what to do, that you find it difficult to do many things when there's nobody watching over your shoulder and telling you what to do -- see Shift from Victim Mentality to Champion Mentality!
  8. You're compulsively and unconsciously "playing your racket" (or "living your script" in Transactional Analysis terms) -- see Identify Your Failure Formula(s) -- and your "racket" or "script" doesn't include instructions to do what will make you successful.

Mike Brescia says: "...[T]he victim mentality in all its forms almost always completely prevents people from taking the actions they could and should take in order to achieve what they could and should."

When looking over the Success Techniques on this page, it may seem that there are so many things to do that the overall task is overwhelming. Mike Brescia indicates that there's a common human thinking pattern of perceiving tasks as more burdensome than they really are ("blowing up the size of tasks in our minds"). He says: "This automatic, unconscious mental habit of inflating the size and thus the difficulty assessment of our tasks/duties creates... Overwhelm."

Perfectionists sometimes don't do things because they fear that they won't do them perfectly. They may also think that by not taking a necessary action they won't fail at it.

Mike Brescia says: "We humans are pleasure seeking beings at our core, so it makes sense that, given the choice, we would do things that we enjoy doing as opposed to doing something that we are not that interested in." It takes discipline to do the "un-fun" things you need to do in order to switch from a path where success is impossible to a path that makes success possible.

In an email titled "Self-Image of a Doer," Mike Brescia wrote that it may be CRITICAL that you change your self-image. You need to have the self-image of a person who is successful, the self-image of a person who takes the right actions consistently and who loves taking these actions. "You need to tell yourself CONSTANTLY that you are a doer and a winner in your chosen area of growth."

A vital step for you may be to purchase "End Procrastination Now!" from Think Right Now!

Procrastination can be the ultimate "ACTION KILLER!" To succeed, you need to TAKE ACTION!, and procrastination kills action!

Note that Helplessness may be an important aspect of procrastination.

Procrastination may also be the first Make-or-Break Issue (MBI) you need to handle.

Procrastination may be the most important factor that impedes your "Personal Competence and Power Shift (PCAPS)."

You may be able to activate your Why-Can-Do Booster to overcome procrastination.

You may also be able to use EFT to overcome procrastination. You can do a YouTube video search to find videos on how to use EFT to overcome procrastination... DO IT NOW!

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