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Part 1

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Part 4a

Part 4b

Part 5

Part 5a -- Fakery-1

Part 5b -- Fakery-2

Part 6

The 2%er/98%er Profile and How to Become More Successful -- Part 5a

Core Power and Core Helplessness -- Freedom, Health, Life-Extension & Biological/Physical Immortality

by Frederick Mann -- 10/1/07 (under construction; first version should be completed in about 2-3 months.)

(Note on word usage: Some political words, like "government," "state," "country," "nation," "law," etc., may not represent reality very well (they are often used to mislead) -- see Political Fakery? and the "Concept Formation" and "Does the government really exist?" videos. However, it would be difficult to communicate without using such words, so I'm using "government*," "state*," "country*," "nation*" and "law*." The "*" is the equivalent of crossing my fingers, to indicate that I may be using a "fake word.")

Contents -- Part 5a -- Fakery-1

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Many 2%ers succeed spectacularly well in many ways, without concerning themselves about all the Fakery in the world, and without becoming aware of the Second Big Inversion. A system can be seen as "evil" if it produces bad results. That does not necessarily mean that any people in the system are "bad" or "evil." It's possible for all the people in an "evil" system to be "good" people. The reason for this is that "good" people may suffer from "Selective Blindness" that effectively blinds them to the "evils" of their system.

WARNING: Capture-bonded, domesticated humans with selective blindness (including typical psychologists and psychiatrists) may regard anyone who has recovered from the Second Big Inversion as "insane," a "psychopath," or a "sociopath." In general, the best strategy when interacting with capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind ("normal") humans is to pretend that you're just as capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind as they are!

WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind!

"Among the innumerable mortifications which waylay human arrogance on every side may well be reckoned our ignorance of the most common objects and effects, a defect of which we become more sensible by every attempt to supply it. Vulgar and inactive minds confound familiarity with knowledge and conceive themselves informed of the whole nature of things when they are shown their form or told their use; but the speculatist, who is not content with superficial views, harasses himself with fruitless curiosity, and still, as he inquires more, perceives only that he knows less." -- Samuel Johnson, 1758

Chaser's War on Everything: Americans

Is Bush an "Idiot?"

Trojan Horse - The Chaser

Understand Fakery

There's vastly more fakery in the world than most people suspect. Why do so many people seem so eager to believe? Gullibility must be an important factor, maybe the most important factor. And what would make people more gullible? If people were "dumbed down," that would certainly make them more gullible. If they were also "brainwashed," then the combination of being dumbed down and brainwashed, could certainly make them less powerful (or more helpless), as well as more gullible.

This may be a good time to watch the video to the left: "Chaser's War on Everything: Americans." I don't know what percentage of Americans are at about the same level as the people in the top two Chaser videos. I have a suspicion it's well over 90%... maybe as high as 98%! Hopefully, many of my readers will be able to utilize this Report to upgrade themselves.

To this end, the following is an attempt to organize into a structure all the most important factors I think may contribute to gullibility:

If you're a gullible -- someone who believes parents, teachers, preachers, "psychics," "spiritual gurus," politicans, etc. -- then you'll hopefully be able to use the above outline to become less gullible.

Second Big Inversion and Gullibility

It's particularly important to understand and appreciate how the Second Big Inversion is related to gullibility:

Dr. Thomas Szasz Exposes Psychiatry

Chaser's War on Everything: Free Gullibility Test

Scientology: The Shrinking
World of L. Ron Hubbard

Scientology: L. Ron Hubbard Jr. Debate

Panorama: Scientology and Me

Scientology and Me Aftermath

Scientology: The Cult Awareness Network

Chaser's War on Everything: Evangelicals

Gullibility and Religion

Religious Lady Thanks God for Dead Soldiers

Screeching Preacher

Bill O'Reilly demonstrates his "Fair-and-Balanced Christian Virtues!"

Bush Demonstrates Reality Disconnect?

Bush: We Don't Torture People

"Mission Accomplished" didn't mean "Mission Accomplished"

White House Caught Doctoring "Mission Accomplished" Video

Dana Perino: We're Not Occupying Iraq, We Were Invited!

A powerful method to aid you in connecting with reality and developing your reality function is to continuously ask yourself: "How am I experiencing this moment of being alive?" See also "Actualism" and "Introducing Actual Freedom."

Factors relating to the other main components of the "Gullibility Structure" above -- being Dumbed Down, the First Big Inversion, and feeling Helplessness -- also contribute to victims becoming wide open to "SHAM artists" of all kinds.

Hubbard's Fakery

I was involved with Scientology for several years and gained a great deal from it. There's a great deal of value in Scientology. Hubbard had some unique viewpoints, many of which can be applied for greater success -- see "The Practical Success Wisdom of L. Ron Hubbard." After I left Scientology in 1972, it took me about two years to completely deprogram myself and remove all the Scientology fakery I could identify from my brain. (By contrast, I was a libertarian-anarchist by 1977 when I discovered Lysander Spooner. It took me until 1984 to completely deprogram myself and remove all the political fakery I could identify from my brain.) See also #TL15A: The Good and the Bad.

"THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM.) [emphasis added] You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them. ...He's got to tell you lies in order to continue control, because the second you start telling anybody close to the truth, you start releasing him and he gets tougher and tougher to control. So, you can't control somebody without telling them a bunch of lies." -- L. Ron Hubbard ("Technique 88: On Control and Lying") -- for references, Google: "hubbard control lie"

The above quote does not constitute fakery. Lying is an important part of the strategies fakers use to control their victims. In the video ("Scientology: The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard," left) Hubbard claims that "Scientology is scientific because it's based on... axioms that can be demonstrated." To me, most of the "axioms" seem like pure fakery.

Scientologists are brainwashed to believe that they will gain "supernatural powers" like "ESP." Until a Scientologist demonstrates such "powers," I think we can safely assume that this is pure fakery. The James Randi Educational Foundation offers "a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." While I'm open to the possibility of "ESP" and "spiritual/mystical phenomena," as far as I know, nobody has produced any credible evidence for any such phenomena. Maybe, some day, someone will produce credible evidence and claim Randi's one-million-dollar prize. Until such credible evidence is produced, it may be better to assume that beliefs in "spiritual/mystical phenomena" are misguided attempts to escape from Core-Helplessness. See also "Actualism" and "Introducing Actual Freedom." (Until credible evidence to the contrary is produced, we can also safely assume that all supposed "psychics" and the like are fakers.)

Scientology organizations typically "capture" their customers by getting them to buy a book or luring them into doing a personality test. Then, by design or accident, "Capture-Bonding" occurs -- the first Scientologists I met were the friendliest and most pleasant people I had ever come across. Then Scientology "rules," Scientology lingo, and relative alienation/isolation from the outside world ("non-scientologists are "wogs"") are used to achieve "Domestication." Then techniques like, "If you criticize Scientology something must be wrong with you," are used to induce "Selective Blindness" to the "bad" aspects of Scientology.

It's most important to understand that people can be changed dramatically by being "placed in a situation." This is demonstrated very well in the "Power Of The Situation" video.

Religious Fakery

WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind! See IMPORTANT NOTICE!

Timothy Leary - How to Operate Your Brain

Professor Higgs Bosun: Deprogramming Religion

How do we know that Christians are delusional?

Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion

ZEITGEIST: Religious Education

Penn & Teller Explain The Bible

Why am I an atheist? -- Great questions -- Also see his videos on Transactional Analysis.

Religious organizations typically "capture" their customers by getting their parents to take them to church. Then, by design or accident, "Capture-Bonding" occurs -- maybe largely due to the "church atmosphere" and the music. Then church "rules" are used to achieve "Domestication." Then techniques like, "If you don't believe you'll go to Hell," are used to induce "Selective Blindness" to the "bad" aspects of the religion.

Conversation between Christian and Chironian

It may be instructive to analyze a typical form of religion from the point of view of someone who has recovered from the Second Big Inversion (or was never subjected to it in the first place), e.g., a Chironian (inhabitant of the planet Chiron) who was raised by computers and robots and was not subjected to any aspects of "human culture." The Chironian uses primarily his senses to discern reality. He uses rationality and logic to think about reality, and how to interact with reality, as well as other creatures. Imagine this Chironian trying to have a conversation with an Earthian Christian:
Christian: "My religion is Christianity. Do you believe in God?"
Chironian: "When you use the word "god," please explain to me what you're talking about; better yet, show it to me so I can have a look at it."
Christian: "Well, God is the Creator of the Universe."
Chironian: "I don't mean to be disrespectful, but are you talking about some kind of "creation myth?" During my travels I've come across several prelogic primitives with strange creation myths."
Christian: "No this is the truth; God created the Universe."
Chironian: "So far, every time I've asked a prelogic primitive to explain or provide a reality-based foundation for his creation myth, we didn't get very far. I hope you and I can make more progress. In several cases..."
Christian (interrupting): I object to being called a "prelogic primitive" and my religion (which is the only truth) being denigrated as a "creation myth!"
Chironian: "Sorry, I didn't mean any offense. In my mind I don't have a category for "valid religion" because I've never come across one. I do have a category for "reasonable, speculative cosmology." I also have a category for "creation myth." If you can demonstrate that your "religion" is reality based and contains no contradictions, I'll gladly stop calling it a "creation myth" and put it in my "reasonable, speculative cosmology" category.
Christian: "I don't think we can make any headway..."
Chironian: "Let's start with one of the words you used and see if we can move forward from there. In many creation myths the sun of the local planetary system is regarded as the "creator." With the word "god" are you referring to a sun?"
Christian: "No. God is infinitely more than the sun!"
Chironian: "Does your word "god" refer to something in reality or is it a concept in your mind?"
Christian: "God encompasses all of reality!"
Chironian: "We Chironians use our senses to detect what exists in reality. Does your word "god" have a referent I can see with my eyes?"
Christian: "No, but I know God exists!"
Chironian: "If someone makes a claim that can't be substantiated directly through the senses, we Chironians want to know more. We have sophisticated instruments to test for the existence of invisible gases, forces like gravity, phenomena like electricity, and so forth. Can the referent for your word "god" be observed by instruments, e.g., can it be seen through a microscope or a telescope?"
Christian: "You can see the presence of God in all of nature. Just look at a flower and you can see that God designed and created it."
Chironian: "We can come back to this aspect later. Let's examine something else first. You said that the "universe was created." Some Chironian cosmologists have debated the issue of whether the universe is a function of time, or whether time is a function of the universe. If the latter, then time is a phenomenon within the universe and it doesn't make sense to think of the universe as having been created. If the former, then time must be a phenomenon outside or senior to the universe, maybe "from a different dimension of the universe. Chironians haven't settled this issue."
Christian: "I just know that God created the universe!"
Chironian: "If there is a referent for your word "god," then what materials or substances did the referent use to create the universe, and what procedure did the referent use?"
Christian: "Look, God just created the universe... period!"
Chironian: "Please have patience with me. I'm trying to understand what you say. Lets' get back to the flower. If there's a referent for your word "god" and this referent designed and created the flower, did something else design and create whatever the referent might be?"
Christian: "God is the ultimate and only creator!"
Chironian: "OK. Let's leave that for the moment. Did you come to the conclusions that constitute your "religion" independently by yourself, or do many other Earthians share your "religion"?"
Christian: "Millions share my religion, which was revealed to us all by God!"
Chironian: "Do all Earthians share the same "religion?"
Christian: "No. My religion is the one and only true religion. Everyone who doesn't share my religion is a heathen who will go to Hell and burn there for all eternity!"
Chironian: "Could there be multiple referents for your word "god," with each referent "revealing" its unique "religion" to its own set of followers?"
Christian: "All the other religions came from Satan who's just doing the Devil's work!"
Chironian: "Do you feel all this with certainty?"
Christian: "Absolutely! My heart is filled with the glory of God!"
Chironian: "OK. Let's leave that for the moment. Early in our conversation you objected when I called you a prelogic primitive. Can you explain the logic of you your "religion" to me?"
Christian (gives black book to Chironian): "Look, here's a Holy Bible for you. It's the Word of God. You can read it for yourself."
Chironian: "Thank you. I hope this will help me understand better what you've been talking about. But it raises a question. Earlier you said that your "religion" was "revealed" to you. Was all of it "revealed" to you, or did you get some of it from this book?"
Christian: "God speaks in many ways... I can't tell you offhand in what ways each part of my religion was revealed to me."
Chironian: "Is everything in this book logically consistent, or are there contradictions?"
Christian: "The Holy Bible is the word of God. But different parts of it were written by different people. Some of them may have made a few minor mistakes. The Bible has also been translated several times, so that could also have caused a few minor mistakes."
Chironian: "Do all christians use the same book?"
Christian: "There are a few different versions. If you're not certain about something, you just prey to God and he'll reveal the truth to you."
Chironian: "Over the years, have any parts of the book been removed; or have there been parts that could have been included, but were left out? I'm trying to establish if any censorship has been involved in compiling this book?"
Christian: "The compilers were guided by the Hand of God, so I'm sure what they did was the Will of God."
Chironian: "Thank you for your time, being patient with me, and providing me with so much information."
Christian: "Before you go, I'd like to know what you believe about God; do you consider yourself a theist, an agnostic, or an atheist?"
Chironian: "Please explain these terms."
Christian: "Well, a theist is someone who believes God exists; an agnostic doesn't know or hasn't yet made up his mind; and an atheist is someone who believes God doesn't exist, or who rejects the belief in God."
Chironian: "I'll be frank with you, some of my fellow Chironians would regard your "religious ideas" as gibberish, because you haven't linked them to reality. If you can't provide real referents for your words, you might as well blow smoke. But I'm not that harsh. I regard your "religious ideas" as incomplete at best. If you can link what you say to reality, then your ideas may become worth considering."
Christian: "I've given you my definition of God. I'd be happy to give you definitions for my other terms as well."
Chironian: "To a Chironian, definitions are useless if you can't provide referents to link your terms to reality. Until you provide real referents for your terms, your "religious ideas" are at best incomplete. What you've said so far hasn't risen to a level where the existence or nonexistence of anything has become an issue. It doesn't make any sense to me, because you haven't said anything I can use my senses to verify. You might as well have said, "Listen to that baboon barking. He's speaking in tongues. Therefore God exists"!"
Christian: "I find that last remark really insulting and offensive!"
Chironian: "Sorry, I couldn't resist the temptation! Anyway, I hope you can understand that until you can link your terms to reality by providing real referents for your terms, your "religious ideas" haven't risen above the level of the bark of a baboon."
Christian: "I hope you burn in Hell!

(Forgive me for taking the liberty of having my "Chironian" know a few things he shouldn't really know! Needless to say, the Chironian packed his bags and got the hell away from Earth as soon as he could!)

Notice that the "christian" didn't provide any substantiation for his "religion" that could be verified through the senses. (He did mention a flower, but that was a non sequitur.) He didn't provide any referents for his "religious" words, because there aren't any. There was no connection between his "religious" words and reality... except for the black book he gave the Chironian. But he called it a "Holy Bible," while it was just a plain book. Indicates a total disconnect from reality in the area of "religion." All based on "subjective social agreement." Zero use of the senses. No logic whatsover. Perfect example of "subjective social agreement" not only trumping perception and logic, but reducing both to zero! TOTAL FAKERY! The Second Big Inversion in all its "glory!"

Education Fakery

See Tackle the "Packer Factor." Schools typically "capture" their customers by forcing their parents to take them to school. (If parents refuse, government* agents with guns may "take care" of them.) Then, by design or accident, "Capture-Bonding" occurs -- it's difficult for vulnerable young children to not bond with their captors. Then confinement to an artificial environment and school "rules" are used to achieve "Domestication." Then techniques like, "The teacher knows what you should learn and what's best for you," (as well as confinement to an artificial environment) are used to induce "Selective Blindness" to the real world and to the "bad" aspects of the schooling.

"In 1998 the Amsterdam-based International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement released the results of its third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), involving twelth graders from twenty-three xnationsx. In combined math and scientific literacy, the United States placed fourth from the bottom, ahead of only Lithuania, Cyprus, and South Africa, those historic hotbeds of scientific innovation. In advanced math, the United States outpaced only Austria. In physics, American kids finished dead last... Martin Seligman ("The American Way of Blame") has written powerfully of the self-esteem movement's "frightening" impact... They're taught mantras like, 'I am special,' and some of them come to believe it. A surefire recipe for violence is a mean streak combined with an unwarranted sense of self-worth"." -- Steve Salerno (SHAM: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless -- Chapter on education: "I'm OK, You're... How Do You Spell OK Again?")

Self-Help and Actualization Fakery

Chaser's War on Everything: The Secret

James Randi exposes Uri Geller and Peter Popoff

The book SHAM: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless by Steve Salerno has chapters on:

I suspect many "SHAM pushers" use variations of the formula: Scientology organizations typically "capture" their customers by getting them to buy a book or luring them into doing a personality test. Then, by design or accident, "Capture-Bonding" occurs -- the first Scientologists I met were the friendliest and most pleasant people I had ever come across. Then Scientology "rules," Scientology lingo, and relative alienation/isolation from the outside world ("Non-Scientologists are "wogs"") are used to achieve "Domestication." Then techniques like, "If you criticize Scientology something must be wrong with you," are used to induce "Selective Blindness" to the "bad" aspects of Scientology.

"If the demand is high enough, all kinds of muck will flow into the market." -- John Kotter

"...[T]his is an industry that thrives on repeat business." -- James Randi

As far as I know, nobody provides the means for typical 98%ers (except maybe for a very small fraction) to become significantly more successful. If you walk into a bookstore, you usually find that the biggest section is "psychology/self-help." No matter how many thousands of books there are, typical 98%ers won't find anything they can apply to become significantly more successful. No matter how many "motivational" seminars, "self-improvement" workshops, etc. they attend, nothing works for the vast majority. They may feel good for a few days, but it wears off quickly, and they return to their former habits. So the demand is insatiable, there's practically no supply that works (except for a small percentage), and the "SHAM pushers" cash in bigtime!

There's an online parallel of the offline "SHAM pushers" -- Internet "moneymaking gurus" who earn thousands and even millions selling "marketing and moneymaking expert information" mostly to typical 98%ers, who lack the ability to apply it, and who cannot learn from the information how to apply it sucessfully. So the demand is insatiable, there's practically no supply that works (except for a small percentage), and the "online SHAM pushers" cash in bigtime!

Possibly, a major reason for the relative lack of success of "SHAM pushers" is that they've failed to sufficiently address helplessness -- see The Helplessness Context and Core-Helplessness Mentality (CHM).

Psychiatric Fakery?

WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind! See IMPORTANT NOTICE!

The Birth of modern Psychiatry: Part 1 of 4

The Birth of modern Psychiatry: Part 2 of 4

The Birth of modern Psychiatry:Part 3 of 4

The Birth of modern Psychiatry: Part 4 of 4

Psychiatry: Fraudulent Cult

Psychiatry: Perverted Instrument to Control YOU?

Mental Health Liberation and Anti-Psychiatry Movement Part 1

Mental Health Liberation and Anti-Psychiatry Movement Part 2

Tom Cruise and Matt Lauer Discuss Psychiatry

Frederick Mann: In general, I think Tom Cruise hits the nail on the head about psychiatry. I share his concerns about "psychiatric drugs"; I think they should be avoided like the plague. Cruise briefly mentions vitamins. In general, I think supplements are much safer than prescription drugs. The drug companies benefit most if they can get people hooked on drugs with side effects. The typical doctor will then prescribe extra drugs for the side effects... I think Cruise is completely mistaken about "no chemical imbalances." To validate this claim, every human on earth would have to be tested for "normal chemical balances." It would take just one person with an imbalance, to refute the "no chemical imbalances" claim.

Considerable research indicates that low levels of the neurotransmitters noradrenaline and serotonin (a chemical imbalance) in the brain are associated with feelings of helplessness. In his "7 Keys to UltraWellness" video Mark Hyman, M.D. refers to "hormonal imbalances" -- a chemical imbalance -- see Raise Your Mood Level and Health, Life-Extension & Biological/Physical Immortality.

Bill Gates' Fakery?

WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind! See IMPORTANT NOTICE!

Microsoft Vista Sucks

Alex Jones: "I Hate You Bill Gates!"

Why does MS Windows suck?

The Hidden Agenda for World xGovernmentx

Is it possible that Bill Gates and Microsoft use strategies with the elements below? (I'm just enquiring; not making any accusations. I have no evidence to suggest that Bill Gates and/or Microsoft have ever engaged in anything underhanded! As far as I know for sure, they're clean as a whistle! Some of what Alex Jones says (above) and Norman Dodd says (right) and John Taylor Gatto's hint about "foundations running politicians" (left column, Part 1) may be "paranoid conspiracy theory" and off the mark.)

What's the difference between Bill Gates and L. Ron Hubbard? Bill Gates is several thousand times as cunning!

For More Fakery, see:

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