by Frederick Mann -- 10/1/07 (under construction; first version should be completed in about 2-3 months.)
(Note on word usage: Some political words, like "government," "state," "country," "nation," "law," etc., may not represent reality very well (they are often used to mislead) -- see Political Fakery? and the "Concept Formation" and "Does the government really exist?" videos. However, it would be difficult to communicate without using such words, so I'm using "government*," "state*," "country*," "nation*" and "law*." The "*" is the equivalent of crossing my fingers, to indicate that I may be using a "fake word.")
The main reason why there's so much fakery in the world is that there are so many gullible people. If you want to understand why people are so gullible, or if you're a gullible person -- someone who believes parents, teachers, preachers, "psychics," "spiritual gurus," politicans, etc. -- then you may want to check out Understand Fakery. I also explain the Second Big Inversion in considerable detail under Second Big Inversion and Gullibility.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Many 2%ers succeed spectacularly well in many ways, without concerning themselves about all the Fakery in the world, and without becoming aware of the Second Big Inversion. A system can be seen as "evil" if it produces bad results. That does not necessarily mean that any people in the system are "bad" or "evil." It's possible for all the people in an "evil" system to be "good" people. The reason for this is that "good" people may suffer from "Selective Blindness" that effectively blinds them to the "evils" of their system.
WARNING: Capture-bonded, domesticated humans with selective blindness (including typical psychologists and psychiatrists) may regard anyone who has recovered from the Second Big Inversion as "insane," a "psychopath," or a "sociopath." In general, the best strategy when interacting with capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind ("normal") humans is to pretend that you're just as capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind as they are!
WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind!
Greenspan's Fakery?
WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind! See IMPORTANT NOTICE!
Alan Greenspan was a student and friend of Ayn Rand (author of Atlas Shrugged and founder of Objectivism) for about 30 years. In principle, Rand rejected the initiation of violence. Most libertarians learned this principle directly or indirectly from Rand. About 40 years ago, Greenspan wrote an article ("Gold and Economic Freedom") on the merits of gold as money and how inflation was a form of confiscation (I call it "theft"). Rand had a great deal to say about "objectivist ethics." What happened to Greenspan's mind that enabled him to become the head of the federal reserve scam with its debt-based "US$" fiat currency. (Google: federal reserve scam.)
The Federal Reserve Scam - How it happened and what it means |
Ron Paul, Why We Need Him: The Big Money Scam, FED Inflation |
Ron Paul: Greenspan, Gold, FED Inflation, Debt, Better Money |
The "Ron Paul: Greenspan, Gold, FED Inflation, Debt, Better Money" video (above, right) includes a quote from "Gold and Economic Freedom" by Alan Greenspan -- it can be found in many places on the Internet. I quote from it:
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. [emphasis added] There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold... The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."
What phenomenon would make it possible for someone with a strong objectivist background and the author of "Gold and Economic Freedom" to become chief confiscator of the federal reserve scam? Selective blindness is one possibility. Another is that he's been faking certain things -- more on that below.
History of the Federal Reserve System |
Charlie Rose - An hour with Alan Greenspan |
Jon Stewart Interviews Alan Greenspan |
Clip from "Jon Stewart Interviews Alan Greenspan" video (above, right). Also appears about 5 minutes into the "Charlie Rose - An hour with Alan Greenspan" video (above, center):
Greenspan: "The trouble is that we can't figure that out. I've been in the forecasting business for 50 years. ...I'm no better than I ever was, and nobody else is. Forecasting 50 years ago was as good or as bad as it is today. And the reason is that human nature hasn't changed. We can't improve ourselves."
Stewart: "You just bummed the [bleep] out of me."
LIES LIES LIES - WMD - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice lying! (Nov, 06)
PBS tells the truth about Bush & Company's LIES! (Nov 06)
Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud (Dec 06)
Trump: Bush is the Worst President in History
Here's a list of "noteworthy" Greenspan utterances (some paraphrased; some sequence changes) from the Rose interview, with my questions in red:
Quoted from No Treason No. I and No. VI, The Constitution of No Authority (1870):
"...[T]wo men have no more natural right to exercise any kind of authority over one, than one has to exercise the same authority over two. A man's natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character), or by millions, calling themselves a government... Clearly all this is the work of force, or fraud, or both... The Constitution has no inherent authority or obligation. It has no authority or obligation at all, unless as a contract between man and man. And it does not so much as even purport to be a contract between persons now existing... Those persons, if any, who did give their consent formally, are all dead now. Most of them have been dead forty, fifty, sixty, or seventy years. And the constitution, so far as it was their contract, died with them... The proceedings of those robbers and murderers, who call themselves "the government" [emphasis added]... The "nations," as they are called, with whom our pretended [emphasis added] ambassadors, secretaries, presidents, and senators profess to make treaties, are as much myths as our own... Certainly, too, there is in existence no such firm, corporation, or association as "the United States," or "the people of the United States," formed by any open, written, or other authentic and voluntary contract... The lesson taught by all these facts is this: As long as mankind continue to pay "National Debts," so-called --- that is, so long as they are such dupes and cowards as to pay for being cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered [emphasis added] --- so long there will be enough to lend the money for those purposes; and with that money a plenty of tools, called soldiers, can be hired to keep them in subjection. But when they refuse any longer to pay for being thus cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered, they will cease to have cheats, and usurpers, and robbers, and murderers and blood-money loan-mongers for masters [emphasis added]. ...Inasmuch as the Constitution was never signed, nor agreed to, by anybody, as a contract, and therefore never bound anybody, and is now binding upon nobody; and is, moreover, such an one as no people can ever hereafter be expected to consent to, except as they may be forced to do so at the point of the bayonet, it is perhaps of no importance what its true legal meaning, as a contract, is. Nevertheless, the writer thinks it proper to say that, in his opinion, the Constitution is no such instrument as it has generally been assumed to be; but that by false interpretations, and naked usurpations, the xgovernmentx has been made in practice a very widely, and almost wholly, different thing from what the Constitution itself purports to authorize. He has heretofore written much, and could write much more, to prove that such is the truth. But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain --- that it has either authorized such a xgovernmentx as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
Quoted from Thus Spoke Zarathustra -- Of the New Idol by Friedrich Nietzsche (1884):
"There are still peoples and herds somewhere, but not with us, my brothers: here there are states.
The state? What is that? Well then! Now open your ears, for now I shall speak to you of the death of peoples.
The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth; 'I, the state, am the people.'
It is a lie! It was creators who created peoples and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
It is destroyers who set snares for many and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred desires over them.
Where a people still exists, there the people do not understand the state and hate it as the evil eye and sin against custom and law.
I offer you this sign: every people speaks its own language of good and evil: its neighbor does not understand this language. It invented this language for itself in custom and law.
But the state lies in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it says, it lies -- and whatever it has, it has stolen.
Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth. Even its belly is false.
Confusion of the language of good and evil; I offer you this sign of the state.
Truly, this sign indicates the will to death! Truly, it beckons to the preachers of death!
Many too many are born: the state was invented for the superfluous!
Just see how it lures them, the many-too-many! How it devours them, and chews them, and re-chews them!
... It would like to range heroes and honorable men about it, this new idol! It likes to sun itself in the sunshine of good consciences -- this cold monster!
It will give you everything if you worship it, this new idol: thus it buys for itself the luster of your virtues and the glance of your proud eyes.
It wants to use you to lure the many-too-many. Yes, a cunning device of Hell has here been devised, a horse of death jingling with the trappings of divine honors!
Yes, a death for many has here been devised that glorifies itself as life: truly a heart-felt service to all preachers of death!
I call it the state where everyone, good and bad, is a poison-drinker: the state where everyone, good and bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called... life."
(I'm just enquiring; not making any accusations. I have no evidence to suggest that Alan Greenspan ever engaged in anything underhanded! As far as I know for sure, he's clean as a whistle!)
Could most of the above Greenspan utterances just as well have been made by Chauncey Gardner in the movie "Being There?"
Greenspan reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine explained how she faked it with various men. Jerry asked her if any of them ever found out. She said, "No." Jerry: "How come they didn't know?" Elaine: "Because I was goooood!" Then, after a brief pause, Elaine says, "You didn't know." Jerry: "You faked it with me?" Elaine: "Yes." Jerry: "How many times?" Elaine: "Every time!" Jerry: "But what about all the moaning, and groaning, and screaming, and writhing?" Elaine: "Fake!; Fake!; Fake!; Fake!"
Maybe the Evil Money Masters "captured" Greenspan with an offer he couldn't refuse... so he "bonded" with them.
Political Fakery?
WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind! See IMPORTANT NOTICE!
Rumsfeld and Aspartame (Nov, 06)
Rumsfeld Admits 2.3 Trillion Missing on 09/10/01
Bush: "The Constitution is just a piece of paper"
Bush lies and threatens the Constitution, Pt.1 (Oct 06)
Bush lies and threatens the Constitution, Pt.2 (Oct 06)
If you plan to proceed with this page, it may be vital that you watch this video next:
Man, Family and State
Many people regard Scientology as a cult. Some people regard Alcoholics Anonymous as a cult. What if "xgovernmentx" and its believers should also be regarded as a cult? To get some background information on why this might be a good idea, check out the Second Big Inversion.
The Subjective Social Reality and Alcoholics Anonymous videos provide good accounts of how believers' minds "snap" or "cave in." Cult victims cave in to "cult reality." Scientology believers cave in to "Scientology reality." AA believers cave in to "AA reality." Government* believers cave in to "Government* reality." These are all cults who subject their victims to capture-bonding, human domestication, and selective blindness. Guess which is the deadliest and most murderous cult of all? -- See DEMOCIDE = MURDER BY GOVERNMENT: "Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government [262,000,000 from 1900 to 1999], if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times." (The 262,000,000 number does not include people killed in wars.)
So I suggest it may be appropriate to think of "government* and its believers" as by far the worst and deadliest cult of all!
See also America: Freedom to Fascism.
Lysander Spooner (January 19, 1808 - May 14, 1887) "[W]as an American individualist anarchist, entrepreneur, political philosopher, abolitionist, and legal theorist of the 19th century." A Lysander Spooner website is maintained by Randy E. Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center. On 9/19/07 there was a poll on the home page with the following results:
Do you agree with Spooner that the U.S. Constitution is without Authority?
Yes - 61.8% - 21,247
No - 24.7% - 8,501
Unsure - 13.5% - 4,648
Total: 34,397
I assume that Barnett maintains his Lysander Spooner website because he has a high regard for Spooner's writings and he therefore encourages others to read them. I wonder if Barnett agrees with the implications of Spooner's writings, particularly No Treason No. I and No. VI, The Constitution of No Authority (1870) -- quoted in the left column.
As a gesture of helpless submission, and for the sake of diplomacy, I won't be as outspoken as Spooner. So I'm replacing Spooner's "pretended ambassadors, secretaries, presidents, and senators," "robbers and murderers, who call themselves "the government"," and "cheats, and usurpers, and robbers, and murderers and blood-money loan-mongers for masters" with the term "Pretended Benevolent Captors." And I'm replacing Spooner's "such dupes and cowards... [who] pay for being cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered" with the term "capture-bonded, domesticated, selectively blind ("normal") humans."
Dick Cheney Exposed |
Ray McGovern Confronts |
Countdown: Cheney is His |
Keith Olbermann on |
Impeach Cheney: |
Rumsfeld on Trial |
Republican calls |
Olbermann: The beginning of |
Assuming that Spooner's "Constitution of No Authority" is correct, would it be reasonable for me to conclude that the entire "US Pretended Benevolent Captor political system" is a fake, a fraud, a scam, and a hoax, if Sooner is right? Could I also resonably conclude that if Spooner is correct, then it would be absurd to believe that Pretended Benevolent Captors can make so-called "laws*?" -- just a silly superstition? After reading Spooner's No Treason No. VI: The Constitution of No Authority, how could anyone other than a capture-bonded, domesticated, selectively blind person still believe that "Pretended Benevolent Captors make laws*?"
Can I further assume that when Professor Barnett teaches "constitutional law*" he does so with an inward smile or with his fingers crossed behind his back? Does he agree with Spooner and therefore think that in reality there's no such thing as "constitutional law*?" -- just another part of the hoax? Or does he think Spooner got it all wrong? I find it very interesting that in the above poll, 21,247 people (61.8% of respondents) thought that Spooner had gotten it right!
Barnett is a Senior Fellow of the Cato Institute -- a libertarian-leaning think tank. Spooner is well known among libertarians. In January 2004, Laissez Faire Books (a libertarian publisher) established the Lysander Spooner Award for advancing the literature of liberty.
According to the above poll, by 9/19/07, 21,247 people (61.8% of respondents) had "agreed with Spooner that the U.S. Constitution is without Authority," i.e., a fake, a fraud, a scam, and a hoax. According to the "subjective social agreement" among capture-bonded, domesticated, selectively blind people, it's absurd to question the authority of the U.S. Constitution. Now, how many of these 21,247 people would go further and agree that, "If the U.S. Constitution is without authority," then the entire "US Pretended Benevolent Captor system" must be a hoax, and the idea that "Pretended Benevolent Captors make laws*" must be absurd?
It may depend on how many, and to what extent, the 21,247 are still capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind -- for how many of them their logic continues to be trumped (overridden) by "subjective social reality."
If a thousand of the 21,247 (less than 5%) were to make a special attempt to expose Pretended Benevolent Captors as perpetrating a hoax, would they have any success? Or would fear of rejection prevent most or even all of them from making any attempt to expose the hoax? If everyone they tried to expose the hoax to were capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind, what would happen?
How many libertarians and other freedom lovers, after reading Spooner, as a result of capture-bonding and domestication, blind themselves to the hoax being perpetrated by the Pretended Benevolent Captors?
If practically all humans are capture-bonded, domesticated, and selectively blind, do the Pretended Benevolent Captors have to concern themselves about their hoax being exposed?
Alex Jones - Aaron Russo & Joe Banister interview part 1of4
Alex Jones - Aaron Russo & Joe Banister interview part 2of4
Alex Jones - Aaron Russo & Joe Banister interview part 3of4
Alex Jones - Aaron Russo & Joe Banister interview part 4of4
In any case, to explore these and related issues, you may want to visit one or more of the following:
IRS Fakery -- Chironian Conspiracy Created IRS!
WARNING: Do not proceed to read anything further on this page, unless you have a strong mind! See IMPORTANT NOTICE!
Ex IRS agent tells it |
Ex IRS agent tells it |
Alex Jones - Joe Banister IRS interview part 1of3
Alex Jones - Joe Banister IRS interview part 2of3
Alex Jones - Joe Banister IRS interview part 3of3
See also America: Freedom to Fascism. The Second Big Inversion is central to certain aspects of IRS Fakery. You can find an explanation with considerable detail under Second Big Inversion and Gullibility.
Some time ago, I met a small group of Chironians -- inhabitants of the planet Chiron. They were raised by computers and robots, and were not brainwashed with all the "stupid stuff" permanenty planted into human brains, particularly American brains. They told me they were much more intelligent than Americans. I asked them to prove it. They replied that some time during Earth's 19th century, they were a bit short of funds. So they set up a collection agency in America to collect funds for them. They figured that Americans were so brainwashed, dumb, and selectively blind that they would never notice or figure out that this collection agency was actually collecting funds for Chironia.
I asked them how could they possibly have done something like this without being found out. They said they decided that they simply wouldn't tell anybody who the funds were really being collected for. You see, they named their collection agency the "Internal Revenue Service" which is part of the "Department of the Treasury of Chironia." They told me they figured Americans were so gullible, obedient, and stupid, that if they just left off the "of Chironia" (not revealing what state*, country*, or planet the funds were being collected for), Americans would just pay up like the suckers they are!
Now, you may think I'm making all this up, but I can assure you I'm not. If you don't believe me, just check any letter you receive from the IRS. You'll find it's from "Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service." And if you look at any letter you receive from an American state* or federal government* agency, they always say what state* they're from (e.g., "Office of the Attorney General of Texas"), or if they're part of the US federal government* (e.g., "US Department of Justice") But IRS letters never have the "US."
I told them that I knew Americans were pretty dumb, domesticated, and gullible, but you can't fool all the people all the time. They admitted that over the years a few Americans did become suspicious. They tried to find out exactly how the IRS was created and who created it. All they could find out was that something looked "fishy." But when these suspicious few tried to tell their fellow Americans that the IRS might be a hoax and an extortion racket, collecting funds for "who knows who?," they were just considered "crazy" and laughed at. You see, they said, it's very easy to use "subjective social agreement" to render Earthians, particularly Americans, selectively blind.
[Note what Sherry Peel Jackson (two videos, top left) and Joe Bannister (first video, left) says about the money collected by the IRS "not going to the government*."]
By now you may start realizing that I'm not making this up. If you still don't believe me, I can tell you that I know of an Earthian who has actually reseached the creation of the IRS. Check out this website, where you can find: "...Congress had intended to establish a Bureau of Internal Revenue, or thought they had... A clerk of the collector is not an officer of the United States... [W]e are referred to no other act of congress bearing on the subject, making a clerk of the collector a fiscal agent of the government or bringing him within the class of persons charged with the safe-keeping of any public moneys."
I asked the Chironians about Mr. Justice FIELD who presided over the case United States v. Smith, 124 U.S. 525, 8 S.Ct. 595 (1888). How come the judge didn't tell other Americans about something that must have seemed very strange to him. The Chironians told me that most American judges were like selectively blind robots. In any case, the Chironians had trained some of their IRS agents how to "take care" of judges who didn't "toe the line." American judges know how to keep their mouths shut about certain things. They fear that if they "step out of line," the "IRS will get them!"
[Note what's said several times during the Alex Jones interviews about judges saying that, "Supreme court decisions don't apply in my court."]
I told the Chironians all this sounded a little far-fetched to me. They told me there had been a Congressman from Idaho who wrote a nasty book about the IRS: To Harass Our People. The Chironians thought this was outrageous, so they got their most ruthless and vicious agents from the IRS and elsewhere to jail and torture this stupid Earthian to within an inch of his life, as an example of what happens when a disobedient Earthian doesn't know his place and "steps out of line."
I still didn't believe the Chironians. I told them I didn't think anybody could pull off something like this and get away with it. They told me to search the Internet for "Congressman George Hansen."
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