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Aims of This Website

by Frederick Mann

1. The primary aim of the Build Freedom website is to serve as a comprehensive gateway to freedom resources (individuals, organizations, information, and activities) on the Net. The main vehicles toward this aim are the Freedom/Liberty Portal and the Top 100 Freedom Sites (in development as of 8/1/99). We want to be as useful as we can to people espousing all varieties of freedom.

2. Our second aim is to encourage communication and cooperation between advocates of different kinds of freedom and between practitioners of different freedom strategies. Many of us may become more effective if we learn from strategies and tactics others have developed. Even if we disagree fundamentally with them in some respects, we may be able to usefully adapt some of what others are doing. Our main vehicles for achieving this aim are our Freedom Strategy section and the Build Freedom discussion list.

3. A third aim of this website is to serve as a gateway to the Internet in general. We aim to provide the most effective ways to find what you need on the Net. Our vehicles toward this end are the Shortcuts and General Internet Search sections, as well as the Freedom/Liberty Portal, which includes many links not directly related to freedom.

4. A fourth aim is to provide the best health information we know of so our visitors can free themselves as far as possible from illness and disease. We seek the extension of life, coupled with the improvement of the quality of life -- particularly for freedom lovers. For freedom to prevail, it may be necessary for freedom lovers to live longer and healthier lives. See Health Freedom & Life-Extension.

5. A fifth aim is to provide the means whereby as many people as possible -- particularly freedom lovers -- can become financially independent. We advocate the Ecomnomic Means to Freedom as one of the most important freedom-building strategies.

6. To the degree that aims 4 and 5 can be achieved, there will be more healthier and wealthier freedom activists with more time to promote freedom. A sixth aim is to provide the means whereby people in general -- particularly freedom lovers -- can improve their thinking skills and mental wellbeing -- Freedom Psychology -- and increase their Personal Power and Influence. Hopefully, this will also lead to freedom lovers and activists achieving more success in general.

7. A seventh aim of this website is to provide individuals with the most useful information relating to the three levels of freedom:

  1. Basic freedom -- freedom philosophies, educating people about freedom;
  2. Practical freedom -- the implementation and expansion of Harry Browne's How I Found Freedom in An Unfree World;
  3. Clearing from our minds the deepest thought patterns and habits that give rise to coercive political behavior

See The Levels of Freedom and The Ten Core Concepts of Freedom Technology. (By "coercive political behavior" we refer to the initiation (or threat of initiation) of force, violence, or fraud under the guise of "government" against innocent victims.)

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