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Positive Comments about the Neo-Tech web site
M.L., yahoo Philippines
The articles are really amazing. They threaten the present structural set up of government and religion.
Annabel B., yahoo, Belgium
I enjoy reading The Book. It is very intriguing and mind-expanding. In all, I find there are many positive ideas and it encourages one to lead a productive life.
R.S., hotmail
I enjoy Neo-Tech thinking. I'm a self educated working class man from Colombia, who because of my rough upbringing can survive anything and fears no-one and nothing. I cower not before any threat, and bow to no-one. Yet I've learned to cooperate with who and what is honest, just, rational, reasonable, and thus unopposed to objective reality. I can hardly wait till this fxxxxxx anticivilization is canned completely and permanently to usher in what is rightfully the value creator/producer's domain--the Civilization of the universe. I admire the Men and Women of Neo-Tech and look forward to meeting any of you, and better yet, all of you. For you are my new and most wonderful family which I feel highly protective of.
B.R., hotmail
This information is amazing, it just blows my mind about what I thought I knew as "truth"! I see the world in a whole new way now! How can I learn more?
Brilliantly conveyed concepts, fresh and enlightening perspective, glad to have read it
D.N., hotmail
Keep online and definitely expand, expand, expand.
Keep Neo Tech on the web and expand it. It is be the only way to help as many people as possible.
Carol C., yahoo
This information is very important to me. It gives me hope that someday I will rise above the intense poverty that I am in.
A.H., apex2000, BRASIL
Neo Tech, Bless you guys, you set me free from a life of misery. I discovered you when I was just 25 years old. You guys were a gift to me. I still have your books nearly 16 years on. I still read them, they are an inspiration. Thank you for all of your help .
T.O., yahoo
I read some of the negative postings and had to laugh. They were written by people with crippling closed minds. I'm just beginning to learn about Neo Tech, but my mind is open to learn!
Lydi, yahoo, United Kingdom
It helping me to focus!
Sheila S., yahoo
Thank you for the insight of all the neo-cheaters . Your literature has been very enlightening to me. I can't stop reading! From the first page it has had a profound impact on my life.
Dennis W., aol
Reading and studying "The Book" has been the most enriching educational experience of my life. It pulls Creation, History, Philosophy, and current events together to make perfect sense of honest reality. I am now so much aware of Mystics and Neo-Cheaters and how to deal with them. I cannot get enough of Neo-Tech literature and information!
Pattie, E.,
When I read it many years ago I did not understand it, so I only read about thirty pages. I now have the revised edition and it is very clear now.
Jagjit K.,, ENGLAND
I am so happy, I have embarked on a new life. I have finally had the strength to end a bad relationship.
I love the book it helped me create a new way of thinking that I thought I would never be possible, very informative.
G.C.,, Australia
This is the most excellent website! It's amazing and mind blowing! It's very refreshing and intelligent!
I bought THE BOOK and I have a hard time putting it down. Since I opened THE BOOK, I have already made my life more worthwhile. I have patented an idea and started writing a book. I also am in the process of starting a business that helps people. I really do not think that I would have had the open-mindedness to start any of these projects if it were not for Neo-tech. I will soon be running for city government and I will start to turn the city into a business rich environment that relies less on the government and more on its people. Those who talk bad about you have not read anything about what the Neo-tech world is about. I thank you for spreading your message and I for one will be a loyal believer for what you have helped me realize about myself. Thank you.
The Story was eye-opener!
Thoroughly original and creative.
Stated simply, Neo-Tech is what I've been looking for since my 13 + years of searching.
Please continue your great work!
Neo-Tech. You are my hero. You have saved my life. You have saved my life from the mentality dead people in the world we live today.
With Neo-Tech, I HONESTLY, believe that I can live life abundantly now.
It's the manual for living.
The world could have done with this so much earlier its extraordinary I prize knowledge above everything else now I know more than I could have imagined. The Zon discovery is worrying for me to look in everyone with so much honesty peace inner love and forgiveness is by far the most courageous thing I have been asked to do
Neo-tech should remain on the web! It has helped my wife and I get out of our "fundamentalist born again religion" and begin to start thinking freely/rationally. I love the site, it strikes a new, never been heard chord! thank you.
Halfway through "THE BOOK" now and cannot put it down. It is so engaging and delightful and I wish that I has actually started reading it 3 years ago when I first received it. It truly does cut to the essence of life.
People have a hard time with Neo Tech because of their own hypnotic social conditioning. If they only realized they can get free from self made prisons....and see the world in whichever way they choose to view it they would be in awe of the raw power within themselves......Neo Tech to me is just showing us how by going back to that childhood place where our life first began, puts us back in the drivers seat of our individual lives...Once we return to our natural self and our creative mind self, we begin to take on positive thought action for the prosperity and happiness of our individual adventurous expression.
NEO-TECH is one of , if not the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Anybody that doesn't give NEO-TECH a chance is avoiding the most advanced information for transforming your life into the most fulfilling life anyone could ever imagine. Even if you don't agree with some things, skip over it for now and read on. NEO-TECH covers practically everything anyone should be concerned with: HAPPINESS-SECURITY-WEALTH-ROMANTIC LOVE-SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world. Has anyone ever heard of happiness attacks? Me either until now. I get so excited sometimes because my life is changing so rapidly and just thinking about what my future holds now gets me overly joyous. To everybody that has participated in providing this invaluable information, I THANK-YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! And to everyone else: PLEASE GIVE NEO-TECH A CHANCE! It is the most advanced life rewarding information that you could ever want.
What a tremendous information resource! I use the information in it to shield myself from the manipulations and plundering of liberals and other various types of Neocheaters.
To whom it may concern, I found "God-Man Our Final Evolution" very insightful and rewarding. My friends and family were astounded by the vast knowledge this book held.
Thank goodness I found you. Just when I thought I had exhausted all possible avenues for sanity, understanding, reason, meaning and happiness. Thank you for the optimistically positive, exciting truthful challenges of your inspirational philosophical and forward thinking essential rational truths.
Neo-Tech is the most life-enhancing information available. It has completely changed my life for the better. My view of the world has been widened to points I could never even have imagined before Neo-Tech. It has set me on the path to being even more productive in my career and enhanced the relationships I am involved in. Everything previously unclear has now become clear to me. Thank you and continue delivering values to the universe.
IT,, Indonesia
I'm reading The Book now and would like this book to be read by most people in the world.
Dorothy S.,
I know something good is, I have a new outlook on life a new way of thinking I am looking forward to an extraordinary life, and I am full of life again.
GV, aol.comIts the best place to find a way to get ahead in this world. Its has secrets that THEY don't want you to know.
This is so awesome to have so much rich and consciously produced information for the growth of the individual.
Maribel G.
I am a mother of two, my children ages 9 and 12 are great children. I am have been teaching them about Neo-Tech and most of all to be honest individuals. I opened a business in New York called Neo-Buyer and I plan to make it a success, there is no stopping me. Something negative happened and I thought it was going to make me fall. But by being an honest individual, and with all the knowledge that I have learned from Neo-Tech, I found I am becoming stronger and unstoppable. Dr. Wallace you cannot imagine how grateful I am that I read your books. The good thing about being a Neo-Tech woman is that I have control of myself and surroundings. I respect myself and other people, but I do not interfere with other people's choices. Thanks once again Neo-Tech will never perish.
SF,, Australia
Go 'Neo-Tech' !!!! ... Open your eyes 'World'!
this site is an amazing resource for gaining control and power over your own life.
I was blown away by what I read, I am a person who is very hard to convince but convinced I am that neo-tech is the answer to life.
On buying and reading Neo-Tech Discovery in 1992 my outlook changed and I found a clear, happy and exciting world. Over time I tend to allow myself to think lazily and mystically. It is at these times I need to open my book. Within a short amount of time, any trace of mysticism is wiped out of my thinking.
Neo-Tech is the greatest thing I have ever seen on this planet. It's truth's are what I have had in the back of my mind for most of my life, but nowhere else could I find the whole truth that I have been searching for. Religion has nothing but fairy tales. Government has nothing but lies.
SD,, Australia
It may just be the only thing to save this civilization from self destruction.
Neo-Tech knowledge is something the whole world needs.
Wow. The world that is growing around us demands a new guideline for a new morality- and you offer the sanest that I have ever seen.
Neo-Tech helped me to see this world from a completely different perspective. I'd hate to see where I'd be today if I did not found Neo-Tech information....
Hello, When I first found Neo-Tech fifteen years ago, I discarded it as rubbish. These past fifteen years have been a challenge in many ways. Since being re-introduced to it a year ago, my
life is now changing for the better since discovering the truth. Thank you and keep up the good work. J
I like the teachings of deprogramming our minds from bicameral thinking.
I am starting my own greeting card company thanks to neo-tech. Thank you for saving this life!!!
Kitty E.,
This site is giving people a new insight on life. It gives you an answer to questions no one else would.
This is one of the most thought provoking sites on the Web today! This site is a way for me to stay connected to Neo-Tech, 24/7. The Neo-tech web site is an important key in the flow of information that I believe is needed in the 21st Century.
HZ,, South Africa
Good ,true and powerful needs to be known by the whole world.
While doing research for a college project I came across your website. My jaw dropped continuously as I read chapter after chapter in one sitting. So much of what I have read elsewhere seemed tied together and illuminated by what I read.
I bought your Book and I am working to rid the toxins of my mind (Catholic since birth),thanks for open my eyes!!!!
I've just started reading Neo-Tech and found so far that the information is amazing and needed... I believe everybody needs to know about Neo-Tech for the reason that everyone needs to find inner-peace within themselves and find out who they really are. And I know that Neo-Tech can do this for all people, so why deny them of this right.
I have never read anything so fascinating in all my life. This is something I will continue to develop for my own benefit, as well as the benefit of others. I will pass this on to as many people as will have it!
Date : Tue May 6 14:05:13 US/Eastern 2003 Neo-Tech changed life for me, keep up the good work.
Can't even begin to describe it. Absolutely fabulous. Finally, no more fear, no more tears, and no more pain. Much love to all involved who have stuck with it to make this miracle available. Thank you to those who know.
Interesting stuff, it helps people to initiate the process of flushing the disease of mysticism from their ability to think critically.
NEO-TECH is one of the most dynamic web sites I've ever had the privilege to visit.
Neo-Tech is great! It has become apparent that everything I was taught is total mysticism, and I am moving in the direction to becoming a Neo-Tech man.
Refreshing and insightful.
The site is great, I appreciate all the knowledge and wisdom. I am putting it to use in my day-to-day.
I am inspired by the work and efforts of the persons who are dedicated to the eradication of what you refer to as 'mysticism'.
I feel like a kid in a candy store. I find myself reading anything related to neo tech daily.
It as given me a new sense of hope.
It change my view in life now positively. Always looking ahead without intervention of mysticism. More control of myself set by my own standard. Definitely, its for everyone who loves life. Sad for others who don't know about neo-tech.
One is are either green and growing or ripe and rotting. Neo-tech is green and growing!!!
The information on your web page is every fresh, and is a great read, and also has a relaxing side to it, it frees up the way we think, and how we do thing's everyday. So please keep up the good work, not just for me but any one that wants to break free from this worlds thinking.
There is no question that Neo-Tech should remain on the web. By remaining on the web it will no doubt continue to have a positive impact on the world.
The article I read on PHYSICAL BEAUTY, ABUSE OF PARTNER, POTENCY LOSS, SEXUAL ROLES was excellent and insightful.
You have prompted me to positive actions in my life, and allowed me to believe in myself again. Neo-Tech has given me inspiration and courage to get back on top again, where I know I belong. Many years ago I gave up on the Rat-Race, because I believed it was 'fixed'. Now I truly know it is, but I understand the rules of the game and at last I'm feeling like a winner. Time to escape my own 'Crash Hell'. PLEASE REMAIN ON THE WEB. THANK YOU SO MUCH NEO-TECH.
Neo-Tech is the greatest book ever written. It has completely changed my life.
I just want to say, that Neo-tech is a shinning light, in the fog of mysticism. I admire, respect and have genuine love, for all individuals who help in the process, of bringing this wonderful information to the world. I want to be a part of it.
We need bodies like you to challenge the despots of the world.. You help to evolve humans.
This web site was {is} a real eye opener. I wish I found it a hell of lot sooner in my life. There has been alot of so called christian leaders that have taken advantage of my efforts and said ha ha he is stupid!.
The brilliance of the articles is quite remarkable.
Neo-Tech has changed my outlook on life but I'm still having trouble applying it consistently. THE STORY is really helping me destroy integration blockers.
I cannot express the extent of my gratitude to the people of NTP for helping to change my life. With the aid of DTC, FIH, and WSA, I have been able to break through the layers of mysticism and develop into the honest, value productive woman I am today.
I have always felt there had to be something more to life than, what will be ,will be or Gods will, so to speak, NEO-TECH is that something more!! YOUR OWN WILL.
All my life I'd been forced to go to church. Even though I didn't want to believe, I couldn't reject the idea of God, and Jesus Christ. It was brain-washed into me. Even when I told people I didn't believe, I prayed every night. I prayed because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't. I feared God. I spent most of my life afraid, even after I left home, and no longer had to go to church. But as the years have gone by I've found it easier to think for myself. Instead of asking God to fix my problems. I needed to face them head on, and fix them myself. As soon as I started thinking this way, my problems seemed to go away. I started going to sleep at night without a prayer. I started to be happy. I began to have a vague idea of how to look at life. Neo-tech is helping me focus what I already felt.
Neo-Tech just might be the holy grail for business people.
It is by far the greatest book I have ever came across. How could reality have slipped us by? I can't believe the clarity! I'm teaching my parents (Christians) the right way to live, no one knows how to just be without the guilt, fear and shame of being man anymore, they look around them and see someone else's creation, someone else's "plan" while they march to whomever's beat. Is this why they brought me into this world, to defeat my purpose and suppress my will? Well this book has put it all into perspective for me, I'm very grateful to be alive and breathing! I owe a lot of my success to the book in every aspect of my life the book has really shaped me into being who I was destined to be and not falling victim to my environment.
MC,, New Zealand
I think your web site is incredible it is packed with information. I have spent hours, if not days, reading your writings and have not paid one cent for this magnificent value.
Thank you for Neo-Tech and Zonpower. It changed my life 11 years ago and has shaped my mind into a Neo-think gold mine. I retired at age 53 and I am just starting to live a life I thought I would never have. Zonpower should be a required college course; the world would be a better place. Thank you.
Country : Canada Comments : I find your information to be insightful, informative and enlightening.
Hi, I wanted to comment on the personal appearance page. I try hard to achieve and keep my personal appearance best. I go to the gym 5 days a week, and use to be overweight, but lost about 25 pounds from going to the gym , for a year now. I feel better about myself, and what I look like. There are still some trouble spots I need to work on physically, but try to watch what I eat, and how much. I would never want to go back to what I was before, and am happier being more physically fit, and doing things I didn't think I could before.
All the mysticism in the world would not keep us safe. Neo-Tech is quickly paving the way.
The only sense to be found anywhere.
Neo-tech rocks.
I accept Neo-Tech. I reject mysticism. Thank you Neo-Tech. I believe Neo-Tech showed/opened the door to my Genius. Everyone in the world should know this. Neo-Tech is the truth.
I find Neo-Tech very compelling and insightful. The depth of Wallace's scholarship is amazing and impressive. An impressive web site.
R. S.,
The depth of Wallace's scholarship is amazing and impressive.
B. S.
M. H.,
I accept Neo-Tech. I reject mysticism. Thank you Neo-Tech. I believe Neo-Tech showed/opened the door to my Genius. Everyone in the world should know this: Neo-Tech is the truth.
M. A.,,, UK
Comments : It is a beacon of truth for the mankind. It exposes the neocheaters and mystics as well as tears religions apart.
D.D.,, UK
The more people that find out about the real truth about the governments, the sooner they will be forced to provide real benefits for the public. Most people know that politicians are dishonest cheats and liars, but when put on the spot, will still defend them.
Thru the use of DTC, I was able to rise above an addiction to oxycontin. One of the most harmful drugs ever released. After three operations, the world had lost all of its color. The darkness that my world had become left me on the verge of suicide. I dove back into Neo-Tech, and managed to become whole again. Thank-you again and again for giving me the tools I needed to make this world my own.
Neo-tech brings the very brilliant, wonderful paradigm in this millennium
A life changing experience, I know its not enough, but thank you very much neo-tech . I'm proud to be a neo-tech customer.
S.,, UK
These are the most truly valid concepts that exist in this universe of ours.
This web-site is a wealth of information. The simple, but not so obvious advantages gained on this site are priceless. It's hard for me to stop reading once I start learning about more subtle forms of mysticism. Also, the much bigger picture seen once the mysticism is removed with the new information gained. I enjoy applying neo-tech, life has plenty of challenges and no matter how hard it my get the results of always being honest are invigorating and the only way to accomplish goals.
Country : U.S.A.
Comments : I love the way this site tells it like it is.
D.R.,, 3/12/03
It is hard to express how valuable your literature has been to me. Every victory over mysticism I owe to your work, and for that I cannot thank you enough. I think I may have read 90% of the material on your website at least once through - some of it two or three times. If the world survives, it will be due to the work you have done.
J.H., Neo-Tech is windshield wiper fluid.
A.A., I don't know how to thank you for what you have done for me. I'm not rich, don't have a job, but for the first time in my life THE FIRST TIME I am happy to be alive !!!!!!!! I want to live!!!!!!! I like who I am !!!!! I believe in myself !!!!!! No amount of thanks will ever be enough for what Neo-Tech has done for me. Neo-Tech has helped me start to find me again, not the screwed up shell of a person I have been most of my life, Heck Neo-Tech GAVE me my life.
Z.M., Reading your material is liken to an early morning walk. Or the wonderful feeling you get when you experience the beauty of freshly turned earth.
J.K., The world is racing towards war, Neo-tech needs to be disseminated even more quickly. Please forward your efforts.
M.C., I will always be grateful to you for these gifts you have given this once desolate life.
M.D., Amazing site.
J.L., Don't you dare take this web page down.
John,, UK Neo-Tech is great stuff.
T.L.,, Canada I am completely blown away by how easily you have debunked the religious myths that I have had to live with all my life. I was raised as a Roman Catholic and I have known that something was wrong with religion since I was 13 years old when I stopped going to Mass and did not suffer any adverse consequences that all my religious leaders said I would. Thank you for making thing so clear.
j. l. h, I think that the Neo-tech discovery should be in every public library and school for everybody.
P.G., As I read the information, I visualize what is happening all over the world at this time. Everything now makes sense.
T.C., Neo-tech has opened my eyes, that is for certain. It must stay on the web for everyone to be to find, it is a masterpiece.
r.s., I am 36 and have never read this amount of info or been so engrossed in my entire life! Its fantastic!
Diana, I found your site to be helpful about topics in romantic-love.
J.V., When I first read Neo-Tech I couldn't believe the changes in the way I looked at EVERYTHING around me. I became far more prosperous in a very short period of time.
J.T.,, Neo-tech allows us to look beyond what is on the surface into what is.
J.M.,, This book has been the single most helpful book I have read. The business chapters have been a tremendous source of guidance and has sparked many of my own ideas for my network marketing business, and also my job. Thank you to all that have put this great wealth of knowledge out there for everyone!
Shane,, Neo-Tech blows me away. All you have to do is stop and pay attention, with an open-mind and see what is going on in this world. This is great work that has been done. A service to all human-beings.
D.C.,, The Neo-Tech information is valuable. The way we live has change dramatically. I have become more conscientious about how we live. It helps me to look into the mind of others and realize how we can help and how we can destroy each other. It gives me hope when all else has failed. I will keep on learning, reading and applying the concepts.
D.G.,, The puzzle pieces are snapping together.
r.f.,, Very enlightening, I feel more enlivened and renewed after the first reading.
B.H.,, I actually Consider Neo Tech a medical breakthrough. Probably the greatest since the smallpox vaccine. I look forward to seeing a Nobel prize come from this. CONGRADULATIONS
K.P.,, United States The illusions of the anticivilization are becoming very clear and I am only about a third of the way though (THE BOOK). I am so glad that I purchased the books.
D.M., Neo-Tech is a masterpiece
MOD,, Singapore This site should be on the net as people should know the reality of how things go in this world
e.r.,, 2/10/03, Victoria , Australia This is an absolutely fantastic book. Hope that all people read this, the sooner they do, the sooner we will all be very happy, healthy, loving and rich and live in complete harmony with each other
J.N.,, I purchased the Neo-Tech manuscript in 1992 and I still find myself referring to it. It is the best commonsense material about life and the real world, and the best philosophy to deal with it out there.
J.O.,, puerto rico or united states territory I am about ready to start my business and I couldn't have gone this far without the use of neo-tech cosmic business control. But my biggest thanks goes for the writing of the most beautiful piece of literature I have ever read in my life-the neo-tech discovery. I am now a proud neo-tech atheist, and I am ready for eternal life through scientific breakthroughs. God the son ZON=GOD,ZON=MAN
s.r., This is awesome information about love, money, power, success and life in general. I have never even thought about any of that stuff from that angle. Your books provide a very unique and revealing perspective on all the important aspects of our existence, and they provide us with an opportunity to make most of it
, Any philosophy that gets so called Christians saying that they would like to see you and your loved ones dead, beaten, raped etc., has got to be on the right path! I guess they are not so loving if they do not agree with you. Keep it up.
I.M.,, France This site is a philosophical Swiss army knife and I consider it essential for people like myself who are struggling value producers/creators.
D.M., It's been an eye-opening experience. THANKS!
C.A., It has changed my life for the better. And it has helped me build a successful life.
R.K., HUGHES.COM Hi Emma, Don't ever get rid of your website. Cyberspace is where it's at. Information is at your finger tips. I have tons of Neo-Tech books/tapes at home. I've had a lot of fun with Neo-Tech over the last 20 years. I've really 'rocked some foundations'! T he 'negatives' people write about Neo-Tech and some of those people really scare me. I live in the same country they do, what the heck are they thinking!
C.B., HUGHES.COM, united kingdom To all the religious believers of God The Almighty who don't understand the concepts of Neo-Tech, you are playing right into God-Mans' hands. You are afraid to confront neo-knowledge with constructive criticism. On the other hand we who are not afraid of this new knowledge are willing to learn from the old way of thinking and make our own judgments using the evidence which is reality. The Laws of Nature will be the final analysis, and is your nemesis.
CO, Thank you Neo-Tech for remaining on the web and providing me with the valuable life crucial knowledge that I need to improve myself and my life. Thank you so very much for providing this wonderfully insightful information source that I may access whenever I need to. I am so very grateful for your incredible teachings. Frank Wallace, thank you so very much. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude to say the very least. You are so helpful to humanity, and deserve so many wonderful things for providing so many values. You teach us to only believe what is actual fact. You don't tell us what to do, you simply show honest proven facts about life that we may use to benefit from. Facts that give us the power to know reality. Facts that give us the power to gain happiness in life by creating it in our own lives as well as other peoples lives. Thanks to you, more people will benefit themselves and our world now in more positive and productive ways. Thanks to you, we are more primed to move out of these dark ages and int o a society where people enjoy life, liberation, and prosperity unlike anything any imagined god or satan has ever given or even offered for that matter. There is no greater bliss than finding yourself and defining what you want to be by personal choice rather than by someone else's force. Your identity. Your life. There is no greater happiness than just striving towards being a better human being that benefits themselves and other people. Shame on the government most of all, for destroying values in society. For hindering the progress of the human race. Shame on them and religious leaders for doing very little and getting paid so very much for it. Shame on them for constantly attempting to make us all feel like we are at their mercy. Most of the REAL evil that I have seen in this world comes from government and religion. For hindering the thinking process of a race of beings that have the potential to accomplish the ultimate value of being alive. A sad reality it is that a few greedy people want to live off the rest of the innocent ones. A sad reality indeed.
Anon, Neo-Tech is a great tool for anyone seeking to do great things with his or her life. Thanks to rational thinking, I have avoided the path often taken by most who have allowed themselves to let someone do the thinking for them. This web site inspires me to continue on the same path. Thank you.
H.J., At the time I originally received a Neo-tech mailer(3-4 yrs ago), I was looking for answers and finally felt I had found them. However, I was surrounded by mysticism plagued individuals and often got discouraged or regressed back to old unproductive habit s. None-the-less, I never forgot what I learned, and I always improved myself in some way shape or form after reading neo-tech material. Recently I realized I have become stagnant and was no longer moving forward as quickly as I had wanted. So I looked u p Neo-tech on the web and found 'The Story'. I think 'The Story' was a great idea and definitely made Neo-tech and Integrated thinking more easily understandable. I have already sent two teacher friends of mine this story with the intentions of raising aw areness. Thank You so much. Jones
m.h., As a well intended and somewhat successful neo-cheater, it took several years after receiving the manuscript for me to accept the information as worth processing. Even so, the tiny seeds of reality began to sprout seemingly on their own. After I had read the manuscript I decided that it was too obscure and difficult for me to deal with, so I just threw it away. The absence of the manuscript made little difference, the matrix was set and the process of puzzle building continues to this day. I found my new copy of the manuscript here in hyperspace, I refer to it often and am grateful that the most valuable information and education that the world has ever seen is here for all to experience.
I.R., I keep re-reading the concepts and every time I glean ever newer integrations.
R.S., I am starting to see the 'white-collar hoax' around me and ready to use the Neo-Tech Weapon to get rid of the mysticism in my life. Keep up the good work! Thanks, Robert
j.b., The information contained in Neo-Tech is life changing.
B.P., This is the most life enhancing material I've ever read. Neo-Tech rescued me from a life of HELL. I will be forever grateful. This website offers such valuable information, I feel it would be suicide not to expand. Keep up the good work. Spread the word s o that we can win the war against stupidity.
J.P., It offers the only real solutions to individual reality and life as it should be.
D.T.,, UK Neo-Tech is everywhere
H.H., I have just completed God-Man (Our Final Evolution),and Neo-Tech Discovery. It has a life changing effect and opened my eyes to what has held me down for years.(mysticism).Look forward to many more readings.
J.L.,, America I think everyone should know about Neo-Tech. The world would be a better place if everyone practiced fully-integrated honesty.
Chris,, Canada I've been dangerously close for a while now to falling into a mystically-based self-contained world of hallucinations and delusions. Thank you for opening my eyes, clearing my head, and letting me face the reality in front of me that I always knew was the re.
,, Life finally makes sense
F.R.,, EUA Lets the people know the real truth. Do not give up. With the Neo-Tech Discovery I am start to see the true.
W.W.,, Neo-Tech gives all of us who are looking for answers about life and religion a study point. Neo-tech not being a religion but a way of life clears up a lot of misconceptions people have about their place in the universe. Those of us who have been bombarde d with religion our entire lives now have a healthy alternative to gaining enlightenment about the body and soul with out all the fire and brimstone. Thank you Neo-tech for opening my eyes a little further.
J.C.,, After 5-6 years reading and paying lip-service to Neo-Tech/Neothink, I FINALLY started my mini-day program. All I can say is that I've accomplished more in 7 hours than I usually get done in 1-2 weeks. It really does take great DTC and beating down the in ner-wimp, but once you get going it's like that high you get after a good workout! Bravo and thanks so much for the fabulous information....Neo-tech in action: Priceless!
e.g.,, I think we should burn all the existing bibles and replace them with Neo-Tech.
J.K.,, I have purchased the Neo-Tech Discovery and it has challenged me to consider the level of mysticism I have existed under for my entire life.
T.S., 'Lethal Stealth of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa' is right on target. It's great there's people who can cut through the garbage of Neo-cheaters held in almost universal high regard.
, I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once the Replacement Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on the Civilization Of The Universe or commit suicide. The world will truly be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are the ones who will help change the world for the better, for you, your children and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich, with superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on. So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during this century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!
S.B.,, The United States of America 'The Story', has finally done it, I'm dumping my ego for Neo-Tech (Something felt wrong anyway.). Thank you. I'll never forget what you've done for me, let alone for the human race.
Peter,, Australia Once one has read neo-tech literature one finds quicker shortcuts to the thought process in most subjects in life thus having a competitive advantage over those that have delta thinking. Only neo-tech can give you the tools of awakening.
c.r., WLDC.COM I find your site one of the most useful on the net.
D.M., I think that neo-tech literature is the most outstanding information out there on the market today. It's brilliant and I want my children to learn this way of thinking.
D.M., Truly life-lifting info! Neo-tech has become my personal bible.
R.W., The Neo-Tech philosophy is great. There are many people that I've directed to the website who would not have known of it otherwise.
S.B., 'The Story' is now my favorite next to Ayn Rand's 'Anthem' and Anne McCaffrey's Novels about 'Pern', and has opened my eyes to the wonderful world that has always been in front of me. I wish Miss Annabelle were there to hold my hand, instead I was taught to use illusions to fill the gaps in my understandings. ...I remember when I was about 5-7 years old, I had run across a paradox were my existence centered around a black hole called consciousness. I was scared stiff. I had put an honest puzzle picture together that I knew nobody in my family had. I can now start my puzzles where I left off, even though the wasted years of my life have given me a limp in my path and thinking, I know that I will work it out as I reroute my life.
R.N.,, Neo-Tech information opened my eyes about the deception religion and government do to human beings. People need this knowledge. Thanks for this knowledge. I have removed a lot of mysticism in myself and I am a better person because of this. Happiness fore ver.
P.O.,, Australia Zonpower is exponential reading.
d.j.,, Ghana The best eye opener literature for our generation
E.T., The best book I have ever read.
J.R., As a former Objectivist, I struggled with the Neo-Tech concepts. It took several readings of 'The Neo-Tech Discovery' for me to fully absorb its NT's impact on my consciousness, but I kept coming back to it again and again. Now, having read deeper into the Neo-Tech/Zonpower literature (including 'Escape from Crash Hell'), I cannot escape the conclusion that NT represents a quantum-leap beyond Objectivism; it is the most incredible wisdom I have ever come across and is simply ingenious in the way it presents fully integrated honesty, consequently boosting one's self-esteem and productivity. I am convinced that NT constitutes the blueprint for the next step in Man's evolution, and I am eagerly looking forward to the further insights and integrations to be r elated in the forthcoming NT/Zon publications announced in 'Escape from Crash Hell.' No words of mine can begin to express my personal appreciation for your brilliant achievements on behalf of all who seek to realize the highest life-affirming values. All I can say is that you have my deepest admiration and gratitude. I wish you continued supreme success in all your future ventures!
L.W., I'm riveted, very insightful.
W.Y., Fascinating web-site. Very enlightening.
M.G.,, Neo-tech open my eyes and now I see the truth about this harsh world and that is priceless knowledge.
C.C.,, United State Of America I am still in shock that everything that I was brought up believing could be fake. I am still at a state of confusion, but, open to the knowledge.
G.G.,, I want a list of book titles available for purchase. Excellent web site!
J.M.,, I love having the information of my Neo Tech Manual available at my finger tips while I work. I am able to absorb the information a lot better having access to it at both home and office. Thank you for keeping the site live.
R.J.,, A joke is not understood, until you hear the punch line and sometimes you don't get it! Neo-Tech is not understood, until you read, experience, see, hear, feel and try every word from all the Neo-Tech writers and all the comments, from all over the world and then use your own educated integrated mind to find 100% HONESTY!!! Look back on your life only! You were given no free choice! You were told everything by some one, What to do! When to do it! Where to go to school! What to learn by teachers that were told what to teach you! Neo-Tech will never, never, never go away!!! BUT Dishonesty from all walks of life, will fade away, sooner than you think!!! You can help by spreading NEO-TECH or you can set by and procrastinate. You must Read and take action to live and prosper as you were meant to.
S.W.,, Neo-Tech has helped me to see the world that I knew that I could be a part of. I love F.R.W, his work allowed me to break through, his honesty has saved my consciousness. I cannot thank you with a trillion tongues.
D.R.,, Until I found this web page I never understood why the world was designed to be so hard to live in, now I see that it is really all just a ploy to keep us from continually evolving and the true un-need for controlling each other.
J.I.,, Survival Pressures Identified; Answer The-Call! The purpose of humankind is to benefit the social economic organization of living existence, and to control the planetary forces of nature, right here on planet earth, and right now, at this time in our evolution. The "ancient secrets" have revealed that rational, poor, and unsuccessful people have been robbed, diminished, and cheated, out of this evolutionary opportunity by irrational authorities. Therefore; as a result, these irrational authorities have appointed themselves as our sacrifice, and our front-line defense, against the "first waves" of disaster and devastation. Human extinction is at risk because of our industrialized, biological, and nuclear waste has altered the natural order of our ecology, and these alterations have created our own survival pressures. Because we have this ability to alter the status-quo of our ecosystem, all control over existence and the forces of nature is now relinquished to the capability of human-consciousness. For better or for worse, this slow and gradual transition is upon us, and someone must answer this call: Who among you can stop the disasters created by pollution and global warming? Who among you can stop the devastation of war and global terrorism? This call must be answered, "NOW," by the irrational rich and successful authorities, or they must relinquish the hope of all humankind to Neo-Tech.
B.M., ., Incredible. I was raised a Mormon and therefore am very comfortable with the idea that ordinary humans can rise to become Gods. Yet to have this idea laid out in such a scientific fashion, in simple stories and explanations without all the 'thou shalt' mentality clouding the experience is something so new, so fresh and so concrete that I hardly can explain it. I've read and read again a lot of Neo Tech literature. This is the best.
S.S.,, United Kingdom Let the Neo-Tech web-site flourish, with its interesting and enlightening ideas. It is clearly a place from which positive lessons can be learned.
J.R.,, Canada Absolutely great thinking model.
A D Alborough,, South Africa Neo-Tech is the way forward.
V.J.,, I refer people to this site all the time.
l.v.,, I love it.
C.R.,, It is a great reminder of how important it is to think for ourselves. This site provides me with concise and well written thoughts that help me gather and express my own thoughts.
Y . Hussain,, The ideas and reasons given are awe inspiring-especially the premise about religion. I find your material so profoundly motivating for change -- it is incredibly different.
,, neo-tech ought remain as a obelisk for the ages to wonder.
S.C.,, Neo-Tech has opened a new door for me.
Louis T.,, The greatest 'discovery' of all time!!! My life has drastically turned around in a very short period of time. I was doubtful that this would really work, but I was shocked to find out that not only does it work, it works much greater than you even say! Th ank you so so so much Dr. Wallace and the rest of NTP!!!
D.S.,, Incredibly powerful material.
O.A., ., Nigeria Honesty is the word. Neo-tech truly has powers beyond your imagination.
G.O., Without Neo-Tech there is no chance for survival. I am looking forward to The Civilization of the Universe. Also waiting for our Neo-Tech President. Thanks for all your valuable information about latest developments. There is so much to learn from Neo-Tec h.
V.V., I believe that Neo-Tech is the way of and to the future. We need Neo-Tech now more than ever to show us the true path to wealth and happiness.
r.w., I love the information contained in this material. It has helped me understand some events that have occurred in my life and has provided many options to consider as to the new direction my life will take. I feel that in time this new feeling of self-empowerment, that realizing my dreams of the future will have a solid and powerful impact on my success as an individual, husband, father, and future business owner.
D.C., I have been fortunate to have had neotech material for about 3 years, these books have opened my eyes to the deceptions that are perpetrated on us continually by neocheaters. There is no other information source that I know of to learn the real truth about our 'institutions'. I had 40-some years of deceptions foisted upon me to usurp my power, and neotech is the most powerful antidote I have found. I believe someday, Dr. Wallace, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Savage will be recognized as some of the greatest thinkers of all humankind. Keep up the good work!
J.H., Frank Wallace has discovered the answer for what I consider to be the most important search in anyone's life; the discovery of self.
S.P.,, uk Exciting, wonderful stuff, lets leave this anticivilization once and for all, and welcome reality and happiness as quickly as possible. Praise NT
D.B., I want the access, However I'm not sure everyone should have access.
R.S., Very positive and inspiring work. I received my manuscript about 13 years ago. My life as taken a positive turn ever since then. The faucet of Cash, health and prosperity never stops flowing.
m.h.,, I love your poker section.
N.T.,, Canada words wont express my gratitude to all involved, but thanks just the same. This backwards-assed human race we call 'civilization' desperately needs Neo-Tech. This site should definitely remain on the web.
E.S.,, U.S.A I love the Book it open my eyes 100 %.
M.M.,, Germany I think that Neo Tech is the single most important work of literature to be available to the public, ever. I truly know, in the very core of my being that this is the right way forward. At least for me. I read and re-read my manuscript often and have owned it for a few years now.
M.D., I have found reading the books to be a life changing experience. A very powerful tool for shaping ones future view of life. I know it has mine. When I look at my life their are two chapters, before Neo Tech and after Neo Tech.
D.D.,, UK Neo Tech is the only honesty based source of information and lifestyle available
D.M.,, I am 29 years old and an aspiring entrepreneur. I first received the Neo-Tech orientation booklet approximately 3 months ago, and has made a huge impact on my life.
C.H.,, I have just received the 'The Book ' God-Man/Neo-Tech Discovery I am getting to realize the potential of the book. I think it is the best book I have read in a long time and keep up the good work.
J.H.,, I think this site is one of a kind, a real gold-mine.
S.T.,, Canada Neo-Tech IS how we should learn to be by creating values and by creating happiness. WE need to learn to become independent & Neo-Tech shows the way.
D.P.,, Eagerly absorbing all information, wanting more!
M.P.,, As a Political Scientist, I must say that I've taken full advantage of reading The Book. As a preacher's son I've come to realize why I've felt the way I did coming up and going to school where I was basically cheated out of a quality education. I was mad e to believe that I should look out for others before I was to look out for myself. By reading The Book and other literature that I order from Neo-Tech Publishing I've come to realize that I was correct in my assumptions of the cheating and dishonesty going on in the state government as well as the national government. You see I grew up in the DC area and saw first hand what the government does. How the government has brain washed everyone. I now reside in North Carolina and I have seen many things here happen that I did not like. I've watched the closing of theaters because the community standards would not allow them, but, I watched in horror when the Klu Klux Klan gunned down some people here at a political rally in 1978. I've witnessed a Senator remain in power for over twenty years. A man who blocked the arts from appearing at the local colleges because he thought that they lacked in taste as being called art. I've watched the eroding of my individual rights from politicians and school administrators . Now I know the real truth about the way I've felt. About religion and government I've learned to trust in myself and not some higher authority. Thank you Neo-Tech.
T.S.,, Australia I loved 'The Story' and I think it should be made into a movie, which would be an excellent vehicle to expose Neo Tech to the world. The world needs Neo Tech! 'The Story' integrated the Neo Tech philosophy into a very warm, loving story. Thank you for thi s. I am a previous owner of Neo Tech literature, but was not ready for it 10 years ago. I am NOW!
L.N., Awesome
M.L., After reading the negative and positive comments about your web site, I was struck by the use of profanity and emotional attacks in the negative comments section versus the well written and thought out responses of the positive section. That contrast real ly drove home the point of the anti-civilization that we currently live in. Thank you for revealing it to the world.
J.G., I've only became aware of and started reading Neo-Tech recently, but I can already feel myself changing in ways I didn't know were possible.
M.G., Neo-tech has so much valuable information for people who want to open their eyes and think of the possibilities and the potential every human-being has. Thank you for opening my eyes.
M.G., Neo-tech MUST remain on the web, for the world wide web is the best and most readily available way to inform and educate the mystically befuddled people of the entire world. This site should most definitely be expanded!
P.W.,, South Africa The world is full of people who don't want to think deeper than what's on television or what's in the papers or what their mentor says, be they a priest, doctor or psychologist. The simple act of employing our most fundamental human quality of thinking deeply about something and exploring all options in an unbiased and unprejudiced way has to be our most liberating tool. By exposing the very complex web of ideas and compartmentalizing them into logical segments has aided the mental liberating process by 1 000%. What else can I say but that this is the biggest paradigm shift of the century.
A.B. I've been a Zonpower book owner for over 7 years, and never threw it away, even though, my emotions wanted me to. I rejected the God-Myth, from my mystic point of view, as many others initially. But I kept it, and only time, and experience separated me fr om putting aside my personal prejudices, and dedicating myself to read it all before I judge you, prematurely. I'm very proud of myself for doing so and want to congratulate you on your accomplishments in this world, and for society at large. I now look forward to every new day with enthusiasm and purpose as never before, at least since childhood innocence.
M.M., Dear Dr. Frank R. Wallace and fellow Neo-Tech developers/co-workers, I am grateful for the many important concepts that I have learned through reading your books. I have used many of your ideas in forming my own integrations for my own understanding, work and service.
E.S., I just love to read Neo-Tech books. They get me motivated and give me hope.
S.F., , 11/17/02 Neo-Tech Rocks. It is the best idea system I've encountered, and so insightful, integrated and logical that I am kept amazed by it all the time. I have learned about Neo-Tech from the book 'The Neo-Tech Cosmic Power' (pincer #1) my father bought as part o f his never-ending quest for Business guide-books. I inspected it a bit in the 9th grade, and fully read and integrated it when I was 18. I found myself more and more agreeing with its propositions. It has made much more guilt-less, much more straight-thinking, much more insightful, and much more happier. I can never thank Dr. Wallace and the other great Neo-Tech people enough for the tremendous effort they put into Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech has become an 'Internet source of Wisdom' - one of the sites that you c an browse for hours and keep discovering something new.
A.T.,, A fantastic informational web site from which I have gained a great deal of information.
j.t.,, This is fascinating writing. The first work which is comprehensive and radical without being sensational or dogmatic.
M.B., I feel Neo-tech is the best information source on how to live life. It's an aid, a motivation, and a great tool. I try to spread the word to my friends.
W. Macon,, Dear America, WAKE UP! Neo-Tech tells it like it is. Tough if you don't want to hear it, but do some investigating on your own--if you still have the ability to think!
,, I've always being looking for information that could explain the existence of the invisible energy that surrounds this world and I, finally found it.
L.N.,, I can only hope that more people discover your site and begin to open their eyes.
Goju,, Of course Neo-Tech should stay on the net and be expanding! I received information about The Book and thought I would buy a copy. When I received it I could not put it down. It took a lot of going over and concentration to understand it but I have found t hat I see my perception of the world in a totally new light. The more I read about Neo-Tech the better I feel and the more I understand about Myself and others.
J.D.,, The world needs to see this, it can revolutionize the world.
C.P.,, Everyday I now feel stronger, fearless, I feel unstoppable even thought I am just a migrant, blue collar worker. Now there is hope.
S.A.,, Neo-Tech provided great insights regarding the stratagems of religious and political 'external authorities'. The poker metaphor has not only been of use in personal situations, but illuminated me to the workings of many Neo-Cheaters in the world.
J.G.,, The info is great to read and mind enhancing.
Costa V.,, australia I have been a reader of neo-tech since 1989 and run a very good Biz thanks to the power of being objective and applying the tools from neo-tech both in my personal life and biz. thanks
M.L.,, Philippines The concept are highly recommended to those who are searching for answers about philosophical beliefs, religion, the quest for knowledge, biological existence, or searching for unending happiness. It should be regularly studied to digest fully its message . The contents are really fruitful to the human mind.
W.B.,, Thank you for saving my life.
C.L.,, I love the Neo-Tech Discovery, I never knew something like this existed. I have always searched for a higher conscientious and I have found it with Neo-Tech. I am digging into it more and more each day. I love the fact that you are on the Internet, I just cannot stay from it. I find it so informative. I dream about, I dream myself as a super-person, a person that has all the right qualities, a Zon. The is knowledge that the world needs.
R.F.,, New And Valuable Insight's Into Life. Allows A Person To View The World & Life From A New Perspective. I Also Find The Historical Fact Not Usually Talked About Interesting. Has Allowed Me To Gain A Better Understanding Of What Has Happened In The Past As Well as Today.
C.M.,, I truly enjoy reading The Book and have read it several times since I received some months ago. I was raised in the Baptist faith and my mother was devoted daily to her church until the day she died. I thought all thru my years of growing up, going to chu rch, attending revivals and reading the bible why are all these people so sad, why are they crying all the time, and why do the seem so miserable in their daily lives. Thanks to your book I now realize why.
C.B.,, UnitedStates Hello my name is Carl, God-Man/Neo-Tech Discovery is the best investment I have ever made in my life. For many years I tried to understand a lot of things about man and his purpose and neo-tech has shed the brightest of light on the subject. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
C.P.,, To all those who sent you negative comments: If you truly had 100% faith in your own beliefs, then you wouldn't fear this site nor the people behind it -- won't God overcome? Why would this site, or anything else, be a threat to God? Isn't God the Supreme Being, and hence, above and beyond the threat of man? Won't Jesus save? Since God has a Divine Plan, wouldn't this be part of it? AND, if not, how do you rationalize common, 'lowly' and 'evil' humans corrupting your ALL-POWERFUL GOD's work? Isn't God stronger than that? More powerful than a few sinners? If your God is so powerful, and you have so much faith in Him, why doesn't this site threaten you so much?
Carlos M. H.J.,, I bought my Neo-Tech encyclopedia back many years ago, first like many others I thought of it preposterous and in many ways too fantasy oriented, needless to say I put the book away for many years and continued on my destructive way of living. After I wen t to rehab and cleaned my self out, I once again picked up my neo-tech encyclopedia, then I knew there was no way back to my old days. Tank you for this live saving information.
S.S.,, AUSTRALIA I believe that Neo-Tech have some very revolutionary and honest ideas and thank goodness that not all of us are pawns and mindless followers of the main-stream authority. Long live Freedom!
J.S.,, England
The best thing I have ever read!
Winner +,, New Zealand In ordinary life a mouse may have problems getting to the end of the maze. With Neo-Tech it doesn't matter how complex or large the maze is, one can always find the way out for N-T gives you advanced thinking that is faster and more logical for this is on e autobahn with no speed limit. One is more creative and through that creativity there is no end regarding what you can get out of life. This material once read will blow your ancient analog mind, even sheep in my country are thinking better thanks to N-T .
Peter, I so appreciate your bravery and fortitude in allowing this timeless wealth of information to be available on the Web.
V.M., Thank you for the invaluable info on 'Malefactors and Envy.'
M.M., aol.comGermany Neo-Tech is the only sensible way forward. It teaches us how to behave, succeed and gain an upper hand in all life's situations. Remember--challenges are not there to stop us, but to give us an opportunity to show our creative powers and our superiority. Neo-Tech provides us with the psychological tools to do this. If you haven't got the Neo-Tech concepts buried deep within your subconscious; you're going to find that even the mundane daily stumbling blocks swell to become insurmountable obstacles. With Neo-Tech you can soar above all situations.
Crites, I am pleased that this information is on the web because it helps others begin to put the puzzle-pictures together to uncover a truer picture of reality. This, in turn, will help not only the individual, but also all of society as we gradually--or perhaps suddenly--awaken to a new realization of our surroundings. This awakening will ultimately lead to a more prosperous existence for the human race.
J.K.,, Australia Of course Neo-Tech appealed to me (after I reeled in shock at the first reading of Neo-Tech Discovery). Only Neo-Tech makes sense. My search for meaning has ended.
M.D., Neo-tech is absolutely supreme. Super integrated useful knowledge bombs you out of deadliest world. And while you read on, neo-tech softly leads you to the beautiful riches of the world. Neo-tech will rise the hidden power of able people to the extreme, and will be the key to unlock the door, which opens towards the meaning of life. Your happiness, wealth, love, and intelligence will be at your control. For the first time you will feel like a king.
Z.B., Those who fear Neo-Tech don't realize the potential they can achieve. Maybe they are scared.
M.L.,, Phillippines I applied the principle of downstream focus which falls under GODS MAN's topic and I found that this is really effective in the realization of my dreams, specifically wealth. I just concentrate on my job fully as instructed...the result is really fascinat ing.
J.S., There is so much eye opening info for those who have been deceived all of our lives. When I originally was exposed to Neo-tech, thirteen years ago, I dismissed the material much to my regret. My life has been a series of ups and downs, mostly downs since then. Now that I have rediscovered Neo-Tech, the material is now making much more sense, and I do not feel guilty absorbing it.
k.c., I believe neo-tech is a site of actual substance in an ocean of meaninglessness, personal entertainment, frauds of gods and life destroying politicians. Please be careful neo-tech you know they want to destroy you
C.M., Everyone should read this book it AMAZING!!! Some of the stuff in this book blows you away but its all true. To everyone at neo-tech THANK YOU SO MUCH you've really change my life.
L.K., I think you are the greatest thing ever....I received your mailer about 15 yrs. ago.....I thought the ad was too...outlandish...I never saw....anything lie soooooo blatant in my face with such arrogance and confidence and I saved it.. ..for 10 years... I decided to test you out....I found out about you on the web.......I started reading you and I printed out a lot of stuff and kept reading it...and then I studied it in depth....and I started reading Ayn Rand..........This has been the biggest change in my life since I took LSD......... Everything, changed.
Jen, Brilliant.
C.L., I think Neo-Tech is the most beautiful and informative information for this blind world that we live in. Please keep it on the Internet, it is a must. I had never read information more interesting and eye opening than Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that most people only dream about.
C.M.,, I think this site is great I just received my first book a few weeks ago and i can't put it down. I'm impatiently waiting for my second book. I'm finally getting out of the mysticism rut I've been in for 18 years of my life all thanks to neo-tech.
M.H.,, We must grow Neo-Tech ever larger so the reality/truth based information can spread throughout our planet. The computer age is an ally of Neo-Tech. I inform many people of this site. Like me, they are looking for the framework of truth and find it here.
Eric,, U.S.A NEO-TECH has helped me find out who I am and what is my purpose. I am lost for words, but the feeling is overwhelming. Thank you much!
f.h.,, This is a great web site. neo-tech is awesome! I wish I had it when I was a teen. it should be required reading for all high schoolers. Keep up the good work.
H.P.,, I believe negative comments about neo-tech are only reiterated from closed minded, mysticism induced individuals, who from years of programming can no longer think for themselves. Should I never read another piece of Neo-tech literature for the rest of my life, I have already gained unmeasurable advantages that I will continue to pass on to future generations as long as I live. Should Neo-tech remain on the web......UNDOUBTEDLY!!! Only when the fog has lifted, can you see the horizon. As I see it, Neo-tec h has become the Sun that started burning off the fog. Without the sun, it will only be that much longer till the fog lifts.
S.P.,, Australia I've never written or sent in a Neo-Tech Comments, after 9 years of reading and learning from Neo-Tech. I still can't think of anything better to say.......than this? 'I would give my one and only life to spare YOURS Dr Frank R. Wallace' So you could live and continue ON with your goal.' But! I know 'you'll' live forever my dear un-met friend. You truly deserve the gift of eternal life and happiness forever without judgment!
M.F.,, Almeria, Spain I fully appreciate your efforts and work, please keep it up. I believe in what you're saying and urge others to read the same, even though some people seem to be to entrenched with the present mystical society. I will continue to spread the word where I c an, mystics have learned that controlling information available to the masses controls or rather clouds the thought process.
S.P., Best site on the internet. The world needs this philosophy.
Y.S.,, It helped me to carry on after my parents and son were killed.
s.l.,, new zealand I was freaked out by neo-tech when I first found it 12 years ago - I own three of your manuals. This is a paradigm shift. It changes everything. I will continue to study this information and integrate it into my life.
S.M.,, UK An excellently presented site that delivers much food for thought.
T.S., I remember when I first got this book. I did not understand it but then I read it again and saw that it soooo true.
NCO, I love you! I absolutely love your work and what you stand for! you made honesty mean everything to me. now I live for honesty. And with honesty comes peace, calmness, strength, understanding, kindness, balance, stability, honor, courage, power, insight, motivation, trust, and everything else that remains true and good in the whole universe. I now exist on my own terms. I belong to me. And all I have to do now for protection is expose people by pointing it out when I get attacked by them. Its awesome! true losers always fall apart when I expose them. they know I am correct. they feel cornered or even flee when I show them the face of their own doing. how much more life can you take in? Want to be fearless? Read neo-tech and find out for yourself how to be come a 'free' human being that knows no boundaries. the power is yours. now claim it!!!
W.C., Australia The information is amazing it has removed the confusion that has been in my head for 41 years. Now I know what to look out for in my life. My life is making sense for the fist time. I am able to see the life that I should be living, and the man I should b e. To all at Neo-Tech a very deep felt 'Thank you' I can see the light at the end of the tunnel as I did when I was a child.
H Holguin, I think Neo-Tech is the 'most':(interesting, realistic, full of truth, eye-opener, hope giving, facts establisher, honest) material we can have access to; and I am full of happiness in finding Neo-Tech's Knowledge...because now I am certain that by applying Neo-tech's principles in our lives, the rewards became tangible.
L.D., What I have read up to now is like a finding a fountain of fresh water and being very thirsty.
S.B., I feel Neo-Tech is a must read to allow people to understand what their futures hold and how to handle the new founded freedoms. Keep up the good work as I will be promoting each and every concept that you have written, as many people have found Neo-Tech feels truthful and this knowingness of the truth is what will advance the population of Earth.
gabriel, I knew all along that there had to be an explanation to why so many bad things happen to so many good hearted people on this planet,, now I have a goal for this life.. To let as many people as I can know the truth..
p.w., neo-tech is the only approach to life. Without it one is lost and in a rut. But with neo-tech and applying it's concepts each day one builds self esteem, wealth, and power.
s.S., ., It is so wonderful. I now see how much energy I wasted on believing in after life. I look back on my life and can see all the time I was unhappy because I believed in mystical ideas. My mind feels clear. I feel I am grounded in reality and not in fantasy land. The information in the first book proves to me where my thinking was wrong. It all makes perfect sense. I never trusted the governments logic but now I see that they are value robbers and only I can be the value producer. I am a senior in high school. I feel now I am more prepared for the world. I feel more motivated to live life to its fullest and be successful. I am finally getting my act together and try harder in school because that is the only way to be happy. I hope some day your web sites or books will be in every home because it will change America into the world it was meant to be.
K.L.,, canada I was very pleased with the Neo Tech Protection Kits. These kits have served me well on several occasions. Here in Canada, the political system is different than the United States. I quickly realized that it did not matter what political system was used a gainst me. The protection Kits are very valuable. Thank you Neo Tech.
J.C.,, I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking tools available for a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!
Matt, , I want to say that RTR (Road to Riches) is Dr. Wallace's best editing work. His super high-intensity editing is what elevates the new neo-tech writings to new heights of integrative power. With every new reading, more strings in the spider's web are revealed. That's what RTR is, it's the ultimate spider web to trap all dishonest, destructive, irrational ideas forever.
M.P., , A great web site that provides a stimulating shock to the lazy brain!
K.K.,, U.S. This site is a great discovery for thinkers and intellectuals. I believe it should stay online for the benefit and advancement of mankind.
E.M.,, Now, after reading The Story, Neo-Tech has become a lot clearer and it has blown away the boundaries. Please keep the site on the web, it's fantastically valuable.
s.b.,, australia Fantastic, its is the greatest of journeys, I'm amazed how productive I've become, my self-esteem is at level 200.
Tim,, The Bible, philosophy , and human history all integrated and plausibly and rationally explained at last ....Brilliant! Tim
K.L.,, Extremely insightful, many lessons to be learned...from philosophy to ethics to business, has helped me become a better person.
J.S.,, England I am enthralled by this discovery.
D.G.,, I am overjoyed to find something in this world like NEO-TECH. It makes my thoughts gel into ways that make my own thinking clearer and easier to follow. It puts life in a way that clears my head and sends my random thoughts in the right direction. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ! ! ! !
D.C.,, First time in my life someone has said it like it is. I have to say that it is about time that someone had the gonads to say it out loud. I am looking forward to leading the life of integrity, honesty and the right for all to prosper and enjoy this life w e have.
n.b.,, It pulled me out of a depression. May the wise and free find there way to neo-tech and help dethrone the anti-civilization of the world.
D.R.,, In reading 'The Book' from Mark Hamilton, I finally can make sense of that which has always bothered me about our society and the unhappiness that I see in my own life as well as that of my family and friends. Neo-Tech is the key to existence. Keep up the good work....
Kristin,, Keep sharing Neo Tech with humanity so we can ALL finally wake up from the nightmare of the Anticivilization.
l.e.,, I read the book three times, it has changed my life for the better. Please expand the web site, help our minds grow.
David,, I understand and actually feel compassion toward the individuals that leave such painful 'negative comments' about Neo-Tech. Their lives have been seriously hurt by others promoting the life destroying philosophies that are behind every parasitical livelihood. The horrible destructions on 9/11/01 would not have occurred in a mystic free civilization (which these 'negatives' promote). The contrast between the positive comments and the negatives reflect the true difference between moral and immoral people. Thank you NT people. . . you are a breath of fresh air in a real 'anti-civilization'.
k.m.,, austraila You tell people about the hidden threat that is about to start, the world is in a very dangerous position!
A.H.,, I absolutely love this site, it has changed my outlook more than any other readings.
R.A., , Canada Life is always interesting for the Neo-Tech man and that is the case for me at this point in time and space.
H.C., 9/10/02 I find your site to be invigorating and a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being a light in a very dark misguided world
M.L.,Phillipines This is a fantastic discovery finally revealed to mankind. Thinkers should know this stuff for their benefits.
P.C., The History of Love and Sex was a great read and very informative.
T.K., I wish I would have known about this literature earlier in life. I would not have had to go thru all the trauma and heartache I've gone thru thus far.
M.H. I now have clear vision. I now fear nothing. I know what is right. I guide my life away from brain rotting mysticism. I can instantly spot neo-cheaters and mystics in an instant (there is a heck of a lot of them). Most importantly, I live. Thank you for y our direction.
L.H. My husband turned me on to Neo-Tech, and it's being really helpful opening my eyes, to be aware of the Neo-cheaters in business and in politics. It enables me to recognize these Neo-cheaters, and allows me to strategize on how to deal or not deal with the m at all, thus allowing me to succeed and be happy in the business world. It as also helped me in my relationship, but I still need a lot of work in that area, because of all the past Neo-cheating bullshit I have been brainwashed with since I was born. Thanks for assisting my growth and success as a person in life.
T.O., Australia There is so much fascinating reading on this site. I love it.
L.K., Sometime ago I received The Neo-Tech Discovery, a very large book that discussed the evolution of ordinary people becoming Millionaires/Entrepreneurs and the Bi-Cameral Mind. I was devastated! But, the readings of this Manuscript filled my mind and change d my thinking of very important subjects--God, Man, Business, Children... Wow! Neo-Tech is definitely what I needed to understand my existence--I could not understand why everyone in my surroundings were succeeding and I was constantly falling backwards o r barely moving! I now fully understand.
R.V., I think Neo Tech is the best. I am a firm believer in it and will always be.
J.E.,, Thank You Forever, I Hope I Can Meet You Some Day, Mark & Dr, Wallace Are Geniuses.
p.w., , neo-tech is the fuel that keeps me going each day. in this day of corrupt value destroying government and mystic employers neo-tech keep me focused. neo-tech forever !
B, NAVY.MIL, Brilliant. We need to break free of the mysticism that is holding the world back.
A.G.,, It is w/out a doubt, the most thought provoking material I have ever encountered.
G.B.,, I think it will help others see just who all the parasites out there are. Others will refuse to see them for what they are because they don't know how to think for themselves. Those that can think will see this site for what it really is - a guide to help one claim his/her life back from the parasites of our society.
M.C.,, In reference to your article End of Chaos: I am speechless. It feels so good!
J.H.,, I find Neo-Tech a very helpful and resourceful it has enhanced my life and gave me much hope. It also gave me a greater understanding about how the world works and how I fit in. Noe-Tech is what it takes to grow and find ones true happiness.
Frank, , Puerto Rico This site allows someone to empower themselves and break free from the manipulation and (needless) control imposed by those in our society that can only feel powerful and accomplished by trampling all over most of us 'innocents' in society. I will no long er allow anyone else to control and victimize me or those that I love just to make themselves feel important at my expense. I reject the idea that my happiness is dependent on anyone other than myself. Think about it.
T.M.,, We need NEO-TECH more than ever to drive the neo-cheaters out and replace them with value creators. Go get them NEO-TECH.
M.T.,, Dear Sirs, Neo-Tech is the most powerful information in the universe, I have been reading Neo-Tech on and off for about 5 years. It has completely changed my life. The many concepts I have learned in Neo-Tech have given me an enormous advantage over the m ystified population. I have excelled in every aspect of my life. I AM FREE ! I AM HAPPY ! I AM GOD-MAN ! I AM GRATEFUL ! THANK YOU MR.FRANK AND MR.MARK AND NEO-TECH TEAM. YOU HAVE TRULY CHANGED THE WORLD. Please stay on the web, the world NEEDS Neo-Tech.
M.H.,, Neo-Tech is our only hope for any kind of honest future,
M.G.,, United Kingdom Congratulation on Pax Neo-Tech. To me its a concise summary of the entire Zon/Neo-Tech concepts at work.
Seth,, I think this is a brilliant site, a true treasure amongst the trash.
A.C.,, The writers/contributors show incredible intellect and insight that should be made available to all who are interested in knowing without reservations that there is a dark veil of dishonesty over global activity and you are providing a very special service to all. Insight/Awareness/Revelation. Thank you
P.V.,, Russia Great and very valuable information! Neo-Tech is on the right way in promoting realistic approach for cognition of the universe and transformation of our world into supercivilization.
r.b.,, I loved the story. I want to learn all about neo-tech.
D.B.,, Australia Yes, yes, yes! The only light at the end of the tunnel that isn't an oncoming train. Keep this site up and make it bigger. David Bridgman
L.M.,, I feel Neo-Tech is honest information. I have so much learning ahead of me, please keep it online.
b.m.,, Scotland, UK. Carry on this good work to bring the truth to the people
G.N.,, It is refreshing to hear the truth.
E.n.,, Zambia This is a great site and needs expansion.
E.J.,, , eNGLAND Keep up the good work. Neo-Tech Founder and Zon-Power/God-man are the greatest Books ever written.
B.S., , Frank Wallace, You are an absolute winner. The Neo-Tech Discovery has revolutionized my thinking. I will never be cheated again!
R.P.,, I just wish I would have found your site sooner.
p.s., , I have started reading today and I'm feeling empowered already. Thank you Neo-Tech, not only for helping me to win a well thought out debate, but for giving me that feeling of utter happiness that has been missing from my life.
J. H.,, Mexico Thanks for teaching how to think. I work as a tour guide and I recommend your website.
G.Y.,, I really enjoyed the article entitled 'Proof that Religious and Mystical Doctrines are Hoaxes'
C.N.,, Compelled by the first page to read more...very resonate to my beliefs, but with a clarity I have had trouble finding before.
WonderingGypsy1,, The worlds most valuable information is contained in part on the web. Without the Neo-Tech discoveries, the god-man capabilities, ( that exist in us all), will for the most part, just fall to the side, never being discovered by the masses that need the exposure the most.
E.G.S.,, I Have been a neo-tech customers since 1980, I have gone from being a disgruntled old man to a highly productive writer also have concurred the alcohol addition
r.w.,, Very eye opening material I will keep reading and forget about the stupid people that are so blind.
B.C.,, I find your work very self-empowering and beautiful, and reading the negative comments page is quite a humorous experience.
N K M,, Canada It's the missing puzzle piece I've been looking for toward a developing a more comprehensive view of my place within the universe. I`ll definitely pass this information onto family and friends. The time has come for the truth.
k.w., I love neo-tech.
M.F., I have found what I have been looking for a very long time.
L.S.,, I can't stop reading this BOOK.
M.F.,, Ausralia I have always questioned my life and purpose, now looking for answers has finally paid off. Its only now that my journey begins. This web-site is vital to humanity reaching its maximum potential, free of mysticism. Bring on the 'NEO-TECH REVOLUTION' and b ring on 'BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY'.
R. O., I first read the Zonpower Neo tech book about two years ago. Its contents and facts about being productive opened my eyes to a whole new world. I recommend everyone should read it, even if it is just to see things from a different point of view. But Zonpo wer made me see things rationally, and truthfully.
D.B.,, I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have found here .And I fully intend on returning to your web site numerous times in the future. I am already noticing changes in my life .
T.M.,, I use to feel guilty about not being religious, I don't anymore. Thank you NEO-TECH.
J.P.,, Franklin Such great wisdom.
L.C., Currently I am locked in a struggle for control of my business with my partner who is also an attorney. His operating theory is if it can be broke or re-written it shall be. Honor is not in this mans' vocabulary. With 'The Book' I have been able to hold h im off and anticipate his next move with unbelievable accuracy. I am currently 40 years old with no college at all. I am convinced beyond any reasonable persons comprehensions, you, MY FRIENDS, are dead on with Neo-Tech!!! Should you keep the web site? With your dying breath, keep your fingers clutching the corner of this blanket that soon the whole world will know as Freedom!!!
M.C., I think this is great site with very important and positive issues. Very motivating, I've learned plenty from each topic.
Robbin, L.C.,, The book is full of useful information
J.b.,, Love your outlook, nothing that I've ever read made any sense until Zonpower came along. I will be a soldier for your cause.
c. s.,, The change into god-man is a hard one, but achievable.
g. j.,, u.s. Great book
J.A.,, I have discovered honesty on this site.
J.K.,, Thank you for showing me the way, to the Civilization of the Universe.
Paddy,, scotland Excellent, your advantages are very enlightening, I'm glad my two sons will be able to read this and it will definitely help me to empower them to be all they can. Cheers
W.w.,, Congratulations! The intelligent guiding hand. I admire your website. Good self-liberating material. Every man and woman has sole claim to his or her life and every person has sole claim to his or her labor and the fruits of his or her labor.
Mike,, Please keep neo-tech on the web. Without the stance that neo-tech gives the everyday person, and the geniuses of this world, our world will fall into the hands of the parasitical elites who work so hard to protect their lazy and dishonest lives.
Sam,, Great information!
B.H.,, Australia You are teaching information that I don't see taught elsewhere. Who else will do the job if you don't remain on the web?
L.A.,, I truly feel that Neo-Tech is perfect.
Mark,, I've been having a lot of changes since I read this big book I ordered from Neo-tech, years ago. It promoted a different mode of thinking that has benefited me greatly.
C.I.,, United Kingdom Most copywriters would tell you that content is king. If that's so then Neo-Tech certainly is the King of all websites. No other site comes even remotely close for delivering such fantastic values - and for free! is my homepage and will always remain so.
J.S.,, The Greatest Kept Secret!!!
J.F.,, I have often wondered what motivates anyone to want to be employed by the IRS. Is life so tough and their talents so meager they must resort to harassing fellow Americans just to make a living?
M.S.,, I found your site very stimulating. It is pleasing to find a website with view/opinions and the proper resources to support such statements. Keep up the good Work.
P.N.,, Great reading
R.H.,, I love and adore your site.' You say things in powerful way.
Dr.W.N.,, Germany Neo-Tech IS THE ONLY WAY TO A BETTER FUTURE !!!!!!!!!
John D H Eatwell,, Simply Realistic. I Now Spy With My Little Eye All The Cheats. Love To Talk To Anyone In Christchurch New Zealand. Frank Wallace & Mark Hamilton You Are Truly Genius Thank You Forever John
M.I.,, U.S.A Almost a year ago I purchased THE BOOK(GOD-MAN/NEO-TECH DISCOVERY),after reading it I found the missing piece of my puzzle, that: the conscious-being is the highest form of life that there is! And there is no god or higher power that controls us! Thanks t o all of you, that gave me my clarity!
C.B.,, Neo - Tech is the most valuable information in the universe. Every man woman and child needs Neo-Tech. After 9/11 it is apparent that without it we will all perish in a mystical nuclear annihilation. We have to discount the ridiculous political solutions being offered. The office of homeland security will just add strength to the INS paranoid delusions. All the undocumented aliens need Neo-Tech as does the office of Homeland Security. All will benefit and start producing values for others and stop playing cat and mouse games.
K.P.,, US of America Neo-Tech should be visible in this great medium so that others, like myself, can live free of Neo-Cheaters.
BbQ,, Philippines Great piece of information! I recommend it to kindred thinkers of our society today! It changed my entire outlook in life! No longer i'll be drained by people indulging in parasitical mysticism. We must spread neo-tech into the far-ends of the earth. Kudo s to objectivity and rationality!
S.W.,, australia This information and knowledge should be taught at school. The only real guide to life and reality ever constructed. I have grown and changed greatly by applying these advantages. I am awaiting the arrival of Biological Immortality, which will only come a bout through Neo-Tech.
M.B.,, After using Neo-Tech for 3 years, I gave up thinking about it for a year or so. I turned to drugs. I quit working hard in my life. I started lying about everything to get things from other people that they worked hard for. I basically didn't even remember much about neo-tech anymore. I almost lost the love of my life. I am crying right now as I type this. But it happened gradually. I didn't even realize it was happening to me. Neo-Tech literature warned me about this. That if I stopped caring about removing lies from my mind, I more than likely would end up unhappy again. I am here to testify that they were right. I am ashamed I let myself go so far down. I felt suicidal for awhile. But one little spark that I remember from reading Neo-Tech just rekindled my spirits today. It gave me a life raft to grab on to. It was the concept that no matter how bad things get in life, if I choose to turn my life around again, and work as hard as I can, it is possible to rebuild my life. So here I am. I have returned, a little bruised and very unhappy with myself, but with a new spirit of change inside. I will never let myself gradually fall again. I will never forget the pain that has come from it. I owe everything to Neo-Tech.
C,, This life enhancing information that I would have a hard time living without.
Stuart D,, ENGLAND I love this site and I love 'The Story'. Thanks for changing my life.
R.P.,, I find what is written very profound and backed by a consistent theory.
CountDracula1984,, Your article breathes new life into some of Einstein's and other's most important thought experiments.
R.B.,, Mauritius Many, many & many Thanks Neo-Tech for putting ounces of light in the life & heart of human beings; now, for years to come and forever
R.K.,, I am an original Neo-Tech literature owner and am delighted to see the literature online and available to the broadest population base possible. The necessary changes for getting humanity into the non-mystical Civilization of the Universe are happening at an accelerated rate.
M.C.,, I've been collecting and reading Neo-Tech publications since 1983 and I can't imagine a world without Neo-Tech. Everything Neo-Tech touches becomes the Golden Zon in my life. Keep on, keepin' on.
M.M.,, Australia Great reading and punctual philosophy. As a journalist in today's world it is great to expose 'neocheaters' on my television program 'A Current Affair' nightly at 7.00 p.m. in Australia. Keep up the excellent work!
Anon,, It is extremely rare to experience such a high level of emotion from reading a book. Almost as rare as finding a book so valuable! The vision seen by Mr. Wallace is do-able but requires literature that appeals to the emotions, like THE STORY.
j.h.,, england Religion is a disease of the weak mind, we will NEVER progress as a species unless people start thinking and working things out for themselves instead of relying on security blankets in the shape of bibles and mythical father figures.
K.H.,, Germany Every day everywhere, all you hear and read about is people in privileged positions causing problems where none existed before and hurting people that honestly go about their business, trying to secure a decent future for their offspring. Be it President Mogabe of Zimbabwe, or war mongering G.W. Bush, with the aid of his lap dog Tony Blair, who wants to distract the American public from the impending global depression , Alan Greenspan or the so called 'free press' etc., everyone of them seem to have hidden agendas. In business we spend the whole day trying to solve problems, but one gets the impression that those of causing problems get further in life. Your website gives me the courage to carry on fighting and shows me that there are other people in the world who also do not get fooled by all that is dished up in copious helpings every day. Keep the presses going, please!!!
K.A.,, Great website-just discovered it. Keep up the great work!!
Anon,, U.S. Found your information most helpful.
J.W.,, Canada I found that your mindset is very enlightened indeed. The sooner one realizes that truth is found within self and not from some external source then one can put aside all the religious fantasies and truly begin to live without the guilt bought on by relig ions. Since truth begins within it's safe to say there is no anthropomorphic god. Thank you for the good work.
D.P.,, I find the book very fascinating and would like to know of others who are active in making change to our current business and political practices. Especially in light of what has transpired at Enron and Worldcom as of late.
smcbride,, neo-tech, is by far the most comforting information I have read in years. I can relate to the philosophy. I have read hundreds of articles about many topic on human nature. All seem superficial and 'personal experience' based. Neo-Tech clarified many thin gs for me and has given me knew insight to problems I have had for many years. When I become confused about an issue, I simply look up neo-tech on the web and read topic that relate to my personal situation, a type of self-understanding that helps me to deal with each situation I go through. I feel that neo-tech has help me and probably thousand of people. You will be doing an injustice by removing your valuable information from the web.
B.M.,, Scotland It makes a lot of sense and I wish you all power to your elbow. Keep up the good work to vanish all neocheaters.
B.V.,, I really am thrilled with this info, I have searched my entire life for the truth and Neo-tech is the first rational explanation that I have been able to except freely and whole heartily and cannot get enough of what there is to read or hear about it.
T.W.,, I have known of this web site ever sense it was put up. It presents a great point of view and has helped me throughout the years. It is time for America and the World to wake-up.
Bell,, Australia Brilliant - Brilliant - Brilliant!!!!!!!!!! How do I get in touch with likeminded human beings?
D.M., The content in this web site is just fabulous...I was amazed to find such rich information on the Industrial revolution...Keep it up!
S.M., What I've read so far about your ideas is RIGHT ON! As a long-time 'objectivist', though certainly no Randinista, I appreciate your 'clearer' ideas.
S.S., Keep up your relentless pursuit of the truth. No one else on earth is exposing the manufacture of the illusions created by the suppressive and evil neo-cheaters within the governments, their numerous useless and damaging bureaucracies and their cohorts in the fields of political business, religions, and mysticism. Thank you for having the sheer guts to confront, see and expose the real evil on this planet and throughout the universe. We are on the winning side for all good, deserving and productive value producing people on this planet, most of who should be willing to take full responsibility to help forward this movement in a shoulder to shoulder effort where we will enjoy the ultimate win in the game where everyone wins.
M.R.,, Neo-Tech will absolutely remain on the web. The benefits are far too important to everybody who is fortunate enough to come in contact with it's lesson. From soap-dodging hippies to happiness- avoiding destitutes, from cop-out-of-life clergy to even the m ost leeching of parasites, political pip squeak business(non)men, politicians and lawyers; Neo-Tech is the only resort they both have and need to lift them up out of the sinister Dardanelle's of irrationality. It's not a question of whether Neo-Tech should remain on the web, it's a question of how to double the number which appears on the top right hand corner of the NT home page every six months !! Good luck to ye Mark O Reilly
N G B,, United Kingdom I purchased the Happiness Prosperity and Romantic Love book after years of reading spiritual doctrines and degrees of practical endeavor. I enjoy a healthier balance thanks to what Neo-Tech has to say.
T.T.,, U.S.A I have read four books on Neo-Tech, & I am very exited about applying the principles of the literature. I am sixty years old & I hope I get to live long enough to see the coming changes in our political, judicial, & business systems.
S.S.,, Australia Neo-Tech has helped answer questions about my life and also take a good hard look at it at the same time, I can't put this literature down.
Delo breckenridge, I love your site I am a former Libertarian /Objectivist/ Volitionist.
S.R.,, It is my strong opinion that it is important for people to step outside their comfort zone, outside the box and make a difference in their lives and the world. It takes courage to even consider some of the things Neo-Think encompasses, but by opening our m inds up to the infinite possibilities, we can make great strides and positive changes in our world. With the current condition of our society as it is, I think that the time for change is over due. I'm just beginning to learn about Neo-Tech, but I'm excited about the journey ahead.
C.M., I feel Neo-Tech is a great mind opening way of thinking. For all those who say it is evil, you are very small minded and I feel for you. The only thing Neo-Tech is doing is to allow you to think for yourself and be a leader not a follower. If you can not recognize this then you are the ones who will fall prey to the world around you.
S.N.,, NEW ZEALAND I find the information on your site very mind-stimulating and enhancing. Where can I obtain these great 'dynamic informations'?
Catie, Neo-tech is the greatest site to come around! Neo-tech can save lives.....religion only kills. KEEP THY RELIGION TO THYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R.K.,,Malaysia This is too good to be true. And it is real.
B.G.,,Australia After reading Neo-tech Discovery and Neo-tech world, understanding and applying Neo-tech has become an exciting and real alternative to conventional wisdom.
A.G., New thinking technique has enriched my life. And thus creating a full rage of information and invaluable lessons that are in the pages of the Book -- the best book in my opinion.
Albert D Sanchez,, I think Its full of great info. and it really opens your mind to what's going in today's crap.
C.J., The Neo-Tech discovery is truly profound. I have studied many thoughts and doctrinal teachings, even peering into mysticism. I have found personally from reading many Neo-tech, that The Neo-Tech Discovery is not only rooted on honest principles but the gr eatest frontier of all, 'reality'. I really enjoy soaking up mentally and internally these clear facts here in the neo-tech manuals. May endless fortunes reach all those helping to increase this type of education and discovery!
/c.B.,, Neo -Tech knowledge is the most important knowledge ever discovered on the Earth. Soon everyone will have to understand Neo-Tech or perish. Life forever is more important than anything yet discovered.
E.C.,, We must protect Neo-Tech and everything it stands for if we are to benefit from it and others now and in the future.
R.B.,, Mauritius The discoverer of Neo-Tech is indeed a super god! I deem her as the originator/creator of an expanding civilization of the universe. She remains a mighty reference in the history of mankind since the beginning of existence; since time immemorial. O Mother of this new world ...
k.b.,, england These great values that neo-tech teaches & explains should be in every media format available.
S.A.,, It has enabled me to differentiate between the people who are the true assets to humanity and those who are the burden. Neo-Tech opened my eyes to many things I was not aware of. Everything is articulated very coherently, especially the discussions on God , politics, and human nature. Even though I have not fully evolved in to the God-Man, I can sense that the age when fully integrated honesty finally reigns supreme is at hand. The humanoids who perpetuate the anticivilization are responsible for intolerable levels of injustice. It is high time that they are stopped.
D J.M.,, This is the first system that makes any real sense, and this is so for one reason: reality. Neo-Tech concepts have revolutionized my business and personal life beyond measure. The internet is the perfect medium for positioning reality-based concepts and i ntergrations. Please continue. Thank You.
N.S.,, Hamilton You cant do enough to get this powerful message out. Thank you so much for your love for the human race.
C.B.,, I think Neo-Tech is a very positive and powerful source. It should help the world!
c.e.,, All humanity is on the line, knowledge is the key to salvation. Keep on telling it like it is, for all our sakes.
A.P.,, I love it
M.K.,, Malaysia Before finding this web site, I had to pay a fortune for such a valuable information! Pleeeeese expand!
M.L.,, Some of the most valuable and unique information on the web
S.P.,, Neo-Tech, has the potential to be the source of a revolution for improvement of the human condition!
B.I.,, United Kingdom. If neo-tech is to be successful in re-educating the world populace for the good of mankind, then the importance of retaining Neo-tech on the web cannot be over-emphasize.
f.c.,, Best damn self-help literature ever produced. Pure genius. The discoverer is a god himself.
f.j.,, I was deeply moved by THE STORY, so much so that I wept during some passages. It is such a remarkable, well-crafted piece of writing. My sincerest thanks and compliments to the author.
Nick,, I'm saying this with full knowledge and a deep, emotional integration: 'Neo-Tech is AWESOME'
R.J.,, Neo-Tech is an intelligent and peaceful form of reason, learning, justice, love, and business ethics. The beauty of Neo-Tech is to encourage the human mind to expand and progress to achieve the ultimate goal of peace, love, harmony and self growth, succes s in business and ultimately the growth of mankind, a race of people able to make this world what it should be, a strong, intelligent business oriented world. Not a world that runs to pray every time there is a problem and expect a 'God to deliver us from evil' without the vaguest idea of who it is that they are praying to.
O.N.,, United Kingdom I am great fan of your explosive literature.
Anon,, Very interesting...I came across this site quite by accident. '...a compatibility of humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of friendships and romantic-love relationships.' How very true.
H.C.,, 6/13/02 One word AWESOME
Anon,, Neo-Tech is the best I've ever seen!
L.K.,, From your literature, i became involved with Ayn Rand. It changed my whole life for the better.
Brendan,, Good site, interesting and thought provoking
K.Z.,, It is eye opening, mind opening.
chuck,, There is no other reality.
j.m.,, I hope this light continues to shine thank you
P.M.,, Neo-Tech is a way of life that should be available to all who wish to learn and move forward.
P.A.,, AUSTRALIA Your way of seeing things and living is so empowering. Finally, someone who cares about the spirit of the individual and their right to live how they choose to. Keep up the inspiring and life affirming work.
,, Your site is interesting, there is a lot of great out-of-box thinking on it.
M.F.,, After 18 years of being deeply thrust (parents, family) into mysticism, reading through THE BOOK has allowed the deceptive, irrational nonrealities of religion to be exposed for all of the destruction it has slowly caused in my life. Giving over control o f one's thought processes, decisions, etc, to outside authorities can (did) lead only towards a mushy, nonassertive, slave-like existence. Neo-Tech is allowing my mind to see the true reality of my existence through the long-standing fog of mysticism and the undiscovered/hidden daily practices of value destroyers and neo-cheaters. Currently, Neo-Tech is at work in my life as I build and assemble the puzzle pieces together for my own business mind . . . mystic-free and powerful.
D.P.,, England I am elated to have put before me, the opportunity to change my whole way of life. To me, it gives an explanation as to how past intelligent human civilization perished leaving unanswered questions as to their demise. It proves to me that without the bicameral oppression, civilisations would be so incredibly advanced at today's date. Neocheaters have robbed us of such value. I am thrilled at some of the advancements during my lifetime but to think that these achievements could have been founded thousands of years ago makes one very bitter towards the likes of Plato. Here's to the future of mankind Cheers!
M.T.,, What a fool I have been. I've read the Neo Tech Books and studied the web site. For some reason I chose to dismiss Neo Tech. Here I am back, with tail between legs, after being sucked dry by the anti-civilization.
H.C.,, U S A Fully integrated honesty and effort is the only way to live Fearless and grateful to DR Wallace I will forever be.
I.K.,, Ireland The greatest strength of Neo-Tech is that it is an open philosophy that will evolve as it learns. Thus it continuously refines itself. Don't just think. Learn to think more honestly and you think wider, deeper and without fear.
z.d.,, the united states of america This is it. This is the only way that will work.
J.S.,, The ability to think without the clutter of the anti-civilization is an asset sorely needed today, it is needed by people like myself who seek to create new and exciting paradigms to create value in the world (universe).
J.V.,, Washington This has been the most profound awareness that I have come across in my search for what I Have been looking for all this life-time.
T. T. H., , Malaysia It is fascinating.
J.C.,, I believe it is the best hope for mankind to survive thank you
J.B.,, Neo-Tech web site has grown to such an extent from a year ago, it would seem as if something very important is missing from your life if Neo-Tech was no longer available.
J. C.,, It might take a while to understand, but only the real seekers will get the answers their looking for. So try to unlock the secrets. J. Campos 6/1/02
B.R.,, This Information has saved me from a lot of grief.
Anon,, Neo-Tech's mission: To make the unknown known.
A.M.,, I love everything about your organization. You've changed my life although I've still far to go.
D. J.,, I love this site. It has changed my life! My entire perspective has changed. Now I look inside my own mind for the answers to the questions in my life. And I know that I have to take action instead of wishing and praying for God to help me. :) Thank you s o much.
G.J.,, The best!
D.P.,, Australia A great website.
Anon,, The best thing to do is to let your actions and conditions show that the Neo-Tech philosophy is actually more beneficial to a person than any form of religion.
D.Z.,, Canada I love the site. Thank you for the latest book. I was getting emotionally out of sorts in my love life. Neo-tech has saved me a lot of heartbreak. Stay in cyberspace forever.
J.K.,, U.S. Neo-tech is an extraordinary book series, magnificent, brilliant. One dose not to be an intellectual to understand the simplistic life changing concepts in this very well written book Zonpower. It gave me a whole new set of eyes to view the world with an d I have only read it once. I cannot wait to pick it up again to read anew great work. P.S. please send information on immortality research I am very intrigued and desperately want to follow the field
D.H.,, I found book one under my new girlfriends bed. I picked it up never hearing of it and read it in two days of marathon reading. No book has ever done that to me.
V.K.,, Surpasses anything I have ever read. I have a simple request to anyone who has ever read these articles -- tell some one about them and spread the information because it is too valuable to be kept to yourself.
J.H.,, I find all information from Neo-Tech not only informative but factual. In this day of cover-ups, if is most refreshing. This is the only way other people will be able to learn the truth about many subjects.
P.S.,, There is no reason to defend neo-tech. It's principles are of truth and consciousness. I think if there is anything at all to combat the hoax of what the 'devil's work' actually is, it is neo-tech's integrated honesty. Keep it up and keep it on.
J.C.,, Neo-Tech is the answer to the disease of mysticism the only disease of the mind.
G.M.,, Australia I like it, I like it! Neo-Tech puts life into a cohesive and actionable framework. It makes so much sense to me that 'ON THIS DAY MY LIFE HAS CHANGED DIRECTION.' Kind Regards
R.L.,, I like it, I keep up with every new step and continuously reading old material. It's fascinating. As you probably know, Argentina (where I live) is going through very rough times, politicians are treated as thieves (what they really are) but I feel there is not enough people like me willing to do something. This could be the place and time to begin with a NT government as outlined in your literature.
james,, neo-tech is the future
C.P.,, I purchased my Neo-Tech book about 10 years ago. Read the 1st volume and shelved it. I could not get past the part about religion. Dumb mistake. I started to read the books again with the extra years of life experience and 'thinking', wow what a difference. I'm learning the tools I need to finally succeed.
B.S.,, At first I was skeptical but decided to buy your information anyways. Let me tell you, it was the best decision that I could have made. YOU ARE THE MAN! There is absolutely everything one needs to know to succeed in life from you books. I have since purchased books by Eric Savage and Mark Hamilton also. I am only 20 now and since I have read your material I have avoided fights with my girlfriend, and helped develop a future business for myself.. I am very happy and excited with this material. Keep it up and Spread the word!
B.M.,, It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world read these books, it would be a better place to live.
c.d.,, This site has been my only true find of serious info. in the two years that I have surfed the web thank you.
Dan,, Switzerland I want to thank you deeply for the great influence Neo-Tech have on my life!
D.K.,, UK A deep joy to find, it is stimulating, informative, uplifting and clever.
Tim,, U.S. Neo-tech hit the nail on the head and spilled the cosmic beans. Neo-tech kicked me in the face, shattered my illusionary reality into hundreds of pieces, and handed them to me on a platter, giving me the choice to throw them away. The Anti-people used to chase me around, now I stomp them.
G.G.,, You've helped to change my life. Keep up the fight against mysticism and lies.
J.D. Brackett,, American I have known about Neo-tech over ten years, it is the greatest discovery that I've witnessed in my lift time,I am with you all the way.
D.A.,, How do I get the Book? I love your concepts and story. Very informative and powerful! Thank you Debra Ananda
K.D.,, Belgium I read 'The Book' (God-Man & Neo-tech) Won-der-ful!!! Magnificent! Undoubtedly the very best book I have read!
T.K.,, America The world needs this type of info and needs to know of true value producing/creating heroes such as Frank R. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, John Flint.
R.S.,, I found new knowledge and understanding concerning the deeper and deepest truths as to what is really happening on this planet and how to change it for the better.
Pheonixcoms,, Australia Thanks for taking the time to build such a great website. Truly inspirational. Keep up the great work. In a world of followers(sheep) its great to see the promotion of concepts so simple yet advanced, designed to teach people to lead in their own lives no t and follow the crowd like 'lemmings'.
C.H.,, United Kingdom I am excitedly waiting for Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech World Publication which I have ordered by post. I have many of your publications and the new stuff you are printing on the net shows that you are evolving beyond anti-civilization literature. The bubble concept as a tool for staring into the anti-civilization is an amazing concept. Lets rid the world of value destroying philosophies and replace them with the dynamics of business honesty. You are a bright light in a dark world. I love you Neo-Tech and everything you represent. Never again do I want to see the kind of suffering that happened on September 11th such a waste of happy and beautiful lives. I hope and pray (in a non-mystical sense) that advanced civilizations have indeed got the technology to capture consciousness through an existence field so that these people and all honest conscious being that have been robbed from us, are still living happy lives.
B.C.,, I will continue to visit your site regularly. The concepts and practical ideas are truly appreciated and I find them useful in my every-day activities. Thank you.
r.s.,, canada The more people that know about Neo-Tech, makes the world a better place to live!
Anon,, The information is sound and when applied will work. It is rational and well thought out.
j.b.,, Have read much neo-tech literature, Dr, Wallace and Mr. Hamilton and all the other precious ones -- thank you
j.a.,, So far I have found this so interesting, I can't seem to read enough about it. Totally fantastic work.
W.S.,, I've been reading Neo-tech so long, I can't remember where I originally found it! But I have to say, it is the most profound lifestyle and life philosophy I've ever come across. I became agnostic at age 15 while reading about the tremendous toll religion had taken on the path of science and technology. Finally, about 12 years ago, I became completely atheist after realizing I was only holding on because of the 'insurance' potential of being wrong! You've heard the old saw 'If you're right, you've lost not hing, but if you're wrong there's hell to pay' What a load! I'm very happy and well adjusted being atheist! I will always read your stuff, and always recommend it to people who are trying to find something meaningful to life. Good luck and stay FOREVER!
G.a.,, Knowledge is power, I firmly believe Neo-Tech will prevail in the end.
d.c.,, I would like to buy 3 more books of god man the book. this information should have been published 500 years ago' may be this world would be in the mode of honesty, productive, & greater values. now that we have this info., lets hope people will take heed. I hope! thank you for introducing me to you and the book.
D.M.,, Canada Fabulous. I have always received negative information on the Illuminati and the Global Agenda. It's refreshing to read another view on the purposes, strategies and goals of people trying to bring about a better world.
A.A.,, I am very thankful and humbled by your great company. At times, in absorbing this great information I found myself having to take a break to take it all in. The website allows those following and integrating Neo-Tech to stay up to date on what is going on from an HONEST and OBJECTIVE view based on reality not perceptions. Again, Thank You! PS- Even as a child I didn't feel right about attending worship services and religious functions. I finally understand why? Its unnatural. There is no Higher Authority!
J.B.,, sultanate of Oman This site should remain to educate people not to be snared by 'false prophets', men and women posing as servants of god.
J.B.,, Australia I was un-employed and poor, i had a lot of problems. i wanted a way out so I read the 1st book godman. A few weeks after I read it I had an amazing idea to start my own business. I could not believe I had not thought of this idea before!!! It really is tr ue what you say about neo tech and neo think. I believe Neo-Tech really does work! The knowledge I gained from the Neo-Tech books is with me, and I believe that I can make it a very successful and profitable business! What I read in the Neo-Tech books was the most sensible thing I had ever read it all made sense to me, much more than any mystical or religions ideas. You Neo-Tech people are really geniuses!!!!
r.g.,, I would like to see the world become a free society, but with the way things are going in the world I don't see this happening soon. If more people are exposed to the information on this web site they will see how things can become.
J.G.,, I think this is truly amazing and a breakthrough. What is most powerful about it is that it is based on facts, evidence and truth---not some guru proclaiming some experience that only he can have. I believe this information is very liberating to the individual and will do more to save society in the long run than our current political/religious ideologies.
F.H.,, Why should something so helpful (Neo-Tech) be taken away from those who want to impact positive change within the world today?
s.l.,, I have read your books and I love their great help in today's world thank you.
R.S.,, The book is intensely liberating in thought and mind. It sobers one to the point that the purveyors of 'Mysticism' no longer control you through guilt or fear. Napoleon once said that he liked religion because '...It is great stuff to control the common p eople.' I now am 85 percent (Probably more like 95 percent) guilt free, I live for the day because tomorrow may not happen, in fact the next hour may never come either. I have a new outlook on money and the fact that money isn't evil. I am happy with my p resent self and am not caught in the web of news media intrigues. I am free of the guilt of the politicians and religions too. I feel very good about what I have become. I wish everyone could achieve this feeling of freedom. My thanks to the writer.
S.M.,, United Kingdom Neo-Tech is essential to all those who want to live in a guiltless world, fee from idiots who use god, as a weapon to hurt people.
J.T.,, Neo-Tech gives the little man an avenue to wealth, power and love. I'm very happy to have this in my world
G.G.,, U.S. A most valuable site. I have been a Neo-Tech owner for years, and it has changed/is changing my life. A profound thank you to Dr. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, and all of the Neo-Tech authors.
B.M.,, I have been reading DR.WALLACE books for years, I own most all of his writings, I am not a fancy writer like Mark or Dr Frank, it has made a different person out of me, from his first book. I have read and learned from these great men. This should never b e taken of the web. I am a ZON and proud of it. Reading GOD'S man made me a different man, you see I'm 71 years old and I have very sharp mind, before I started reading these books, I could not read, now I can scan a page so fast it makes my wife mad because she can't understand me. Marks books are great, please don't stop your good work Ok? I have not been able to capture the wealth part yet, but I'm working on it.
F.A.,, I have been an honest and productive individual for the past ten years. Neo-Tech has been the fuel that drives me. I will always be a Neo-Tech individual, honest, integrated and powerful.
B.N.,, New Zealand While reading the negative comments online about neo-Tech I could sense the hatred, pure anger, and murderous intent of some of those opposed to Neo-Tech. I can't wait for their 'Anti-Civilization' world to collapse into the smoldering dung heap that is! They're Mystical stupidities block the light of Fully Integrated Honest Knowledge that shines from the 'Beautiful World of the Civilization of the Universe.' Foisted Guilt, Fear and the Threat of Punishment are the weapons these Mystics use to corral and pen their followers. I am crossing the Neo-Tech Bridge where as an individual I am accepted for my humanity and not because of my creed, color, culture, class, status. or so called standing in life. The neo-Tech World is a place where all people will live Happy Self Fulfilling Lives as we were meant to live from the beginning of Human Consciousness. Thank you Frank R. Wallace for discovering Neo-Tech! I am Free to live my life Guilt Free and with ever expanding Happiness, and increasing prosperity.
L.V.,, South Africa Thank you for the most interesting info on the history of love it has helped me hugely with our documentary.
R.B.,, Mauritius Many, many thanks again and again. I would not be alive today without you. No doubt, neo-tech holds clout over this entire planet. The on-going presidential election in France are signs of underlying birth of the civilization of universe in that region to o.
A.K.,, Australia As a little boy, stumbling across the top of my fathers chest of drawers, I found the great big black book and curious opened it. Inside I found this poem called 'The Golden' and continued to read, although back then my growing mind was so stumped it didn't like reading but sure enough this piece of material riveted me. I've always held that poem to my heart and it was years later I began on the most difficult journey ever -- that of truly becoming free of all internal and external authoritative sources t hat had been draining me. I found this poem and it was then I truly understood the meaning of what I was to become -- that of a fully fledged producer of values. I'm not saying this road is easy -- in fact its not, its damn tough to tell you the truth . But for one thing, once you start you must never, never give up or lose hope even when the chips are down.
Claude W. V.O.,, If the rest of the world knew the truth that is in these writings there would be no wars or terrorist activities. All of mankind would flourish to its maximum capabilities and the space program would be eons down the road. For the truth stands more powerful than anything that neo-cheaters can muster in their cheating thoughts to develop more power over as many as they can. The truth leaves them powerless! I've had the book, God-Man, for over three years and still read it to absorb the knowledge and put it into use everyday.
M.S.,, Fantastic information! Going to apply these principles to my new business.
A.V.,, South Africa I am never able to sit and read something on the internet for a long period of time, but as soon as I started reading chapter 18 on this site I couldn't stop. This is a really a great website.
R.H.,, Neo-Tech is an honest search for TRUTH and this web site should remain active to provide a locus for those truth-seekers who use this remarkable medium of the internet in their quest.
R.L.,, There is a lot of valuable information to help people do better in their lives and understand the nature of humans so they won't be in frustration with their relationships, but rather be successful with them. It can be a source of quick reference when you wish to review a specific topic.
M.L. Dean,, Thus far, The Book has impressed and contributed to what has already been known. The Story is very accurate as to what should be and can be. Your method of application in the area of day to day structure (mini day schedule and its principle are fantastica lly correct. Your mission assignment has impressed me and aligned us together. Your humble and ardent supporter.
M.L. Dean,, The Story is very accurate as to what should be and can be. Your method of application in the area of day to day structure (mini day schedule and its principle are fantastically correct. Your mission assignment has impressed me and aligned us together. Your humble and ardent supporter.
S.D.,, I think it is of vital importance that neo-tech remain on the web because in cyberspace, neo-tech's powerful enemies are rendered impotent. In the years to come, cyberspace will truly evolve into an extension of man's mind. If neo-tech stands at the foref ront of this expansion, the rewards for humanity will be incalculable.
G.A.,, United Kingdom Graphing the hit counter would show the anticipated exponential growth which will precipitate the End/Beginning.
S.D.,, ENGLAND At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why? Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally moving, so earth shatteringly life changing ever again. Nothing else could come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message. We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose mes sages are very convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution. I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this new world.
Thomas E . T.J., Neo-tech changed my life 10 years ago . No, it saved my life 10 years ago. Thank you for bringing me out of the darkness. My life , health ,finances and future look great . Dr. Wallace should receive the Nobel Peace Prize .Thank you
R.P.,, Very informative web site and the book was great! This is such a fresh look at our existence, a welcome look. I would like to get involved in the political part of the Neo-Tech movement?
A.T.,, England Neo-Tech must remain on the web. Without access to it's reference we can easily forget the conscious effort required to continue integrating honesty thus returning to sad, mystical lives.
E.R.,, Now with your help I'm finally learning how to regain my sanity. For so long I've living my life as if I were blind and letting things happen to me. I kept remembering that I was more successful as a child than an adult. I believe that as an adult people get scared over what people are thinking of them and sometimes even using them. I hope Neo-Tech manifests to a point where anyone can realize their potential.
B.A.,, Canada I have been studying neo-tech for quite some time now. Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to a whole new world full of endless opportunities. I can honestly say that I don't ever get bored anymore. I now run my own business. I love having no BOSS! I have never f elt so free in my whole entire life. Although I am only 26 years evolved. I do not want to get older I only want to get wiser. Thanks to the neo-tech crew who made this all possible for me. Especially Dr. Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton Thank-you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge to me (an average person).
S.o.,, America I think that this site should remain on the web to stimulate thinking among those who still think.
R.B.,, Mauritius Even here in this small island those life-crushing taxes are dreadful. We should not waste time for the job ahead. I, too will go beyond my physical limits to help Neo-Tech win.
Michael, We love Neo-Tech, it has truly changed our lives. We are free now. Please stay on the Web, you are changing the world. Thank You!!
b.j., I absolutely love neo-tech! It is right it is just and it has me growing again as we all must. The thought of growing infinitely into eternity puts me into state of elation, the reality of that thought would be as great as creation.
b.m., I feel that the info provided can really leave one to question, 'what the hell am I doing wasting my life when I could be doing what i was meant to do in life?' So much time wasted, just reading the info has inspired me beyond belief.
L.H., The information on this web site and in the literature is very helpful in battling my depression. Recovering with ideas grounded in truth is proving to be invaluable.
H.C., lvcm.comU.S.A I love your site.
T.T., I am at that point where I can truly see the truth of it, but also able to feel how this threatens the old hierarchy of thought.
Matthew,, New Zealand The Story is brilliant. It delivers neo-tech concepts in an easily relatable form, which makes me hungry for more.
J.S.,, South Africa 'The Book', Neo-Tech/God-man, should be in every home in the world. After reading this, I am now able to integrate my thoughts and bring diverse facts together to form new and unique ideas. I feel free for the first time in my 70 years! The World really needs this knowledge.
A.L.,,Australia Neotech has shown me the way to attain true happiness and prosperity in my life. I have completely turned my life around by integrating this knowledge, and now I really want to share it with as many people as I can. Please send me your catalogue, I want m ore!
Ray,, What or who else has any possibility of changing things now and in the future?
D W S,, Neo-Tech has indeed opened my eyes to the world that CAN be. If not for the works of philosopher/novelist Ayn Rand, I would not originally have been receptive to Neo-Tech. I see that it expands upon her work and integrates the philosophy of Objectivism in to a wider world. Now I also understand about the Illuminati and their vision of a free and happy world they have conceived for over 200 years - and Neo-Tech (or something like it) has been their driving goal. I have a close relationship with one of these godlike people. She is a pre-eminent value producer and benefactor of the world. Her considerable financial resources are partially being employed in the drive for biological immortality - a longtime dream of the Illuminati and many others - and this work continues outside the US beyond the reach of the FDA. These are exciting times.
K.S.,, United Kingdom Having read many of your works and vetted each line with a real cynical and critical zeal I am utterly convinced of the enormous value available to anyone willing to expend the effort to read and understanding the work. I often read negative comments about your work printed in your literature. The lunatic responses often raise a smile, but I shudder to think how dark and perverse the world would be if they achieved their aims and reversed the progress you have made. In very few words they reveal their true nature and give a clear warning to real men and women as to the type of world these neocheats would take us. I know though, that without Neotech knowledge a lot of people soaked in mysticism, would be blind to the ominous threats and dangers lurking in their 'righteous' comments. Your works shine a brilliant spotlight on their dark world, revealing the creeping, diseased creatures festering in the darkness, slowly sucking the life out of the good. Thank you for washing their slime off me and helping me to see the wonder of reality again.
G.C., , ENGLAND I cant wait for the Neo-Tech bullets! Neo-Tech has helped me and continues to do so. I now live a life free of mysticism, and life just gets better as I develop honest, valuable relationships both on a personal level and in business.
C F, , I find it hard to put the Book down.
e.k.m.,, it's about time the truth came out.
M.T.,, Neo-Tech is probably the best thing that happened to me and it opened my eyes to see what really going on. It needs to expand to reach more and more people because people are so closed minded they need a wake up call.
C.V.,, In concert with the idea of Neo-Tech becoming a world wide way of living, the Web page is invaluable.
P.M.,, Cleared up my conceptions of the destructiveness of mysticism. Very valuable and eye-opening.
T.K.,, I think this site is absolutely wonderful. It is very true and can help people understand things in every aspect of life and the universe, if those people are willing to be honest with themselves.
F.M., ., GHANA I really would like the site to remain because it represents the only avenue through which enlightenment and freedom may come to the downtrodden and the disadvantaged.
s.n.,, south africa Spell-binding.
H.S., I think this is a great web site, I hope people take time to read an digest all this information.
K.K.,,America Using what I have learned from Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control I have opened my own business in Houston Texas. I love what I feel becoming a value producer again. The mini day concept is wonderful an during this learning process, happening daily, Neo-Tec h is there! The website is visited daily. My next great achievement is to find a Neo-Tech lady. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
E.S.,, Powerful and honest information. Will always strive to live and think this way!
J.M., The knowledge available in the Neo-Tech concepts have separated me from the herd of non-thinkers. After becoming more of a FREETHINKER, I found myself looking outside looking in at the freak show that most people's lives have turned into. In order for me to maintain some resemblance of sanity, I just watch and enjoy the show. Keep up the common-man sense, rational, free thought writings!
M.S.,, I've been scouring this sight constantly and each time am amazed in it's sheer brilliance of wealth of information. The euphoria this company has brought into my life has been on more than one occasion so emotional I felt years of the isolated feeling that had encompassed myself melt away. In a literal sense. You taken self-evident truths integrated into such wide-scoped spectrums of brilliance that I am repulsed that anyone can speak negatively on the feedback. Besides when are they going to get more creative than their first impulse to burn everything? That fire and brimstone thing's a little old, overrated, and has already been used obsessively enough. Thank you sincerely for deeply enriching my life, love, and learning through your efforts.
L.B.,, Before Neo-tech I thought life could be rather unfulfilling. Since I received my first book I haven't been able to put them down. I've read 6 books since Oct.2001. I even was compelled to go to the summit in Nov., which I attended. I've been searching for something that would bring more meaning to my life and now I've found it. I can't wait for the next day to begin. I'm brimming with excitement every time I talk to someone about Neo-tech. I tell people to look at the web site and they can understand what I'm talking about. I can't wait to get my hands on The First Immortals and the other new book that's coming out.
H.J.,, I have ordered several invaluable Neo-tech books. Each and every one I find new and enlightening information. The tools Neo-tech has compiled, and the insight into politics, government and religion have changed my views. I appreciate everything Neo-tech h as offered me. Through Neo-tech and integrated thinking, I will continue to be a value producer and help eliminate the Neo cheaters. Thanks
P.S.,, I have been reading and living Neo-Tech since 1995. Neo-Tech has helped me and my wife to raise two remarkable sons. With all that said, I have never been more excited than after reading The Story. I have my wife and sons reading it now. I introduced it to my mother who is introducing it to several of her friends and so on. I can now for the first time see clearly how Neo-Tech will spread. It will be unstoppable now. I am confident for the first time that we will all live forever. I can't thank you enough.
D.V.,, My life has evolved to a new way of thinking because of this book. I am a better person to myself my family and my community. I know I am becoming a God -Man. I feel it in my bones and it makes me smile, laugh and cry all at the same time. This is the mos t fantastic feeling I could ever experience. I am using my new knowledge to create my new World which is a fantastic vision I already see in my minds eye .I visit this place every day. I am a much healthier, wealthier and happier person than I was just a short time ago. I could go on and on about how this personal leap of evolving has benefited me. My happiness as a man, a father, and a better person to my friends . I believe I am living In what the Neo-Cheaters would like to think was my own Heaven on Earth. Well it is just that, and I challenge anyone to knock me off of my mountain. Thank You To All involved with bringing Neo-Tech to me to. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
J.R.,, Wonderful Ideas. Would like to learn more and how to apply to my life.
R.W.,, I think it would be a crime for this site to close down. Are there nay sayers about Neo-Tech? Sure. I first read Neo-Tech a few years back, and although I didn't apply every single Neo-Tech point to my life, I knew at it's very core, Neo-Tech was correct. I'm still struggling, but I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's myself holding me back and not some outside influence. Thank you Neo-Tech and Dr. Wallace.
R.F.,, Insightful, fantastically steering consciousness in direction of Totally perceiving where we have been to opening an Escape to be All we can be.
w.l.,, Neo-Tech is our last hope otherwise we become extinct like other civilizations in the universe.
D.A.,, The information is mind-blowingly practical, rational, and suited to the ever-evolving human! You're doing a valuable service.
D.E.,, Canada Your Neo Tech web pages are as a diamond and golden breath of fresh air and truth, surrounded by the horrid blobs and stenches of the millions of useless and demeaning web pages on the web. Some of the words in your pages are the emperor's words. Your cl ean honesty is refreshing at the least.
L.K.,, Neo-Tech helps people to see dishonesty and hypocrisy in almost every institution and almost every life situation.
C.J.,, Westchester I think NT should stay for the sake of mankind.
B.R.,, This is an extremely informative site packed with the information necessary to become a true achiever...a true God/Man.
b.s.,, I have been for the past four years been trying to live a Neo-Tech life. Sometimes successful, and sometimes unsuccessful, but I find the times that I make it work, life seems to just awaken with a new awareness around me. I know that I need to work harder to achieve total honesty and life will be as if a true awareness of the universe will be at my hands for the taking. Please Dr Wallace, don't even consider taking this site from me and the many other's that I know are out there looking for the truth!!
J.J.,, Jordan Thank you for your campaign to enlighten the humans and breaking their mystical bubbles .
J.H.,, You MUST stay online!!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING A BEACON OF MORALITY AND TRUTH!!!!! I am a neophyte to Neo-tech, however I am a staunch objectivist. I have studied the works of Ayn Rand and the Objectivist ethics presented in her writings. As an entrepreneur and a human being I have suffered the horrifically evil, shame and guilt from the warped, altruistic, pragmatists and religious doctrines infesting our world. Through them a person is robbed of self-esteem, creativity, growth, and their value, until they are fully immolated to the status of moocher, looter, and or parasite; a fate worse than death. Thank GOD (in the sense of the universe's intelligence, metaphorically speaking) for AYN RAND and NEO-TECH!!!
Dustin,, Truly mind-bending/changing.
M.M.,, The truth about who and what we are is here in the neo-tech literature.
S.B.,, Neo-tech is not only inspiring and fact-based, but flat out illuminating. This compilation of data and the Story are true eye openers. One very loyal, attempting to be value producer. Keep spreading the true 'good' word, it is appreciated.
,, 'I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline...I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious.' Vince Lombardi Keep up the good work - someone has to do it!
E.R., ., I am glad to see such progress has been made. It feels as though the light has come back to all.
R.M., I have been very attracted to the positive results of applying Neo-Tech. it makes me have hope for a better world, with people being the way they should be. I also realize through Neo-Tech, that the only way to truly change the world for the better is to improve oneself.
S.R., Have never heard of or read anything so thought provoking.
L.T., In 55 years of life, Neo-Tech is the most valuable information I have received.
J.S., Dir sirs, I have never written you before. I have spent the last year studying neo-tech and integrating the psychuous concepts into my thought pattern and not a day goes by that I'm am not amazed at how powerfully and wonderfully neo-tech has changed my outlook on life. I use the word 'changed' reluctantly because I do not feel that neo-tech has altered my thinking pattern as much as it has freed my mind from the unrelenting dishonesties of this anticivilization, allowing me to return to that beautifully vivid state of mind of my early childhood that I can hardly recall now. I am so happy now at the freedom and peacefulness I now feel, more free than I've ever felt in my life. I am now empowered to carve my own destiny in life and each day I find more strength to resist and overpower all neo-cheaters and their mystical deceptions. I cannot watch the evening news without being filled with disgust at the lies I was powerless to perceive previous to neo-tech. I am writing to say thank you. Thank you all so v ery much for helping me become truly free for the first time ever in my life.
D.C., Neo-Tech literature has had a profound impact on my life. Neo-tech is must reading for understanding the way of mankind. You guys are a beacon of light.
C.P., I am new to the Neo Tech concepts and am applying what I have learned to my life. I am happier and enjoy life better and better each day!
Anon,, Hello. I just felt the strong need to write to you and tell you what an absolutely WONDERFUL experience I am having reading "The Story"! I must say it is some of the best reading that I have had the privilege to experience in a very long time. I am not even half way through it, but I became so excited that I HAD to write! I was sent this story from a man whom I love and respect deeply and very much, and he will never know how grateful I am that he was gracious enough to share this with me. He said that it moved him to tears several times (That's when you KNOW it is good stuff :) I have to say that for me it is wonderful and frustrating at the same time and I am sure I am going to experience a lot more of these feelings as I continue to read on. I ju st wanted to say Thank you, in advance, for such an absolutely fascinating and awesome story! Its the Best! Sincerely, Cathy
t.e.,, Neo-Tech is powerful, this is what I've searched for, neo-cheaters watch out!
Thomas,, I have to say that this site has passed my hopes and expectations. At first, I thought it was all hype but I am now convinced that it should definitely stay online and educate the masses of all the injustices that is being created and exploited in the nam es of God, country, and selfish immorality. Neo-tech is the key that humanity need in times like present when there are too many evils and so few beacons of hope and light.
l.b.,, neo-tech will stay on the internet, because the voice of honesty... goodness and values and business and good health and a better life is irresistible. who wouldn't want to become wealthy by being the person that they were meant to be?
J. J.,, I really do appreciate the Neo-Tech info. It helped me realize my potential as a soon-to-be aviation electronics technician. Even better is the knowledge that I hold the keys to my own advancement as demonstrated in your miraculous literature. I receive renewed excitement every time I read your website, in every sense revitalizing my incredible ambition I never would have known to carry without your help. Thank-you, ever so greatly.
D.Y., ., The more people that know about Neo-Tech and apply what they learn, we may possibly witness the next evolution of mankind.
,, Love your stuff!!! Love those negative comments, gee the bible belt is awful sensitive isn't it?
Ralph R. H.I.,, A solid foundation of integrated honesty, creates an unlimited power transfer to the individual person. This power enables the individual to alter his/her reality to the best and highest of achievements.
Mike, Neo-Tech is amazing. It would be a true sin if this website were taken offline. It has helped me tremendously in my quest to dominate my life instead of letting my life dominate me. Can't say enough.
Ralph G, The 'Story' captivated me and I could not stop reading. Many of my questions about life have been answered and it has opened my mind to creativity and power
Gerald,, You are very intelligent and you write better than Stephen King!
C.L., The more people that see this information the better off our world will be.
Al, This story has opened my eyes to things I have missed out on as a child and as grownup . If I'd of had some as remarkable as Miss Annabelle I would of been a better educated man and human being , THANK YOU I now see things I've been missing in my life.
DD, Mark, that is the most touching story I have ever read and I wish with all of my heart that I could have had the privilege of that kind of informed explanation when I was growing up. Love has always been such a wonderful gift for me but I just have not h ad the experience of sharing with anyone the way I thought it should be. It is never too late to learn and I have learned so much from Neo-Tech. I have gained much power. It's me again, just finished chapter 5 and I am relishing every word. It is so beautifully executed.
Garwin E R., I have read most of everything you have written in the last ten years, and have always been supremely happy with the values delivered, but you have struck 'pure gold' with this book, and have made it not only easy but enjoyable to warm one's attention of involvement with Neo-Think. ll done, kudos, kudos, KUDOS.
K. K.,, I am the 51-year-old home-school teacher of a six-year-old girl. This is the best, most informative story for children I have ever read! It explains my thoughts, exactly, in a way much better than I could ever have done. You are a wonderful person.
Beth R, I am a long time reader and practitioner of 114 Neo-Tech Advantages. This is my second time reading 'The Story' and it has renewed a passion within me that I had thought was lost. Since the events of September 11th, I have felt a void in my life. Happiness seemed unattainable anymore due to the chaotic reality of life. It was not until I reread Ms. Annabelle's encounter with the school board that I realized that life can only cause you pain as long as you inflict it upon yourself. Sure, there are maniacal people with hate in their hearts in the world but there are also beautiful souls who love and continue to produce and create values even when the world looks bleak. I long to live purposefully by adding and creating values for others. I would love to become a teacher; to be able to enrich young lives and minds with logic and fully-integrated honesty. I would like to pursue this career but do not wish to enter the traditional public school system. Should I take Montessori Training or is there another discipline you recommend? In the past, Neo-Tech Publishing has mentioned the creation of Neo-Tech Schools. Are there any in existence at this time? If so, where and do you have a contact? I would very much enjoy working in this type of value-productive environment.
Stephen, Wonderful novel. This is fabulous. I have been lost in the details of work and career with little actual big success-sales work can be very tough. Finding and building one's dream gets lost in the shuffle and scuffle. I just finished Chapter 2 of 'The Story', it is a wonderful way to re-cap, review, and point out the forest despite the trees for me. I feel a reawakening happening. I note the polite tact and extreme good manners of the main character. Too many people forget this sort of outward behavior. It can be very effective in dealing with those of poor character-a sort of political guerrilla people-handling tool. Remarkably well written. Truly excellent. I have an M.S. and read a lot. I feel qualified to say this is a wonderfully easy to read, clear and insightful narrative. Yes. Wonderfully insightful. Remarkable. I do not now feel a need to finish my morning coffee. My brain has already just been pleasantly awakened.
Kurt, I have read 'The Story' on Neo-Tech's web site and want to inform you that even on the first reading, it has literally changed my life! And yes, I am going to read it even more deeply the second time. 'The Story' has ignited the dream within of being able to overcome obstacles such as those experienced by Ms. Annabelle. Your work in 'The Story' invokes the desire to obtain invincibility through full honesty, striking down those who would destroy if given the permission. Permission being the failure to act honestly on one's own behalf. I admire your work in 'The Story' and I know it is something everyone in the world needs. Please keep 'The Story' available! Without it, those stuck in the rut of anticivilization will continue to sink, never discovering and entering the C of U.
EARL,, Hello Mr. mark Hamilton, I wish I had , had a teacher like miss Annabel, when I was in the 3rd. grade .I think this article or story about miss Annabel , should be required reading in the schools .. , religious , and secular .. my own life has been a dreary one , influenced by the 'church' and 'prudish' adults .. at 68 years , looking back over my life , I find that I never really knew what true love meant .. many of my generation , equated the physical 'act' as being 'in love' restroom 'graffiti' in the lower grades, were often our guide to sexual pleasure .. being from a very dysfunctional home , where our parents never showed any 'open affection' before us, hugs, kisses, praise etc. was not a way to encourage us as grown men , to know 'what to do' i n ways of pleasing our wives ... I am just a 'layman' no degrees etc. but I hope with all of my being, that society will keep on 'evolving' so that there will be 'happiness in the male , female relationships ' thanks for opening my mind to other views about life !!!! and where mankind is headed.
Alan L, In my 54 plus years of reading, this has been the most profound, eye-opening literature I've ever read. A positive step for human-kind. Neo-Tech should definitely be taught in schools. I wish I had had a teacher like Miss Annabelle instead of one like Ms. Minner!!
Gordon B,, An excellent moving, heart warming and emotional format to convey to the world populace all of the C. of U. honesty, perspectives and advantages vs. the A.C. dishonesty, perspectives and disadvantages. Gordon
Andy, The Story is Absolutely brilliant, when can we expect to see the film.
David k,, I haven't enjoyed reading something so much since The Book. It is now 3:20 a.m. and it is only out of shear exhaustion that I stop. I would like to personally thank you for this story and many others. My only wish is that everyone could get their hands on this information. Please continue spreading the truth (honesty)!
Rufus W, This is the best story I have ever read. Thank You, Rufus, age73.
Leon K,, I think his intent is to bring out the HUMAN in all of us. To see, feel, and act on the real in us. I believe The Story's objective is to set up an understanding for the masses, who get mired in over analyzing and lazily shrugging off the obvious reality. As so bluntly put 'to be or not to be' :0) Overall the work instills a hard driving determination towards a better, happier place for all.
CJ, The Story is the most stunning novel I have ever read, Mark Hamilton deserves the 'Booker Prize' for creating a modern masterpiece. Literature has the power to change society for good or bad... The Story has the power to dig deep into individuals psyches and help us progress upward into a better and happier world. The one emotion that I think I took away from The Story above all others is love... a love for mans mind and what it can rise to, when freed from the constraints of an anticivilization.
Carey Y, Your Story is the most incredible, powerful thing I've ever read. It truly puts into real perspective the Neo-Tech principles, disciplines, etc. I'm sharing it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental clarity how I need to be HIS Miss Annabelle...and to my other two children as they begin their education beyond infancy. Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life going on inside of me now. I have a whole new outlook on life and I know where I belong. But I do have one question: How do I help change the world to bring Neo-Tech to everyone? Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.
David C,, I've only completed two chapters of your story so far, but it's already touched something deep inside me. I know this because a swell of emotions come up and makes me cry. I remember reading somewhere that crying because of happiness comes from years of repressed emotions...well, I'm not sure if that's true or not, but it has touched me so far. I absolutely love hearing about people that care. Annabelle really truly cares about her students, and that makes me happy. There are several homeless people who live around me here in Boston and I feel like going out and giving them food right now...a little inconvenience for me, but a BIG deal for them. That feels good too. I see where you are going...I run my own Internet business and am constantly thinking of new ways to create value for people...more ways to make money. I already have a 'staff' of people around the world that I pay for advertising services. My business grew 10 fold last year. I grossed almost a quarter million last year! And I'm still in my twenties! I really wish there were people like Annabelle out there. I don't know any. The only person who comes close, the only person who really encouraged my entrepreneurial spirit, was my mother. God bless her. All my teachers in high school and college sucked. I got a 'D' in every business class I took because I wasn't afraid to challenge what the tenured professor was saying. Anyway...I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Just thought I'd send a quick comment. You're awesome.
D.H., I can feel the positive effects already. Neo-Tech is the proper way to the future.
JGM,, I just had to send you another compliment on this publication. This story is awesome. This is really something new, different, and exciting. It really gets down to practical application of the NT philosophy. I have noticed from my participation on lists with other NTers that many of the newbies are constantly asking for examples of practical application. Well, I believe that you have really done that with this story. I have been speed reading with a vengeance for the past three evenings and I am totally into this story! You have presented so many of your concepts in a way that should be receptive to a vast majority of people out there. That is absolutely essential in order to spread the word to the majority of people. I definitely think that you are on the right track here. This is great work in progress. I would also like to repeat my request from last night. Please publish this gem. I want to own a bound volume of this publication. I can not wait to sit down with my son and read this with him. It is Neo-Tech in a very digestible nutshell! Now, back to my reading!!
Stephen B., Unbelievable. I am exhausted and elated at the same time. It's as though I've glimpsed a parallel world, like sitting on a stationary train and seeing a beautiful girl on a train parallel to mine, but on a different track. She smiles fleetingly, her train begins to pull away from mine, and she is off to a destination unknown to me. Her image will continue to haunt me. I wonder whether I have the emotional strength to return to my job this afternoon. My job is TO WATCH PEOPLE DIE. Some slowly, others more quickly. Sometimes I can retard the process, often I can ease their pain, but the final outcome is always the sam e. Mr. Hamilton, you have brought upon yourself a weighty mantle of responsibility to take humanity out of a long Dark Age. The world must sense its' need to evolve in the strongest possible emotional terms. I will pass 'The Story' along, but more is needed . The task ahead of you and your colleagues is Herculean. But you MUST succeed. You do not have a choice. There are hundreds of us poised to help you in any way possible, but only you and Dr. Wallace can determine what, when and how that should be.
a.s.g. ,, Very interesting stuff. It empowers the mind
Avajo G,, I've only read 3 chapters and already your story has moved me more than any other story I've read. Its a good read and I learn some things as well. You've always been my favorite Neo-Tech author. Dr. Wallace is ok but I don't always understand his stuff. Eric Savage is ok too, but it doesn't really move me emotionally like your writings. I don't always mean in a good way. Sometimes you piss me off and sometimes you sadden me and at times I resent you for making me see through the pretty illusions woven by 'them'. Sometimes I wish I didn't know anything and lived in a state of blissful ignorance. But I love you. you have probably saved my life. I still have a long way to go on my path to rational thinking but I know that when I finally make the jump I wont even miss the old ways. That's all I have to say for now my friend.
C.H.,, United Kingdom Have just read the Neo-Tech world summit article... Snookering Libertarians, Objectivists, and Muslims. After reading this wonderful speech from the summit I found myself pacing up and down my room unable to calm down as my heart started racing and a surge of uncontrollable happiness welled up inside me like I have never experienced in my life. I found myself clenching my fists and tightening my body as the joy I felt became almost overwhelming, to the point that it became almost 'painful' as if it were too much joy for one person to contain. Even now, a half-hour after reading the article I feel that every cell of my body is tingling. The way I feel is almost impossible to put into words. To put it simply, I feel alive. I am a long time Neo-Tech owner b ut nothing has given me such a feeling of joy as this article. I guess it is the first time that I have fully grasped that the civilization of the universe really is not only possible, but is starting to become a reality now, today, this minute.
The most wonderful story I have ever read. Inspirational, almost overwhelming. This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human race must reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we can be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech literature, which is almost daily now, I become armed with it's power, I thirst for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human life increases, to the point that nothing else is more important than preserving and improving all human life. What a simple concept, yet impossible task i n this upside down anticivilization. Until now. Thank you Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful concept. Citizens of the C of U are out here, and I return the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.
R.R.,, A Huge thank you to all at I&O Publishing you are the real hero's of life. And to Dr. Wallace & John Flint you have brought me life were only death could have occurred.
W.R.,, This site is the best!!!
d.d.,, Austria Wonderful.
P.B.,, 'The Book' has had an immediate effect on my thinking - like nothing else, ever.
D.M.,, I think the Neo-Tech concept is delicious for a appetite starved society. I highly recommend it to people who have no concept in understanding the mystical concepts the world lives by. I honor Neo-Tech on this web-site.
T.S.,, Since I've been reading your literature it has given me a real up lift in my life. Thank You
,, Just an FYI, on 1/22/2001 the below was sent to the editors of Card Player Magazine: The Advanced Concepts of Poker by Dr. Frank R. Wallace is arguably the best book on poker ever written, bar none. It is ignored by your publication and the rest of the Poker industry. The book, now freely available on the internet and published for the first time in 1968, having sold over 2 million copies, exposes poker for what it is. The new sections on cheating are especially noteworthy to thinking poker players worldwide. Perhaps this book threatens the poker industry? I challenge you review this timely and classic in your publication.
S.B.,, Therefore the neo-tech web site will be fundamental in the realization of the civilization of the universe for planet earth. THANKS FOR BRINGING NEO-TECH TO MY ATTENTION.IT HAS TRANSFORMED MY LIFE WITH ITS UNDENIABLE POWER,PURE LOVE AND INHERENT BENEVOLENCE!.
E.M.,,I ran into this site while doing a search for 'Ayn Rand' in Spanish Yahoo search engine. After reading some of the material I find your site very interesting, useful, (even intellectually soothing) and in parallel with my own thinking. The sections in spanish are also well written and philosophically sound.
s.b.,, I am floored, I am so in need of this enlightenment. I appreciate the sense it makes and it has given me a lot to ponder on and apply to my life.
R.N.,, U.S. The world will be a better place if everyone will just give neo-tech chance, and they will definitely see the real light.
Nico v/d Westhuizen,, South-Africa Great site for starting and operating a business.
p.s.,, Thank you very much for presenting such useful material to the broad general public in the way you have.
S.P.,, Neo-Tech is awesome!
R.J.,, Thanks to NEO-TECH for doing the best and greatest Job for mankind ever done. There is no turning back, Neo-Tech forever!!! Thanks for being my friend to all Neo-Tech writers & Owners where ever you are, C.O.U. Here we come!
D.B.,, Very compelling indeed!! After being 'locked' into this pathetic society I have found the TRUTH!! In an earlier stage in my life (now 30), I was involved in all sorts of 'mystic' phenomena. To include Freemasonry, and other 'secret societies' that practice the ridiculous. I read some of the negatives, and I sincerely hope those lost souls will embrace what's real.
J.W.,, Neo-Tech is the most empowering and self assuring way of thinking and living I have ever come across. Never before have I felt such a high regard for myself and others around me. After following 'God' and church leaders all my life I am now free from unanswered prayers and the guilt that was brought upon me by them from what would otherwise make me happy. I now live a happy life, free from guilt and mystics. Discovering Neo-Tech was like being reborn. Its scary at first, you are set free from the 'comfort s' of everyday life(laziness, the expectation of things to come to you without effort)and your eyes are reopened into a world where You are in control of yourself. You make it happen, or You fail. Nobody else is responsible. After all is said and done, it s an amazing experience.
L.T.,, I have been a neo-technician since January 6, 2000 when I received my copy of The Book. My life has changed immeasurably and irreversibly since that day. Having a much better grip on reality and the ability to see to essence of things, I now see the preciousness of life for the first time in my life. I have been exhilarated beyond words and now feel my long-lost happiness and excitement of my youth. I can't get enough out of each day as I feel such a loss of precious time. I feel, like never before, my life has truly just begun and so much joy and adventure lies ahead. I owe all this to Dr Frank Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, Tracy Allexandar, and all the beautiful people at Neo-Tech Publishing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!
M.M.,, Now I can SEE Reality!
L.S.,, I enjoy your insights into the evils that men can do...Your information is pure Genius...
G.H.,, America I wish I had found out about the neo-tech discovery sooner.
M.M.,, It is just incredible how simple is to absorb this concept . I feel lighter. Comparing this to a traditional mystic ideas is like comparing the virus to men.
K.C.,, I am interested in meeting other people in Neo-tech, also I'd like to start teaching my children Neo-tech principles.
L.M.,, I am within a mystical group while presenting the neo-tech concepts. I have found that most individuals are seeking these concepts and if presented to them a step at a time they will integrate and use them therefore benefit from them. By introducing these Neo-Tech concepts I have seen these people change drastically .
G.D.,, Finally, writers who have integrated the truth! Thank you for writing these important works and making them available. I thank myself everyday for waking up to true consciousness - with the help of Neo-Tech. Count me in as a permanent member of the universal community of value creators.
C.M.,, Neo-Tech is awesome and should remain on the web, in print, and spread throughout the whole world as quickly as possible. I love re-reading the books and coming to the web site to be re-charged. I am teaching this to my 15 year old daughter and she has started putting neo-tech into practice. What a difference it has made in our lives.
B.M.,, I really hope that someday soon a Neo-Tech school(s) will be available for my 2 young children. Why not start up some home schooling on the internet? Teaching the parent to breakthrough to the children at a young age the limitless possibilities in life. A lso to teach young parents how to see through the many illusions we all face on a daily basis. I cannot wait until the day when enough people are informed about the government & religion so they can once and for all be abolished forever! Allowing mankind to flourish forever into eternity!! Happiness at last!!! I come to this website to gain new knowledge every chance I get.
Sylvester "Quicksilver" Mukabi,, Kenya Have no fear of loosing. We are the people. Neo-Tech is great!
C.E., I have been aware of the parasites for some time now. It always amazes me that others do not see it. Your work exposes them for what they are: thieves of the labor of others. In order to remain hidden they have done a good brainwashing job on society; any one who speaks of them or tries to expose their game is demonized, made out to be a quack, murdered or jailed. It is a very effective strategy and has worked well for a long time. I feel very strongly that this material needs to be available for all to re ad and ponder.
C.P.,, I Find it invigorating and motivating. The Story should have motivated all of us to think more responsibility about the Child in all of us. It was a warm reception of 'Childhood,' and what could be accomplished if we stopped beating our kids and started treating our kids as the special people they will soon become.
, It's taught me to have total control of my life. Thank You.
R.J., Neo-Tech must stay on the web and I am sure it will, because it is needed by so many wonderful people. Read the Story you will love it!
The Information you have Is Vital to the Advancement of the Psychology of Man. We Need You, Your Insight and your Wisdom.
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